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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 22 KB, 264x378, REBIRTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10902726 No.10902726 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to tally up a list of fan translations currently in progress, anybody care to add to it?

Off the top of my head - not a complete list. In progress as of May 2024:

Tales of Rebirth
Tales of Destiny 2 (1)
Kowloon's Gate, PSX
Summon Night Swordcraft Story 3 (2)
Medarot 3, GBC
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner, PSP (technically retro)
Segagaga (2)
Shadows of the Tusk, Saturn
Tokimeki Memorial 2
Sakura Wars 2, Saturn
Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II (2)
Yukiwari no Hana, PSX/PSP
Fox Junction
Metalgun Slinger, GBA
Tengai Makyou Apocalypse IV, PSP/Saturn
Tenshi Doumei, PSX/Saturn
The Adventures of Robin Lloyd
Universal Nuts, PSX/Saturn
Abarenbou Princess
Sengoku Turb

(1) ToD2 (NOT TALES OF ETERNIA): bit confused on this one. I think both the PS2 and PSP games are being translated, but by different teams. One is from the same team that did the Tales of Destiny DC translation, I believe for PS2. Not sure about the PSP version.

(2) These have been in development for a very long time. i.e. don't hold out your breath.

What am I missing?

>> No.10902750

Why are you cataloguing this?

>> No.10902753

>Board related to Retro video games
>Whuh why are you doing shit related to retro video games?!
has curated work on this site died so much to the point faggots like you are all that there is left or am I just the lucky fuck who logs on when you fags do.

>> No.10902770

>Kowloon's Gate, PSX

I didn't know there was a game based on this. Incredible

Nice list, OP.

>> No.10902782

For PC-98, a few are (were?) being worked on:
Dragon Knight IV
Giten Megami Tensei
Brandish 3

>> No.10902798

Yeah, wtf. Fuck you OP. Literally ruining my life and this board

>> No.10902802

My point is, these are all presumably independent projects not tied to each other, I don't know why you'd collate them when there's not going to be a consistent thread through them.

>> No.10902815

Obviously it is a list of games fan translators have called dibs on that you should avoid translating.

>> No.10902868

Frankly what I wish people did is made threads talking about their experience with these japanese exclusive games.
For my money, any game that still isn't translated in 2024 must not be very good. This is what I believe, even though I know how hard hacking these games is sometimes. Apparently Racing Lagoon is really good, I don't know. Maybe there's still really good hidden stuff out there, but I doubt it. That's why I wish people made threads about these games and were honest and not just mega-weebs

>> No.10902879

Will someone ever translate Slayers Royal?

>> No.10902901

Bump for support OP

>> No.10902917

This title rings a bell. Isn't this the game some faggot here claimed to be translating so he could farm a few (You)s?

>> No.10902931

Why do you feel there are no games worth playing that are still currently JP only? Have you had a bad experience with a game which was recently fan-translated? I'm a fan of the Super Robot Wars games and the biggest games in that series still haven't been translated, and possibly never will be (Alpha, Alpha 3 and Z). There's still a world of games out there which aren't Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, and even those games could use some more love from fan-translators (the patch for DQ6 doesn't translated 100% of the dialogue, but it does cover everything plot critical).

>> No.10902937

Dragon Quest Monsters 1+2 for the PSX has been in translation limbo for years now, "supposedly" still getting released one day, but who can really tell? Anyway, it's an improved port of Dragon Warrior Monsters games from the GBC with updated graphics, soundtrack and quality of life changes.

PS. The whole drama with translators calling dibs on something and sitting on it for years is such bullshit. I can see why you wouldn't wanna start a translation project of a game that someone else has already announced, no point in wasting your time, but realistically? The one I mentioned (DQM1+2) was announced ages ago, earliest post mentioning the project I could find right now is from circa 2007. That's 17 fucking years. At least seventeen, could be more. Lol. If it actually gets released, kudos, but I think it's safe to say that if you were to start on it now you'd probably get it done before that. The games have no major script changes from the GBC releases, so provided you know some programming and can works pointers and all that jazz (I don't), at least some of the work would have been done for you already. Fucking translators man. Rubbish. Probably easier to just learn Japanese.

