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File: 9 KB, 480x432, 65149419681653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10899463 No.10899463 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>10861021

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>> No.10899909
File: 5 KB, 256x224, Super Mario World.004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One way I've found motivation to make levels is to try to make them look visually appealing first. I don't know what others think of this, but having something nice to look at proves to inspire creativity, as it always does. Also, if you're stumped for ideas when making you're epic big long level, take a break from it and just make something short. I don't play many hacks, but it's fun when they balance the complex levels with the simple ones. It gets tiresome when everything is like an overly long gauntlet, which I felt in those "V"LDC collabs.

>> No.10900165

Trying to figure out some issue with the way my game's camera interacts with hardware scroll positions that's causing the background to sometimes be positioned slightly incorrectly relative to the sprites after a vertical scroll
Ugh I have a headache this is such a pain to debug

>> No.10900245
File: 1.46 MB, 480x432, genwun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you're double-buffering your scroll registers. Otherwise you'll end up like Pokemon (selling millions of copies and becoming a beloved franchise).

>> No.10900408

I have a question to anyone who is familiar with PS2 reverse engineering with Ghidra: Is the built in pcsx2 debugger preferred over cheat engine? I thought I'd try learning ghidra and start off with a game that has its debug symbols still intact with the executable.

>> No.10900560

Devilmanbros, our time has come.

>> No.10901250


>> No.10901341
File: 6 KB, 256x240, Kirby's Adventure (USA) (Rev A)_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it, so there is more duplicate than one.

>> No.10901347

Can homebrew community Corpse Party 666444: Satsuki's Heart?

>> No.10902230


>> No.10902905

Daily pre-patched goodness check in.

>> No.10903354
File: 39 KB, 772x660, PPSSPP@CEv752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheat engine as in "Cheat Engine" for PC? You'll have to use both, most likely. CE is basically my memory editor & bookmark keeper whenever I work with PPSSPP (which has the same debugger as PCSX2 iirc). You'll have to find a way to put start of emulated PS2's RAM into a CE table but once it's done, all places of interest will be at your disposal anytime. Name it "RAM" without quotes and you'll be able to use relative addresses like "(RAM)+0x8800000" as address for "User mem", and subsequently "(User mem)+0x4000" for "ELF start" and such (these are PSP values).
Define "RAM end" and you'll be able to search in CE only between (RAM) and (RAM end) instead of the entire emulator's memory with several copies of emulated system's RAM in there; pic related.
Open Memory View at RAM, press Ctrl+Enter to set it as address=0 and you'll have useable memory addresses in CE.
CE can't display/edit Shift-JIS text in RAM (only in the table), but if your game is not Japanese it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.10904085


>> No.10904146

Otaku compact disc on Nintendo PlayStation?

>> No.10904445

No. There would be too many sex scenes.

>> No.10904498


>> No.10904597

Not as fun.

>> No.10904979

Wait for switch online

>> No.10905401


>> No.10905529
File: 1.06 MB, 320x288, m7gb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a short break from other stuff to make a powerpoint presentation.

>> No.10905662

currently playing through super metroid v e r t i c a l i ty. the amount of custom stuff in it is really amazing.

>> No.10905728

Better than Sonic CD.

>> No.10905736

nice job anon.

>> No.10905795


>> No.10905987
File: 10 KB, 320x288, fog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experimenting with fog to make the ground blend into the background a bit more.

>> No.10906181

I'll get to that one soon, I hope. I still want to do Cryogenesis, but I'm stubbornly waiting for that update.

>> No.10906348
File: 252 KB, 320x288, clouds.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much done with this.
ROM for those interested: https://files.catbox.moe/3j7mvk.zip

>> No.10906371

Awesome thanks anon. added it to my collection

>> No.10906435

just finished it. I give it a fair 4.5/5 just for creativity and new stuff alone. so much new custom shit I have never seen before or thought was possible in super metroid.

