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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 68 KB, 300x206, GoldenEye007box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10900061 No.10900061 [Reply] [Original]

This game fucking sucks.

>> No.10900072

007 frames per second

>> No.10900075


>> No.10900091

This thread sucks

>> No.10900095

FPS games do not belong on consoles. Goldeneye 64 was a mistake.

>> No.10900096

Your thread and birth was a mistake

>> No.10900101

lol and true

>> No.10900103

Seethe some more.

>> No.10900186

SOULdeneye 007

>> No.10900248

You posted this same thread about the N64 controller. One faggot makes all these bait threads, and he's especially obsessed with Nintendo 64.

>> No.10900326

You had to be there to truly appreciate it. I agree that these days it would be a hard game for me to recommend to anybody who didn't grow up with the game but there is a version fans made based on the source engine that probably makes the game very enjoyable for those who didn't play it growing up. I haven't tried it myself but it looks like the kind of remake we should have gotten. See for yourself.


>> No.10900390

its part of his finger not his actual mouth. it just looks weird I understand no one asked I dont care

>> No.10900403

It actually does. It was just a lot of console babbies first FPS and it supported AN analog stick and four player at the same time.

I remember people talking it up in 1998 like it was hot shit in school. And I'm like... welp, I guess I'm gonna go home and play my 1024x768 Action Quake 2 with 8-24 players online and shit on this 19 inch monitor with a mouse that can aim at shit moving 80mph across the screen to snipe shit... but you know... you guys have fun golden gunning each-others nuts as drunk midgets gliding around into walls and tossing auto-sentry briefcases that play the game for you and shit. I'm sure that's also fun.

Besides, if you were gonna play the N64 for FPS. Perfect Dark was a huge upgrade in every single way possible. That being said - you can emulate that shit with mouse and keyboard and it's not completely terrible that way.

At least Halo brought dual analog sticks to the party for console players and coop campaign, slow miserable game though.

>> No.10900404

You had to be there. This level of objective variety was amazing at the time, especially on console. Add the split screen and you get one of the greatest games at the time

>> No.10900412

its fun. the framerate is bad but you can say that about pretty much every n64 game.

>> No.10900421

Game has some of the most unbelievably based music to ever be in a video game. The uncompressed tracks are amazing hopefully one day all the songs will be uncompressed.


>> No.10900436

( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ )

>> No.10900473

and shit

>> No.10900475

Not really, still great charm, audiovisuals, atmosphere, fun AI, fun weapons, interesting mission design/level design. Controls are weird today but can be turned into what almost feels like a standard modern console shooter via some remapping in emulator

It's still one of THE licensed games

>> No.10900526

Still fun. One of most advanced FPS games in 1997.

-high fidelity for an N64 game
-FIRST fully 3D FPS game to map damage and animation to individual body parts, that i’m aware of
-MoCap that is still entertaining to this day
-Many missions with a wide variety, most requiring some gadget use on SA, as well as having unlockable cheats for speedrunning
> A seriously amazing Arsenal of weapons. Smartly, a small number of weapons appear in most missions, while many missions have a unique weapon to use. They are all satisfying to use, and fully 3D modeled

>> No.10900868

Had to be there. We loved it.

>> No.10901035

i hate this turd game because 007 should have been a stealth franchise like Hitman and Splinter Cell but they fucking turned into a FPSlop

>> No.10901041

>op makes assertion with no attempt at discussion
Fuck off back to /v/

>> No.10901051

It’s actually a great game. It plays like a halfway between Doom and Quake, with gadgets and mission objectives added. The multiplayer is the best ever in an FPS to that point, predating Quake 2. It’s incredible what they did with this game.

>> No.10901085

name me another fps game that makes shooting someone in the dick feel as great as goldeneye

>> No.10901102

Posts you can smell

>> No.10901105

I have nostalgic memories of playing this game for the first time during warm summer evenings.
In 2019.

>> No.10901106
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Homosex OP

>> No.10901121

Your mother!

>> No.10901150

I played it for the first time two years ago and thought it was good. not one of the best games ever but... good.

>> No.10901159

this guy uses pretty faithful instruments

>> No.10901167

If you're a retard, sure. The gunplay in that game feels amazing

>> No.10902235

>It plays like a halfway between Doom and Quake
No it doesn't. Not even remotely close.

>The multiplayer is the best ever in an FPS to that point
No it isn't. It's not even in the top 10.

