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10937868 No.10937868 [Reply] [Original]

The only 8-bit RPG worth playing.

>> No.10937905

>Dragon Quest 1-4
>Zelda II
>Pokemon (Gen1)

Shut the fuck up Segay.

>> No.10937913

>>Dragon Quest 1-4
>>Zelda II

>> No.10937952

The only RPG in that list is Dragon Quest lmao

>> No.10937963
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>random encounters
>experience points
>status effects like poison, buffs, etc
How is Pokemon not a jarpig?

>> No.10938004

>random encounters
has nothing to do with role playing
>experience points
almost every video game has these
almost every video game has these
sports games have player stats, does that make them RPGs?
are you joking?
>status effects like
every game with combat has these

You retards don't even know what the fuck ROLE PLAYING games are

>> No.10938015

i'd agree it's the only third generation console RPG i'd want to play today.

Dragon Warrior Monsters for Game Boy Color is rather good

>> No.10938086

It's only OK. The overworld graphics remind me of Chip's Challenge

>> No.10938467
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Its a fine game. I like how much it takes after Ultima 1, actually.

>> No.10938473

ok, auster.

>> No.10938497
File: 17 KB, 1440x1080, Phantasy Star (USA, Europe)-240512-133230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having played all of those... nah, Phantasy Star shits on them.

>> No.10938507

It's a really good one but I don't think it's so awesome that it overshadows the entire genre. The dungeons are neat as fuck. The series can fuck itself for abandoning those

>> No.10938521

Pokémon is much more suitable for the title of a "role playing" game than fucking Phantasy Star and I say it as a fan of Phantasy Star.
In the former, you have a blank slate character and just enough freedom and choice that you can kind of pretend you're your own hero, while the latter presents you with a list of pre-made characters with pre-made past within a linear story with no choices of your own to make (let's kind of make an exception for PS3, I guess). You just push them forward and read what they say.
Might as well call Zelda or Metroid a "role-playing game".

>> No.10938540

Fucking psychopath

>> No.10938812
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I enjoyed Dragon Crystal over Phantasy Star. Still do.

>> No.10938825

Explain please.

>> No.10938826

Dragon Crystal introduced me to the concept of being RNG-screwed.

>> No.10939212

It's actually not RNG it just mixes up presets, in other words get gud

>> No.10939749

I bring this up whenever twitter retards cry about representation.

>> No.10939753

DC is a roguelike with no plot. Are you ok?

>> No.10939834

Ironically I'm playing through this for the first time ever. I loaded it up on my pocket, I just wanted to see the beginning and couldn't put it down. Peak aesthetics. I'm like 12 hours in already. I grinded like hell for the first bit, got the best sword and armor outside of diamond now I just picked up Noah and am working on getting a spaceship. Sick game. Is this really the best in the series? Hoping it doesn't drop off I might actually play the rest... Last jrpg for me was about 7 years ago I played mother 3.

>> No.10939889
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just beat it today
Switch version has a mini map which was nice
still took a very long time to beat, well worth it too very fun.
playing 2,3,4 next through the Genesis collection

>> No.10940131

How complex are the dungeons? I really don't want to draw maps and the chinkheld I plan to play it on doesn't do switch emulation.

>> No.10940242

you're going to probably want to take notes and draw maps

>> No.10940252

Nah, PSII and IV are great. III not so much.

Not the worst. Just following the left wall or right wall will probably get you through. Or just look maps up.

>> No.10940262

Another low effort piece of shit thread, amazing board. I hope you all die

>> No.10940345

damn. can't argue with that logic

>> No.10940954

It's not even the only 8-bit RPG worth playing on SMS, considering Ultima IV exists and is one of the best versions of the game.

>> No.10941136

You don't understand what the ter RPG means as it relates to video games. Educate yourself you are wrong.

>> No.10941198

He evidently doesn't understand what it originally meant in tabletop games either, considering that it had nothing to do with LARP, despite what the words "role playing" might suggest.

>> No.10942319
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Is there a version of this that restores the FM music option without giving us a gay relocalization?

>> No.10942338

SEGA AGES Phantasy Star for Nintendo Switch

>> No.10942614

You have to draw maps, but only after midgame I think. When you reach a dungeon called "Baya Malay", it's when the dungeons start to become convoluted messes. I kid you not, something like "go to floor 12 and fall down this hole to get to an inaccessible part of floor 7, where you'll ascend to the exit" is completely normal in this game.

