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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10894889 No.10894889 [Reply] [Original]

I know /vr/ doesn't have many N fans but how come no one ever told me about this? Memorable ghost after memorable ghost, great pacing, its own charm that doesn't feel like generic Mario. Even dying is possible, which helps the atmosphere. At least I'm running around at low health for 2 hours now

I tried 3 before and thought the IP just wasn't for me. It was a bit too slow with more filler rooms, combat had that Hulk smash gimmick and it for some reason had way fewer unique ghosts than the first game seems to have? Probably also didn't help that I played RE Village right before

>> No.10894893

the best ghostbusters game we'll ever get

>> No.10894896

Is this or 3 better objectively? Anyone who finished both?

>> No.10894902

The best thing about is is that you can skip the door animations.

>> No.10894908

Honestly, all classic survival style games have the problem that it feels like you've seen almost everything after 1 hour. I never understood the fascination with having the same 'so dark and spoopy' atmosphere throughout an entire game.

>> No.10894913

And I know LM isn't exactly a survival horror game but it's a play on the genre and imo suffers from the same thing.

>> No.10894928

The solution isn't more variety within a game, it's shorter and more focused games. Preferably with an emphasis on replayability.

>> No.10894934 [DELETED] 

Normies want longer and longer games sadly.

>> No.10894938 [DELETED] 

>I know /vr/ doesn't have many N fans
Trying to fool yourself so you can be contrarian is a new low for this place.

>> No.10894939 [DELETED] 

So much for the “zoomers have low attention spans” narrative, they’d rather have games to focus on long-term instead of rapidly moving between short titles

>> No.10894947

The first and last real spooky Luigis Mansion game. truly a masterpiece of its time

>> No.10894948 [DELETED] 


>> No.10894967

Luigi's Mansion is dy-no-mite! As we used to say.

>> No.10894985 [DELETED] 

ngl "long game bad" was a pretty zoomer thing to say. Everyone always liked games to last one way or another.

>> No.10895001

If low health is troubling for you, you can heal a lot by interacting with the drawer in the baby’s room, with the hearts.
It’s a fun game, not very adventurous but very charming. I like how trying to open a locked door plays the main theme somewhat. Even catching the Boos, which in any other game would be a slog of a fetch quest, is fast-paced and doable without seceding from the main path constantly.

>> No.10895005 [DELETED] 

Go back.

>> No.10895068

The original is the only game in the series with contrast and a genuine spooky atmosphere. The rest are all bright as fuck for some reason and the visual design is a bit Tim Burton. 2 is ass and I'm surprised they're remaking it, but 3 is alright for a game made by Canadians. 1 is the best but very short.

>> No.10895083 [DELETED] 

gotta love how no one in the comments can agree on what the best way to catch ghosts is, some say rotating the stick, some say in the direction of the ghost, some say the opposite direction, some say tapping the stick, some say tapping and holding it a bit

>> No.10895102 [DELETED] 

Why does this faggot always casually spoil endings in all his videos? Legit retard like everyone with a large following

>> No.10895156

>Never heard of Luigi's Mansion
Are you 10 years old?

>> No.10895173 [DELETED] 

>know /vr/ doesn't have many N fans
I grew up a Segachad and love Nintendo. If anything we have more Nintendo autist here than any other fanbase.

>> No.10895414 [DELETED] 

>If anything we have more Nintendo autist here than any other fanbase.
Not really and not like you can blame tendies with all the shitposting and jannies not doing anything about it. There are a million Nintendo forums

>> No.10895425 [DELETED] 

Yeah, id say there are Nintendo enjoyers here, but we tend to be a bit abrasive for the real oot-aid drinking nintendrones with their gaped mouths and insane fanaticism

>> No.10895436

How old are you OP? Luigi's Mansion was one of GameCube's flagship launch titles along with Pikmin and Melee. If you like that, there's plenty more on it worth playing

>> No.10895491 [DELETED] 

Your unchecked OoT derangement syndrome doesn't really prove me wrong that /vr/ isn't a very Nintendo friendly place

>> No.10895515

>takes fishing minigames everyone loves
>turns it into combat

>> No.10895921

From what I remember you roll the stick back and forth in the opposite direction of the ghost. Doesn't the game tell you that?

>> No.10896135

You're being an inflammatory faggot on purpose but I am surprised this game doesn't get discussed at all here

>> No.10896223

The non retro ghostbuster game from like 2009 is the best game. Really the closest we'll ever get to a proper ghostbusters trilogy.

>> No.10896369 [DELETED] 

It's not that /vr/ is "nintendo unfriendly", more like over the years, the honest posting from when /vr/ was new has waned and more ironic /v/ style shitposting took over. In part due to a lot of the old userbase leaving and being replaced.
It's not just nintendo, sega also gets shitposted to death. Popular Playstation games too, although the shitposters don't seem to target PS as much as Sega and Nintendo.
The removal of the unique IP counter also contributed to the quality sinking lower.

>> No.10897465

I remember "rediscovering" this game after I'd gotten it around release, like two or three years later, and being surprised at how good it was. I don't know, it just didn't really click the first time, but then later, bam. It's a phenomenal balance between adventure game design and arcadey score attack gameplay.

>> No.10897486

What do you mean by “roll”
Tilt the stick back and forth from its natural position? Tilt the stick from towards the ghost to away from the ghost? Rotate the stick in a circular motion towards the ghost then away from the ghost?

>> No.10897868

Only your last idea could be considered rolling and no. You point the stick in the opposite direction of the ghost and then roll the stick maybe a fifth or quarter turn back and forth.

>> No.10897875 [DELETED] 

>Normies want longer and longer games sadly.
>So much for the “zoomers have low attention spans” narrative, they’d rather have games to focus on long-term instead of rapidly moving between short titles
>ngl "long game bad" was a pretty zoomer thing to say. Everyone always liked games to last one way or another.
This is why its cool and in fashion to shit on Tooie.

>> No.10897886 [DELETED] 

>Even catching the Boos, which in any other game would be a slog of a fetch quest, is fast-paced and doable without seceding from the main path constantly.
Seceding is based. Fuck this shit game.

>> No.10897887 [DELETED] 

>How old are you OP?
Would it be bad if I told you my 13th birthday was coming up later this week?

>> No.10897890 [DELETED] 

>The removal of the unique IP counter also contributed to the quality sinking lower.
Why the fuck would they get rid of that?

>> No.10897895
File: 609 KB, 2560x1600, Confederate_Flag_3661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even catching the Boos, which in any other game would be a slog of a fetch quest, is fast-paced and doable without seceding from the main path constantly.
Seceding is based. Fuck this shit game.

>> No.10897907


Because its not particularly that good compared to all of its sequels. I never really understood the "vacuum" mechanics either, but all of my friends returned it after a day of renting.

>> No.10897935 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 180x204, 1684683195493036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, what's with the reply holocaust in this thread? Several discussions have straight up been purged from this thread without any reason, and my very post will probably follow. I didn't know our jannies were this fucking tyrannic, did some tranny have a psychotic fit?

>> No.10898163

I'm surprised you never played it. It was a must play on the GC back in the days and could easily be finished with a single rental
It's really a fantastic launch title. The light effects still holds up today and the game looks damn great