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10958045 No.10958045 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really that good or just a boomer thing

>> No.10958060


>> No.10958061

it's ok, nothing more

>> No.10958064

Yeah I like it a lot. I didn't grow up with it at all.
I don't get why people get so uppity and proud of themselves for disliking it. Its pathetic

>> No.10958068

Yes it's really that good the only people who say otherwise are oldfags that think changing the formula is le bad. Just like the fags that think BOTW is bad.

>> No.10958078

You don't have to be a jerk man

>> No.10958082

OoT and BotW both have empty fields with nothing in them, but OoT makes up for it by actually having dungeons

>> No.10958085

It's good. My only complaint with it is if you get all or even most of the upgrades you become too overpowered, but that can remedied by just not getting them. A huge multitude of other great games suffer from this problem too, so it would be unfair for me to pick on ocarina fir it.

>> No.10958087

It hurts my feeling when people just discount my opinion man. Its ok for you to like it but why am I invalid? I'm just not into botw. Its just not fun for me to play.

>> No.10958147

The fact that so many sites still name Ocarina of Time as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" video game ever only tells you how far video games still are from becoming a serious art. Film critics have long recognized that the greatest films of all times are Citizen Kane and The Seventh Seal, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Literature critics rank the highly controversial Joyce's Ulysses over classical novels who were highly popular in libraries around Europe. Video games critics are still blinded by commercial success. Ocarina of Time invented lock-on (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Film critics grow up watching a lot of films of the past, literature critics grow up reading a lot of classical books of the past. Video game critics are often totally ignorant of the video games of the past, they barely know the Nintendo games. No wonder they will think that Ocarina did anything worthy of being saved.

>> No.10958173

Yes, it's good. Just replayed it recently.
My advice, don't bother with all the Gold Skulltula's though, you only need 50, after that there's no more rewards, it's a huge waste of time. Same with catching all the big poe's to get the 4th bottle, you don't need it, don't waste time unless you think it's fun to do (it isn't)

>> No.10958239

>I don't get why people get so uppity and proud of themselves for disliking it. Its pathetic
They aren't uppity. You're just insecure and unable to cope with contrary opinions, so that's how you perceive it.

>> No.10958263

Technically you are a boomer thing, op. Wanna bet which is more of a disappointment?

>> No.10958262

But thats not true you always get uppity on your high horse. When I see a thread on a game I dislike I just ignore it.
None of you add anything either you just say its boring.

>> No.10958273

ITT: 25+ yo boomers are mad at being called boomers

>> No.10958275
File: 88 KB, 640x768, IMG_0419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it to you, OP? You gonna' play it or something or is this just another junk AI thread gathering answers for training data?

>> No.10958289

I find it a drag bc I grew up with 1—3 which tend to have more intense action. Not that Oot doesn't, but the wait between is typically much longer.

Most of the issue in my mind is that, being the first 3d Zelda and first in a lot of ways there would be some limitations of hardware and refinement to the formula that would probably be judged against it in hindsight ie. today. Being honest, Nintendo did make the transition pretty well to 3d and my criticisms do apply to other 3d action adventures, but devs have learnt to minimise these issues and tech has improved.

>> No.10958313

>25+yo boomer
Lol. you're a joke

>> No.10958316

I've never seen a single game thats improved on oot

>> No.10958321

This might be news for you but if you're over 25 you're not a young person anymore

>> No.10958334

So in your world you get 5 years to be young after that you're a grandpa

>> No.10958342

The youth or young adult demographic is like 16-24
After 25 you're supposed to have a steady job and multiple children

>> No.10958354

I don't care

>> No.10958359

it's not a bad game but i think majora's mask played with the time travel gimmick better than OOT.

twilight princess is what convinced me that the grand majority of zeldafags don't know what they want.

>> No.10958367
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For me LTTP is best Zelda. OoT is ok game. But I hate this open world. Linear zelda clones like Harry Potter 1, 2 PS1, Hobbit and Maximo 1, 2 are way more fun. I see soul in these, but not in n64 and GC zeldas.

>> No.10958370

Ready to hear your BS TP thoughts

>> No.10958374

All 3D Zelda games suck shit.

>> No.10958381

It's nothing special, seems like fans struggle explaining why without making up scenarios like it was the first 3d game or the first game with sword fighting.

>> No.10958391

How is it nothing special? No other game plays like it
Its really well made and hasn't been replicated

>> No.10958410


>> No.10958430

it's not BS when despite it's faults it's still effectively the zelda game fanboys begged nintendo for since wind waker and that spaceworld demo and people still bitched about it because they were expecting something other than literally "OOT 2".

>> No.10958441

Or maybe it just wasn't fun and nothing they dressed it in would have been appealing

>> No.10958452

People don't necessarily hate OoT. They just don't fellate it vapidly and this offends your sensitive soul.

>> No.10958461

The thing is that it still is a solid game with good dungeons and the best side character in the series by far. People like to shit on Twilight Princess but mechanically it is an improved OoT and would have surpassed it had it left Ganon and Zelda dead and just focus on Midna and Zant's conflict.

>> No.10958467

I just think you're wrong. The game was a chore to play. TP and SS are impossible for me to go back to

>> No.10958472

Yeah thats not true. You made up a shadow in your head. I don't feel that way at all. I don't want to have this argument. I truly don't care. Why can't you just move on already.

>> No.10958475

I’ve never been able to get into it. I like the 2D Zelda games and even the ones that came after the N64, but something about OoT/MM just feels “off” to me. And not in the cool creepypasta way, in a gameplay way.

>> No.10958495

I like the n64 Zelda but I can't get into 2d ones or the 3d ones after so maybe you have a point
Oot and MM are just so fun to me. I wish I had more games to play
I feel bad that I'm wrong for liking these games.