>> No.10903052

Forever 65%.

>> No.10903058

Because if it really was that good it would be acclaimed in Japan and translated already.

>> No.10903286

Moonlight Syndrome had a huge influence on Silent Hill devs, they named a character in Siren after Suda51. It's still not translated and I don't understand why

>> No.10903378

>PSP (technically retro)
Suikoden 1&2 (JP-only remake) get their scripts ported from English PSX releases and translated to French, although the frogs plan to switch to Steam version if it turns out not to have official French translation.

>> No.10903387

Also one of the Growlanser games (3?) is getting translated iirc, and for some reason the translators work only on its PSX version instead of the objectively superior PSP version (the game has at least two releases)

>> No.10903418

That's one of the most stupid things people on /vr/ have been saying and that shit spread like a plague for months.

>> No.10903464

It's the first game, 100% translated as of today.

I & II HD Remaster will have French translation, release date is again postponed, now to July.

>> No.10903584

>Frankly what I wish people did is made threads talking about their experience with these japanese exclusive games.
They do make those threads, and they get about 7 replies, half of which are from obstinate copeposters like you.

>> No.10903602

>reeee stop making an effort to do things I don’t care about

>> No.10903603

It’s easy bait and one of those “just so” meme-level judgments that people here love to repeat

>> No.10903624

>One is from the same team that did the Tales of Destiny DC translation, I believe for PS2.
That one was a little inconsistent but pretty good so I look forward to that.

>> No.10903626

SRW OG Gaiden might, MIGHT be getting worked on currently, no hard confirmation

>For my money, any game that still isn't translated in 2024 must not be very good.
The reality is some games were just basically a lost cause in the US at the time and would never sell. SRW OGs is a great game but it would've fucking TANKED if it came out officially so we had to wait for fan translators to figure out the tools to translate it.

>> No.10903692
File: 8 KB, 249x202, basara sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's retard bait, but I'm going to reply anyway.
There are actually tons of japanese games out there with text translations. Like genuinely a lot. Simply translating a game is not that hard and plenty of people have done it. But it is way, way, WAY more work to figure out how to get that shit into the actual game, get the font spaced properly (because Japanese games use different font rules than US ones due to sentences in kanji taking up less space), and making sure it doesn't cause constant crashes. That is the primary hurdle in preventing translation. It's not like manga scanlation where you can just edit in the new text in photoshop and you're done.

>> No.10903706

Oh also, all of this has to be done through an incredibly scuffed version of reverse-engineering a retail copy because unlike the devs who do official translation, they aren't given a gold copy of the game that has the source code which is far more easily edited.

>> No.10903715

English. Do you speak it?

>> No.10903721

What part of what I said is difficult to understand from a game engineering standpoint? This is famously why KH1's remaster took so long to do, they lost the original source code and had to reverse-engineer a retail copy and redo assets scratch in it.

Or do you just not like that I used the word "scuffed" because it's twitch lingo?

>> No.10903725

the issue is that Japanese text doesn't take as much space as English text so dialog often has to be truncated or chopped up to fit in the same storage space

>> No.10903727

>assets scratch
assets from* scratch

>> No.10903734
File: 180 KB, 931x658, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Among the list of 21 "in progress" translations he called dibs on. Been like this for years. And since the remake has been translated since then, (because yes, between the moment this was called dibs and now, other people translated the more compicated NDS remake) it's probably never gonna happen.

>> No.10903736

nta but if you use Twitch lingo on here you already forfeited your right to live

>> No.10903738

The eternal 65%, you know the one

>> No.10903746

And yet I'm still here, and this is not a website where you have a name tied to your posting and thus people judge posts by who is saying it. So next thread I'll still be posting and you won't even know it's me.

