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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, fileA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10961124 No.10961124 [Reply] [Original]

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/Retroid official websites

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but $100-200 range), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality, avoid the RG Nano), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 300$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

>Recommended devices
Prices depend on when and where you buy.
- Retroid Pocket 4 (200$, horizontal, 4.7" 16:9 Screen, up to PS2/GC, android)
- RG556 (180$, horizontal, 5.8" 16:9 OLED Screen, up to PS2/GC, android)
- Retroid Pocket 2S (100$, horizontal, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, can play some PS2/GC, android, pocketable)
- Powkiddy RGB30/RGB20SX (90$, horizontal, 4" 1:1 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- Trimui Smart Pro (60$, horizontal, 5" 16:9 Screen, PSX with extras, linux)
- Anbernic RG 35XX Plus (60$, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- Miyoo mini plus (60$, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- R36S (50$, vertical, 4:3 screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)

>Things I need to know
- Handhelds come with low quality SD cards. Back them up, throw them away, buy new ones.
- It takes some tinkering, specially linux devices. You better have bare basic desktop knowledge on how to unzip files and put them in folders. We are not here to teach you how.
- Overall quality of these products is very cheap.
- Reviewers get free handhelds, caveat emptor.

>Previous Thread

>> No.10961138
File: 287 KB, 2065x2628, 20230309_061422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They couldn't get the same GBA game running on all systems for a perfect screen comparison shot?

>> No.10961140
File: 34 KB, 364x328, IMG_4123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The DS was so fucking good, bros
>unique gameplay gimmick
>star-studded library
>perfect clamshell sleep mode
>tactile dome-switch buttons
>amazing battery life

>> No.10961143

Of course the modded GBA has a better screen than any of the official Nintendo screens, kek, look how clean and crisp that mod is

>> No.10961145

And then they went and ruined it with the DSlite to conform to their Wii/Apple aesthetics and it wouldn't be good again until the "New" 3DS model like a decade and a half later.

>> No.10961146
File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_9807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was Jewey the only guy who was upfront about how terrible the Miyoo A30 was? Less than a 2-hour battery honestly seems like a massive deal-breaker

>> No.10961153

Reviewers rarely ever play these fucking things.

>> No.10961157

Reviewers rarely ever pay for these fucking things.

>> No.10961165


>> No.10961174

After trying a few of these I went back to simply using a PSP and a GBA.

>> No.10961176

you niggers don't remember the DSi. Literally the best thing for playing DS games

>> No.10961190

No auto-start cartridge option ruined it for me. Fuck the main menu, just let me turn it on and launch the game immediately.

>> No.10961192

best thing for playing ds is a modern widescreen chinkheld.

>> No.10961201

Nope. DS touchscreen and Android touchscreens work totally differently. It CANNOT replicate the precision of playing the games with a stylus as intended.

>> No.10961205


>> No.10961207
File: 27 KB, 354x247, IMG_1872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this seems like a very minimal complaint
even on my lite and fat i still have it boot to the comfy era menu
sounds fucking horrible
>laggy glitchy audio
>game crashed lol sorry progress lost!
>some of the textures load shitty but its PLAYABLE
>FPS: 9
no need
simply running it on the pocket BTFO other devices

>> No.10961212


>> No.10961243
File: 74 KB, 552x842, 184823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are we getting off the 3566 ride

>> No.10961248

At least that means we’ll get ArkOS

>> No.10961254

We remember, we're just not retarded fucking fanboys who guzzle corporate cock. The original DS was great, and then the entire family line sucked until the New 3DS.

>> No.10961276
File: 2.91 MB, 852x480, Analogue Pocket fragile cart hold.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10961279

Lg phones with offical styluses work better than ds touchscreens.
Fixed btw.

>> No.10961325

why did they do this. Would it really had been too "inauthentic" to load the entire rom into memory?

>> No.10961327

oh no no no

>> No.10961329

Probably would struggle to check if it actually wrote to SRAM.

>> No.10961334
File: 1.16 MB, 1179x1625, anapee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did they support carts
that is literally the point anon
rent free
anon openfpga supports the entire retail library
>nes, snes, gba, gb, gbc, sms, genesis, neogeo, pc engine, turbografx, pc-engine cd, TONS of ongoing arcade perfect pcb ports

the device is a saltmine in these threads
nothing even comes remotely close

>> No.10961338

What does that have to do with what I posted, anal log rep?

>> No.10961341

wifi on the H is such a piece of shit

>> No.10961343

i answered your intentionally misleading question
every thread you guys try to confuse posters
saying the pocket sucks
wow it cant load roms
wow it not good
somehow bad
c r i n g e
its sad

>> No.10961345 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 888x499, Brain on Crack since birth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10961346

How is it intentionally misleading, do you even understand what's being discussed?

Try 5G if available. 2G on my RGB30 is awful slow.

>> No.10961350

>it cant load the romsets!
yes thats called LYING

>> No.10961351
File: 184 KB, 500x236, 1649445597990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally no one cares
you are posting about an IMAGINARY device that is not even in production
that will SUCK BALLS when it is finally released anyways


>> No.10961357
File: 1.73 MB, 2413x3620, IMG_4242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anal log

>> No.10961360
File: 217 KB, 1440x1352, 1716593989180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I can't wait for these go to come in already

>> No.10961367
File: 194 KB, 1080x1350, ormynameisnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post some reviews
i didnt like the clamshell sp when it launched
do you think i will magically like it now with improved specs\functionality?
kekked audibly
their job is to SELL not discuss flaws

>> No.10961383

>terrible taste in games
I can understand why you bought one of those

>> No.10961387

I can see how you're qualified to work for anal log, you're absolutely retarded. Fuck, when will someone make a good FPGA handheld.

>> No.10961392

wow why even live kek
unhinged post
although a de-10 portable could be GODTIER

>> No.10961405 [DELETED] 

He posts this photo in every thread, and it's the only example he has that isn't a title screen shot.

Didn't you leave?
(inb4 mods remove my post again)

>> No.10961436

Anyone try winulator on a rp3+?
Can it run older VNs like F/SN and the toohoo shmups?

>> No.10961439
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x914, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my RG35XXSP finally arrived and been using for a few hours now, it doesn't really get very ho-

>> No.10961491

if you aren't willing to admit that's a blatant design flaw then what the hell are you here for? just to shill? do you even play games on your device? why not frame it and put it up on a wall if the only thing you bought it for is just to fucking look it at? i don't understand you people at all

>> No.10961494

Thanks. I remember an anon asking what game it was in a previous thread and you being a shit so I thought I might as well bait you.

>> No.10961496

NGL this makes me think of Syria when the CIA and other Groups like (((ISIS))) tried to destabilize the country.
Bashar did nothing wrong.

>> No.10961501

>i just dont understand people liking the best handheld available
you seem like you have your hands over your ears
try to be objective
the webm you spam is irrelevant to realworld usage

>> No.10961502 [DELETED] 

It's all he's got.

Didn't you leave forever?

>> No.10961508 [DELETED] 

i always procure sauce
someone falseflags and its automatically me

>> No.10961513
File: 32 KB, 626x626, Stages-of-Grief1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10961564 [DELETED] 

Nobody likes you, at all, pink tattoo aids man

>> No.10961570 [DELETED] 

Pink tattoo man is gone. It's time to move on. (Anal logger still here tho sadly)

>> No.10961580 [DELETED] 

Why are you still here?

>> No.10961586 [DELETED] 

He was literally the bastard op of the previous thread....

>> No.10961597 [DELETED] 

That explains alot. You guys need to sacrifice 11 shitposters to bring back the keksneed poster.

>> No.10961620

What game is that anon? Looks fun

>> No.10961630 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 1188x772, find-the-pocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, it's psychic world on game gear

>> No.10961650 [DELETED] 

Imagine being an actual virgin in your young forties.

>> No.10961653 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 1179x1545, lords-of-seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong, anon? Can't afford a bag of shit? Stay mad loser

>> No.10961656 [DELETED] 

I start playing game gear roms this week and now I see the system and games being mentioned more. good stuff

>> No.10961660 [DELETED] 

literally saving photos of my house and gear
gg aleste

>> No.10961661 [DELETED] 

why falseflag? cannot build your own argument as to why the pocket isnt good or what

>> No.10961663 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 1179x1824, totally-not-cheating-btw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poortroid shill accusing me of falseflagging
>for posting my own images
If this is what the thread is coming to, maybe I'll just leave forever.

>> No.10961674 [DELETED] 
File: 1.51 MB, 1179x1645, 1712643047005265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are clearly mentally ill
why save photos of a device you dont own
why post images of a device you allegedly dont like
why are you like this kek

deoxys DID shine for me though
hope u saved the shiny atleast

>> No.10961679 [DELETED] 

u think its gonna scare me but there is literally ZERO personally identifying information in the image anon

my bed IS comfy though kek

>> No.10961680 [DELETED] 

>wrong game
>title screen
this shit is why you got chased off in the first place

>> No.10961683 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 500x200, analogue versus gab sp comparison cleaned up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the images I have saved of the Analogue Pocket bring me great amusement, and also great suffering to people who bought one.

>> No.10961684 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 995x1011, pocky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes samefagging pretending to be me HOLY KEK

>> No.10961687

You save screenshots of your own posts? You don't appreciate how much worse that is?

>> No.10961689 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 320x224, 20221214_051103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp heres an ACTUAL analogue screenshot taken from the device since the false flag didnt work

now you're back to LYING

>> No.10961696 [DELETED] 
File: 2.22 MB, 1080x1333, kungfufighting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving a screenshot of my post (not even the image?)
>just to pretend to be me
How are you such a loser?

>> No.10961697 [DELETED] 

Cool anon which GBA game is that?

>> No.10961703 [DELETED] 
File: 340 KB, 1518x972, new-photo-4-that-one-anon-who-gets-angy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since they cannot refute the superiority of the device they resort to false-flagging attacking my character\morality

wew lad
anyone who frequents the threads knows that i never attack or namecall

none of my arguments about ppi were ever refuted either kek

>> No.10961708 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 320x224, 20221214_051212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10961710 [DELETED] 

a lot of title screens going on here
one even idled so long it's playing the attract mode

do you even play anything?

>> No.10961714 [DELETED] 

yes because the copypasta was funny

>> No.10961717 [DELETED] 

Why are they all so fucking blurry?

>> No.10961719 [DELETED] 

Amazing thread so far you guys

>> No.10961723 [DELETED] 
File: 1.03 MB, 1179x1497, game-play-dont-at-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I play games, sorry little anon. Just look at this

>> No.10961725 [DELETED] 
File: 530 KB, 511x900, AP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h-he DOESN'T PLAY!!!
>posts 1/8192 full-odds shiny deoxys, explained that i had been hunting for weeks
>he only posts TITLE SCREEN!
so people dont have to ask what game

>posts ending of gg aleste 3
im not going to retake a photo for every single \hhg\
there is a new thread every 96 hours

the fact that the anti-analogue poster has made it personal
tried to defraud me, tried to make me seem like a jerk

i will now be monitoring these threads WITH A TIMESTAMP

u wanted me to leave
now im staying forever kek

>> No.10961726 [DELETED] 
File: 468 KB, 1280x930, when redditors posts here and someone looks up their reddit post history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironic nugget owner
Not a damn thing you can ever say will be respected

>> No.10961728 [DELETED] 

Your examples of "actually playing games" are a save file from almost a year ago, and another title screen?