>> No.10958504

No one asked for or wanted TP.
If you're trying to be like "lel, grimdark zelda", that ain't it and it doesn't override most of the basic problems the game had. There was a handful of cool things about it - but most of the game panned out poorly.
But I can assure you - no one asked for a shit econ, no one asked for two useless items that has basically two uses ever (and why the fuck wasn't the spinner an actual vehicle/weapon ffs). No one asked dumb human head bird aliens. No one asked for having good combat mechanics hidden and then also nothing but a single enemy type to even bother using it on, or the poor level designs, no one asked for an empty world, no one asked for weird man-baby salespeople, or the poorly utilized wolf ability outside of combat, no one asked for 90% of the game being Midna sounding like she was basically humping you while riding around (and no everyone has weird fat booty fantasy-tron imps with sentient hair kinks , thanks Nintendo). No one asked for ball and chain (but they should have... this thing is fucking awesome), Some people asked for good archery that even worked on horse back.... and... we got that... WTF? How? Nintendo did something correctly? How did that happen but all the other stuff existed?

TP was a game no one asked for. It wasn't even a legit grimdark despite the constant vaseline and shit colors.

>> No.10958513

Also noting - I swear, the combat and the archery must have been made by an intern separately or something and then Nintendo was just like we literally don't care about 90% of the shit you do in the game so whatever, okay, stick that in our shit game and we'll wrap this up. Because the world and the mechanics they added are so disjointed. Like they were trying to tease you that someone there could make a good a game but didn't want to actually let you have that experience and instead - wanted to release a pile of shit.

>> No.10958516

TP is the video game equivalent of filing your taxes

>> No.10958520

I grew up with a genesis and a playstation and never played a zelda game growing up. I first played them when I started using emulators like a decade ago and I found the n64 games really enjoyable and memorable.

>> No.10958524

You’re not wrong lol. They’re really popular games for a reason. Just not targeted at me I suppose.

>> No.10958527

Nah I am wrong. I've been in too many threads where people love BOTW and or lttp or la or Zelda 1 or something and I just feel like shit for bouncing off all those games.
I think 2d Zelda looks so cool. But I just don't like playing it.

>> No.10958528

Oh, and the stealth camp part... not a bad idea but poorly done stealth mechanics - but also good that they didn't just lock you into it. Once their garbo shit was failed, it didn't legitimately hurt to just kill shit and proceed. That section had the potential to be awesome or awful and it... was just kind of - okay it's there. So... that was something.

>> No.10958537

I don't get whats wrong with Nintendo. TP combat was a step in the right direction but its still such a small step
Why won't they develop the combat of these games and make it interesting and challenging?
The new open world games are even orde because you have even less control over how link attacks. And God damn that fucking tedious durability shit

But here's the thing. They keep putting the focus of these fucking Zelda games on the combat and swordplay
The 2D games balance things more or put more focus on puzzles and shit
Fucking shit man. Astounding

>> No.10958539

it was just backlash at the time from n64 babies saying it's the greatest game of all time when we all knew they had nothing to compare it with. It was just a really solid game but they were annoying and needed to be put in their place.
Critics are fucking retards with shit taste. Idgaf what they think is good.

>> No.10958615

>The game was a chore to play.
Admittedly the first section of the game is a huge chore but once the game opens up past the tutorial and bug catching nonsense as Wolf Link it remains an extremely strong title. The Dungeons alone are the best in the series by far and make it worth playing through more than once.

>> No.10958995

Agreed. OoT could actually easily be better than it is, as there are particular things that it's weaker at compared to other games (like not having enough aggressive enemies, NPCs not being as 'alive' as MM and later games), but aside from things like that there is absolutely nothing close to as brilliantly 'totally designed' as OoT is.

>> No.10959007

Most games from that generation, especially N64 titles, will feel weird and limited to play now. But it was and is legitimately very good.

>> No.10959031
File: 120 KB, 903x729, (kills you in Phantomilian).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open world
One of the main complains Ocarina of Time has it's that its not open like Zelda 1 or the Dark World, it's very linear with the NPCs telling you where to go next. What're you smoking?

>the GC Zeldas
Literal railroaded games, Zelda wasn't open like it was in Zelda 1 until A Link Between Worlds and Breath of the Wild. Again, anon, what are you talking about?

>> No.10959039

>the Dark World

OoT's adult section is no more linear than LttP's Dark World. OoT's child section is more freeform than LttP's light world.

>> No.10959040

Majora's Mask.
Majora's. Mask.
>No. See--
Ma. Jo. Ra's. Mask.

>> No.10959043

>No one asked for or wanted TP.
Tell me how you're underage without telling me you're under age.
TP was the Zelda people wanted from a graphical standpoint so much it was the best selling Zelda until BotW. People threw a massive shitfit on IGN and even the industry used Wind Waker as ammo against Nintendo with developers accusing Nintendo as "holding back the medium as strictly for children" as well as the Xbox brand using it as an example of how "uncool" Nintendo is.

There's still 2001 archives on IGN forums on people throwing shitfits over it, how they wanted blood stained swords in the next gen Zelda after Majora's Mask "was so dark", and many of the big Zelda fansites like The Odyssey of Hyrule refused to acknowledge or review the game, only Zelda Universe and Zelda Legends did.

Freeform how?
>Can't exit the Forest without finishing the Deku Tree and thus can't do Dodongo's Cavern
>Can't enter Zora's Domain without bombs
>Can't enter Dodongo's Cavern without Zelda's Letter and Zelda's Lullaby
The child section of the game is 100% linear and on rails.

>> No.10959050

>OP asks about OOT
>Thread derails into bitching about TP
Typical Zelder threads. Kill whatever e-celeb talked about TP this week too.

>> No.10959065

>The child section of the game is 100% linear and on rails.

LttP's light world section is even more on rails and less freeform.

>> No.10959087

>I don't want to have this argument.
You're the one invoking the boogeyman, anon. I haven't even said a single thing about OoT in this thread.

