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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10946897 No.10946897 [Reply] [Original]

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/Retroid official websites

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but $100-200 range), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality, avoid the RG Nano), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 300$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

>Recommended devices
Prices depend on when and where you buy.
- Retroid Pocket 4 (200$, horizontal, 4.7" 16:9 Screen, up to PS2/GC, android)
- RG556 (180$, horizontal, 5.8" 16:9 OLED Screen, up to PS2/GC, android)
- Retroid Pocket 2S (100$, horizontal, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, can play some PS2/GC, android, pocketable)
- Powkiddy RGB30/RGB20SX (90$, horizontal, 4" 1:1 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- Trimui Smart Pro (60$, horizontal, 5" 16:9 Screen, PSX with extras, linux)
- Anbernic RG 35XX Plus (60$, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- Miyoo mini plus (60$, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- R36S (50$, vertical, 4:3 screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)

>Things I need to know
- Handhelds come with low quality SD cards. Back them up, throw them away, buy new ones.
- It takes some tinkering, specially linux devices. You better have bare basic desktop knowledge on how to unzip files and put them in folders. We are not here to teach you how.
- Overall quality of these products is very cheap.
- Reviewers get free handhelds, caveat emptor.

>Previous Thread

>> No.10946913
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Most SOVL you can get from a handheld

>> No.10946917

>pointy m*cro corners
>redditmon on screen
it's shit.

>> No.10946923
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, 640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shaders and overlays should you use for GBA on a 640x480 device? I assume it should be gba color (if needed) -> sharp shimmerless -> lcd grid shader or overlay. I'm just not sure what to use for the lcd effect and if it works well with sharp shimmerless or needs integer scaling.

>> No.10946929

I bought a micro to play at work years ago, and I think I've used it less than five times. It's just such a massive downgrade from the SP in every way. I swear the praise comes from people who never had one.
At least Anbernic was smart enough to make these things a usable size.

>> No.10946936

I'm also wondering if any anons have created nice LCD overlays for GBA. I know GB ones exist.

>> No.10946942
File: 616 KB, 2975x2240, 1716159038950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easiest way to get a big sharp image is this
Where the fuck do you see pointy corners on this thing you spastic

>> No.10946948
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x1280, 052-002_PS5_VICTRIX_PRO_BFG_ECOMLAYFLATEXPLODED_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a PS5 controller that lets you swap the position of the analog sticks so you can choose to have it be d-pad or stick centric. When will we see this on a handheld?

>> No.10946951

>What shaders and overlays should you use for GBA on a 640x480 device?
Integer scale
No linear filtering
No shaders
No overlays
Simple as

>> No.10946953

Found this after a but of Googling. Looks promising.

>> No.10946956
File: 589 KB, 2975x2240, 1716159528098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too small
Just dont be a retard and you too can have a nice image

>> No.10946959

This controller costs $200 and apparently the quality isn't even that great. Love the concept though.

>> No.10946964

>CHADinty corners
>Kinomon onscreen
Fly high, kang.

>> No.10947004

I want to know what combo of shader and overlay ambernic is using on the sp for gba
It actually looks really good

>> No.10947005
File: 792 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240519_170953_AliExpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much for it "only going up a few bucks after initial release." This shit is reaching $90

>> No.10947006

tick-tock! time's running out!

>> No.10947010

Retards will pay for it anyway.

>> No.10947012

>shipping 43
What the fuck, who are you buying from?
Anbernig usually charges 20 or so

>> No.10947018

Told you so
This will be miyoo mini all over again

>> No.10947021

long long long

>> No.10947023

whats the point of the odin 2 when android emulation is capped at ps2/GC and aethersx2 development is in a gutter

>> No.10947024

LCD1x, 3x & dot grid are prob the best for handheld stuff and even emulating on PC. On PC or a device that supports vulkan retro v3 isn't so bad.
If you're not looking to transform the image I will take it upon myself to shill sharp shimmerless like the anon in the past shilled it to me.

>> No.10947034

I dunno about the odin 2, but android can play Wii, 3DS and two or three Switch games and has access to streaming services like Steam Cloud. The only things it can't emulate are Xbox, 360, Switch and PS3, but those are barely playable or have native ports for PC.

>> No.10947036

If Anerbnig fans and people who fall for nostalgia want to pay 90 let 'em, let it be $120 and compete with the 2s.
Let it compete with the 405m even, creep up to 180, hingest are expensive!

>> No.10947045

*hinge squeaks*

>> No.10947048

No need for all that salt anon
Its still in stock on their site for 63

>> No.10947050

Just drown it in GT85 bro

>> No.10947054
File: 31 KB, 231x394, We heard max was talkin shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X19 update. The overlord kid will win the clamshell wars.

>> No.10947059

cope. pay up nostalgiapiggy.

>> No.10947061

anbersisters it is so over...

>> No.10947072

i love the ambernic sp form factor, but will it really explod my hands?

>> No.10947085

PowCHADdy will always prevail. Miyoo's sneak attack will be deadly.

>> No.10947092

I would dive on the chance to get a v90 that could ACTUALLY run gba
thats all I want

no sticks
no n64
no dreamcast
no exploding battery

just a slightly better SP

>> No.10947102
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when you attempt to run PSP

>> No.10947109
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why in gods name would i play psp or ps1 or n64 or dreamcast on THIS

>> No.10947121

No lol

>> No.10947143
File: 1.11 MB, 1199x1199, 1710799126540687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, there literally are no anbersisters. Literally nobody supports or purchases Anbernic' shit, especially not yourself.
No, you're a retard that's just regurgitating lingo you've seen from previous threads without any context or understanding or why they were said or well received. Especially with you doing the "sisters" shit rather than "chaddies". You're a self-admitting spergalord who just regurgitates what he sees others posting in a desperate hope of fitting in or being seen as normal. You're not. You have asperger's. You're retarded. You're just annoying everyone with your presence let alone injective quips which you impulsively make just for the sake of feeling included and involved. Fucking stop it.
Bad jokes are bad jokes, especially when they don't appreciate why the source material is appreciated let alone found to be amusing. This is like an autistic Amy Schumer flailing at being funny.
Just go full Michael Richards and call us all niggers for not liking your failed attempt at comedy that doesn't understand why the original sentiment was amusing to being with already, it'll save us all time.
>I was serious. Take me seriously!
Good joke

>> No.10947145

It matches the price of buying it off of anbernic's site with the shipping included. So the "free shipping" is a lie. But you're not paying extra.

>> No.10947146

Clamshellbros, we fucking won!

>> No.10947147

didn't read LMAO

>> No.10947149

Yes lol

>> No.10947153

We'll see in a couple of months.

>> No.10947156
File: 77 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

480p is tricky because a 2x integer scale is too small, but 3x cuts off too much. 2.5x is a good compromise, but you absolutely need an interpolation shader.
This is what I'd use:
>2.5x scale
>gba-color + pixelate
>a simple overlay
You might be able to get away with some kind of pixel grid, but 480p is so limiting.

>> No.10947162

I wonder if the other companies making clamshells are gonna add thumbsticks. I actually don't want thumbsticks on this thing. It looks so ugly with thumbsticks.

>> No.10947167
File: 320 KB, 960x658, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want thumbsticks... but not like THIS!

>> No.10947169
File: 37 KB, 947x828, 1687707307663525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder if the other companies making clamshells are gonna add thumbsticks.

>> No.10947175

Anerbnic got too greedy.
They stuffed 3300mah battery into their bomb when the SP only needed 900ma.

Shoulda stuck to their scope.

>> No.10947176
File: 66 KB, 678x1021, d-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI girlfriend were literally made specifically for fucking retards such as yourself who don't actually want to understand or experience anything, they just want to talk and have replies.

>> No.10947184

Permanently ban these mindless ChatGPT posts already, holy fucking shit you incompetent mods. The last three threads were like 25% bot replies pretending to be ignorant zoomers to start fights/arguments.

>> No.10947187

I agree with N64, Dreamcast, and PSP, but PS1 is 4:3 and 99% of PS1 games don't require joysticks and were designed for a d-pad. It's perfect on this.

>> No.10947196

Kek-lmao. That was cancelled.

>> No.10947195

Look at that shitty hinge
I actually have to give it to ambernig for not cheaping out

>> No.10947201

>muh op
No one cares about your shit op retard. Also that ewaste isn't coming out anymore. At least try to know what you're talking about.

>> No.10947206

only ps1 games ive ever played are ape escape, mega man legends, pepsi man, klonoa. If i want to play mega man legends 2.. I will need 2 of the analog sticks. This is unacceptable to me.

>> No.10947214

What other clamshells could possibly be coming out besides the Miyoo Mini Flip then, tough guy? Swallow less dicks and stop being an obtusive little faggot.

>> No.10947217

I 100%ed legends 2 a few months ago
I was so used to the dpad from legends 1 that I just used it most of the time.
I bet you dont even have an S class license
I dont usually care about getting all the weapons and whatnot, but I actually didnt want the game to end.

>> No.10947221

Just replace the dpad with a thumbstick?

>> No.10947223
File: 453 KB, 597x484, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i certainly do not have an S classs license. i havent played MML in maybe 2 years, but i still wanna check out the tron bonne game and MML2

>> No.10947224
File: 19 KB, 356x363, smug unwrapped mint lollipop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Legends 2 with d-pad and shoulder buttons for turning. I actually played it in 2000 before playing the first game unlike >>10947217

>> No.10947236

Fucking casual
Never bring up megaman legends ever again.

>> No.10947252

It also plays switch, and even with the amount of games it doesnt play, it's a ridiculous amount of games you can play on a single handheld with good battery life because of ARM.

>> No.10947253

I have heard that oled displays have better motion clarity than ips screens. Is this noticable on oled handhelds like the rg556? Or does the 60hz refresh rate limit it? Haven't seen this possibility brought up on any of the reviews I watched.

>> No.10947260

what do you understand to be "motion clarity"?

>> No.10947263
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>> No.10947327
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>> No.10947331
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saddest person in the thread

>> No.10947351

Ah yes, the fabled "track-pad on a d-pad".

>> No.10947360

what in the goddamn?

>> No.10947365

These are the people that you guys trust to make a hinge

>> No.10947379

shut the fuck tendie faggot you probably only play redditmon like a true soi

>> No.10947380

Speak up snoy god. You prolly play the good kinomon games like a true chad.

>> No.10947392

Jesus fucking Christ, if that's true then you can't just swap in a better stick. What a blunder

>> No.10947410

so this is the power of chink engineering

>> No.10947469

>Buaaaah nooo Reddit, Reddit REDDIT

>> No.10947512

max width allowable with pixelate shader.

>> No.10947547

35xxsp baidu impressions: It seems the sensor quality is a lottery. Some users units can't turn black when closed because the sensor is defective or it was installed backwards while others have the opposite problem with it turning black with a slight flick at best. Will watch the thread for more.

>> No.10947553
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>or it was installed backwards


>> No.10947623

Skill issue.