>> No.10903747

How many of them are good?

>> No.10903752

just two more weeks for princess crown!

>> No.10903754
File: 55 KB, 480x512, Brandish_3_BR3_07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Brandish 3

>> No.10903759

I've only played the Tales Of games among those on that list. Tales of Rebirth is a good game with a battle system they would never use again because it was too experimental for its own good. Story is preachy as all hell though.
ToD2 is a flawed but fun game.

>> No.10903769
File: 7 KB, 256x224, Arcus123_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see Wolf Team's first outing on there...

>> No.10903773
File: 938 KB, 156x216, laughing diet Nomura.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Summon Night Swordcraft Story 3
You fucking wish.

>> No.10903780

What's that got to do with the price of tea in China?

>> No.10903797

Wasn't someone supposed to be working on an actual translation of Germs before that dude went and MTL'd the Spanish MTL?

>> No.10903875

Growlanser 6

>> No.10903927

I can't believe no one is working in SMT II PSX and Growlanser 1, it's definitely over.

>> No.10903950

See >>10903464
>100% translated as of today

>> No.10904004
File: 343 KB, 624x449, hungryghosts_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool thread.

Hungry Ghosts (PS2) has a fan translation in progress near completion, I've never joined the Discord so I'm not sure what %. I really, really hope it ends up finishing, I'm tempted to learn Japanese just to play all these interesting JP-only games

Video of progress: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2nGpABpLv4

>> No.10904014

>muh dibs
Even if somebody has dibs on something, what’s stopping you from organizing a project to do it?

>> No.10904043

This is why I only work on things that are so obscure that there is zero chance of anyone encroaching on my territory.
My only fear is that one day, it will stop being obscure and retards will start flooding in to get a piece of that pie, but hopefully by then I'll have done all the projects I want to do, so I won't be that upset.

>> No.10904063

Also, changing in-game text in the code can often cause unintended crashes so you need to do it in a way that that doesn't happen.

>> No.10904136
File: 388 KB, 1920x1440, Sakura Taisen 3 - Paris wa Moeteiru ka (Japan)-240305-193622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an English translation of Sakura Wars 3 for the Dreamcast slowly being worked on


>> No.10904225

Translation groups for the longest time worked on basically an honor system where you didn't step on its others' toes and if you release a translation of a game someone else was working on, it's seen as negating all their work which is a dick move.

>> No.10904383

Ok I don't doubt that it's hard to hack the games. It is. What I do doubt is that any of them are actually great. And by great I mean you should play this and not just "well it's a curiosity" and "well if you're a weeb"

>> No.10904482

>What I do doubt is that any of them are actually great.
>All the TRULY great games have already been translated by NOW!
What's the exact year you think this statement became true?

>> No.10904485

>I can only play something if my daddy tendie YouTuber tells me it’s Important

>> No.10904828

>and "well if you're a weeb"
A lot of genuinely great PS2 games will turn off a lot of normalfags because they are incredibly weeb-centric.

>> No.10904839

I hope that this statement being posted somehow wills this into existence.

>> No.10904863

based netiquette anon

>> No.10904871

normalfags should continue playing military shooters and sports

>> No.10904910

More games based on replies so far:
Dragon Quest Monsters 1+2, PSX
Growlanser 1, PSX
Growlanser VI, PS2
Hungry Ghosts, PS2
Sakura Wars 3, DC

There's a guy who has been translating a buttfuckton of PC-98 games. His projecys & progress can be found in this thread:

I'm not sure if it's the same guy, but there's someone who has been (allegedly) working on it since 2020.

I purposely left out "in progress' Aeon projects. Really appreciate the incredible work they did over the years, but I wish they would just formally retire or announce those projects are cancelled. I gave up hope on Lady Stalker and Slime Mori Mori 3 for example.

This game is cursed. Surprised nothing has come out recently with all the Saturn translations being released lately.

