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File: 161 KB, 1280x720, crashband.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10936373 No.10936373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck didn't you tell me there was a Crash Bandicoot fanmod?

Is it any good? It looks like Crash Bandicoot 2 more than anything? is it possible to play it on a PS1 or PS1 emulator or is it windows/android only?

>> No.10936512

Fanmods are almost never good.

>> No.10936556

doesn't look like a fanmod, it's just another shitty unity-based engine, so who gives a shit

>> No.10936741

>it comes with a fucking level editor
holy fucking shit it's kino

>> No.10937127
File: 1.16 MB, 220x381, 1000088103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't look like a fanmod, it's just another shitty unity-based engine, so who gives a shit

I can confirm

it's shitty

>> No.10939037

Did they use any Crash 2 assets?

>> No.10939038

I'm surprised to see crash is getting a fan game scene now

>> No.10939040

How so though? Like it's got shitty hitboxes, etc?

>> No.10939045

Now, as in you mean they should have done it years ago? Nostalgia (n64) Nintnedies were always more in the game with making mods of Nintendo 64/SNES/NES/et al games than Sony Playstation ones. Why is that? Shit, I'll be a bit more eloquent in my wording and make a thread about it later

>> No.10939049
File: 149 KB, 400x560, 1632215337095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, no. But like jannies on this blessed wesbite, they do it for free. If you were fucking 10/10 clubsluts 24/7 like they are, would you have time to develop them?

>> No.10939148

Yeah, it's seriously surprising that it took so long. There's loads of good, popular games that sony dropped and you'd think the fans would've been on it.

>> No.10939167

Difference between Nintendo and Sony fans?

>> No.10939225


>> No.10939239
File: 365 KB, 601x883, Fierce_Deity_Link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's pretty damn easy to explain.

Lets say you make a mod on Mario 64. What you get by doing that? The answer is that you get to directly take advantage of all of the possibilities of physical-movement-in-space that Mario 64 allows, and then have the freedom to both alter that, and craft levels that utilize all the effort the devs put into making it work which potentially pushes the game even further than it already went.

That's the appeal, taking the very best games, with the very best mechanics and overall design, which would be incredibly difficult to replicate for an amateur making something from scratch, and challenge yourself to modify that into something that's possibly close to as good, if not ideally better.

Now contrast this to something like Crash. Crash is good, you might think, hey, why not make a mod of this like the Nintendo kids do? But the thing is, in this day, what's stopping someone who wants to and is good enough to basically create their own replica of Crash with similar enough mechanics, from doing so? Basically nothing. So really, the only motivation to create an actual mod of Crash, as opposed to an original Srimblo-Bimblo IP, is the novelty of hacking something you have fond memories of, or maybe just the technical challenge of doing shit with the PS1.

The PS1 is an excellent console with tons of great games, but opposed to the N64's dozen or two absolute apex titles filled with unreplicated 'secret sauce' worth their weight in gold that everyone gathers around and are motivated to want to play endlessly? Of course they are going to get much more focused attention.

>> No.10939238 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 348x354, 1714430594832669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's bad
>no it's shit
can one of you faggots substantiate your opinion

>> No.10939242
File: 25 KB, 348x354, 1714430594832669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's good
>no it's shit
can one of you faggots substantiate your opinion

>> No.10939254

Nobody making Mario fan levels has done anything interesting. They do it because they want to play as plumber boy. The games are not particularly interesting and you don't know why people mod games. Pretentious faggot.

>> No.10939268

>Nobody making Mario fan levels has done anything interesting.

Star Revenge already is that, without being 'kaizo'. What exactly has anyone done with Crash/Spyro/Jack etc. in contrast?

>The games are not particularly interesting and you don't know why people mod games
Tell me then, since you seem to know?

>> No.10939278
File: 347 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally...Marior pushed to the limits...the true postibilities realized....the ghlimitlesls potential of mari 64....thank you moders... thank you modders.....

>> No.10939282

Yeah, I know, right.


>> No.10939289

Ah the fine mechanical complexity of the turnbased combat in ocarina....they really realized the potential of these games by showing off the aggressive iframes and lack of any coherent system in the games.

This shit is retarded.

>> No.10939292

As opposed to all those great PS1 games that immediately turn into balanced, refined 1v1 multiplayer titles as soon as you bolt on a 0.1v hacked vs mode, right?

>> No.10939297

There exist games built for this kind of thing, ocarina is not one of them. Seeing how shit and pathetic the above videos would be to ever play spells it all out. Get it yet? This is what mods are for. They're toys someone cooked up. The best mods will never size up to the best games. Literally and figuratively existing in the shadow of something greater.

>> No.10939304

Just because someone works hard, doesn't mean your work is good.

>> No.10939312

>There exist games built for this kind of thing

Like what, legitimately? Souls? Ocarina targeting was build around one on one sword fighting work, it's mechanics aren't fundamentally shallow and could handily be tweaked to make this shit work. If anything people don't appreciate how much *more* the game does compared to other things like it and how hilariously underutilized its mechanics are by the actual game compared to their natural potential.


>> No.10939316

>Ocarina targeting was build around one on one sword fighting work,
No it was built to let you hit bats easily. it's a shit implementation of lock on that never had its mechanics fully fleshed out because there was no vision for them. There's a reason the only enemy in the game to factor both slash types is the first one you meet. They ran out of ideas because there's nothing interesting to do with it. The game is plagued with generous iframes to the point any "sword vs sword combat" is turnbased and you fucking know this.

Stop being such a pathetic, groveling faggot.

>> No.10939331

>There's a reason the only enemy in the game to factor both slash types is the first one you meet

Deku Babas aren't actually affected by horizontal vs vertical slashes in the original game, though there are other enemies that are.

>The game is plagued with generous iframes to the point any "sword vs sword combat"
The game only has iframes on the roll, but those come in much later than the ones in Souls and have counters and weakness programmed in that bypass them. Like, we're talking mods here, any actual problem can be tweaked or modded to be made beatable. There's nothing 'fundamentally shallow' about the game, it has more than enough mechanics to let you set up specific counters to everything, several different dodges that protect you in fundamentally different ways etc. The only thing close to it relies far more blatantly on generic iframe nonsense.

>> No.10939353

I would love to see some mods of Spyro start to come out

>> No.10939357

Well they are starting to be made, they're still fairly primitive though.

>> No.10939368

Really? Have we finally gotten level mods?

>> No.10939372

>The game only has iframes on the roll
Everything has iframes after it takes damage in zelda, you should know this if you've played it. Stop thinking the world is just zelda and souls (the usurper, right?)

>> No.10939391



So you're basically just saying something needs combos, otherwise it has no depth?

And what the fuck is actually similar to Zelda and Souls besides either? I'm asking seriously. Lay down all these great adventure games with one-on-one sword 'n shield gameplay like this, especially on PlayStation. You've been light on giving examples, but I'm open to it man.

>> No.10940380

That's cool, Spyro is a comically underrated game. There's really nothing like it out there.

>> No.10940404

Yeah, true.

>> No.10941220

It's alright

>> No.10941352 [DELETED] 

It's bit even finished

>> No.10941370

>Troonhou shit
Ever ask yourself why Nintendo go after shitty modders when their backs are turned, so they can rid this shit abd watch these faggots FOLD fast.

>> No.10941373

It's not even finished.

>> No.10942224

this released in 2023. not retro