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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10896947 No.10896947 [Reply] [Original]

What are you playing?

>> No.10897013
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This and I have no mouth are the best

>> No.10897824
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replaying Gabriel Knight 3 for the first time in over 10 years
I remember a lot of things, but some some puzzles I'd completely forgotten about which is nice

>> No.10897848
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I'm in the middle of the longest journey

>> No.10897864

Thinking of restarting Primordia

>> No.10898056

Has it been updated to work on modern Windows? Last time I tried to play that game on Steam so many graphical displays for the puzzles were broken that I had to play it with a walkthrough I printed out from GameFAQs. This was more than 15 years ago, but I never tried again since then. I'd love to be able to do a real playthrough with no guide.

>> No.10898064
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>> No.10898089

I play using https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-longest-journey-hd/downloads/residualvm-for-windows and it works fine, haven't found any problems so far

>> No.10900045

Anyone know of a MS-DOS point and click game set in futuristic/post-apocalyptic washington dc?
I think you have some kind of robot sidekick.
Thats all I remember.

>> No.10900073

is it decent? been wondering if it's worth the trouble.

>> No.10900074

the obvious answer is beneath a steel sky but I'm not sure if it took place in dc.

>> No.10900128

>beneath a steel sky

No, that's not it. I think the MC wore an orange jumpsuit and he reminded me of the actor Matthew Broderick. When I see that actor I think of the game, but I could never find it.

>> No.10900163

need more details, is it pixelated like beneath the steel sky? or it looks more modern? or FMV? first person?

orange jumpsuits make me think of The Dig, but its in space

>> No.10900170

It was like darkseed 2 both in terms of perspective and I am pretty sure that like darkseed 2 the MC was an digitzed actor, but It was definitely older than darkseed 2 since the graphics arent as crisp. and I remember the game started in a green environment, maybe some kind of forest or overgrown park and there being some kind of robot character you can talk to.

I got this got from a CD that came with a bunch of pirated DOS games.
And before anyone asks I am 100% sure this is a real game, I remember playing this and darkseed 1, prince of persia, raptor call of shadows and lost in time and a bunch of other dos games.

>> No.10900179
File: 17 KB, 320x200, free-dc_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I actually found it, its called Free D.C!
This was driving me nuts for the last 20 years or so.

>> No.10900182

congrats, considering it's some obscure abandonware, I wouldn't find it anyway

>> No.10900185

>is it decent? been wondering if it's worth the trouble.

it's pretty great... but some puzzles are insane I would recommend just watching a let's play or something

>> No.10900252
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I like it a lot but I don't know how much of that is nostalgia
the controls take some getting used to, but once you do navigation is fast and smooth (the Inspect/magnifying glass command is really useful)
it has the notorious cat mustache puzzle, but also some of the best puzzles in the series, and the story is great of course
graphics haven't aged that well but I still like them. The town and french countryside setting is really comfy

>> No.10900808
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I'm on my Nth attempt in getting through this one. Hopefully that damned prison loop won't filter me again.

>> No.10900819

I'm in a Larry mood

>> No.10901158

Overclocked: A History of Violence from the creator of Mystery of the Druids. This guy makes some weird games.

>> No.10901362
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Playing the psp port. I heard this is a long game, but so far is giving me a good entertainment.

>> No.10901372
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Not retro, but Larry Reloaded is great for anyone who wants to at least get a sense of what the series is all about.

>56% on Metacritic
I just noticed this now. No idea what the fucking reviewers were smoking. Game is an absolutely solid point-and-click.

>> No.10901393

meme pick but I'm going through mystery of the druids, it really does deserve the attention it got, hits that exact sweetspot of professional production value and bizarre shittiness.

>> No.10902810
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Playing Nancy Drew Creature of Kapu Cave. Nancy drew was the childhood series and im glad ScummVM is finally doing support for the much older games (and steam for the newer ones). This Tom Nook motherfucker is awful. One of the minigames is playing a bad Rock Paper Scissors game that is slow with this song playing on loop https://youtu.be/Uc87beopt8w?si=GFYvUcm6H6ZTFB7m and the reward is a rare shell to build necklaces with so you can sell back to him for scrip which takes up a lot of the Hardy Brothers segments.

>> No.10903227

Been trying to go through all the Scott Adams games with no outside help, but got stuck on Ghost Town.

