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10957189 No.10957189 [Reply] [Original]

This is underrated gem of a console and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.10957201

Ok, but is there anything worth playing on it?

>> No.10957314

White Men Can’t Jump

>> No.10957368

Stop being intellectually dishonest. You can fool idiots like yourself but not normal humans

>> No.10957418

>This is underrated gem of a console and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.10957430

I enjoy Tempest 2000 as much as the next guy but other than that you're not looking at much. AvP, Rayman, and?

>> No.10957436

The beginning of the Jeff Minter curse

>> No.10957464

Tempest 2000, Rayman, Alien vs. Predator, and Doom. And three of those games are found elsewhere, often in better form. It's a nifty system and it's small library is...unique...but it's a novelty rather than something to seriously care about.

>> No.10957501

I care more about the game gear and neo geo pocket/color systems than the jag. there's nothing on the jag that interests me. no rpg no adventure no games to make me go I wanna setup an emulator and get the roms for this. Im glad you enjoy it but yeah I rather just play those 2 systems I mentioned since both have decent games and I enjoy them

>> No.10957504

Iron Soldier and Cybermorph 2 are better than any of those.

>> No.10957528

Metal Head and Shadow Squadron are more worthy of praise. Also it's "Battlemorph"

>> No.10957686

>Metal Head and Shadow Squadron
Nah those games are boring as hell. Metal Head is a glorified repetitive corridor shooter that's not much more sophisticated than wolfenstein 3D in level design and gameplay. Shadow Squadron is a dumbed down Star Raiders clone, imagine dumbing down a game made in 1979.
Iron Soldier and Battlemorph have gigantic levels with an actual landscape to explore. They also have a much more open ended approach to completing missions. They're what 3D games are meant to be. 3D games need to be set in a 3D world, not faux 2.5D like those sega games.

>> No.10957690

There's Raiden, too. And Primal Rage and Dragon's Lair on the Jaguar CD. But like a lot of the good games on Jaguar, they're multiplatform and the Jaguar versions don't have a lot of advantages today.

>> No.10958835

>There's Raiden, too

its worse than the pce and genesis ports...and no autofire option

>> No.10959750
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i picked up tempest 2000, raiden, doom, wolfenstien, mcfur, and club drive CiB
the system is neat, but i would recommend grabbing the flashcart as it allows CD games as well

so you get:
>modern homebrew
>modern ports of older games
>new original games still being made
>all of the (somewhat limited) jag pc library

for fans of early 90s vidya and late 80s arcade hitters
>tempest \ breakout
>nba fuckin jam
>le shooters
its neat
so neat that you need two jags, two copies of doom and a jaglink?

>> No.10959752

to have dragons lair \ space ace and bretty gud ports of them 1:1 just like the arcade in 1995 would be sweet

>> No.10959778

Those games are not better then Tempest 2000.

>> No.10959827


>> No.10959831

>*does the math*
>result = "no gaemz"

Is that right?

>> No.10959874

CD game support is finicky. some consoles work better than others at this and it's buggy.
it's worth saying that the emulator BigPEmu is good enough if CD doesn't work on your console while waiting for an eventual breakthrough with CD support on the GD

>> No.10959892

Starting to think rich hipsters like bad stuff so you lose your money to dumb stuff

Idk these things don't look THAT interesting

>> No.10959904

Skyhammer and super hang on was the only few games that looked OK. Maybe bubsy too

>> No.10959921

I wrote how they're more worthy of praise and I meant it.

>> No.10959928

I suppose that after overhyping the Saturn or the GameCube zoomer coomlectors and retrotubers are trying to hype this one now. What next, Atari 2600? Virtual Boy?

>> No.10959935

I still have a Jaguar with the CD add on in my mother’s loft somewhere.

AvP was good, Tempest 2000 was great, a few others were fun, but it’s the second worst console I’ve ever owned, just ahead of the WiiU.

The reputation it has is entirely deserved.

