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File: 68 KB, 1200x600, quintessential british cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10929231 No.10929231 [Reply] [Original]

>revolutionary low cost computing system: ZX Spectrum
>first RISC CPU that's still being used today: ARM
>first 3D polygonal open universe sandbox game: Elite
>first hardware accelerated 3D gaming console: Konix Multisystem
>the first gravity, inertia, and object mass simulation in a video game: Exile
>first immensely influential 3D adventure game: Tomb Raider
>revolutionary sandbox game: Grand Theft Auto
>first immensely influential console FPS game: GoldenEye
>first open universe sandbox game with procedurally generated planets and accurate planetary landing simulations: Frontier Elite 2
>the key to PS1's success
>the most instrumental part in N64's development
I kneel....

>> No.10929248 [DELETED] 

The tragic thing is that the demise of the British empire is in living memory. There are people alive today who remember the British Raj. And it's all gone. The largest empire in human history reduced back to an island--not quite European, and second-rate compared to its most famous colony. Young men have to grow up with that. When they're boys, they splash toy boats in their baths, reciting, "Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!" Except they don't anymore. You're absolutely right, of course; the child growing up in Latin American squalor at least has hope for the future.

>> No.10929262
File: 190 KB, 1370x1144, 717MpdSm69L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 5 most influential nations in gaming history:
1) USA
2) Japan
3) UK
4) France (for creating the corporate abominations of Infogrames-Atari and Ubisoft)
5) ???

>> No.10929270

France created Another World, one of the greatest and most influential video games.

>> No.10929272

1) Japan (best games ever)
2) Germany (best technology that anglos stole)
3) Spain (golden age of spanish software)
4) China (mastered the hardware cloning techniques, making gaming accessible worldwide)
5) france (survival horror invention)

>> No.10929273

Germany or Spain maybe. Or China and Korea for more recently. Taiwan if you want to get technical.

>> No.10929283

>Another World
never heard of it, so it must be garbage for pseuds

>> No.10929287
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America: The transistor.

>> No.10929302

Japan is definitely below UK.

>> No.10929306

oy me speccy

>> No.10929308
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>> No.10929309

Taiwan, mainly because it's the motherland of bootlegs/piracy and where a lot of nations first got their hands on vidya.

>> No.10929329

Also where all the key components are manufactured.

>> No.10929330
File: 337 KB, 1912x900, Another World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of this World for burgers

>> No.10929332

>brown and bloom

>> No.10929337

Nothing is more soulful than advertising a game with IT TOOK TWO WHOLE YEARS TO MAKE

>> No.10929342


>> No.10929385
File: 153 KB, 640x741, lemmings_amiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget this

>> No.10929404 [DELETED] 
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>The tragic thing is that the demise of the British empire is in living memory. There are people alive today who remember the British Raj. And it's all gone. The largest empire in human history reduced back to an island
I see inbreeding doesn't just happen sexually over there, but also with their historical notions. Get it right, because the whole rest of the world knows this: the british had colonies. You can call a collection of colonies an BIG, BIG EMPIRE until you're blue in the face if you like, but read some history and you'll find that no matter their culture or their historical context, an empire doesn't create colonies: it creates regions. Like the Romans, or the Chinese, or the Spanish, or the Ottomans, or the Russians did. The concept of a "metropolis" doesn't exist in an empire. On top of that, all these empire-aspiring nations (among many others) had some kind of dominion in the lands near their homeland. Ever wonder how come the MOST POWERFUL EMPIRE IN HISTORY never, ever managed get a foothold anywhere in Europe, despite centuries of attempts? No, in order to have an "empire", the british had to go all the way around the world to find underdeveloped natives to exploit, who never had the slightest chance to fight back, weren't even considered british, and chisel them out of their natural resources. According to that criteria, even Belgium had an empire lol.

>colonies, protectorates, mandates, dominions
Can you guess why the britbongs had to invent all these words that no empire in History ever needed? Seriously, try to guess :^)

>> No.10929407

The decline of Britannia in teh sphere of gaming is truly something that pains me. We really did lead the way in the 80s and 90s, innovated and created some of the greatest. We badly need to regenerate our digital industries.

