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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10930372 No.10930372[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you didn't play at least half of these games are you even a SNES fan?

>> No.10930424

I'm a fake fan, sorry. But I just don't give a shit about sport and racing games.

>> No.10930430

Most SNES fans only played the top row because that's the only row with anything worth playing.

>> No.10930438

there's a lot of utter trash in here though

>> No.10930450
File: 3.20 MB, 3468x2804, fagbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man! I saw your list and thought it was absolutely fucking terrible, so I put some rainbow cocks on all the shit games. Hope that helps!

>> No.10930473

I like games, not systems.

>> No.10930475

...is this a joke?

>> No.10930479


>> No.10930484

>mortal kombat
>sim city
>nba jam
>sunset riders
>street fighter
>earthworm jim
>killer instinct
>another world
>front mission
You're gimping yourself if you choose to play the SNES versions of these games.
Make a better list.

>> No.10930551

trying too hard

>> No.10930564


>> No.10930602
File: 174 KB, 1170x1178, 1651552550130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got 45
>hands in gamer card

>> No.10930630

I like how when this image had "reddits top 100 SNES games" at the top it got deleted.

>> No.10930663

I played all but about 6 or 7 of those.

>> No.10930665

you have terrible taste

>> No.10930869

I think I did pretty amazing considering I'm far more of a Sega guy

>> No.10930879

No way reddit would put choumakaimura in their top 100 list
Captcha: ANG0Y

>> No.10930903
File: 1.47 MB, 3469x2880, 1715538102944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread was up yesterday

>> No.10931221

>thinks dkc2 is shit
opinion discarded

>> No.10931239

Why would you think this? GnG is loved by even the most mainstream retro gamers

>> No.10931328

I only play famicom games

>> No.10931331
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>sports games

>> No.10931336

we already know the snes sucked outside of 5 games, no need to prove it

>> No.10931496

SMW, CT, FF6, DKC, SMAS, SoM, FF4, Axelay, Rocky & Pocky, SD3, Ogre Battle & LUCT, FE4, Front Mission

>> No.10931506

never said beat

>> No.10931527

good list, most of 'em are 'aight

>> No.10931709

That's bullshit.
If I were to make a snes top 5 I would undoubtedly include Super Ghouls'n Ghosts and Super Castlevania IV, and they don't appear on the first row. Not all people have or pretend to have the same opinions.
Take also into account that these lists are heavily contaminated by console wars, popularity bias and the special treatment given to first party games that became rampant around the time Nintendo lost the support of third party developers. Before N64, most people didn't give a shit about Super Metroid, F-Zero or Earthbound, and Zelda was vastly surpassed in popularity by games like Street Fighter 2 or Mortal Kombat.

>> No.10931735

don’t believe the truth

>> No.10931825

>Super Ghouls'n Ghosts
Shit version that is riddled with slowdowns that make it barely playable. There were better versions of Daimakaimura on the Mega Drive, PC Engine, and X68000.
>Super Castlevania IV
It's the worst 16-bit Castlevania, aside from the other SNES game which is somehow even worst, and neither is not at all worth playing next to Bloodlines, Rondo, or Chronicles.
>Not all people have or pretend to have the same opinions.
You do have to when it comes to defending the SNES, because there's really only a dozen or so worthwhile titles. Especially if you don't care for trite tendie IP's like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, then the pool of actual quality games that are really worth playing is pitifully small. The SNES is the only mainstream 16-bit console with this problem.

>> No.10931846

I don't get it...So you put cocks on all the good games?

>> No.10931874

How many games for the SNES do you guys believe are actually worth playing? That list has 100 on it. There are 722 games in North America for the SNES.

How many are worth playing out of the 722? Maybe 300 max?

>> No.10931890

Why do all these lists have Super Mario All Stars and Super Mario World separately instead of just having Super Mario All Stars + World as one entry?

>> No.10931893

>Maybe 300 max?
It would be a fraction of that at best. Even the people trying to list 100 worthwhile games find themselves listing off total shit that nobody's heard of in the hopes that they don't get caught. OP is a perfect example of exactly that. Super Star Wars? Dracula X? Lufia? The total dogshit ports of Mortal Kombat, Another World, and Earthworm Jim? This is the "best console ever"?

>> No.10931912
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Well OP, ya got me. Played maybe 30% or 40%, but I don't think I've played half of these specific games. I do not see Umihara Kawase, Cotton 100%, or the Parodius games however.

Street Fighter II even

To be fair this is true of every console

>> No.10932178

Less than half of those are actually worth playing

>> No.10932398

>he thinks wild arms is shit
fuck kinda neutered ass taste is this? your snes privileges have been fuckin REVOKED

>> No.10932494


>> No.10933345

>PC Engine
you mean supergrafx, which almost no one owned
>This is the "best console ever"?
those same genesis fanboys will list dogshit ports like hyperstone heist, mega bomberman, and super SFII new challengers

>> No.10933826

i've played more than half these games on other platforms anon.

pick more exclusives next time.