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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10950184 No.10950184 [Reply] [Original]

King's Field came out the same year as Doom and was fully 3D.

>> No.10950191 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>DOOM: 1993
>King's Turd: 1994

>> No.10950209

it plays like ass

>> No.10950213

Yet Doom is the best game ever made.

>> No.10950216
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This is what you should be comparing it to, Kings Field is certainly a better game.

>> No.10950224

Can PC-FX run final doom well

>> No.10950345

doom came out one year earlier

>> No.10950450

dude, there were full 3d games in 89, like F-19 and flight simulator.
The hard thing was making a GOOD 3d game that also ran somewhat smoothly. Only doom achieved that.

>> No.10950467

>If you are retarded.

>> No.10950598

Not really , it's a really good game
Yeah doom is really fucking fun

>> No.10950606

I honestly prefer sprite based graphics. They look cooler.

>> No.10950634

>King's FIELD
>Takes place in cramped stone hallways
What did they mean by this

>> No.10950636

That one is very fieldy

>> No.10950708

I've thought about the name quite a bit. The best explanation I can come up with, which is not a very good one mind you, is that the first game takes place in a catacomb (catacomb -> graveYARD -> field) where the lowest floors house the bodies of the royal family (king's). Even with how poorly the average Jap's grasp on the English language is, this still feels far fetched. I've never seen anything that makes more sense, however.

>> No.10950710

>King's Field came out the same year as Doom
>King's Field: Dec 16, 1994, Playstation
>Doom: Dec 10, 1993, MS-DOS

>> No.10950749
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They're actually graves and catacombs, the lower levels were made by sorcerers practicing black magic.
Why it's called Field and not graves or something is probably a limited understanding of English and a confusion in translation.

>> No.10950831

1994 to early 96 was the only time in history consoles had a real edge on computers. Once computer GPUs developped and became widespread the gap was filled.

Dec 93 was the shareware of Doom

>> No.10950846

the graphics are ugly... not fun... smells bad...

>> No.10950862

Yeah but I mean, look at it and how it plays. I'm glad you concede.

>> No.10950864

>the graphics are ugly
Uhhh, no? It's retro and vaporwave, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.10950885
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Can we have one KF thread that isn't full on /v/ tier zoomer retardation or is the board doomed already?

>> No.10950890

Is this the new low we've reach? All low poly is now "vaporwave"?

>> No.10950908

Yeah but it wasn't GOOD 3d now was it?

>> No.10950940
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>This is what you should be comparing it to, Kings Field is certainly a better game.

No way, Arena is way more impressive. Kings Field looks and plays like some strange tech demo.

>> No.10950950
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>> No.10951028

It came a whole year later, and one 90s year is comparable to, like, 5 years of this decade, most modern releases either look close to or even worse than Red Dead Redemption 2 for some reason.

>> No.10951032

I just want a King's Field thread where only people who are GOOD at video games post in it. I'm so tired of the tourists.

>> No.10951041

So how 'bout that King's Field, son? You winning?

>> No.10951047

i can't believe fromsoft used to make shitty kusoge

>> No.10951058

Sure am, Dad! I kinda want to play the first one again, but on real hardware. If it weren't 5am I'd burn the disc now

>> No.10951062

>Kings Field looks and plays like some strange tech demo.
No, it feels too rich to be a tech demo.

>> No.10951069

>game on a 3d console is 3d
wew lad

>> No.10951156


>> No.10951157

Can I just say: fuck action "RPing" games, and Ultima better.

>> No.10951165

I'm pretty fucking sure the shareware and full version came out at the same time. It'd make no sense for the shareware version to have a READ THIS section detailing how to purchase the full game if that wasn't the case.

>> No.10951172

No, shareware coming out before the full game was the norm. It was the same for Duke3D and many others. Notice how the in game order screens say "ORDER", not that it's "out now".

>> No.10951181

Maximum retard

>> No.10951242 [DELETED] 

am sick and tried of Souls troons discovering KF and shitting up /vr/ with their threads about how good it is (they didn't play it)

>> No.10951273

And what about those of us who actually did play it when the damn game came out originally (or at least the only one in the US at the time)? Yeah, I like Demon's and Dark Souls. I looked them up BECAUSE I like From's stuff

>> No.10951281

Then you have majorly shit taste because From Slopware was shovelware royalty before 2011.

>> No.10951287 [DELETED] 

>From Slopware was shovelware royalty before 2011
this is how you point out a fromdrone redditor, they think Reddit Souls 1 was the first dodging simulator they never played Demon's Souls because they were all PC and Xbox drones

>> No.10951290
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The problem is that, beyond level design, there really isn't too much to talk about when it comes to these games. The combat is pure fundamentals, consisting almost entirely of spacing and chaining hit stun, which makes it satisfying yet shallow. The RPG elements are very poorly implemented. For example, the economy in every single game in the series is totally botched. Healing herb spam is extremely overpowered, making every piece of armor technically more valuable as gold than stats. The offensive aspects of the game's RPG elements are pretty much entirely nullified by how overpowered hit stun + circle strafing is. Leveling up and weapon upgrades feel pretty pointless, beyond ensuring you're doing enough damage to hit the stun threshold, and to simply get through combat quicker. The story and characters are very bare bones. The music is generally pretty good, with Tsukasa Saitoh's OST in KFIV being one of my favorites of all time (He's also just From's best composer, despite Kota Hoshino stealing his lime light). The visuals are what they are. Talking about the atmosphere is fine and good, but there's only so many ways to say 'lonely' and 'hostile'.

Other than having the level design discussion for the hundredth time, KF really serve best as a foundation to compare Shadow Tower to, which fixes virtually all of the problems with the RPG and combat that I mentioned.

Despite what it might sound like, I do like these games. I just don't think they're particularly ripe for discourse outside of bloated YouTube essays made by people who have, at best, an extremely tenuous understanding of game design. That coupled with the fact that they, for whatever reason, attract the most irritating posters on this board kind of makes discussion a non-starter.

Shadow Tower and For Answer are their best games, though.

>> No.10951298

I didn't even play 4chin Souls. I only played Sekiro and Elden Ring.

>> No.10951301 [DELETED] 

>I only played Shitero and Elden Reddit
even worse

>> No.10951312 [DELETED] 

always funny seeing fromsoft fanboys pretend to like shitty kings field games

>> No.10951795 [DELETED] 

Rent free. Stop obsessing over trans people. They make of half of a single percent of the population.

Also, people going back and playing old games they never knew about is good, actually.

>> No.10951803

Fromsoft games will forever be doomed.

>> No.10951812

It's named after a golf course in England that one of the devs visited once, because he thought it sounded cool

>> No.10951820


>> No.10951823

If this game was made in America you would be talking about how clunky and aged it is

>> No.10951830 [DELETED] 

>he bought a 599 US DOLLARS
Not something to be proud of

How much is that today adjusted for inflation?

>> No.10951832 [DELETED] 
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Snoys can't be serious

>> No.10951837 [DELETED] 

>spent ungodly amounts to buy mediocre games just so he could brag about it on 4chan
Yes I am pointing my finger at like you like Nelson does

>> No.10951846 [DELETED] 

PS3 had more exclusive games than Shitbox 360
the latter games were all on PC

>> No.10951882

it's called style. something TES only had for a brief period with Kirkbride.