>> No.10947637

>2 or 3 switch games
I have 175 switch games on my odin 2 and most of them run perfectly on the latest yuzu with the correct drivers, figure it out

>> No.10947640

handheld reads the same way forwards and backwards

>> No.10947650

what did he mean by this

>> No.10947669

when the 35xxsp arrives to the buyers, and not a single warm-up shit happens, I will be the first to laugh at you. It's silly to think that such weak hardware is going to get so hot.

>> No.10947670

>or it was installed backwards

>> No.10947674

Yes, playing title screens won't heat it up that badly, Russ. We get it.

>> No.10947690

>or it was installed backwards
Typical with these Chinese devices. Always wait for the refresh/improved model or at the very least the second batch of manufactured units.

>> No.10947696
File: 726 KB, 1236x791, 235740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's silly to think that such weak hardware is going to get so hot.

>> No.10947705

Damn! It is Le Habbening!

I had a GBA SP and I do want a Linux clone.
I adore my RG280V and own a Miyoo Mini Plus, I think Anbernic is superior (OnionOS is PERFECT tho), but I would go to Pow Kiddy if they pull this one right.

>> No.10947716

Is the current V90 worth it for snes? I would like to buy it just for its shape.

>> No.10947720

1:1 RK3566 clamshell happening

>> No.10947730

Hey Russ plays a few rounds of Street Fighter Third Strike and the first level of Contra all the time.

>> No.10947745
File: 103 KB, 458x438, 1698279103737225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its honestly incredible how we live in a world where Powkiddy is the only hope for clamshell chinkhelds.

>> No.10947759

>kino laidback russ yapping video

>> No.10947783
File: 44 KB, 686x386, Disgusting Sōyfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10947785

>playing games
holy fucking shit lmao

>> No.10947806

>Is the current V90 worth it for snes?
It feels barely worth it for GBA, even with the new CFW the tearing is really annoying.
It's a good device to throw around in your bag and not worry since it's cheap.

Why do these companies keep getting rotated screens?

>> No.10947807

Just accept your ego death and buy a miyoo mini

>> No.10947821

Gimme the ultimate handheld. Something that's as powerful and pocketable. No Deck, no Odin. And no Switch.
I'm willing to splurge whatever

>> No.10947823

The best combination of both powerful and pocketable right now is the RP4 Pro.

>> No.10947825

odin 2 mini :)

>> No.10947831

No, it can't run anything above NES/GB.

>> No.10947832

wait for powCHADdy's clamshell (coming soon tm)

>> No.10947834

In a ideal world
>Odin 2 Mini with a regular ips
>Odin 2 is the same
>Odin 2 Pro is the same but with a OLED screen
The only "upgrade" between regular and pro 2 are the colors and the ram/memory.

>> No.10947841

Any reason why you're using filters instead of a sharp bilinear shader?

>> No.10947843

Is MiniLED even good compared to OLED? If not, they could've just gotten their hands on the same screens that Ayaneo and Anbernic apparently have.

>> No.10947847

Ayaneo pocket S

Should be both brighter than OLED and last longer

>> No.10947850

It would be hilarious if it rivaled the Odin 2. Never happen though.

>> No.10947851

it's just a regular lcd but with the backlight divided into segments so it can localize brightness. it has a halo like effect around bright images on black backgrounds. better than lcd, but not as good as oled, but it should last longer than oled, and doesn't get burn-in.

>> No.10947859

Cope odin 2 mini nigga. The chinks will NEVER put the stick on the bottom ever again. (Shartui doesnt count)
Chicken the cat...

>> No.10947871

RP4 Pro it is.
Surprised no faggot went and said:
>Your phone

>> No.10947873

>miyoo is gonna arrive from china after 12 days
>amazon still hasn't even shipped sd card after 12 days
God fucking damn it Jeff sort your goddamn operation out


>> No.10947881

69 degrees ain't that hot

>> No.10947884

kys triptroon

>> No.10947897

I wanna fuck dragonair

>> No.10947903

because his tail looks like anal beads?

>> No.10947912

No, sneks and dragons are sexy. Plus I just drank like 7 shots of rum, so mind is going wild.

>> No.10947921

you need to go back

>> No.10947929

Nah, Ive been here before you. fuck off

>> No.10947934


>> No.10947936

Nice projection. I'm not gay, unlike you.

>> No.10947940

No need to fight, you can be a degenerate furry and he can be a fag and there will be the peace.

>> No.10948021

Kek god damn. I just bought it at 58 + 12 for shipping. Might have to do with your region or something.

>> No.10948023

Plays the games that lower end higher end android devices like RP4P can't play.

>> No.10948025

Only if you're too retarded to stop playing when it's getting hot in your hands.

>> No.10948026

Ok fine. I will ignore him.

>> No.10948031

I want sliders or nubs.

>> No.10948065

Neither can GB but tendies eat that shit up

>> No.10948069

Will we finally get the Analogue SP or will they go above and beyond with the Analogue DS which can use real carts and even real drop them out the the cartridge holder on the bottom? ?

>> No.10948083

So how are MM+ shills and RGB30 shills feeling now that the RG35XXSP is out and for cheaper?

>> No.10948113
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Not so fast.

>> No.10948118
File: 2.80 MB, 3008x4000, Your brick, sir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10948119

Damn why is it I can hate vertislop with a passion but love clamshells? Is it nintendo's claws of nostalgia digging deep into my heart?

>> No.10948120
File: 273 KB, 960x911, 87C8B169-25CD-4945-B2C3-65259A57980A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10948125
File: 30 KB, 931x781, Screenshot_2024-05-19-19-59-48-118_com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10948153
File: 942 KB, 1179x906, IMG_8930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shouldve bought the ultimate instead

>> No.10948156

Breed yourself tripdeity
Just admit you made a brick overlord kid.
Just think of em as small laptops or bigger flip phones. Something about the clamshell design triggees the monkey brain.

>> No.10948158

I'm going to buy the trimui smart pro mostly to play pro evolution soccer and I'm not ashamed of it.
There was a sale next month right?

>> No.10948160
File: 1.10 MB, 1179x1329, IMG_0408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need

>> No.10948165

Just wait for the Odin 2 Mini. Same size with a small power bump.

>> No.10948171

We're talking about 50 bucks here, I doubt the Odin is going to be on that price range.

>> No.10948172

Into the filter it goes.

>> No.10948189

>I do want a Linux clone
You don't. Linux can't into sleep mode.

>> No.10948206
File: 653 KB, 700x1150, Kirby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I purchased a Gameboy (original, not color or advance) on Thursday and played like 3 levels of Kirby Dreamland and Tetris this weekend and I have been really enjoying it. What other games should I pick-up for the Gameboy? I have Tetris and Dreamland 1 and 2.

>> No.10948215

Zelda and Pokemon
That's about it, GB is the N64 of handhelds where there are about 10 good games and the rest is forgotten trash

>> No.10948216

>had to load up some 16bit games on RP4P to convince myself I didn't need the 35XXSP
That was a close one. I bought one for a friend and almost added a second for myself, but I would rather wait for a revised model or better version down the line than give in to the fomo.

>> No.10948218

Reminder that there has never been a better time to buy a V90 while the anbernig flop goes out of stock before it even releases.

>> No.10948270

Donkey Kong
Mole Mania
Super Mario Land

>> No.10948275
File: 2.03 MB, 498x278, you-and-i-are-not-so-different.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last you see, vertislop poster.

>> No.10948291 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.20 MB, 3024x4032, b3w4wiuz6vic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 microsd card slots, 3+ preemptive frames, retroarch running in kms

>> No.10948293

that's not a R36S

>> No.10948303

>retroarch running in kill myself
Do RA users really?

>> No.10948307

i want to consoom the SP but bros i think that battery is gonna explode or something

>> No.10948309

All the SP clones will inevitably have the battery on top of the chip, can't be helped.

>> No.10948332

All jokes aside: It'll only degrade battery life and that's about it.

Lithium batteries aren't perfect as a technology, there's some sanity stuff you need to do like not overcharging them (keeping the charger plugged in etc), cycling them at 25-80% regularly only giving them a full charge now and then. You can even fast charge 'em which generates heat from the battery so long as it's given a chance to cool later.
If you regularly discharge the battery below 20-25%, let it run down to 0%, don't soft charge (80-90% peak), leave it plugged in to charge then yeah the added heat will definitely screw you over but the battery will perform alright
Just be mindful about these things, charge it with the base of the unit facing. If the battery door has a clip instead of screws my autism would lead me to take it off during charging but that's just extra hoops to go through.

On the software side, if the OS allows you to underclock and you're running light loads, no shaders etc, not regularly FFWing then eh, could be good to do that to try and reduce the heat dumped into the battery but it's not a huge concern. If you're buying it for PSX, DC, PSP etc or whatever then idk, get another device if your form factor autism can be sated.
If you're looking for that form factor, go for it, maybe ambernig is for you, may powchaddy or miyoonehitwonder will have better designs.
I'd wait and see until the units are in the hands of people, if it has battery/sleep issues like the RGB30 and you can't baby it, I'd look for alternatives.

Is it stupid to place the battery right next to a CPU with almost no clearance or as a heatsink?
Hell yes it is, but it's not the end of the world. It'll still work for you but you may be replacing the battery in a year or two.

>> No.10948335

>that pinky finger nail

>> No.10948338

Does it not run on kms by default?

Based nail evaluator.

>> No.10948339
File: 262 KB, 750x533, 1714108841796104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many chinkhelds you guys have? i have miyoo mini plus and RP2S, i might get the RG35XXSP after awhile to see if anyones hands get blown off.

>> No.10948340

>All the SP clones will inevitably have the battery on top of the chip, can't be helped.
There's definitely room for innovtion in regards to where you place the processor, it could go at the base of the unit flipped with some vents if you place the speaker smarly, place the battery higher up on the unit behind the buttons, charging/SD ports on the side maybe?
The truly chad engineering move is splitting the board to allow something like that but chinks ain't gonna go for a 2 board solution when they can just slap a battery on top of a chip and ship.

>> No.10948343

What's wrong anon, you don't have a nail you use to open boxes?

>> No.10948350


>> No.10948356

>3+ preemptive frames
You don't need more than 2

>> No.10948359

What if they brought back pressure sensitive buttons so you had some analog travel, but a mechanical switch when you bottom it out? That would solve the placement problem by putting them both on top of each other.

>> No.10948360

>the struggle to close the lid
dead on arrival

>> No.10948382

That's a coke nail.

>> No.10948384

Everyone says chip next to battery is bad but nobody says why.

>> No.10948385

>buying something on amazon and willingly choosing a product that isn't next-day delivery

>> No.10948389

Nigga that's gay shit I just charge my phone to 100 or leave my RP3+ chargin overnight and that shit still runs

>> No.10948397

The only reasons it's DOA is because the sticks make it look less like a GBASP and because in one move anbernig just stole the GBASP chinkheld market.

>> No.10948417

>we want the dingoo audience

>> No.10948431

some firmwares are android or wayland

>> No.10948470

This. One of the few situations where aesthetics > functionality. I don't wanna play n64 or dreamcast on this thing. It just needs to do one thing and do it well. An integer scale of the gba screen would have been better but I don't know if anyone would bother making that screen.