>> No.10959091

I have, but it doesn't have all the puzzles and non-combat stuff so diehards don't like it.

>> No.10959097

Because that was worth the bump.

>> No.10959103

>The new open world games are even orde because you have even less control over how link attacks. And God damn that fucking tedious durability shit

Agreed. The open world is good and much of it almost feels like Z1. But it's not like we should be going back to one stab Z1 combat either.
There's so much potential for the new open world games that they just left on the table. They could have been masterpieces. But I guess really they spent all their time working on tech demo stuff and just called it there and forgot to make it interesting. Even with the mostly shit combat and in TOTK shit abilities and shit durability - there's still room to put a good game in there.

Every now and then it gives off a "Zelda 1" mood, but more in a way like - if this was a game like Zelda 1 this would be great and the scenic areas are kind nice but also - when 99% of the chests are basically useless and you literally don't want to fight shit for them since fighting after you hit XP and collect goods is actually negative worth your time since it costs you resources and time outside of combat to maintain combat. Which is sort of realistic but not in a good way where maintaining your weapon improves it or you develop - and if you're not adhd about shit you actually end up breaking shit too unless you're cycling your repairs to maintain weapons with octo runs with TOTK.

So the game feels like a Z1 canvas, but without the paint on it really. Just a few "for demo purposes" slapped on and then they forgot the games.

>> No.10959116

Its a perfectly fine game, but I don't know why people still pretend its some unrivaled masterpiece. I don't see any way someone over the age of like 12 can play this game and still be blown away by it. The gameplay is way too easy, the puzzles are just basic block pushing and switches, and the lore is mostly autists making up their own headcanon. If you're a mentally developed adult I don't get why you'd play Zelda over Gothic or Oblivion or the Witcher or something like that.

>> No.10959123

maybe because zelda is a completely different fucking game dude what the hell
why is it when people shit talk zelda they always compare it to games that are nothing like it

>> No.10959127

Then you're not who I was talking to so I dont really care to be honest. Not sure why I touched a nerve there.
Then it sounds like you dont understand what people like about Zelda at all

>> No.10959129

How is Zelda not like those games? They're all open world action RPGs in a medieval setting. This is another thing I've noticed where the people who still act like it is that unrivaled masterpiece have convinced themselves OoT is some super special unique genre of game that doesn't exist otherwise. Like you point out the hundreds of other 3rd person action RPGs and they dismiss everything because it doesn't have a bug catching mini-game or something so Zelda is obviously its own genre. Its insanity.

>> No.10959131

what's the point of jerking off alttp when it only existed to walk back zelda 2 to make some lame super mario world shit

>> No.10959132

Theres just no way you're trying to make a real point here. You're just trying to shit talk for no reason because you dont like the game. Thats fine. But whats with all this nonsense

>> No.10959135
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Still the GOAT and the fact some soecial snowflakes and zoomers seethe about it in 2024 is sign of its lasting impact.
Try again in 2050, let's see if video games can surpass it by then.

>> No.10959137

hey man id love to play more games like oot but nobody really made any except okami and some non retro stuff. except for nintendo. but nintendo games suck.

>> No.10959142

Its just some weird cynicism thing. The guy already decided he didn't want to like OoT before he ever played it. Now hes going to spend the rest of his life pretending Oblivion is anything like OoT just so he can continue to fail to undermine someone elses opinion. Bizarre.

>> No.10959146

I literally called it a perfectly fine game, which it is. It's also clearly made for young children, which is also fine, but I'm 34 years old. The game isn't engaging anymore. You're not even attempting to argue anything I say, you're just dismissing it outright because you can't argue a point because you know its true.
There are literally hundreds of 3rd person action RPGs. Even stuff like GTA or Assassins Creed have a lot in common with OoT. It's not some unique experience unless you literally don't play any non-Nintendo games

>> No.10959148


>> No.10959149

How is OoT not like Oblivion?

>> No.10959151

Oh, and the fans are insanely defensive. Literally the most rabid fans in gaming.

>> No.10959182

The only definitive reviews of OoT.


>> No.10959195

These pedantic Zeldafags don't want anything that's literally isn't 100% Zelda, just like 'tendofags don't want anything that isn't literally 100% 'tendo
You have games like GoW, Legacy of Kain and Darksiders 1 and 2 that are 3D Zelda to their core, but god forbid if it doesn't have literally everything that Zelda has will they throw a fit and declair OoT is the only GOAT when kt's already been topped.

>> No.10959201
File: 130 KB, 792x693, zelda-wizroberoom1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep crying that will help

>Then it sounds like you don't understand what people like about Zelda at all
Typical redditfag response. You whine like a baby about "uppity" people disagreeing with you then try to speak for all Zelda fans about what they like. I think Ocarina is a fine game but I would have liked it much better if it had done a better job developing content around the combat rather than exploring 3D gimmicks.

And so of course the game I think improves on OoT is combat-focused. I do think there's room to be more "zelda-like" as far as having creative navigational gimmicks and world interactivity but I definitely do not miss minigames and collectathon elements. Sure I get that finding skulltulas was a neat idea in 1999-- clever use of audio cues integrated into 3D exploration, but that kind of thing is never what interested me about Zelda.

>why is it when people shit talk zelda they always compare it to games that are nothing like it
Ocarina fans invite it when they try to claim it is the gold standard of all games-- the pinnacle of what a videogame should be. Often the alternate games do have notable similarities along at least one dimension. Hell, some might be more similar to OoT than OoT is to its 2D ancestors.

>> No.10959204

Youre the one saying its a pinnacle I just like it a lot and am confused as to why you go in every thread to say the same stuff.
None of those games are like zelda to me. I just dont get it. I play zelda for the full package.

>> No.10959206

I think it's clear OP only made this thread just to have an excuse to have another Zelda thread on the catalog.

