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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1086510 No.1086510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Recommend NES games for me. I play any genre.

>> No.1086516

google v's recommended games

>> No.1086514

Why don't you just roll on the /vr/ gauntlet? Go look up the thread.

But if you absolutely need recommendations, go play Ninja Gaiden 3 and don't come back until you've beaten it.

>> No.1086528


Super C
Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest
Akumajou Densetsu
Zelda II
Super Mario Bros 2 (aka Super Mario Bros USA)
Super Mario Bros 3
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden 2
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
River City Ransom (Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari)
Bionic Commando


>Contra and Super C

Use cheat code for 30 lives and "easy mode". JP version has an intro and other minor things. Go with that one.

>Zelda II:
Find the Gamecube version. Reason: SEIZURE FLASH is reduced significantly. Much more playable.

>River City Ransom:
PCE and other ports are better.

>Akumajou Densetsu
JP version of CVIII which is far superior. Find a translation patch if you want to.

>Castlevania II:
For Simon's Quest ONLY use the new translation. See:

>Mega Man:
Try PS1, PS2, GC ports. No slowdown, reduced or removed sprite flickering.

>Bionic Commando:
A lot of censorshp and removing Nazi imagery. Try a retranslation or uncensorship patch.

>> No.1086530


Read this too:

>> No.1086534

This. There are games that nobody ever talks about that you might roll and find out you enjoy.

Like how I rolled Shodai Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun for the SFC. I had never heard of it, it never exported from Japan, but it ended up being a really interesting game with hybrid Beat 'em up and RPG mechanics, and part of the River City Ransom series. There are other games I discovered, and the one mentioned isn't even my favorite of the discovered ones (my favorite is Guerrilla Wars for the NES), but I bring this one up because pretty much nobody has heard about such a thing. I'm not recommending that game specifically to you, it wouldn't make sense to do so since you asked for NES, not SNES, but I'm really recommending you try the Gauntlet, because while there's a chance you'll roll shovelware, you'll likely get at least one or two games in your run that you've never heard of but like.

>> No.1086545



No intro NES set.

Includes gamecube versions.

>> No.1086556

Sonic Chaos

>> No.1086560

Skate or Die.

>> No.1086571
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>> No.1086579

Try out captian skyhawk and jackal and 1943 and gun.smoke

>> No.1086586

What is it with all these failed/successful furry porn artists jumping on the Mixed Pokemon drawn out fad?

>> No.1086590

Flintstones Surprise at Dino Peak (second rarest NES game, either emulate it or get a pirated cart)
Over Horizon (Japan/EU only)
Mitsume Ga Tooru
Shadow of the Ninja
Power Blade 1

The NES didn't have many games that were good.

>> No.1086593


> JP version of CVIII which is far superior.

not necessarily, dudes say it's easier and YouTube says its music is unnecessarily tarted up and fartybassed

some people like difficulty more than ease; some people like generic synth and fartybass more than nice square waves or whatever; it's up to OP

> Use cheat code for 30 lives and "easy mode".

they're hard but they're not so hard that you HAVE to do this--they get fairly easy if you just practice for a while, actually

>> No.1086667


>> No.1086702

If that game's level design was half as good as its boss fights it'd be fucking amazing

especially that final boss fight
fucking impressive for the NES

>> No.1086705

Someone already recommended several of my favorite NES games, but here's a few more :

Dragon Quest
Dragon Quest II
Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest IV
Mother (Earthbound Zero)
Legacy of the Wizard
Clash at Demonhead
Monster Party
Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Star Tropics
Deja Vu
The Uninvited
Little Nemo
Double Dragon
Double Dragon II

(yes, several of these games were also computer games, but he asked for good/fun games available on NES so I'm recommending 'em anyway!)

>> No.1086732

>Dragon Quest
>Dragon Quest II
>Dragon Quest III
>Dragon Quest IV
>Mother (Earthbound Zero)
>Clash at Demonhead
>Final Fantasy I
>Final Fantasy II
>Final Fantasy III
>Star Tropics
>Double Dragon
>Double Dragon II

None of these games are good.

>> No.1086738

but your mom sure is

>> No.1086742

>not necessarily, dudes say it's easier and YouTube says its music is unnecessarily tarted up and fartybassed

What an elegant critique.

CVIII is harder, and the JP version is more balanced and fairer. The fear is that rental sales would hurt games, so they would make already hard games and make them harder.

