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10916462 No.10916462 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry, but Deus Ex is the funniest fuckin fun

>> No.10916469

gatdamn terrorist

>> No.10916480
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>> No.10916483
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>> No.10916503

i spill my drink

i personally finished MD first but the original is always fun, outside of the time my save fucked up and i had to redo a bunch of stuff

>> No.10916529
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now that's terror

>> No.10916721

Deus Ex goes to shit by the time you reach the airport level, a huge nosedive in quality

>> No.10916747

bitch i aint going back to jail

>> No.10916761

Mistah Jay Cee Denton, in da fwesh

>> No.10916780

let's be honest, only battery park is good

>> No.10916862

Would you like to play a remake of this? The game should have been made using the quake engine.

>> No.10917163
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this whole thread
i don't

>> No.10917218

>Head back to HQ after a mission
>The guards all greet me on the way in
>Overhear Anna complimenting my work
>Get a pay bonus from Manderley for a job well done
>Check my emails
>Shoot the shit with my glowie buddies in the break room
Comfy, game gets decidedly less comfy once you have to side with NSF

>> No.10917573


>> No.10917583



>> No.10917710
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>> No.10917754

We never get a straight glownigger simulator where you don't side with the dirty rebels

>> No.10917803

That's just James Bond.

>> No.10918468
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So the Unatco arc basically takes place within the same night right?

>> No.10918473

No way, I fucking loved Vandenburg and the Ocean lab.

>> No.10918653
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check out this absolute chad

>> No.10918663
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my descendent

>> No.10918704

Why can't games just let me do my fucking job?

>> No.10918819

Completely false, the whole Hong Kong sequence is one of the finest parts of the game.

>> No.10918834

Hong Kong is before the military airport level you idiot

>> No.10918840

and after the first fucking airport level in the game you numpty

>> No.10918951
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I recently replayed it and loved the whole game
well maybe except for the graveyard and silo, those were duds.

>> No.10919694

Are you one of those people who drive a truck in real life just to go back home and play Euro Truck Simulator?

>> No.10920019
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>> No.10920027

mfw they predicted onions back in 2000

>> No.10920030
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there have always been onions, anon

>> No.10920784
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It's what we call "having good writers".

>> No.10920794

>It's what we call "noticing".

>> No.10920807

"In the fresh" is a baller way to introduce yourself and I was saying it for month after playing DX

>> No.10920810

everyone cringed when you said it and wished you would go away

>> No.10920812

You think I gave shit? I was fresh.

>> No.10920813

that's terror

>> No.10920814

like a summer's eve

>> No.10920823

Maybe he's a domestic terrorist irl

>> No.10920830


>> No.10920843


>> No.10920992

>pyramids of Egypt
I don't remember this in the game design document, must have been cut really early

>> No.10920994
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Predicted more than that

>> No.10921004
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>Deus Ex started out as an Ultima Underworld clone

>> No.10921060


>> No.10921065

the underworld of ultima is very dark

if only you knew how bad things in lord british's domain really are

>> No.10921071
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It's estimated that 98% of the global wealth is tied up in the bank accounts of avatars who haven't even returned to this world in over 30 years.

>> No.10921094
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"you can knock people out and carry them through area/level transitions" taken to its only logical conclusion.

>> No.10921118

For me it's taking the expensive vintage gift wine you get from the triad leaders as a gift all the way to Area 51 and chugging it all before hitting the switch to detonate.

>> No.10921448

nah it declines after leaving Paris

>> No.10921449

Splinter Cell

>> No.10922419

The look on his face when he wakes up and sees that I merged with Helios to become a god among men is going to be SO worth it.

>> No.10922428
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>> No.10922674
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>> No.10922795
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The idea of Denton picking the ending while shitfaced tickles me.

>> No.10923176

>when he wakes up
Uh, anon....

>> No.10924727
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I love it.