>> No.10929417

France is more influencial than Germany or Spain. You know how Final Fantasy VII uses 3D models with 2D pre-rendered backgrounds? That technique came from France.

>> No.10929460 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10929475
File: 187 KB, 563x423, ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT RETARD?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Britain, the country that couldn't even manage to make a good game on shitty PCs meant for office work until the likes of Rare and DMX is more influential in the world of gaming than Japan, which popularized gaming worldwide and produced multiple consoles that sold in the millions

Britbongs being delusional as always

>> No.10929486

>look up most important computing guy from the neighbours
>excentric luddite autist who proposed a final solution to the BASIC menace and was instrumental in the advancement of structured programming
>made some important algorithms or something
>wrote his 1300 essays with a typewriter and a surprisingly large amount with a fountain pen
>did not own a computer until he was forced to get a Macintosh and only used it for e-mail
>saw programmers as lesser beings below computer scientists and did not see software engineering as an academic pursuit
They produce the biggest characters.

>> No.10929562 [DELETED] 

Deluded britsharts

>> No.10929614

Hidden Rank 0.) Finland

>> No.10929628
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>> No.10929636

Notable for creating the gayest fighting game.

>> No.10929694
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>> No.10929697 [DELETED] 

Go back to Pakistan.

>> No.10929735

>James Rolfe promotes a C64 game
What went so right?

>> No.10929761

pretty accurate. I'd probably put Canada or Australia in 5th place.

>> No.10930120 [DELETED] 
File: 482 KB, 780x637, UK Rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should go to the UK instead where they will actually fit in.

>> No.10930126 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10930191

They’ve definitely been killing it in the indie scene for the last few years. I will allow it.

>> No.10930207

USA doesn't belong on this list

>> No.10930217

that's a lot of salsa

>> No.10930240

Oi bruv me Zniggay ought to count innit

>> No.10930248

It is strange that even most bongs don't know about the japs basically stealing/using bong teenagers as child labor and passing it off as their own work

>> No.10930259


>> No.10930276
File: 67 KB, 699x485, 1697987370556559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not salsa

>> No.10930335

Not likely for Britland nor Burgerland to do so with the influx of Poos.

>> No.10930348

anon USA dominates the game market

inb4 >>b-but they don't make muh jrpgs!

>> No.10930558

> first RISC CPU that's still being used today: ARM
ARM is mostly obsolete now and is only used in small microcontrollers. ARM was replaced with AArch64

>> No.10930647

Britain's contribution to just about everything is immeasurable. They're geniuses.

>> No.10930652

That's just a 64-bit ARM.

>> No.10930654

Britain invented copyright laws, allowing commercial video game vendors like Nintendo to exist in the first place.

>> No.10930756
File: 157 KB, 1280x853, Haggis-84974997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, we did play a part in it all.

>> No.10930881

Only brits could make this kino because it draws from their own culture and history

>> No.10930895

the mashed potatoes look okay.

>> No.10930901

What do you think that is on the right? It looks like scallops or something in clear jello

>> No.10930902
File: 372 KB, 705x626, Tennis_For_Two_on_a_DuMont_Lab_Oscilloscope_Type_304-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, USA invented video games and the entire game industry basically. Real-time gameplay on screens, arcade games, consoles, most game genres, etc. Anyone saying they don't belong on a list like this is just baiting.

I mean you could argue about how the UK possibly created simple games for academic and research purposes like tic-tac-toe or checkers (droughts) before the Americans made something, but those didn't directly lead to the game industry in the way things like Spacewar! did. It's an interesting subject though. I thought it was cool for example that Alan Turing wrote out a Chess program in (though it wasn't preserved and never actually ran on a computer).

Long video if you're interested in the topic of very first game, including arguments about what counts as a game.

