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File: 27 KB, 256x327, Wrathofcortex_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10905448 No.10905448 [Reply] [Original]

How does /vr/ feel about Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex?

>> No.10905453

Utter shit

>> No.10905456

It's okay, it's not lifechanging but neither were the first 3. I liked the safari level and Crunch fights

>> No.10905459

best music in the series. otherwise mediocre.

>> No.10905485

only really good if your a crash fan of the autism variety who likes anything crash or have nostalgia for it otherwise you could play better crash games

>> No.10905505
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not nearly on the same the same level as psx trilogy, but it's not that bad as long as you play the greatest hits or xbox version so you don't suffer the original's abysmal load times. I liked the music and thought some of the particle and transparency effects looked pretty good. Controls and physics felt off at first, but I got used to them after a few levels. As long as you temper your expectations, you can still have a good time overall.

>> No.10905506
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I like it, I know it's not the best Crash game but I still find it fun
Also it has a very good ost

>> No.10905524

I understand why people hate it but personally it will always be Crash 4 to me. Soundtrack is solid and despite some wonky character models it had very good graphics for its time

>> No.10905617
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Having a snow level as the first level is pretty cool

>> No.10905632

Ironically would have been better as a late PSX game that just re-used Warped's assets.

>> No.10905645

this being bad is just youtuber revisionism, nobody at the time thought this was bad
like this shit, every youtuber cries about the first level being a snow level as if they're some sort of game design veteran. guess how i felt about it? "huh the first level is something other than grassland/forest, and it's a bit challenging due to the slide mechanics, how refreshing"
i fucking hate youtubers

>> No.10905673
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I got recommended some 20 minute YouTuber essay on how WoC sucks that I nearly watched, thankfully the guy used some clips as shorts to preview it. He
>Moaned about how the tiptoe sucks and insinuated that all the old powers were better, despite being present in the game (also implied that the death tornado added depth to the platforming when it's literally a crutch for precise jumps)
>Complained that level 1 had too much stuff (TNTs, nitros, bouncy crates and ice), ignoring that this was the 4th main game in series. Compared it to how 2 introduced the nitros and 3 introduced the slot crates in isolated areas, which makes no sense because WoC didn't introduce anything new in level 1
>Acted like being able to get the blue gem and die to get the clear gem was a big thing when you could do the exact same thing in 2
I don't particularly care for WoC but I can only assume he was trying to bait people into hate watching his video. Utterly disingenuous shit.

>> No.10905849

I always preferred it to Warped because I liked most of the vehicle levels more than Warp's. I can't remember all the game that well but highlights of the game are
>Medieval castle where you get chased by a dragon
>Rainy jungle level where you get chased by rhinos
>Underwater level that transforms into an underwater base platforming level
>Crash in robot suit
>Wild west Town
>Pretty cool and inventive boss fights

>> No.10905858

I beat the first level in five minutes when I was 6 and understood the mechanics well enough after it to continue playing the game. They're just pseudo intellectual faggots

>> No.10905863
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one of the early games i got for PS2 with MGS2.
the loading times were fucking atrocious but the 60 fps and lighting effects made it feel next-gen and I remember enjoying it.

>> No.10905883

This is one of the few OG Xbox games that you can purchase from the Xbox 360 marketplace but NOT the Xbone/Series marketplace! The more you know! Get it before the 360 store closes down this July! https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Crash-Bandicoot-Wrath-of-Cortex/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802565507f2

>> No.10906018

One of my earliest experiences with "soulless". It was Crash 3 except just not fun.

>> No.10907002

It's alright, not as good as the OG trilogy but it's fine.
This and Twinsanity are the last two good Crash games.

>> No.10907190

the uncharted series is the only good thing naughty dog has done

>> No.10907257

>the uncharted series is the worst thing naughty dog has done

>> No.10907718

>he still buys games

>> No.10907720

Never heard of the game but the movie was shit

>> No.10908187

Nah the vehicle stages in uncharted are worse than the ones in crash because they're too basic. The platforming is taken from sly cooper so it's not challenging at all. The puzzles are barely even in the game, and the cover shooting segments are glorified whack a mole. I mean at least in time crisis you have novelty of holding a plastic gun but a fucking dual shock remote and no pedal for cover shooting? It just doesn't have the same feel ya know? Jack of all trades but the novelties and challenge removed. It's shit man.

>> No.10908190

Crash Bash teached me to ignore every Crash game that didn't have the Naughty Dog logo on it.