RE:GERMS, I have no idea what happened to the original in-progress translation effort. The JP->Spanish->Machine to English translation came out of nowhere, and I haven't heard anything about the original team's progress since it dropped. I assumed they cancelled it because of the one we got. But no idea really.

Sounds like this topic doesn't interest you, have you considered reddit instead?

Thanks anon

>> No.10905769

Is there a repository for text translations? I'm curious as to the full extent.

>> No.10905785
File: 91 KB, 582x1000, 7192Ey-IPaL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi everyone! We're proud to announce our translation project for Persona 2 Eternal Punishment for PSP!
>Well...I guess it's not technically a translation...we're just porting the English script from the PS1 into the PSP version.
>Stay tuned for updates!

>A literal decade passes

>Some nobody just does it himself in a matter of months with his own tools and zero outside help of reliance on the original team's work. Sick of waiting for lazy troons who haven't worked on the porting in years yet say its in active development.
>Wow...I don't know what to say...all our hard work down the drain. This is a very emotional time and I just can't believe someone would steal our work like this. I don't think I can handle being in this community anymore...sorry guys, we tried our best.

One of the most based moments in trannylation history. Teams should NEVER have exclusive rights to work on one game and keep it off limits to everyone else. Fuck that bullshit can I just play the game in English you faggots? But muh honour in romhacking!!!

>> No.10905807

This, fuck your gay netiquette, don’t want someone to step on your toes then get off your FAGGOT ASS and FINISH the translation. These mentally ill furries need some competition to spark a fire under them and get them out of their groomer discord channels and working on translating.

>> No.10905824

That was then. Anno Domini MMXXIV version would go more like
>Hi, everyone! We're proud to announce our translation project for (game)!
>Well, our Japanese isn't that good, but we're doing a best-effort version using the latest AI translation tools and editing it to sound more natural
>By the way, if you could support us on patreon, that would be great!
>And don't forget to join our Discord!
>A literal decade passes
>Only updates are about 5 minutes worth of actual work each month
>"2 more weeks!"
>Project simply dies quietly while people who forgot to unsubscribe to the patreon continue paying the retards anyway

>> No.10905852

Groups have always donation begged and sucked at japanese though.

>> No.10905869

Not necessarily. Sometimes the genre is too niche to make a profit or other issues with the system the game was on (Sony, Sega, etc. during the 90s) so the games just never get commercially translated. There are a lot of head scratchers that people do fan translations for though, usually really boring mediocre jrpgs.

>> No.10905885

Either this is cope you need to tell yourself because you know you'll never play it all, or you just don't like video games and don't play anything past the curated top 10 lists you can find on YT. Same with the people who claim that 90% of all systems library are shit.

>> No.10906070

>But muh honour in romhacking!!!
It's not about honor, it's just about not wasting effort. If it's clear that one group isn't even putting IN effort, there's absolutely no reason not to scoop them. But if I know a group is actually actively working on something, it's a better use of my time to work on something else so that in the end 2 games become available instead of 1. What that guy did was perfectly justifiable.

>> No.10906201

Good thread
Shut the fuck up

>> No.10906209

>Tales of Rebirth
Seriously? It's been on the works for almost ten years.

>> No.10906232

>or you just don't like video games and don't play anything past the curated top 10 lists
This one. My time is limited after all.
I do get quite a kick out of touching grass

>> No.10906234

>There are a lot of head scratchers that people do fan translations for though, usually really boring mediocre jrpgs.
Yeah that is a good point. Which makes sense, who would spend time on these massive projects except people with really specific passions and tastes

>> No.10906259

And it's a fucking terrible game. I'm not sure why anyone would WANT to subject themselves to one of the worst-paced games in the entire series.
The battle system is interesting and I wish there was another game that did exactly what it does except not on a crappy 2.5D plane, but the rest of the game/the story lets it down so hard that it's almost impossible for me to recommend it.
It's literally only worth playing up to the ゲオルギアス battle and then just dropping it. I know I wish I did - Imagine being Veigue and being OBSESSED with some bitch to an unhealthy degree, only to not even fucking realize that she literally had her personality/mind replaced with another fucking person. That alone makes the story dogshit and worth not engaging with, but the rest of the game has pacing issues/frontloading of repetitive skits every time ANYTHING at all happens, terrible encounter rates, a whole second half that comes off as phoned in, both story-wise and difficulty-wise (when your only new mechanic for boss battles is a somehow worse version of BOF5's absolute defense... well, fuck you, man.)