>> No.10930906

*Chess program in 1948

>> No.10930917

>and for presentation, it will be served in a torn condom on an old 2x4

>> No.10930919

I'm a chef, it's a gravy made from cornstarch instead of flour which is why it has that clear color

>> No.10930938

There was also the American "cathode-ray tube amusement device," patented in 1947. Never manufactured, though a prototype seems to have been made. Not necessarily a video game depending on your definition (electronic display, but no computing was involved), but it was a electronic game with a graphical display.

>> No.10930953

It's a haggis, presentation is not going to sway the mind of the unimpressed.

>> No.10930960

kek, "Starflight" ("Starquest" when the devs started the project, in 1982) billed itself as "15 MAN YEARS!" when we finally got it in early 1987.

>> No.10930963

oh man that game was good.
I have to put in a good word for Imogen.

>> No.10930967

Is this the first example of using "bald" and "mentally ill" as a gaming-related insult?

>> No.10931051

>anon USA dominates the game market
Not for much longer with the way shit is going.

>> No.10931063

Japan's getting just as bad as the west when it comes to that. China only makes fake games. At the very least the west still has the indie scene going for it, it's a mixed bag but you can filter out the compromised stuff.

>> No.10931074

>"first hardware accelerated 3D gaming console: Konix Multisystem"
>Go to search for "Konix multisystem"
>"The Konix Multisystem was a cancelled video game system under development by Konix, a British manufacturer of computer peripherals."
Ebin, simbly ebin

>> No.10931078

There was also nothing in the design document about 3D acceleration, just the standard assortment of 2D acceleration features common to all 8/16 bit consoles.

>> No.10931175

At least a working prototype exists. You can see all the games and tech demos that were created for the system. Some of the guys who worked on it went to work on the SuperFX chip and used the Multisystem's architecture as the basis.

It doesn't have any 2D acceleration in the sense of sprite and background scaling though. There's an Amiga like blitter fill function that draws bitmap graphics quickly, but that's about it. The defining feature is the math accelerator co-processor that's capable of doing 32-bit calculation in a single cycle. The SNES has a similar processor in the mode 7 graphics mode, but it only does 16 bit math from what I recall, and only transforms the 2D background layer.

That 32-bit math chip was very primitive and only intended for simple 3D games in the spirit of Elite and such of course, but it's still a groundbreaking 3D accelerator.

Some tech analysis of the system:

>> No.10931194

>2D acceleration in the sense of sprite and background scaling though
Hardware bliting and scrolling are 2D acceleration, anon. Having a co-processor is neither 2D nor 3D acceleration no matter how much you try to stretch the definition.

>> No.10931203

>implying it broke any ground
It brought a shovel to the party then went home before the shovel touched a single speck of dirt. And most importantly nobody cared it brought a shovel. Everyone independently invented the shovel several times over.

>> No.10931207

that game is ok, it was more impressive back then which is why you tend to hear about it through boomer game devs

>> No.10931208


>> No.10931379

Love Britain, despite being American. Will always do so. Simple as.

You're posting in the language of America on a gaming board of a website that (you know) largely consists of Americans. No need to be envious, as we can be friends instead!

>> No.10931393

What do you think 3D acceleration is, then?

>> No.10931397

not him but 3d acceleration is direct hardware rendering of polygons (or other 3d representations), not a second processor to offload some software calculations onto

>> No.10931406

>Hardware bliting and scrolling are 2D acceleration
It has no scrolling. The graphics is entirely made of packed pixels, not planar. Moving each sprite and background independently is not possible, the system has to redraw the entire screen every single frame.
>Having a co-processor is neither 2D nor 3D acceleration
Having a MATH co-processor is not 3D acceleration, hmm?

You're thinking of GPU. 3D acceleration is any means necessary to improve 3D coordinate processing. Entirely software 3D processing would be the CPU using its own internal adder and the database of values in the memory to calculate the coordinates.

>> No.10931510

What in the motherfuck is that bowl of vomit on the right?

>> No.10931526

Br*tish "food", what else

>> No.10931531

Jellied Eels bruv

>> No.10931743

Rare forced to make games on such compromised hardware that the consoles seemed so piss easy in comparison to program they couldn't help but show off. Basically saved Nintendo for 2 generations.