Also the legendary bakery behind a dungeon staircase (Naura Bakery).

>> No.10942656

On a non-Nintendo platform? Sorry, I know it's irrational but I don't want to use anything Nintendo, not even emulated. I don't want to contribute to their relevancy.
Video game history needs to and WILL change.
It can't be that people care about NEzz and SNEZz shovelware but don't give importance to timeless milestones like the ZX Spectrum or Amiga.

>> No.10942813

It was my first and I like it but I also like Dairy Queen 3. Ghost Lion ain't too bad, either. And I also enjoyed Mother, Defenders of Oasis and FFs 2 and 3. If SRPGs count, then Royal Stone is surprisingly good, too

>> No.10942832

Not an RPG. I like it a lot, tho, and still replay it to this day. Wanna know something weird? A few years ago, just before CoViD, IKEAs used to play a video on different screens throughout the store that used, no joke, the music from the first few stages of DC in the background. It felt so out of fucking place but I loved it for the nostalgiabomb.
>III not so much.
I'm >>10942813
III was my first 16bit RPG (yes, before I played II) so I've got some sentimentality for it. I really want to do a heckin' hack of PSIV with the PSIII plot and characters plopped in and script changes that make many of the plot points less if an ass-pull but I have no idea how to do any of that.

>> No.10943253
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I want the original, not some fag-ass re-release.

>> No.10943679

uhm sweaty, where's Megami Tensei II?

>> No.10943703

I played all the older Phantasy Stars only because they were sold on the Wii Virtual console. How does that make you feel?

>> No.10943721

"Role playing game" is a horrible label for your OC-Donutsteel genre. There is no role to play since you just make shit up as you go and never have to adhere to a role at all, the majority of players just run whatever the most optimal choices and build are to make the game easiest to clear, even if this means making contrary choices thematically.

In fact, JRPGs are the most deserving of the title of "role-playing" since they give you a role to play and your character must stick to it for the story to progress. In real role-play, before D&D took the term and applied it to a shallow battle simulator system, you are given or at least must choose a pre-determined role or character to mold yourself into.

>> No.10944024 [DELETED] 

No, even in regards to video games, RPGs have always been defined by player choice. Just look at any of the original text based computer RPGs. You people just refuse to accept that Japan doesn’t understand RPGs. The west created RPGs and will always do it right, no matter what medium it’s on.

>> No.10944036

The dungeons aren't that complex but a lot of the longer ones have a bunch of pit traps and I've never played that Sega Ages Switch version which has an automap so I don't know if it fills in pit traps when you uncover them or they just look like a normal tile on the automap.

>> No.10944061

No, even in regards to video games, RPGs have always been defined by player choice. Just look at any of the original text based computer RPGs for example. The west created RPGs with D&D, which led to text based RPGs, which led to DOS RPGs, which led to modern western RPGs. Every era of “Western RPG” has revolved around player choice. You people just refuse to accept that Japan doesn’t understand RPGs on a fundamental level. The vast majority of “JRPGs” are not RPGs, plain and simple.

>> No.10944074

>"Role playing game" is a horrible label
That's the only sensible thing you've written in the entire post.
Genre indeed should be called "dungeon crawler" and JRPGs are merely a subset of it.

>> No.10944083

>In real role-play, before D&D took the term and applied it to a shallow battle simulator system
lol what exactly are you referring to? Because prior to D&D there was only war gaming, where the extent of the “RP” mostly boiled down to being as historically accurate as possible. You could say that modded Chainmail was the beginning of TTRPGs, but that only lasted a year before being turned into the first edition of D&D.

>> No.10944089

You're looking for adventure games, a genre that evolved from CYOA gamebooks.
RPGs were created by adapting wargame systems for small scale experiences. At core, it's a multiplayer tactics game where everyone (except for GM) controls one unit. Of course, it's usually an entire party for video game adaptations.
Classic JRPGs are unironically very close to the CRPG roots. Japan is the only country that produces Wizardry 1-3 clones en masse to this day too.

>> No.10944092

He refers to LARP and theater plays, obviously.