>> No.10961730 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 160x144, 20231022_231112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not going to report the false-flag poster but i DO find it funny
anyways, be careful what you post on 4chinz guys
in the \bst\ threads sometimes people larp and pretend my room\house is their own
very strange behavior honestly
i have a filter on usually
heres one without it

>> No.10961732 [DELETED] 

been too busy painting ninetails and checking reddit for the next thing i'm supposed to buy

>> No.10961735 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 556x159, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10961736

That's literally not a screenshot of the screen unless the analog pocket is only 160x144, kek

>> No.10961737 [DELETED] 

i still dont understand the nugget hate
>is a literal chicken nugget
>a meme device that plays tetris ala old nokia phones
>actually playable in real life
you guys are seriously SO fucking jaded its depressing

>> No.10961742 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 256x240, 20230103_054957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that ninetales painting was a gift you fuckin asshole
its from my folder anon
the resolution of screengrabs likely DID change as firmware updates came along
heres one with another resolution

>> No.10961743 [DELETED] 
File: 427 KB, 1296x968, I buy the apple tablet I consume the soy products I eat the bugs I married the woman I drink the starbucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10961748 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 160x144, 20221230_001904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the resolution varies depending on the system
gbc resolution was different than genesis, snes etc

>> No.10961750 [DELETED] 

>i still dont understand the nugget hate
It's less the nugget, and more the people buying it.
Yeah, it's a cute novelty. But then you realize they're all owned by 30-40 year old men who bought a children's toy in droves for some sad semblance of e-cred or (less embarrassingly) to scalp online to other losers.

>> No.10961752 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 160x144, 20231022_231029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an argument
the nugget is for FUN
are you seriously incapable of having fun?
the device was delivered for less than ONE pizza

its not like it was 200$

>> No.10961753 [DELETED] 

It can't even take a fucking SCREENshot of what's being displayed on the SCREEN, it's just taking an image of the game's current state from the emulator itself. That's hilarious.

>> No.10961756 [DELETED] 

The ap has a 1440p screen, why aren't you posting 1440p images?

>> No.10961758 [DELETED] 


>> No.10961759 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 288x192, 20221129_070404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude if cared what other people thought i wouldn't be buying fucking nugget shaped tetris handhelds

also it was officially licensed
also tetris is one of my favorite games

>> No.10961760
File: 448 KB, 640x628, 1689897364257554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my first ever chinkheld, a miyoo mini plus. What games do you guys recommend that I can play on this thing? Other than pokemon and mario
>pic unrel

>> No.10961763
File: 3.32 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My PSP Go just arrived and holy shit, that’s disgusting

>> No.10961764 [DELETED] 

>dude if cared what other people thought
You'd be avatarfagging with your Game Boy clone?

>> No.10961765 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 256x240, 20230218_191141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the screengrabs aren't upscaled
they are rendered in the NATIVE resolution >>10961753

>> No.10961769 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 480x660, 1708252462651092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the kid holding a binder hoping nobody notices its not an ipad

>> No.10961771 [DELETED] 

never used a trip even once

>> No.10961775

what is a good handheld for mega drive/genesis games? is there one that can play all regions?

>> No.10961782
File: 68 KB, 310x310, 1542924334755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's plenty of it, try:
- Any metal slug
- Any megaman (regular or X)
- Sunset raiders (the kino arcade version)
- Bubble bubble
- Any crash bandicoot
- Snow bros 1 or 2
Those are some of what I played and enjoyed on mine

>> No.10961785 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 736x659, 1691991433980768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half of the thread gets nuked

>> No.10961797

I've seen someone run thief before and I think there's a branch of exagear for vn's, but I can't remember the pisscord.

>> No.10961805

On a screen that small, just don't expect to play console RPGs without some eye strain.

>> No.10961813

Klonoa Beach Volleyball

>> No.10961814

You've got everything from 8-bit up to PSX and even some Nintendo DS. That covers a lot of ground. What kind of games do you like?

>> No.10961819

Joey definitely got a bad unit. Firmware updates have already solved the major issues the A30 had at launch (this does not excuse the shitty launch, Miyoo spilled their spaghetti with this one)

>> No.10961921

it records screen capture at native resolution
not sure why all the posts got deleted

>> No.10961929

Have the option to get a dslite in very good condition for $50, is it worth when I already have a very good tablet (galaxy tab s8+) if yes what R4 cards can you recommend?

>> No.10961938

>is it worth
Yes, emulation can’t properly simulate dual-screen with touch without compromise
>what R4 card
Get the new EZ-Flash Parallel card. It doesn’t cut your battery life in half like the cheaper R4 cards do.

>> No.10961954

Why not? Genuine question.

>> No.10961965

Tablet screens are designed for larger-diameter fingers. The DS being designed around a smaller stylus made games with it require more precision than a stylus can allow. For selecting Pokemon moves, it’s good enough, but for games that require you to draw, or move through a maze, it’s hell.

>> No.10961969

*than a finger can allow

>> No.10961972

Oh so I guess the "touch hitbox" is just larger on a phone? That makes sense. Thanks.

>> No.10962025

Yeah, they for sure don't cherry pick units for reviewers. They have taki and the manlet's addresses memorized and send them extra stuff with their orders.

>> No.10962076
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, 1715981212260802.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10962097

Actually using the stylus is still a nice experience that can't be replicated that easily. It's a very good console, a large library and can also emulate NES/GB and old consoles too if you want more.
Just be careful with the right hinge, DSlites have that failure point. I always close and open mine firmly holding it so that all the pressure doesn't go to that hinge.

>> No.10962169

>playing a chinkheld while charging it
you're a brave one, aren't you?

>> No.10962176
File: 599 KB, 970x777, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cool, I will try it when I get mine

>> No.10962217

whats the game on the psp go in ops image? I feel like I should recognize it

>> No.10962225


>> No.10962241
File: 1.27 MB, 640x871, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10962243

killzone mercenary

>> No.10962257

I am?

>> No.10962271

The future of handhelds should be your android girl projecting games into your brain directly and projected any size you want at home.
Input methods will be varied, tickly, playing with each others hands, feet, thighs etc.
For the one anon who gets mad about dpad placement a soul destroying flap will open up on her face and have a dpad and 4 "face" buttons, there even you can be happy now too.

I can't remember if you can remove these or not but there's some commercial products to clean stuff like this but it should clean up well with denture cleaner fwiw.

>> No.10962273


Bullshit, I have the exact same issues on the latest firmware

Fuck all has been fixed, this is copium shit, the A30 fucking sucks

>> No.10962276
File: 1.80 MB, 3024x3046, IMG_4253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing feels pretty slick to flick open and shut. Like a GBA SP, but with more style and less screen protection

>> No.10962280

you know it smell wild in there

>> No.10962309

I like customizing my systems with wallpaper backgrounds. I remember using a program to hack the dreamcast so it displayed wallpapers

>> No.10962331

God I miss this era of Sony. The PSP Go, Xperia Play, and Vita were all such kino handhelds for the time.

>> No.10962341

Maybe chinks will go back to making psp/vita clones again. (That are acutally as small as both) Im still suprised chinks didnt copy the xperia. Even when they made gaming phones.

>> No.10962421

Any news on the Anbernic Cube?

>> No.10962441

Nice, if the sleep works well thats probably what I'll use too
I hate those soi looking frontends

>> No.10962442

It'll be cheaper than the unicorn. That's literally it.

>> No.10962446

Kek your screen is piss yellow
Many such cases

>> No.10962451

Minui is jewtuber bait though. Opendingux/Gmenu2x were the best looking. Arkos is some ugly shit despite being good

>> No.10962469
File: 108 KB, 1280x960, photo_2024-05-25_11-25-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/

How the fuck I never noticed that the Gameboy color screen's is smaller than the DMG until I checked this website. It's so busted and close to a paperweight that I never bothered to check them side by side.

>> No.10962496

The anon's talking about the fact that they could have easily designed the system to load the entire cartridge into RAM during gameplay as to allow games to run flawlessly even if someone fucks with the cartridge (or even outright removes it) mid-session, only needing to access the cart when saving the game. It's a technology that's existed since the 90's with games like Vib Ribbon allowing you to remove the disk so you could play with custom music.

>do you even play games on your device?

They literally don't. They just re-send the same dozen or so pics over and over again. Some pics of start screens, some pics of end screens, a couple pics of it turned off sitting in it's box, and one pic of their entire bedroom which is super cramped with random audio equipment

>> No.10962497
File: 2.66 MB, 2250x3000, dmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbf they're probably functionally the same size, considering DMG screens have a boarder of dead space around the screen that I don't think the Color had

>> No.10962504

imagining how other people play video games again? ...anon??

>> No.10962515

Holy shit, that looks beautiful. I would settle for just replacing the outer glass in mine.

>> No.10962521

God the vertislop GBs were such pieces of shit.

>> No.10962551
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>> No.10962552
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>> No.10962554
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>> No.10962556
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>> No.10962557
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>> No.10962608

new stubbs kino just dropped tap tf in!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10962693

Just pick a theme then. MinUI is shit for apple users who abhor choices.

>> No.10962723
File: 199 KB, 1228x465, ss2024-05-25at07.11.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the definitive way to play GBA where you can actually see the screen but the colours aren't fucked?

>> No.10962736

games before 2003 original GBA colors after 2003 SP 001 colors

>> No.10962740
File: 326 KB, 1280x1345, Nintendo_DS_Lite_(top_open_on).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a DS lite

>> No.10962792

Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Ogre. The only good thing for this form factor are tactical RPGs. Everything else is shit.

>> No.10962798

No front firing speakers.

Lol, they get this wrong every fucking time.

>> No.10962816
File: 2.85 MB, 1269x1020, rgb30-grip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The team that made golden sun made the mario tennis and mario golf GBC games and they have an RPG story mode that's really good

>> No.10962821

GBA emulators have a setting for color correcting the older games, there are also shaders and filters if you want to edit the intensity of the color correction.

>> No.10962823
File: 136 KB, 708x1240, Screenshot_20240525_071719_Keep Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How accurate is this for best of each console?

>> No.10962824

Should have said platform

>> No.10962827

I'd put NES/SNES like under a single heading like GB/C but sure, I'd also switch out 20SX for just 30, as shit as the battery issues are on the 30 the horizontal format works well enough too and the 20SX is prime vertislop that lacks the magic.

>> No.10962835

Good dpads (no false diagonals)?

>> No.10962837

Only thing that makes any sense in that list is RP4, but even then it's not the Pro. What even are your metrics here? Can't be screen because you picked the 35XXH for NES. Out of those, only the RP4, the Arc and (supposedly) the TrimUI have good d-pads.

>> No.10962841

The RGB30 and RGB20SX are the same thing but on different form factor

>> No.10962880


this guy would sell his grandmother for a dollar

>> No.10962906


>> No.10962919

The brick and chin hater has been pretty quiet since this dropped

>> No.10962958

>I'd put NES/SNES like under a single heading like GB/C
That's retarded. NES and GB/C are on nearly the same level, but SNES emulation require much more power; especially for games that require special chips or romhacks.

>> No.10962961

>SNES emulation require much more power; especially for games that require special chips or romhacks.
Such as?

>> No.10962964
File: 29 KB, 765x277, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think they know (or care) what Fisher Price is kek

>> No.10962970

Yoshi's Island, you dumb shill.

>> No.10962972

Alright, another example? now for a romhack

>> No.10962987

Any Earthbound romhack, like MaternalBound.

>> No.10963001

>left stick on top
Anbernig strikes again

>> No.10963037

Then there's still zero point to the NES being in a seperate tier.