>> No.10908196

Depends on the level.

>> No.10908254

broken piece of shit with horrific loading times

>> No.10908332

I found it unremarkable as kid and, nowadays, I indeed see it as one of the worst products available on the PS2. Rehash, safe, memberries... it's like a modern, soulless goyslop, except released in 2001.

>> No.10908363

Both have the same gameplay

>> No.10908583
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>do not allow full 3D movement in side-scrolling segments!
Unironically a skill issue

>> No.10908585

better than 4 for me

>> No.10908606
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>this being bad is just youtuber revisionism
I'm gonna be totally honest, I never thought the loading screens were long as a kid, I was coming off ps1 load times so I didn't notice or care.
I just enjoyed the game

>> No.10908617

could have been good if they didn't make 50% of the levels gimmick/vehicle levels

>> No.10908745

No worse than Crash 3.

>> No.10909000

I wanted to like it. I really did but...

>movement feels too slow
>combined with levels that are too big and open with too much dead space in them
>all the new gimmicks are bad. The ball doesn't feel good. Underwater vehicle is worse than in 3.... and why is he driving a jeep? that's the most unfun idea they could have come up with. Riding animals was fun, this is just stupid, and the car doesn't even feel like car.

Also the bosses were bad and I just stopped playing

>> No.10909145


>> No.10909158

>I never thought the loading screens were long as a kid
I did because when you're only allowed to rent a game for 1 day every second counts. Only rented it like 3 times because I couldn't stand wasting so much time on the loading.

>> No.10909182

Just like Spyro 4, it's a worse version of the PS1 games
it's not bad, just worse

>> No.10909201

>Just like Spyro 4
Thats a bit harsh

>> No.10909221
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I think you mean a heroes tail I mean no game is as bad as enter the dragonfly

>> No.10910104

>Fruit collecting minigame
Wait what? Is this only on the original PS2 release or something?

>> No.10910112

Getting WoC and Jak & Daxter with my PS2 was what taught me to look at the logos on the boxes rather than the characters. Funnily enough I refused to even touch Jak for a week until my mum basically begged me too. WoC looked good but Jak blew my mind.

>> No.10910117

to think that Naughty Dog once used to be a sysmbol of quality. sad

>> No.10910221

There were many times I thought the game froze during the loading screen kek. Those load times were insane.

>> No.10910284

I haven’t played any of their newer IPs, but from what I’ve seen their technical prowess is still top notch. The narratives and such may be annoying/shit, but in terms of graphics and I’m pretty sure gameplay they haven’t skipped a beat.

>> No.10910403

Nope, A Hero's Tail changes the formula a good deal, it's a lot different than the PS1 trilogy.

Enter the Dragonfly is pretty much the same game design as the PS1 trilogy. But fucking terrible because it was rushed and unfinished for a holiday release.

The point I was making was not about quality, but rather "it's the same as the PS1 games but worse", which is how it relates to Crash here

>> No.10910461

In a subsequent issue of OPM, they mentioned that this little mini-game had to be scrapped at the last second, because I think Namco actually owns a patent on load screen mini-games. Apparently, it was on these early review copies, but they deleted it
before mass printing.

>> No.10911041

It should be noted that this is the reason why the loading screens are so long
They artificially extending the load times so you could play the mini game, but when they hastily removed the mini game they forgot to remove the extended load times.

>> No.10911075

>Apparently, it was on these early review copies, but they deleted it

Oh shit. Now, somebody should leak that build.

>> No.10911759

>the wampa build

>> No.10911769

more of a good thing, which is not a bad thing

>> No.10912043

To me it felt a bit odd, because unless it's a snow themed game, the snow levels always come later. The level itself is pretty good though, and it has a lot of cool lighting, reflections, and transparencies using the ice, so I understand why they chose a snow level to be the introduction for the first ps2 game.

>> No.10912112

>Crash in robot suit
i remember this being kino despite feeling like shit to control. good atmosphere

>> No.10912182

The helicopter suit was cool too. There were also some nice Coco levels like Banzai Bonsai, Tsunami, Avalanche, and Knight Time

>> No.10913147

Just played Gamecube Wrath on my Wii via HDMI . It was fun as fuck. Always liked the character design and the music kicks ass. Why do people have sticks up their asses?