>> No.10951942

Now I see what's crawled up your ass

>> No.10952005

Quit making shit up. Doom and its shareware came out the same day and there's nothing anywhere that says otherwise.

>> No.10952014

When you own something, you don't have to constantly pay the person over and over again every time the price goes up. I assume you're underage, since you didn't know that old games used to be cheap.

>> No.10952017

In my experience, people who can tolerate japanese games are not the people who use cope like "aged", "clunky", or "dated." Hence why we can enjoy Resident Evil's controls perfectly fine.

>> No.10952018

Meme dev who would go on to make the memiest ever, it's forever cursed to be surrounded by soulsfags

>> No.10952026 [DELETED] 

Nobody bought the PS3 until Little Big Planet came out. Not because if that game, obviously, but because that's around the time it finally got 3 or 4 exclusives that were mainstream hits. Look up when that game came out, then look up what the PS3 cost at that point.

The PS3 was fucking awful and every single multiplatform game worked best on the 360. Even PC ports are godawful at the time. Ironic, since I use it more now compared to my 360.

>> No.10952030

>meme dev
>claim to fame was Armored fucking Core
Uhhh, hello? Am I still on planet earth?

>> No.10952051

>Doom and its shareware came out the same day

It didn't come out in 94 but no, it didn't come out on the same day as the shareware.

>> No.10952065

Doom release date: December 10, 1993
Kingsfield release date: December 16, 1994

>> No.10952072

that's not true at all you fucking retarded nigger. look up how long it took someone to figure out smooth scrolling screens on PC.

>> No.10952095
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I'm tired of seeing this game

>> No.10952103

I'm tired of not being able to speak about this game and how these threads are THE shining example of the decline of /vr/ in the past couple months

>> No.10952131

yea but the point of doom was you could run it fine even on a total clunker back then
carmack knew better than to go all out trying to autism over full 3D when he could just wait a few years for 3D-acceleration to become affordable
why dev for a game hardly anyone can play?

its cool the old KF guys eventually got their time in the sun and found the success that they did with dork souls, but the KF games unfortunately arent very good
doom on the other hand is more exhilarating to play through now even when compared to 90% of all vidya, modern or /vr/

>> No.10952147

If this game was worth talking about then you wouldn't have to respond to every post in this thread wondering
>why can't we just talk about the game :(

>> No.10952149

having actually played that old terminator game, arena, and DF, oh yea and i got filtered by battlespire i gotta say: julian was a real fucking wiz kid

maybe not like carmack level, but you look at the progress in his game engines over just a few years, its really remarkable stuff
terminator was a pretty basic bitch (fake)-3D action shooter. nothing too crazy. good first shot though.
suddenly arena comes out and while it was no ultima underworld, it had its things that underworld didnt. then DF expanded on those things in such a ludicrous way that hardly anyone even remembers the underworld games today, even though theyre decidedly better as actual dungeon crawlers

>> No.10952169

it was "order now" because you had to mail them a fucking check
that was ids whole business model

>> No.10952173

If you had anything to say about these games, you would have posted it by now.

>> No.10952183

KF1 seemed a bit slow and easy, Shadow Tower seems pretty fun tho

>> No.10952191

kino aesthetics, non-kino video game

>> No.10952204

diff fag, but i have stuff to say about them
thing is, its mostly in relation to demons/dark souls, and i always get b& for off-topic
on their own i just feel the KF games dont play very well. it was just way too early for them to be trying to do what they were trying to do

it may not be exactly related to the actual in-the-trenches development of games, but knowing what the hardware youre deving for is capable of is very important
to wrap back towards opies initial assertion of doom vs KF: thats something carmack and the bois knew VERY well. their games ran far better, even on worse hardware

>> No.10952268 [DELETED] 

You need a high iq to enjoy games like Ultima Underworld, Arena and KF.
You need a low iq to enjoy Doom.

>> No.10952284

i agree with the former. if youre not willing to try and play pretend with yourself and RP a little, oldskool RPGs are basically meaningless.
not the latter tho
you dont need ANYTHING to enjoy doom
people will be playing that shit in a hundred years and itll still be just as much of a rush as it was on release

>> No.10952432 [DELETED] 

don't lie. I bet you've made 3 or more threads about this series. You force this on us

>> No.10952463

Except on old /vr/ we didn't have our threads shit up like this. Everybody on this website who wasn't here before even /vg/ was made should be permabanned.

>> No.10952469 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, tourist.

>> No.10952487

The one post that offered more than
>it's good
Was basically ignored and no discussion was to be had around it. The one person that responded was dismissive because the post wasn't entirely positive about sharts field.

>> No.10952489

I still think doom and doom2 are one of the greatest games ever made and I still play it multiple times a month using gzdoom and tons of wads and weapon mods and creature mods. such amazing wads being made by people in the last 10yrs. And even the really old stuff is alot of fun to blast thru

>> No.10952527

>I still think doom and doom2 are one of the greatest games ever made
yea theyre pretty much the quintessential shooter games
its exactly what you want BRUTALITY with very little filler

im always amazed how forward-thinking some of those maps were in terms of design
like, there basically werent any 3D action games yet, but even the shareware episodes show an incredible attention to detail. its basically a primer on how you should make a 3D map for a videogame, even to this day

>> No.10952686

My brother in Christ, this thread opened with a reductive and mean-spirited comparison between KF and another, more influential game that many people have strong feelings about. It was a bait thread from the start

>> No.10952746

So fucking mad lmao

>> No.10952754

Ultima Underworld came out before Wolfenstein 3d and was fully 3d.

>> No.10952765

I'm playing KF1(JP) for the first time right now despite playing the first 2 back in the day. Always avoided because thought it'd be worse in every way but I'm almost liking it more than anything that came later in the series. The combat is faster and slightly better. The enemy variety is better. The level design seems tighter with clear goals on each floor.

>> No.10952781

Agree, each game does something good and gets progressively more ambitious but 1 is the tightest overall and has a fantastic mood

>> No.10952789 [DELETED] 


>> No.10952827

Imagine being so pathetic that you develop a persecution complex surrounding a niche video game you enjoy. Then, imagine you encounter someone trying to discuss in earnest the thing you feel persecuted for enjoying. Finally, imagine being so deranged that instead of having a fun back and forth about the thing you allegedly want to talk about, you decide to regurgitate some imagined retort from the perspective your alleged persecutors in a mocking fashion.

>> No.10952870

KF4 is the only good KF.

>> No.10952954

>Healing herb spam is extremely overpowered, making every piece of armor technically more valuable as gold than stats.
Maybe late game or something, early game this is the opposite of true.
Not a lot of healing herbs and armor drastically reduces damage and increases your exploration efficiency as well herb efficiency directly.

>> No.10952961

ngl i would also like virtual hydlide

>> No.10952964
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*canonically does not move from this spot for nearly 2 decades*

>> No.10952996

Full game was available a week after the shareware came out. Still 1993.

>> No.10953036
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>> No.10953039

There's an old poetic usage of "field" which is any place a battle happens. Even if it wasn't on purpose, it's correct in a way.

>> No.10953225

literally me

>> No.10953291

Imagine smoking so much cock you write out a bible to deal with the pain

>> No.10953294

>You need a high iq to enjoy games like Ultima Underworld, Arena and KF.
No, you don't. Autism is not the same as "high IQ".