>> No.10959939

>new original games still being made
i know about amiga and dreamcast autists, but is there really people making games, in motherfuckin 2024, for the jaguar?

>> No.10959974

Ngage seems more likely than either of those

>> No.10959993
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>> No.10960028

it must be tiresome going thru life so bitter and hateful all the time

>> No.10960049

Wait I love the 2600 though and it still has a super active homebrew community. Some of the fan conversions or improvements are really fun for it. I'm not trying to hype the 2600 but I thought it was a loved console on here.

>> No.10960064

it is, anon is just being an underage and/or mentally underage contrarian cuz his moomy didnt make his tendies when he demanded so he's upset and shit posting online over it.

>> No.10960276

This game is honestly fucking terrible.

>> No.10960424

The best game on the system is an average-at-best Doom clone.
It's not an underrated gem, it's the third-most painful example of "what could have been" after the Dreamcast and the Saturn. Good systems completely let down by funky architecture that pushed third party studios away, combined with completely incompetent first party studios.

>> No.10960740

This system was too much too soon. It honestly was perfectly capable of delivering great games but no one was given enough time to understand it's oddities and by the time anyone might have figured something out you had the Playstation come out which just murdered the jag in everyway.
It's a novelty with no games and you can count all the good games on one hand. No amount of vgh will save it or change that but I'm sure some homebrewers found out how to run Final Fantasy or something on it.

>> No.10960818

Virtual Boy has a tiny library but they're surprisingly good games. Of the 14 that were released in North America, a good 10 or 11 of them are solid.

>> No.10960841
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The Jaguar's problem wasn't really the architecture. That could have been managed. The big problem for Atari is they were fucking broke. The system itself is weirdly cheap. The shell has no dust cover for the cartridge port and the expansion bay is just a hole in the shell with the bare PCB sticking out. That alone tells the story: they couldn't afford to get games on the thing. You'd think Atari would have at least made a play at getting Mortal Kombat on the thing. But no, instead they made their own knockoff. There was no scenario where this was going to work.

>> No.10960995

Thumbing through Atari's catalogue from the late 80s, and it seems like they learnt nothing from the 83 crash. They kept making games like they were developing for an early 80s arcade right up to the end of the Jaguar's lifespan. Go look up 7800s releases in 1988 and compare it to the NESs. Nintendo had stuff like Mario 3 and Zelda 2 and Final fucking Fantasy, meanwhile the 7800 was getting ports of Atari arcade games and 400 computer games (a system that first went on sale in *1979*). They had completely lost the plot, had no idea where to go after video games evolved past stuff like Pac Man.

>> No.10961020

Yup, the Atari 7800 was supposed to come out way earlier but by the time they could actually afford to launch the thing it was way out of date and needed a cart-side enhancement chip to even have music, which was insane even by the standards of the original 1984 release date. The 7800 came out in June 1986 with games like Centipede and Galaga while the NES was getting Castlevania and Zelda. And the PC-Engine was only a year away in Japan. It was a fundamental problem with the company culture. They never completely embraced the direction the industry went and therefore avoided courting third parties. That go-it-alone attitude was pretty sustainable for Nintendo during their lean periods but Atari was never Nintendo even during their heyday. Even on the VCS/2600, a shit ton of the best games are from Activision.

>> No.10961058

Why not just play the PS1 version?

>> No.10961062

There's a universe where Atari got slapped so hard in 83 by the crash and in 85 by the NES that they woke up and did what Xbox would end up doing in the early 00s; turn themselves into a haven for western devs and for Japanese third parties deemed too 'steamy' for Nintendo. I reckon they could've beat Genesis to the punch on the 'console for cool kids' thing, and carried it through the 90s. Imagine stuff like Moonwalker and Aladdin and Mortal Kombat on the Jaguar.

