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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 138 KB, 225x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10924890 No.10924890 [Reply] [Original]

ITT expensive shit you bought for your /vr/ setup

pic related, just spent $300 to plug in all my consoles at once.

>> No.10924895

No reason for this to cost 300 dollars
I bet you could've bought something equivalent made in 2006 for 10 dollars

>> No.10924896

you paid 300$ for 3$ worth of connectors?

>> No.10924898

I looked they don't exist.

>> No.10924905

Even if you did the most expensive inefficient DIY option with overpriced breadboard and gold plated connectors it would have cost not even 1/6 of what you paid

>> No.10924907

Don't forget to add in the 3 dollar 10pole2throw electrical switch

>> No.10924913

It's ok I did it too OP but I got the gscart. It really is amazing since it switches automatically.

>> No.10924920

What's wrong with just using multiple cheap switchers off Amazon?

>> No.10924921

I spat out the "hook everything up all at once pill" and redid my setup with a single extension cord and a cupboard full of all my consoles. It's so much easier to deal with.

>> No.10924923

Would the signal degrade much from running a splitter into another splitter? What about input lag?

>> No.10924924

Not automatic and they only have 3 inputs so i always have to swap out cables for consoles since I have 8 that support component.

>> No.10924932

Instead of using a switcher for 8 component consoles, why not just have 8 CRT's with component?

>> No.10924935

Because I play old games on BVM/PVMs and I only have 5 right now.

>> No.10925113

Shoulda spent that $300 on comedy classes. Your troll is low quality and unfunny.

>> No.10925124

I used a switch for my PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, and N64 back in 2004. After a couple months, I had to plug one of them into the TV directly for some reason when I noticed there was a noticeable quality increase. From that point on, I just sucked it up and manually changed it. It doesn't surprise me that something so simple could have a huge price tag if it can do it without quality loss.

>> No.10925131

Could have just gotten an extron

>> No.10925132

Switch and cable quality are so important but its also super expensive.

There's a reason this thing is $300 and all the power users have one.

>> No.10925143

Not enough inputs

>> No.10925190

you'd have to be a millionaire to justify this purchase. How embarrassing.

>> No.10925201

$300 isn't a lot of money if you make over 6 figures. Thats like 2 dates in the city.

>> No.10925319

Doesn't make it a good value.

>if I earn enough then value is relative

>> No.10925321

>Doesn't make it a good value.

it does when nothing else on the market does what it does.

>automatic switch for component video with 8 in 2 out without any loss of picture quality

It doesnt exist.

>> No.10925396

This isn't even 1 paycheck on minimum wage. the fuck you mean?

>> No.10925401

>this is what mcdonald's employees really think

>> No.10925435
File: 19 KB, 350x350, LCD-X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought $1,200 headphones to play 20 year old computer games.

>> No.10925437

>two pvm
>arcade pcb
>rgb>svideo adapters
i am comfy af

the thing you bought is retarded and lazy
>you could have made a nicer one
>you could have bought a cheaper thing that does the same thing and allows MORE inputs
>you could just plug\unplug upon usage like me and save money

instead of a shitload of fuck behind my tvs i simply use an av-connector (gold) for $3 and plug into that
no shitty\ugly rats nest

>> No.10925447

This is a quintessential poorfag post. Someone on minimum wage shouldn't spend $300 on cables or connectors but it is such a trivial amount of money for a millionaire that they can buy it without thinking about it.

>> No.10925449
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I just bought an A20 BVM for $2000 like a month ago.

>> No.10925469
File: 220 KB, 856x1173, brooks+saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what game bb?
>photo: sega astrociggy stick, brooks saturn\dreamcast adapter

>> No.10925472
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>> No.10925478
File: 120 KB, 729x729, uhhhh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thnx b

>> No.10925564
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, Credit_card_debt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is very useful when you don't want to wear out the ports on the ever-shrinking supply of old gaming stuff. I'm still paying off the debt for the high end retrotink and I hope to pair it with a 4k screen sometime in the future. Given my location it was above the suggested $750USD. Are there any good 4k screens below 24" with low latency?

>> No.10925567

Yes anon, game collectors now either have bought them when they were cheap overtime or are millionaires
That's just the realities

>> No.10925572

Did you get that tink today anon?