>> No.10913207

this pile of shit is a poster example of how art direction is what matters. it look worse than the PS1 trilogy

>> No.10914002

I liked it quite a bit as a kid but even back then I could tell it wasn't as good as Crash 2 (which was the only PS1 Crash I'd played at the time) I got stuck on the Drain Damage boss for fucking ages, It felt so surreal when I finally beat him.
Years later it's kind of underwhelming and forgettable but not bad, it has its moments. Probably a 6/10 kinda game.

>> No.10914006

Uncharteds were fun. LoU was great too as a game, but the story doesn't really make me want to play it again.
They still have the skills, they're just too busy doing Cuckmans "art".

>> No.10914034
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Really liked Coco's Japan levels

>> No.10914050
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>Drain Damage boss
That took me forever to complete too, then when I finally did it after what felt like a month I went round to my friends and beat it for him as well on his xbox version

>> No.10914081

Oh, yeah. Why was Drain Damage so hard again? Wasn't it something to do with double jumping?

>> No.10914102

>Funnily enough I refused to even touch Jak for a week until my mum basically begged me too

You ungrateful little shit. I bet she had to work overtime or whatever to be able to afford that too.

Its level song is fuckin rad https://youtube.com/watch?v=XrpOMXcPYe4&pp=ygUNYXJjdGljIGFudGljcw%3D%3D

I really like the rolling ball levels which I understand may be a minority opinion because people seemed to think the physics were shit (I guess they were a bit stiff).

>> No.10914390

Twas fun

>> No.10914412

Didn't play any CB again except for the original. The big wheels moving left and right it's like living a whole era again everytime.

>> No.10915313

I also remember having to retry it over and over the very first time I played it. Then I replayed the whole game some time later and I couldn't remember what had been killing me before so much. I think it was because the first time I had kept trying to jump during those attacks where he pounds the platform and bubbles rush up from the gaps between that platforms leading to him. I must have not realized that those bubbles were what was killing me. Also, I didn't initially figure out that you could crouch under some of his waves.

>> No.10915914

best minecart levels

>> No.10916042

If it looked better, I'd be willing to overlook many things about the game.

Damn, someone swap the character models for the PS1 models and you improve it visually I'd say by at least 40%.

>> No.10916137

Its better than Warped

>> No.10916623
File: 189 KB, 1280x720, seashell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just played Sea Shell Shennigans over HDMI the other day. It looked beautiful!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvS4kfL61IU (pic doesn't reaaally do it justice)

>> No.10916660

The wrath of cortex was Crash 3 with gimmicks, Crash 3 was Crash 2 with gimmicks. So gimmicks on gimmicks.

>> No.10916667

I honestly like the way the game looks

>> No.10916669

As much as people hate to play those underwater levels, I'll admit they have some excellent music and atmosphere. their time trials are really bad though.

>> No.10917395

I know exactly what vid you're talking about, fuck that nigger.

>> No.10917412

I'll be honest at least the gimmick levels in WOC still had platforming sections in them. In warped the shitty scuba diving got an entire stage to itself.

>> No.10917441

At the very least the video he made after that completely bombed (went from 600k to less than 5k) and he hasn't made anything since. Hopefully he got a real job.

>> No.10918541


>> No.10919912

Pretty comfy

>> No.10920120

If I remember right the platforms had really fucky physic that made jumping over his attacks harder than it should be. Like it was as if they balanced the fight around the platforms being static, and then suddenly added physics that made them dip lower so you couldn't clear the jumps as easily.

>> No.10920168

what does /vr/ think about people pronouncing "bandicoat" instead of "bandicoot"?

>> No.10920246

who says "bandicoat"? ive only ever heard the latter

>> No.10920341

I thought it was pronounced "bandookit"? doesn't bandicoot originate from the aboriginal language?

>> No.10920414

Imagine how fucky the physics would be if the game ever got remade

>> No.10920567

naah, its pronounced "bindikat"

>> No.10920574

>mum wanted me to jak but i refused until she begged me to

>> No.10920942


>> No.10920996
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For me, it's Solar Bowler

>> No.10921053
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I played this and a bit of Crash 1 and I liked WOC better, so much later on I learned this was "Hated" and was also not developed by Naughty Dog, but I like this one a lot, and the music is good too, dare I say, it has the best Warp Room music

>> No.10921136

Isn't that just the theme song?