>> No.10961075

Their best option would have been to leave the console space entirely and focus on their computers. The Atari 8-bit line saw decent market penetration, enough so that once IBM compatibles took over they could have transitioned to selling Windows machines under the Atari brand alongside the likes of Packard Bell and Gateway 2000. The name recognition might have helped them in that space and then MAYBE return to consoles with something that could be competitive.

>> No.10961079

The Jaguar version was first so you'll see a bunch of quirks such as no ice physics, an earlier version of the soundtrack, fewer animations, and the final world has entirely different levels. Really it comes down to preference.

>> No.10961150

Honestly it's kind of insulting to even include it in a list with the Saturn and Dreamcast. Sure those systems didn't sell as well as their competition but compared to the Jaguar they look like rock stars. Hell even the 3DO was more successful and had a more appealing library than the Jaguar.

Including the Jaguar in a list with those consoles is too good for it. It belongs in the company of shit like other failed Atari Consoles and the CD-i.

>> No.10961168

Checkered Flag.
Could have been the perfect Virtua Racing clone, but it wasn't because awful controls.

>> No.10961171

>because awful controls.
I think the single digit frame rate is the bigger problem with that game.

>> No.10961178

>Hell even the 3DO was more successful and had a more appealing library than the Jaguar.

>3DO sales: at least 2 million
>Jaguar sales: less than 150,000
>More than thirteen 3DOs were sold for every one Jaguar
That's fucking hilarious.

>> No.10961180
File: 220 KB, 740x1038, 13685-brutal-sports-football-jaguar-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brutal Sports Football is unironically an incredibly fun game that I still boot up on occasion.

>Oh shit I'm losing the rugby game, better switch my strategy to just decapitating the entire backfield with my sword.

>> No.10961195

>Jaguar sales: less than 150,000
I find this hard to believe honestly. I see Jaguar consoles and games on listing sites and locally a lot more than 150,000 total units sold would imply

>> No.10961196
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>i am obsessed with what pineapple-headed zoomies are up to!
i too find youtube abhorrent, but dont base my entire personality on it.
still used in smash tournaments to this day
ok kid sorry the hundreds of arcade ports\added features aren't enough for you
>capcom ports literally BETTER than PS1 on saturn

sounds like you are uninformed bub

>> No.10961203

im still on the fence on this one
can it support multiplayer?
my friends and i might go for it- we play shitters on purpose off flashcarts for fun found some great gems like this honestly

>> No.10961204

I think through Serial Numbers it's been determined that they only produced 250k Jaguars at most. Sega made and sold more 32X systems than the Jaguar (~800k).

>> No.10961208

There were one or two new homebrew releases on the Jaguar every year ten or fifteen years ago, but I haven't been keeping up with the scene lately.

There were enough new old stock cartridges and boards floating around back then too that they actually got relatively large and fairly priced print runs.

>> No.10961219

Most of it is just 16-bit Atari ST ports.

>> No.10961229

Hasbro released the Jaguar's encryption keys and patents to the public domain back in the late 90s, so these guys anyone can make Jaguar games without needing approval.

>> No.10961236

>The following information is from SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) filings during the time when Atari was officially "merging" with JTS the hard-disk drive manufacturer in 1996. Atari gives a rare insight into its sales figures and internal operations through these official documents and we can conclude how many Jaguars were manufactured by Atari approximately.
>From the introduction of Jaguar in late 1993 through May 1996, Atari sold approximately 135,000 units of Jaguar.

>> No.10961259

on the contrary, what's soul-draining is this INABILITY (for mere unwillingness has already led to atrophy) to muster the courage to discern good from bad. childish excitement and awe at every little thing is as tedious as its opposite you claim to detest. but you throw out the baby with the bathwater, not in zeal, but in jealousy - YOU want to be the baby stewing in a vat of its own shit and filth.

>> No.10961297

Atari had a knack for coming up with nifty ideas but shitting the bed in the execution. Cybermorph is pretty technically impressive but rather than making it accessible like Star Fox they went with some avant garde shit, dropping you into a music-less space where some bald lady talks to you. A lot of Atari developers were good with the 1s and 0s but didn't understand game design for shit.