>You need a low iq to enjoy Doom.
This type of sad childish tribal posturing does the opposite of making you look intelligent.

>> No.10953374
File: 373 KB, 2629x1303, Screenshot 2024-05-21 233132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fromsoft recommended you read the manual as a primer before playing Kings Field 1

>> No.10953475

fake game

>> No.10953497

I actually think this game looks awesome graphically. I know lots of people don't like that ultra-primitive 3D with horrendous animations, but I love it. Problem is, I tried playing the game, and it sucked so much ass it was unbelievable. It was completely unplayable and very boring. I had to stop playing it. The combat is not remotely interesting and it couldn't capture my attention long enough for me to get past the first save point.

>> No.10953505

Imagine being this proud of being filtered

>> No.10953537

I'm not exactly proud of it. I just realized that I was raised on a relatively limited selection of supremely good games. Now that I am older and have the money to buy these games and play them on their original platforms (which I did for this one), as well as the technology to emulate them on any platform I desire, I've come to realize that most games don't have that level of delicate polish that the games I grew up on have. This is one example of one. I could play one of many games which don't feel like a janky piece of shit, so I would rather do that with my now-limited free time in life.

>> No.10953651

Every Japanese game manual has that, it's a basic way of the manufacturer saying "READ BEFORE USE".

>> No.10953667

A lot of zoomzooms do not know they made AC or think it's bad because of the "le control scheme and armored core grip" meme

>> No.10953684

Based Cartman

>> No.10953728

Well now I feel like an asshole. I didn't know that.

>> No.10953729

I love the weird way king's field 1 displays text. The whole game is a first game project from nerds at a nongaming company you know they knocked out on weekends and late nights

>> No.10953860

First-person real-time dungeon crawlers are cool. Yes, KF is ass, but it also has a lot of charm and soul to it which makes up for the bad gameplay mechanics and terrible textures.

>> No.10953886

What you posted there is vaporwave. But King's Field is different. Mid-90s shitty 3D is not vaporwave. Vaporwave has a late 80s or VERY early 90s aesthetic and uses flat shaded polygons and unshaded vector 3D graphics. It is also significantly lower poly than mid 90s 3D.

>> No.10954643

King's Field rocks end of story. Sorry Western Devs SUCK at emotional immediacy in gaming. Western RPGs are like chewing on a dusty encyclopedia

>> No.10954686

It's especially strange just how big of a chip western devs have against japanese studios in general, but especially against FromSoftware.

>> No.10954697

They are existentially threatened by raw Japanese spirit

>> No.10954706

what do you fucking clowns talking about
western rpg's are 10x more influential and impressive than your snail simulator

>> No.10954713

Kotor and fallout are good

>> No.10954729

I'm talking about what I said clear as day. Western devs have a chip on their shoulder about japanese devs. That's why they write hit pieces on any dev or studio or game that gets popular. Kojima became a household name and now western devs push the idea that he's some sort of conman who is "stealing the credit from his team" even though his name was literally removed from the box in MGS5.

Ikumi, was it? The protege of Shinji Mikami? She got popular over night, so over night came all the devs trying to say that her popularity is racist oreientialism.

Fromsoftware? Now every game they release is a huge fucking diaper shitting fest. When Elden Ring came out, they were all trying to convince everyone "it has the worst UX in the history of modern games design" and that came from fucking Ubisoft of all people.

Devs fucking resent japanese people.

>> No.10954882

You're just racist and see japanese games and devs the same way perverted people see a foreign person of the opposite sex -- an "exotic" experience. It's same with you nerds, you see JP games as having an exotic "mystique" while western ones are made by disgusting typical people you can find on the street everyday. You even bury yourself deeper by mentioning that Ikumi woman. What a cute and weird woman, am i right? No son. No. Just some random chink. And the game she made Ghostwire Tokyo was mediocre

>> No.10954936

Ubisoft employee spotted
Don't feel too lucky, the odds aren't in your favor during the next annual mass-layoff

>> No.10954940

It's definitely an interesting quandary. What's better, the fake 3D game which runs quickly at the expense of an obviously forced perspective, or the true 3D game which is buckling under the weight of its own hardware? Both Doom and KF1 were released as state of the art software AND there's a level creation suite for the latter, so it's not like they're total polar opposites.

>> No.10954959 [DELETED] 
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NTA were discussing retro games you mentally stunted nigger. When we say western RPGs are better than jrpgs we are saying that wizardry, might and magic, fallout and the like absolutely mogs those jap slop melodrama simulators. Dont know why you bring up fucking modern game slop in here retard. I dont think anyone is expecting the new assassins creed to be good faggot

>> No.10954967

Wow it's almost as if I was talking to someone before a faggot interrupted. How curious.

>> No.10954974

>Juedds Kross
>Jude's Cross
>Jew's Cross
What did they mean by this?

>> No.10954981

Any lesser known first person RPGs from this era that aren't blobbers?

>> No.10955043

That goes for japanese games too, except it happened way sooner for them. Around 2007 when HD development started. Their golden age was over from there on.

>> No.10955064 [DELETED] 

/vr/ always had a hate boner for kings field even long before the 6th gen consoles were allowed on here.

>> No.10955129
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>Juedds, A priest

>> No.10955143
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>came out the same year as Doom

No it didn't. It came out in 1994, while Doom came out a year earlier. Why would you lie about that? That is, I assume you're lying. You're not such a complete fucking mongoloid retarded assburger fuck-shit stupid retard that you could miss a detail as obvious as that....right?

>> No.10955157

>people who can tolerate japanese games are not the people who use cope like "aged", "clunky", or "dated." Hence why we can enjoy Resident Evil's controls perfectly fine.
Right....because you're coping with how aged, clunky, and dated it is....????

>> No.10955175
File: 223 KB, 618x980, brc_1a_cc-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo retard, you press left to turn left, right to turn right, up for forward, and back for backwards. It's literally identical to controlling an RC car. You have to actually be missing entire brain functions if you can't figure that out.

>> No.10955196

My point was that I don't think you understood the point he was making, retard. He was specifically saying that the exact kind of people who play old games like Resident Evil 1 and ignore all of its shortcomings in audio, writing, plotting, nonsensical puzzle design, bad perspective from overlaid images, and archaic gameplay style are the identically exact types of people who would call a western game that plays literally exactly the same as it (Alone in the Dark) "clunky" and "dated" and "aged"....Which they are, and they do....Maybe take a step back and quit being a retard living with blinders on perhaps?

>> No.10955610


>> No.10955740

Now thats just fucking incorrect lol. Our Kings Field threads used to reach auto sage.

>> No.10956403 [DELETED] 

I love Japan!
And also black people, I want the black community to put forth their own version of King's Field . I'm rooting for you guys

>> No.10956584
File: 945 KB, 1920x974, King's Field II (USA) 2024-05-19-23-01-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10956587

I completely missed this guy on my playthrough of the game. I only knew about the second shop on that floor further east and I found out about him once I had reached the last floor.

>> No.10956767

Is Lunacid worth it? I'm always a little cautious about indie games that based their marketing on "we are JUST like old game X!!", it shows a lack of personality. Plus some of the reviews mention that it's like playing Quake while the monsters are playing KF, but maybe this can be fixed by playing with a controller.

>> No.10957265

Get out

>> No.10957541
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Elite came out 10 years before Doom and was fully 3D.

