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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10928039 No.10928039 [Reply] [Original]

I remember my first time playing Halo, and I was in that first level, and after winding through these technical corridors, fighting aliens and then, I step out into this world, and it just opens up in front of me, and it's beautiful, and alien, and huge. That was a sort of a seminal moment for me and I realized I was playing a masterpiece.

>> No.10928068

I was too young to understand it was a phenomenal revolution in the medium. I simply played it co-op with my brother and I would always be waiting to respawn after I died.

>> No.10928089
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its odd to think about the ignorance and sheer nerd rage halo caused. The blame that gets placed on it for the damage that military shooters caused is also really weird.
I think its sad halo had basically no impact on FPS design.

>> No.10928114

I remember reading in a magazine that anytime you were outside you could look up and see the Halo wrapping around itself. I remember doing it all the time when I eventually got the game, it was a really nice touch.
I think that the media overplayed it a little bit, but it was really a cool and fun game both in single player and multiplayer.

>> No.10928241

I remember playing it and being bored. Because it was a slow and the combat was bad. And getting out of the drop ship and it being small and slow... and of course Halo was supposed to be the "Tribes killer", and it was way worse than all the alpha-footage when it was a PC game, then mac game, then xbox game...


And it was supposed to take on this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpVIfqYVubQ
and compete with the sequel in the same year.

And it was so much smaller, slower, and worse than expected. It was also a buggy mess on the PC and the netcode is about the worst in gaming history.

>> No.10928479

Oh it certainly had an influence. The one-button grenade and melee were really important and made often ignored elements in FPS games at the time far more integrated. Lots of games were inspired by the vehicles too but none did them better.

>> No.10928482

I didn't play CE until 2018, decades after playing the DOOM and Quake games among others, and it still became my favorite shooter of all time. Amazing game.

>> No.10928495

>and alien
Buddy, they are literally pine trees. Touch grass sometimes.

>> No.10928585


>> No.10928593
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Oh ho

>> No.10928602

Is this a porn setup

>> No.10928689


>> No.10928712

Too elaborate, also public window.

>> No.10928848

seems like you just have shitt taste

>> No.10929072

>I think its sad halo had basically no impact on FPS design.
regenerating health

>> No.10929076

>after winding through these technical corridors, fighting aliens and then, I step out into this world, and it just opens up in front of me, and it's beautiful, and alien, and huge
meh... unreal did the same but three years earlier

>> No.10929085

>I think its sad halo had basically no impact on FPS design.
Two weapon limit. Constantly swapping weapons instead of carrying a whole arsenal everywhere.

>> No.10929087

Regenerating health, dedicated melee and grenade weapons, limited weapon inventory...

>> No.10929098

oh but it did, it gave us regenerating health and 2 weapons max!

>> No.10929123

>all FPS games before 2001 were doom
stop watching youtubers

>> No.10929159

I think I played this game for the first time 3 years ago, and I was amazed how good the game is, if too long maybe. AI behavior feels like the enemy is alive and makes the game more entertaining that way. I don't get the hate for this game when it is essentially the zelda 64 of shooters.

>> No.10929219


>> No.10929242

every fps started copying halo

>> No.10929243

>t. never played tribes

>> No.10929251

He's probably referring to the way AI encounters are designed which isn't something you'll find in another FPS. Most 'Halo killers' of the day completely missed this and only copied superficial elements.

>> No.10929367

I've played plenty of pre-2001 shooters. Name me one (or more) that has a weapon system that works like Halo's.

>> No.10929501
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yeah mate all these halo clones

>> No.10929520

Xbox players love halo because it was their first big console game and mostly because of Microsoft marketing. They loved that their windows daddy Bill Gates made them a game.

>> No.10929532

i liked halo 1's campaign a lot. it was just fun. yeah there were some parts that were too repetitive. the library especially. getting through that on Legendary was such a chore. fuck the shotgun flood. and fuck the flood as a whole. those enemies were always shit and not fun to fight. halo 2's campaign sucked but the mp was god tier so whatever. halo 3 was worse in every way and i stopped playing the series there.

>> No.10929581
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>> No.10929582

Tribes fans have played tribes less than I have, I remember playing tribes next and having to wait for the 12 other players during peak hours only to find there was just 3/40 in a server. Ah, tribes, what a dead game that never mattered to anybody, least of all tribes fans.

>> No.10929643

Maybe I've been spoiled by choice but honestly, halo kinda sucks.

>> No.10929646

yeah and they love to post 20 year old vods of scrims. Like yes mate, we all watch Colonel Blair you're not some elite video gamer because you played a T2 mod on your dads pc.

>> No.10929681

It's insane how much butthurt this game causes thanks to the irrational ms hatred and mustard elitism

>> No.10929683

Don't get me wrong, but Halo was THE game that started the dude bro shooter mania. It singlehandedly sold the trash can that was the original Xbox. And Halo 2 outsold Melee, Mario Kart, Sunshine and Zelda—basically this was the moment retro era ended. Kids officially stopped caring about "old and gay" Nintendo / Sega / etc., and we firmly entered the era of GTA and Halo, and later CoD.
It's a case where a game wasn't bad, but the influence it had was terrible.

>> No.10929687 [DELETED] 

you can paint it as a console downgrade which is certainly true to an extent. if you're pc mustard meathead from the 90s this will justify your seething hatred forever.

>> No.10929716

I've gone through the boomer shooter canon, doom, duke 3d, blood, quake no one lives forever, soldier of fortune, rtcw, etc. as a single player campaign CE was perfectly fine.

>> No.10929772

its just the usual pcmr goobers hyperventilating any time someone likes a console fps. admittedly they mostly suck but halo was fun

>> No.10929976
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>all this headcannon
sounds like little bitch syndrome to me

>> No.10930083

Disprove anything I've said, Ranger X kun

>> No.10930167

Not sure if you're the same Ranger X poster but one of you fuckers got me to try it and that game is extremely fun. My thanks to your people

>> No.10930171
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Ranger X and Halo are perhaps, kindred spirits

>> No.10930242
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It's rhetoric to justify your opinions and make yourself feel important