>> No.10963040

>dpad in the right place

>> No.10963071

Just got rg35xx. Can I just use any usb c charger? I heard it doesn't have PD so charging with my laptop usb c charger might fuck it up?

>> No.10963158

>I heard it doesn't have PD so charging with my laptop usb c charger might fuck it up?
If it doesn't support PD then use a USB A > C adapter or a straight up A to C cable and you should be alright, don't use extension cables or anything else.

>> No.10963164

>dpad in the wrong place

>> No.10963169

any new one of these that doesn't have fucking gayass false diagonals?

>> No.10963171
File: 121 KB, 1140x760, il_1140xN.6054235627_iz1r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good fucking reason why there are no transparent shell replacements for the 3ds, any 3ds for that matter.

For fucks sake, i want one of these for mine! FUCK! FUCK!

>> No.10963176

RP2S, RP4, any odin

>> No.10963178

Anything with a clicky d-pad, like the Trimui Smart Pro or the RP4 Pro

>> No.10963180

RP2S, 35XX Plus.

>> No.10963217


>> No.10963290

plus the rubber tip styluses we use for capacative screens have an inconsistent friction

>> No.10963295

>there's no point to have 2 different consoles with different inputs and different system requirements

>> No.10963327

This is exchange is so retarded I don't even know where to begin, Jesus.

>> No.10963409

Yeah but what about phones and tablets that have actual pens? Like Samsung and apple? Those are objectively better than the NDS

>> No.10963450

None really. I want a transparent n3ds as well

>> No.10963497

To be fair I haven't tried the S-Pen yet, but when I eventually get a new phone I'm definitely gonna go for a zfold. It seems like a shoe-in for the ultimate DS experience

>> No.10963508

That would be the surface duo for having a hinge that isn't the screen itself, but used prices are SHIT.

>> No.10963525

I have an S Pen with my S22 Ultra and it's excellent, but also helped by the OLED 120hz screen.

>> No.10963535

It's a pointless discussion because the DS used a resistive touchscreen. Those were much less sensitive and the DS would only track one touch on the screen. If you put two fingers on the screen, the pointer would either alternate back and forth trying to pick one or would only use the one the screen touched last. DS emulation uses this system, so even if you put your whole hand or thumb on the screen the input would be a single dot with the size of the original ds stylus.

>> No.10963587 [DELETED] 
File: 681 KB, 188x128, what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah but what about phones and tablets that have actual pens? Like Samsung and apple? Those are objectively better than the NDS

no, they're really not. resistive touch with a stylus is ridiculously more accurate than capacitive touch either with a finger or with a capacitive stylus. the only case where a phone could be more accurate than the ds would be if it uses a radio based pen like the apple pencil or something similar, but otherwise the ds would be more accurate than any capacitive based phone. if you want a live demonstration of this fact because you think i'm a lying fag, try drawing on a ds with a style then trying drawing on a phone with a capacitive stylus. the difference in accuracy is night and day

>> No.10963656
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>> No.10963732

What's wrong with the screen?

>> No.10963735

I think my phone just had night mode on when taking the picture

>> No.10963778

So just sent back my TSP, never buying one of your meme handhelds ever again.

>> No.10963796

What didn't you like about it? If you got it when it was really cheap on aliexpress, then I feel like you can overlook some of the warts for that price.

>> No.10963840

He probably got one with a fucked battery. That or he got memed into thinking a linuxheld not named the eck was perfect for Dreamcast.

>> No.10963845
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>> No.10963892

Any update on the RG35XXSP hinges?

>> No.10963901

3 reviewers had the silver ones squeak.

>> No.10963902

its fucking over

>> No.10963974

not a problem for me personally, it looks durable, also remember $60. please use my referral link below.

>> No.10963983

>the best color has the highest risk hinge

>> No.10964108
File: 1.16 MB, 1512x2016, IMG_4607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got one of these myself, nice little handheld. I recommend the SD card mod, although you have to cut some of the plastic inside the shell to get it to fit flush

>> No.10964119
File: 97 KB, 197x223, sonic BOOBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 is the worst one, but it still turned out to be great once I gave it a chance. Just had to get over the school setting.

>> No.10964134

what game is that you're playing and what system is it?

>> No.10964176

wouldnt u like to know fedboi

>> No.10964196

GBA was my favorite. Games feel just retro enough and its before handhelds started to have 3D but they were also advanced enough compared to the GB that the games were much better. The only huge flaw I can find is the soundchip and I guess its nice to have that backlit screen.

>> No.10964205

the GBA doesn't have a soundchip

>> No.10964219

>The GBA doesn't have a soundchip. Sound is processed by the CPU. That's why it sounds so muddy and is inferior to the SNES in terms of audio.

From a gamefaqs thread. Looks like that is correct. No wonder why its sound quality wasn't the greatest. Some developers did a great job with it though.

>> No.10964236

yeah, the same happened to the Genesis and the N64 (which also doesn't have a soundchip).
You can't expect many devs, especially musicians to go the extra mile to create custom drivers, they'll use the shit that comes with the SDK.

>> No.10964273

megadrive does have a soundchip thoever

>> No.10964279

learn to read

>> No.10964287


>> No.10964301

Had fucked up screen, got really hot for no reason even on none performance intensive systems (GBA) and makes weird noises like as if it's coil whining or somehting.
Build quality, buttons, form factor and pocketability was good.

>> No.10964309

these weird soi video clips mean nothing to me I've spent hours playing the pocket and a game has never gotten loose nor has a label ever caught on the device

>> No.10964324


>> No.10964426
File: 481 KB, 1440x1080, Steam Fusion sliding keyboard 2nd screen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10964431

>2 is the worst one,
bet you're the dim cunt who says the dpad is in the wrong place

>> No.10964432

>yeah, the same happened to the Genesis
zoomer please for once in your life, with an ounce of humility, please stop
take your humiliation kink to some weirdo livestream or something

>> No.10964439

I really do like 2, but which one(s) do you think are worse? No Revolution doesn't count.

>> No.10964530

Handhelds like this are so stupid since the sticks are in such an awkward position. You would have to have serious baby hands to find this comfy at all to play with.

>> No.10964548
File: 90 KB, 1000x1000, 1707643131421505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sticks like these are best for single handed play desu but otherwise I agree. It's like the R50S with it's face buttons right at the bottom, when the grip is shaped.

>> No.10964579

if it isn't obvious it's cause it's the only painted shell

>> No.10964656

>but with more style and less screen protection
I remember seeing some cool cover you can put over the whole thing that fits very well and would protect the device from damage. I don't have one but it does look like a nice handheld to play your emulated games on.

>> No.10964704

That's what you get for buying at launch retard lmao. Wait next time

>> No.10964736

Every review I've seen of the A30 has basically called it shit, some just nicer than others.
>...literally everything else makes me want to cut myself
sums up most reviews

>> No.10964809


just saying I have the same issues, not complaining about the rest

sorry your broke ass would feel like the sky is falling with a bad device

>> No.10964876

Left is the proper colours here
you can tell by the colours of the water and the button prompts on the top right

>> No.10965000

You are putting a lot of effort into these animations, why?

>> No.10965191

Based opendingux chad
Gmenu2x is the best, just wish you could set individual game favorites
Why the fuck doesn't drastic let you have one of the screens take up the whole screen, and the second smaller in the corner with transparency
Would be great for pokemon and games with bottom screen menus but top gameplay
It's the paint rubbing most likely, since it doesn't happen on the transparent models.
Tiny schmeckel of silicone grease should take care of it

>> No.10965239

>special chips
Is that what they call poutine in the UK?

>> No.10965308
File: 3.69 MB, 4000x3000, 20240526_141433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn, i really managed to apply the screen protector PERFECTLY

rarely does this ever happen. nice

thanks for checking out my blog post

>> No.10965315

Buying an Rg35xx h as my first Anbernic device and I'm planning to use muos on it. Is it better to use a single or dual card setup?

>> No.10965443

it's off centre mate

>> No.10965462

no it's not i promise, may seem just due to lighting and camera angle in the pic

>> No.10965463

>steamdeck isn't on the list
Fuck you chang, we know you're just peddling your chinaman wares.

>> No.10965474

I hope to get a RG 35XX Plus

>> No.10965501

Pokemon Unbound any good? Is it jank?

>> No.10965517

it's pokeslop, of course it's not good.

>> No.10965519

Dual, that way if your first SD gets corrupted or dies your games and saves are safe.

>> No.10965545

Got tired of handheld meme went back to batocera mini PCs, it feels like they’re getting worse and more retarded I honestly think they’re making some of these retarded decisions on purpose at this point just to fuck with whitey

>> No.10965573

It’s pokekino, of course it’s good

>> No.10965614

>Gmenu2x is the best, just wish you could set individual game favorites
Retrofw let you do that.

>> No.10965672

Shartui dumbo for 45. Meme or redeem? I'm assuming it's shit for 3d arcade?

>> No.10965721

Like what, Naomi? Yeah, it's weak at that.

>> No.10965774

How about killer instinct?

>> No.10965859

Can TrimUI Smart Pro or RG35XX Plus/H run MGBA with runahead enabled? Not sure if they're powerful enough for that. I'm eyeing the TrimUI more because of the larger screen for GBA.

>> No.10965868

Most likely not, I think only T610 and up do KI.

How many frames? I can test Plus(/H) for you.

>> No.10965872
File: 582 KB, 2718x3424, 8bc1384933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one but it honestly just stays on my shelf. I can't stand playing it for longer than 15 minutes due to awful ergonomics. The battery drains like a motherfucker and it takes forever to charge even with a 20w USB-C charger.

It's a nice device to look at but it's just no great to play anything on it.

>> No.10965873

Just one frame

>> No.10965879
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>> No.10965881

To be more specific I'm looking to know if it can run fine with these settings:

- Threaded video off
- Hard GPU Sync
- Runahead or preemptive frames set to 1, both are good

It really bothers me that not a lot of people test how good a device can run with minimal input lag, most youtube reviewers use threaded video which sucks major ass and most budget devices up to now really couldn't tank these settings but I feel we're getting to that point now.

>> No.10965889

It's now bewteen this or an rgb10 max3 for 40. I thought they were similar in performance, but it seems even the 35xxh does psp better than the 3566. Why is rockchip so shit?

>> No.10965903 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10965907

very good, better than any official release

>> No.10965920

Do any other chinkhelds have the option to use them as controllers on PC besides the RG-Arc?

>> No.10965930

TSP tested: can't do it, 50fps in sonic advance. with threaded video on, hard gpu sync, and 1 frame runahead, it maintains 60fps, tested in-game in sonic advance and mario kart. normal clock, I didn't test performance mode because you probably don't want a hand warmer.

>> No.10965958
File: 234 KB, 640x426, Metroid Fusion (USA, Australia)-240526-144232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Hard GPU Sync and Threaded Video are a bit of a tall order for the new 35XXs, sometimes audio would crackle a little, this part of the intro cutscene went to 50fps and the first miniboss dipped a bit during an attack. Also running bandlimit-pixel for shader, shouldn't be much of a performance toll AFAIK.

Stock FW is said to have the lowest latency, CFWs have latency problems no one seems to be able to diagnose or are inclined to fix according to one obsessive guy on discord (not very good at telling it myself, but I've seen 5 different people complain already so I'll take their word for it). You might want to ask others for input.