Admittedly 007 does has some firsts or at least potentially mainstream firsts at the very least. It ain't close to Doom or Quake, and it's multiplayer is NOT the best in an FPS.
Fuck, Quake 1 deathmatch is still king there.

But even then, Q2 and Doom also have better multiplayer as well and there are so many better FPS games. UT99, UT2K4, CPMA, Painkiller as well.

Fuck. I can't wait to see the best Goldeneye players in a tournament run at walls barely capable of moving and, shoot some walls, occasionally hit someone in the most amazing multiplayer ever.
Oh nice, look at seven pure seconds of nonstop spraying and dying - how exhilarating.

Let's see how Q2 was doing in 1998.
Oh... well that's just awful being able to do stuff. There was hardly any missing or staring at walls and no automatic sentry guns or anything.

Fuck if I found footage from Shogo that'd be better. Dukematch from 1995? Better. Any Build Engine multi? Better. Any CoD ever. Better. Any Battlefield? Better. Any Source engine multiplayer (which is saying something given how awful the netcode is). Really it'd be hard to find an FPS that doesn't have better multiplayer than Goldeneye.
The only reason it's multiplayer even got popular was because it was a console FPS with four player support and analog stick living off the bond brand (that sucks anyway) that people knew about.

Fuck even on the N64 this looks better.

>> No.10902272

GE source is barely anything like the original game. This isn't a bad thing, but the single player campaign and the specific mechanics of the original game are what matter and why you're playing it.

Lolcakes. This IS the game that introduced stealth as something serious to FPS. Hitman and Splinter Cell didn't exist and stealth games in general built of the innovations this game brought to the table.

>> No.10902361


>> No.10902383

>You had to be there to truly appreciate it
I was there and it was ass. Played it over at my friend's house and hated every second of it. People who use this "it was good for its time" excuse have brain damage. Every single game that is good is good forever. If it isn't good now, then it wasn't good back then either.

>> No.10902385

Clock Tower on the PS1 did stealth before GoldenAss

>> No.10902402

Playing any fps with a controller always feels like ass.

>> No.10902425
File: 85 KB, 640x627, 1694024365122591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely mogs GoldenEye it's not even funny because reviewers were so butthurt because it didn't have splitscreen MP

>> No.10902432

Nah, it was boring and the missions didn't make sense. The 64 one is better.

>> No.10902439

>posting the inferior version

>> No.10902458
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nah. the only thing the N64 has over the PS1 version is multiplayer and no texture wobbling.

the character models look worse, and the world design is bland and generic

>> No.10902476

The multi player was the best part. Don't tell me you were one of those friendless psx kids.

>> No.10902487

We used to play Crash Bash/Racing, Tekken, Herc's Adventure (gem), Syphon Filter 2, Twisted Metal, Quake 2
we had some good multiplayer games

>> No.10902534

so that's why she got fat...

>> No.10902540
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>makes console warriors seethe, 3 decades later

>> No.10902553

does McDonald's always put a hamburger as #9 on their menu?
this is kind of stupid for someone to remember unless he works there

>> No.10902556
File: 73 KB, 800x600, 007_Racing_Multiplayer_(Playstation)_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope 007 racing is better, even comes with a twisted metal multiplayer mode

>> No.10902559

why do you all fall for this shit? god youre fucking stupid. Heres my new thread im startng, "videogames are fucking stupid, prove me wrong".

>> No.10902561

This game was so good. I never met anyone who played it.

Batman had a similar game called Gotham City Racer but the controls were so bad

>> No.10902564

because GoldenEye is overrated and most people apparently agree.
saying "all games sucks" means you are just a troll from /lgbt/ or /qa/

>> No.10902591

I remember in the snow level you had to walk around while in the N64 you actually slide, it was way more fun
N64 is considered the superior version anyway

>> No.10902609

no im not a troll. but these threads are ridiculous. how is it "overrated" ? did you buy it when it came out? or were you even born yet? when it came out it was a huge fucking deal. massive. nobody ever said it was overrated. now in RETROSPECT, sure, of course. i can see why anyone would say that if they didnt experience the phenomena as it was happening. it has major flaws. and compared to modern games, its shit. but at the time it was a huge fucking deal, which is why older gamers speak so highly of it. not sure what else to tell you. if you WERE there at the time of its release, owned it the month it came out, or played it at a friends house, i would love to know your initial thoughts at that time and why. not everyone is here to troll dude.