>> No.10906631

NTA. Are you talking about Cryogenesis or Verticality? Also have you played Subversion? Because that's the gold standard in my eyes and I don't feel like playing more SM hacks unless they're close to that good. I'm curious about how Cryo/Vert stack up, or Vitality for that matter

>> No.10906647

X-Fusion when

>> No.10906705

by then the galactic federation will shut it down for sedition

>> No.10906723

I'm not the guy playing Verticality but I'm the guy he replied to. I agree that Subversion is the peak. I haven't really thought about rating all the hacks I've played but I'd say that if Subversion is the best then in a tier just below that you have maybe Ascent and Hyper. Then Vitality is another notch down. It was interesting and designed well but it was often a bit excessively dark or had layering that made it unclear how to navigate. I also can't remember the details, but the final area was a little glitchy for me. The ending sequence was also "edgy", which isn't immediately a flaw, but it paired that with a sort of crossover reference and ultimately seemed sort of rushed and sloppy.

>> No.10906783

Thanks. I'll probably hold off on Vitality. If Verticality or Cryogenesis are better I might try those.

On an unrelated note, what did you think of Super Junkoid? I was a little let down by the endgame (and retreading the original Junkoid which I liked more) but the blood level knocked my socks off

>> No.10906850

I think the lack of original soundtrack like the first one hurt it most. Considering the year and a half dev cycle it turned out excellently overall.

>> No.10906883

>lack of original soundtrack
That's true. I remember being at the dramatic climax and suddenly I'm in the Deku Tree. I guess if Subversion wasn't a thing it'd probably be my favorite SM hack

>> No.10906994

Super Junkoid, and Junkoid, were both great. They managed to feel unique despite the changes just being cosmetic. While other hacks implement new mechanics, and I think they're better for it, the Junkoids deserve heaps of respect.

>> No.10907185

SS-Tier: Subversion, Acent, Super Duper Metroid
S-Tier: Hyper Metroid, Super Metroid Zero Mission, Super Junkoid, Vitality, Verticality (from a technical stand point alone)
A-Tier: Redesign (original version), Z-Faster

Iam sure I missed a bunch and everything is obviously subjective but these are the ones that I fondly remember.

>> No.10907327

What did Axeil screw up about Redesign?

>> No.10908326

I actually enjoyed the redesign difficulty. Its not like the axeil version was worse, not just inherently what redesign was all about in my book. redesign and super zeromission were my first metroid romhacks like 8 years ago, so they have a special place in my heart even with all the jank. I remember being stuck at the grappling part in redesign for like 4 hours since I played these hacks on actual hardware without quicksaves and it was the worst hack beyond vanilla difficulty for me... it felt really satisfying getting past that part once you have cleared it.

>> No.10908335

Ah, the satisfaction of overcoming the challenge. I didn't have the hardware to play Super Zeromission at the time but I remember being fucking mad at some of the expansions. I enjoyed it a ton and was happy to play and finish it, but I'm pretty sure I had to do shit like drop the game to quarter speed for some of the optional items.

>> No.10908349

can't wait for fusion-x to come out. its been on my watch list for 9 years now. at this point my expectations are through the roof.

>> No.10908371
File: 309 KB, 320x288, gradients.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoothed out the gradients + did some optimization (not that it helped much, but still).
ROM download: https://files.catbox.moe/mkhott.zip

>> No.10908380

You could try to move down the horizon scanline to get more FPS.

>> No.10908414
File: 332 KB, 320x288, 6 tiles tall.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's certainly possible, but you can only go so far until it becomes hard to see what's happening. It also doesn't reach a "playable" frame rate unless the window is comically small. I think the only real way forward is to use a different drawing algorithm entirely.

>> No.10908416
File: 551 KB, 320x288, 4 tiles tall.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 4 tiles tall, it starts to feel semi-interactive. It's pretty hard to see at this point, though.

>> No.10908419
File: 323 KB, 320x288, 2 tiles tall.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's 2 tiles tall, just for laughs. Nice frame rate, though.

>> No.10908440

the fuck is this?

>> No.10908503

What if instead of cutting it off vertically you instead drew the plane using double sized pixels? In essence rendering at half resolution and resizing it to fit.