>> No.10906287

That translation is likely to come out this year actually. I don't think they've (Life Bottle Productions) been working on it for that long. You might be thinking of AbsoluteZero, a Tales fan translation group that formally closed down maybe a decade ago.

>> No.10906523

>There are a lot of head scratchers that people do fan translations for though, usually really boring mediocre jrpgs.
That's because those projects are chosen by the hackers for being easy to hack (and not having been claimed by anyone else).

>> No.10906546
File: 202 KB, 1000x632, summon-night-craft-sword-monogatari-hajimari-no-ishi_31JapanFront-68164-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10906560

Someone is working on a full translation of SRW Alpha 3. He said he'll release a demo to prove the project isn't dead, but the last update was 2 years ago so I won't hold my breath.


>> No.10906623

>And it's a fucking terrible game. I'm not sure why anyone would WANT to subject themselves to one of the worst-paced games in the entire series.

Anon. it's the BEST Tales game. It's the best tales game because the best Tales game is always the one that's not currently available in English. Look at how fast people stopped jizzing to destiny PS2 once it got translated.

>> No.10906695

Brain of the Dead translation never ever

>> No.10906729
File: 3.93 MB, 2475x3080, dinosaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geofront said they were doing it. But that was a few years ago now and not a peep.

>> No.10906908

Is this a point and click game?

>> No.10906912 [DELETED] 

>He doesn’t know

>> No.10907005
File: 144 KB, 640x480, dinosaurres-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dungeon Crawler looks like. It was originally a PC98 game which later got a windows update.

>> No.10907007
File: 54 KB, 640x382, dinosaur-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I much rather like the old PC98 style

>> No.10907018

So we know what to look forward to? There is no comprehensive list anywhere.

>> No.10907031

That's not a headscratcher at all. Casuals fucking murdered the turn-based JRPG genre and we started getting fuckall when the PS3 came out.

Nintendo wouldn't even fucking give us Xenoblade Chronicles, despite the success of Xenogears on PS1 and Xenosaga on the PS2. Same with Last Story and Pandora's Tower. It took an entire internet campaign called Operation Rainfall to get them localized.

It's THAT bad now, so of course translators are going to go for the JRPGs. It's what we are starving for.

>> No.10907219

Blessed thread
Any news about Tokimeki Memorial? Finally getting to play the first one was amazing desu

>> No.10907223

Oh and Princess Maker 4, I'd play that

>> No.10907264

We need Der Langrisser FX, III and V translated

>> No.10908135
File: 378 KB, 1403x2004, brandish three.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the other Brandish games got the PSP treatment. AND THAT THEY'D PUT IT ON STEAM!!

>> No.10908141

A lot of them are on gamefaqs.

>> No.10908147
File: 234 KB, 1271x723, NPJH50505_00052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I agree, but sometimes there is the one in a million scenario where the group actually WAS working on the translation, and it genuinely took a long time because the game is long. Like how Iwakura actually did release Fate/Extra CCC this year, something people kept saying "it's never coming out" because it took them like 5 years.

>> No.10908150

What? I still think ToDR is great, I imported that game at release back in the day.

>> No.10908151

tbf, SRW games are absolutely massive in terms of how much text they have. It's like 90% VN when you don't R1+Start through every cutscene.