>> No.10957572

>I only played Sekiro and Elden Ring
newb you should have played Nioh and Nioh 2 instead

>> No.10957925

ultima underworld is a better comparison. the ps1 port of that even makes it look like KF imo

>> No.10958012
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And it looked like this.

It is an absolute technical marvel for the era and the filesize it fit in but it isn't exactly comparable in visuals.

>> No.10958092

kings field is amazing i am not sure if i played ii or iii because they skipped one in the USA but it scared me so much as a baby boy that I had to stop playing it.
>t. filtered by the freaky giant mushroom that spews poison

>> No.10959001

I wish the second one didn't have framerate issues, I got pretty deep into it and that kept me from enjoying it as much as the first one which is an awesome game.

>> No.10959004

It's just Engrish. He saw a golf course called King's Field and thought it sounded cool. Would make more sense if it was called King's Realm or King's Domain.

>> No.10960437

Says who? You could literally order it from id themselves.

>> No.10960758

>this thread
kuso gaijin big mad

>> No.10960843 [DELETED] 

That christianity is just a branch religion of judaism. Are you an athiest zoomer or just a self ignorant christcuck?

>> No.10962294 [DELETED] 
File: 3.84 MB, 910x512, 1692017204679520.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kings field is amazing

>> No.10962303

1) They're zombies.
2) These guys have longer reach than you do at this point in the game AND a single hit from them takes out 50% of your HP when you meet them
3) They often come in group
4) You didn't play the game

>> No.10963009

>came out the same year
A year later, but ok faggot
Ran at half the framerate with worse textures, very low texture variety - most often only 2-3 different textures on screen, rarely 4, and fairly limited render distance.

Not such a big achievment as you may think.
Descent did it better in every way

>> No.10963095

>hardly anyone even remembers the underworld games today
That has more to do with Ultima being irrelevant nowadays while TES is still known.

>> No.10963727
File: 1.77 MB, 1329x997, King's Field (Japan)-230919-203342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love King's Field so much

>> No.10964404

This is actually a memorable encounter. That guy slaps your shit. Play the game.

>> No.10964457

absolute unit of a lad

>> No.10964476
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x974, King's Field II (USA) 2024-05-18-18-23-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10964482

vaporwave is a "vision of the past that didn't truly exist". it's not limited to the 80s-early 90s. nowadays the late 90s-2001 Y2K aesthetic is vaporwave

>> No.10964639

Retard, it didn't run a acceptably on any kind of 386 on launch, or on low end 486. You were not running doom on something that wasn't over $1000 new

>> No.10964709
File: 123 KB, 500x628, 8rn0ks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10964782


>> No.10964783
File: 93 KB, 580x305, japaneses damsels react to weeaboos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Fromsoft does it again

>> No.10965131
File: 742 KB, 988x814, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aaah why aren't these zombies hyper-aggressive and fast like in TLOU
>why do they ignore me I NEED attention
>where is the skibidi quest marker
Good zombie design is truly dead

>> No.10965165

>Doom and Arena have tank controls just like KF
>Only KF gets called more janky by Doom and Arena fans because...?

>> No.10965189

The combat being simple compliments the exploration focus perfectly imo, and I personally find the economy one of the least botched out of any early RPG. I was able to buy everything at a time I needed with zero grinding, or just find it.
Interesting you consider Shadow Tower an improvement. I personally found the level design in ST a step down from KF, and the economy had some interesting ideas like HP for repairs that I personally like but seemed to frustrate most people. It's definitely possible for the economy to "trap" a novice. The atmosphere of ST is top notch and I love the bestiary but I feel a few more secrets like KF had with walls-within-walls and puzzles would have helped a lot. That and the lack of music. I don't think shadow tower needed a full soundtrack but more ambient textures or even diegetic music would have made it much less boring at moments.
>The visuals are what they are. Talking about the atmosphere is fine and good, but there's only so many ways to say 'lonely' and 'hostile'.
I have Ulillillia-tier OCD, so my opinion will diverge from most people, but personally I found the aesthetics more charming than oppressive. It's like all of the elements of a fantasy world baked down to very hamfisted and fundamental elements, like Runescape... you collect spells through spinning gems, enemies convey stuff like flying seahorses and evil trees in very simple geometries with stiff animation and garish textures. The minimalism and artificiality of it doesn't pretend to be anything other than a game, and that's pleasing to me. The cliche stories are kind of nice too, you don't have to hear much about faction drama or sob stories from sympathetic villains but there are still many characters with their own backstories.

>> No.10965203

>I have Ulillillia-tier OCD

If you did you wouldn't have been able to even enter the first area in ST.

There are stairs.

>> No.10965214

also they have the same turn speed as you do unless you run which doesn't make it that simple to go behind them. In many cases you'll want to either use a spell to stunlock them before attacking with melee, or exploit their walking dead zone (there is always a point where they're unable to walk further at which point they'll turn around), which takes time and is lame

Complaining about these enemies is peak "I didn't play the game" opinion, they're really well designed and properly threatening enemies

>> No.10965219

Daytona USA came out like three months after Doom shareware. There were even some test runs done in late '93 for Daytona and it was shown at industry events.
Doom was never impressive because it looked amazing. It was impressive because it ran at a decent speed on high-end home computers at the time, same with Wolfenstein 3D. Meanwhile a Daytona cabinet cost as much as a brand new high-end car.

>> No.10965221

Serious question - how is the gameplay bad? Other than modern players not being acclimatised to tank controls

>> No.10965225
File: 1.74 MB, 960x1680, Shadow Tower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ST does have some secrets, did you get 100% in each area?

I agree about the level design is that I wish there were a few more open spaces. STA fixed that, but STA has a much worse bestiary and is too easy. The bestiary is ST's greatest strength. I almost want to replay it and look to 100% everything because I missed about 10 enemies.

>> No.10965245 [SPOILER] 
File: 180 KB, 650x480, Shadow-Temple-CorpseOutOfBounds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10965259
File: 1.20 MB, 1600x900, Shadow Tower (USA) 5_26_2024 7_41_16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never get into KF but ST is one of my favorite games ever. The bestiary, difficulty, atmosphere, and aesthetics are all perfect, but I think the game just feels better to play too. The combat feels more weighty and fun and it's hard to articulate exactly why. I have no idea why ST bombed, even a lot of KF fans have never played it. It's really an amazing game.
I booted my old save and apparently I'm missing 8 enemies and I have no idea where they could possibly be. Time for a new playthrough.

>> No.10965340

>ST does have some secrets, did you get 100% in each area?
I did, but the amount of secret doors in KF1-3 seems to far dwarf it. Especially 2 by many multiples, to the extent that they've taken years for the community to discover.
I think it's fine for ST to be a dungeon crawler with few open spaces but it generally has less of an interconnected labyrinthine feel and far less puzzles and traps. The use of darkness and sound effects is great but it does miss out on the advantages KF gets from its music.
A game with the limb-cutting from STA, the level design of KF2, the bestiary size of ST, the item crafting of Eternal Ring and an OST like Evergrace or KF4 would have been perfect.
Shadow Tower has some real flaws. Needing to hit enemies in the exact centre of the screen at short range even if your weapon intersects them feels like shit. I personally don't mind the durability system for survival reasons because you're constantly switching out gear and it's tense, but most players despise that stuff, and ST is one of the harsher implementations of it. There's also little to no hope in the world. KF is dark but the oppressive atmosphere is at least broken up by towns and stuff that flesh out the lore... Shadow Tower having a limited number of monster respawns creates these huge, silent spaces of dark nothing you end up trekking through when you backtrack to repair equipment. The active shield is a nice idea but mostly helps against ranged attacks... I'm personally fine with the combat being "unfair" but I can see why stuff like AoE paralysis was disliked, and towards the end of the game it gets much easier both in terms of combat the survival elements - repairing things is a boring waiting game when equipment passively heals you and HP is your curreny for repair.