>> No.10959207

This can't be disputed

>> No.10959208

OP is probably the same as the 34 year old sperg who keeps going on and on about how he doesnt like OoT. God damn. I just like the game. Nobody said its fucking perfect. Apparently thats not enough for him.

>> No.10959214

Case in point: >>10959204
Literally won't play anything unless it's autisrically 100% like Zelda. Theu don't care about anything other than Zelda -- it's a goddang cult.

>> No.10959215
File: 52 KB, 543x437, 1658162241014239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am confused as to why you go in every thread to say the same stuff.
I don't. You're an idiot. I just happened on this one tonight. I am going to bed now and won't be back tomorrow, but you will always be a stupid and hyper-sensitive bitch.

>> No.10959217

I play tons of games though. Im just not going to argue GoW is anything like Zelda. I think souls is closer to zelda. Ico and SOTC too and Okami of course
I dont understand why you always choose games that play nothing like Zelda to base your argument on when there are better examples you can use

>> No.10959218

Ok Goodnight. I dont get why this touched a nerve. I just like the game you don't like.

>> No.10959223
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Zelda just isn't enough for most autists, really.

>> No.10959226

>I just like the game you don't like.
Never said I didn't like it. Just there are other games I like more.
Good night, retard.

>> No.10959227

I respect dudes who prefer Zelda 1 to OoT, because on the surface, I understand why they like the immediate freedom it gives you, the challenge, and the focus on combat. Thing is, OoT is just as deep, but appreciating this requires three things: accepting the slower start, actually knowing the game's secrets and nuances, and playing for 3 hearts/no deaths. 99% of OoT detractors don't know the eldritch shit about the game such as the dozens of alternate dungeon orders, the weird shit you can do with warp songs and Farore's Wind, how you can beat the entire adult sequence with only traveling through Hyrule Field ~2 times, and so on. I think what Zelda 1 oldheads like about the game is finding all of these interesting ways to play it; the way you move through the world, the order in which you acquire items, how you engage enemies, and so on. OoT has all of this, too. You just have to play the game in a different way.

>> No.10959231

crazy. i dont get why people cant just move on from stuff they dont like. they dwell on shit foreverrrr
then again zelda fans do that too. i remember saying i liked oot and some autist wanted to drone to me forever about his lore theories and all this bullshit

>> No.10959234

it's the first 3d 3rd person open world souls like

>> No.10959237

Im not sure why you're upset at all to be honest. I think you should really learn to accept different opinions.
You're still here anyway.

>> No.10959238

This is the guy in every zelda thread

>> No.10959241

Not upset.
>You're still here anyway.
Yeah, you said something so stupid it only took a minute to respond.

>> No.10959245

At this point you clearly are dude

>> No.10959246

>GoW isn't Zelda
>Camera surveys the room loke moderns Zeldas
>Use dungeon items/weapons to solve puzzles
>Collect pieces of Eyes/Feathers to increase your health/magic
>Literally push blocks to solve puzzles
>Game has a Bow
You didn't play the game.

>> No.10959248

Eh, its just not

>> No.10959256

Seventh Seal isn’t even the best Bergman movie.
Daggerfall had already been out for two years by the time OoT came out. If you were a child, it was a great introduction to fantasy and RPGs. For everyone else, it should have been outdated. Of course, some of y’all never grew up to know better.

>> No.10959258

like instead of fishing you have sex? wtf?

>> No.10959259

I dunno. I dont really care about those games at all to honest. Its not for me

>> No.10959267

Popular games have the loudest detractors as well as fanboys and in the case of Zelda, I'd argue the majority of the worst of them culminate here on /vr/.
The OoTfags on here can't accept any game that surpassed OoT in some way o they have to argue that it's literally not Zelda 100%, therefor it hasn't been topped.

>> No.10959269


>> No.10959270

And that's all you had to say, but instead threw a big "nu-uh" hissy-fit like a manbaby.

>> No.10959272

daggerfall is first person though I specifically said 3rd person

>> No.10959274

KEK Just leave then, faggot. It's clear you're folding your arms and pouting at this point.

>> No.10959281

No one's here to appease your semtanics autism. You don't want anything other than Zelda so stick with Zelda. We get it.

>> No.10959286

It's good, but it's not a holy game programmed by god himself as a signal of the end times like some retards like to pretend.

Anyways, zeldafags are nearly as retarded as sonicfags. It's inevitable that some people will have a kneejerk reaction to hate OOT just because of how insufferable zelda fanboys are.

>> No.10959291

>SOTC is closer to Zelda than GoW
That's some autistic arbitrary standards.

>> No.10959294

OP left after making the thread. You're just shouting an opinion into the void.

>> No.10959295

Western stuff is a soulless

>> No.10959302

>any other game
>I like this
>i don't
>i do and heres similar games
>Zelda thread
>bro its just like sooooo boring it sucks I'm so above it there's no reason to play it
>i like it
>no you shouldn't You're a manchild
>100+ posts

>> No.10959306

Does it matter? Even if he were to read and respond to every single reply, nothing would change. I don't know him, I don't know anyone in this thread. You're all anonymous faceless strangers. My life will be the same no matter if you read my opinion or not.
But I enjoy typing out my opinions so I post anyways.

>> No.10959310

That's fine with me, you're all figments of my imagination anyway

>> No.10959314

Dies anyone else feel like Zelda games are for trannies? Its like a cult and they refuse to ever play more mature developed games. They just replay Zelda over and over
Can we study their brains? Whybare wo many Zelda fans trans? Why don't die hard fans of other series get this bad?
Did Nintendo lace these games with occult shit to make kids trans?
Does anyone else find this thread seriously disturbing?

>> No.10959316

That's one of the reasons I'm about to up and leave 4chan for good. Threads like these serve nothing other than an ego boost just blurting out your opinion then the thread is overtaken by the same autisric regulars who stubbornly argue the same things day after day. I have no patience for this site anymore.

