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10898245 No.10898245 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone find picrel to be really boring? The gameplay loop feels overly simple and basic and it truly feels like a game made for babies. The atmosphere feels really uninspired, like they went
>overly vapid scary battle ship thingy
and they put that in the game for their enemies. No real art direction at all.

>> No.10898260

Yes 3D Sonic games are not very good and thats been immediatly apparent to anyone without autism since 1998. There are other areas they excel in, like music, visuals, atmosphere, technology etc - but the gameplay is not good.

The sonicfag defense to this is to post a webm showing some extremely autistic level clipping sequence break gameplay that only they find enjoyable.

>> No.10898290

I don't know what Yuji Naka was thinking, because the 2D sonic games have a lot of charm. These ones just feel like slop.

>> No.10898310

Agreed, I love the Mega Drive games and Mania, but 3D Sonic is just not enjoyable beyond the spectacle of nice graphics whizzing past you and cheesey guitar music.

>> No.10898412

Gameplay loop will never not sound gay as fuck but I agree that this game is boring on all fronts. Even Heroes is way more fun and has art direction and music that arguably surpasses even the first Adventure game

>> No.10898420

I did not like heroes either.

>> No.10898431

I don't blame you, the game plays like dogshit, I just like the way it looks and the soundtrack is pretty good too

>> No.10898438

its sonic, so yes

>> No.10898443

>it truly feels like a game made for babies
I think that’s what they were going for

>> No.10898449

I got the impression that there is an adult community who appreciates these games, but I have no idea how any adult could find enjoyment out of this.

>> No.10898452

They’re a special bunch.

>> No.10898459

Nostalgia. People who never played Sonic games back in the days and try them out as adults mostly agree that only the original trilogy is good. And even then some say 1 is shit

>> No.10898460

City escape is such a strong start and you're left chasing that high for the rest of the fame. I like to think the game would be better if not for the Knuckles/Rouge levels and better designed Tails/Eggman..but even the sonic/shadow levels are generally not great or memorable.

>> No.10898470
File: 180 KB, 500x500, ee1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gameplay loop

>> No.10898485

I don’t know how anyone can enjoy the knuckles or rouge levels. Aquatic mine is the textbook definition of why you need a working camera, and the radar is worthless. No it’s not a good gameplay mechanic when the only way to finish the level in less than 7 minutes is to memorize the 12 or so possible locations a shard can be in(keep in mind there’s FOUR levels of this). Meteor herd was genuinely the first time I ever gave two shots about draw distance, because you’re just supposed to know to jump out into open space praying you’re at the right height to fly through the emerald piece, because you can’t see it at all until its right in front of you. The levels are huge and let you fly around, but its so void of anything to do that it serves no purpose

Then you have the tails segments. If hearing EEEEEEEEEEEEEE grate your ears while you try to lock onto targets isn’t bad enough, they give you the most cumbersome and heavy robot mech possible to platform between baby tier challenges. It’s not fun to do, and just makes you wonder why it couldn’t be sonic or knuckles doing this instead since they would objectively do it better. Nobody fucking complained about how gammas stages were in SA1, why did they completely revamp it for tails and make it so unfun?

>> No.10898489

I was 12 when I got this game and like other Anons have said I felt the levels were babby-level. I like some of the music just because I was into the ska punk/skate punk stuff of the 90's and 2000's. I actually still legitimately really like the song for White Jungle. After the a couple playthroughs the game vasically became taking care of my little Chao dude, who was an evil little shit with bat wings and devil horns.
I remember doing r34 for Rouge even though I was 12, i just copied her character design, removed the clothes, and added genitalia and that was fap material LOL. Thought I was so slick.

>> No.10898492

>they drop treasure hunt and mech missions
>quality of 3D sonic games immediately plummets and never recovers
This is no coincidence

>> No.10898502

I hate the lanky green eyes impostor as much as anyone else but I feel like shitting on 3D Sonic is beating a dead horse.

>> No.10898504
File: 66 KB, 1203x676, 131402968044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gameplay loop

>> No.10898591

>gameplay loop
Its a platformer. theres no reason to use those words. Try again in non zoomer speak. FAGGOT

>> No.10898594

>it truly feels like a game made for babies.
well, yea

>> No.10898654

Wanting to destroy the world because the government shot a small girl to death was the most hardcore thing they had ever heard of when they were 10

>> No.10898674
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, sonic-the-hedgehog-sxsw-2020-reveals-rescheduled-for-april_feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the enemies in SA2 were made by GUN, not Eggman. So there aren't really any actual badniks in the game outside of the E-102 and Chaos clones in the later stages + Green Hill Zone. Heroes has Egg Pawns, but that game is arguably even more kiddie. You might prefer SA1 as the enemies and environments are a little more varied.