>> No.10903238

I'm stuck on fun house. I'll get thru it but damn I suck at it.

>> No.10904638

what game is this? I swear i played it but can't remember

>> No.10904836

blade runner

>> No.10904927

now i get it, thanks anon

>> No.10904936
File: 38 KB, 256x230, IMG_6264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is DS allowed on the board? I feel like it should be. Either way, picrel is the best point n click adventure Ive ever played. Fan translation is great if you cant read nihongo.

>> No.10905875
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Doing a second playthrough of Blade Runner, trying to get the rep ending. It has my favorite graphics and art direction of any pnc.

>> No.10905882

About once a year I get reminded this game exists and once a year I want to play it but always end up playing other stuff.

>> No.10906549

Loved this game. Westwood had some serious talent.

There's more than one rep ending. Have fun playing it again!

>> No.10906568

>Is DS allowed on the board?
you could try reading the rules

>> No.10906964

Watching a YouTuber who mostly covers these as there were plenty, especially Sierra, I missed out on. It's amazing how everything in this genre runs on fucking insane moon logic and half the time "playing" them is just checking a guide.

>> No.10907004

>half the time "playing" them is just checking a guide.
If the youtubers you watch have to resort to guides they're probably just scared their videos would be too boring if they get stuck for too long. Unless you have ADHD, getting stuck is half the fun.

>> No.10907086

Which youtuber?

>> No.10907150

Very true, you don't have to check a guide if you aren't impatient. Eventually you will figure the puzzles out. These were games people used to play decades ago and would spend a great deal of time on each one until they finished, not rush through for the purposes of getting a Let's Play video out on time. It really boggles my mind that some people even direct the "moon logic"/it's too difficult for me thing to LucasArts games, which were always notoriously simple and forgiving.

>> No.10907197

I played it for the first time a couple of years ago and it instantly became one of my favorites. And I even played it "wrong" the first time, where I didn't mess with any of the options and by default the character choose an answer automatically without letting me do anything, I miss like 2/3 of the dialog options. So a warning to anyone playing it for the first time, go into the options and select "Player's Choice" instead any of the personalities.

>> No.10908306

I like how you post the image with a bunch of moonrunes, titled IMG_6264 and 0 mention of the game title in your message.
either say what game you're talking about, or gatekeep it and just fuck off
you're a cringy mf

>> No.10908602
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Currently playing Amerzone, it holds up pretty well and the environments are nice.

>> No.10908628

Weeaboo retards are the type of autists who think, "I learned how to read Japanese characters phonetically, so everyone else must have, too!" He probably genuinely thinks that everyone should be able to read that game title phonetically and has no concept of the fact that 99% of the English speaking world has no clue how to interpret that characters on any level.

>> No.10908631

*THOSE characters

>> No.10908835

Oh, I meant me. At least when I was a kid.
It's let's play with brigands. Comfy channel. Chill and doesn't talk too much.

>> No.10908984

>Eventually you will figure the puzzles out
Never happened to me as a kid.
I've only played a few, but I finished none of them.

>> No.10908996

Looks like a fucking Xavier Renegade Angel character. Love it

>> No.10909983

Thanks, I like arealhuman a lot for pnc videos, he's a vtard who makes pretty good videos about edgier horror games in the genre and obscure fmv games.

>> No.10910417

Old nancy drew games were built on a proprietary engine and held together with hopes and dreams with cheaper animation, For a long time they just used the same engine with slight updates. But man they do a really good job as a low budget studio especially with the voice actors.
HerInteractive has been that homegrown company untouched by big giants for the most part no matter what the offer they are given. Its like grandmas cooking sort of quality

>> No.10910661

Been playing through these with the wife but we've been chasing the high of Broken Sword 1 and 2 and nothing ever really does the trick.

Reminder to give Broken Sword 5 a go.
Felt like a return to form if a bit more simple than BS1.

Finished GK1, fun in parts but didn't really like the logic to it.
Trying out Unavowed now but doesn't feel puzzle focused enough for me. Wife didn't like Longest Journey, found the lore dump too dull and was fuming at the duck puzzle.

Any other suggestions? Light hearted with less goof and some decent puzzles is the goal. GK, BS and Nancy Drew seem right but wondering if I missed anything.

>> No.10910686

Does classic survival horror count? They're basically old school adventure games with clunky combat.