>> No.10959323
File: 238 KB, 800x560, IMG_0546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a long-winded way of saying "I love feeding my own ego talking to myself".

>> No.10959324

Go cry about it zeldafag. You're so obnoxious

>> No.10959339

I type out my opinions because putting your opinions on paper forces you to organize and rationalize them. If you sat down and thought deeply about what you believe I guarantee you'd find a lot of shit you think for no real reason.

>> No.10959340

How? There's plenty of locations and stuff to do in the Light World overworld?
What do you even mean by "freeform"? is it like /co/'s "it insists upon itself" buzz-sentence?

>> No.10959343

By wait do you mean the puzzle-to-combat ratio or enemies who block? The latter because that's the whole point of Deku Nuts but nobody seems to use them in combat.

>> No.10959347

I don't need a reason for anything I think or feel

>> No.10959348

>But here's the thing. They keep putting the focus of these fucking Zelda games on the combat and swordplay
People got pissed for a while that Zelda became too puzzle heavy with little on the way of actual sword play, and especially when Aonuma said in Skyward Sword "sword combat is even a puzzle itselff" the backlash got worse, something he did acknowledge during the BotW interviews.

>> No.10959351

GoW is closer to Devil May Cry desu.
Speaking of which, then there's Pandora's Tower. That was nicknamed Zelda May Cry for a while.

>> No.10959353

Devil may cry is literally a better Zelda so that sounds good to me.
You people will just NEVER admit that there's other games out there

>> No.10959354

It's just called autism and mindless self-indulgence, anon. S'not that complicated.
Normal people will get their fix for an adventure game with explorstion, puzzles, combat, etc. elsewhere while Zeldafags on /vr/ continue to refuse to lower their highly specific expectations. It's literally Zelda or bust and they wouldn't have it any other way. They're just here to say "SIMPSONS DID IT".

It's like refusing to eat hotdogs when you like hamburgers despite both being practically the same thing: Meat on a bun you eat using your hands.

>> No.10959356

Barking up the wrong tree, retard.

>> No.10959357

I just got to this thread and was reading. I agree with some comparisons like Darksiders, that one is quite literally Apocalypse Zelda, and I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Mega Man Legends 2.
However, DMC is nothing like Zelda, though, it's a stage-driven action game. It's a 3D Viewtiful Joe, rather than Zelda, with Resident Evil's fixed camera angle.

>> No.10959360

see >>10959323

>> No.10959361

That makes no sense to me because ww tp and ss all focus on the sword and so does botw. They just all do a bad or mediocre job.
For as much as Nintendo jerks themselves off for doing away with convention they sure did make a conventional modern Zelda game. Master sword and all.
Maybe do away with a dedicated sword swing button. Just try it out Nintendo play with it
Or go the opposite direction nd make actually engaging combat
You use to be able to control links swings on if it was a thrust or a slice or a chop. Now you don't at all
They just keep going backwards

>> No.10959362

>Dies anyone else feel like Zelda games are for trannies? Its like a cult and they refuse to ever play more mature developed games. They just replay Zelda over and over
>Can we study their brains? Whybare wo many Zelda fans trans? Why don't die hard fans of other series get this bad?
Have you looked at Sonic, Magic and Pokémon fans? They're several times worse than any Zelda fan.

>> No.10959365

I mean I have a buddy who one time just for fun we played through Ocarina together in a day. Just cause we liked it. He still has his N64 and likes to play Perfect Dark for fun.
And even he said OoT doesn't feel as amazing as when we were kids.

>> No.10959367

Nah darksiders is too dmc for me

>> No.10959371

Is that Hobbit, or is it Maximo? Looks kino.

>> No.10959373

>Maybe do away with a dedicated sword swing button. Just try it out Nintendo play with it
They did with Skyward Sword and it was shit. It's not worth the trouble when a button press works just fine.

The whole convention thing is just the lack of Dungeon Items and themes dungeons with a hard-fixed exploration order. Quite honestly, I miss it, I miss the hookshot a lot and the Chain Rod in Mega Man.

I disagree because it even has items like a boomerang that can hit multiple targets to press switches just like Wind Waker and TP did, just for the sake of one example.

Read the file name, it's The Hobbit.

>> No.10959374

Were at the point where we pretend blockbuster rental slop is kino
Someone help save video games

>> No.10959378

>they did this with skyward sword
No I think you didn't understand what I was saying I meant like how the 2d games just treat the sword like any item. Its a philosophy thing that seems minor on the surface

>> No.10959385

From what they've said in interviews, they really regret not being able to do "genuinely immersive" sword combat in Zelda 2 and it's something they got stuck ever since.
OoT as we now now thanks to the leaks wasnt' only inspired by Zelda 2's sword priority, it even was going to have the jump thrusts and spells. I think the original team that included Miyamoto and Tezuka really wanted a game of "realistic sword clashes" but the tech just wasn't there, and now that the tech is there, the original team is long gone at different more corporative positions at Nintendo.

>> No.10959386

What I means, to state it clearly, is that LttPfags are retards who always dishonestly claim that OoT is more restrictive than their favored game simply because they are idiots.

>There's plenty of locations and stuff to do in the Light World overworld?
There's even more to do in OoT's world at any given point. You can hop over to Gerudo Valley and Lake Hylia and start fishing immediately after exiting the woods. It's not more free or non-linear in any way.

>> No.10959390

There's a 3rd person mod and has been for decades. Are you going to keep moving the goalposts?

>> No.10959395

I saw even in the beta You could swing while moving. You could have the sword sheathed with the shield out.
I just don't like the new games. Its easy to blame aonuma and maybe he did have a negative influence but the team itself just aged and got swapped around

>> No.10959396

>Miyamoto and Tezuka really wanted a game of "realistic sword clashes"
And now Sekiro exists.

>> No.10959403
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Number 2 reason I don't give a shit about (you)s.
95%+ of all replies are this sort of low effort dogshit that might as well not exist.