>> No.10948483

Chip produces heat. It's very retarded for batteries to get hot. Battery is used as heatsink. So retarded, even powkiddy stopped doing that shit.
Your rp3+ will be bumfucked eventually, but at least it uses a common battery. Retroid purposely used a custom battery for the flip so it couldn't be replaced.

>> No.10948486
File: 2.77 MB, 2268x3053, 1716211969845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are custom box arts so ugly in my Daijisho?

The scraper is fairly laking so I'm forced to upload my own art; the original file itself is alright but it gets compressed to oblivion by the launcher and I can't tell why.
I tried to toy around with the pic and it seemingly doesn't matter (PNG or JPEG, huge or ridiculously small filesize, low res of 4k, it still kills the quality no matter what). I only managed to get a slightly better result by upscaling the box art to 5000x5000 but it still doesn't look good and it's honestly a shitty workaround.
What's causing this? What am I doing wrong?

>> No.10948492

no heatsink or vents, it's gonna throttle after a few mins on 3d games like a laptop does

>> No.10948501
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enjoy JELOS on RG353P
>Team changes to ROCKNIX, want to update
>Changes in firmware means it can't be installed to my eMMC model without wiping the Android firmware
>Try ArkOS in the meantime
>Just isn't as good; can't connect to my mesh network wifi and has a serious flaw with screen display issues
>Wiping Android install requires JELOS and SSH, instructions were eventually found on a Reddit post somewhere as to avoid going onto Discord
>Github repository for JELOS made the backhanded decision to wipe all binaries, signatures, even documentation
>Gamble on an archive.org mirror of a JELOS firmware, am able to wipe Android
>Install ROCKNIX to TF1 SD card, finally works

That was a lot of faff but it's not over.
The device now only boots when the SD card is in, I knew that'd be the case but the annoying part is that it can only charge if it's booted up.

I'm gonna need to figure out copying the TF1 ROCKNIX installation to eMMC at some point.
The SSH process had me making a backup of the Android eMMC to an image file, I'm not that familiar with Linux SSH usage but it seems likely that I can image the TF1 contents to the eMMC and might be able to boot it that way.

>> No.10948556

Game & Watch Gallery / 2
BurgerTime Deluxe
Spanky's Quest
Wario Land
Kirby's Pinball Land
Kirby's Block Ball
Dr. Mario

>> No.10948563

oh shit I just tried to update jelos to rocknix, since a thread said it would work, except I'm on an RG353V so now it's not booting anymore unless I take the micro SD card out, then it boots into android.
So do I have to wipe android now? So annoying, I had it patched to add google play support

>> No.10948573

Unfortunately yeah it seems like RG353 devices have to pick between staying on JELOS, or wiping Android to get ROCKNIX booting in a somewhat compromised way.

I don't really understand why eMMC versions of RG353 devices aren't supported by ROCKNIX, some sort of bootloader issue apparently?

>> No.10948574

good thing I unknowingly downloaded the last build of jelos like one month ago, but now I got to wipe my sd card because I bricked the installation I believe

>> No.10948576

I don't like any of shitendo's clamshells or these narrow ones, but the GPD Win Mini and Retroid Flop both do something to my monkey brain.

>> No.10948586

>Chicken the cat...


>> No.10948587
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>I don't wanna play n64 or dreamcast on this thing.
I do, but without sticks. There are actually some great pick up and play games, but on top of the thermal concerns neither of the chips get there.

>Just isn't as good; can't connect to my mesh network wifi and has a serious flaw with screen display issues
As it should, ArkOS doesn't support RG353P(S).

>Gamble on an archive.org mirror of a JELOS firmware, am able to wipe Android
Leave the filename next time.


See above.

Here you go, whatever any of this means.

>> No.10948589

for a PC? no
for a handheld and it's pressed against the battery?
not great

>> No.10948596

In other news, anons still buying chinkhelds and still pretending they are outraged when they find defects.
No one actually playing games so far (not at least those ITT)
I'm playing Link's Awakening on my SF2000 btw
>Reeee you can't, it's garbage!!!! Reeee

>> No.10948602
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Not terrible.

>> No.10948615
File: 147 KB, 736x626, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anbersisters... it's over...

>> No.10948631

I acutally noticed russ talking with the more high pitched voice and showing his face off alot when chicken wasn't mentioned for some time. It's possible she died and russ uses his videos as a way to cope. Would explain his recent unhinged behavior
I'm playing a mystery dungeon atm. People would post what their playing more if the op just used the old format of asking what an*ns are playing

>> No.10948676

the micro was a product of the time when all electronics where shrinking and that was seen as this great progress as opposed to now, where its all about big screens (but still shrinking transistors). nobody was asking if it even made sense to make such a small handheld.

>> No.10948698

catrap is important.

>> No.10948718

imagine being a brokey lmao

>> No.10948723

Why is PS1 the upper limit for so many emulation devices? Not just handhelds but in general.

>> No.10948725

>hey guys, look at me. I am posting something controversial! Lmaocopter I trolle you, so randum XDDDD!!!one!!!1

>> No.10948727

crappy arm loonix chips i guess.

>> No.10948741

Interesting, that gives insight into why sleep with RG353P and JELOS was generally unstable.
By Mainline u-boot they probably mean a component of the system or CFW being used and not modified for sanity reasons. So the current state of Linux versus older kernals.

The lack of JELOS support was actually a big part of why I skipped the ARC-S / ARC-D actually, if it can support ROCKNIX that's cool.

I still had sleep-wake failures on ROCKNIX with a wiped eMMC though, so that's even more reason for me to want to install ROCKNIX to run from eMMC instead of TF1.

It looks like you're in the Discord server, has there been any discussion about such action?

All much appreciated.

>> No.10948752

Oh yeah and JELOS-RK3566.aarch64-20240206.img.gz is what I downloaded yesterday to resolve my ROCKNIX installation, but a filename isn't enough and hashes matter to know the integrity of a given binary.
JELOS wiping all of their binary hashes from their Github was a seriously poorly thought out move. Did they not consider providing a JELOS LTS build for the Anbernic devices with eMMC / Android support?

>> No.10948757

I suppose, but do you really need an exponential increase in computing power to do systems like N64 and Dreamcast? I don't even mean emulating them accurately either, I mean like an early 2000s HLE level of emulation.

>> No.10948765
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>Anbernic RG 35XX Plus

Why would you recommend this over the Arc? What are the pros of it?

>> No.10948768

PCSX ReARMed is very lightweight and old. Mupen and Flycast are modern by comparison, closest it gets is bad ancient video plugins for N64 or speedhacked to hell games like SM64 and OoT.

It's a general chinkheld pisscord, I try my best not to poke my head into the JELOS/ROCKNIX server because they're unbearable shitheads.

But from what I gathered, everything runs on BSP kernel, very out of date stuff. ROCKNIX seems to be based on the mainline kernel migration JELOS fags were working on and seemingly dropped at the time.

It happened shortly after the Yuzu scare. Even with the whole asslicking etiquette you could see people struggling to rationalize it.

>> No.10948772

Libretro core development always pushes for accuracy and aims for higher power processors like desktops or mobiles, not these dinky processors intended for cars but slapped in a handheld.

Legacy cores are provided for the purpose of offering HLE performant albeit inaccurate emulation, for the especially weak devices that can't quite muster full speed GBA you'd use something like gpSP instead of mGBA, or for SNES you'd use an older version of SNES9X, but will probably run in edge-cases involving homebrew or highly ambitious ROM hacks that don't work properly or at all.

It's actually not far removed from the ZSNES defense, it "works on my machine", by virtue of being old and inaccurate.

>> No.10948776

> closest it gets is bad ancient video plugins for N64 or speedhacked to hell games like SM64 and OoT.
Like I said, early 2000s level emulation. Why isn't that more common for low-power devices when it's enough to run stuff like SM64 and OoT? It's not like you can expect a cheap handheld to run Rogue Squadron.

>> No.10948782

Oh, if it was a "cover their asses" move because older builds for the beefier systems that included Yuzu, then I get it.
They probably had some sort of justification for the move and the growing pains, it's just frustrating that they seem to omit really important details for users to just get the CFW up and running by themselves.

>> No.10948783

So it's libretro that's to blame then.
> It's actually not far removed from the ZSNES defense, it "works on my machine", by virtue of being old and inaccurate.
I don't expect accurate emulation from cheap devices. If I want accurate emulation, I can just use my PC.

>> No.10948797

Jelos/rocknix devs are the biggest unbearable douchebag in this hobby

>> No.10948807

Thing is I don't recall DC emulation ever getting into PS1 levels of low accuracy (but only subtly flawed) and easy to run, what was there before this, Demul and nullDC? I forget what came before.

That's the weird thing, first they panic nuked all releases and announced Yuzu and Citra would get scrubbed on the next builds, then they shut it down.

>> No.10948809

Batocera releases had supported Yuzu and Citra previously and they didn't nuke their historic releases like that either. They just washed their hands of it, but still let users add standalone Yuzu and Citra back in if they wanted to.

>> No.10948812

>purchasing things is a hobby

>> No.10948819

someone coded a really good emulator years ago that doesn't require a 3d accelerated gpu so everything uses it

>> No.10948820

Jelos/rocknix devs are the biggest unbearable douchebag in this consoomer niche

>> No.10948821

people unironically believe this
I used to stir the pot in transformers threads
"Oh your hobby is you go to walmart and buy something? You must really enjoy grocery shopping too"

>> No.10948827

That's just cruel, they have it bad enough putting up with Hasbro.

>> No.10948841

if retroid doesn't start teasing a new handheld this week im going to assassinate jewy.

>> No.10948861

PCSX-ReARMed, I assume?

>> No.10948863

What could they even tease? Pocket 4 Mini? Vertical Pocket 2s?
The flip 2 seems unlikely after their blunder.

>> No.10948872

Either 1:1 or Flip 2. Guess they could also do a vertislop.

>> No.10948880

Try the bevel shader in arch settings, thats what i use on my 351m and i absolutely love it.

>> No.10948886

Why start shit with transformers bros? At least go after bionicle fags.
They teased the Hawk. 1:1 meant to compete with the unicorn and rgb30

>> No.10948905
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I owned an Ambernic 353M but the buttons failed twice so I sent it back for a refund. I just use a PS Vita for any retro gaming. It's easily repairable and a battery change out is quick to do. Currently playing the GBA version of Elite.

>> No.10948921


>> No.10948927

>buy $800 figure
>the QC is terrible
>it yellows
In many ways, they're more like us than I care to admit. Key difference is we know we're buying trash and don't dickride the company fucking us

>> No.10948938

final fantasy adventure
the final fantasy legends series

>> No.10948939
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>> No.10948960

that would be $500 plus tip

>> No.10948962

Reddit is about this
Let's not become this much gay

>> No.10949016

if this thing was under $100 I would consider the goofy chocolate bar, but since there's basically no chance of that, I wonder who this is for. There's no shortage of horizontals, unless you're chasing the brand name (Chink trash Deluxe instead of Chink trash), a minor compromise here and there will get you a solid product for a fraction of the price

>> No.10949031

PS1 is a simple machine in contrast to N64 and DC, no AA, Z-buffer or texture correction.
Dreamcast's CPU is about 8x more powerful than PS1's. Dreamcast games also usually run at 4x resolution and double the framerate.