>> No.10925595

I thought that thumbnail was a pic of wheels for tech decks

>> No.10925607
File: 1.67 MB, 2009x1309, Male_jacks_into_female_ports.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I had the 5X before, but the 4k serves my purpose for more odd use cases better.

>> No.10925608

I make 6 figures and cannot justify this when the mechanical 3 slot one is like $20. Having money means little if you’re stupid with it.
I grabbed a similar auto Scart switcher off Ali Express that was like $80 instead of the $250-$300 that the same company that makes that charges. I keep checking to find a component switcher similar to the one you’ve posted but have not seen one yet. I’m not spending $300, minor convinces are not worth that when I have been things to save for.

>> No.10925614

See the only thing I need to save for is retirement.

>have house
>have year's emergency fund
>have car

etc that's why I can justify the $300 for a hobby I love. The $300 won't help me retire any earlier since I make that shit in less than a day. I DO currently use the amazon switches but they feel cheap and 2 of my consoles aren't hooked up because of it.

You do you though.

>> No.10925634

You've never posted an image of your See Are Teas doe

>> No.10925740

She doesn't have any.

>> No.10925748

Bullshit, he clearly writes like a male.
I can tell.

>> No.10925790

>What about input lag?
Do you zoomers even know what input lag is or just pull it randomly as soon as anything about physical stuff is mentioned?

>> No.10925831

I think I spent 250-300 dollars on a SCART switcher.

>> No.10925841

>mechanical 3 slot one is like $20
They fucking sucks. Whats the point if youre going to intentionally make the signal worse?

>> No.10925859

Who could possibly be this lazy though

>> No.10925869

Having your shit hooked up is lazy? What?

>> No.10925876

Don't bother. Actually cease responding to me and whatever 12 legged pig experiment you were responding to.
And he's resprt to ANYTHING to get your attention. Just ignore.

>> No.10925960

>power users
now youre playing with autism!

>> No.10925963

I make 7 figures and I go 5 dates a week in the city and oh why yes I do emulate how did you know?

>> No.10926003

I do, sometimes in CRT threads or battlestation threads.

>> No.10926101

You don't know anything if that's what you think.

>> No.10926106

I have pretty much that same planar headphone except that I only paid $270 for them.

>> No.10926148
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I had a cheap one once (pic related) and it was utter dogshit. introduced this weird wavy horizontal distortion to the screen regardless of which input was selected. need to find one that isn't hot trash and I don't know if I trust modern chinkshit splitters to not be garbage.

>> No.10926175

> $2000
extremely nice monitor but that price is ridiculous, anon. over 10 years ago these things could be found on ebay for a few hundred. whatever you do, never sell it, because you will NEVER get anything back like this again.

>> No.10926181

>I had a cheap one once (pic related) and it was utter dogshit
i've never had one that required a power supply like in your picture.

>> No.10926246
File: 50 KB, 418x550, coloredn64s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't now they made passive ones, but I suppose mine involved powered circuitry, which was probably the source of the interference. it could automatically select whichever input was active, so maybe that was the issue.

>> No.10926485
File: 269 KB, 1500x1484, image2.jpg.1c6c4d8c7b4d26229646a3def1607c28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$81.50 picrel
About same price if not more for og xbox hdmi

>> No.10926493

every single scart switch I tried makes the picture visibly worse and my crt only has one rgb scart connector on the back. every time I want to switch from snes to ps2 I have to switch the cable, it's just a matter of time before the connector breaks. I tried extender cables so at worst the cable breaks but these cables usually have the same problem as all the switches I tried. I wouldn't buy a 300$ switch BUT I understand why someone would buy one.

>> No.10926503

It doesn't look like a hard and expensive thing to do.
Wouldn't even a simple 4067 have enough bandwidth to switch NTSC signals without problems?
So ten cent worth of muxes plus maybe a 50 cent video amp chip.