>> No.10959405

why do the swords in the box arts of these games always look cooler than any sword in the game

>> No.10959406

What PS1 games had a better 3D Adventure game? not JRPGS please

>> No.10959407

aw christ dont start this up
its over

>> No.10959412

>There's even more to do in OoT's world at any given point
There really isn't.
>2 Hyrule minigames
>1 Lon Lon Ranch minigame
>1 grave dungeon to explore
Notice how none of those are in the overworld.

>> No.10959414

that doesnt count as overworld activities to you? weird

>> No.10959420

Anon please don't be disingenuous in your reply, I already said in my post that although the tech is there now, Miyamoto, Tezuka, Koizumi and others are not the Zelda team anymore and instead are producers or have other business oriented roles. The current Zelda team that started with BotW are young blood and their idea of Zelda is different.

>> No.10959424



>> No.10959425

Hyrule Field is an empty landscape apart from tiny hidden caves, the majority of which you can't even access until you have bombs or Song of Storms, most of which are copy/pasted while few just have aesthetic changes and all of which carry useless items.

>> No.10959426

Their ideas of Zelda are snoresville.

>> No.10959428

>You could have the sword sheathed with the shield out.
That's a holdover from the old games where you could stand still and the shield would auto block, it's even partly present in the overdump with the shield at all times acting as a protection without manually defending. Manual defense as a concept came from Link's Awakening where Shield was a manual use item.

>> No.10959431

Well I think all the other stuff is overworld

>> No.10959432

I'll take that as a concession.

>> No.10959448

I don't know if it's worth bringing up anymore since some even got schizo about Zelda being a cult or whatever but if anyone cares or wishes to share their experience, I just love the game for being a high fantasy game with vasts landscapes and deep dungeons to explore to cool music and fun NPCs without the burden of RPG mechanics such as level ups. Especially it being high fantasy with stylized characters. I hate they have added technology to Zelda and sacrificed dungeons to not be interesting mazes and low enemy variety.

The Hobbit game really scratches that itch too, I love that game so much, I also loved Shadow of the Colossus even if its only boss fights, exploring ruins and landscapes is the best.

>> No.10959474

>I think the original team that included Miyamoto and Tezuka really wanted a game of "realistic sword clashes" but the tech just wasn't there

I can assure you that wasn't the problem. The game's combat mechanics are pretty damn exhaustive, it does all the basic things you'd want a game with "good sword combat" to do and mostly executes them admirably well, it then just chooses to make no real use of most of them in favor of using passive one-and-done 'puzzle enemies'.

The detail put into things like footwork, body animation variations, the way hitboxes are affected by dodging, the level of control you have over your shield, how sword strike variations are implemented etc. is way too thought out for how the game ended up, it's basically begging to have far more complex enemies put in to take advantage of it all.

>> No.10959478

>The detail put into things like footwork, body animation variations, the way hitboxes are affected by dodging, the level of control you have over your shield, how sword strike variations are implemented etc. is way too thought out for how the game ended up, it's basically begging to have far more complex enemies put in to take advantage of it all.
Could it be posible enemies were planned to be more complex but beta testers complained? A lot of difficulty dialback in Nintendo games going by the leak originate from negative tester feedback.

That said, Dark Link (without cheese) and Stalfos do offer some good combat. I wonder why nobody has done a better combat mod.

>> No.10959479

I agree with you. I should give the hobbit a try.
I just love the pure adventure of it. I like feelling like a kid in the woods carrying a stick pretending its a sword.
The games just feel so nice to play. other early 3d action adventures feel clunky. this is solid. and the dungeons are just fun for me and well designed.
im with you on the tech stuff. its so weird to me. i dont get why they do it. ever since windwaker theyve trickled that shit in.
oot is just a short and sweet well realized game. that does what it wants in a time when so many people were fumbling

im not smart so zelda puzzles are hard for me. im not good at games so i still die in oot sometimes like in phantom ganon i still mess up ping pong
i like doing little things like trying to beat it while gathering as few items as possible and opening the pause screen as few times as possible. im not a speedrunner guy though or any of that so i dont know glitch stuff.
the ending sequence in oot is probably one of my favorites in any game. holy fuck that feeling of fighting ganon
i agree. its really more detailed than people give it credit for. and theres a lot of item interactions with different enemies. but theres so little reason to take advantage of it aside from knowing which swing to use to get rid of keese fast and if you want to style on a darknut
this might piss people off but i also wonder what having souls style parries would be like too. itd probably make the dark link fight even better.
i wish the game just took the kids gloves off.

ive always wondered why they stopped adult link from using some child items, was it purely technical limitations and development restrictions or is there a gameplay reason they were worried about

>> No.10959496

>ive always wondered why they stopped adult link from using some child items, was it purely technical limitations and development restrictions or is there a gameplay reason they were worried about
Child Link was added in the last 8 months of development in which the game saw a massive revamp with maps shrunken down, new textures and dungeons redesigned, as a result Child Link's weapons only reuse code from Adult Link tools. Functionally is in the code rhe Slingshot is the exact same as the bow and the Deku Stick as the Giant's Knife. The only exception is the Boomerang which seems to be added at the dead end of development alongside Bombchus in the Item data table.

The game was aiming way too high, it wanted to be morrowind on console if we go by the text strings from the overdumo like Link needing to sleep at inns and camp at night and also risking passing out and be robbed during his unconscious state. What we also thought was a beta Lost Woods was in reality Hyrule Field with a fuckton of pink fog due the ammount of tree objects placed.