>> No.10949037


>> No.10949051

No, you're to blame for buying chink e-waste.

>> No.10949052

Where's the "lone miyoo warrior"?

>> No.10949063

Why does everyone hate Deck all of a sudden?

>> No.10949070

My ps vita run GBA games slowly..

>> No.10949075

its old and shitty, its like buying an htc vive in 2024

>> No.10949078

He said he wants something pocketable anon. It's not hate to exclude the Deck on that basis, it's simply accepting reality. And for the record I don't hate Deck.

>> No.10949082


>> No.10949102

Is there a native GBA emulator yet? When I played GBA on the Vita it launched through the PSP mode and was blurry as shit

>> No.10949103

>I'm playing
Wrong because you are itt

>> No.10949106

Because it was the last good console, there's not really any point in emulating the rest including Saturn and 64.

>> No.10949109

Well for starters it has normal buttons and dpad and doesn't look retarded.

>> No.10949114

Playing games on handhelds is the hobby you dumb dimb

>> No.10949119

RP3S or RPFlip S

>> No.10949121

what exactly does that mean

>> No.10949126

Yes, Are you retard? They are not a basic necessity/work tool. They fit in the hobby category.

>> No.10949129
File: 95 KB, 500x533, brainlet crayons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you retard?

>> No.10949131

>Anon meets consumerism for the first time

>> No.10949147

It's actually Dreamcast

>> No.10949191

RP2s but with RP4 specs.

>> No.10949202

what model is this

>> No.10949205
File: 91 KB, 1199x898, space autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo a "2" should always be used to refer to that general form factor desu. They fucked up by breaking the "number = form factor" trend with the RP4. The RP4 should've been the RP3S, and the RP4P should've been the RP3S+. An RP2S with an RP4 chip should be RP2S+.

>> No.10949207
File: 39 KB, 645x773, 1592e3768a24abd630c14177b79bb801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sooo what can i do with my miyoo before my sd card arrives?

feeling a little blue balled here

>> No.10949216

Play it with the sd card that came with it?
Are you just mentally retarded?

>> No.10949219

I got it without sd card

also, rude

>> No.10949227

So you bought one without the sd card, bought one separetly, and the mm arrived before because youre an idiot.

Go play in the sun, retard

>> No.10949231

Currently waiting for the Ambernic SP one to get to my home (Bought... yesterday, I think? Email says shipping begins at May 22 but I should be looking at a extra 3-5 days.
Dunno if I will actually play Dreamcast, PSX and PSP games in it except some RPGs, but hey, at least I have the option to plug on my tv and play with a Bluetooth controller if I feel like it.

Use another SD card while waiting for the main one?
You do have more than one SD card in your entire house, ya?

>> No.10949234

it's cheaper

>> No.10949238

you can use it as paper weight

>> No.10949245

nice deduction, good job, still a useless reply though

any issues i can expect when porting stuff from this sd to the one that arrives? i might find something..

>> No.10949257

Never had any when I was porting stuff from an 8gb sd card to an 128gb, but unless Mini has some retardation in it's system, not at all?
I mean, it's linux, ya? Just make sure to back it up before doing anything with it, just like you would any other pen drive

>> No.10949271

RP3+ with better button placement and maybe slightly better specs

>> No.10949274

>still a useless reply though
Pot, meet kettle.

>> No.10949279

that's the rp4 tho.

>> No.10949281

have you been living under a rock? gpsp in retroarch has been full speed for 5 years now

also, vita has a native n64 emulator that works pretty well (daedalus64)

>> No.10949285

I'd get a Trimui Smart Pro if it had a 4:3 screen, why does it even need a 16:9 screen?

>> No.10949291

Probably way cheaper to get a mass produced 5" 16:9 720p screen than find or commission a big 4:3.

>> No.10949296

I was mad about that at first but GBA games look pretty good and it runs PSP better than I expected. Not to mention widescreen patches.
I'll get one the next sale.

>> No.10949301

how do you not have a million sd cards lying around? Are you brain damaged?

>> No.10949308

i like the rp2s. i just want a slightly bigger screen but same form factor. Plus i want to be able to emulate more ps2 gaems.

>> No.10949314

you refund your sd card and go to the best buy for price match and then play

>> No.10949318

What the fuck is wrong with Miyoo? Seems like they haven't made a single good decide since the MM(+). And now that everyone is in love with Anbernig SP, public opinion is turning on the Miyoo clamshell.

>> No.10949324

Its ambernic. You racist son of a bitch!

>> No.10949327

If you want 4:3 dude there is an army of other chinkhelds out there

>> No.10949331

RG405M thoughever

>> No.10949339

I feel you on that m8, just saying my autism would compel me to call that an RP2S+ or something.
>dpad in wrong location
>downfiring speakers
>inline, non-analogue triggers
>no lighter and cheaper plastic option

>> No.10949340

Wait till /hhg/ discovers that their phones can do everything they buy 70 chinkhelds for and more. For example here's me playing BotW at 1x then switching apps to play GoW at 4x on Nether on my Samsung.

>> No.10949345

Shit I forgot to attach it but whatever you get the idea.

>> No.10949350

Wait till >you discover that some people actually like playing on dedicated handhelds, retard

>> No.10949354

>lighter and cheaper plastic option
Holy cringe

>> No.10949359

4:3 horizontals fucking suck in general, why is that?

>> No.10949360

oh wow, a phonepost, never seen one of those before in /hhg/

and your phone has a full set of buttons and analog sticks? no? then you are using a clip-on controller, so you have two devices now, and it is no longer pocketable, and you have to keep both charged separately. why not just get a handheld at that point? oh, it's cheaper to buy a clip-on controller? what are you, poor?

>> No.10949368

Wait till this anon discovers BotW and GoW are fucking gay and so is his little soiphone.

>> No.10949372
File: 1.02 MB, 1067x1068, Screenshot 2023-08-11 3.21.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want another brick game, mine fell too many times and now the rotate button doesn't work :c

It's smaller and cheaper, better if you prefer the vertical Game Boy style. Kind of apples and oranges really

>> No.10949380

>both vitatards and phonetards are here right now
All we need know is Anal Log Pocketards to complete the trinity.

>> No.10949382

RG300X. An underpowered and overpriced handheld at the time of release that Anbernic thought they could get away with.

>> No.10949390

if you've ever used an xbone d-pad then you'd know to stay the fuck away from the SP

>> No.10949396

It's a Saturn modeled chinkheld that can't run Saturn or even DC for its fighters. It's also rather overpriced, were it going for $40 something on sales like the new 35XXs there'd be a point.

>> No.10949413
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>> No.10949414

Hot glue it

>why does it even need a 16:9 screen?
It can actually run some psp games now with the vulkan update.

A 4:3 version of the TSP would be kino though

>> No.10949430
File: 400 KB, 445x693, W7j1Orl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever.

>> No.10949438


>> No.10949442
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>> No.10949443

its weird to see many reviewers complain about clicky buttons on the 35xxSP because in my circles clicky buttons are preferred.
but maybe they are excessively loud.

>> No.10949448

they don't want to wake up their wive's boyfriend while playing in bed.

>> No.10949450
File: 1.97 MB, 1187x1199, Screenshot 2023-09-05 8.25.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arrrgh I want another one so bad

But they take a while to ship, also batteries not included

>> No.10949454

>clicky buttons are preferred
Why exactly?

>> No.10949457


>> No.10949459

you don't get false inputs or missed inputs. if it clicks, the input registered. simple as.

>> No.10949461 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1689776379487029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Perfect Affordable Handheld
... is the Game Box Plus

>> No.10949491

Take an sd card out of one of your other devices? Do you not have a million devices with sd cards at home?

>> No.10949493

>tfw no rtc on just arrived miyoo
well i guess i'm just unlucky

>> No.10949496

See >>10947143

>> No.10949501

I don't have a phone

>> No.10949505

>hand so faggy, unironically can't press buttons
I guess that should gatekeep someone off

>> No.10949507
File: 413 KB, 1952x1464, 6EVNOjxaTE4RsSWY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's really talking about this but I wish it had a slide power switch. I wonder if those are harder to make.

>> No.10949510

>schizo maldpost
See >>10947147

>> No.10949514

At this rate we're getting this before the miyoo flip

>> No.10949537

>why does it even need a 16:9 screen?
because believe it or not chucklefuck, nobody is out there ordering custom 5 incher 4:3 screens to make a chinkheld. 4" is the largest you're realistically gonna see and the 405 is there if you want that.
The sad truth is that if you want 4:3 that's over 4 inches then you're looking at 5" > 7" 16 :9 displays unless you buy an ipad mini and a clip.
You know what I want? I want a TSP for every resolution I play except for square-ish gameboy, gimme one for chonky snes, gimme one for wonderswan/gba a 16:9 model and a nice little square badboy each being 4" in their respective ratios. Why a square badboy? Because the RGB30 sucks dick that's why and the TSP 1:1 would have a working sleep mode.

Anyway, look at equivalent resolution sizes for 16:9, 5" isn't so bad for 4:3 etc, it's when you get towards the 8:7 range that the RGB30 starts to inch out a win.

>> No.10949539

I get that, and I even wanted one when it came out (and probably would have gotten one if it came out before the DS). But after actually using one, I began to understand why it was marketed more as a fashion accessory than a gaming device.
It's trash.

>> No.10949541

>because believe it or not chucklefuck, nobody is out there ordering custom 5 incher 4:3 screens to make a chinkheld
that's all you needed to write, not reading the rest.

>> No.10949543

Also a volume wheel

>> No.10949547

Sliders and wheels belong in the past, plus you can't just hard shutdown chinkhelds.

>> No.10949550

I like getting inputs but I don't need a dopamine sound effect for it

>> No.10949557

You think you do but you don't.
It'd be the cheapest slider you've ever seen, worse than a logitech one, it'd break after 3 months.

>> No.10949559

Then how are you posting?

>> No.10949561

Considering the cheapest Famiclones use these, I'm assuming it was just a design choice

Anbernic is notorious for this, they almost never do a proper wheel it seems

V90 uses both, just go into the menu, hold start, and press A. ez

>> No.10949565

It was great for playing in class and not much else.

>> No.10949567

Yes, I can hard shutdown anything... at the risk of corrupting the SD card.

>> No.10949568

>because in my circles clicky buttons are preferred.
I like 'em for dpads, they're top tier for menu games.
However dpad autists will find anything to complain about given a chance, they'll never be happy until they can relive that moment they were sitting on their dads saggy sofa that smelled like an ash tray playing a fighting game for the first time.

>> No.10949590

I use mGBA cuz allways i'install retroarch on my vita the icon never appears

>> No.10949603

the sound isn't the point, it's a side effect.