>> No.10965465

Personally every "flaw" you listed is a positive to me. I think of ST as a purist's dungeon crawler. The unfairness is necessary to make the game's mood work. It feels great traversing the dark, cramped, lonely, and unfair tower. The game fundamentally wouldn't work if it were easier. Eventually you'll become overpowered, but by that point you're in the home stretch and the game is almost over. It feels more like an intentional reminder of how far you've come than bad design.

I think that's why I love ST. KF 1 and 2 are too easy and primitive looking, so the dungeon crawling aspects aren't as appealing to me. KF 3 basically feels more like a weird Zelda game than a dungeon crawler. ST knows what it wants to be and From finally has the experience to deliver on the graphical and gameplay side of things.

>> No.10965498 [DELETED] 

I'm tipping my fedora so fucking hard..... I salute you sir

>> No.10965886
File: 200 KB, 1920x1080, Spriggan Luna Verse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I found another game set in the KF universe

>> No.10965959

Not him but you sound completely deranged. I strongly invite you to read your own post again and reflect.

>> No.10966956

spot on

>> No.10967074

This fag is cherry picking the enemies ai point where it returns to it's anchor point. What is the point of creating such a disingenuous post?

>> No.10967948
File: 2.33 MB, 960x1440, King's Field II (USA).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A game with the limb-cutting from STA, the level design of KF2, the bestiary size of ST, the item crafting of Eternal Ring and an OST like Evergrace or KF4 would have been perfect.

For me it's
>Level design
KF3 with a bit of ST
KF4 and ST

The limb cutting in STA is cool, but it makes the game too easy and exploitable. It's way too simple to stun an enemy to death, you don't even need to combine spells and melee like you would in KF3 and 4.
And I think the item crafting in Gaiden was too much for how simple and short the game was. I'm not against item crafting but I wouldn't want it to be the only thing the game has like Gaiden did.

and finally I loathe most of the level design in KF2. It has its moments, and some genuinely cool areas like the insect nest or the outdoor areas, but otherwise it has too much senseless bullshit with areas that mix 3 or more different themes together with no cohesions or sense whatsoever and layouts that go in every direction. It often feels like someone's first Doom map from 1994. I'll never get when people praise it.

> repairing things is a boring waiting game when equipment passively heals you and HP is your curreny for repair.

I did that too but it was completely unnecessary because I finished the game with more than 25 potions. That's without counting that I could have sold a LOT of outdated gear that I didn't.

>> No.10967961
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x974, King's Field II (USA) 2024-05-19-14-39-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10967967

They should have shown her ressurection in the ending rather than it being merely a passing mention

>> No.10968095

>The limb cutting in STA is cool, but it makes the game too easy and exploitable. It's way too simple to stun an enemy to death
... Nothing that can't be fixed with balancing damage and stun
>otherwise it has too much senseless bullshit with areas that mix 3 or more different themes together with no cohesions or sense whatsoever and layouts that go in every direction. It often feels like someone's first Doom map from 1994. I'll never get when people praise it.
The "senseless bullshit" adds to the chaos, just like the monotony adds to the hopelessness and feeling of getting lost. I personally didn't like the level design of KF 3 much, for a game with lots of big empty spaces the way you progress is very linear whereas KF 2 gives you so many options right at the start plus far more secrets, and the overwhelming nature adds to the labyrinthine dungeon feel. KF 3 having a forest and snow area is like... something almost every game has done since Mario.

>> No.10970058

Doom may have ran like shit on a typical 386 or low-end 486 but people played it anyway. It was a big fucking deal. People had more patience for slideshow framerates back then.

>> No.10970074

Holy shit, I havent thought of that crazy sonofabitch since I was a teenager

>> No.10970078

Oh shit. Is that the only instance of it in the game?

>> No.10970081

Nah, youre just a fucking idiot. Both are phenomenal.

>> No.10970095
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, SuU4DMB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10970096
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, wljmPEM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10970104
File: 950 KB, 1920x1080, NMn3emz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10970108
File: 930 KB, 1920x1080, jP3IrLm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10970109
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, syevxY3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10970110
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, GtQEank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10970117
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 6vjDXqt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10970120
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1080, PsVRtNP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10970129
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, oEUf9CR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10970134
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, evFlrUQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10970164

Ultima Underworld came out before Wolfenstein and is fully 3D, insanely deep, and a much better game than King's Field.

>> No.10970807

And I didn't give a crap about either game at the time, but today I like King's Field and still don't give a crap about Doom.

>> No.10970932

What a horrible thread.

>> No.10971365

Are these preview screenshots? None of this is in the game.

>> No.10971507
File: 2.24 MB, 1080x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how has nobody posted this

>> No.10971786

>they're really well designed and properly threatening enemies
So well designed that they're easily cheesed and stunlocked. But hey, they two shot you, lol lmao.

>> No.10971909


Cut content someone found in the files, and was promptly ignored by TCRF. Nobody gave a shit when they posted it for some reason, so they gave up looking for more.

>> No.10971913

Enemies have threasholds for stun. If you stunlock them, its because you are good at the game and found a secret area with good gear by that point.

>> No.10972182

Yes? Ultima Underworld came out in 1992, and it has nicer 3D graphics than Doom, but it also doesn't have all that slick and efficient optimizing which Doom has, so it would have comparatively worse performance with any given hardware.
It's also a much slower paced kind of game, which isn't a bad thing, that's fine for RPGs, but Doom's goal was to be a fast paced action game, and that just generally has a wider appeal, and with fast games you want fast performance.

Doom is also one of the earliest first person shooters, and cemented many of the core principles of that genre, with its influence carrying on for a long time, even today in some regards.
Ultima Underworld was a technological innovation in its own right, but it wasn't a revolution or foundational title for its genre, it was a game of an established genre (and well established series), though which took significant technological steps as said. In fact, Ultima Underworld's technology directly inspired the development of Wolfenstein 3D and Doom themselves, the iD Software guys (who were also huge tapletop RPG nerds) were long time fans of the Ultima series and were very impressed with Underworld.

King's Field is fully 3D, but it's a slow paced and plodding RPG, somewhat akin to UU but not nearly as well polished. It's an ok title, but there's good reasons as to why FromSoft's great success would be a gradual growth, the first King's Field wasn't exactly a mastodont in sales or reception. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls became household names, but that was much later.

>> No.10972473

>>10965165 Didn't D∞M have mouse support since Dos?

>> No.10972571

Jarpigs have their influence, Chrono Trigger and FF7 are two big ones, and there's Earthbound, which had a more modest impact on its own (more of a sleeper hit to westerners), but much of Mother and Mother 2 laid the groundwork for Pokémon, which whether you like it or not, is the most popular series of RPGs of all time, and also the most profitable intellectual property of all time, having been a raging international success approaching three decades.

