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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10904605 No.10904605 [Reply] [Original]

Nowadays I don't have the patience for RPGs, but I really like seeing my group get powerful, so I almost always leave the turbo on. But in a way it takes away the shine of playing the way it was intended.

>> No.10904619

I used fast forward while getting a gold chocobo. That's pretty much it.

>> No.10904634

Yes, in all games
I do try to be conscious of not using fast forward to do things the devs would think you would be dissuaded from at normal speed, e.g. if there is some game where you can reliably make a small amount of money from a slots minigame but irl it would take an hour to be useful, I don't turbo that down to a minute.

>> No.10904652

using turbo robs you of the experience. Turbo usage is a direct pipeline to making shitty threads titled "Why random battles are a dated concept"

>> No.10904748

irdc when playing first 3 gen pkmn games and will not only play with fast forward but also save state tf out of catches i absolutely want

at least i force myself to play through the whole e4 and stuff before i pkhex perfect teams

>> No.10904768

Using turbo is like watching movies at 1.5x speed. It's not for everyone, but it's the most effective way to experience the medium.

>> No.10904774

Yeah I always have the turbo hotkeyed on the controller, and use it whenever it won't harm me in-game.
I'm old, I work, there's only so much time to play games, and only so much time left to play games. Turbo/Fast Forward make it so I get to play more games before I can't anymore.
Ignore anyone that cares about "how the game should be played".

>> No.10904778

You didn't play the game if you use turbo though. If you don't care about completing the game as intended just watch playthroughs on youtube at 5x speed. 3 monitors, 12 lets plays. You can play all your favorite games before you die.

>> No.10904984

Oh yes I did, and I had loads of fun, while you were getting mad at some rando on the internet.

>> No.10905007

This is turbo autism

>> No.10905009

When I was a teenager I would fast forward occasionally but >>10904652 pretty much has it right. It also leads to lazier gameplay, such as "well yeah I could probably beat this boss if I made full use of everything I've got, or I could simply hold turbo and grind for 10 minutes to get 20 levels that I don't need."

>> No.10905019

I use turbo all the time and I always play rpg's on the lowest level possible/feasible. I really can't see the connection you're making here.
You know, saving time doesnt really have to mean lazyness. You're just saving stupid time.

>> No.10905041
File: 555 KB, 4730x2641, 6rma5paml8y31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10905045

turbo ruins the game feel. the only games it is acceptable to use in are those with built-in turbo that keep the music at the normal tempo, like the new versions of dq8 and TiTS

>> No.10905051

what subreddit was this pasted from?

>> No.10905062

>can't quote
>acuses of reditry


>> No.10905217

no, you don't understand. you don't actually have to torture yourself through repetitive animations, walking back-and-forth or unskipable cutscenes just because some jap dev in the 90's thought you should. crazy concept, I know.

>> No.10905640

Cope and lower your tone when talking to an adult.

>> No.10905689

I don't really get it. It sounds like a feature you'd use in a game with long battle animations, you need to grind for whatever reason and can't even bother to save for playing in small doses. basically you're doing it out of obligation and even then it's still awkward. I'd call the game bad and be done with it at that point.

>> No.10905692

Depends on the game. RPGs with high encounter rates are hard to play without.

>> No.10905702

I do the opposite
I rewind if I don't agree with a certain event and change it slightly

>> No.10905749

Its just some guy samefagging

>> No.10905762

Top tier bait.

>> No.10908009

Yeah, for a lot of old jrpg random encounters. Usually it's only for when the encounter triggers, I'll fast forward til the battle actually starts and after it ends til im back in the overworld.

>> No.10908109


>> No.10908169

>leave FF on since start of game
>chance of encountering a shiny steadily increases
>encounter shiny
>no poké balls

>inb4 savestates
i only use these when an emulator is known for crashing

anyways, i learned to embrace the exclusive emulator feature after years of button mashing taking up most of my free time in life.
(fuck FRLG for doing that cutscene bullshit with items. i hope whoever came up with that horrible idea died in a car 'accident')

>> No.10908235

>Nowadays I don't have the patience for RPGs,
All RPGs should have been had this for decades. It amazes me it took so long for them to start implementing such a feature.