>> No.10965965


I guess I better shell off some extra cash for something more powerful then. I had an RP3+ and that played very nice even with all of the input lag settings on but the build quality was shit as it creaked a lot while playing so I sold it.

>> No.10965979

What is your go to game to test/play a handheld?

>> No.10965989

I would reccomend an x28, but the software quality is beyond shit, sadly.

>> No.10965992


>> No.10966008
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, premium anbernic quality.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10966012

Mega Man 3 onwards are good to test since doing consecutive slides requires a d-pad with good diagonals.

>> No.10966017

How can manufacturers still get D-pads wrong when even the NES had it figured out

>> No.10966019

The NES absolutely did not have it figured out, that dpad is horrendous.

>> No.10966020

There is nothing wrong with this

>> No.10966021

anon the game referenced in the video is an NES game and was designed for that d-pad which had zero false diagonals

>> No.10966024
File: 8 KB, 359x113, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the guy I mentioned had his best results with 35XX (old) and MinUI on 62.5ms and automatically disregards any Android. I don't think 35XX runs mGBA well though.

Also for the love of god, don't even look at the X28's direction, it's completely fucked.

>> No.10966026

What the fuck? That's a huge discrepancy. Are these results using the same settings?

>> No.10966030

Name 1 (one) flaw with the NES d-pad and if it's the edges are too sharp I'm going to reach through your screen and slap you.

>> No.10966034
File: 119 KB, 926x668, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So he says.

>> No.10966039

This is the kind of analysis I like to see. No reviewers go this far to test input lag and it's a huge issue. They only care about framerates and go "I don't feel any lag!" even when obviously there should be like 100+ms of lag with their shitty settings

>> No.10966060

Which system?

>> No.10966062


>> No.10966063

What is the pocketable handheld with the best build quality?

>> No.10966140


>> No.10966168

Nintendo figured the D-pad out and patented it.
Why would chinks ever make good cheap handhelds if soiboy manchildren keep not only buying them in droves, but marketing them online and fixing the OS for free?

>> No.10966169

>romhack which goes beyond QoL
you are essentially playing a fan fiction

>> No.10966184

Retroid and Ayn make good dpads. With anbernic, it's a totoal lottery. They used to consistently make decent dpads, even the segmented one's, but now you either get acutal kino like the arc or powkiddy tier like most everything else.
That's what hack means. Why do you sonic fans are still sane?

>> No.10966190

Not that Gen 3 has any value in the first place.

>> No.10966206

>Using basic bitch qol hack in press a to win games
>Mocking the 3rd best gen after 6 and 5

>> No.10966213

>the d-pad may feel like total aids and have failed the contra and shoryuken tests, but it's not a problem for me personally
>this GBA clone also comes with a shitty blueberry screen that doesn't scale GBA games properly but it's not necessarily a problem for you, Dreamcast games look great on it!
>BUY NOW in the link below and wait for the custom firmware, two more weeks!

>> No.10966216

>3rd best
>in a series with only two good entries, none of which were mentioned
Calling it special olympics would be a compliment.

>> No.10966225

2ds dpad also fails the contra test but still kino. No such thing as a true gba clone. Sp isnt gba. Wake me up when retroid does the first gba.
>He likes sharto and gen 4, the era of jobbermons and copypaste maps
Your right, you should apply to special olympics. They'd give you gold stars for your tounge since all it can taste is shit

>> No.10966274

>GBA games feel just like the real thing even thought I didn't even bother applying a filter to fix uneven pixels and input lag is 3x as much

>> No.10966287

I'd rather have a 4:3 screen since I want to play snes and other console games on an SP, not exclusively GBA games.

>> No.10966303

does moonlight count?

>> No.10966305

bros do you recommend a used switch lite? i see them go for $100-140, seems like a nice little thing that can be easily modded to play backups

>> No.10966308

There's solderless mods now?

>> No.10966309

>gen 4
lol. That said, still significantly better than gen pee.

>that can be easily modded
It can't, only easy Switch homebrewing there is is for launch era units.

>> No.10966314

>4:3 screen
get a 1:1 screen and play snes at 8:7

>> No.10966317

Isn't gen 4 regarded as one of the best?

>> No.10966325

Why even make a GBA SP form factor for playing SNES games though. Plenty of devices for that already.

>> No.10966326

so what's the go to 3ds emulator right now after the whole citra takedown? There is Lime3ds, Citra MMJ and some others like Citra Enhanced and the universial one based on canary

>> No.10966342


what's up, it's a fucking traveling vlog video you stupid cunt get off ross' dick

>> No.10966351

yes, the ideal 8:7 ratio the snes was designed to output to all the classic 8:7 crt televsions

>> No.10966357

It's for people that want fullspeed snes but also want clamshell, but not wider than an sp. I could understand it if I didnt find the sp/v90 uncomfortable as fuck.
>Russ features the family dog instead of chicken in one video
We were on a break!!

>> No.10966362

>I could understand it if I didnt find the sp/v90 uncomfortable as fuck.
narrow clamshell is a fucking meme coasting on nostalgia. Wide clamshell is definitely the way to go now.

>> No.10966373

Hardly anyone gave a shit about compensating the aspect raidou, Nintendo included. Everything looked stretched.

GBA's deal was playing mangled SNES ports, now you can play the real thing in that format. That and actual good games on PC Engine and Mega Drive.

>> No.10966395


>> No.10966396

But who will make a new wide clamshell aside from powkiddy with the x19/38? With anbernic's revisions, I could see them making a 35xxhflip, but retroid probably won't bother again if they use thier old hinge design.

>> No.10966405

Any horizontal clamshell will feature sticks, making it useless.

>> No.10966415

Tbf, hori clamshell chinkhelds can acutally play psp/dc/n64 fullspeed. One of the few times where sticks make sense, but they always have to be recessed.

>> No.10966579
File: 1.06 MB, 1143x860, chart (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see those Famiclone roulette topsters

>> No.10966584
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20240502_211823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The teal is so pretty. I'm glad I finally got this color for my Famiclone.

Now just missing Kiwi and Atomic Purple

>> No.10966612

I'm proud of you anon

>> No.10966665
File: 76 KB, 1001x1001, 1639346254322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when they get free (and early) access to new handhelds from the companies. It's the same reason you can't trust game reviews. Access Journalism is corrupt by its very nature and should honestly be illegal. No one can give an honest review when they are incentivized to promote the thing they are supposed to be reviewing. All these "reviews" are also just first impressions/previews too, which is another problem altogether.

>> No.10966680

I must’ve lucked out because I’ve been extremely happy with mine sans for sone n64 games being completely unplayable. As a form factor upgrade from the RG35XX to the TSP I’ve enjoyed being able to use shaders, dual analogue PSX and PSP. Dreamcast and Saturn blows but I can safely ignore them until I get another upgrade to somewhere in the RP4+ levels of performance

>> No.10966690

Nintendo patented the cross-style d-pad, which is why the Sony and Sega made their own, different styles. I believe that patent has since stopped being relevant, since the Dreamcast, the Vita, and more recent Xbox models used the cross-style.
Even then, Chinese companies have no reason to respect the patent, as demonstrated by 8bitdo and friends.

>> No.10966696

>blatantly shilling a channel
>couldn't even use an on-topic video
Find the nearest bridge and listen to your invasive thoughts.

>> No.10966702

Single because I’m retarded

>> No.10966721
File: 139 KB, 1080x1319, 0t01tjjiel2d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hyia fellas what do I buy
>less than $60
>don't care about the shape
>ABSOLUTELY pocketable
>solid CFW support
>dreamcast-capable (i want to play some pso and crazy taxi while in the shitter)
I heard that R36S is solid but I heard that some of the newer units are a bitch to softmod

>> No.10966734

Dreamcast sucks on everything cheaper than an RP2S.

>> No.10966738

Even if I'll be only playing 60fps titleswith frameskip to 1 (half framerate) and resolution scaled down to 320p?

>> No.10966740

You aren't going to get full dreamcast for under 60 bucks. Sorry bro. You can get some games on like an RG35XX plus/H/sp and I believe crazy taxi runs well enough at least but those are closer to 70 bucks iirc.

>> No.10966745

Seconding RP2S, but beware someone here has been waiting for his to ship for weeks.

>I heard that R36S is solid
No, it's in fact garbage, its only saving grace is being cheap sometimes.

Ehhh, it's not quite full speed, wouldn't count on DC on those at all.

>> No.10966751

Oh well. How about PSX handhelds then? I heard Powkiddy V90 plays stuff real fine with Miyoo CFW (although its only advantage over R36S is its clamshell form factor). RG35XX ain't that bad too, but I'm thinking about something uber-cheap for tinkering and shit.

>> No.10966757

Not that guy but:

Crazy Taxi 2 runs just fine on this dude's H at around the 20-30 second mark. Would work the same on a plus or SP. Please don't talk about things you don't actually know about.

This is also on Stock OS. Not sure if one of the CFW improve performance or not. I know it has improved N64 emulation on it but I'm not too sure about dreamcast.

>> No.10966758

>Even then, Chinese companies have no reason to respect the patent, as demonstrated by 8bitdo and friends.
The chinese have no respect for western patents. But remember that copyright debate two chinkpanies had over the R35/R36s? Lol

>> No.10966759

I guess I'm left with RG35XX or Miyoo Plus lol (I'd honestly get a classic Mini myself if it wasn't sold out and scalped everywhere by those dumbass Redditors)

>> No.10966763

The 36s is def solid thanks to being the only rockshit 3326 that isnt overpriced. Dont get it for dreamcast though.
You'll be fine witb the 36s/r5xxh/shart pro, but the v90 is ASS for even gba.
That was more for strong arming aliexpress so they dont sell it and it didnt even last long. R33s is still fucked

>> No.10966771

I think it was over R33S being a Miyoo Plus knock-off lol (no wonder why I barely see listings for that one on Ali nowadays)

>> No.10966772

Not sure. Usually PSX emulation is easier than N64 or DC or Saturn emulation though. I know the RG35XX can do PSX but I don't own a Miyoo mini or Powkiddy.

The 'uber cheap' handhelds are best used for 2d stuff. NES, SNES, Genesis, GB, GBC, GBA etc.

>> No.10966774

I played the first level of Gunstar Super Heroes with these setttings and CPU high performance mode and it ran full speed the entire time.

>> No.10966786

Whoops. I forgot to mention I tested the TSP here.

>> No.10966791

Why is it always tranime with you autistic faggots?

>> No.10966792

Was it a hand warmer the whole time?

>> No.10966798

Here is the (You) you crave so desperately. Please consider going back to /v/ where people might actually take you seriously if you want more.

>> No.10966802

Look at the FPS counter on both Crazy Taxis. I own a Plus.

V90, while having a remarkable hinge design, is a little power starved on PSX and SNES edge cases. I say wait for the next aliexpress sale in a few days (my Plus was $40 for example), if someone could be so kind as to post that google docs with current best prices, I don't have it on me.

>I'd honestly get a classic Mini myself
Latest Mini is stuck with some bizarre non-480p display, avoid it at all costs.

>> No.10966804

Guys I've been using Batocera v38 for my RG35XX H for a long time now and I heard that MuOS recently updated or came out and it's really good. Would you say it's worth the effort to swap OS at this time or should I wait for another update or two?

My main thing is Batocera looks better but sucks battery. I also like the built in scrapper and I understand MuOS doesn't have this yet. Does MuOS have bluetooth for controllers? I assume it works with HDMI on TVs?