Doom has tank controls if you play it keyboard only, but even then it has left and right strafing. Doom was designed around using the mouse, and not everyone could play it that way on launch because Doom didn't always leave enough memory for mouse drivers with lower end computers, but it's there, and that's the input which the stock gameplay demos are recorded with.
Not to be confused with full freelook as you would see with sourceports, you're only getting horizontal turning here.

When using a mouse and keyboard with Doom, it becomes pretty damn smooth and fluid to control, even allowing circlestrafing. If you use an application like NoVert, or another trick to disable the back and forth movement from vertical input, then you get REALLY clean, fast, precise, and smooth controls, and that became Doom's meta.

Vaporwave draws on SOME actual aesthetics and designer trends of the 1980s, visuals which really did exist in certain places (mainly advertising, meme fashion, and in some upscale commercial ventures), but which are then hyperfocused on and blown up in a way which is completely unlike how it was in reality.

This COULD create a pretty distorted perception of art and media of that time, and I'm sure there's the odd clueless zoomer who's fooled, but it's seriously enough to just see a random movie from around then to realize that those kinds of designs weren't ubiquitous, you simply wouldn't see them at all in most media.

>> No.10972597

The forced perspective isn't easily noticeable with the original resolution or .exe, you need to tack on vertical mouselook to the engine, then you see the lack of perspective correction very easily, which doesn't look great, and which induces motion sickness to some. Carmack thought that looked bugfuck ugly which is why the perspective is locked down to horizontal turning, he felt it was important for the game's rendering to be clean and consistent. There's very little verticality in the original game's levels, so this doesn't have too big consequences.

As a whole, the game's world is fully 3D, everything has a defined height and width, things need to clear and reach through geometry to move, and moving projectiles actually do need to interesct with a target on the X, Y, and Z axes, otherwise it will fly above or below.
You can shoot both projectiles and hitscans above players or monsters who are not in the vertical auto-aim's range, be that for distance or for its sight being blocked by physical level geometry (including solid invisible walls).

The shortcuts is that monsters and players cannot intersect on the Y axis, and that melee attacks from monsters will not check for the Y axis, merely X and Z. The former can be added to the engine with a single line of code, which Heretic and Hexen does, while the latter was kind of a band-aid fix to melee monsters starting infighting (and causing bugs) too easily by their older method of a short range hitscan, which did check on the Y axis.
The original format of map data doesn't support slopes or floor over floor, but it's again not that much work to add that, the engine is fine with doing it if it's told to.

>> No.10972610

>The PlayStation can produce mind-boggling effects.
>(Pic unrelated)

>> No.10972695

looks like shit compared to descent which also came out 1994

>> No.10972745

Doom came out in December 93

>> No.10972878

King's Field came out December 16, 1994

>> No.10972883

You forgot that explosions also skip checking the Y axis.

>> No.10973015
File: 939 KB, 1280x720, forest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that first time you leave the underground and get to see actual light, peace, safety and vegetation with that great music playing
One of the most serene and memorable moments in gaming for me in all these years and I only first played this game like two years ago.

>> No.10973132

Was the old guy at the start of KF4 crazy? He was on one side of the broken bridge saying he wanted to get over there to see his family, but then you get over there and he's there saying he wants to get back to the other side to see his family. Then he dies to an unarmed skeleton.

>> No.10973161
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, gsdx_20240529011613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's talking about visiting their graves. But he does talk about his wife waiting for him but the description implies that his wife might be dead already, maybe he is in denial or he means she is "waiting" for him to visit her grave.

>> No.10973209

I believe he might be using the player to clean up the graveyard of monsters. If his job was to take care of the graveyard he can't die in peace until the graveyard is safe, once that's done, he can join his wife hence the death may be suicide or at least wanted. There are very similar themes to this in FromSoft's Echo Night series except it's about ghosts waiting to go to the other side and not the living.

He doesn't say he must go back to the other side of the cliff, he says he must "get back to his family" and "get past the monsters". If I'm right those lines may be less ambiguous in the original Japanese.

>> No.10973213

also maybe it's a coincidence, but note how it says "his wife is waiting on the other side", I believe this has to be taken both literally (other side of the cliff) and non literally (death)

>> No.10973215

just because its fully 3d it doesnt make it better, listen i love king's field but its hard to recomend, unless you are some autist like me that has a lot of patience and really likes to get lost in a big maze you are not gonna like king's field, but doom has very wide appeal and its fast paced so its retard friendly

>> No.10973218

im assuming you had to go through a field owned by the king to get to the graveyard.

>> No.10973221

nope you will always have a bunch of zoomers comparing it to dark souls for some retarded reason, and complain about bad combat even though the combat is a small part of the gameplay as a whole but these retards think gameplay equals combat

>> No.10973227

i dont know why every combat in every game ever needs to be complex, i dont mind simple combat if i want complex combat i wouldnt be playing king's field i play king's field for the exploration.

>> No.10973229

>i never played dark souls i only played dark souls 4

>> No.10973230

dark souls did nothing original, it was rehashing demon's souls who was copying severance blade of darkness.

>> No.10973232

because its a game, not a movie silly anon

>> No.10973235

has anybody tried to recreate king's field in doom?

>> No.10973236

i always do that with very old games, i look up the manual.

>> No.10973885

It's also always a big event in king's field games to get to the mana fountain.

>> No.10973909

>demon's souls who was copying severance blade of darkness
Thanks for the game recommendation, anon. Added to the list.

>> No.10973951

(Pic VERY related)

>> No.10973963

With Shadow Tower, should I burn a fan translation, should one exist? I heard most of the story was removed for the NTSC release.

>> No.10974598


It's a progenitor to the Dark Souls series, why would it not be compared?

>> No.10974602

I figure you could do that with GzDoom, but I don't see a compelling reason to do so. Do you want easier moddability or something?

>> No.10974942

How the fuck do I get Kings Field 1 english patched running off a chipped PS2? I have no idea where I'm fucking up when burning to a CD-R

>> No.10975903
File: 2.89 MB, 4000x2252, 20240530_001357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nvm fixed it

>> No.10976053

you live like this?

>> No.10976057

Buddy looking comfy as heck.

>> No.10976218

>It's a progenitor to the Dark Souls series, why would it not be compared?
It's a completely different type of game

>> No.10976550

KF is a dungeon crawler. Doom is an FPS. KF is a masterpiece.You are a faggot.

>> No.10976559

I've won many times, all 4 games. I love Souls games too. Git gud nigger.

>> No.10976570

>It's a completely different type of game.

No. They went to 3rd person mode and had better hardware by the time Demon's came out on the PS3.The game blew minds. FromSoftware can't be touched.

>> No.10976796

Snug as a bug in a rug

>> No.10977849

Setting aside the fag, Doom plays very well, and its design is actually fairly strongly informed by both tabletop and computer dungeon crawls and RPGs, only it trades character statting and narration for quasi-arcade-like shooting action, but keeping much of the exploring, traps, and looking for secrets.
Half of Doom and Doom 2's levels is made by the same guy who did most of the development of the original Call Of Cthulhu tabletop game, among other things, and the other guys made stuff like Catacombs 3D before they even hired him on.
They also kind of looked to return to that with Quake, which was gonna be a free roam medieval fantasy RPG from the get go, but then didn't for quite a host of convoluted and very stupid reasons.