Australia had a 5 year period where they were on it. KKND introduced queuing which was copied by every RTS soon after, the reviews were why didn't anyone think of this.
Dark Reign was a cool RTS and Shadown Run on snes reviewed well and was ahead of the curve in many ways or at least the template was used 20 years later in indie games. Powerslide was also impressive. After about 1998 the industry just died there but they made stuff like Trainz which is a series still going on.

Canada had EA Canada which did some big games like Need for Speed and I'm sure others.

Germany did some pc and Amiga stuff which was impressive.

All the motherboards and 3d cards, pc gaming would be far behind in the 90's.

>> No.10931753

Koreans for the MMO and mobile monstrosities

>> No.10931759

Vaginas in jello, do you even cook retard?

>> No.10931965

Prince of Persia, but worse.

>> No.10931978

Fish assholes, they're normally sold in cans

>> No.10932072

I'll just dump a bit of context, I made a short personal overview of this "generation 0" anyway. Do note that what counts as a videogame at this point is subjective and depends on how strict you are. Simplest is that it should be visual with its "screen" being capable of change and it needs to do calculations.

the CRT tends to be discounted as it just falls under the Electronic Game section. The 1948 chess one anon mentioned never actually worked as it was too much for even the mighty Ferranti Mark 1 and Turing died before doing anything but a manual test run. In theory it could play a full game of chess unlike Prinz's mate-in-two program that did run later on.

Bertie the Brain is a purpose built tic-tac-toe computer with a difficulty setting, but is disqualified as it didn't use a "screen" capable of "changing" the graphics. Nimrod was a British computer with a similar idea, but with the more complex game of Nim.

It's a bit muddy which of these 2 is first, but Strachey's Draughts (checkers) is a 1952 Ferranti Mark 1 conversion of his earlier 1950 Pilot ACE program. It is counted because it has a screen of sorts that does update the board on a commercial machine and you can play a full game. Oliver Aberth's Bouncing Ball is said to be from 1951 , but it initially lacked the gameplay element and a 1953 anecdote only mentions the demo of the bouncing ball still, not the hole you should bounce it into. This would count as the first American video game though and Tennis for Two is based on a similar demo.

I'd also like the mention Pool for the MIDSAC, which is a 40 FPS version of pool with collision and balls being pocketable.

All of these had fuck all influence as anon said, you'd have to look at Spacewar, The Sumerian Game and the early BASIC Games on university mainframes of the era.

>> No.10932115
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1. Japan
>difficult to argue another country has contributed more.
2. UK
>quirky fun games and quirky hardware. they are creative and olde England inspires so many games
3. Canada
>quite a few underrated studios and unlike USA they haven't actively tried to destroy the industry
4. France
> original games and you can usually tell when they have a French flair.
5. Poland
>technically sound games that usually push the hardware
6. Spain
>great in the 80s
6. Australia
7. USA
>done more harm than good.
8. South Korea
>probably a country to keep an eye on in the coming years
9. Germany
>it's like they have zero creativity
10. Rest of the World

>> No.10932145 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 902x1024, Kobeni_medieval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retardedly delusional. The only reason most people even know the UK made games was because of companies like Rare and DMX. Outisde of that, the British games industry was and still kind of is insular, consisting of nothing but barebones games that any idiot with a computer would (and often did) program.

I can understand putting Japan at number one (and frankly I agree based on their hardwarte and software output), but you are a dishonest idiot if the US isn't at least number 2. The advancement of video games graphics/physics and hardware all are American innovations, most famous franchises like Diablo, alll ID games, Fallout, pretty much all the D&D games and a host of other titles like Turok, Shadowman etc. Not to mention video games were first developed as part of a DoD project that Marvin Minsky headed.

I am so glad you Brits are in a dying socialist shithole because you are so conceited and idiotic, you unironically believe the retarded nonsense you spout. I hope your whole entire Royal Family dies of cancer so you queers rightfully have no pride in you dead, gay, uninnovative and spiritually moribund country.

