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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10922863 No.10922863 [Reply] [Original]

>let Capcom make two Zelda games
>they make the undisputed best 2D Zelda games of all time
>Nintendo never lets them touch the series again

Why didn't Nintendo collaborate with Capcom more often?

>> No.10922872

anon its just a worse version of links awakening

>> No.10922896

Capcom made the Minish Cap and Four Swords, and the director is still making Zelda games to this day

>> No.10923837

More importantly, why didn't other companies let Capcom have a go?
We could have got Capcom Diablo, Capcom Half-Life, Capcom Halo, Capcom Shenmue, Capcom Blinx the Timesweeper,

Capcom the cereal
Capcom the TV show
Capcom the blockbuster movie
Capcom the trading card game
Capcom the president

>> No.10923861

I just finished these last night. I did Ages then Seasons. It was okay. Gonna do Minish Cap next.

>> No.10923984

Capcom the flamethrower! (The kids love it.]

>> No.10923990
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we kinda got Capcom GUN, at least

>> No.10923992

>Nintendo never lets them touch the series again
I often wonder why zoomers are so prone talk out of their ass.

>> No.10923993

Terrible opinion

Terrible post

>> No.10924010

Look up who’s the director of Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. More importantly, look up his previous games. You can also do this for some of the other people in the credits.
Nintendo didn’t need to contract out to flagship anymore, they poached nearly the entire team from Capcom.

If anything, it’s Capcom who should hate working with Nintendo, for fear of having their entire studios stolen out from them.

>> No.10924054

I will be checking this out

>> No.10924057

Capcom the revenge!

>> No.10924083

>doesn't finish the third Oracle game
What did they mean by this?

>> No.10924087

>undisputed best 2D Zelda games.
Really? I never bothered to play them. LA is my favourite 2d Zelda.

>> No.10924095

Call me a motherfucker with bad media literacy, because I wholeheartedly agree with this nigga's post, betraying his sarcastic intentions

>> No.10924151

Zelda after Zelda after Zelda after Zelda...
Nintendo is so fucking repetitive.

>> No.10924178

There's also Mario after Mario after Mario. They market to autists who want to buy the same thing over and over again and they make a good profit doing it, why change now?

>> No.10924607

They're about as good as LA, definitely worth playing. I like all three GB games a lot better than ALttP or Minish Cap.

>> No.10924626

Flagship made the Oracles Duology, not Capcom.

>> No.10924650

Just finished seasons and I loved it. I'm really curious to play LA since so many people praise it as the best zelda. Can a much older game be really that better?
I've heard good stuff about minish cap as well.

>> No.10924652

I'd say Link's Awakening and Minish Cap are contenders.

>> No.10924653

What do they do better?

>> No.10924659

Play them yourself and form your own opinions faggot. I'm here to tell you my opinion not spoonfeed you why I feel that way.

>> No.10924664

>I'm here to tell you my opinion
>doesn't even try to make an argument for it

>> No.10924668

Correct. Deal with it.

>> No.10924675

Not him but I feel like Minish Cap took everything from the blueprint A Link to the Past laid out and just made it better. Never played Link's Awakening so I can't comment on that one.

>> No.10924685

Except that minish cap dungeons are nowhere nears the AltP ones.

>> No.10924698

I disagree.

>> No.10924701
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this except unironically tbqh famalam

>> No.10924824

Ah yes the inferiority complex-ridden oracletards fanatically defending with loaded statements two lazy LA rom hacks because they played them as zoomers are here again.

>> No.10926901

all these words just to say capcom makes good RPGs

>> No.10927486

>>they make the undisputed best 2D Zelda games of all time
They are fun, I'll give you that.
But you ever notice how if you have 2-3 NPCs in one location (builders in Ambi's Tower, Gorons, etc), they all have the same dialogue?
Kind of lazy.
Not to mention Ages has a lot of back and forth talk to people shit with the Gorons and iirc the Zoras. Just a lot of "go talk to this guy, then that guy, then over there". Kind of lame, especially if it's your first time through and you haven't memorized the layout of the mountains and don't know which fucking Goron you're supposed to talk to because they all look the same.
I remember talking to a Goron, him saying he needed a thing, got the thing in the past/future, then spent half an hour looking for the original Goron.