>In the American game, each enemy deals the same amount of damage to the player, but this damage increases in the later stages. In the Japanese game, each enemy takes a different amount of energy away from the player. Many believe this makes the Japanese game easier.

>On the final stage, after losing to Dracula, instead of starting back at the level's second section, the player begins right outside of Dracula's keep. This is another factor said to make the Japanese game much easier.

One balance thing they get wrong: Grant. He throws unlimitted daggers. Dude is broken and so OP. Once you get him you can just steam roll the rest of the game.

>some people like difficulty more than ease; some people like generic synth and fartybass more than nice square waves or whatever; it's up to OP

The music has more channels and is objectively better. It was reduced simply to fit the technological restraints of the American NES.

>> No.1086754


>> No.1088127
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>> No.1088131

>no Castlevania 1
why the fuck

>> No.1088146

Final Fantasy III is GOLD.
Job change is great.

>> No.1088167

Please stop posting this list, or at least remove the /vr/ from the top. It's embarrassing

>> No.1088178

>Community effort by /vr/
>Please stop putting /vr/ in the image

>> No.1088229

This ought to bug the shit out of you, then.


>> No.1088240
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>> No.1088295

What language is the engine in?

>> No.1088298
File: 76 KB, 500x447, River City Ransom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

River City Ransom

>> No.1088520

Pinball Quest
Mendel Palace
Tombs & Treasures

>> No.1088539


>> No.1088617

They still haven't posted an update since July?

I dunno, there are games that I feel should be on there that aren't on there. Maybe we should do another vote? That list is probably 5-6 months old and could do with updating.

>> No.1090150

>River City Ransom

PC engine is better.

>> No.1090170

haha no

>> No.1090182

>haha no

haha, yes.

>better graphics
>better music
>Music can even be very easily swapped out
>voice acting

How is the NES better?

>> No.1090183

Clash at Demonhead
North and South
The Legend of Zelda

>> No.1090190
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I was a lucky bastard who got Magical Pop'n as my SNES game.

>MFW the whole fucking game

>> No.1090192

>The Legend of Zelda

Very sparse and out dated.

Zelda II is where it's at. Very modern.

>> No.1090201

>recommending the GC or PS2 Mega Man collections

GC port has mixed up button inputs, PS2 has input lag. PSX ports are the best versions, hands down, or if you don't feel like importing them for $100 each you can go with the Xbox version of Mega Man Anniversary, but that requires owning an Xbox or a 360, so it's not as appealing.

>> No.1090212

>PSX ports are the best versions, hands down,

Wouldn't they have input lag?

> or if you don't feel like importing them for $100 each

Piracy + Mednafen is your friend.

>> No.1090224
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>Very sparse and out dated.
Nah, it's got a charming simplicity to it and a nice atmosphere to it. No other Zelda game has been able to match the feeling of adventure that it had.

Zelda II is also fantastic, but I prefer the first game.

>> No.1090226


>posts art from Zelda II

>> No.1090252

What's your point? I love both games.

>> No.1090542
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>> No.1092024


>> No.1092982

>Shadow of the Ninja

>> No.1092991
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I watched that whole gif

>> No.1092995
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>> No.1093017
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>> No.1093025
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>> No.1094840

>Use cheat code for 30 lives and "easy mode".

Why bother playing NES games at all, if you're going to do this? Just stick with modern, push button to win games.

>> No.1094850

Defenders of Dynatron City

it's awesome

>> No.1094926

Here's a list of some somewhat lesser known games that I've played and can vouch for, a lot of them are rather difficult.

Battle of Olympus
Magic of Scheherazade
Mickey's Mousecapades
Ultima: Exodus
Adventure Island
Adventure Island II
(I can't speak for AI III, because I never played it)
Star Tropics
Star Tropics II
Adventures of Lolo
Bubble Bobble
Genghis Khan (if you like Koei strategy games)
Gemfire (same as above)
Godzilla: Monster of Monsters
Ice Climber
Ikari Warriors I, II, III
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu (has one of my favorite soundtracks from the NES era)
Journey to Silius
Little Nemo: The Dream Master
Little Ninja Brothers

These are just what I remember off the top of my head.

>> No.1095013

Fuck yeah, Ski or Die also

>> No.1095081

God, I don't have time for this shit. I'm going to save it and watch it later.