>> No.10932150
File: 172 KB, 2000x1333, 05-21Mattrick_Web.1419979689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and unlike USA they haven't actively tried to destroy the industry
Canada gave us this motherfucker

>> No.10932156

your arguments are improving graphics which haven't improved gaming else we would be worshipping modern games.

USA have taken more out of gaming than it has put in. especially Microsoft.

also Shadowman was made in UK.

>> No.10932165

It put in the transistor. Go play vacuum tube games. Or don't. Because there is no vacuum tube game. Steam engine games, that's an English invention. Or don't, there's no steam engine game either.

>> No.10932168

Anyways here's the real list:
1) Japan (No question)
2) USA (You can't name one aspect of gaming that wasn't either funded by a US company or directly influenced by a US company)
3) Canada (Sir-Tech's Wizardry games actually left a big imprint in Japan, which in turn influenced JRPGs)
4) South Korea (Fuck gacha shit and MMOs but it is an industry-wide thing now)
5) Rare and DMX (The rest of the UK can die in a fire)
6) Eas


The rest of the UGay

>your arguments are improving graphics which haven't improved gaming else we would be worshipping modern games.
I also said physics engines ala Quake/Unreal, which have done so considerably, so eat shit. Also, that's MODERN GRAPHICS. Early and mid level developments in graphics like the development of EGA/VGA modes and 3D have made games better and all that was done by Americans. You are so fucking dumb. Just because you don't need Ultra4k resolutions to enjoy games doesn't mean I have to worship the absolute technical shithouses that were most British computers (barring the Amiga which actually is pretty cool). I've seen footage of British video games and they look horrid. It's a good representation of why graphics are important to some degree but not to the point of making everything hyper-realistic. Plus, even when that was happeneing British and European game studios were following suit.

>USA have taken more out of gaming than it has put in. especially Microsoft.
Microsoft isn't the only fucking gaming company in the US. There's ID, Epic Games, Black Isle Studios, Midway, Acclaim and many more companies most of which are dead or have been made into shittier versions of their previous incarnations. Just because Microsoft is mostly shit doesn't mean that the US game development scene is.

>> No.10932174
File: 788 KB, 320x180, Narutard describing how his eternal autism feels like.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6) Eastern Europe (a lot of jank but jank with soul or at least jank that makes me laugh)
>also Shadowman was made in UK.

It was owned by Acclaim, which is an American company. If this was a British game, it would be some shitty ZX Spectrum tie-in with only 3 colors and poorly programmed by some nitwit who stole half the code from a magazine that offers barely finished games 10/10 because of egos of Brits compensating for their morals, intelligence and general usefulness to society.

>> No.10932183 [DELETED] 

America (2024): The Trans sister

>> No.10932357

luv playing zniggy on me speccy

>> No.10932757
File: 47 KB, 680x510, 97543986231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America made the most developments in gaming in the past century or so, from hardware software advancements to advancements in graphics/physics engines, down to creating video games in a DoD grant at MIT under Marvin Minsky. There's no other place you could put America but number 2. I will concede that Japan should be number 1 just because they make the larget volume of games and software for games but no European country makes any worthwhile game or ever did to the same degree America has, nor any non-American country. Only exception is Sir-Tech, a Canadian company that created Wizardry which had a direct influence on the JRPG sub-genre.

That's not even talking about the business side of things, where America dominates along with Japan. Europe is and pretty much always has been irrelevant in the world of gaming barring some exceptions like the Rockstar fellows, Free Radical Design and Rare and Eastern Europe. It's a known fact bedroom coded games aren't good, French games are generally obtuse and focus more on graphics tech than actual gameplay and no one knows them outside of Europe for the most part (ask your average person about Jet Set Wily or Out of This World).

Yet Doom, Quake and Unreal (along with a whole host of American made games) have a veritable legacy not only in terms of the games, but even the engines they use are still being used in some way. ID is (was?) in Texas, while Epic games is in Maryland. I can go on and on, but you get the point: That list is hot garbage. No one in their right mind would put the UK at No. 2 and the US at No. 7, especially considering UK game developers follow the lead of US game dev/distributors like Valve, Microsoft,etc. Even South Korea has a more of an influence on gaming than the UK and has for at least half a decade now.