>> No.10926531
File: 35 KB, 1064x439, 51jaFbZhsaL._AC_SL1200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought this thing years ago but never bothered to use it, anyone wanna buy it for 200 bucks

>> No.10926603
File: 2.54 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend hooked me up with this SCART splitter for $100 which is a great fucking price for something that doesn’t exist anywhere and would go for over $200 if it did
There are cheaper splitters on Aliexpress but they take like one month of shipping, so I’m very happy with this

>> No.10926638

>no loss to image quality
>mechanical so it doesn’t process video in any way
If you’re allergic to pushing buttons why are you playing video games?
Trying to feel better about a stupid purchase the thread

>> No.10926639

>>no loss to image quality

Except that's false according to multiple comparisons.

>> No.10926661

I spent like $120 on noctua fans for my presentation monitors

>> No.10926672
File: 2.72 MB, 1496x1076, DSCH-0938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good choice OP I love mine.

>> No.10927271

I need to pick up one of these and the SCART switch

Albeit, I only need 4 component inputs, so I'm holding off on this.

>> No.10927278

You didn't pay the extra $50 for the cringey 3d printed box to put your $20 of parts in? You really don't know how to fit in at a "look how much i overpaid" thread, do you.

>> No.10927287

There is no possible world where your time spent moving the tv and plugging a cable in for free justifies spending $300 to not do it. You would have to be playing 5 different consoles a day which you aren't doing. you would be better off investing your $300 dollars and using the money when you're 80 to help you pay for a new hip. Thats what I mean when I say its not worth the money.

>> No.10927353

They used to make one with 4 inputs

>> No.10927626

>Paying for healthcare
Lol, lmao even

>> No.10927632

>Praying for healthcare
Lol, lmao even

>> No.10927847

>You would have to be playing 5 different consoles a day which you aren't doing.
Speak for yourself shitter
Also you could be playing any 2 out of 5 plugged-in consoles a day, and that would still save you a fuckton of headache

>> No.10927859

This is cope.

>> No.10927896

I’ve bought a few FPGA consoles, idc I can afford it.

>> No.10927910

Going on some pampers pissing thread-derail crusade over 300 measly dollars is a cope

>> No.10927965

Cope is shitting your diaper in confusion over the concept of a fucking video switcher that costs half of a single paycheck on minimum wage. Holy fucking christ.

>> No.10927978

>Speak for yourself shitter
do you have adhd or something?

>> No.10927993

He's not the one complaining about a $300 QOL device on a fucking retro board where games regularly sell for $500+ and the tvs $1000+

>> No.10928031
File: 35 KB, 700x700, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had several cheap radioshack switches. It was messy but it worked.
The s-video connector is useful; i made some cables which let me use it for component video. I had one for composite, one for component, one for s-vid each connected to a different input on my tv. Doing this with scrap cables was much cheaper than buying a component switch.

>> No.10928052

>using the money when you're 80
I'm not living to 80, frig off

>> No.10928060

>You would have to be playing 5 different consoles a day

First of all the auto switch makes it useful whenver. Second I am an adhd autist and I will play 20 different games in a day across multiple consoles for like 10 minutes apiece.

>> No.10928146

Kek I bought a perfectly decent A/V & Scart switcher for five bucks from a corner shop, sometimes I'm glad I ruined my eyesight gaming growing up

>> No.10928190

If you have the means then you don’t have to justify any purchase. Value is subjective. Your post is just poorfag cope

>> No.10928212

Meant for>>10925190

>> No.10928748
File: 442 KB, 1182x1290, 58p4wu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well for one having more of them takes up space, the other thing is that the thing in the OP has a bunch of features the usual switchers/splitters don't have. $300USD is still real expensive, only justified by the fact that the guy's making them himself and probably needs to eat whatever costs occur if somebody sends these back under warranty.

>> No.10928764

He could have also just not been lazy because who needs that many systems hooked up at the same goddamn time. Seriously it takes zero effort to swap cables.

>> No.10928871
File: 74 KB, 400x533, 171557727452454810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. I likes the way the LCD-X sounds but can’t justify any reason to get it. Picrel is my headphones of choice for playing 25 year old children’s games. Stax SR-007A.

>> No.10928875

Nice I’m going to buy a Tink4K and sell my PVM. How are the CRT shadowmasks? Do you need to create custom ones or do any repositories exist?

>> No.10930281

Is tink as good as a crt?

>> No.10930315

Was looking into Stax but I already had a few headphone amps so I went with the LCD-X in the end.

>> No.10930376


It's not a bad alternative. When it comes to tink vs CRT, all it boils down to is preference at that point. Both are great.