>> No.10966813
File: 122 KB, 640x1137, playing-3ds-games-on-the-surface-duo-3x-res-v0-r8epdtvlrvva1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinkheld thread, nigga. Their engineers love that shit. Either beg for bonghelds to come back or go back to officalhelds.
Next sale smart pro will be 38. If the battery wasnt a lottery, I'd get it now since its only 45.

>> No.10966819

Scratch that. I can no longer see it for 45 AND my viewing history is off. Save me powkiddy.

>> No.10966821

Are any of the DSi handhelds good for GBA games? I'm hearing they use GBARunner2 for emulation and it's not that good?

>> No.10966823

Why is a 2ds more expensive than a 3ds shouldn't it be the opposite
Why is all this shit so expensive

>> No.10966825

just get a chinkheld retard.

>> No.10966827

retro collecting became popular on tiktoc or some shit and massively inflated retro prices. Luckily for me I still have all my retro consoles from when they were current.

It's not going to get any better bro. Best of luck out there lmao.

>> No.10966829

New or old? Old is def not more expensive. I'm pretty sure there are less new 2ds units than any other.
Nigga, he wants dualshit and aya neo is a meme.

>> No.10966830

>Chinkheld thread, nigga. Their engineers love that shit. Either beg for bonghelds to come back
There were bonghelds?! I should force myself to play some meeger speaking of which.

>Next sale smart pro will be 38. If the battery wasnt a lottery
What's up with the battery?

More ergonomic, I'm guessing. As for the -New- 2DS XL, it's the superior model.

>> No.10966832

I don't want to.

>> No.10966834

Open pandora. Pyra was supposed to be a thing, but it's not coming out.

>> No.10966856

>Why is all this shit so expensive

Millennial baseball cards

>> No.10966861

Noticable but it’d only bother you depending on your level of autism or how you grip the device.

Device gets noticably warm on the right side two inches to the left. If you grip the TSP with your fingers curled then you won’t feel it, if you grip laying your fingers flat then you’ll be directly touching it.

Either way I leave the device in CPU performance all the time and the heat hasn’t bothered me

>> No.10966896

Is anyone able to confirm how GBA games play on an o2DS?

>> No.10966904

There are multiple youtube videos and forum posts from over the years that appear with a quick google search. Go fuck yourself retard.

>> No.10966907

I can't find any showing GBA. They all show the new 2DS.

>> No.10966918

skill issue

>> No.10966919

if you mean through injecting or open firm, it's fine. I'm playing mario advanced 4 mario 3 for the ereader levels. Some homebrew games couldn't play, but I only tried injecting them.

>> No.10966934

>if you mean through injecting or open firm

I don't know. I'm trying to decide between a DS Lite, a DSi XL and an old 2DS for GBA and other retro emulation, but mostly GBA working well and looking good on the different resolution displays.

>> No.10966942

Just get a chinkheld retard.

>> No.10966962

I'll add to this as an anon who is the polar opposite of this anon.
I usually have the device either on default or power saving mode and it's pretty cool, on default it'll warm up as the CPU boosts but like anon said only if you lay your finger flat along it, so only my middle finger really feels anything.

If you play low load stuff or in performance mode it's pretty cosy.

>> No.10966965

So much fud around the sp
Are the miyoo chuds mad their attempt gets mogged by even the v90?

>> No.10966968


>> No.10966969

I got a bunch of N3DSXL/o3DSXL and seriously all I want is to replace one of them with a regular new 3ds but fuck the price gouging.
It's annoying but I've seen worse in the camera community.

>> No.10966973

They play native, so perfect, but look like shit due to the 240p screen not being able to scale the games well.

>> No.10966976

>chip buttfucking the battery
>hinge already squeaks
ambernic fucked up so bad that miyoo is going to take it with no effort at all. it's not fud.

>> No.10966978

Your best bet is DSi XL if GBARunner3 ever gets to a point where it's perfect. Right now it's decent and it's in active development. The screen is pretty big and games look amazing at native res on it. It's also the best device for playing DS games bar none.

>> No.10966984

Any 3ds model for gba.
Miyoo flip status? Completely buck broken.

>> No.10966987

People say that, but then they’ll praise GBA on the PSP, despite that screen being 272p

>> No.10966995

>I don't know. I'm trying to decide between a DS Lite, a DSi XL and an old 2DS for GBA and other retro emulation, but mostly GBA working well and looking good on the different resolution displays.
DSi XL is the screen king but I heard compatibility was ass, I only played one game on mine since I had a GBA
that is if you can get one where the horse glue hasn't stained the screen a nice shade of vitamin B overdose piss yet.

DSi XL is probably the best handheld Nintendo have ever put out; with the exception of the screen aging but the DS lite and regular DSi have those issues too.

>> No.10967008

Its not the hinge
The paint is too thick in between the moving parts of the shell
It doest happen with the transparent models.
I dont even own one and this is incredibly obvious

>> No.10967025

>look like shit due to the 240p screen not being able to scale the games well
This is what I was worried about. So I guess avoid 2DS?
See this was my thing. I found videos showing how good GBA looks on the DSi XL, and the price isn't that high. Then I found out the emulation isn't that good. Didn't know there's gonna be a new version of the emulator. Not sure if I should yolo a DSi XL now in the hopes that it will be good one day.
>Any 3ds model for gba.
I'm seeing GBA getting blurry and also the 3DS is super overpriced.
Fuck me dude. I guess it's all shit then. These screens aren't getting any younger.

>> No.10967039

this fucker showing off his backpack like a toddler lol

>> No.10967043
File: 1.01 MB, 1279x719, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay now it's what snacks he's eating

>> No.10967065

>So I guess avoid 2DS?
Yeah, it's not good at all. For GBA you want at least 480p for proper scaling.

>> No.10967072

I've been on that same quest. As far as Nintendo devices go, for emulation, a hacked Switch or Switch Lite is the better option. GBA looks great on it and gets very low latency since you can crank up all the RA settings.

>> No.10967078

kek what the fuck

>> No.10967081

Yeah but it's a single screen and you don't get the added benefit for ds games...

>> No.10967082

>Fuck me dude. I guess it's all shit then. These screens aren't getting any younger.
It's luck of the draw, some will be better than others.
I've seen numerous posts saying it's humidity that turns them but that's not true.
I have 2 DSi XL, I got 'em clearance when the console was being discontinued BNIB and one of them I used as a strange journey, etrian and gyakuten saiban machine, it's had hundreds of hours put through it, been in my camera bag with me in the US, Asia, south of france, munich & hungary and it's alright, pretty clear.
The other has remained almost BNIB but has the battery removed, I swap it out to do maintenance charges on the cell, it's got silica gel packs with it, it's in the driest part of my house with my camera lenses and my house rarely rises about 60% humidity and sits in the 45-50% range and that one, that one's tinting.

It's inevitable but if you get a nice model that's not so bad or perfect fucking go for it.
They really are the absolute best way to play DS games. That 76 PPI is so close to that sweet 17" 1024x768 flat panel display you were using in 2006 except it's fucking good, it's crystal clear, the pixels are big and it's the right size.
idk about GBA so much, if there's better stuff in development maybe, if you're big on GBA but less for DS ehhhh. DS on 3DS sucks, I will tell you that much at least.

>> No.10967087

Then you just get a cheap DS for DS games. The DS models are shit for everything else. If you don't want compromises there's no solid option without owning multiple devices.

>> No.10967098

Buy a Miyoo Mini. Fuck Ambernig

>> No.10967102

I'll say that with what anon's saying.
If you go the multiple device route, getting a real DS/3DS for each platform is right, if you want good GBA but don't mind emulating and don't mind looking outside of nintendo: The Trimui smart pro is pretty fucking good for GBA with it's nice 5" 16:9 display and it's cheap as fuck with vita ergos.
Integer scaled it's 3.9" and 4.4" without and the decent handheld shaders like lcd3x run fine so it's about as close as you can get to a DSi XL experience, looking up the chain a bit there's also the RP4 or RP3 etc but you'd have to ask a retroid bro.

Really tho, that multiple device route, it's because Nintendo used oddball resolutions that don't scale well. We'd be in a better place if the 3DS was another oddball res of 384p vs 240p but it wasn't powerful enough so no interger scaling.

>> No.10967108

I like the Trimui but I'm not sure if it can run MGBA with threaded video off, hard gpu sync and preemptive frames.

>> No.10967121

Why not?
I like making new designs it's fun, just a hobby.
I used to invent a load of things in years past. And I can't help but feel that some of my ideas sometimes filter into the market handhelds.
In fact, stay tuned. I'm working on a "new" handheld format.

>> No.10967151

>I like the Trimui but I'm not sure if it can run MGBA with threaded video off, hard gpu sync and preemptive frames.
Eh, if you're willing to forgo the autism settings then maybe.
I tried your autism settings and it's about alright with relatively little dropping but yeah it's the same shit desu. If you're autistic to the point of being a speedrunner then there's no saving ya there.

>> No.10967159

Yeah, I'm very autistic with input lag. Less lag = more fun simple as. It's kind of a bummer because it's almost there.

>> No.10967165

What does input lag have to do with speedrunning. Max zhou, pls make love to your wife and stop shitposting on wechat

>> No.10967167

He's totally fucking lost it
From USN interpreter to snack reviewer, the Chinese truly are corrupting our society with these handhelds

>> No.10967171

so... based...

>> No.10967172

It's alright, I kinda get you to a degree. I'll use ULMB or play games at 240hz and go above 1k polling and detect the difference but on this one, it's nothing.
Input lag autists are my natural enemy, being an extension of the blame the controller types but it's alright. I do get it.
How many frames do you run ahead usually?

>> No.10967173

>implying he's not balls deep in a ladyboy when he's arguing with American neets online about input lag and false diagonals

>> No.10967180

Switch is the worst handheld. It seems more like it's portable for fat boys to play on the toilet than take on the road.

>> No.10967182

at least its not an android handled with random 120ms lag spikes

>> No.10967186

But enough about the Steam Deck

>> No.10967192

Might as well pay the anal log tax at that point. Clueless predditors and scalpers keeping demand up prevent them from ever needing to design a handheld worth buying.

>> No.10967204

When I had mine before it died a dock death, it spent its entire life in the dock because the ergonomics on the joycons felt like shit with a screen that size. Everything felt wrong.
My console obviously died so that was the end of that but I got a chance to play one of the 6.2 inchers with decent chonkyboy third party joycons and it wasn't that bad so long as the game scaled text, wouldn't want the screen much bigger than 6.5" so the OLED was garbage.
Tried the lite and the screen seemed the perfect size again if the text was big enough but now it had the problem of the joycons being welded to the device.

Steamdeck's got the same issues tho, they wanna make the screens bigger, it has nearly acceptable ergos...? Not the best but they're always appeasing sizequeens I want off this ride.

>> No.10967205

>I too noticed that this landfill trash chinkheld shits itself constantly but you're a faggot if that's a problem for you

>> No.10967208
File: 450 KB, 1223x1014, 1699944544846102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

>> No.10967213


>> No.10967217

So do you fags actually play these handhelds or just consoom the newest devices?

>> No.10967230

I play my chinkheld and phone.

>> No.10967234

Of course I play 'em.
The fuck would I consoom the newest device for?
How is piyoo or ambernigs latest tiny flops going to improve my bathtime over my current device? The serotonin from purchasing and unboxing isn't going to carry over to me in the bath nor improve my current bathtime experience and my brain resists feeling good from that already.

but clungefeatures tell us, do you actually play games or just whine in threads? Come on street meat, share some fun.