TL;DR: 0/10 bait. See me after class.

>> No.10932784

but this is the typical American mindset.
hardware and business. this doesn't contribute to good games.

up until the 2010s Britain developed more games than the USA. People were looking forward to Rare / Rockstars games as much as the best Japanese produced games.

USA has never had that esteem.
Culturally USA hasn't contributed anything to the gaming industry apart from bloody fps

>> No.10932832

>hardware and business. this doesn't contribute to good games.
That's just commonsese. It's why the Saturn has very few good games on it, yet the PC,PSX and to some extent the N64 do. You want developers to make games for your consoles so you can make a profit and they can make fun games for your system.

>up until the 2010s Britain developed more games than the USA.
And most of them are shitty shovelware. I've played British video games before and they have no sense of cohesion and seem like a collection of ideas thrown at a wall. They probably are at least half competently made, but to put it bluntly, the perosn making those games clearly had no vision when making them and had no idea what counts as fun. That's your average bedcoder. At least the average programmer in an American firm like RIchard Garriott and his associates had an idea when making their Ultima games and executed it relatively well because they realize that they wanted to make something for more than themselves. It's why these American games have a legacy and most British ones don't: the person deisgining them had talent and tard-wranglers to help them actualize said talent. This is the same case for the dudes at Id, Epic Games, Midway, Ion Storm and what have you: if you're going to sell a product to the masses, there has to be quality assurance, something that never existed in the British games market until foreigners stepped in and enforced.

>> No.10932846

>People were looking forward to Rare / Rockstars games as much as the best Japanese produced games

Yeah, no one was looking forward to games from Ion Storm, ID, Midway, Accolade, Microprose, Epic Games, John Romero, American McGee, John Carmack Will Wright and a bunch of other major American developers/companies.

>USA has never had that esteem.
Again, because that's how you make shitty games rather than actual products people worthwhile video games. Japan doesn't follow that metric for the exact same reason.

>> No.10932854

>Culturally USA hasn't contributed anything to the gaming industry apart from bloody fps
>Early video games use interactive electronic devices with various display formats. The earliest example is from 1947—a "cathode-ray tube amusement device" was filed for a patent on 25 January 1947, by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann, and issued on 14 December 1948, as U.S. Patent 2455992.[2] Inspired by radar display technology, it consists of an analog device allowing a user to control the parabolic arc of a dot on the screen to simulate a missile being fired at targets, which are paper drawings fixed to the screen.[3] Other early examples include Christopher Strachey's draughts game, the Nimrod computer at the 1951 Festival of Britain; OXO, a tic-tac-toe computer game by Alexander S. Douglas for the EDSAC in 1952; Tennis for Two, an electronic interactive game engineered by William Higinbotham in 1958; and Spacewar!, written by Massachusetts Institute of Technology students Martin Graetz, Steve Russell, and Wayne Wiitanen's on a DEC PDP-1 computer in 1961. Each game has different means of display: NIMROD has a panel of lights to play the game of Nim,[4] OXO has a graphical display to play tic-tac-toe,[5] Tennis for Two has an oscilloscope to display a side view of a tennis court,[3] and Spacewar! has the DEC PDP-1's vector display to have two spaceships battle each other.[6]

The video game is a distinctly Americna phenomena. That's not even how Richard Gariiott made the modern RPG with Ultima and how multiple American companies furthered it's development with games like Fallout and the Baldur's Gate campaign in D&D (an American IP). Or how America and Asia had a firm grasp on the hardware market for decades as graphics and physics technologies advanced in video games. (con/t)

>> No.10932859

anon you need to stop posting, 3d acceleration = something that specifically accelerates 3d processing (i.e. vertex transformations, polygons, shading, etc...), not a "math accelerator" or whatever made up terms you keep spouting

>> No.10932864
File: 49 KB, 458x458, chichi a qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or the racing game genre, which is basically a competition between Americans and the Japanese. All in all, Britain is extremely unimportant in most respects including in video games. This is just a Brit coping mechanism for once being the biggest empire in the world and now an irrelevant part of the Old World. It's really pathetic you have to make shit up to pretend any European country has any relevance to the gamin industry past some very niche examples of individual companies. Even Eastern Europe is more relevant than the UK or France or Germany (and surrounding Germanic nations) or Spain in the gaming world.