You're on /vr/

>> No.10898683
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>> No.10898696

SA2 is classic 4chan culture

>> No.10898725

>youtube annotations
Holy shit, where did the time go

>> No.10898762

>gameplay loop
Opinion discarded

>> No.10898845

>7 minutes
Holy fuck you’re just awful at the game.
>go up, lower water all the way
>move in a spiral downward until you get a signal
>grab what you find
>the other two pieces will be on the other levels
More than 2 minutes is bad, 7 minutes you may have brain damage.

>> No.10898858

> Nobody fucking complained about how gammas stages were in SA1, why did they completely revamp it for tails and make it so unfun?
Nobody minded the Gamma stages because all five together take up 3 minutes. Hot Shelter is the only one that takes longer than a minute and they’re all trivially easy. The mechs in SA2 are unironically the closest thing to classic Sonic in 3D.

>> No.10898869

>The mechs in SA2 are unironically the closest thing to classic Sonic in 3D
Well that came out of nowhere

>> No.10898874

They’re fast once they get moving but take forever to accelerate, you replay the levels again and again and learn how to keep your speed up. It’s quintessential Sonic.

>> No.10900240

This game, just like other Sonic games, is designed around learning stages and becoming efficient at them, expressing yourself through your own preferred risks and tricks once just being good at it becomes easy. There are some Sonic games with more depth, but this one is more focused on encouraging it, which makes it slightly easier but not necessarily uninteresting. I found the treasure hunting stages to be rather enjoyable to beat on A without using hints, for example. I agree that certain elements of the game's visuals are uninspired, but the stages themselves do end up being memorable and still retain a degree of surrealism, even if it's not as prominent as the older games.
Some of the glitch-heavy ones aren't as interesting, but for both 3D Sonic and Mario, webm's like this do a good job of showing off how much a skilled player can make use of the stage design and controls to have more fun with the game even after getting used to it. It's fun.

>> No.10901174


>> No.10903539

I didnt know i needed to hear that but thank you anon

>> No.10903713

Sonic hasn't had a true jump to 3D yet. Like there hasn't been a 3D game that follows the formula of the OG 2D games. Every game has had some gimmick whether it be other character's, game modes, play styles, etc. that you're forced to play as. The closest thing would be Sonic Colors but that game is mostly 2D and is boost formula, not momentum based.

I used to love SA2B as a kid, especially the chao garden, and every now and then I go back to play it but am disappointed by how fucking boring it is. I'm still waiting for that true jump to 3D.

>> No.10903720

Yeah. It just doesn't have the soul of SA1, which intrigues you with the story that you put together piece by piece. It was hard to care for a single second of SA2 and the controls just feel off.

>> No.10903771

Recently went back and replayed this. Also plays SA1 for the first time to compare them. It hurts to say it since I grew up on SA2B but SA1 is the superior game. The Tails levels in SA2B really drag down the entire game in hindsight and are simply too long for how boring they are. Sticking Tails in a mech was a massive fumble, especially considering we dont get many Sonic levels. The Knuckles levels are great and music slaps but are too big and also time consuming. Id be willing to overlook the issues with the Knuckles levels but putting Tails in a mech and giving us barely any Sonic levels is just too much of a fumble. SA1 is superior

>> No.10903794

nah, I grew up with adventure 1 and always held on a pedestal, and didn't like adventure 2's edgyness and how it changed the franchise
recently I started to play adventure 1... and got bored, I moved quickly to adventure 2, and man, it IS superior. advebture 1 is just too damm easy, tails can break the levels, knuckles' are short and offer little challenge, amy are super short and has few levels, and so I dropped it just there. i wanted to play big levels again but fuck it, wasn't going to waste more time, (played it for the nostalgia but I'm a busy adult now) I wanted to play adventure 2 since it is more challenging and fun

>> No.10904515
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, Base Profile Screenshot 2024.03.16 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you didn’t get all A ranks, and all emblems, you didn’t beat the game