>> No.10959508

That's crazy. I wonder who on the team had to start breaking hearts with these features. I wonder if there is some bitter old Japanese man somewhere who thinks oot is shit and refuses to play it because he lost an argument on a feature

You know what's interesting? The tone of Zelda games in the 90s seems so fucking different compared to everything after. Like that realistic "morrowind" type stuff you mentioned. You especially noticed it in the Katsuya terrada art

For lack of a better word "darker" tone. Darker than what they thought we wanted in TP even
Like this desperation under the surface that gives it some grit.
The newer games don't have that. Its all more fun and games even when bad things happen

Its interesting. I wonder what would have happened if they made katsuyas art the more pronounced one instead of the more anime art the ultimately went with to promote lttp.

>> No.10959520

>Gothic or Oblivion or the Witcher
all these are fucking shit and more boring and bland than any Zelda game

>> No.10959527

>That's crazy. I wonder who on the team had to start breaking hearts with these features.
Miyamoto and to a lesser degree Koizumi. Koizumo recalls a staff member crying when months of work had to be redone to accomodate for changes.

Koizumi also almost cried himself. In 1995 it was agreed Link for OoT would be an adult because they couldn't picture a child with a small body frame and a small sword being able to take over larger enemies in a 3D space on sword combat like it was possible in Zelda 1 and ALttP. Then one day in late 1997 Miyamoto arrives to the office and tells Koizumi "I had a dream with a cute child Link, I really want one in the game and it's not up for debate" and waltzed out. Koizumi almost cried because his workload suddenly loaded (as he was in charge of Link's modelling, textures and animations) so that's when he began reusing Adult Link code to save time (see: Slingshot and Deku Sticks)

Come on now, Witcher 3 although not retro was fine.
I can't comment on Gothic. Don't pick up a dumb fight, anon.

>> No.10959535

I don't care about Witcher 3 but when someone says Witcher without a number I assume 1 and I don't think that game plays very well.

>> No.10959539 [DELETED] 

Oh my God shut the fuck up you damn trannies. These games suck. Play GoW. Play fucking anything else.
I gave OoT an honest try when it was decompiled. Its boring and shit. Why the fuck are you people still saying its the best.
Kill yourselves

>> No.10959545

>I wonder what would have happened if they made katsuyas art the more pronounced one instead of the more anime art the ultimately went with to promote lttp.
Ultimately, Zelda is considered by NoJ and by Japan itself to be a "young children's games", so much the Twilight Princess manga got delayed for a decade because the magazine Shogakukan refused to have an adaptation of a game aimed at teenagers on a kids magazine (shogakusei literally means elementary school student), Aonuma and Miyamoto had to actually bend arms at the magazine to reach a compromise in 2016 because both men appreciate the hell out of the hag duo "Akira Himekawa" as artists and contributors (hence their prequel manga in Hyrule Historia).

I think Tears of the Kingdom did a fine enough job to add back some grit to Zelda even in its "expressionist painting" artstyle, ReDead Ganondorf was cool. But I miss the more "European-centric" fantasy stuff of earlier Zeldas where stuff like the Sheikah's ninja motif was an oddity rather than a central piece.

I don't like most western kusoge, I'd rather replay Mega Man X7 american hard mode 5 times in a row with no bathroom breaks over touching Goy of War.
Or Prince of Persia: Warrior Within for a GOOD Western game.

>> No.10959549

Fuck off, /jp/ weeb.

>> No.10959552
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Here since 2004, too late for me to leave.

>> No.10959565

Great non-sequitur. Now delete the thread, shitposting Mod.

>> No.10959567

It's always been known the original release of the decompilation project was severelly buggy and many AI such as Morpha's being broken.

To this day people bitch at the SoH staff because they haven't fixed most of it, instead overly focusing on randomizer speedrun bullshit nobody cares about for their stupid Reddit Gold.

>> No.10959570

Gothic 1 is really good

>> No.10959571

NTA, I went look for Gothic 1 screenshots and I like what I see. Should I jump into the game "as-is" or any fixes needed to run on modern OS or QoL stuff fans might find important?

>> No.10959576

there is an upcoming remake just wait for it
the original is a cluncky slop even by Eurojank standards

>> No.10959579

Neat, seems like my PC will be able to run it with no issue.

>> No.10959583

It's not clunky at all, it just requires learning how to actually play it. You can think the design ideas are bad, but all of the games systems work exactly as intended.

>> No.10959585

Yeah clunky is a matter of taste. I've played garbage games because I just liked them, and if something is 'clunky' you just goddamn have to think about what's happening and adjust to what the game is telling you rather than what you think 'should' be happening.

>> No.10959634

Yes. It really is that good.

>> No.10959645

seemed amazing at the time, but is actually very clunky and unrefined. it has aged like milk and is wildly outclassed and surpassed, much like the vast majority of n64 shit. that doesnt mean it cant be enjoyed or that people cant have fun playing it. it just means that it is objectively flawed. oot zealots are just contrarian dipshits blinded by nostalgia. there is no critical thought from them.

>> No.10959664

It's pretty great. I enjoyed playing it all the way through for the first time recently. I liked it a lot. Its my favorite

>> No.10959695

You must be gen z if you'd ask if ocarina of time is for boomers. It's a good game btw.

>> No.10959937

I give your trolling 8.8/10

>> No.10959950

>they couldn't picture a child with a small body frame and a small sword being able to take over larger enemies in a 3D space on sword combat like it was possible in Zelda 1 and ALttP.
That's fucking stupid... they're Nintendo and they don't fucking know who the fuck Link is?
If you can't picture some little snot nosed brat who has fucking magical items stuck up so far up his pepper ring he can fucking life boulders of multi-thousand pounds. He can fucking jump over fucking houses, he can turn to a fairy, he can run nonstop like the wind, he can trudge through all weather, he can fucking walk on water, Shoot fireballs, teleport with the wind, reflect magic, polymorph enemies, and bring down lightning against everything in his path.
So the first two games alone he has stupid feats as a child and he had a fucking triforce to boot.

Plus this coming from a country where fucking Dragonball exists? A cartoon where a tiny child fights an army with tanks, missiles and bullets and no one bats an eye? Or even worse Arale before Goku grew up.