>> No.10949604

>dpad autists will find anything to complain about given a chance, they'll never be happy until they can relive that moment they were sitting on their dads saggy sofa that smelled like an ash tray playing a fighting game for the first time.
I assume you're speaking from firsthand experience.

>> No.10949610

stress test the screen

>> No.10949614
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Hell yeah

>> No.10949618

Telepathy through OP's anus

>> No.10949648

this looks less comfortable than an RG28XX

>> No.10949663

>an actual controller and seeing the screen above the buttons so you don't need to crane your neck or raise the handheld too high looks less comfortable than a cramped chink piece of shit
This is some upper level contrarianism

>> No.10949671
File: 1.96 MB, 3000x2000, 1716001046050973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro can you help me out, I got a controller I think can work but I still can't find any geimu on my phone I tried the xbox pad first but it needs a usb port and I couldn't figure it out I think my phone has the bluetooth
I just want to play super mario 64 like you
help pls

>> No.10949676
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>> No.10949682 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10949683

shut the fuck up this thing has a better hinge than all the chinkhelds

>> No.10949684

maybe it's different in person but having the phone act as a lever on your wrists does look less comfortable than a cramped chink piece of shit yea

>> No.10949695
File: 62 KB, 1000x750, I8RQrQZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good emulator handhelds with a Neo Geo Pocket style stick?

>> No.10949704
File: 9 KB, 235x282, 1592e3768a24abd630c14177b79bb801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not say anything

>> No.10949712

only $240 + tip :)

>> No.10949737

Opendingux devices have SOVULful MIPS chips that dont support shaders
I'll shoot you if you come near my Dragonair

>> No.10949741
File: 207 KB, 1440x1249, Screenshot_20240520-114315_Gmail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy
Kino incoming

>> No.10949747
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>> No.10949750

inb4 arrested for importing a bomb

>> No.10949762

>have you been living under a rock? gpsp in retroarch has been full speed for 5 years now
Admittedly I haven't been keeping up with the vita scene so yeah I have been. Guess I'll have to look into updating mine, it's been ages.

>> No.10949765

Luckily you don't need a controller, your chinkheld flip already has buttons

>> No.10949768

Why 5? One for each hand?

>> No.10949770
File: 550 KB, 1080x630, Screenshot_2024-05-20-16-37-45-591_com.brave.browser-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Block your way, spank your girlfriend and humiliate your chinkheld in the process.

>> No.10949773


>> No.10949779
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>> No.10949782

>Neutra fap before they sold out literally
I'll try.

>> No.10949786

Based Echidna

>> No.10949789
File: 2.94 MB, 1600x720, ozone fighter 3 click[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fby39r8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neutra fap before they sold out literally.
Those were the days.

>> No.10949798

Why are their hands, especially nails, so fucking disgusting?

>> No.10949808
File: 12 KB, 336x338, JackFrost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes id love to get xitter notifications to interrupt my game. Let me Deattach my contrller grip just so i can answer this call real quick. Oh wait my car just fucking crashed and i have no BATTERY because i was too busy playing fucking BOTW on my android!

>> No.10949810

And no DMG color oddly

Maybe anon wants to mod them? Like custom buttons etc.

>> No.10949812

I was kind of jelly but then >>10948765 happened and is kind of a better design imo

>> No.10949819

just buy a second phone, you're not poor, are you?

>> No.10949820

Is this pig an eceleb or something?

>> No.10949830

I was shocked at the poor color choices for the 35XXSP.

>> No.10949836
File: 1.96 MB, 2560x2580, Game-Boy-Advance-SP-Mk1-Blue[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they had metallic blue I'd have been all over that, just like my original GBA SP.
I went for translucent blue, haven't had a translucent handheld in forever.

>> No.10949841

That or transparent purple or that great red the SP had. I don't like transparent blue personally because I associate it with the old cheap famiclone I used to have but that's a me problem. Other than the black one the other two grey ones look kind of boring.

>> No.10949848
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: ) yes

>> No.10949857


>> No.10949862
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Dearest friend, your alignment differs from mine: PERISH!

>> No.10949868
File: 23 KB, 1366x384, Sonic the Hedgehog (USA, Europe)-240129-193659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh oh, it looks like another ROM gave in and got STRETCHED by superior 16:9 and 19.5:9 screens... what do we do, 1:1 and 4:3 bros? They're taking away all our ROMs because they're much bigger...

>> No.10949870

>that pic
itoddler resolution

>> No.10949874
File: 3.51 MB, 720x1280, 7D2EE61A425F31D70001AEF7A9D5CD7D.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could have something to do with the 180 Zhou had to pull on the stupid glowing logo. This sample has a cobalt blue top.

>> No.10949881

If you think that's stupid you have lost all childish wonder and sense of fun from your personality

>> No.10949883
File: 107 KB, 250x250, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Swag slow-carb quinoa VHS typewriter pork belly brunch

>> No.10949887
File: 232 KB, 1366x387, nvmfixedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed it with mods

>> No.10949910

>1:1 screen
For what goddamn purpose?

>> No.10949916

it's not 1:1 THO it's 3:4 THOUGH

>> No.10949917

I thought you got over everyone disliking it, Brother Zhou.

>> No.10949919


>> No.10949920

in what way

>> No.10949921

Is it actually 3:4 or just 4:3 but rotated?

A shitload of these handhelds have had vertical screens installed horizontally and then had shit like diagonal screen tearing to deal with.

>> No.10949923

Now play it surrounded by 4 curved monitors like Sega intended

>> No.10949927
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no idea. it's this screen so I could see it actually being 3:4.

>> No.10949961

butthole status?

>> No.10949974

Nah I'd win

>> No.10949983
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>> No.10949998

That's the dumbest looking phone I've ever seen.

>> No.10950007

That's cool. I would have been down for that one if it was solid blue all around.

>> No.10950027
File: 169 KB, 1223x684, Daichi_introduce_Nicaea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10950050

Wish there was a transparent red sp
>mm.exe emblem on blue lid
>bass.exe on black
>blues.exe on red

>> No.10950053
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No answers? :(

>> No.10950057

>I have 175 switch games on my odin 2
how fucking big is that micro SD bro

>> No.10950065

Use Skraper.

>> No.10950068

Frontend faggots deserve to rope

>> No.10950069

Now tell us how many hours you play each handheld a week. Or do you just leave them on yourself as decoration?

>> No.10950072

Frontends are kino
So are verticals, you only hate them because nintendo

>> No.10950073

based black bar bemoaner

>> No.10950076

How would that help? I already got the pics I need, the only issue is the way the frontend handles the conversion.

>> No.10950089
File: 114 KB, 325x300, jack frost computerr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I leave them charging, but outside of 2 particular handhelds, i play them pretty often
splatoon 3, only game i play often on that thing unless new single player nintendo game
played smt4 recently on it, was fun. I want to play smt4a sometime. theres a lot of good 3ds and DS games.
NOTHING (aside from ape escape and playing through ff7 2 years ago)
>miyoo mini+
NOTHING (aside from playing smrpg last year)
playing through cave story again, was playing through paper mario n64 but i just dropped off it for some reasons. I used to use the 3ds/vita for snes/gba emulation but its too rough on those consoles, however on the RP2S its pretty good.
also why would i leave them on for decoration, Do you think im a faggot or something?

>> No.10950095

I just use zfast lcd for gba
dot for gb/c
zfast crt for pretty much everything else
no filters or whatever

>> No.10950097

They needed to get rid the of a30's chip without having another blunder like the s30. Ended up worst.
Vitakeks did nothing wrong so far. Not like he's looking down at chinkshelds like the last 3ds guy.

>> No.10950107

Kekaroo! Also, why does that look like a moga?
>Chink hinge vs chink hinge

>> No.10950117

Devil Survivor 3 never...

>> No.10950118

Frontend chads deserve all the help they can get. I don't use that one though.

>> No.10950143

Russ has said multiple times that chicken died last year

>> No.10950162

When you get them, please post here saying how many had backward screen magnets

>> No.10950178
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No, proper sticks or no buy.
They may not be preferable to some on a squished vertical clamshell, and I don't care about that. It's fine. But don't make compromises on the more powerful horizontal clamshells that I AM interested in.

>> No.10950183

buy a deck

keep your giant anal logs off my pocketable handhelds

>> No.10950194

You are objectively correct..

>> No.10950208

There's a PM64 TTYD rom hack out there that adds some of the latter's amenities

>> No.10950220
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, Only 3d chinkheld_Cant do_3ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope joey. Either tell chinks to make vita/psp clones again (That aren't bigger) or fuck off.
That explains the family dog and spending more time online.

>> No.10950223

>play n64
>running fine
>touch a single one of any of the settings to up the resolution
>instantly crashes every game
Fuck retroarch

>> No.10950246
File: 123 KB, 812x972, 1706119740569119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chink hinge
sorry noob but it's acktchuually a swedish designed hinge built by the chinks so it's ok, it's like the analogue pocket and we all know that doesn't qualify as a chinkheld so this is a swede hinge, it has nord strength built into it and folds on command by a simple flip.
It's made for seniors, so it really does just perform.
This is why you should use a phone that doesn't play games over a chinkheld. It allows you to mog others without without playing games at all and you get that sense of superiority that is essential to dominating this general and life.

Give it up, brother zhou failed and the swedes won. They even managed to not use the battery as a heatsink! now hurry the fuck up and tell me how to play some games on this damn thing.
If only I could play Snake II..

>> No.10950252
File: 298 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i heard about that romhack, it looks cool but i never played ttyd, and i think i would like to experience the mechanical progression from 64 -> ttyd. I WOULD play the game more, but theres some mupen bug in android retroarch that makes my menus all fucked and they dont display properly on the RP2S. I'd rather dedicate my playtime to playing on PC which doesnt have these issues.

>> No.10950254

>>10950252 (me)
the game is fully functional, its just that the menu icons look weird..

>> No.10950256

After I did that n64 test for an anon the other day I gotta say if I change absolutely anything in RA it won't boot from the N64 menu, I gotta load up RA then load the rom that way lmao.
Doesn't really matter tho since N64 has no games.

>> No.10950258

>Either tell chinks to make vita/psp clones again (That aren't bigger) or fuck off.
I'd be happy with chinkhelds following the TSP formula, good ergos, plastics, buttons, build it to that spec, not too heavy, good buttons, good sleep mode. I'd even accept a TSP like android device that did PS2 that was 50g~ heavier.
If only they could find a way to make the vita style sticks do L3/R3.

>> No.10950259

Is it android? I think I heard of this phone. You should be able to install apks. Try that and report back.
Custom robo es nice.

>> No.10950262

Retroid's hall sticks are close enough and they click. I would legit kneel irl out of respect if they or powkiddy make something like the smart pro but powerful

>> No.10950268

they did tho

>> No.10950272

Play on Parallel or whatever that other core is called

>> No.10950275

Yep N64 is the one console I can't load from Daijisho, aside from some downloadable games for 3ds and Switch. I can only play them from RA directly or else the controls won't work at all.