>> No.10908164
File: 482 KB, 499x336, 1061940 - animated Ren_and_Stimpy Ren_and_Stimpy_Adult_Party_Cartoon Ren_Hoek Soap_Girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assets from* scratch
asset scratching comment

>> No.10908168

>there is the one in a million scenario where the group actually WAS working on the translation,

Either put up or shut up, man. There being a second translation out there isn't a reason not to finish yours. Options aren't a bad thing. But you don't OWN the game, you didn't sign a licensing contract. You do it because you want to and if someone else can do it better or faster than that's life.

>because it took them like 5 years.
Five years is a long time.

>> No.10909263

>Five years is a long time.
Yeah but it's a good game and has a good translation so imo it was worth the wait.

>> No.10909441

That's not really the point

>> No.10910634

>I purposely left out "in progress' Aeon projects.
As you should

>> No.10910810


yeah the truth is these games arent very good
also most of them are turn based rpg's which i am not interested in

>> No.10910960

>Source: Anon's Ass

>> No.10911050

This is why all translation work should be public. Like a GitHub. Put literally everything you have online public and let others submit parts to it or even fork it if they want.

What's the point in holding everything you have private until you decide to release it if ever at all?

>> No.10911064

He was right to do this. The Megaten community was already held hostage by Zhi for years, no sense in waiting around if you can do it yourself.
Sucks they "lost" all their hard work but they should have worked harder. Competence and ethic are king.

>> No.10911072

There is a 3rd Persona 2 game on PSP? I thought we got part 1 translated and released physically, while part 2 was translated and digital only.

>> No.10911080

I just don't even understand what kind of attention these people are even getting for claiming DIBS on projects they never continue. Who's sucking their dicks 5 years with no progress later.

>> No.10911089

That's what ruined the hobby. Too many people playing them. What normies really need to do is kill themselves.

>> No.10911093

No, you got part 1 translated and EP was only available as a PSX classic on PSN or whatever Sony called it.
This happened because ATLUS was bought by Index after the success of the P3 & 4 but Index were doing a little bit of financial crime and so ATLUS had to be sold to Sega. P2 IS, EP and P4G all released while they were still owned by Index and they never translated the second part.
Sega didn't localise it so it stayed in limbo, this is misreported as it being too late in the PSP's life cycle but if you frame it through the lens of megaten at the time they were releasing the devil survivor ports & translations as well as SMT IV.

tl;dr financial crimes

>> No.10911101

Correction, I mistakenly typed after P3 & P4 but they bought atlus before that. The bankruptcy & fraud shit was happening 2010-2013~

>> No.10911217

That's a lovely thought, but it doesn't work if you're dealing with companies that have a history of fucking over fan projects, in which case you'd better release it when it's done or mostly done and then duck and cover.

>> No.10911821

>This is why all translation work should be public.
Doesn't work since no two translators agree on the exact phrasings, and then you have a horde of dekinai autists who demands to have a say in matters as well.

>> No.10913980

Seriously. I know people like to get the attention for announcing shit but you really should keep your shit on the down low till it's an almost ready version. Once you release something it's just out there but nobody wants to wait two years for a an update then six months later they drop the project because they get a cease and desist from some suit.

>> No.10913989

i unironically expect the Alpha games to get official TLs before AG gets off his fat lazy ass and finishes @1, not to mention @2 and @3

>> No.10914123

>secretly work on a project for years
>it's 95% done
>another group that's also been working secretly beats you to the punch

>> No.10914132

Release it anyways. Nobody is gonna complain about two cakes. People didn't stop translating Beowulf because someone else beat them to the punch.

>> No.10914153

The Hybrid Front (genesis/mega drive SRPG) almost ready, video dropped yesterday
Illusion City (MSX RPG) got an update on December

>> No.10914236

I've just happy the Growlanser games are getting translated

>> No.10914459

While this is how the ToDR translation was done, there has to be a lot of control over what's submitted or it can all go to shit so fast.

>> No.10914462

People translating Beowulf probably didn't even know the other translation was published by the time they finished, considering the speed at which news could travel at the time.