>> No.10908507

Will have some new stuff soon. Busy day today, and more so tomorrow. Sorry for the wait, but thanks for looking forward to these!

>> No.10908515

I'm guessing you mean OP's pic (which I also don't know). Otherwise, the answer to your question is that this is the best thread on /vr/.

>> No.10908558
File: 401 KB, 320x288, wide pixels.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually tried that before, but the low precision of the rendering algorithm makes it look a bit... well, see for yourself.

>> No.10908573

What a shame. I feel like if you could find a way to make the 2 tile high mode get stretched out decently to fill the screen then you could have something.

>> No.10908608
File: 531 KB, 320x288, wide pixels (fixed).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upon closer inspection, I was doing it a little wrong. Here's what the fixed version looks like. Not too bad, all things considered.

>> No.10908619

No rush, of course. Question though: A while back you had SM64: Decades Later. It also had a Mystery V2 zipped folder with a Mystery 1 and 3.txt that require a password and a Mystery2.jsml. Any idea what those are about?

>> No.10908783

If you combine that with moving down the horizon scanline, it can look pretty nice ngl.

>> No.10908934

>Any idea what those are about?
Iirc, it said something in the readme about finding that password in the game, which then helps you solve something further in the game.

>> No.10908947
File: 407 KB, 320x288, dithering.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed another bug with wide pixels. It's slightly sharper now. Also discovered that it supports dithering, apparently (zero performance cost).

I've tried it, but can't really get over the reduced visibility. The extra frames sure would be nice, though.

>> No.10909082

I guess I accidentally deleted the readme . . . Sometimes I'm dumb.

>> No.10909234

That's more than good enough for some RPG scene.

>> No.10909331
File: 14 KB, 1600x1440, GBMode7-v2-240505-145517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is rad. Can you up the framerate via interpolation, updating only even/odd scanlines on alternate frames?

>> No.10909346

Would that work or would he still need to calculate the whole screen every frame?

>> No.10909519
File: 8 KB, 512x512, chr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I naively thought he was just doing a transform from one 2BPP bitmap to another, in which case it'd be trivial to halve the calcuations by halving the scanlines (like he was doing earlier). But I popped the thing open in YY-CHR and can't make heads or tails of anything but the clouds and mountains. Instead most of the rom is what looks like... a giant lookup table, maybe? Fucked if I know. This witchcraft is beyond my ken

>> No.10909663
File: 600 KB, 1188x1064, cockpit_hilariously_bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> And here's 2 tiles tall, just for laughs.
Bro no joke this is how they did it back in the day. Just add a big ol UI and bingo you got yourself an actual game.
Here is a laughably bad and dumb example i whipped up in 2min.

>> No.10909671
File: 379 KB, 1267x929, top-gun-nes-dogfighting-157854553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's Top Gun for NES for an actual example

>> No.10909907
File: 3.72 MB, 359x229, IMG_5619.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race Driving on the original Gameboy too to some extent.

>> No.10909917
File: 6 KB, 256x240, Kirby's Mirror World_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early games were far more immersive.

>> No.10910072

Don't forget about X.

>> No.10911241
File: 6 KB, 512x444, 679481-dragon-view-snes-outside-full-3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Dragon View. If this were any more than just a tech demo, adding a big-ass HUD might just do it.

>Can you up the framerate via interpolation, updating only even/odd scanlines on alternate frames?
It would be easier to double each line instead. It would look pretty blocky, but that's at least better than interlacing artifacts. Either way, it's more of a last resort since it hurts the visuals so much.

>I naively thought he was just doing a transform from one 2BPP bitmap to another
That's pretty much exactly how it works, but each pixel of the source image is padded to 8 bits for performance reasons. In newer versions, each byte is actually its own 2x2 2bpp dither pattern. The source image itself is just a 256x256 pixel bitmap, but it could be swapped out for a tilemap if needed. That way, it could support larger maps (albeit with a performance cost).

>> No.10911726

You're a boss, dude.