>> No.10950294

Nah, it's an old style symbian like OS, similar to what you'd see on a phone in the mid-late 00's when feature phones were a thing but entry level devices still existed about the level of a basic samsung/nokia/sony ericson but less developed than say a K800i/N95.
It's 100% a dumb phone, it has an alarm, an event reminder (put your meds here), camera, FM radio, torch, calculator and ICE (medical info/next of kin) and nothing else. It's really a phone meant for seniors/disabled people/people looking for a simple dumb phone that lasts.
I got mine because after my hand surgery since I can't really use capacitive touch screens well, Phones with real input methods are a niche, I know there were blackberrys, knockoffs and the like and Nokia used to produce others but the market switched to people staring down at 16:9 or wider devices doomscrolling.

Someone like myself doesn't need to buy into the $500 phone on contract every 1 or 2 years culture because you just really can't use them without other input/assistive decies on the go. I text the number at the bus stop to get an estimated time and that's as smart as it gets lmao, straight outta 2010.
I do have a real android phone, a shitheap Huawei entry level but I need to connect a BT trackball/keyboard to operate it and the media player before I go out so I just use an old zune instead if I can..

To feed it into handhelds. I wouldn't mind an android device but I'd be wary of one with something like a touchscreen if the UI/connectivity etc isn't good. I've had a few phones in the past that were shit with BT devices.

>> No.10950296

huh, that sounds great. A nice TSP like within 50G with clickable sticks and a good sleep mode would be god tier. Doesn't need to upscale, just run at 1x res with SOTC or whatever and I'm golden.

>> No.10950337

Is it the 7050? I'm looking and it says it uses a snapdragon they use in smartphones.

>> No.10950374

Naaaah, it's not that advanced. The 7050 looks similar flipped up but is waaay more powerful.
This is the 2404, not listed on places like GSMA. It has a MediaTek 6261A cpu and Nucleus as it's OS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nucleus_RTOS
>Nucleus was released first in 1993.
I really doubt you could get any games on it or there's a big hacking/custom scene like on xda. I don't think it even has Java support even if it could be hacked in to meet like an old mid-00's feature phone.
It's a very low spec phone, like the specs say you can get 600hrs battery life out of it and I charge it about once every 3 weeks.

When anon says why don't you just use your phone; I can't. Chinkhelds just werk most of the time.

>> No.10950382

Oh yeah. That's not even java me. That's an acutal dumbphone.

>> No.10950403

just play with borders you coward.

>> No.10950413
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Or a jewclaw..

>> No.10950418

He thinks just like me... I... thank you...

>> No.10950426
File: 3.09 MB, 2594x1622, Yggdrasil NYИ details.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In practice, buttons for a dpad haven't been the best executed or received. It's the separation and some people end up missing the rocking motion. I did try spit balling some hybrid dpad designs with companies and here too. One was the above mentioned but also trying different approaches to mimic decent analogue from dpad input.

>> No.10950435

>zfast lcd
I tried that out a long time ago and remember hating it. I don't think it looked much like an LCD. zfast crt is great though.

>> No.10950468

The simple inexpensive solution in my mind is to let the dpad be loose like the Saturn, maybe with an adjustable screw in the middle. Combined with a few optical mouse sensors around the inside housing of the circle pad. Pointing inward they could measure the depth, direction and speed of the edge's tilt when the dpad is pressed.

>> No.10950491
File: 88 KB, 411x430, 1699199166851300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye, zfast LCD is pretty shit but CRT is aight at low resolutions.
I don't think you can go wrong with lcd1x or 3x with dot.glsp as a backup.
Anyway constructive criticism for your 'tism.
More rear & padd buttons/pads. We've moved on, we live in an age where the not only the xbox elite controller exists but the steam controller & 'eck with good multi-programming and light macros.
I will say, I do like the mouse wheel idea tho, I wouldn't be opposed to two tiny trackballs on say an asymmetric pad in a triangle formation between the sticks and dpad with a wheel, could be good fucking shit.
The mouse scroll wheel would be good on the outer ridges by the bumper like I think you indicated. I'm thinking of FFXIV's controller targetting trigger & bumper = tab targetting and a wheel there would be 10/10.
Anyway, rearwise, buttons, trackpads and pressure sensitive stuff works good for everything except pinky but taking your kino mousewheel idea at the extreme edges of the pad, the handles, you could have a nice touch pad or mousewheel there too, that's extremely ergonomic and doesn't take away from the pinch/pressure actions required.

Your rear idea is alright, but just too busy, too unfocused, not ergonomic enough.
If this was done pre-steam controller/elite SI support then fair enough, post? ick.
Most interesting post itt so far lol.

>> No.10950498

>Same as it ever was!

>> No.10950521
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>> No.10950523

Best GBA-style device (no analog sticks) if money is no object?

>> No.10950525

GBA with screen mod

>> No.10950528

Holy based, welcome to the good side of the chinkhelds

>> No.10950534

Let us know how it is after you get it
RG35XXSP unless you mean original GBA, in which case I don't know. If you just want a horizontal then I'd go with Odin 2 Mini or Retroid Pocket 4 Pro

>> No.10950537
File: 6 KB, 194x259, 1704806608837568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sticks
In order of best to worst
>DSi XL chopped in half (don't do this)
>GB Micro
>DSi chopped in half
>modded GBA
>DS lite chopped in half
>Analshitter pocket

>> No.10950545

Genuinely if you're going to spend over $300 why not just spend a little extra and get a steam deck?

>> No.10950548

NTA but they're either shelfshitter nostalgiafag or an ultrachad selling them no nostalgiafags in the area for a profit.

>> No.10950550

Ah here you are!

>> No.10950552

steam deck isnt portable, it's for hotel and plane use only (also still $100 more for the pitiful LCD version here in canada)

>> No.10950553

The Odin 2 mini isn't very portable either albeit

>> No.10950558
File: 37 KB, 366x419, 1685068858222408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steam deck isnt portable
>(also still $100 more for the pitiful LCD version here in canada)
tfw didn't get into the 'eck meme and missed the 7" kino and they wanna push screen size to 7.4" (too big)

>> No.10950562

it's literally pocketable, almost same size as a vita. the 'eck is for people without a laptop.

>> No.10950573

GB micro is awful bro

>> No.10950583

It's nearly 2cm bigger than the Vita. It's going to stick out of some pockets that the Vita can fit in fine.

>> No.10950585

Who the fuck nostalgiafags for a factor only two handhelds used?
Still too big desu. The ceo of retroid has his address in plain view. Someone get taki's cia father to hold him at gunpoint.

>> No.10950641
File: 86 KB, 1156x132, odin2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone get taki's cia father to hold him at gunpoint.
>he doesn't know

>> No.10950649

Not with those analog triggers desu

>> No.10950654
File: 35 KB, 972x555, steam deck, the most pocketable portable handheld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steam deck isnt portable

>> No.10950680
File: 358 KB, 1220x736, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any android frontends that i can make look like picrel? i have daijisho but i dont like how its sorted by platform..

>> No.10950683

Its pocketable if youre over 6ft which automatically excludes the malnourished rice and basedsauce brownoids that buy these devices instead of just having a gaming computer at home

>> No.10950685

No and that's a silly request because Playnite is designed to work with PCs and Android frontends are designed to work with touch screens. They're going to have different layouts to accommodate this.

>> No.10950686

Are you really asking this anon?

>> No.10950690
File: 1.00 MB, 1000x1000, 1713573084135063.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are there any menu based frontends for an OS that has primarily used capactivie touchscreens for 15.5 years

>> No.10950691

>DSi XL meme
Damn, what shit tastes.

>> No.10950697

i just would like to be able to sort by recents and there would be no grouping between game consoles. I have like 4 pc engine games, I will never naturally play those because why would i go to the pc engine platform.

>> No.10950705

Paying more than $250 for a chinkheld is retarded. At $300 you can get a phone or even a used laptop with better specs. Not to mention the only consoles that you can emulate at that range with mixed results are ps3, wii, wii u and switch. And for the last one, it would be better to just a switch.

>> No.10950707

Everything on the list is awful. The GBA is awful in totality and there's not a single device without sticks that does it well.
It's the best of the bunch and that's not saying much.

>> No.10950709

sorry for asking, i'll never ask for suggestions again.

>> No.10950713
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 1694689767244787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or even a used laptop with better specs.

>> No.10950719

>Its pocketable if [Headcanon (Russ)]/[Lies since most that own chinkhelds are white]
300 dollar phones (New) have pretty much the same shit performance as the odin 2, but do get better screens

>> No.10950724

what buttons those future landfill fodder have?

>> No.10950730

3d heptic feedback.

>> No.10950731

phones have awful aspect ratio for playing any games, retro or 16:9. and the thermals are awful, for 300 in the odin 2 you get a very powerful chip that'd usually be in a flagship phone, built in controls, and the ability to emulate everything that is ported to android, with a really good battery life.

>> No.10950735

ok what they look, like, switches? what kinda sticks bro?

>> No.10950742

I wasn't making a case for phones, but the tcl b*ckberry deviced have nice aspect ratios

>> No.10950753

>buy a deck
Only when they make a clamshell..

>> No.10950756

Or you can just upgrade your phone and get a telescopic controller for cheaper.

>> No.10950760

you can't upgrade to a phone that doesn't thermal throttle, even the s24 ultra will do it, and all new phones have bad aspect ratio for emulation.
>for cheaper
ok show me a phone with a better chip than the snapdragon 8 gen 2 plus a controller for <$300

>> No.10950774

That UI is very PC so i doubt there ever will be
Does beacon launcher fit your needs?

>> No.10950870

>It's the best of the bunch

>> No.10950879

Black bars aren't a big deal

>> No.10950884

$300 is entering Switch price territory and not only is that an actual console but you can hack it to play older games too so either just use your phone or just get a Switch at that price.

>> No.10950887

If it's already non-integer why not scale it to full width?

>> No.10950897
File: 611 KB, 1124x1044, 1685205522806697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought a N3DSXL
>DS games look like shit
>GBA runs natively
bought a DSiLL
>DS games are perfect on it
>No native GBA support, emulation is a hit and miss

I hate that there's not a clear solution to this.

>> No.10950902

Tru, but some people like higher end mobile games and,
>Phone or android chinkheld > Bitch
That twilight patcher thingamajak makes ds games look somwhat less shit depending on the filter or whatever its called.

>> No.10950903

Uhhhh DS Lite?

>> No.10950906


>> No.10950910

I hope that isn't supposed to be an own

>> No.10950916

Yeah I've tried it, makes it a little less worse
True, but I would need to buy a GBA flashcard, at that point I'm willing to just buy the new SP device to have a device that can play each perfectly.

>> No.10950918

>at that point I'm willing to just buy the new SP device to have a device that can play each perfectly.
I mean...yeah, personally with chinkhelds I've never looked back. Love my Switch but it's been collecting dust since I started chinkholding.

>> No.10950942
File: 195 KB, 1000x1000, Clear and not cloudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate that there's not a clear solution to this.
WDYM there's not a clear solution to this!?