>> No.10930504
File: 42 KB, 800x600, 5af4f8b79ec8671a008b46bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use retro headphones

>> No.10930526

>It really is amazing since it switches automatically.
SCART does that automatically, one of its two dozen pins is an auto-on signal.

>> No.10930598
File: 39 KB, 419x196, 1714301279463621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10931363

>Surface mounted micro usb port
Fuck that
If it's anything like those pro micros with surface mounted ports instead of through hole ports, they will fail extremely quickly

>> No.10931616

Clearly you don't understand. It's your fault that the thing is garbage designed by a tard. If you choose to actually use the piece of shit and it breaks that's entirely your fault.

>> No.10931658

the fact that the fag even has the disclaimer means that he is aware of how shit such a port will be, and preemptively disclaims any liability from it
if you buy this shit you are either retarded or are willing to solder surface mounted components

>> No.10931692
File: 86 KB, 600x551, neoflashJPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiple flash carts for the same systems. Started with the Tototek flash cart for genesis and the snes copier they had at the time. Then every couple of years a slightly better one comes out that makes the old one look like a piece of shit. The most pointless one was the neoflash that used gba carts to store the games, wasting $130 or whatever it was at the time to store 32mb of games but it had sms fm. The promise of cheap memory that never came and my cart had parts of the memory corrupt anyway.
At least the retro usb nes flash cart lasted ages, I think it took 5 years for krikkz to make one.

Found out about this homebrew that lets you run hucard games off a burnt cd for pc engine so ended up buying one of those years ago when they were pretty expensive, I tried it and barely any games worked and only really burnt a couple of cd games.

As for set up, probably $200 on metal shelves to hold the systems.

>> No.10932169

Stupid question. How do you connect the cables? Do you remove the acrillic casing? If so, then wtf is there a casing?

>> No.10932170

The fact that this thing shits the bed when you use a supergun and uses a surface mount micro USB, yet he has the gall to charge 300$ is insane

>> No.10932451

If you buy that shit you're retarded and deserve what you get. Gotta love who tards impulse buy meme garbage to fit in and then complain that they can't afford the rent in their parents basement.

>> No.10932486


If its apparently so fundamentaly flawed, how come there are no reports of widespread issues, despite being the most popular switcher in the hobby?

>> No.10932489

>and then complain that they can't afford the rent in their parents basement.
Been on /vr/ since the day it was made and no such thing has ever occurred. You are getting offended by your own imagination.

>> No.10932560

Waste your money faggot. You can enjoy not having to push a button in your parents basement! BING BING WAHOO!

>> No.10932648

I didn't look very long, but what little searching I did discouraged me from believing I could find something to swap composite and component inputs on the same TV for a reasonable price. It was, no shit, easier and cheaper for me to just get another tube and an entertainment center for it.
So, now I have two TVs and two stands, one for 5th gen and down using composite, and another for 6th gen (and Wii) on component, with geometry tuned for just one input channel.

>> No.10932684

>find something to swap composite and component inputs on the same TV

What the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.10932689

>swap component and composite
Why would you need that?
Yellow Composite goes into Component green with no problem, you could’ve just plugged it into one of the switches

>> No.10932702

Meaning, swapping both composite and component inputs on the same television. A switch that handles both composite and component consoles. Getting two different switches, one to handle each kind of input, was also not attractive on proposition of effort and price.
I thought the further context of having two TVs, one for composite and one for component would let me monkey-brained wording slide, but I guess not.
>Yellow Composite goes into Component green with no problem
Huh. I had no idea.

>> No.10932714
File: 27 KB, 500x400, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only faggot retro gamer product I own. Don't regret it but it's not amazing.

>> No.10932739

The most likely explanation is that people don't plug and unplug it as much as other devices that use the same type of port, making it last much longer
However, it does not discount the fact that it is more fragile than a through hole port

>> No.10932776

It is for S-video. I should have gone with the mini but I wanted to use PS2 component as well. Sucks he doesn't make those anymore and eBay prices for those are basically the same as the 2X-Pro.

>> No.10932867

Ah, in that case you'd want to get an extron. It's less a switch and more a matrix, where you specify what inputs should correspond to specific outputs. This lets you have component and composite going in and out of the switch. Not automatic though, and you have to select your input/output each time (though you can create presets.

