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File: 435 KB, 1973x1828, egokiw3mwef51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10958784 No.10958784 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good remake?

>> No.10958798

idk i'll let you know once its done loading

>> No.10958812

Yes for FF1. For FF2 i'd recommend the GBA version, it's less tedious.

>> No.10958820

Fixes the original's faults, not compromised like the GBA version, and better looking than the PSP/mobile/pixel remasters versions

>> No.10958827

What are the faults of the original?

>> No.10958829

well documented

>> No.10958852

I’m saying I’m playing through it currently and haven’t noticed any real “problems”, besides being a little grindier than I prefer. But that’s normal for JRPGs and easily fixable if I wanted to.

>> No.10958869

>go into a room
>it instantly loads
>go into a room
>*laser noises*
>room loads 40 seconds later

>> No.10958871

Be honest, you're emulating it, just click fast forward

>> No.10958875

Mainly how broken the game is. Skills that do nothing, skills that don't do what they say, inaccurate stats, etc

>> No.10958878
File: 777 KB, 1280x720, 98465164581256123.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go into a room
>*laser noises*
>room loads 40 seconds later

>> No.10958908

its a port of a wonderswan color thing, so that's pretty fucking good for what that is. imagine taking a tiny portable remake and puttin it on an more advanced console and still making it look good

>> No.10958910

That's nice. Search engines changed how they worked this past week, so I'm not even going to bother trying to look it up.

>> No.10958914

>laser noises
Either take better care if your shit, or stop sitting 3 feet or less infront of your TV.

>> No.10958923

The loading isn't bad at all in Origins. Don't get it mixed up with the other shit FF ports.

>> No.10958937

While that's most likely correct in this day and age... your truth still means they're constantly clicking fast forward button all fucking day... and be honest - that still kinda sucks to be doing it nonstop. Doubly so if you don't have it bound to a gamepad button.

>> No.10959084

There's no loading issues with ff origins, its a good port. You're thinking of anthology and chronicles which are just poor emulations.

>> No.10959092

You'd think the entire ROM would be able to fit in memory without having to stream from disc

>> No.10959251

I beat FF1 on an Origins disc, and Chrono Trigger and FFVI on Anthology and Chronicles discs. Chrono Trigger had the worst load times, to the point that I actively avoided menuing as much as possible

>> No.10959516

You could not just do it and have the tiniest amount of patience instead.

>> No.10959558

Chrono Trigger is on a whole other level than Anthology and Origins. It's not even close. It's literally a full 11 seconds to cycle the menu. Seven in, and four out. Then any area with a top layer of graphics like fog or snow will cause horrific slowdown throughout. I don't understand how they considered that releasable.

>> No.10959587

IIRC the random battles also have horrendous load times, and they're not even loading new maps. I actually can't believe I played through it back in the day when I very well could've emulated instead, though I think at the time the sound emulation was still ass, so maybe that's why I stuck with it. I know for a fact that was the case with FF6.

>> No.10959607

I know for me I always loved Chrono Trigger so I was willing to power through because I wanted to watch all the new FMVs and unlock everything that was new in that version. It was also one of the earliest examples of Internet petitioning being effective. People desperately wanted the game. There was an outcry when FFIV was dropped from the American version of Anthology and then when Chrono Trigger was also not slated for a western release people demanded it. So Squaresoft caved and packaged the two together. I don't know what the deal was with dropping FFIV originally but they probably knew the CT port was embarrassingly bad.

>> No.10959613

I could be wrong, but wasn't it the case that the original Jap versions didn't suffer from the loading time issues as much? I seem to recall reading about it somewhere, but maybe I'm misremembering.

>> No.10959623
File: 28 KB, 280x240, Final Fantasy Origins (USA) (Rev 1)-0068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, very good. FF1 and 2 on PSX are some of the few remakes ever made that I could say "yes, you may consider playing this over the original".

The only objective flaw is that they replaced the space station by a castle in FF1 and since then that's been the official take.

>> No.10959628

Fun fact, Square Enix kept printing PS1 copies of games like Chrono Trigger until 2020

>> No.10959635


The main faults in the original are in its design and are not fixed by any official port or remake. Anybody wanting a version that at least attempts to fix that stuff is required to turn to fan-made works.

There are some important-sounding bugs in the original game as well, but they don't ever get the chance to actually affect play much. If you're already in the middle of a playthrough, you don't need to worry about them. Read about them later if you're curious (or do it now if you don't mind spoilers). If you were about to start a new playthrough, you could optionally avoid them via romhack or remake, but it's not really important to do so. People get excited about these bugs the way they get excited about how bad Atari E.T. is: stupidly, excessively, and to the detriment of a potentially good experience playing a couple of perfectly decent games.

>> No.10959889


>> No.10959962

> I don't know what the deal was with dropping FFIV originally

I believe it had something to do with IV not having an official translation since what released for Snes was the Easy Type version, but it's weird. Laziness or some incompatibility? I imagined that FFV would have meant more work than IV, depending on the state the translated but cancelled english version of V for Snes was.

I don't remember what was exactly the issue with the PSX versions. What I can remember:

- IV: A bit of load times with random encounters (added swirl effect), and the overworld music restarts after each battle
- V: The best port so far. Entering battles was much faster than IV, and the overworld / dungeon music continued from the point it was left before entering the battle.
- VI: Full blown disaster with load times. Will freeze for loading when doing a "ki blast" with Sabin, Doomtrain also causes the game to freeze when loading the effects, and the alignment of the screen is extremely wrong, shifted to the left more than usual. The Pal standalone version that was more of a "freebie" when buying the Final Fantasy X demo was even worse, with one of the most painful PAL conversions I have ever endured.
- Chrono Trigger: Even worse than VI. On top of the load times, the game suffers from heavy slowdown when there is a transparency layer on top of the characters (that mountain area in the bad future when you are carrying the C.T. egg)

I don't remember a lot about I and II, but they were pretty good and load times not noticeable. Definitely better than playing the gameboy version with broken difficulty.

>> No.10959967

>the overworld / dungeon music continued from the point it was left before entering the battle.

I want this, but in every RPG. You have no idea how the music always starting over pisses me off.

>> No.10959971

I'm glad that some romhacks like Masou Kishin / The Lord of Elemental add music persistence hacks.

>> No.10959986

I'm trying to remember, but at the time Ubi Soft was distributing the european versions of Final Fantasy (IX and XII and confirmed cases).

I have to wonder if they just did translations (they boasted about XII coming in perfect french), or were involved in the abysmal PAL versions we had to endure. IX, X and VI are absolute shit. Everybody played IX with the Paradox Pal / NTSC launcher, and the criticism for not adding a PAL-NTSC selector on X and XII was massive (I can't remember if XII had a progressive scan mode).

The weird thing is that the PAL version of Final Fantasy Origins is a perfect conversion. Optimized, with barely any slowdown or black borders (just a tiny black line at the top and bottom)

>> No.10960104

Anybody know if the FFII Restored hack on cdromance is any good? I'm wondering if I should play that over just the vanilla on my famicom.

>> No.10960112

Does anyone have any experience to confirm if playing the Ps1 disc on a Ps2 and/or POPStarter do anything to mitigate these load times? Thinking about picking this up.

>> No.10960390

That explains why my LGS has had them stocked for years, dirt cheap, lol.

>> No.10960464

Yup, they were printed so late that they didn't even have the signature PS1 black bottoms. They looked like regular CDs.

>> No.10960490

On POPStarter, nope:

Idk about fast loading from disc on a PS2 though