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File: 719 KB, 531x767, Satoshi_Urushihara_Legend_of_Langrisser_0050(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10916976 No.10916976 [Reply] [Original]

translation when? (FX version)

>> No.10917059


>> No.10917071

is he touching her breast? rude

>> No.10917076
File: 243 KB, 2048x2048, 330c1c7680d16a9aa107a73f6c2df058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you think that Langrisser 3 and 5 take priority since they're not translated?

>> No.10917124

You would think twice while being princess-caried before messing with a guy that can send full-plate knights flying with single sword slash.

>> No.10917759

Is there official in-game/manual art where you can see them or is it just because Satoshi Urushihara likes to draw that a lot in his other works?
Besides the Urushihara artbooks where some Growlanser/Langrisser girls show up from time to time of course.

>> No.10917783

She's clearly enjoying the attention

>> No.10917843

The only good hebe porn artist in history

>> No.10919423


>> No.10921271

I played a patch for 5 years ago that was almost complete. The story was mostly done and I had a fully translated guide for the other parts. The game itself is absolute dogshit though, and I consider 2 to be one of my favourite games. I wouldn't be surprised if that patch was completed and just sitting in a forum post somewhere.

>> No.10921346

It baffles me that some company decided to do a cheap remake of Langrisser 1 and 2, and yet ignored 3.
You know, the last game of the original trilogy, the one that was never fan translated and also had shitty combat, thus the one that would benefit the most from a remake that fixes this.
The one and only reason they could give us to buy their shitty game, and they screwed that up.

>> No.10921394

NTA, why is it dogshit?

>> No.10922259
File: 897 KB, 1396x2000, 1518714382193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 was the first Langrisser I got into and I had a great time with it. I turned off battle animation, of course, but I did that in all the games.
It spoiled me on magic being powerful 'cause it turned out to be weaker in the rest of the series.
It was fun using the level-select cheat to go back and fix mistakes to get different endings; turned it into a time-travel game. Going back to fight the "unbeatable" boss in stage 1 was amusing too.

>> No.10924078

Based Elwin grabbing her directly by her tit.

>> No.10926276
File: 69 KB, 578x599, 1695506373485064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please respond.

>> No.10926346
File: 37 KB, 765x430, 1714751156894925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art is ugly and looks like it is from a mobile game. The Saturn version is the definitive version of the first two games.

>> No.10926397
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant the 3rd game.
I know the remake is soulless.
>Saturn version is the definitive version
What about the PS1 version?
Is it good too?

>> No.10928746
File: 305 KB, 634x484, 1681843728337474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10930952

I wish I were the man holding her like that

>> No.10930983

I see that hand

>> No.10930991

I know exactly how you feel, I wish I were the girl being held like that

>> No.10930994

I wish I was the guy photographing them

>> No.10932968

The besr amount too

>> No.10935490

I fucking love 80's anime hair

>> No.10935521

I wish I were the anonymous poster commenting on the image on the anonymous forum it was uploaded to

>> No.10937790

Think you mean the PS2 version. Its not so great. You may as well stick with emulating the Saturn version

>> No.10937958

It uses an strange battle system. It also looks lame since its in 3D.
Thats all. Also maybe some refer to the PS2 version which removed the bonus scenario and scenario select for no reason.

>> No.10938959

>removing scenario select

>> No.10939094

>Going back to fight the "unbeatable" boss in stage 1 was amusing too.
you can do it too in L1 and L2 with levelskip cheat codes. Also Runestoning guides.

>> No.10939374
File: 195 KB, 1365x1224, 1688492241036937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was referring to Langrisser 1&2 when I said PS1 but thanks for the info anyway.
>It uses an strange battle system.
Can you elaborate?
I can't find any info and the only longplay I found of it has battle animations turned off, I think (also it was in russian for some reason)

>> No.10941023

Barump since I'm interested in these questions too

>> No.10941139

Not them and I haven't played much Langrisser in general but I have messed around with some for a bit including III. It's weird because you and the enemy decide what you're going to do at the start of the phase then after everyone moves you fight with whoever is next to you. Also the battle animations are everyone shooting lasers for some reason (at least on PS2) which just makes it more confusing than just seeing two big armies clash into each other. II was a lot easier to grasp in comparison.

>> No.10941907
File: 2.90 MB, 170x192, 1234565658459.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only move your commanders and the units follow by themselves, both your and enemy moves are done at the same time and if opposing units touch each other, they all start fighting, the battle can look very chaotic as multiple squads just fight in real-time on a big-ish field.

>> No.10942097
File: 996 KB, 160x160, 1691534031124765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, that does sound and look pretty shit.
But at least the laser beams are funny to look at.
Thanks for the answer.

>> No.10942749

lol, you could have posted a video where someone wasn't playing exclusively off the minimap. Of course it looks like shit.

After beating the first game and seeing how heavy it leans into micromanaging hordes of units in the latter part of the game and how it devolves into the usual TBS trap of having to tiptoe outside the opponent's attack radius all the time, III makes a lot of sense and I'm looking forward to playing it eventually. I think it has a reasonably good reputation in Japan; the series didn't really start falling apart until IV and V, which were rush jobs.