By the time OoT was being developed gaming and anime and shit was littered with the world being saved by a bunch of drama club teen virgins who weighed fifty lbs soaking wet. A trend that's only gotten worse with time.

>> No.10960051

I mean linear levels are more fun then dungeons. N64 is too weak for complex lttp dungeons.

>> No.10960067

Here, contemporary bitching about Wind Waker's reveal dated August 2001

And some arstechnica posts around the same era

>> No.10960120


>> No.10961590

It is really that good. Don't expect it to blow your mind or anything, but it knows what is and does that very well.

>> No.10961596

>N64 is too weak for complex lttp dungeons.
This is a dumb as fuck statement.

>> No.10961603

Boomers didn’t play video games, they thought they would rot our brains

>> No.10961610

They don't mean boomer boomers. They mean boomer brained people, like you, or other genx or late millenials who use "fellow kids" terms like kino and soul and other stupid shit because your brains are rotted.

>> No.10961617

I don’t care

>> No.10961632

I will always enjoy when the jones and boomer generations get mislabeled and misappropriated.

>> No.10961780

You should be used to this be now. LttPfaggots constantly spew dumbass statements against other games backed up by nothing, and especially against OoT, which they seem to have a massive grudge against for basically doing most of what it does better, which makes them seethe.

Like, I wouldn't have an issue with them if they were just like "hey, I like LttP better and that's my opinion", but no, they have to be the most arrogant fucks there are and constantly shit on rival games with the most idiotic reasoning.

>> No.10961817

Link getting the master sword all the up to the end of the forest temple is the peak of the series.

>> No.10961834 [DELETED] 
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Boomers boomers boomers kino zoom zoom zoomies zoomer faggot. Boomer gen x millennial gen alpha AI phone. Boomer OoT zoomer boomer kino soul brainrot zoomer pol nostalgiatard, N64, overrated overrated foggy blurry lol lmao

I liked Ocarina of Time and have nostalgic memories of playing it with my best friend Jared, who moved away due to his military family and left me broken and depressed in a way that I still have not recovered from decades later.

Jared, you still out there? Hey Jared. Remember that time your little brother pooped everywhere and we found it on the walls and ceilings? And your cat, the one that fucking bite your neck every time you turned around? What a rascal.

I miss you. Please come back to the neighborhood so we can ride our bikes around the block in summer and play OoT after school. Those were good times, Jared. Please, Jared. Please come back Jared. Jared. I need you Jared. You were the only person I ever knew in life that I felt truly understood me. Remember the Fifth Element? Damn, that movie was great, wasn't it, Jared?

>> No.10961854

nice Scaruffi reference

>> No.10961913

>You should be used to this be now.
Does me being used to it mean we shouldn't call it out?

>> No.10961917

OoT was possibly the first game I ever played, so I'm biased.

I've been playing LttP for the first time recently. The dungeons aren't that complex. I've only recently finished the ice dungeon, so the last few dungeons could be a lot more complicated as far as I know, but nothing so far is as confusing as OoT's water temple.

LttP gives you a map screen that shows you where all the dungeons are. The dark world even numbers them for your convenience. If OoT is linear because of NPCs telling you where to go, then so is this.

>> No.10961924

>for basically doing most of what it does better, which makes them seethe.
Also, no.
LTTP is still the better game even if they make stupid statements about design and technical properties.

>> No.10961931

Entrance to many of the Dark World dungeons are not locked behind Dark World Dungeon items with the exception of the Skull Woods dungeon and some other I'm forgetting. You're more free to explore the overworld, too. Dungeon progression in OoT is hard-locked.

>> No.10961940

True, I did manage to stumble into dark world dungeons 5 and 6 while I still hadn't finished 4.

>> No.10961943

Original camera sucked really bad
I was surprised that even in late 98 on the critic's darling that also had cripplingly bad performance it was still so bad. I'd have thought at least that was working

Mouselook was already completely normalized on PC. I'm amazed the gap wasn't so obvious that consoles would have to adopt it.

>> No.10961945

That said because of this I do Misery Mire before Ice Palace, the Cane of Somaria helps wonders.

>> No.10961994

death of the real zelda franchise. start of nuzelda.

>> No.10961996

FYI Scaruffi absolutely adores OoT

>> No.10962004

If it means knowing BOTW is bad, then yeah I'll be a fag.

>> No.10962007
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>get through boring ass tutorial
>quit on first dungeon
>every time
The Zelda series just isn't for me.

>> No.10962023

The tutorials didn't get long until Twilight Princess, have some patience anon. Or just play NES Zeldas, which have no tutorials.

>> No.10962038

The tutorials in these games are pretty long, or drag unnecessarily. For OoT it's the 3 child dungeons that are the tutorial which is a little insane. For MM it's up to the first dungeon which is not as long but close to it. WW it's after the second dungeon. These are long games that don't have pacing options for skilled players.

>> No.10962272

It was never good. As a 'boomer' can tell you first hand that no one in my gaming circle was very impressed when this came out.

>> No.10962282

Wind Waker's tutorial doesn't end until you put a sword into Ganondorf's head.

>> No.10962329
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I can suffer through the tutorial, I've just never found gameplay afterward appealing enough to play through any of the games.

>> No.10962407

Really wouldn't call the entirety of the child section a tutorial at all. The tutorial ends when you get the sword and shield which takes like 5 minutes at most. Hell even pretty much all of the actual tutorial text is optional to read. Navi forces a single textbox on you once or twice after that but otherwise the game is pretty much tutorial free. Im surprised its not more intrusive given how the later games don't even trust you enough to know how to push the analog stick to move forward.

>> No.10962427

It’s the best N64 game

>> No.10962457

It's been a while since I've seen a variant of the Harry Potter copypasta.

>> No.10962547

I never played it, but I watched a playthrough, and it, along with a few other games from around that time, were the earliest made games that I could still play today and enjoy a bit