>> No.10932889

I got one of the first Tink2x's when they came out but the dirty china man who made them didn't solder the USB port properly and fried the whole device after 2 years.

>> No.10932920

Damn that sucks bro, glad I only payed less than 40$ for mine. Btw mine has double the inputs lol

>> No.10932924

Post your component switch

>> No.10932925
File: 425 KB, 744x397, IMG_20240514_183544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to attach an image like a retard

>> No.10932927

bro this isn't even close to the same lmao

>> No.10932929

>8 in 8 out


>> No.10932936

How, 16 inputs 2 outputs! Auto switches are gay, analog equipment requires analog switches

>> No.10932940

Nah they're separate. Ones for my rgb lines, the other is for component

>> No.10932941

Big cope. The autoswitch is literally the biggest advantage. I have 8 consoles and don't have to memorize where they are.

You just posted the same as the amazon shit lmao.

>> No.10932951 [SPOILER] 

Mine are labeled, I atleast don't need to rely on a power supply to switch a damn console lmao

>> No.10932992
File: 28 KB, 480x640, IMG_6967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guy, haste to break it to you

>> No.10933014

Were you inspired by me or did you come to the same conclusion independently?

>> No.10933018

This is my main issue of BNC and Component vs SCART

>> No.10933332

Call me Mr 3. What else are you going to do with your collection as you grow old, if not endlessly upgrade its configuration?

>> No.10933371

I have a pair of STAX Gamma.

>> No.10933410
File: 1.83 MB, 4032x3024, Rollin_wit_da_devil_on_dat_level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, from the last CRT thread.

I would keep the PVM as it is still a special experience with games. The 4k does come with a few already on the card that ships with it, but there are some made by the community on their own google drives.

There are laser (?) cut rectangles for every set of 6 jacks. I love the look of acrylic sandwiches that are pretty common with hobbyist productions, but they do attract dust unfortunately, so they acrylic should be removed for access to the board for cleanings.

>> No.10933560

>how come there are no reports of widespread issues
Because things your favorite tiktoker didn't cover don't exist? Jesus. Is the latest tiktok challenge who can simp the hardest for the biggest faggot or something? There are so many "reports of widespread issues" that the ad literally says it has known problems. I mean, if you like the taste of cock that's fine. But at least take the guys dick out if your mouth long enough to breathe. The lack of oxygen is causing brain damage.
>Been larping on /vr/ since since back when Pontius few for Pan Am
Many such zoomies

>> No.10933834


Oh I'm laughing.

>> No.10933915

Damn, I bought a 27" Sony Trinitron ProFeel CRT TV for $20 a decade ago. It has an RGB Scart input and is also Multi-Format like yours. Crazy how much people are willing to pay.

>> No.10933928

I didn't kniow a pro feel could output 720p/1080i

>> No.10933940

Do ProFeel's even have rgb? The ones I've seen are composite only.

>> No.10933942

RGB is fucking soulless and not the way developers intended their games to look.

>> No.10933951

>console is built with component output

>> No.10934081

Legitimate question as I don't know much about switchers- what does it do over a $20 Amazon switcher? Is it just automatic?

>> No.10934103

It's automatic and has lots of plugs. Basically, it's a luxury convenience item for people too lazy to press a switch or occasionally swap cables.

>> No.10934107


>> No.10934209
File: 123 KB, 1080x930, Screenshot_20240515-183343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10934215


>> No.10934226

I'm sorry I can't hear you over my clean RGB signal

>> No.10934338

You get what you pay for from Amazon. Cheap Chinese junk.
It cost me under 100 bucks, but I bought a professional S-Video switch for my consoles years ago and it was worth every dollar.

>> No.10934340

Enjoy your crisp clear pixels that you might as well just be playing on an emulator to get.