>> No.10921885

top-tier level and music

>> No.10921949

They used it for the Hub

>> No.10922731

Great music

>> No.10923408

Best level in the game

>> No.10923447

I keep mistaking this with Crash 3. Crash 3 for some reason would give me a boner when I was a kid whenever the frog kissed Crash. When I rented it I never went past that level cause I kept letting it happen over and over again haha

>> No.10924481


>> No.10924992

I like the ball levels

>> No.10926316

Crash Bandicoast

>> No.10926439

3 was already the worst of the trilogy. Why they decided to double down on it is beyond me.

>> No.10926528
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Cash Banooka

>> No.10926620

I liked Warped, it offered a bit more replayabillity and variety.
At the same time, it felt like it lacked in actual platforming levels.
Looking back I actually liked Crash 1 the most as it has a lot more variety in level scenery and does more with less, only platforming and I love that, I love the challenges it creates, the box bridges and the bonus levels.

The extra mechanics are alright but it felt a bit too much when all the games have roughly the same amount of levels.

>> No.10927286

I think it's cool

>> No.10927439

hehe fat man funny

>> No.10927539

>never heard of uncharted
you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.10927884
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>I think being random is... LE FUNNY!
I can't stand this man.

>> No.10928693

I'd love to connect my PC to my OLED and play some of those atmospheric levels in 4K but when I played WOC a few years ago most of the lighting and particle effects were broken in hardware mode. Although I'm still on 1.6 so maybe they're fixed now.

>> No.10929235
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For me, I loved the level, but as part of the levels under Rok-Ko's control, it was of theme (something I can say for all Elementals with the exception of Wa-Wa.

>> No.10930012
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quite fun, my favorite post-naughty dog console game besides the remakes and NF.
it's strange watching people completely sperg out during the bosses (they keep dying) because their quiet easy.

>> No.10930019

>Why they decided to double down on it is beyond me.
Because 3 being the worst is complete revisionism

>> No.10930057

I like Crunch

>> No.10931231

Is he still canon?

>> No.10932382

The true Crash 4

>> No.10933192

I liked how you actually had to make use of the bazooka in his final battle.
Yes in his universe

>> No.10933303

Do people forget how jankass the first three were and yet venerate them and spit on Wrath?

>> No.10933697

It's good

>> No.10934630 [DELETED] 

>Crash Bash teached me to ignore every Crash game that didn't have the Naughty Dog logo on it.
>to think that Naughty Dog once used to be a sysmbol of quality. sad
Andy Gavin and the original illustrator for crash were THE reason why Crash was good, when they got ousted by Rubin everything turned to shit. Do your homework on your crash history.

>> No.10934991


>> No.10935437

Wrath of Cortex or It's about Time?

>> No.10935727

one problem I vaguely remember was the way certain bonus stages worked due to their placement with the gem crate requirements, they only could feature iron blocks and nitro removing the game's most valuable platforming tools from these sections.

>> No.10936280

>one of the best developers in the world moves on to new projects
>publisher: "damn! we need some new guys to make us more money from this 90s cashcow before it runs dry!"
>b-tier developer: "uhhh we can give it a shot!"
>publisher: "okay. you have 12 months to go gold. it's for the next-gen consoles. go."

It was always gonna be rough.

>> No.10936663
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I've always been really curious how the game would've ended up if Mark Cerny had stayed on the project and realized the original vision of a fully free roaming Crash as his first PS2 game:

>original concept art

>> No.10936706


>> No.10937556
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Crash XS/The Huge Adventure on GBA is the true Crash 4, the spirit of the PS1 classic is in it really...

>> No.10939051

>Mark Cerny

Never heard of him and never going to look him up. So I shall ask you instead. Did he do anything good before/after?

>> No.10939054

To their credit, the About Time writers did actually reference Wrath of Cortex (not by name) in one of the opening FMV jokes so at least they acknowledged it existed...

>> No.10939260
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he invented marvel madness

>> No.10939375

Holy shit why is this board so obsessed with attributing every negative consensus on a retro videogame to youtubers?

>> No.10939661

I don't know, though in some cases it's fair, not always, but sometimes. I particularly think that Sonic Adventure... and Sonic in general, suffers from it quite a bit.

>> No.10939663

that game sucks it's just a short rehash

>> No.10939668

it basically would've been mario galaxy before mario galaxy

>> No.10939739

>Galaxy but its Crash with no waggle controls
sounds good to me

>> No.10939748

If the loadtimes were better, it would honestly shoot up to like a 7/10 from the 5 that it is.

>> No.10939907

heard it was shit, haven't played it. But I also heard it's sort of half finished and was supposed to be Crash 4.

>> No.10941226
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