>> No.10914463

>i unironically expect the Alpha games to get official TLs
2 and 3 are possible, 1 is a nightmare of a quagmire of legal issues today because it has Giant Robot in it from before Yokoyama's death.

>> No.10914510

You put a spreadsheet with memory adresses, hex/raw text dump (whatever applicable). Have people submit changes on whatever forum you use, but only the owner of the git is allowed to apply those changes to the spreadsheet to later submit to the actual game code (not counting people doing their forks to work on their own).
Worst part is at the start where everything is free-for-all so people randomly take bits. As the script starts to run dry submissions start to get slower and more organized, and it's possible to do proofreading and editorial review for cohesion.
The hardest part of fanpatches is always the hacking so if you can make the coding into a community effort that'll be a huge boon.

>> No.10914574

Works fine. Don't like it? Fork the fucking repo and do your own shit. It's literally what git is made for.

>> No.10914919

Hybrid Front (Saturn) is getting an English fan translation, looks kinda like Advance Wars


>> No.10914924

Meant mega drive lol

>> No.10915050

>waiting for smt II for psx to be eventually translated
Any year now....
Just hope it wont use anything done by A Friendly Irin. Hate the name changes he tries to make for the demons

>> No.10915056

ToDr was done partly out of frustration for one fag sitting on the project for so long then dropping out after years.

>> No.10915085

>Put literally everything you have online public
That's not very wise. Botched betas with awful translation choices will tarnish that project forever even if fixes happen later down the line, and those are intentional. Now imagine a drama queen and clout whore who barely knows coding hears about the github and then releases his own botched version, then tries to interfere with your ability to release yours.

The Mizzurna Falls project was initially open source in fact. Being a work in progress and done for free in the programmer's spare time, the github files were incomplete, buggy, and the bare minimum said programmer (or anyone who wants to put in the time) needs to actually finish the translation project. Then the original programmer got busy, the translator complained, and then two separate programmers noticed this and started working on the project silently (both released, I don't recommend Cirosan's version though)

But then a THIRD "programmer" who was clearly a script kiddie started needless drama about the project. He announced he's taking over the project, but that its full of bugs and this is clearly the fault of the original programmer. He wrote countless threads how that one was holding back the project by refusing to share a detailed step-by-step documentation for "fixing" the project. All of this without even managing to build the project, and despite the original programmer's ongoing interest in the project (and relative open process - he even recorded livestreams of him testing and building the project). The original programmer was fed up and announced he's dropping the project for good and handling it to someone else, and deleted that github project. The drama whore wasn't happy though as by now there was an ongoing youtube grift for milking that drama. Eventually he found out from the videos how to... BUILD the project, but the project was buggy with frequent crashes... which he blamed the original programmer for not fixing.

>> No.10915358

even so, they're still more likely to get that worked out than Aeon Genesis is to actually finish it
hell I'll take the legendary almost finished official TL of the Dreamcast port leaking before that

>> No.10916372

I found a youtube translated series for Moonlight syndrome sometime ago atleast

>> No.10917510

There's a youtube channel that compile new translations every month https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jB0PuHi47o

>> No.10917535 [DELETED] 


>> No.10917657


>> No.10919279
File: 206 KB, 900x873, 1613448389201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10919375

That's pretty useful, thanks anon.

>> No.10919565

Both Sakura Wars 2 and 3 have teams working on translations

>> No.10919772

slow as fuck

>> No.10919781

They should have used their skills to translate a better game. Sakura Wars is overrated garbage

>> No.10919931


>> No.10920040

Is it possible to load a patch through free mcboot if I have the Japanese disc FOR tales of Rebirth, or am I going to have to install it to the HDD?

>> No.10920043

You have to patch the disc image so you will have to install the patched disc image to the HDD since you can't load a patch file on the fly.

>> No.10920124

Thank you, anon.

>> No.10920320
