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10967220 No.10967220 [Reply] [Original]

The Ship of Harkinian Majoras Mask PC port just dropped and it fucking sucks just like I was expecting it to. They rushed it out the door just because they were afraid of losing relevance after the excellent Recomp port came out. It has literally fucking nothing in terms of features, its just the default game and its currently plagued with bugs and visual issues, a lot of the same issues their OoT port still has infact. The only things making their OoT port worthwhile are all the features and toggles it has so to launch this without literally any of that is pretty mind boggling.

tl;dr this sucks in its current state and there is absolutely no reason to play it over the recomp version which is currently flawless. Maybe it'll be good in like 3 years.

>> No.10967226

>playing N64 Zeldas on anything other than OG hardware or PJ64
soulless trash, every time

>> No.10967358
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People just go on the Internet and tell lies?

>> No.10967693

Completely insubstantial and the recomp port already has basically all of that on top of looking and running perfectly

>> No.10967713

stop shilling that nigger shit

>> No.10967907

>fierce deity mask useable anywhere
>playable kafei
Based beyond all belief.
I'm not into this decomp vs recomp war a couple of silly anons(or maybe just one) are trying to push. I think its super fucking cool that TWO new ways to play majora exist on pc. One for ease of use and one for all the cool extra features. Cant wait for more of these to come out. When I found out star fox 64 and banjo were in the works I got so fucking stoked bros. Which future recomp/decomp are you fellas looking forward to?

>> No.10967995

>It has literally fucking nothing in terms of features
They have a whole list of added features though. And they all seem to work.
>its just the default game and its currently plagued with bugs and visual issues
Such as?

>> No.10968043

But does it have the randomiser?

>> No.10968047

Is it on the list?

>> No.10968048

Can I put this in a Raspberry Pi and get 240p?

>> No.10968376

I'd dig a Castlevania 64 duology decomp.

>> No.10968381

I recently replayed both on Mupen64Plus core and it worked pretty fine, in case that was a problem for you.
Apart from that I'd appreciate any and every game's decomp.

>> No.10968390

I already played this game 24 years ago and I’ve replayed it multiple times in the past 24 years. I don’t need this.

>> No.10968401

Does this new port have downsampling? I've really come to love the look of high res scaled back down to 240p, I think its excellent, especially for N64 games which already had that original blur from the VI filter.

>> No.10968408

Just play the original game then, asshole.

>> No.10968410

I have, many times in fact. But I enjoy playing it with QoL enhancements on my Steam Deck. You would understand something as simple as this if you didn't have crippling autism that annoyed everyone around you.

>> No.10968412

Your dick probably stinks.

>> No.10968414

I win.

>> No.10968418

Having more shitty options is not a positive thing.

>> No.10968424

>persistent owl saves
>pause menu save
>keep items on resetting the time cycle
>d-pad equips
>bow reticle
>faster mask transformations
>fierce deitys mask usable anywhere
>no blast mask cooldown
>always win doggy race
>adjustable climbing speed
>enable suns song
>play ocarina with d-pad

People who use this didnt play the game.

>> No.10968432
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>> No.10968446

they're playing this game, which is infinitely better in every aspect over the outdated PoS that even Aonuma himself disliked
It's over for you

>> No.10968452

I wanna break Kafei's crust.

>> No.10968671

Zelda64Recomp does. It looks great.

>> No.10968672

More contrarian bullshit from /v/, typical. Look if you wanted the "authentic" experience, just change some settings in the recomp. Otherwise it's 100% accurate to the original, while offering loads of enhancements.

>> No.10969169

Tranny trash just like the OoT "port"

>> No.10969395

So Trannys are doing awesome shit - but you, you're just trolling.
Hmmm... I'll support the Trannys then.
What the fuck do you have on offer?
Misery and not having sex ever? Hard pass.

>> No.10969414

Who cares about zoomer trash like this? OP, nobody was going to play this anyway.