>it's more of a last resort since it hurts the visuals so much
Well, at least it'd only look blocky/artifacted in motion? Because during the next frame the other scanlines would update and it'd be fixed. Hell, you could prioritize the important "near" scanlines at the bottom to be updated more often and the horizon to update less.

That's just me spitballing, though.

>> No.10911927

>Well, at least it'd only look blocky/artifacted in motion? Because during the next frame the other scanlines would update and it'd be fixed.
That's true, but the main issue is that it creates a picture that represents a mish-mash of different moments in time. That kind of incoherency makes it harder to tell what's happening at any given moment, especially when the framerate is low. If you can't look at a still frame and tell exactly what the current game state is, then that's a failing in my opinion.

And besides that, interlacing doesn't really add any new information to the picture. Even if it appears smoother, it's effectively just a form of frame blending. Or maybe I just have a weird vendetta against it or something.

>Hell, you could prioritize the important "near" scanlines at the bottom to be updated more often and the horizon to update less.
That sounds like a cool approach. Pretty clever. Kind of reminds me of foveated rendering in a way. It still has temporal coherency issues, but in a way that's more controlled. That said, I think I'll avoid mixing frames if I can help it.

>> No.10913618


>> No.10914392
File: 721 KB, 320x288, waves.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last update (?): Switched over to a tilemap-based drawing system. It's a little slower that way, but now it can handle larger maps and tile animations.
ROM link: https://files.catbox.moe/lwf2mm.zip

>> No.10914594

Fucking cool. Could you allow to move the horizon scanline with buttons or something? I would like to test how frame rate improves with a lower horizon (right now it runs at ~3FPS).

>> No.10914739

Sure retard, you can't lose performance if you don't have any.

>> No.10914845
File: 141 KB, 1024x1024, OIG_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I did work on super duper before meta took over

>> No.10914870
File: 679 KB, 320x288, halfres.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but the settings for all that stuff are controlled by compile-time constants. Trying to change them at runtime would get messy fast.

If it's any consolation, here's how it runs with 1/2 vertical resolution and a 6-tile-tall window. I'd say it almost runs well enough for something action-oriented, like a racing game (maybe being a bit generous here). Any slower and it's limited to something less energetic, like an RPG overworld.

Of course, performance was a little better before adding tilemap support (probably about half a frame lost just from that). It had to be done, though. There's just not much you can do with only a 256x256 pixel map. Plus, it gives tile animation support pretty much for free.

>> No.10914896

Well thanks for your efforts. I didn't post that tier list, but of the hacks I've played on it I agree with the placement.

>> No.10914995

I need a GBC RPG with an overworld map using that.

>> No.10915103

Nice. Wish I could have taken something that looked like that in the car in the 90's. I mean, without shelling out for a fucking 3 AA per hour Nomad or something

>> No.10916062

Anyone got a prepatched version of Starfox: EX?

>> No.10916661
File: 16 KB, 320x288, render quality.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to go all-out with "speed over size" optimizations. The ROM is getting pretty big now, but at least the frame rate is more tolerable. As a bonus, this also improves rendering quality. Oh, and this time, I've included multiple versions with different render settings.
ROM download: https://files.catbox.moe/keqpd7.zip

>> No.10917006

GBMode7-v4_short+halfres runs like Sonic CD..

>> No.10917202

Rad. Had fun with the fastest, shortest one. Didn't realize you could strafe until now

>> No.10917649


>> No.10918242

In Super Mario World ROM hacks do you guys prefer traditional/conservative style Mario levels or crazy gimmicky levels that seem to be common?
Personally, I prefer gimmicky non-kaizo levels. It gets REALLY boring playing the same NSMB-style levels over and over again. Even Mario Wonder mixed things up with level design via the Wonder Flower.

>> No.10918530
File: 137 KB, 2048x915, 3d093678a645a4488682a07a6b522c61b4da00f9r1-2048-915v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prefer traditional/conservative style or crazy gimmicky
Do both honestly, most of the best ROM hacks do this anyway, you just need to strike a balance without ruining the pace.

>> No.10918561

One manga was ecchi at some point

>> No.10919154

The year is 2024. There is still not a complete hack of Metroid Prime that turns it into an entirely new game.