>> No.10934350

looks like you've escaped from a call center, but the sound quality is surprisingly good, especially for the price. would be perfect if not for the extremely short cable, but still happy with the purchase

>> No.10934441
File: 530 KB, 2304x1728, Compress_20220809_215728_8438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thanks

>> No.10934757

You probably get that smug feeling but honestly you wouldn't notice much of a difference between either one. But most Americans are fat fucks so I can see why they would want to spend 300 dollars on something that enables them to move less

>> No.10934760

I could have built you one of those for 200

>> No.10934771
File: 310 KB, 485x437, 1679780938947992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a IIgs monitor so bad for my daily-use PC setup. They're the most beautiful monitors ever made as far as I'm concerned

>> No.10935452

Why do you people conflate emulation with the display?
It is not related at all

>> No.10935458

i got really lucky with mine
recapped refurbed
+b&w mod with colorkill switch drives sharpness through the roof for 2600\5800 shit

>> No.10935628

I never really splurged, I got my pvm 1390 for 110 like 4 or 5 years ago. My bookshelf speakers and stereo reciever from goodwill for like 15 bucks. All of my consoles I paid 70 or less for. Most of them were broken, but I fixed them up and modified them. Most most splurged item was warioware twisted, which I don't regret because it was my favorite game as a child.

>> No.10935629

Actually I could flip and sell a lot of the items for a juicy profit, I was raiding the japenese online before it became big, and have some limited console variants I got as "junk" for like $30 usd or less.

>> No.10935638

So then build quality and in this case automatic switching are the only benefits? Nothing to do with latency or picture quality?

>> No.10935661

I bought a working WoZ IIGS with a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and a box of software for a $160 shipped five years ago. It came from a kid's school library.

>> No.10935901

in the mid 00's I had a switcher I paid $20 for and it had composite, L/R audio, svideo, and coax inputs, and a built in RF modulator (didn't use it)

>> No.10936909

What about RGB or component ie the only inputs that matter?

>> No.10936928

>no S-video
RIP Super NES, Super Famicom, Sega Saturn, PlayStation, and N64

>> No.10936936

All of these have component cables except n64 and s-video on n64 looks like ass, like no difference from composite..

>> No.10936948

Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.10936964

>ad hominem

I accept your concession.

>> No.10936967

No, he’s right. You’re retarded.

>> No.10936970


>> No.10936984


>> No.10937010

>reddit phrase
I accept your crush. She's on her way to my house so I can cuck you with my bull cock.

There is no component cable for the consoles listed. You were scammed. HD Retrovision slop isn't retro.

>> No.10937025

>There is no component cable for the consoles listed. You were scammed. HD Retrovision slop isn't retro.

Cope. Component that outputs and RGB signal connects to component devices just fine and looks as good as RGB. Sorry we didn't live in western european PAL shithole.

>> No.10937034

LMAO Europe literally dunks on the US in every way imaginable you fat fuck.

>> No.10937040

$0.10 has been deposited to your account

>> No.10937050

>no rebuttle


>> No.10937058

Oh yea... having to grow up with games on cassette rather than disks is so much better. Games running at 50hz rather than 60hz as they were designed to was so much better too. PALtrash.

>> No.10937078

If a tweaker runs up to you on the sidewalk, shits in his hand and smears it on his own face then points and laugh at you do you prepare a rebuttal or do you laugh and walk away?

>> No.10937087

>giving money to a jew for this crap
Holy shit, this should cost you 10 dollars or even less

>> No.10937147

I like all those repurposed 360 component cabels

>> No.10937506

the 2xpro is great
only thing is SOME systems have issues with my elgatoHD capture card
like they dont wanna grab sync or something
other than that is A+ tier

a buddy of mine compared the tink2xpro to the hdmi modded ps1 and it was DAMN close (aside from being 720p and not 1080)

we used a 100"+ projector screen too
the tink should be in everyones bag
its literally the best item in my collection aside from rbg2scart (i use it for jamma shit)

>> No.10937574

NTA but I have a bunch of old component switches that cost $20-$30 when I bought them around 2000. Only problem is they don't blow up if you connect them to a supergun and there are no SMT connectors that pop off if you look at them funny. Other than that they still work great after 20+ years of use.

>> No.10937589

>no s-video
>no scart
why'd you spend $300 for a component switchbox?

>> No.10937729


>> No.10937731

I wish there were a good way of converting signals into other signals. It would simplify my setup so much if I could convert everything to component and just have a single component cable going to my CRT. Literally any VCR worth a damn can convert composite to RF and back and forth flawlessly, I don't get why there's nothing to convert anything to s-video or component also.