>> No.10969426
File: 333 KB, 1503x1080, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Shill of Harkinian

>> No.10969429

Just wait and click no bro

>> No.10969431


>> No.10969694

have a (You)

>> No.10969701

beetle adventure racing

>> No.10969708

The options arent shitty! They are good ways to play the games! :)

>> No.10969713

there is actually a way to permanently remove the paywall without paying iirc, although i think 1.6 was actually the superior version either way. well it's irrelevant now, because better n64 emulators exist so

>> No.10970203

They couldn't even get basic shit like controller mappings to work right. The cutscenes are bugging out, the audio is crackling, it's a mess. What was the point of rushing this out? Are they competing for donations with the other project or something?

>> No.10970209

>it's 100% accurate
>except when it isn't

>> No.10970223

This whole 'war' is clearly just one anon that's probably on their team desperately trying to create controversy out of literally nothing. Nobody DOES care, that's the problem, it's a port of a game that got ported perfectly like a week ago. There's no momentum, there was no demand, this whole artificial us vs. them bullshit is just someone trying to drum up discussions about it because there's literally no reason to care about another Majora port beyond a 'cool I guess'.

>> No.10970232

I can only hope it's what you describe. I fear that OP is actually this retarded, finds stuff like this interesting, and thinks sharing it would be worthwhile.

>> No.10970249

>i'm going to fabricate some shit up in my head and tell all of my schizo 4chan chuds that I hate this thing without elaborating on it.

>> No.10970360

you know even on the N64 you could just copy the save (with an owl save) to the second slot and if anything went wrong you can reload that second save?

>> No.10970486

Some of these things are fine, but things like always winning the dog race is just bizarre. Yeah that shit is kind of annoying and pretty much just rng but, and I know autists will disagree, a bit of random chance is infinitely better than a constant 100% chance of success. Why even play at that point?

>> No.10970559

>currently flawless
the recomp doesnt do anything but crash for me lmao

>> No.10970563

>>faster mask transformations
You can already skip the cutscenes for them kek

>> No.10970791
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>> No.10971165

But now you can save 'A' presses

>> No.10971180
File: 118 KB, 371x353, 1609732259056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it is so bad why even make a thread about it here OP?

>> No.10971437

whenever /v/ or /vr/ says something sucks it usually ends up being good.

>> No.10971460

BASED! Why is /vr/ full of poseurs now?

>> No.10971852
File: 79 KB, 637x452, kinography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The recomp was rushed out the door" you imbecile. Out of any game to recompile, they chose to do Majora's Mask which we all knew was going to take a few months when it was announce in October. They rushed out a recomp we didn't need, two weeks before 2 Ship 2 Harkinian was to debut.

>> No.10971872

I love how they double down on the OoT Port's godawful name by giving the MM port an even worse meme name

>> No.10971923

names based

>> No.10971943

recomp is pretty catchy yeah

>> No.10971969

I cannot wait for Ship Harkinian Tokyo Drift, it's my favorite one

>> No.10971980

I don't understand why people get so bent out of shape over this shit. Just play it or don't. Instead of whining on 4chan, why not help fix bugs for these decomps? If it's too reddit or trans for you, why not make your own decomp PC port? Better yet, why not just play the game however you want to play it and stop bitching?

>> No.10972778 [DELETED] 

seethe. seethe. seethe. seethe. SEETHE!

>> No.10974194

The point is to NOT play that part, but progress beyond it with little effort.

>> No.10976432

isnt the point of these decompilations to mod them
if you wanted to play the game you can just emulate it

>> No.10976449

When will the recompilation tool release?
i want to play extreme G and wipeout 64 at 60 fps.

>> No.10976454

Its been out, nobody gives enough of a shit to make any ports with it apparently.

>> No.10976459

Make them yourself my dude

>> No.10976469

zero coding knowledge.
If what anon said on >>10976454
Is true im surprised nothing new came out of it.