>> No.10944148

You’re trying to use a transitional period to define the genre. The period between modded Chainmail gaining popularity and it being turned into D&D was only ~1 year. There are definitely similarities between the white box set and the war games it was derived from, but it evolved extremely quickly and by the time the red box came out just a couple years later the term “RPG” was widely established.
In short, TTRPGs moved away from their combat oriented root’s extremely quickly, so I wouldn’t use that brief period of overlap to define the genre.

>> No.10944292

No, I don't. I never said anything about combat either, prefering the word tactics for a reason, as in a way that can include other problem solving, such as traps and puzzles.
At the core, stats and dungeons are what all RPGs are about as a game, despite whatever fluff you can add around it.

>> No.10944450
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Phantasy Star II would be the best game of all time if they had kept the 1st person dungeons and other battle and town background art from PS1

>> No.10944497

they had to copy square slop sadly

>> No.10944608

No, FPS games are the most deserving of the title of "role-playing" since they give you a role to play and your character really must stick to it for the story to progress.

>> No.10944614

mother is the only nes rpg ive completed (i dont count zelda games), and i beat it on emulator sometime in the 2000s. i played a ton of them on the snes/ps1 but i just felt like they were a little too archaic on the nes. i dabbled with final fantasy a bit and played a fair amount of little ninja bros. though

>> No.10945857

There's something about this game that didn't carried over to the other PS games. Like, the sequels feel more like your standard sci fi shit where everything looks like a toy but this one felt more like this weird cross between Dragon Quest and Star Wars.

>> No.10945872

>dragon quest 1
>worth playing
ok dude

>> No.10945894

It's almost comical how clueless you are over how video game genres work and instead are triggered out the tits by semantics ifvthe word role.

>> No.10945942

>walk into town, having fought a ton of scorpions and other random creatures
>wizard in the party is all out of MP, go to a clinic to heal up
>go to the weapons store, buy a lightsaber
>go next door to the first food shop and buy some burgers and cola
I see what you mean.

>> No.10945975

It’s simply not true though. You can remove any of those aspects and still be left with an RPG. If you remove the RP, you’re simply left with a tactical combat game, which is a completely different genre.
You mean how the definition has been bastardized since the 2000s. We wouldn’t have been having this conversation in 90s.

>> No.10945995

Speak for yourself. I've been having this conversation with retards like you since the 80's. You're always wrong.

>> No.10946217

>You can remove any of those aspects and still be left with an RPG.
No, you'd be left with an adventure game at best.
>If you remove the RP, you’re simply left with a tactical combat game, which is a completely different genre.
Dungeon exploration is the defining genre feature, so I don't see how.

>> No.10946472

It's not like 8-bit RPGs are a crowded genre. There are Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Megami Tensei and... uhh... Ghost Lion? And on Master System there were even less of them. This is the only one.

>> No.10946483

>terrible, time-wasting combat
>no story
>every dungeon is the same
>"quests" are all focused on wasting the most amount of your time as possible

No. Fuck off. Phantasy Star is absolute trash.

>> No.10946485

>adventure game at best
There is no genre called “adventure games”.
>Dungeon exploration is the defining genre feature
Of dungeon crawlers. Not of RPGs.

>> No.10946740

>There is no genre called “adventure games”.
What do you call Zork, King's Quest, Maniac Mansion and Myst then?
>Of dungeon crawlers. Not of RPGs.
Try to explain how an RPG without dungeons would function.

>> No.10946767

>King's Quest
point and click
>Maniac Mansion
point and click
point and click
>Try to explain how an RPG without dungeons would function.
play Mother and find out

>> No.10947820

>point and click
Types of adventure games, yes.
King's Quest isn't point and click though.
>play Mother and find out
Overworld is a dungeon too.

>> No.10948240

It's the best 8 bit game in the series. Also the only one. But it's also leagues above the competition (Dragon Quest, FF1 etc)

PS2 is good and PS4 is great, but skip PS3. Should be called POS3. Bad graphics, and terrible gimmick

>> No.10948242

The dungeons are 16x16 grids, and most are pretty sparse except some late game ones (Baya Malay and a couple in Dezolis). Also, there are some stupid gimmicks with hidden doors. I still remember most of the dungeons from 25 years ago and could navigate most of them from memory.

>> No.10948247

Story is great. Nice and simple - starts as a revenge story but progresses beyond that. Doesn't hold your hand. Sorry it's not a fag weeb game about killing god or being a tranny or something.