>> No.10924873

I think it is really around Paris where rushed parts begin to be easily visible. But likewise Half-life takes a nose dive after you reach the surface for a first time. And both are AAA projects in 90-s denomination and both had budgets extended like 2x+ during development. Obviously they both spent the additional dev time on parts more players will see and it was a right decision in both cases.

>> No.10924885
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>> No.10924958

I'm thinking about reinstalling for another playthrough. Anyone have any experience with the community update, is it compatible with GMDX, and which version of GMDX is better?
>inb4 vanilla only
>inb4 just install Deus Exe

>> No.10925138

I was in the same situation couple of weeks ago. Read installation guides for half an hour and decided that I am not picky enough today and used Just-Install-Revision method from Steam. I know that it changes too much, but it just worked for me and it was nice to revisit Hells Kitchen after many years.

>> No.10925139

>I think it is really around Paris where rushed parts begin to be easily visible.
Name three

>> No.10925323
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I hate Basedjaks so much.

>> No.10925538

I've been thinking about trying Revision, what exactly does it change besides some graphics and audio?

>> No.10926712

Not that anon, but it includes various gameplay modifier options, new game+, and built-in versions of the Shifter and Biomod mods that can be toggled on. There is also a survival mode, but it's kinda underwhelming unless you just like mowing down enemies as they run at you in a straight line.
There are some level design changes as well, but they're mostly in the main 'hub' areas to encourage exploration before you go do specific tasks. Some aesthetic/design changes are questionable enough to make me not recommend it to new players, but overall it's nice to try if you've played through the vanilla game a bunch.

>> No.10927949

Shifter Mod to make it more RPG.

>> No.10929395

And all they did was copy every conspiracy theory they could find.

>> No.10929419

Game writers have no original ideas.

>> No.10931102

No they didn't

>> No.10931189

vanilla, GMDX, or transcended?

>> No.10931245

vanilla of course, this shouldn't even be a question

>> No.10931264

well it's a second (or maybe third now) run, but yeah can't go wrong with vanilla.

>> No.10931364

>no monsters or fantasy weapons!
>game has monsters and fantasy weapons

>> No.10931375

so how DO you get it to fucking run correctly on windows 10? Should I avoid the GoG version?
IIRC if I play it default the game is super crazy dark. However, I remember a goofy glitch where if I use whatever the recommended replacement renderer, if I go in a room and turn the lights on the lights just keep getting increasingly bright.

>> No.10931384


use this for the exe, fixes lots of stuff and also good for picking opengl/etc

>> No.10931404
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nta but the paris streets map is rushed compared to previous hubs:
>Less shit to do and see, just one main mission (find the skullboots artthot and leave), only sidequest is bakery robbery, after the main mission you just fuck off and never come back. Unlike hell's kitchen that you came back several times to and Hong Kong that you didn't come back to but it was a proper hub area that many main missions took place in and there was so much to explore in just that one iteration.
>No cool breezer room like Paul's apartment and Tong's base - you only get Morgan's house and Chateau but those are separate levels already
>I like the challenge of mj12 troops but in previous areas you are free to explore and you weren't pestered by soldiers, maybe they wanted to fill the void of less content with combat(I know last NYC mission has soldiers in the streets but that's a one off thing that shows you how the plot escalated) - this take is debatable, since Paris is last hub and maybe that needs difficulty escalation, but I just wanted to add this to show you how different it is from previous hubs.
Overall in terms of gameplay and fun factor Hong Kong is the best one, followed by hells kitchen. In terms of visuals though Paris is not rushed at all, very pretty maps. I wish they did more city exploration and fan missions with this setting.

>> No.10931407

According to Warren Spector they did

>> No.10931483
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Theres no proof but I promise you I stuck with the prod. Sadly the game doesnt see any distinction and the in game news reports his death, even though you can look at his body and see the "unconscious" info box pop up.

>> No.10931827

who plays with gamma like this? does your screen have a black crush or something?