>> No.10967243

The cube looks like it could improve bath times desu

>> No.10967257

I'm this guy >>10965872


>> No.10967263

my n3ds is perfect, but chinks cant into a good clone of it

>> No.10967265
File: 134 KB, 372x334, 1707685202135603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop buying shit when you have rampant autism over input lag
or get the good autism that allows you to use a grip to at least make it usable

>> No.10967267

Oh. Well, shit.

>> No.10967268

You already know the answer to this.

>> No.10967273

Nice Handhelds...but, don't even play video games?

>> No.10967279

>RG35XX, RG35XX Plus, and Miyoo Mini Plus, only? What about the Anbernic RG 503, 351V, 28XX, RG 552, RG 351P, Win 600, RG 505, The Miyoo Flip, the Powkiddy X18s, RK2023 (either version), X55, RGB 30, Trimui Smart, Trimui Smart Pro, or Retroid Pocket 3+, RP 4, Retroid Pocket 2S, Retroid Pocket 4 Pro, Aya Neo Pro, Aya Neo Pocket Air, Ayn Loki Zero, Ayn Loki Pro Max, or Ayn Odin 2?

>> No.10967286

I usually play games on MiSTer these days, and my panel only adds 5ms of delay, so I'm very used to pretty close to true hardware latency on a CRT. But anything bellow 3 frames of lag is good enough for me honestly. 4 frames and beyond and it starts to feel sluggish. So usually 1 frame of runahead/preemptive is fine.

I have a grip for the pocket and it still sucks. Specially for GBA - the triggers are awful. And the battery issues are still there. Some of the higher end chinkhelds can play gameboy games for 10+ hours but the Pocket shits itself and dies within 5 hours and then it takes forever to recharge. And you have to use a usb-c to usb-c cable + 20w charger, so not exactly the most convenient thing to play while charging.

>> No.10967292
File: 131 KB, 1000x1000, When the AI tried to understand how hands grip but fails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You already know the answer to this.
If any of you fuckers buys the R50S for consoomings sake: I will track you down and shatter your fingers and thumbs into at least 170 pieces. Your metacarpals will be atomised.
You'll be in great pain, possibly crying but you'll thank me for doing it, maybe not right away, maybe not in a month but in a year or two you will come to understand it was a necessary act so that you could enjoy the device to its full potential and play games as intended by the AI designer.

>> No.10967303

>have a grip for the pocket and it still sucks. Specially for GBA -
Fair enough, the triggers do look awful on it, but that's vertislop for ya. I can tolerate them a bit with a wing grip, it looks stupid but your wrists aren't jammed so close together at least.
>And you have to use a usb-c to usb-c cable + 20w charger,
The reverse problem of the usual complaints about chinkhelds not accepting other charging standards lmao

>> No.10967315

Ergos aside, the pocket is also quite heavy, and the grip adds even more weight. Since it's a vertical brick the weight distribution ends up being pretty bad.

It's not a well designed device at all. They made it to *look* good and that's it.

Oh and the D-pad does this too >>10966008

>> No.10967316

The r50s will be a kino sub 35 rockshit device and you know it.

>> No.10967320

your n3ds is shit just like every other 3ds

>> No.10967326

More like a clone at all unless you count the aya neo flip.
...On opposite day.

>> No.10967534
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>> No.10967563

i have clocked 300+ hours on hyrule warriors on my odin 2

>> No.10967581

>The trip was for a private business meeting. I'm not allowed to talk about it until next week, so here's a VLog instead

What does /hhg/ think the meeting was about? Did he meet some chinks to shill their latest handheld?

>> No.10967595

Ally X duh

>> No.10967605
File: 22 KB, 635x483, images (1) (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... what are some good telescopic controllers for 11' tablets? I'm talking those that extend to fit at least 260mm wide, so I can use tablets for emulation almost like a Nintendo Switch and all.

I know of the IPEGA PG9083s... any other ones?

>> No.10967614

The hello gamesir g8 works with tablets. 11 is on the small side so you should be fine. There's also the bsp controllers, but they're bluetooth only

>> No.10967615

duct taped xbox one controller and a music stand will do the job no problem for an 11 incher, will fit in your hands

>> No.10967880

Is there a list of upcoming handhelds? I know of the Miyoo Flip and the RG Cube but that's it.

>> No.10967882

Check the spreadsheet in the OP

>> No.10967923
File: 70 KB, 1024x1016, 1716788050692245m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why the fuck you guys say powkiddy is cheaper when they are practically the same or more expensive than ambernic consoles.

>> No.10967940
File: 283 KB, 1080x900, Screenshot_2024-05-27-00-36-35-670_com.brave.browser_nightly-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More than 10 years and still in pre-sale
>It costs more than the most basic Steam Deck but with hardware from 10 years ago.
What the hell?

>> No.10967942

It's vaporware. Anyone who isn't stupid realized this years ago.

>> No.10967950

I wish they still sold the first Pandora, I would buy it.

>> No.10967990

Yeah, I wanted one pretty bad.
I was ready to put up the $500, but I wasn't willing to buy something unless it was being sold. Which seems to have been the flaw in their plan.

>> No.10968010

....wot the? how even

>> No.10968085

There will be a point where there are no more working ds, it's great chinks are making ds clones, when my new 2ds dies i'll probably buy one

>> No.10968138

>calling other people toddler when you never leave your house or go on trips/hiking/camping
Poor or just fat?

>> No.10968142

Anime website.

>> No.10968145

Fanfiction is never good. Romhacks are not good unless they fix bugs.

>> No.10968157

But can you post from a handheld thoever?
>Fanfiction is never [Headcanon]
Unbound More kino than any offical pokemon. Gaia? Just as kino as an offical pokemon game. Sonic mania? Offical ronhack sold to autists for 40 fucking bucks. Yeah man, I'm gonna do it btw.

>> No.10968161

You need a DSi XL

>> No.10968171
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>> No.10968181

I understand liking hand held, but almost all pictures I've seen look like knockoffs or some sort of Chinese trash copies of Nintendo. You people seriously don't like them do you? It reminds me of all the knockoffs from 1980s and 1990s that flooded the toy market

>> No.10968328

That's because in truth we only care about the chinks knockoffs, but out of sympathy we also allow the discussion of officialhelds. The general would be dead without the constant anbernic releases.

>> No.10968393

The powkiddy shitposting is kinda funny desu.

>> No.10968417

brb, putting a bunch of trail mix in my grandma's pill organizer

>> No.10968419

why are these telescopic controllers all allergic to putting the d-pad up top

>> No.10968431 [SPOILER] 
File: 264 KB, 1200x675, repost this to scare a redditor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better yet throw out the analog pocket and buy a R36S for only $27 plus tip

https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806596747489.html https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805948047262.html
retroarch.cfg for lowest input lag: https://files.catbox.moe/u4t3d7.cfg
ftp://chiru.no ftp://ftp.myrient.erista.me

>> No.10968434

>still shilling your ewaste used microsds

>> No.10968435
File: 1.71 MB, 2560x1920, 1712884145405571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and i won't stop until you buy a $27 R36S and 2 $20 512gb microsd cards for the ultimate handheld experience

>> No.10968441
File: 46 KB, 508x458, scratches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 day warranty
at least they're only """scratched""" lmaooooo

>> No.10968451

just don't take it out of the R36s and the problem ceases to be sir

>> No.10968513
File: 1.41 MB, 995x1326, 20240520_175134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried various Ambernic devices but I always go back to a PS Vita. Spare parts are numerous and it's easy to repair or replacethe battery. Flash Henkaku, Vitashell, PKGj, AutoPlugin, Adrenaline and RetroArch and away you go. Currently playing the GBA version of Elite that was never officially released. Comfy.

>> No.10968519

Not entirely sure how but EvilDragon wound up refunding me like double the amount I put up on the preorder when I asked for my refund. He emailed me begging to get the surplus sent back. This was during covid and I was between jobs so I just deleted his emails.

>> No.10968521

This is a containment thread. These useful idiots, and chink vendors have destroyed good threads in the past. Here they can talk about something that is a distant tangential relation to retro gaming without ruining everything else.

>> No.10968547

I would actually buy one if they were truely available.
Nowadays GPD has you covered for this form factor

>> No.10968591

Stop spreading bullshit you fags.
I have 2 Pandoras and 3 Pyras.
Its a legit product.
They are handmade in germany after the order is placed.
The waiting time for each was several years yes.
Their focus is being open source and selling replacement parts.
This is more of a PI in a laptop case than a console.
Worth it? Honestly with that price tag i never took them out much, especially for my camping trips, they are just sitting in the shelf.
I am rich enough to buy them but i dont feel like wasting them as my average gaming beaters.
Also gaming is uncomfortable compared to some chink beaters.
Just as an emulator box these are crap.
As a laptop however, they run a good os, have great battery time, full sized SD card readers and usb ports.
If you need to do real work on a hiking trip this beats your average dumbphone by miles.
But yea dont buy them unless you sing the free software song in the shower because its super niche.

>> No.10968638

>redditmon unddit

>> No.10968645

well there's your problem — the vita-adjacent makers are retroid/ayn, not max zhou's midlife crisis

>> No.10968657

Use preemptive frames, basically the same thing, but less resource intensive.
Anyway, you probably can, I can run a few games with preemptive frames at 1 on my overclocked MM+

>> No.10968659
File: 310 KB, 468x533, 1716494637001192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've become much happier after moving my Dreamcast gameplay to 'eck. The Mali-gpu cope, shit sticks, etc just isn't worth it for me. Odin 2 is probably an even better DC experience (aside from the 2D stuff because fucked d-pad location) because it's smaller and lighter, but I can't be assed to pay $300 + tip when I already have an 'eck.

>> No.10968664
File: 1.07 MB, 3060x4080, damn-i-rule-first-time-replaying-dc-version-on-r36s-v0-5bshjo2vtvdc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah nigga R36 is where it's at for Dreamcast

>> No.10968665

Playing Super C (stage 2), Mario Zap & Dash, and Street Fighter 2 on my MM+ made me realize how bad the d-pad is, when I get a new handheld I'm trying these games first.

>> No.10968668

I don't know why I've never tried preemptive frames before. This might be helpful for increasing fast-forward margin on my RG ARC since I don't wanna drop Nuked audio.

>> No.10968689

The eternal consoom cycle of waiting for something better

>> No.10968696

>This might be helpful for increasing fast-forward margin
Don't think so, this stuff gets disabled when fast-forward is in action.

>> No.10968706

Is Russ a manlet?

>> No.10968708
File: 109 KB, 783x453, thought russ would be taller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10968709

I have no clue what you're banging on about. Speak the fucking King's English man!

>> No.10968712
File: 2.64 MB, 320x224, 1716361199656990.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo das raciss

>> No.10968716
File: 2.47 MB, 320x224, 1716361264932800.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10968718

>I'm thinking about something uber-cheap for tinkering and shit.
M17 (V1 or V3, on the V2 the sticks aren't clickable and apparently not fully analog).

>> No.10968723

>d-pad and right stick are both in the wrong position

>> No.10968750

So, and I fear I'm going to open a can of worms here, but what is the best handheld for 6th or 7th gen console emulation?

>> No.10968762

Deck as Wii U, 360 and PS3 are x86 exclusive.

>> No.10968764

Any of the higher end handhelds ($300+) or the Steam Deck. If you're at that point then get the Steam Deck since it can dip its toes into 360 and PS3 emulation but it isn't perfect and should do everything below just fine. If you have money to burn then get the Aya Neo, Lenovo Legion Go, or MSi Claw. Just understand you're obviously going through Windows on them and getting terrible battery life the higher up in generations you go.