I never got into it back in the day and I've just discovered this genre, almost 30 years late. This shit is like crack. I have a hard time getting immersed in most games, but most of these, even the RE knockoffs, really pull me in.

After beating Leon A in Resident Evil 2, now I'm playing SIlent Hill, Parasite Eve II, and Soul of the Samurai. And now I'm playing through Claire B starting yesterday.

Wanna clear out this backlog but I'd like to tackle Galerians after all this.

>> No.10910729

The Curse of Monkey Island (no, playing the first two isn't a must before starting the third).

Also kudos to your wife for not liking TLJ, that overhyped piece of mediocrity.

>> No.10910828

If you liked Broken Sword, have you tried Beneath a Steel Sky?

Also what did you think of the goat puzzle in BS1?

>> No.10910857

>Nancy Drew
are they actually good?

>> No.10910997

i like playing on dosbox staging because it just works delivering nice shaders, some of the scummvm games on gog don't come with the exe which is a shame

>> No.10911180

Sort of nothing with the goat.
I sort of just resolved it by exploring the scene but I did know going in the goat was an infamous puzzle of BS1. Spent more time going back to the police station thinking something would happen, now that we've played through 1, 2 and 5 we know cops are comic relief or simply evil in the BS universe.

Only played the intro of Beneath a Steel sky got it on gog with one of their giveaways. Just got the feeling the environments were going to be pretty similar and didn't latch on. Will give it another shot.

>> No.10912125

When you're out of survival horror games, I can recommend Shadow of Memories for the PS2. It's more of a pure adventure game, but while still playing like a console game. And it's good too.

>> No.10912156

Blessed thread. Is playing The Dig worth it? I think it's the only Lucas arts adventure I haven't played yet

>> No.10912202

Just regular old PnCs? No Myst or Myst copies, no parser games and no text adventures?
Have you tried the Tex Murphy series?

>> No.10912929

They are easier than most point and clicks (usually, there are some of the puzzles in some games that got teeth to them.) since they are made for a younger audience but I can recommend them for a cozy afternoon. Play on Senior/Master for the best experience. I can recommend The Final Scene, Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake, Curse of Blackmoor Manor, and The Haunted Carousel especially.

>> No.10912932
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enjoy, Sokal games are always kino

>> No.10914037


>> No.10914614

>Is playing The Dig worth it?
It's worth playing but it's not their best. The puzzles are more Myst-like, but less intuitive. The graphics are really nice though.

>> No.10915385

Try Still Life or Syberia, both by Sokal and very good.

>> No.10915997


>> No.10916012

DS isnt considered retro. Only consoles from 2000s that are considered retro would be PS2/GC/Xbox and some old PC games.

It's Tingle's Rosy Rupee Land, it received an official translation, and I believe the 2nd game was fan translated.

>> No.10916094

>google img
wow that was hard you fucking retard

>> No.10916202

>point and click adventure game
are there adventure games where you only point or only click?

>> No.10916502

If you include keyboard keys in clicking then there are a lot of only click games. But if you only mean mouse clicks, then no.

>> No.10916557

been messing around with some old parser based adventures. the potential it offers over a strictly cursor based system is interesting but the limited parser makes many of the less straightforward actions extremely tedious, besides wasting time having to type out basic instructions. I'm curious how much they could be improved with modern AI text recognition.

>> No.10917924
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Found this in the archive, has some interesting recs for abandonware pncs. Has anyone played the more obscure ones like Shivers and Obsidian?

>> No.10918937

Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Dry Twice isn't too bad

>> No.10918940
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just replayed this after a looong time.
ffs, it still holds up perfectly

>> No.10920097

I don't remember Shivers as that obscure when it was released, though tbf I never played it myself. I think I had a video trailer for it on a CD-ROM that came with a magazine.

>> No.10920114

My waifu

>> No.10920212

Point or Click Adventure is my favorite genre

>> No.10920330

A touch-controlled game like on a phone would be a game where you only point.

>> No.10920939


>> No.10922459

i can't agree darkseed is so obscure

>> No.10923231


>> No.10923267

Really? It's 90% off on Steam right now. Would you say it's worth 3.50 or am I better off just pirating it?

Yes, I am poor.

>> No.10923818
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Has anyone played Fable?