America was, is and will be for a long time more relevant than Europe ever will be. Europe is pretty much a very archaic nation when it comes to technology. Other than the invention of the modern computer during WW2, I can't think of any purely European advances in computer tech. Cope and Sneed about it but it's true.

>> No.10932919

There has never been a single good britlard game. If you think the likes of “Nigger Nigel’s Wobbly Maze Eggs” are good games then you are delusional

>> No.10932973
File: 173 KB, 1024x1024, america-fuck-yeah-v0-qjbifnj942aa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans invented video games. Americans have made, by far, the most commercially successful video game franchises of all time. Americans have made almost every competitive e-sports title. Americans have made high quality le hiddin gums of every style and flavor. Fuck Britain, fuck Japan, fuck Germany, fuck France. Video games are ours, and everyone else lives in our shadow. Cope.

>> No.10933285

Codemasters is British you reatard. Dirt, Grid, F1.

>> No.10933296

And? That doesn't detract from my over-arching point, you eternally coping Britbong faggot.

>> No.10933304

>which is basically a competition between Americans and the Japanese
>japanese racing games: gran turismo, *crickets*

>> No.10933308
File: 266 KB, 736x827, DUDE WEED SUGOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow there's one more British studio I didn't mention in one specific genre I don't play all that often. Somehow that detracts from the fact that on the whole British video games are shite and Americans were, are and will continue to out perform them in the video game market in pretty much every metric.

You are a pedantic faggot.

>> No.10933353
File: 62 KB, 738x703, 1694201585055898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i made a retarded statement about a subject i don't know shit about and someone called me out how can people do this to me
Racing games is a competition between Americans and British

>> No.10933407

Geoff Crammond, one of the most important figures for the development of the sim racing genre, with REVS and the Grand Prix series, is British.

>> No.10933419

while is true that US and Japan invented a lot of things vidya, but these dudes delivered them to the masses. both software and hardware. except maybe to Euros, which made them create their own insignificant redundant stuff.

>> No.10933558

You Anglos (that includes the USAliens) are all really insecure about something none of you actually know anything about as demonstrated by the kneejerk hyperbole in most posts.

I suggest going outside and playing dodge the bullet/knife depending on the region you inhabit if you need some excitement in your life.

>> No.10933680

>I suggest going outside and playing dodge the bullet/knife depending on the region you inhabit if you need some excitement in your life.
We don't live in Calais or Cologne, EU peasant.

>> No.10933704

Imagine living in France or Germany. Anyway I included the get shot for Americans and get stabbed for the British. I'm inclusive in my disdain for my inferiors.

>> No.10933865

>3d acceleration = something my uneducated ass came up with

>> No.10933890

>that picture
If i had to live in england I would legit and hero

>> No.10936762

china for the famiclones

>> No.10936842
File: 239 KB, 925x1050, zniggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10937835
File: 152 KB, 1091x510, jou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are American games underrated on /vr/? Is it a weeb conspiracy?

>> No.10937839

>literally who game nobody ever heard of that didn't influence shit
>a bunch of classics that everyone knows and plays to this day

>> No.10937842

OP post on /v/ there is no point in talking about actual retro systems or games here, its just for nintendo stiff and modern chinse emulators. They don;t even collect games or even play them

>> No.10937862

>the year is 1983
>Nintendo patents the concept of jumping in video games
What changes?

>> No.10938119

>jump steering
It's funny because it's true
>literally who game nobody ever heard of that didn't influence shit
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.10938190

It saves the Saturn