>> No.10902630

>is considered
You do realize that's what he's doing, he's considering it NOT to be superior. We're discussing what's "considered". What the fuck randos consider isn't relevant here. What we discuss is here is. Just saying "well like... people disagree" is actually a shit argument not worth saying about more or less anything. See literally any popular shit. Avatar is the second highest grossing film and it's fucking terrible. Fuck the entire top 10 grossing films are basically ass.

The least you could fucking do on a discussion board is bring your own fucking discussions rather than relying on ad populum. Is he right? Well, i dunno I haven't played the playstation one - but apparently... well... the only thing you care to challenge his position with is there's sliding in snow (which honestly I don't even really remember in the N64 one honestly, and if there was it wasn't particularly relevant to basically anything but I guess that makes the game amazing or something... Snowboard Kids on the N64 must be amazing compared to 007 then I guess since snow sliding is THE metric we're using.

>> No.10902652

>nobody ever said it was overrated
Found the person who wasn't born then.

I literally said. I said it already in this thread and even gave a recollection of exactly that. I played it a bit back then, I was largely unimpressed. This wasn't uncommon at all from anyone who had been playing FPS for some time since then.

Ironically all the shit people say about it that make it "firsts" was all the shit no one back then was talking about AT all.

The multiplayer death-match was what people cared about and as far as that goes - it was weak as fuck for actual play.

I guess people do toss headshots/sentry in there for firsts as well (though sentries existed in Team Fortress first even and I'm pretty sure some games had at least headshots albeit perhaps not as accurate body location damage for shooting weapons out of hands)
Regardless, the game was clunky to play and nowhere near as fun as some PC first person shooters. There were of course awful FPS games on the PC as well.

>not everyone is here to troll dude.

You clearly are however by your bait ass position on shit. You literally dismiss existing people who are older who agree with that person in that it was overrated, and you're saying you'd love to hear thoughts - but no, you clearly wouldn't and you consider them impossible, despite them being possible and regular.

>> No.10902673

ok. i will respond one last time, which you clearly don't deserve. first of all, fuck yourself. you god damned manchild. and to clarify... when I said, "nobody ever said it was overrated", I meant at THAT time, and in regards to FPS games on consoles. Sorry I wasnt specific. I was still playing doom2 and quake2 and duke nukem 3d and shit. and if i "baited" you, lol, then i guess it worked. you must be fun at parties. if youve ever even been to one. later dipshit.

>> No.10902694
File: 92 KB, 1309x1091, 1647797184005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N64 this looks better.
>bro it looks bettur!
Embarrassing... no one should be comparing console FPS to PC FPS 1:1, the fact that you are shows that you're mentally challenged and can't think outside of your narrow view.

>> No.10903204

You should go for the 1964 GEPD version instead of the Source engine port. It's more of an enhanced emulation with mouse and keyboard support than a remake in a different engine.

>> No.10904227

Ok. I will respond, one last time.

>I meant at THAT time

And when I said

>I literally said. I said it already in this thread and even gave a recollection of exactly that.

I mean "literally" "recollection" and now... of then... words... fucking reading comprehension ffs. I went over this shit in my post already.

I'm a little concerned that maybe you're not even alive right fucking now. A four year old could fucking would understand this shit, you gotta be trolling.

>> No.10904745

So guys, if you emulate you can use 1.2 honey, and then swap the c-buttons and the control stick on your emulator. If you do this, you'll have modern twin-stick controls for Goldeneye. The game is easier this way and more fun I've got all the regular levels beaten on Secret Agent, and am a little under halfway through doing them on 00 Agent. I just finished the 2nd Severnaya level, and am taking a break before the bunker.

>> No.10904924

"A four year old could fucking would understand this shit" lol , fucking idiot at work.

>> No.10904929

im glad i grew up with this game and loved it so i dont have to have this irrational hatred. do i want to play it anymore? not really, but then again i havent had an n64 for like 20 years now either. i always thought the multiplayer was overrated, but hey when theres nothing really else, people are gonna fall in love with it.

>> No.10904939

Yes, but it led to the creation of Basedsplitters 2 so it earns its spot.

>> No.10904963
File: 29 KB, 751x625, what is actually happening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10904970
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>> No.10904989
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>> No.10904991

If you had 3 friends to play splitscreen multiplayer with cheats, slappers only it was hella fun

>> No.10907159
File: 43 KB, 334x371, 1714860824787211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe on bizarro world

>> No.10907391
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 1413669067566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10907409