>> No.10927704

Lol you made this thread on /v/

>> No.10927714

Flagship LTD is literally joint company that exists to work with (and funded by) Nintendo, SEGA, and even Capcom themselves.
Most of the people that worked there were mostly Capcom people, even so much to go back there after they closed up.

>> No.10927720

So LA and Minish aren't better then.

>> No.10927723

The Oracle guys are the technocrats Zelda. Technically they're Zelda game, and everything is in there, in fact it's even packed to the brim with stuff.

But ultimately the games have no sense of pacing, poor balancing, and are ultimately soulless.

>> No.10927725

Minish Cap was a few additional dungeons away of mogging ALTTP'S.

>> No.10927729
File: 914 KB, 464x415, boink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You = Maple
Me = Link

>> No.10927737

>and are ultimately soulless.
Just because it didn't look like crapass Phantom Hourglass, doesn't mean it's lacks charm (<- soul without zoomer imageboarder context)

>> No.10927779

I dig LAs humor but apart from that it's absolute boredom

>> No.10927803


>> No.10927805

I am still a little bothered that capcom dropped megaman legends 3 just like that.

>> No.10927821

>hurr durr, you retards just can't stop using buzzwords, can you?

>> No.10928049

I mean, that is simply not true. Both Link to the Past and Link's Awakening were better. However, Capcom did do extremely well zoom zoom.

>> No.10928589

>The Oracle guys are the technocrats Zelda

I basically agree, in both a good an bad way. The Oracle games do not have the 'soul' of LA or OoT, but it's really clear that the people making them has an absolutely fine understanding of how Zelda ought to work mechanically.

>> No.10928847

Not really. Plus you'd have to be a total retard to go into a game with that mindset anyways. they're all completely different

>> No.10928854

>completely different
Not that guy but come on man I wouldn't go THAT far lmao

>> No.10928860

>they make the undisputed best

A ton of people say different games are the best. Why are you on a board for 18+ when you are struggling with words you should have mastered in elementary school?

Posts like this should be banned and not be replied to except with sage. "This is the bestest" is just going to invite argumentative idiots to dominate the thread.

>> No.10928870
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fuckin saved

>> No.10928873
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>>they make the undisputed best 2D Zelda games of all time
ok as much as i like these games your opinion is just fucking wrong

>> No.10928884


>> No.10929172

Fucking lol. Minish Cap is extremely slow and longwinded (I'm playing through it now, and did so before too roughly 20 years ago when I bought it at launch).

MC's gameplay is fucking horrendous compared to any of the other 2D Zeldas: it takes twice as long for Link to animate any action and 10 times as long to charge up a spin attack. The artstyle is kind of gay too. But Ezlo is the gayest part, and if you like him, you are definitely gay and/or a defensive zoomer.

Whole thing is just really bad anime cutscenes with barely any gameplay.

>> No.10930367

Objectively false

>> No.10930371


>> No.10930373

the problem isnt any of that bullshit. the problem is that its linear as fuck and you're railroaded through a zelda themed ride with no exploration.

>> No.10930689

if anything it's too short, unless you get 100% which involves the most tedious sidequest of all time, fuck whoever came up came up with kinstones literal padding that requires a guide
ezlo is based though get some taste, he's at least the third best companion

>> No.10930710

Kinstones are nothing, barring the one where if you don't do it soon enough, you permanently lose the Light Arrow upgrade. The stupid shell/figurine collecting just to get the last Heart is the worst.

>> No.10930845

Very important correction. All they make nowadays is tranny shit for larry fink

>> No.10932625