>> No.10950949

Honestly all piss and shit posting aside.
I use my DSi for DS stuff only because it's BiS and I use the trimui smart pro for GBA I used to use the 3DS.
It sucks that the screens are incompatible but there's really no beating the DSi XL/LL screens if you get a good non-piss stained one for DS. It feels a little better than the 3DS too when playing those games, maybe it's the letterboxing or the way the screen's centred or even the PPI but it looks fucking good.
If you have both, enjoy both FWIW.

Yeah it sucks not having an easy 1 device does all if you have 'tism but you have the best of both worlds anon.

>> No.10950951

They're making GBARunner3, supposedly it's working a lot better than 2 but they're a ways off from getting up to a stable release last i checked

>> No.10950969
File: 131 KB, 440x414, 1608034255034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been thinking about how I wish the switch had Wii levels of personality and flare with emulators. I hacked my OLED months ago but I just can't get myself to play roms on it.
It's okay, objectively you only need a 3DS for all those systems but it's so frustrating how close we are from perfection
Good, hopefully they can sort out the audio issues we

>> No.10951006

thank you shills
>and the thermals are awful,
do they use the battery as the heatsink?

>> No.10951024

the rg35xxSPs are getting shipped out.
just got a message that mine is on the way.

>> No.10951030

Because at 2.5x, the image is 600x400.
If you go full width, you wind up with an image that's 640x~426.667. And partial pixels are a pain in the ass to account for if you wanted to include an overlay of some kind. If you didn't want an overlay, full width is fine.

>> No.10951038

I'm waiting for the miyoo flip so I can post about how I got mine and because it has analog sticks which are a necessity for anything that plays beyond 4th gen.

>> No.10951043 [DELETED] 
File: 520 KB, 1600x1600, 1709665346276588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do appreciate that one of the GRIS results of this nice piss stained DS tagged rare on ebay.

>> No.10951049
File: 520 KB, 1600x1600, 1697911794797578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do appreciate that one of the GRIS results of this is a nice piss stained DS tagged rare on ebay.

>> No.10951057

analogs that low seem dumb desu.
I think they would work well with a horizontal clamshell.

>> No.10951059

Yellow filter makes a screen easier on your eyes. The longer you play, the yellower your screen gets over the years. That's the magic of Nintendo, the only pro-consumer AAA video game company form the 80s to today.

>> No.10951065

You're right, they should have put the sticks on top and the dpad and buttons below them.

>> No.10951071

coke nails are a fashion thing now
my 14 yo cousin has them and im pretty sure he has no idea what it actually implies

>> No.10951121

GBA, PSP, DS with two screens at the same time, stretched 3D games look good too, arcade tate mode, game streaming, video player.

>> No.10951123

So how much did you pay for your samsung? What model?

>> No.10951127
File: 786 KB, 1284x1420, IMG_0893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10951129
File: 541 KB, 655x491, 59_-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10951134
File: 308 KB, 1200x627, Orange-Pi-Neo-Game-Console.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10951137
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x1080, mE6ruKu5Z62B0wS1hsT9n3CPDbzLIPAt8RpFPGIGGsjUVXip24ZH4TfjXIhGF1C8y-bPHQMvxcARqws1080-c-fcrop64100000000ffffffff-nd-v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10951138
File: 217 KB, 1750x2500, adult-mad-scientist-costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10951220 [SPOILER] 
File: 849 KB, 3840x2160, 1687090297079658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>analogs that low seem dumb desu.
May I introduce you to your mirror world friend.

>> No.10951237

That looks like shit.

>> No.10951247

buttons and dpad that low is stupid too.
there is no winning.

>> No.10951251

Can I add standalone emulators like DuckStation to TSP?

>> No.10951271

Duckstation is in Retroarch as Swanstation

>> No.10951286

First you need to compile them using the appropriate toolchain. Maybe get knulli and extract the core from there.

>> No.10951308

This must be great, phoneposters told me so.

>> No.10951315

I press X on the ROM list but can't pick the emulator like in the others

>> No.10951317

You can either edit the config direct on the SD card, configure RA or can launch RA directly to do what ya want fwiw.

>> No.10951352
File: 18 KB, 137x247, 1715843091773928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10951396
File: 481 KB, 1080x912, 1705644775375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm miyoo sisters, i don't feel so good...

>> No.10951403

Where's the analog sticks?

>> No.10951405

>it's the one
Nah, I'm waiting for the revision, and the Powchaddy clamshell.

>> No.10951436
File: 113 KB, 1080x608, 1714646142576732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10951441

>Nah, I'm waiting for the revision
That would be the two. What are you, stupid?

>> No.10951467

Holy based.
Try to bump screen brightness to the max and turn on BFI to see if it works.

>> No.10951469

in the trash

>> No.10951472

screen doesn't flip/10

>> No.10951479
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1715990821249654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, there literally are no miyoo sisters. Literally nobody supports or purchases Miyoo' shit, especially not yourself.
No, you're a retard that's just regurgitating lingo you've seen from previous threads without any context or understanding or why they were said or well received. Especially with you doing the "sisters" shit rather than "chaddies". You're a self-admitting spergalord who just regurgitates what he sees others posting in a desperate hope of fitting in or being seen as normal. You're not. You have asperger's. You're retarded. You're just annoying everyone with your presence let alone injective quips which you impulsively make just for the sake of feeling included and involved. Fucking stop it.
Bad jokes are bad jokes, especially when they don't appreciate why the source material is appreciated let alone found to be amusing. This is like an autistic Amy Schumer flailing at being funny.
Just go full Michael Richards and call us all niggers for not liking your failed attempt at comedy that doesn't understand why the original sentiment was amusing to being with already, it'll save us all time.
>I was serious. Take me seriously!
Good joke

>> No.10951495
File: 3.03 MB, 3845x2832, IMG_1577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good chinkhelds with a dock? Not interested in plugging a bunch of cables in and managing a spider on my desk each time I want to play a ps1 game at my desk.

>> No.10951507

Is MM+ best option if I want to keep it cheap? RP2+ looks good but is it worth 2.5 times the price?

>> No.10951517

>Is MM+ best option if I want to keep it cheap?
Definitely not, R36S is cheap and powerful (but low build quality). RG35XX+ is also a good option.
>is it worth 2.5 times the price?
Depends if you want the system it plays.
It can play N64 and some gamecube games, and android ports like SoH OOT.

>> No.10951525

No android (none rockcshit) chinkheld does that.

>> No.10951534
File: 56 KB, 728x314, gsmarena_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do they use the battery as the heatsink?
Because phones are so wide, the battery is just next to the cpu/pcb instead of stacked on top since there's enough room.

>> No.10951540

>Any good chinkhelds with a dock?
odin 2

>> No.10951623

The Reflective Color LCD display setting looks so good with this game.

>> No.10951632

It's okay. RP2S (not the plus) is well worth it if you actually intend to use it besides fleeting Pokemon on a Game Boy nostalgia, though taxes can get obscene for some.

>> No.10951641

every ds is shit, just get a chinkheld.

>> No.10951650

anyone tried to mod rtc into their miyoo mini plus?

i am immenselly disappointed with mine not coming with one

>> No.10951654

Just wanted to correct myself that it's AKSHUALLY 27:31, not 3:4.

>> No.10951657
File: 101 KB, 537x911, jollybee dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have a Deck.

>> No.10951727

N3DSXL is fucking awesome.
3DS games look awesome in 3D, the people who hate on it never tried the New XL. DS games look great you just have to use some mod to change the way it scales. This fag is a tranny who spams the same shit every single thread.

>> No.10951743

Kek, why'd you even reply to his spam then? Also, N3ds >N3dsxl.

>> No.10951825
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, 1715981212260802.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10951834

I think you need to create a new launch.sh with the correct path, see how it works for the snes emulators.

>> No.10951838
File: 176 KB, 220x224, icegif-1404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are no miyoo sisters.
I do..
I think you mean me and not the other miyoo chad.

So rude,
Rent free

>> No.10951839

AYN and Ayaneo are the only companies I know that have docks, but Ayaneo's is of course more expensive.

>> No.10951869

Is Aya Neo the Apple of chinkhelds? Vastly overpriced tech that isn't even good and is far behind their competitors? (They still use Switch sticks on $700 handhelds lmao)

>> No.10951872

Can somebody tell me when limp-wristed leftards started saying this when they had no counter-argument? It's been a hard staple for them for the past two years at least.

>> No.10951885

Kun seems to be the only Deck competition that made it to the market thus far, otherwise yeah.

And to be fair, I'd rather have some universal stick that's easy to replace.

>> No.10951894

>gets triggered by a shitpost
>writes an essay in response
>genuinely expects to be taken seriously
You legitimately have aspergers my guy

>> No.10951925

I like Ayaneo but the Apple comparison is incredibly fitting. Their handhelds are extremely overpriced when compared to the competition, "premium" feeling but very overpriced.
In fairness they don't use Switch sticks 1:1 though since the Switch doesn't use hall-sensing sticks. But I think they source the hall-sensing parts from Gulikit or whoever, a company that sells these stick mods for Switch anyways.

>> No.10951953

>2 sentences

>> No.10951956

It's pasta
hello original poster, kys

>> No.10951967
File: 14 KB, 240x240, avatars-000182086510-rn5fm8-t240x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not reading that

>> No.10952013
File: 32 KB, 416x140, 142358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10952035
File: 629 KB, 800x512, 1703221439323548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have one more:

>> No.10952094

So the bots just repeat the exact same thing now? I thought these gptbots were supposed to be cool.

>> No.10952120

Any readon why I can't apply shader in retroarch on the TSP for mgba? Also can I somehow save without deleting the overrides which prevenet me from saving?

>> No.10952128

Can a dead pixel be orange?

>> No.10952142

fingerpoke of doom

>> No.10952158

possibly, if the blue subpixel died, and the screen is showing a pink color, the dead pixel will appear orange. alternately, if a red subpixel is "stuck", then a dark green background will make it appear orange.

if it's on a black background, no, something else is fucky.

>> No.10952172

>Any readon why I can't apply shader in retroarch on the TSP for mgba?
some shaders don't work on TSP, most do. I just checked and no problem with mgba. which shader are you trying to use?

>Also can I somehow save without deleting the overrides which prevenet me from saving?
Quick Menu -> Overrides
I don't remember if stock uses Content Directory, or Core overrides. it will say at the top in the "Active Override File". see which one it is, then use either "Save Content Directory Overrides" or "Save Core Overrides", whichever is the same.

>> No.10952178

I got my TSP today and just realized that there is a tiny red/orange looking dot in middle area of the screen. It is really tiny so you can only see it if the screen brightness is high and the backround pic is dark and you look really close at it. But it is still kind of a bummer.

>> No.10952179

No. The 3D effect only works good when you hold it further from your face. The XL makes that more comfortable.

>> No.10952194

stuck red subpixel. small chance of it fixing itself on its own, but that sucks to hear.

>> No.10952197

>some shaders don't work on TSP, most do. I just checked and no problem with mgba. which shader are you trying to use?
basic stuff like in the handheld shader folder. Shaders_slang -> handheld, basically none of the work, it always says "Failed to apply shader preset:(name of the shader)". I use gambatte for GBC and GB and no problems there.
>small chance of it fixing itself on its own
I hope so

>> No.10952219

btw can it be that the screen isn't actual glass but acrylic glass? Because it doesn't feel like a actual one.