>> No.10968773

Russbros....it's over....

>> No.10968789

kys triptroon.

>> No.10968832

Not that guy but there was a point in my life where I was so broke that my only access to the internet was through the browser on my fucking PSP. I can confirm that you can, in fact, post from a handheld.

>> No.10968838

Contrary to popular belief, the android emulators can't do 6th/7th gen very well. Dreamcast and Dolphin run fine but the rest of the emulators are either unavailable or no longer being developed for Android. Deck is the only good x86 handheld the rest of them are shit.

>> No.10968854

Steam Deck is the only real choice. The rest are cope. The RP4P is good but for a similar price you can just get a deck which is better. Don't fall for the OLED meme unless you have the cash to spend.

>> No.10969062


>> No.10969073

by far the anbernic win600

>> No.10969074

what he lacks in stature, he makes up for in magic

>> No.10969118

B-but muh shooters!

>> No.10969119

I wouldn't spend that amount of money on their products as the build quality isn't that good. I've returned two of their handhelds in the past due to button failures.

>> No.10969121

they end up on ebay for around $250, im waiting a bit

>> No.10969140


>> No.10969157
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>> No.10969164

Any PC handheld. Steam Deck or Rog Ally are your best bets.

>> No.10969192
File: 26 KB, 587x447, powkiddy dab right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10969241

that's still like $100 to expensive

>> No.10969306

>I am rich enough to buy them but i dont feel like wasting them as my average gaming beaters.
>Buy obsolete shit at high prices and make copium about it.
Yes, you are definitely their target audience.

>> No.10969319

>anbernig: not even once

>> No.10969405

>buy obsolete shit at high prices and make copium about it.
summarized this board

>> No.10969730
File: 336 KB, 451x602, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Sad News]: The Cube does not use the battery as a heatsink.

>> No.10969732

>not just vent but an actual fan
im impressed

>> No.10969738

Oh yes, I'm sure that Anbernic and to a somewhat similar extent, Powkiddy, are usually a lottery when it comes to build quality.

>> No.10969794

Do you guys expect Anal Lg or someone else to make a Nintendo DS thing?

>> No.10969804
File: 1.09 MB, 4128x3096, cl8178vm2tnb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RGB30 already exists

>> No.10969807

That's not the RGB30 tho?

>> No.10969810

This is the best use I've seen of this device so far barring og Game Boy games. Really reminds me of the 2DS

>> No.10969825

Afaik there is no FPGA core for it yet so not Analogue

>> No.10969872

i literally have NEVER had mine die
i shiny hunted on my 8+ hour shift
>cant stand playing it

>> No.10969880
File: 2.88 MB, 720x1280, k2ds.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Max now has the funds for the revo k2ds, so maybe next year?

>> No.10969884

Why would you buy anything but an Analogue Pocket for GBA/GB/GBC? Serious question

>> No.10969886

This looks like literal shit.
Not sure what that means but the webm looks promising?

>> No.10969890

>out of stock Pocket
watchu mean?

>> No.10969894

The revo k101 is a gba hardware clone that uses parts from the micro. The k2ds is a dslite/dsi hardware clone that would've had a form factor similar to the 2ds. Now that anbernic made an actual clamshell, the k2ds might be a clamshell too. (Probably not.)

>> No.10969932

Sounds lit. I just ordered a DSi XL from Japan. Maybe I shouldn't have...

>> No.10969935
File: 136 KB, 225x444, rena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from games legally released on the system, what Visual Novels are available to me on the 3DS and PSP (original)?

I've heard of people playing DDLC, pc98 games and even tsukihime on there. I've already got a modded 3DS but it's the original model, not the "new" or "XL" and I think I have a moddable PSP

Also, this doesn't have anything to do with modding but does anyone know some games for either of those systems that have dual language support? e.g. you can press a button and switch from english to japanese and vice versa? That would be cool too.

>> No.10969949
File: 2.61 MB, 2766x3022, IMG_4273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people INSIST that GBA NEEDS color correction to look like “how it was meant to be played” on the non-backlit screen, but they don’t say the same for DS? NO ONE says you need to get an phat DS with the original shit screen to portray the game’s colors “like they were intended”.

>> No.10969959 [DELETED] 

Is this yours? Why are you filling the image to the screen instead of letting it be natural, asshole? Also, what hack are you using? Just an SD card with twilight and gbarunner2?

>> No.10969965
File: 66 KB, 960x639, 2866725-megamanzero2001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because GBA games had disgusting neon colors with the display in mind, while DS games look normal.

>> No.10969976

Anon, that’s a DSi XL. It’s native res

>> No.10969987

are you ok m8

>> No.10970007 [DELETED] 

Nah buddy has the setting that fills the screen on. look at how the borders on the right and bottom don't match the top and right. Without the setting enabled you have slightly bigger matching borders.
Are you, buddy boy?

>> No.10970017 [DELETED] 

Actually, to backtrack, anon has the center and mask setting disabled, which I think is on by default? Who was in the wrong here? Me or the gbarunner2 dev?

>> No.10970023

You're having a stroke anon, seek help immediately.

>> No.10970028

Oooh, you thought I was playing GBA and not DS. That explains it.

>> No.10970029

No I'm not. Anon in the image has center and mask disabled, which is wrong and will introduce artifacts.

>> No.10970032

Wait of course. I want to die now...

>> No.10970125

Literally best ds emu is a galaxy note (or s ultra past the 21 gen) with a gamepad
Vertically stacked the 2 screens fit very nicely and you also have pen for muh immersion

>> No.10970147
File: 2.74 MB, 400x400, Russ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10970161

>russ reviewing the keypad on the GPD Win Mini

>> No.10970170

Some games like the DKC titles had their palettes completely revamped for GBA. I've also seen a lot of complaints about Harmony of Dissonance

>> No.10970171

All the other rentro handheld chups were there, so its either some kind of new project of retro handhelds (which project is aimed to sell things to you) or retro handheld.gg will work together with one of the chinkheld companies.
I would put my money on the former one

>> No.10970174


>> No.10970180
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>> No.10970182
File: 82 KB, 528x494, rgc hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10970183

I still think the guy on the right has to be at least like 6'7"

>> No.10970227
File: 1.89 MB, 342x498, Manlet With Giantess.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is on the other side of the mouse hole door, Russ?

>> No.10970241

People who buy cheap chinese emulation handhelds are the portable version of retards that buy a raspberry pi, set it up, play 2 minutes of mario, then shut it off and never touch it again.

>> No.10970273

i think that the only real issue is that the indentation can fuck with rolling inputs, has issues with the shape of the ball being very slippery sometimes and being hard to control when trying to change inputs quickly (see shmups) and it has a clicky feeling while being more prone to being too inaccurate by how small it is, thus making more missed inputs.
the sega genesis model 2 control pad and with this the saturn pad are the best pads on the story of videogames, the thing is that these pads are very weirdly correctly copied, the m80 is close and the retrobit is close too but they require a bit more on the plastic wedge, even more the m80 which fucked the pivot.

>> No.10970327

Just get good dpad/grips for your phone or a Nintendo switch.

These gimmick Chinese handhelds are pointless.

And who wants to walk around with a chink Gameboy AND their phone in their pockets when going out? Total goober style

You shouldnt be "gaming on the go" anyway when u go out for fun unless you're 12

And at work you can put your gaming shit in a backpack or briefcase anyway so size is irrelevant

>> No.10970349

Grips are goober

>> No.10970357

If you keep this up.

I'm going to have to buy a rotating monitor.

So I'll have enough vertical real estate to read your posts.
And what's wrong with having stuff in your pockets?
Just buy a belt.
And please stop wasting my bandwidth with the unnecessary newlines.

>> No.10970370

>grip for your phone
Yes and then fucking carry the bulky thing around and have to clip it on my phone any time I want to play something. Very convenient. Not to mention you're bloating the fuck out of your phone with shittons of roms when most modern phones don't even have a micro SD slot. Phone is for phone things like calling people and watching porn.

>You shouldnt be "gaming on the go" anyway when u go out for fun unless you're 12
Nigga fuck you I like spinning up some Yoshi (NES) while I wait for my food to arrive or on the bus or waiting on someone. I'm not gonna be dicking around slapping some shit on the back of my phone that's way more of a hassle to carry than a chinkheld to play for a couple mins and then have to yank the thing off afterwards. Christ that's autistic. Also you're not bound to playing the thing outside, it's comfy to play in bed at home.

>And who wants to walk around with a chink Gameboy AND their phone in their pockets when going out?
You literally mention backpacks and briefcases at the end of your post, for fucks sake. Cargo pants, zesty manpurse, jacket pockets, shirt pocket, you can carry it up your ass if you want, jesus fucking christ anon there's so many options if you just applied yourself, these things are tiny.

>> No.10970417
File: 156 KB, 1600x1200, FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my chinkheld, FFT looks so good on the H

>> No.10970440

>Total goober style
>t. the zoomer without personality who needs validation.


>> No.10970442

It would be less goober to go to the bus with a small GB type console than your phone attached to a grip.

>> No.10970480

>two weeks later
>still no durability tests for the rg35xxsp

>> No.10970556


Your mom still buys your toilet paper doesn't she

Who the fuck says briefcase in 2024, does all your information about corporate life come from Christmas movies

>> No.10970564

If dodo's didn't break, it's probably fine.

>> No.10970568

>toilet paper
If you're not using a bidet, you're a retard. Throwing money away for no fucking reason.

>> No.10970682

Does Russ actually have small hands or are you guys just meming?

>> No.10970686

His hands are proportionally normal, but he's a very tiny man.

>> No.10970712
File: 434 KB, 1280x1054, IMG_1200 - dimensioni grandi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IT'S HERE ! ! !
Retroid Pocket 4 Pro
> First impressions:
Build quality seems nice, it's very light weight but doesn't feel like a cheap Chinese product.
> very small screen
I knew many people mentioned it in reviews, including Russ and ETA, but it is really really small. Very pocketable but also makes me want to hook it up to the tv often. Perfect for travelling though (imagine the ick on the Emirates flight attendant's face when I will whip out my chinkheld to play Pokemon fire red on the plane)
> Software experience
Yeah android isn't the best, setting things up takes a looong time but thankfully Russ' video guide is very comprehensive
I've been using it for less than a day but overall I can say I'm satisfied. Definitely awesome for stuff up to the PSP, not sure it's the best device for DS/3DS and more recent stuff.
Now I just have to wait for my Odin 2 and I'll make a comparison.
Thank you all for reading my blogpost and I wish you all a lovely rest of your day.

>> No.10970752

my SP thing will probably arrive today or tomorrow.
did others here get theirs yet?
any good custom firmwares for it yet or should I just roll with stock? I want to use the sleep functionality.

>> No.10970756

R36S will play Dreamcast, no problems running ArkOS on the R36S with the new screen

>> No.10970757

cba screen protectors.

>> No.10970821

My DSi LL (more like WW) probably wont arrive in time for my vacaytion. I might not be able to be a bing bing wahooer in public. I am in shambles.

>> No.10970823

are there any tricks to make it actually run decently?
I have PSO on my R36S and I don't consider sub 20fps playable

>> No.10970872
File: 1.11 MB, 4032x3024, Not my picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I had high expectations for knulli, but then anbernic had to release a gorillion of devices, and now this console is yet again forgotten by cfw devs. What a bad timing.