>> No.10978589
File: 3.06 MB, 4000x2252, 20240530_235840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First playthrough, level 14 and freshly in level 2.

Anyone who says the combat in the game sucks is fucking stupid.

>> No.10978654
File: 525 KB, 1228x1638, 1711288687788657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom ran on DOS with no special hardware for rendering polygons

>> No.10981018

bros, this game is hard. I kinda have combat figured out, but I’m still hurtin a lot. Am I safe to spend most of my gold on medicinal herbs? I also heard mention of a “grind spot” on Floor 1 any hints on where that is?
Any other random tips appreciated. I’m trying to avoid using actual guides because they always reveal way too much.

>> No.10981063

this game fucking sucks its virtually unplayable. i genuinely thought something was wrong with my console at first but no its intended to be played at a literal 5fps flipbook crawl because these retarded japs can't code

>> No.10981182

To be fair UU uses billboard sprites but it was a very impressive game at the time.

>> No.10981234
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x974, King's Field II (USA) 2024-05-18-21-18-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10981481

Spend your money however you want and don't hesitate to use the items that refill MP

>> No.10982407

>billboard sprites
Is the technical name a sprite that turns with you?

>> No.10982720

Most things you can buy in the shops can be found later in the game so you're only missing out on things for a short time, buying higher quality gear is mostly just a temporary advantage.
Just focus on getting the dragon fountain running and you'll mostly be good.
Also use the right weapon type for the enemy and don't use heavy weapons early on in the game because your strength stat determines how fast you swing weapons, so a slow but powerful weapon if not meeting a str requirement will actually do way less dps.

>> No.10982742

KF 1 has this insane escalation of tension. The start of the game is perilous as fuck skelletons eat your ass, herbs are scarce. You learn about the mysticism and lore of the game slowly building up to the healing fountain. The game expands challenging elements continually to the end of the game where you're basically fighting in an eternal demonic bombing ground. The music of the early stages changes part way through the game and varies from bleak to aggressive, harsh and even jazzy. Phenomenal game. A classic to me
They really managed to get repeated spikes of tension and release throughout the game better than almost any game besides RE4 imo

>> No.10982845

>Also use the right weapon type for the enemy and don't use heavy weapons early on
good to know, thanks anon. I found a Knights Sword early on and it seems to be better than the Short Sword I started with.

>> No.10983286

>fixed dragon fountain
>found map (no more drawing!)
>mastered combat
I’m so glad I stuck it out. The combat system really is amazing once you figure it out. Best game I’ve picked up in a long time.

>> No.10983328

We get to enjoy it for the first time together, brother. I left off at the start of level 2

>> No.10983384

Its been a while but playing NG+ in ST doesnt respawn any of the enemies you previously killed right? Its been so long since I replayed it, I should give it a go again one of these days.

>> No.10983414 [DELETED] 

Westcucks have been big mad at based Nippon for decades.

>> No.10983417 [DELETED] 

>Japan continues to mog westcucks with BotW, Remake 2 and Souls games literally becoming a gaming institution.
Stay mad westkek, your failing game companies will be the least of your concern as your societies melt down.

>> No.10983418

Who fucking cares? Doom is trash.

>> No.10984274 [DELETED] 

Sure I'll trust the guy with the plastic hoarding problem what he thinks is stupid or not

>> No.10984283 [DELETED] 

BotW is a garbage Zelda game
REmake 2 is worse than the original RE2
Souls games have continued to chase after DS1 for 13 years and have never gotten close to making anything as good. They've only gotten worse and worse over time

Not making much of a case there, bud.
Japan's video game golden days are way past them

>> No.10984313


>> No.10984349

>can't even jump
>sequel didn't fix this
>best game(s)
You fuckin' wish Adrian\Sandy

>> No.10984350

I played kings field and I can say confidently that it is a piece of trash. Not even the vibes are there, in practice is just a slog where every corridor is just the same, where the music sucks, where the combat is shit. It's not even hard, just boring and obtuse. And fromsoft still keeps making games like to this day, I can't believe it.

>> No.10984760

Nice anon. I’ve been exploring and grinding in floor 2 myself. Just found the blind lady and am omw back to her with her fruit. Hopefully she has that harp the npc on floor 1 mentioned.
Also, do you know if floor 2 has a “dragon fountain”?

>> No.10984808

Elite was in 1984 and was full 3D.
3D was old hat in 1993, tech wise Doom was notable for its lighting system (which was sorta fake) and some small things like elevators but otherwise not really anything other than being optimized to run fast.
But it WAS the first actually good FPS. People only played wolf3d because there was nothing better, it was a rather janky and repetitive game.

>> No.10984814

I'm sure we'd have some threads somewhere that are more your speed gramps

>> No.10985197
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somethings off about this circle walkin fuck. I don’t trust em.

>> No.10985208 [DELETED] 

i hate weebs

>> No.10985230

If this game was made by some low to mid tier euro dev it wouldn’t have 3 hour video essays trying to back explain why all the poor design choices were actually le soulful. This shit feels like people trying to be reverse contrarian where we talk up mediocre games to be good because we want to be seen as having enlightened tastes (and also because we’re fanboys of a company). It’s funny because you don’t see rare fans talking up the stampers speccy games because that thing filters the fuck out of most people, so there’s definitely a line where even the biggest video essayists can’t cross to pretend they like something for 3 hours.

>> No.10985246

Pizza degreasing GAWDZ we are so back

>> No.10985254

King's field is one of a kind. If you want to play a first person rpg with secrets and weapons and magic armor and shit your only choice is King's Field. Dark souls is just 3rd person king's field.

>> No.10985320

I still do that from times to times after seeing it in his video

>> No.10985347

The only problem with the game is the fps drops. I’d love to know exactly which gameplay aspects you think are a “problem”.

>> No.10985505

>Sure I'll trust the guy with the plastic hoarding problem what he thinks is stupid or not
This is genuinely the weirdest cope I have seen in my life, ass because a stranger is better at video games than you. Like, it's just a TV, a console, and a CR-R? Unless youre one of 'them' who wants us to own nothing and live in the pods.

>> No.10985513

>Also, do you know if floor 2 has a “dragon fountain”?
If it does, Ive yet to find it. So far I explored the lower half on FLoor 2, sans the prison area with the 1-way prison bars that open with a button, and the upper left area of the map with the swinging pendulum.

>> No.10985521 [DELETED] 

Dude you need to get a girlfriend and have sex.

>> No.10985536

iirc the only fountain in the first game is on floor 3

>> No.10985574
File: 10 KB, 300x168, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to play a first person rpg with secrets and weapons and magic armor and shit your only choice is King's Field
Shut Up.

>> No.10985581 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 428 KB, 1440x2364, Screenshot_20240525_171229_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll understand when you get older that video games > sex

>> No.10985587

Anything without an Apple II UI? Maybe something that regulates all the unimportant information, like your gear, to a menu?

>> No.10985595

Why would you introduce unnecessary steps like having to open menus when you could make everything comfortably accessible on your main screen?

>> No.10985605

So I can see o3o

>> No.10985624 [DELETED] 

What is this some only fans hag? I see blue hair and tattoos. That could also be a CrossFit thot to be fair.

>> No.10985635 [DELETED] 

Beats me. I hardly know her.

>> No.10985659

That isn't fully 3d.