>> No.10976567

Project 64 works for all the games, retards.

>> No.10976848

recomp really is a game changer

>> No.10976917

Those decomp faggots we're so smug about PC ports before, constantly stating on their website and whatever social trash that "a PC port is actually not our goal at all stop asking for it you're being unreasonable!" Then as soon as a competent team puts out a port they rush theirs out the door in utter desperation, because of course a PC port was always the goal they just got off to holding it over people's heads. Fucking losers

>> No.10976995

Wow, it's almost as though it's a version 1.0! We get it - the recompilation is currently better. Fucking kill yourself OP.

>> No.10977000

>Completely insubstantial and the recomp port already has basically all of that on top of looking and running perfectly
The recompilation barely has any features beyond some basic graphical options. Why are you such a faggot, tribalistic autist?

>> No.10977668

I'm pretty sure the team that did the decompilation and the team that made the Ship of Harkinian port are two separate teams.

>> No.10979050

It has gyro, high framerate and resolution options as well as native options, dpad equips and an analog camera as well as some auto save options that I don't care enough to fuck with. This is essentially all the ship of harkinian port has as well except the difference is in SoH the visuals are fucked beyond belief, worse than even the shittiest n64 emulators, the frame pacing is fucked, the audio is fucked, and theres crash bugs on top of all of that. The only edge ship of harkinian offers are glorified gameshark codes as toggles.

What Im saying is they should have just held it off to implement more features to make the quite honestly unacceptable presentation more worthwhile. Like Ive said before I don't hate the team or anything, I really like their OoT port but the features are what makes it worthwhile. At the end of the day when theres a pre-existing port that does everything its doing better, theres no reason to play it.

>> No.10979191
File: 397 KB, 1920x991, recompwho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of that is what 2ship2hark has, and what it will eventually get, and it also does more right now, and will eventually do more.
recomp might run and never get a stutter, but that's practically all it does.

>> No.10979236

You are actually a retard

>> No.10979240

The recomp will have raytracing and model replacement support. Decomps are great, but they take a lot of time and manpower to create, and you would have to repeat that for every individual N64 game. Paper Mario got decomp'd last year and it has yet to receive a PC port also. The recomp project is a platform that can allow for ALL N64 games to receive a PC version.

>> No.10979262

recomp is just a tool for fast decomp
it will still require someone to document code if they intend to mod.

>> No.10979317

>Paper Mario got decomp'd last year and it has yet to receive a PC port also.
What's taking so long btw?

>> No.10980604
File: 27 KB, 851x291, Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 18-40-38 Lua support · Issue #304 · Zelda64Recomp_Zelda64Recomp · GitHub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily there is in fact a decompilation project with documented code.

>> No.10980621

>there is actually a way to permanently remove the paywall without paying iirc
yeah you just need to download an emulator that isnt over a decade old, retard

>> No.10980632

>What's taking so long btw?
People keep asking why it hasn't happened instead of actually doing it.

>> No.10981230

yeah, the Ship of Harkinian

>> No.10981372

Perhaps the state of the modern industry has skewed your perspective or you'rejust too young to know any different, but a 1.0 release shouldn't be a buggy mess. Version 1.0 of the recomp was released in a highly polished state and had nowhere near the issues 2Ship does. It was clearly rushed out in a panic after the recomp dropped.

>> No.10981538

>and it also does more right now, and will eventually do more
Recomp is decimating it in the ability to add substantial features though. The logic of "ship is source based, so it's ultimately more flexible" doesn't work when recomp can offer arbitrary runtime function replacement (which can then be derived from decomp), raytracing, loading alternate ROMs etc.

You're pretending to have an argument when you don't and don't understand what you're up against.

>> No.10981689

ironic, considering the port has more features now, and will ultimately have way more very soon and quickly.

>> No.10982909

the recomp tool relies on the fact that the manual decomp already exists, that's why he did MM first and why nobody else has released anything using it yet.