>> No.10961309
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I swear most Jaguar games look like those fake video games from Nick Arcade.

>> No.10961315
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>> No.10961330
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the inability to see the good in things\people is what drives them away
be kind, be gentle
life is short anon
live a little

>> No.10961396

The best thing about emulation is that even if there's not enough good games in a library to justify purchasing a system, we can still enjoy them anyway. I'd never buy a real Jaguar, but I've still found games I enjoy.

>> No.10961406

Preemptively deciding how you feel about something and refusing to budge is a pretty childish thing to do, too.
Eat your veggies, anon.

>> No.10961420

No. The "hidden gem" youtube video essay watcher crowd is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.10961445

Systems you have no intention of buying are a great reason for emulation.

>> No.10961468


>> No.10961774

Sam Tramiel didn't care what others were doing and was the one who kept Atari from really innovating iirc.

>> No.10962115

A Jaguar wouldn't be that bad to own but it's hilariously expensive for what it is so actually paying for one is out of the question. The Jaguar CD on the other hand is just plain defective so emulation is the only sane option. Honestly whatever company is currently parading itself as Atari should release a Jaguar Mini. There are only about 50 cart games and 13 CD games. They could put the entire library on the thing. Cash in on the novelty factor and call it a day. It's not like the brand is doing much else.

>> No.10962143
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I didn't want to be a braggart but I actually own a Jaguar, recapped it myself, and have the flashcart for it. It's great if you enjoy playing exclusive rarities and a slew of mediocre games, which I do.

>Jaguar Mini
Great idea, though it would be hard to convince Atari when they're already producing stuff like the 2600+. That said, if someone only wants to play Tempest 2000 then they're better off getting the Atari 50 collection rather than trying to configure an entire emulator for one game. You could justify an emulator if you wanted to play AvP as well though.

>> No.10962625
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I will never forget that I passed up buying this for $50 dollars when some store was practically throwing them at people walking past their store at the mall.

I think that the only thing that they weren't offering was the Jag CD because it wasn't available but you could get pretty much everything else.

Not my best day.

>> No.10962914

Oh yeah, I wouldn't buy this thing at full price but at a bargain like that I'd say it's worth it.

>> No.10963073

I've owned one too for near twenty years now and have played it maybe a handful of times. I got it for like $40 with Doom, Tempest 2000 and Cybermorph from a yard sale.
I would get a flashcart but it's like $200 and you have to order it from the UK and I doubt the Chinese are interested in making a clone anytime soon

>> No.10963129

I like a lot of the games well enough but too bad they're mostly Yurogames.

>> No.10964764

Being that I was in grammar and middle school in the 90s I was too young to take advantage of a lot of these liquidations. It's wild what you could have gotten for a song back then. Virtual Boys were practically being given away. You could have walked out with a system and the entire library for maybe $200.

>> No.10964771

Yeah, my wife bought all of it.

>> No.10965854

in my mall it was KB Toys, they sold Jaguar, Jaguar CD, Virtual Boy, and the cost reduced Game Gear and Genesis 3 for 20 bucks each, and the games for Jaguar and VB were anywhere from 3-20 bucks. I grew up poor and couldn't even afford that at the time and had to buy the stuff much later for far more money, but still way less than what they go for now. I also remember the local Walmart had a 3DO that sat on the shelf until at least the early 2000s but they wanted 499 for it.

>> No.10965943

Modern Atari just wants to milk boomers with endless 2600 shit until the heat death of the universe. I guess I can’t blame them since they make new 2600 games that are significantly worse and less featured than fan homebrew and charge like $50 for them. Why bother making something cool or fun like a pico-8 style fake console resurrection of the jaguar or a jag mini that might lead to some organic interest in the brand again, instead it’s “anyone else remember river raid?” X400