>> No.10970875

mite be throttling preventing higher end DC games from running well, im gonna eventually open mine up and add a heatsink and vents

>> No.10970965

Playing DS games on anything besides original hardware is idiotic. You'll never get a good experience and original hardware is incredibly cheap. You don't even have to buy an expensive everdrive or ez flash to pirate games. No reason not to just buy a DS from japan and cheap flashcart.

>> No.10970972

Nah the og hardware is dogshit. That said the ds has no games anyways so who cares.

>> No.10971061

Almost tru and while the og hardware is kino, a phone is a great way to play ds without coping with side by side. Good thing the ds has a shit ton of amazing games.

>> No.10971145

Don't you have to dry off after?

People who say bidets are cleaner are probably the same people that close the lid when they flush. Connect the dots! If you use a bidet you're spray shit particles all over you bathroom

Then by all means, blow air on your asshole, spraying even more shit everywhere.

>> No.10971152

I wonder if the Chrono Trigger DS remake is better than the original.

>> No.10971194

a ds costs as much as a tsp now. also not retro, and if you enjoy touchscreen games you are a faggot

>> No.10971228
File: 112 KB, 1170x1223, RDT_20240528_0929453189827512091832792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russ bros we won!

>> No.10971235

Happy for you bro. I returned my rp3+ because the screen was just a bit too small. Made playing racing games and Tony Hawk kind of a pain. I got the Odin 2 base and have had zero complaints so far that thing is wonderful.

>> No.10971234

It is arguably the best version. It has all the extra content from the PS1 release without the shitty load times.

>> No.10971347

just use ur phone bro

>> No.10971358

I don't have a phone

>> No.10971364

I have a phone

>> No.10971406
File: 3.96 MB, 1361x1814, chronotrigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is better

>> No.10971415

Nice flex buddy. Funny how I'm spending a hunnid bucks on a DSi LL just to play two Pokemon games, Castlevania, and a few jRPGs, considering all other games on the syste are dogshit and for little kids. Although now that I think about it that might be a good deal actually. Just hoping GBA emulation is legit and I can properly play FR/LG and HG/SS. Kinda learned that I wont be able to use that trading and extra pokemon feature the Lite has by using the cartridge slot though. Bummer.

>> No.10971430

Play Shiren DS1

>> No.10971465

There's no time to play all these games anon. There are hundreds of good retro games. They can stop making video games and I'd never run out of games until I die.

>> No.10971482


>> No.10971517
File: 187 KB, 1200x1600, 1682023062554601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A smartphone or tablet with a telescopic controller does the job well enough, the touchscreen works as it should and their orientation and form's perfect for the DS.

>> No.10971523

Gamesir X4 just dropped and while it seems like its kind of EXTRA in a way; it seems like another premium bluetooth option has been dropped. Just gonna keep using my phone though regardless. I know, I KNOW. I'm just not gonna use anything else.

>> No.10971525

I didn't ask though.

>> No.10971536

The weight distribution and ergonomics look shit.

>> No.10971542

>did others here get theirs yet?
My order hasn't been shipped yet, I have a track number but the package doesn't have any moves yet

>> No.10971549

Celebratory gay furry orgy!!!

>> No.10971573

No, it's not retro :)

>> No.10971578

This is super duper gay. I don't care how well it works in your chubby hands.

>> No.10971589

It's a port of the first one, so it definitely is :)

>> No.10971593

you just summarized this general

>> No.10971604

I'm pretty sure that does not count :)

>> No.10971612

it does count but if you want to change that you can always apply for a janny job

>> No.10971614

I did and I got rejected for being too based.

>> No.10971621

based? based on what?

>> No.10971626
File: 116 KB, 1020x768, aqkcixjbg03d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10971631


>> No.10971642

What is this? I almost thought it was some SP revision I've never seen before.

>> No.10971645

original hardwarebros?! our response?!

>> No.10971647

You guys have experience with white handhelds? I ordered a dark brown DSi LL from Japan, but now I'm realizing maybe the natural white colorway would have been better. I just felt like it would get scuffed and look like shit super fast, but now I'm learning it's a Japan exclusive colorway so it's automatically cooler. White one also appeared to be in slightly better condition. I hate it when I make a purchase and start doubting myself after.

>> No.10971648
File: 115 KB, 800x800, RG35XXSP_7ae38e2c-cc69-48ce-9a95-943081edc7e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10971651

Damn bro there's hundreds of these chyna handhelds and they come up with a new one every other week. How do you guys keep up?

>> No.10971656
File: 187 KB, 498x479, its joever.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10971680
File: 259 KB, 1280x961, IMG_20240528_105552_200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, IPS mod.

>> No.10971692
File: 248 KB, 892x892, 1708619712535139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my rg35xxSP just arrived.

>> No.10971701


>> No.10971708
File: 254 KB, 417x595, 1690291718573513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10971718

somebody bake a new thread in half an hour or I will

>> No.10971724

>new handheld comes out
>this, every single time
Why the fuck do these companies skimp on the most important aspect of the handheld experience?

>> No.10971725

Don't bake anything until we are on page 10

>> No.10971728

Because it's not important to them. Chinks and zoomers use the sticks for everything.

>> No.10971729

Ah yes, the original IPS screen made by nintendo for the GBA, how could I forget, let me guess, you are using a flashcart as well?

>> No.10971734

btw why most companies (even on thing like the official XONE controller) use hard plastic for the dpad instead of rubber type shit even my hongkong shit famiclone had in the 90s which honestly felt way superior

>> No.10971753

Boot up Pokemon LeafGreen or that's not yours.

>> No.10971764

It still has terrible integer scaling, no amount of brightness is gonna save that

>> No.10971770
File: 30 KB, 250x322, Mimi_11_1P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are using a flashcart as well?
Of course, I will not pay for 300 bucks cartridges.
Also, Enjoy your 20 years old screen burned.

>> No.10971773

>takes a pic with it off
DOA. Ambernic is sending dead units. They're so fucked.

>> No.10971808

sp sisters we cant keep losing like this...

>> No.10971819
File: 503 KB, 580x800, 1702691031408269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used fire red instead get fucked

its over

>> No.10971861

Not yours.

>> No.10971876

>the same people that close the lid when they flush
Do you not? Filthy fucking creature.

>> No.10971875

is there any hope for ps2 emulation on android?

>> No.10971880


>> No.10971881

there is already ps2 emulation on android bro

>> No.10971892

Just buy a stronger phone lmao

>> No.10971897

Genuinely what for though? Like just play on your PS2 lil bro.

>> No.10971906

soul vs soulless

>> No.10971937

Mogged vs Mogger

>> No.10971940

what are the downsides of minui?

>> No.10971946

Dev is a luddite asswipe who thinks having SSH running on wifi enabled devices detracts from the experience.

>> No.10971947

Aethersx2 is dead, yuzu is dead, citra is dead

lagdroid emulation is in shambles. latency is getting worse with every new release of android.

>> No.10971983

No shaders
No BL filtering
Basically nothing to hide the massive amounts of pixel shimmering if you want the game to be fullscreen

>> No.10971989

Seriously? What a moron.

>> No.10972012

no analogs period
more limited system selection (but covers the basics)
hotkeys also trigger their constituent keys (this one is pretty annoying)
occasionally the ingame menu would take a second to load after pressing the button

>> No.10972050

white is my favorite color for handhelds, and yes any scuffs or marks stand out more than dark colors.

>> No.10972052

one theme: fischer price

>> No.10972062

My regular white DSi has yellowed

>> No.10972071

My launch DS Lite has yellow buttons now but still looks okay otherwise

>> No.10972078

>No BL filtering
minui uses custom sharp bilinear scaling with subpixel sharpening. it looks nice as fuck. I don't know how anyone can look at bilinear blur and not have their eyes get fucked because there's nothing to focus on.

>> No.10972081

sleep mode on garlicos when

>> No.10972083

it's dead jim, garlicOS 2.0 never ever

>> No.10972141

>garlic OS 2.0 never ever

>> No.10972143
File: 1.00 MB, 2779x3758, x1d8sajqr3ac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>latency is getting worse
haha tragic

>> No.10972153

put a heatsink on it, look into overclocking

>> No.10972156

>he doesn't know about Torzu, Ryujinx, Sudachi, Suyu, nor PC2SX2 or limeDS

>> No.10972164

>Ryujinx, PC2SX2
Are you talking about running these in box86 or something? They don't have Android builds

>> No.10972202

Suyu is a literal scam, Anon.

>> No.10972204

use it properly retard

>> No.10972208

does paper mario ttyd run PERFECTLY on rp2s?

>> No.10972214


>> No.10972219

you need to save the word “literally” for jokes that would benefit from it, anywhere else is where it gets wasted as its improper.

>> No.10972224

Probably not.

https://docs google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GXFod-UlPqXjA79cjdLwATkmi-v_Yl4rwYsn8lHhmlw

Here it says Smelee runs fullspeed but it doesn't, had to apply the Star Fox Assault settings to get it running fullspeed during matches, dips on adventure mode. I would not buy the RP2S for 6th gen outside DC, personally.

>> No.10972230
File: 39 KB, 687x150, yikes like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not paying godtendo $60 for the privilege of playing a censored troonmake running at half the original framerate

>> No.10972238

vivian is and will always be a tranny, i learned and accepted it the hard way. otokonoko is also boy in japanese and in the dialog its way more likely to have meant boy rather than femboy as it onnanoko as well in the same stylization which means girl.

>> No.10972252

>simping for Resetera aka PEDOera
You will bever have ovaries nor a womb. You are twisting the truth. Femboy=/=Trans, Cultural Marxist broken brain fuckwits.

>> No.10972271

who cares about aethersx2 when there are already better ps2 emulators for android like nethersx2

>> No.10972274

does nethersx2 get updates that actually improve emulation? or is it just frontend shit like suyu.

>> No.10972290

Nothing crazy but yes they have pushed some improvements.

>> No.10972292

>learned and accepted it the hard way
bro it's a nintendo game, that isn't the first or last tranny

>> No.10972293

Yes it seems like

>> No.10972295
File: 63 KB, 1024x830, 1716573122604382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ has rotted your brain. Like who the fucking even talks like this?

>> No.10972297

but we should not expect big improvements in performance, what is left is mostly ironing out glitches in games

>> No.10972412

i dont like em or their beliefs! but i wont delude myself

>> No.10972418

Prove it, then.

>> No.10972471

Go back

>> No.10972551

nah, honestly, he's so right, even though I hate to agree with the poltards. This cultural fight over fictional characters is becoming quite hateful.

>> No.10972617

>Gayper Mario

>> No.10972629
File: 65 KB, 483x701, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good one lad!

>> No.10972659
File: 51 KB, 960x540, VR hhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10972689

>no analogs period
Recent release fixed it

>> No.10972748


>> No.10972780

No one gapes quite like Mario. That's why they call him the plumber, all that clogging.

>> No.10972808

>a ds is not retro
>but a chinkboy clone made in 2024 is

>> No.10972810

this general only gets uppity about board rules when it's to enforce the ONLY TALK ABOUT CHINKHELDS atmosphere despite the DS being older, released alongside 6th gen and able to play GBA games.

>> No.10972817

Where's this victim complex coming from, there are DS posts all the time and they never get deleted or reprimanded. I swear, I'm the only non-schizo here.

>> No.10972819

>page 10
Into the next one we go


>> No.10972840

Ah well, could've made the next thread top pic. Another time then.

>> No.10972841

He'll clog you good, it'sa the Italian way...