>> No.10923831
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>> No.10923838

I think it is supposed to be based on how fucked up the game is

>> No.10923843

What game? Search pulled up nothing and it's not a HorrorSoft game.

>> No.10923894

Yeah this is how I interpreted it too. It's more about how dark the game is rather than how obscure.

I was going to say Lighthouse wasn't that fucked up, but then I remembered the depressing temple girl. And the baby slave labor.

>> No.10924235

I think it is Dead Of The Brain

>> No.10925215

Is the remake going to be a 1st person pnc too?

>> No.10925524

Tried to replay it a few years ago. Played it a lot as a child in 96-97. Unfortunately it is close to being unplayable, gameplay is built around "fail this illogical puzzle and watch failure movie again". Animation, voiceacting, story itself, music - the best of the best. Dropped at the entrance to the stadium and finished on youtube. Could have watched it on youtube with the same satisfaction. It is a piece of art with gameplay so ridiculous - it is not even funny.

>> No.10926575

>simply typing the title inbetween all your babbling
wow that was even fucking harder you retarded virgin

>> No.10926649

i like the atmosphere and voice acting a lot, if you can dig that it's certainly worth it

>> No.10926665

pirate of course
the only games worth paying are those you wish you pay after you played them

>> No.10926687

Just finished (replaying?) this, wish later stages were deeper but then it would be too long, background art and voice acting are top notch, miss the crow

I played the GOG version, it works well the only problems were:
- It untypically locks the screen meaning you can't ALT+TAB to other stuff. Only by the end of the game I realized you can CTRL+ALT+TAB
- It crashes when entering police station. Fix is posted 1MB file to be copied to resources

>> No.10926818

Just downloaded lighthouse, had never heard of it before, any other recs for good mystlikes?

>> No.10926831
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Absolute kino setting
Are there any more Sokal'esque games out there? I love that French parallel dimension stuff

>> No.10926851
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almost time for my yearly replay of one of the most beautiful games ever made

>> No.10927017

Yikes, I know they say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but...

>> No.10927068
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opinions of zoomer swine such as yourself are not considered

>> No.10927875

I really liked Lighthouse, but be aware it's like a mixture of Myst and a typical Sierra game. I don't remember if it's possible to get completely soft-locked, the game has quite a few alternate solutions to puzzles and a lot of freedom to choose which order to do things in, which is nice. But in any case it's a good idea to save frequently. Sometimes I figured out a solution to a puzzle when it was too late, and then it was great to have a save to go back and try it.

>any other recs for good mystlikes
Amber: Journeys Beyond was pretty good. It's a Myst-like with a paranormal ghost-house setting. Has great atmosphere, especially if played at night with lights out.

>> No.10928492


>> No.10929245
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Trying to finish this, never made it to the end of the game before, always got filtered at Nimdok's or Gorrister's scenario.

>> No.10929301

What are you playing on?

>> No.10929526


So - obviously I've been playing PnCs on my PC since forever, with a mouse up until now, but am wondering about trying the TV.

Anyone tried doing them on the Wii (ScummVM is runnable on the Wii with some tinkering) with a Wiimote?

Was also wondering about trying it with a bluetooth rolling ball - as I thought that might be a bit better for sitting/lounging on a sofa than a mouse.

I never quite got the gamepad thing with some of them on the PSX.

>> No.10929616

most of the titles on the bottom are unpopular for a reason and vice versa

>> No.10929634

I played the Wii version of Broken Sword after already having played it on PC. I won't go into the added and changed content of the director's cut version, but I thought the wiimote controls were just as comfortable as using a mouse.

>> No.10929796

the meme format is contrarian by nature

>> No.10930360
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playing this kino

>> No.10930374

I was able to tolerate the look the first time I played it years ago, but giving it another go now...nah. guess I've become an old crank

>> No.10930542

Thanks a lot for the rec, just downloaded Amber too, the intro is kino, excited to play it.

>> No.10931562


>> No.10932537

downloaded from steam, on windows

>> No.10933093

Love the graphics of this game, so much soul.

>> No.10933481

love elizabeth

>> No.10933696


>> No.10933731

For me it was Benny's

>> No.10933876

Is this related to Fable rpg?

>> No.10934019

How would one go about playing Black Dahlia today?

>> No.10935034


>> No.10935090

a good point and click adventure thread doesn't die