>> No.10937736

You could’ve gotten a nice nice CRT with front inputs for less. It takes 3 seconds to change cables that way and the quality is better.

>> No.10937789

You need to look harder anon
In fact, have you even looked at all?

>> No.10937802

How do I connect a RGB console to an HDMI only tv? What connector do you guys recommend?

>> No.10937817

An RCA to HDMI connector would be ideal.

>> No.10938108

This is very difficult to search because literally any query including the word "converter" just inundates you with chink HDMI converters.

>> No.10938776

>I wish there were a good way of converting signals into other signals.
There are. Many
> It would simplify my setup so much if I could convert everything to component and just have a single component cable going to my CRT
It certainly would. I've been doing that for decades and it's fucking awesome.
>Literally any VCR worth a damn can convert composite to RF and back and forth flawlessly,
No. And throwing a tantrum won't make it so.
>I don't get why there's nothing to convert anything to s-video or component also.
There is. But you won't find it on le maymay retro eshop, so such devices might as well not exists as far as you're concerned.
>I can't find what I want because I don't know what it's called and I don't know how to use google
Those are only two out of many reasons. What you want to do isn't exactly difficult, but it's far beyond what the average quite the retro gamer could put together. Good news is that long before you were born grownups realized this and made TVs with multiple inputs. Just use those with multiple switches. Or educate yourself.

>> No.10938795
File: 1.71 MB, 244x210, jenny-stupid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no svideo

>> No.10939195

>using S-Video when component and RGB exist

Literally retarded. May as well go back to composite at this point.

>> No.10939227

All I'm reading from this pointless post is petulant sass that could be condensed into simply providing an actual answer if one actually existed.

>> No.10939241

with only 3 inputs you could have just used any AV receiver from 2000-2010. Only reason to get one of these is the amount of inputs. there's ton of cheap old receiver that did 3-4 inputs you can buy used for pennies

>> No.10939281

>3 inputs

I see 8

>> No.10939332

>using unofficial, third-party cables to connect your NES, Super NES, etc. with component
Might as well be using HDMI if you're gonna go that far.

>> No.10939459
File: 134 KB, 350x350, 1703981780231209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the contrarian cope these devices have graced this board with. I love my RT5X. Most practical thing I've ever purchased for my setup. Playing my Genesis with nice new component cables on something other than a giant crt I don't have room for has been a huge improvement. If you have a huge, established setup that would benefit from a switch like OP's, $300 is pennies.

>> No.10939464

Impossible to know when you buy cheap Chinese stuff. There shouldn't be latency if it is analogue, but picture quality is a question mark.

>> No.10939535

Sup OP

>> No.10939691

Damn that kinda sucks about the elgato, I was planning on getting one down the road. I only use it for getting games on my main TV when I'm in the mood for it which it works good for, having component and s-video is nice but the micro USB charging is kinda lame plus it has an LED inside the case that is bright as fuck and won't turn off.

>> No.10939798

idk, seems like cope to justify spending $300 to not have to push a button

>> No.10939929

I dont even own this device and the salt it's generating is fucking retarded.

>> No.10940289
File: 57 KB, 697x686, 1703965107655658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuh uh

>> No.10940740

>All I'm reading
And you have no one but yourself to blame for that. Even if you were never taught to read as a child, you're allegedly an adult now and responsible for yourself. You could take advantage of any number of opportunities to learn to read, for free even. Yet you choose to cry on the internet instead of bettering yourself.

>> No.10941065

>giant crt I dont have room for
So you're admitting to being a rentfag who pays monthly to your jewish landlord?
That's a shame. I live in a big house and get to play ludo like Shatterhand on 40" CRTs which I have in every room.

>> No.10941090

they better all be 40", and if so based

>> No.10942545

>I'M just using a Radioshack one the composite only that was like 15 bucks.
Youtube ruined a whole generation of retro gamers.

>> No.10942549
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>> No.10944345

Is there anything like this that has component, composite, AND S-video?

>> No.10944389

Agreed. RF is much more appropriate.

>> No.10944786

Love me PVM but it’s red-tinted since the green is weaker now, so I’m more inclined to sell it and free up space in my apartment, and maybe buy another later if I ever find a good one.

>> No.10946298

There is this thing.