>> No.10985684

It's more 3D than Doom.
Pitch, roll, free movement in all three dimensions. You could pitch up and do a complete loop.
Every object was built out of vertices and projected into the view plane.

>> No.10985704

Been no lifeing the game this morning lol. Never found a way to heal on floor 2, but there is on 3. 3 is also a cakewalk, puzzle wise. I’ve explored a bit of 4 but am probably done for today. I wanna savor it. Will probably go back through floors 1-3 tomorrow to see if anything new can be opened up.

>> No.10985710

If Fromsoft made speccy game you can fucking bet there would be threads on /vr/ about it every day

>> No.10985758

>can't jump
skill issue

>> No.10985759

>If this game was made by some low to mid tier euro dev it wouldn’t have 3 hour video essays
Idk where you people find these mythical "video essays" everyone suddenly loves referring to, bit I assure you, lol yes it would. If it were the exact same identical game, yes it literally would. Nothing would be different, sooo?

>> No.10985778

The only possible way you think this game is bad is if you got filtered before leaving the main hallway on floor 1. The level design, exploration, and puzzles are all top tier. Combat is also better than pretty much any first person console game of the time period.

>> No.10985780

Oh yeah, all the speccy threads all day.
Just look at how many are on /vr/ right now.
A whole 0 threads.

>> No.10985801

Yeah but what if Fromsoft had made one

>> No.10985805


>> No.10985823

Name a first person console game from 90s with better MELEE combat. It was all auto lock-on target bullshit at the time on console.

>> No.10985830


>> No.10985834

If you aren't going to answer seriously, why answer at all?

>> No.10985842

it's good as long as you limit it to
>you must like melee combat
>console only
ok, you convinced me

>> No.10985854

Does anyone have an English translation for the "Extra Manual" from Playstation Magazine that you were supposed to but in your CD case?


>> No.10985861

King's Field definitely was definitely among the best games with FPS melee combat out of all PlayStation games released by Fromsoft in 1994.

>> No.10985897

Your question was rhetorical.

>> No.10985903

I have yet to hear anyone recommend a better retro game that’s even remotely similar to KF.

>> No.10985912

Getting a low poly blowjob from that bottom left chick.

>> No.10985919

I think someone already mentioned Underworld.

>> No.10985943

once you start the checklist of things a game must have your options are immediately limited. There are retards who liked anthem because it was an "ironman simulator". If you want to play something "like" King's Field your only options are: King's Field and Lunacid

>> No.10985974

Isn't he just the guy that gives you tips? And are you waiting about 8-10 seconds between lines to ask again, that's usually how long it takes for npc lines to update and get more info.
Weird but that's how it works, so make sure to exhaust their dialogue.

>> No.10986068

>There are retards who liked anthem because it was an "ironman simulator"
I like EDF and Helldivers because it's Eight Legged Freaks/War of the Worlds/Starship Troopers simulator. Is that really so dumb?

>> No.10986072

Oh. Am I not supposed to be spinning in a circle to refresh the dialog?

>> No.10986079

it's not dumb.

I have trouble finding the words but it's like.. So many times I try to find the "next best thing" or "clone" of my favorite game. When in reality the only option for that experience was that game. If you want King's Field, you have to play king's field. Some things are so genre defining that they really are the definitive experience and I think some people can't understand that.

>> No.10986278

What other 90s first person console games with melee are there even? UU ps1 port?

Blobbers don't count.

>> No.10986307

I was running down the hall and back, lmao. thanks for the heads up.

>> No.10986327

I already knew /v/ was going downhill, but I remember the flood of /esportsgenerals/ and their subsequent quarantining as the moment I realized it had already been long dead. Embarrassing, and a lot of the kpop posters stayed for a while too which was its own cancer.

>> No.10986347

you just don't have the time or patience you did before.

>> No.10986485
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this it, bros? Been a fun journey. Can’t wait for the next.
Luv me king
Luv me field
Simple as, really.

>> No.10986487

ahh yes I think thats it anon. step forward and take in the moment

>> No.10986490

>mouth started blasting
>tactical backup
>fall into abyss
this story is not yet finished

>> No.10986995
File: 1.79 MB, 1407x2790, 02 KF PSMag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone could translate these 2 pages, that would be great.

That, or if you know where a translation is located

>> No.10986997
File: 1.55 MB, 1389x2800, 03 KF PSMag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10987120

Dude, there is a fly on your screen.

>> No.10987158

which game is this one?

>> No.10987206
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x2688, King's Field - The Ancient City.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KF4 The Ancient City

>> No.10987651

What happens in KF4 if you somehow have enough money to buy the map before the old guy does? Can you save him?

>> No.10987838

Why don't you gameshark it and let us know?

I'd wager the game acts just the same and you get a second map

>> No.10987983 [DELETED] 

As much you trannies hate Hexen, at least it managed to provide IdTech1 with the basic functionality it should have by default after Wolfenstein 3D.

>> No.10988351
File: 62 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left off last night at level 22. Found my dad's grave (I assume? It's VERY fancy) and got the dragon sword and Shadow sword. The King's little armory was packed with secret areas in secret areas.

>> No.10988440

Nice anon. Enjoy Floor 4 lol. I couldn’t WAIT to get out of that intestinal hellscape.

>> No.10988443

>click simulator combat
are you retarded?

>> No.10989113
File: 1.31 MB, 320x240, i0v5xo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me when I suddenly cast 10 light needles in a single go

>> No.10989130

unironically this
I'm so tired of people that shit on indie developers that make 20 hs contnet of fun for 5 dollars while at the same time suck the dick of dated games that play like ass.
All these people deserve the worst.

>> No.10989153

Personally I think the combat lacks the capacity to be interesting in its KF1 form. That's sort of to be expected from being one of the first ever games of its type, but it doesn't stop me from thinking "this game would be better if actually fighting enemies was more interesting than a shovelware Atari game". I really like all the weapons, the sword magic, the progression of armor which feels really impactful; it just feels somewhat wasted

>> No.10989157
File: 21 KB, 600x470, downloadfile (118).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the room, douchbag. Multiple people in this very thread playing the first game for the first time and loving it.
Literally yes. That is indeed how time continuity works. Only an absolute retard would apply modern standards to a piece of media that came out before said standards ever existed. Not only that, but 95% of what you kids call "dated" is just lack of skill, or even more often, emulation bullshit not present on real hardware.

>> No.10989495

Fuck you asshole, read the whole threat.
Is obvious you faggots are shills for big triple A companies.

>> No.10989690
File: 1.14 MB, 2131x2154, 20240603_232951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My beloved

>> No.10989705

>enjoying an obscure 30 year old game makes you a corporate shill
some of you are unironically too far gone for help lol

>> No.10989715

Nice, anon. Enjoy the finale. You planning on playing the rest?

>> No.10989727

Looks about as good as Daggerfall.

>> No.10989757

Except that Daggerfall has all npcs as 2d sprites, KF is fully 3d, which was a rarity at the time.
Most games were 3d/pseudo 3d with lots of sprites.

>> No.10989798
File: 943 KB, 2216x2699, 20240604_004006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely. Might give Daggerfall a go too, since it's been mentioned so much.

>> No.10991007

The combat isn't supposed to be like kingdom come deliverance or mordhau though, the creatures are obstacles you fight while exploring, which is the actual design focus