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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 27 KB, 256x223, Tales_of_Phantasia_Battle_Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1094982 No.1094982 [Reply] [Original]

>Playing Tales of Phantasia waiting for class to open
>Kid comes up from behind
>"Oh hey, which final fantasy?"
>Tell him its tales
>A few minutes later another kid sits by me
>"Oh man is that final fantasy? I haven't see that in ages"
>Respectfully tell him its tales
>Next class period
>Girl looks over shoulder

How does it look anything remotely like FF?

>> No.1094989

For some people, i guess it does. That being said, Tales of Phantasia is one of my favorite games on the Super Nintendo

>> No.1094997

The menu, display thingy thing on the bottom would look like it for people who aren't very into classic RPGs

>> No.1095001

Final Fantasy is to JRPGS (especially SNES/PS1) as Transformers are to Mecha.

Yes, it's a part of the genre. But it's the most recognized out of all of it, and thus the general fanbase kinda treats every bit of it as that genre.

Hell, most people don't even realize Mecha exists outside of Transformers and Gundam.

>> No.1095009

But it's still mostly a Final Fantasy clone.

>> No.1095010
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 1372723135287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1095026

>FF clone
>Not turn based
>Has a linear motion battle system advanced beyond its time
>Even remotely like Final fantasy

Next you'll be saying Vesperia and Final fantasy XIII are clones

>> No.1095034

FF is to RpG's as Kleenex is to tissues.

>> No.1095056
File: 98 KB, 743x681, Screen shot 2013-09-23 at 9.51.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From someone who didn't play many SNES RPGs, When I see a Dark-Blue gradient HUD on the bottom of the screen like that, I think Final Fantasy.
The profile chibi sprites aren't helping either. If it was over the shoulder like Lufia, or First person like Dragon quest, I'd be less likely to assume it's final fantasy.

It's less about how every game being final fantasy, and more about, how few similarities there are between final fantasy games.

That Blue hud is the most signature thing about the franchise.

>> No.1095098

One of the best games around. But I honestly can't see how people can mistake it for Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy is turn based and you are in a row. Every Final Fantasy up until X does this and even the most casual gamers should be able to see this. (No rows, no ATB, Characters move in real time, nah it's not a Final Fantasy).

>> No.1095115

>Characters move in Real time
>Not ATB
They aren't playing the game, their looking over for half a second and seeing someone else playing it.

Do you REALLY honestly can't see how people would mistake it, or are you trying to be elitist in the most autistic way possible?

>> No.1095121

I'm not calling myself anything. But a few years ago I knew nothing about Final Fantasy beyond what my friends played, and when i would see games that looked similar. I would make quick observations and look back to what my friends had played in the past in order to make a clearer assumption on what I was seeing, so that way I wouldn't incorrectly label something aqnd look stupid.

>> No.1095141
File: 146 KB, 1100x733, 1150662_10201037708683236_1976390352_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most average people don't know JRPGs exist outside of Final Fantasy.

Elder Scrolls started at Morrowind.
Dark Knight Batman is iconic Batman (subject to debate, but, cmon. TAS)
"Japanese" Power Rangers are weird (IE: Sentai, IE: Power Rangers)
Grand Theft Auto started at 3, and has always been 3D.
Mega Man and Mega Man X are the same character (not figurative, literally. They see a pic of X or Rock and can't tell the difference/label one as the other)
Fallout started at 3.
BioShock is the first FPS with RPG elements, ANDDDD
Halo invented FPS console games.

Mass people don't research because they don't give enough of a shit, and just have a passing interest.

>> No.1095149

Other people don't catalogue differences between RPG details everytime they see one.
It's not a bad thing that you do it. It's a very good thing, and we're all proud of you.

But if you can't imagine how other people would assume that Tales of Phantasia battlescreen looks like Final Fantasy, then you have no empathy.

>> No.1095472

it's the bottom menu thingie that looks like every ff game OP

>> No.1095667

>drawing Sonic
>"is that pokemon"
>no, but I guess he might look slightly pokemon-y...?
>drawing Megaman
>"is that pokemon"

Sometimes people are stupid and guess instead of just asking what something is.

>> No.1095671

Or maybe you just can't draw for shit, you know.

>> No.1095673
File: 49 KB, 800x533, thomas monson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tales of Phantasia

Come on, buddy. Just play Summon Night or something.

>> No.1095679

Also possible (I'm better now), but who the hell looks at a group of human-like people and thinks "pokemon"?

>> No.1095696
File: 41 KB, 420x560, 1377714718359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>majoring in animation
>people keep asking me if i'm 'doing anime'

fucking stop

>> No.1097303

I honestly did not realize mecha was outside of gundam or transformers. I thought it was sort of it's own thing, like I get that Evangelion has mecha type things but a show just about robots i figured was always gundam. Sorry for being a backa gaijin when it comes to anime and games. I do think FF looks like Tales and they can easily be confused if you only played FF7 and up.

I only played FF3 for the SNES and didn't beat it (NA version) and think almost every generic RPG screenshot is a final fantasy game.

>> No.1097304

>Hey can I borrow a Kleenex?
>"Sorry you bakka gaijin but these are Komori Disinfection Body Wipes imported from Europe, how can you possible confuse these with the local brand?

>> No.1097470

The blue boxes on the bottom.
Yeah. I know. It makes me sad, too.

>> No.1097480

The menu at the bottom looks strikingly like the FF ones. At a distance I'd probably think it was FF too.

>> No.1097491

>The menu at the bottom looks strikingly like the FF ones.

This. Stop being a sperglord, OP.

>> No.1097558

Yeah seriously. They probably saw the menu and have some nostalgia and aren't heavy into retro gaming like yourself OP. Cut some slack to people.

>> No.1097596


hey, reasonable people that understand not everyone has the same passion and knowledge about video games that they do. it's really not anywhere close to confusing as to why they would think it's final fantasy.

>> No.1097610


For all we know, people were just trying to make polite conversation. Considering you were playing this waiting for class and this is September, early on in the school year, people were probably just trying to get to know each other better.

There are probably a ton of hobbies out there that you don't know shit about, OP. Tone down the autism. Your day to day life isn't 4chan. Don't treat it as such.

>> No.1097619
File: 45 KB, 495x363, 1375339334441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i am not op and i am agreeing with the people i quoted about op being rather ridiculous. you seem to have misunderstood.