>> No.10919260

if anything we need to thank you. really appreciate the dedication and passion that goes into a project like that.

>> No.10919267

How feasible would this be even?

>> No.10919329

It's gaining traction. Since posting that, I found that there are in fact a few hacks stemming from the initial effort to build a randomizer. The most extensive seems to be one called Metroid Fool that alters Prime in various ways to basically be a kaizo bullshit sort of thing as an April Fool's joke for this year.

>> No.10920885
File: 4 KB, 256x224, Super Mario World.005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10920910

Team working on the Sakura Wars 2 Translation gave an update showing they were able to upgrade the audio quality for the end credits song:


>> No.10921645
File: 1.15 MB, 320x288, interlacing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interlacing was a mistake.

>> No.10921719


>> No.10921887

this looks rad

>> No.10921979

I was waiting on that Quest for Kurkoins one, but I guess he put it on the back burner for this one.

>> No.10921980


>> No.10922465
File: 53 KB, 960x540, 1523137400483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks cool

>> No.10923185

Anyone have a pre-patched Starfox 64 Randomizer rom?

>> No.10923189

Looks like you're taking damage, use it for a poison or lava floor

>> No.10923284

This might look cool with the original DMG Game Boy’s screen smearing/blurring, but this is a Game Boy Color game.

>> No.10924242
File: 641 KB, 320x288, sprite test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The FPS is low enough even the DMG's blur might not save it. Just figured I'd try anyways since it was suggested.

Sadly, it's not practical to support switching between the two at runtime. There's just too much overhead for it to be worth it.

On the bright side, sprites are working now. Well... until you turn the camera, that is. It needs a little more work.

>> No.10924348

But rotating an object around a point should be super easy, right? Just cos() and sin()? It's the one piece of trig I absorbed. I guess you'd probably need to generate a lookup table for speed on the GBC, but still

>> No.10924438

It should just need an inverse camera transform before applying the projection. Currently, it only does this for the translation part. The rotation part still needs to be done. Fixing it isn't super difficult or anything, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

>> No.10926546


>> No.10928683 [DELETED] 


>> No.10928959

What's the standard method of releasing soundtracks for homebrew games? In my case, a Gameboy game. Raw, clean audio captured from an emulator or tracker? Audio recorded from a DMG's audio out? Mastering process like any other album, eg EQ, compression, and limiting or just straight as-is?

>> No.10930221

I don't know if it's the standard, but if someone's hipster enough to be listening to a homebrew soundtrack, they'd probably appreciate if it were recorded from actual hardware.

>> No.10930254

(New) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0KTfn78IDo
(Port) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL5lb9_U2KQ

>> No.10930280
File: 1 KB, 600x253, 1689840704883043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish scraping romhacks was easier.
Are there any good resources for romhack media?
I would like to manually add to my ESDE set-up

>> No.10930390

Archive.org has a lot of stuff in collections. And cdromance has prepatched things you might like.

Just be careful about downloading from romhacking.net, you don't want to trigger heroincrawler (admin).

>> No.10930437

I have a Wii I hacked maybe a decade ago.
I know it does not turn on without an SD card. I know I don't have the SD card.
What is it looking for? With the right setup on a new SD card, could I get the Wii to boot?

>> No.10930576
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, 1687872254444741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was talking about media not roms

>> No.10930721

Maybe some homebrew files. If you have Priiloader installed you can hold the Reset button as you turn on the Wii and get to a kind of safe mode menu.

>> No.10930876

No idea about ESDE specifically.
Sites with patches or ROMs usually have screenshots or other media. Probably a case of hunting around (unless you want to make things yourself).

>> No.10931346

Very good point

>> No.10931392

I like .gbs files. I downloaded a collection of every ripped Game Boy soundtrack and it's less than 30 MB

>> No.10932065

ESDE sadly had built in scraping, which is great, but you cannot edit the scrapers afaik and you're stuck using screenscraper.fr which is run by megalomaniacal frogs

>> No.10932224

>Just be careful about downloading from romhacking.net, you don't want to trigger heroincrawler (admin).