>> No.10952227

I thought that was new models in general.

>> No.10952271

Just got a flashcart for my gba, where do I get roms these days now that vimm is fucked? Also, any recommendations?

>> No.10952280

there shouldn't be any SLANG shaders, just GLSL. do you have the most recent firmware and SD base?
if you need to download them, use the github links on that page, the trimui site download speed is very slow

>> No.10952282

archive.org no-intro sets is the way to go.

Download speeds can be slow though, but you don't have to download the entire set, just the bits you want.

>> No.10952286

Is there a way to increase that chance or is it out of my control?

>> No.10952302

I used Vulkan so I went to slang folder but I switched it to OpenGL and now the shaders work again.

>> No.10952310

there used to be "stuck pixel fixer" software back when it was more common, it would just flash the screen rapidly, and then you would leave it for a while and come back and see if it was fixed.

there is a gba rom version you could try

of course, no guarantee it will work. also, I hope you don't have epilepsy

>> No.10952326


surprising a "news outlet" that just did a giveaway for anbernic devices, was cuckholded into thinking the SP was $140 us dollars and said that on their livestream and consistently just sucks the anberdick says the SP is the one

just rename to anbernic handhelds

>> No.10952398

Because they actually work with their fucking hands? Sorry they don't spend all day filing and polishing their nails and only ever use a touch screen all day? Have you literally never worked a job?

>> No.10952405
File: 45 KB, 332x500, Jessica Chobot professional model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who else works with their hands?
Hand models.
They could get a hand model to model the held handheld.

>> No.10952408

Anbernic gets hand models for their videos but uses a text to speech voice, kek

>> No.10952418

The new model also adds face tracking, but that's mainly for angle

>> No.10952420

mid 2000s Sony had some pretty cool ads for PS3 and PSP

>> No.10952424

Why can't they just do the New 3DS tit nub analog sticks in the top left and right?

>> No.10952431

That was purely IGN trying to get more traffic in early 2000s to muscle out Gamespot.

>> No.10952438

Alright I will try it out tomorrow when I get my sd-card reader, until then I will let the intro of Legacy of Goku play on loop.

>> No.10952445

This method works if the pixel is stuck, but if the pixel is dead, it's dead.

>> No.10952456
File: 62 KB, 894x955, 71hQGKIkLLL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recommend getting a universal dock that either has USB-C or mini-HDMI, depending on which your handheld uses. Just keep in mind you will still need to sync controllers to the handheld, not the dock itself. This one for example is meant for the Switch but works with any device that can connect via USB-C.

>> No.10952504
File: 544 KB, 1837x679, Screenshot 2024-05-21 164538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent about 4+ hours at work today playing pic related.

>> No.10952550

If buying one of these, make sure that it states support for the Switch OLED model.

Some of the older universal docks like this don't work properly with Switch OLED models and can only output a 480p signal.

The gamer's crossword puzzle.

>> No.10952557

is there a handheld that's not steam deck sized that can emulate up to GC/PS2 ?

>> No.10952558

RP4 Pro
Odin 2 Mini

>> No.10952564

yeah i just saw how does the RP4 looks on hand, i thought from website pictures that it looks very big, sorry for asking a retarded question instead of just using google.

>> No.10952572

Why ignore the OP pasta?

>> No.10952582

the op is a fag and so is his gay pasta.

>> No.10952583

Good luck then.

>> No.10952604

You're going to get so far in life.

>> No.10952676

This but not ironically

>> No.10952843
File: 31 KB, 750x365, IMG_6122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order an “in stock” rp2s from the retroid pocket store
>ask for an update from them after it not being shipped for over a week
>”next week”
>over a week later, still not shipped

at least anbernic shipped on time when they said they had an item in stock. i’m starting to feel like i made a mistake

>> No.10952851

you have to be a retard to buy a non-nintendo dock. a bad dock or charging cable can easily destroy your switch and nintendo will never cover the damage

>> No.10952859

because people piss and moan about sliders and will never shut up about it despite them really not being that bad. putting a slider on a device is a death sentence

>> No.10952867

>everything not officially branded Nintendo is... le bad!!
Holy shit, you have to be 18 or older to be on this website, and we weren't even fucking talking about using the dock for a Switch to begin with, just the ones for Switches BESIDES the official one work well.

>> No.10952874
File: 8 KB, 256x197, Mouse nubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Analog nubs aren't sliders, you illiterate fuck. That's why the NUB on the NEW 3DS was specifically mentioned.

>> No.10952881

Today's classes must be over for the west coast, here come the daily mindless yapping posts by unsupervised children.

>> No.10952892

fair enough; i never had one to know they were different

>> No.10952898

the problem is the switch doesn’t actually use usb-c; it uses a proprietary technology similar to usb-c but not directly conformant with if. all it takes is one incompatible dock or usb cable to destroy your switch because of this. you only have to get unlucky once. personally, i don’t trust the chinese to give me a product that works the way it’s supposed to

>> No.10952906

The problem is your rambling ass talking about irrelevant bullshit because you knee-jerk reacted to Nintendo being mentioned, you actual spaz.

>> No.10952909

spaz out on my dick, cunt

>> No.10952930

I don't know what you guys are talking but nintendo is shit.

>> No.10952934

You stupid faggot, manual labor doesn't give you a long yellow disgusting pinky nail
I have officially dropped miyoo, this is probably the same disgusting bug doing "qc"

>> No.10952937

You know it's bad when ambernig of all companies appears honest kek

>> No.10952939
File: 198 KB, 1006x688, how a nintendrone breathes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to *SLURP* be a retard to *GAG* buy a non-nintendo dock. *SLURP*

>> No.10952943

They're delaying all 2S orders because the RP Hawk with a 1:1 screen but same otherwise is about to be teased, replacing the 2S. Trust me bros.

>> No.10952948

i just want the product they charged my credit card for

>> No.10952953

Sorry anon you're a sacrifice for the greater good.

>> No.10952983

Is there any reason why I shouldn't get a Steam Deck OLED to emulate on? Is it true that it emulates PS2/GC and below without much issue? Combine that with being able to play modern/indie games too while on my sofa, in bed, or traveling, and it seems like a no brainer.

Convince me otherwise!

>> No.10952987

the only reason is that it's absolutely fucking massive.

>> No.10952997

>massive so not really portable for casual play
>unless you travel a lot, no real reason other than playing in your bed like a fatass
>you (might) have a PC already
Those are the reasons why i wont get one, i REALLY want an OLED steam deck though but i just know it would collect dust after the first week when i have it all set up. I dont leave the house enough that i would require a large commitment handheld like the steam deck, a cheaper/smaller handheld like a 3ds or a RP2S is much more preferrable.

>> No.10953001

>he doesn't play handhelds while sitting right in front of his desktop pc that could play the same games

>> No.10953004

i do that often with my 3ds, I did it with SMT4 and i went through half the game just seated at my desk. However i WOULD've preferred to play it on my PC as well or something, this is why i like the Nintendo Switch family of systems.

>> No.10953005

You have to go back

>> No.10953006

Fair points.

I don't have a gaming PC, and currently I only have a switch and Anbernic RG35XX.

Would the Retroid Pocket 4 be worth it? Playing modern games would be cool too but my main interest is being able to play through the PS2 library.

>> No.10953008

>I don't have a gaming PC
Then get the Deck you goober. RP4 looks good tho.

>> No.10953010

That POS has downward firing speakers. Hate this thing so much for that reason alone. Can't wait to get rid of it.

I also have ArkOS on it, and it's okay but I barely use it because of the speaker issue alone. Going to replace it with a Retroid Pocket 2S.

>> No.10953018

get a deck if you dont have a PC, or a laptop idk. Deck's are good for people like (You)

>> No.10953020

Yeah you're right, I don't have a reason not to get it really. I actually have massive hands so I think a larger device is good for me anyway.

>> No.10953040

pm64 > ttyd

>> No.10953046

can you lazy niggers make a new thread already?

>> No.10953120

Android handhelds are complete shit at PS2 (and switch). Neither of the emulators are still in development so it will never get any better. If you don't mind the size get the steam deck. The dock is really nice as well.

>> No.10953170

GPD Win max 2.

>> No.10953184

This is a good layout though

>> No.10953186

Anal Log bros.....our response?

>> No.10953202

You don't own an Analogue Pocket and this is your first time in these threads.

>> No.10953204

GPD devices are complete ass and they don't honor their warranties. I have a GPD Win 2 and the battery bloated after 9 months of light use.

>> No.10953210
File: 181 KB, 1200x1357, 1704060353389650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't own an Analogue Pocket and this is your first time in these threads.

>> No.10953215

They look cool af but yeah I'd never buy one. Way too risky. I can afford to lose $200 or less on a chinkheld but not $700+.

>> No.10953219

Oh no. It's hurt.

>> No.10953223
File: 1.69 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try chong

>> No.10953224

Wasn't talking to you.

>> No.10953228
File: 504 KB, 761x583, He actually bought it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you didn't just buy an Anal log but the whole fucking circus to go with it.

>> No.10953235

Lmao paypig hoarder

>> No.10953237

Then why did you quote me?

>> No.10953245

I got most of the games from going to flea markets. If I play a game a bunch I buy a copy if its cheap enough. I don't have very many expensive games. Bomberman Quest, Dragonwarrior 1+2, Robopon 2, Boktai 1/2 and maybe Crystal are the only expensive ones I own.

>> No.10953265
File: 1.38 MB, 2663x2000, IMG_1572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga seriously took an image from an Etsy listing for GBA cartridge stands and claimed it was his own fucking collection, holy fucking shit this is sad.

>> No.10953267
File: 52 KB, 1075x1062, 1707965551916369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being an underage poster unironically roleplaying as an Analogue Pocket owner.

>> No.10953272

Twist: It's the actual Etsy lister, here to stealth market the shitty 3D printed plastic waste

>> No.10953279

Imagine being an underage poster unironically malding when anal log is dunked on.

>> No.10953297

>Pretending to have bought the fucking thing and all of its official and unofficial Reddit approved accessories
>"dunking on it"
Actual retard, unless the joke is supposed to be that you're so self-depreciating that you think pretending to like something automatically deteriorates that thing's value.

>> No.10953301

You didn't prove him wrong.

>> No.10953303

Nah its a free model on printables. I've had a printer for years but I'm shit at CAD. I mostly use it to print cases for keyboards that I build. Bought the analog mostly because of the dock feature and it has the best screen for playing boktai outside. Not selling anything just a boktai autist.

>> No.10953306

I don't think being right or wrong is the issue here.

>> No.10953372

You get what you deserve;

>> No.10953391

>Makes a new general without the title but with all of the links

>> No.10953460

>iphone poster with rotated photo

>> No.10953496

Post on Reddit you faggot. This is not the place for you.

>> No.10953503

It's Anbernigger, you stupid bird brained fuck.

>> No.10953567

Should have just got a Steam Deck