>> No.10932250

it's probably that autist that wrote a script to scrape rhdn and download their hack a million times so when it was banned they could say they're the author of the HOTTEST new hack that THEY don't want you to play and promote their own shittier romhacking site

>> No.10932369

Could be that brazilian dude with the monkey fetish. Apparently he was blacklisted a couple of times. Crazy scene, right?

>> No.10932503

he set up a patreon thing to fund/paywall his site circa 2017, which ended badly
don't know how much is true about the heroin addiction
there was some drama last year about scrapers archiving patches from rhdn, so they shut the place down for a day or so

>> No.10932865

Kek. I remember when some staff guy called Zynk was fired for broadcasting his underage interests.

I think CDRomance has it, but I haven't played it yet.

>> No.10933139

>don't know how much is true about the heroin addiction
He went back on it after that trans fella left him (last I heard in chat). Could be clean by now... who knows. He hasn't posted any updates in a while.

>> No.10933473
File: 116 KB, 320x224, Nibelheim Reactor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nearly done with a script revision for FF7 on PlayStation. I just have one question in a poll for you: https://strawpoll.com/GeZAOEkOjnV

>> No.10933586

That all depends on what the purpose of your rewrite is. Is it meant to be more accurate? Is it meant to tie into the rest of the Compilation?

>> No.10933789

It's a conservative touch-up: this will basically be FF7 as you remember it; the game in your head that you fell in love with, and I'll achieve this through giving it the proofreading it deserved and trying to make sense of any lines that don't make any sense. I have intentionally avoided referencing the Japanese script as much as possible, because:
>A. The Beacause retranslation already exists
>B. The English version of FF7 tells a story that deserves to exist, and I want to play to its strengths
Anyway, Sephiroth's line in Crisis Core might be what people remember him saying all along simply because people have played CC more recently. In that sense, it might fit the mission objective better.

>> No.10934273 [DELETED] 


>> No.10934551

I wonder if those degenerates can be cured
Half the scene is more concerned with dressing up as freakish anime girls or zoo animals

>> No.10934604
File: 843 KB, 320x288, sprites.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sprites are now working about as well as they should (placeholder graphics aside). Not much else to do unless I can think of some new optimizations, so this is probably the last version.
ROM download: https://files.catbox.moe/0y23y1.zip

>> No.10934808

sadly, there is little hope
this would look great with an airship

>> No.10935565

Here's "Legacy" version if that's what you're looking for >>/vr/thread/10779210#p10800598

Otherwise, yeah, CDRomance has the latest version ("1.10.01") https://cdromance.org/snes-rom/starfox-ex-hack/

I'm going to work on getting this for you. Sounds interesting, anyway. Stay tuned (or tell me if you already got it)!

>> No.10935806

Any alternatives to WII BACKUP FUSION for Mac?

I've tried installing it so many times but it always complains about QTextCodec. I've installed 3 versions of QT and tried to point it to the library but it never makes a difference.

>> No.10935830
File: 64 KB, 320x224, FF7 ebonics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, there's also this part here when Cait Sith is arguing with Barret, and Cait Sith suddenly starts speaking in ebonics. Either the translator thought these lines were all Barret's, or he intended for Caith Sith to racially profile Barret, rofl... What do you think?

>> No.10935846
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently came into a xbox one
wii u

i wanna play N64 games (mario/mario kart etc) and also zelda breath of the wild

and not pay for them what the fuck do I do?

first off fuck u im already reading the general shit im looking maybe for some tutorials and idk where the fuck are the roms?

>> No.10935848
File: 76 KB, 523x520, 1609950204794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did WHAT to an Xbox One?

>> No.10935852
File: 138 KB, 295x251, GNiYF5CXgAEzACh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came into (the possession)

captcha: VM4SSJ

thats gotta mean something

>> No.10935853

Typical redditor degeneracy, we should send him back.

>> No.10935875


>> No.10936147

Lyle in Cube Sector for Mega Drive: http://mikejmoffitt.com/pages/lyle/

>> No.10937051
