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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1088786 No.1088786[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Go to local kmart
>See this
what do?

>> No.1088791

Is it just a video trailer playing for the game? or is the game actually hooked up? Very interesting.....

>> No.1088801

Must be some kinda video, I see no console at the bottom.

>> No.1088794

kmart still exists?

>> No.1088803

>what do?
>take your greentext back to /b/

>> No.1088807

It turns out to be the trailer nintendo put out to hype the wiiu release

>> No.1088805

Wonder what I am doing in a Kmart.

>> No.1088860

Wonder how I got into a KMart in Germany in the first place

>> No.1088879

Kmart isn't dead yet?

I worked part-time for those shits in my first year of university and I honestly don't know how they ever make enough money to stay in business. They're pathetic.

>> No.1089275

Yeah they are still around. Just moved back to Washington From Florida and where I was at down there, both K-marts had shutdown and we have two here, one of em is right next to a 4 way intersection in downtown and on average there's usually about 20 people that visit it a day.

They are only still around because of Sears.

>> No.1089310

Holy shit, 179 for a TV that size? Looks like I'm going to Kmart.

>> No.1089318

We've got a K-Mart here. It's pretty much the "I don't trust Wal*Mart" shop.

>> No.1089324

The K-Mart in my town is a fucking hell hole. It's run down, dirty, and disgusting. I would honestly be shocked if they ring up fifty sales a day. Everyone avoids it like the plague, and the one time I've been there in the last fifteen years, the only people shopping were Pakis and Indians.

The one bright side is that they are never sold out of anything vidya related. I can guarantee you that I could stroll in there on November 15th around noon and leave with a PS4.

>> No.1089326
File: 80 KB, 640x654, 1217769498-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember way back when, K-Mart sold used games. That's where I got Little Nemo, among other games. I remember one time they even had the first Sonic Drift.

>> No.1089442

I find it funny that this guy posts a picture of a TV with Earthbound on it and everyone is like "OMG IS THAT A KMART?!?!"

>> No.1089554

Nobody who has taste gives a shit about Earthbound.

>> No.1089674

What's wrong with it?
I just finished it the other day and it was pretty good.

>> No.1089678

>What is a wii u, which is clearly visible in the bottom

Super epic contrarian opinion, etc. Just don't reply to these people

>> No.1089679


K-Mart is a much more interesting subject in 2013 than Earthbound.

>> No.1089680

they shut down a few years back but then came back 2 years later... I think a different company owns them now

>> No.1089684

it's not that it's a bad game, it's just that it's been hyped by silly hipster nerds that thing it's the best game ever for ages now and people are tired of it

>> No.1089685

>What is a wii u, which is clearly visible in the bottom

>Shiny black on shiny black, perspective makes it look like it's part of the table, only indication that it's anything is the security tag

>clearly visible

>> No.1089990

Earthbound recently launched on the Wii U smart one

>> No.1090019

Why the fuck is Out of This World so cheap?
I mean it's not too common and really good, so what the fuck

>> No.1090271


Well said. I think that most cult classics are like this. Think of films like The Big Lebowski or Pulp Fiction. They're great movies but they lose their flair with all of the fanfare. If we're posting on a movie forum and somebody mentions that those are great movies, it's going to be a total "wow so you just got into movies, huh?"

I have to rise in defense of Earthbound. It's balls to the wall with the jokes. I mean, it is just an onslaught of humour. Most of it is absurd or non sequitur. It's got such an idyllic feel to it as well. I grin like a kid whenever the "Pictures taken instantaneously!" guy spirals down. Sure, the combat is a little dry, but then so is Pokemon. It is the philosophical quest narrative thing with Earthbound that carries the game. I mean, there are so many wisdom quotes and things to think about while you're playing that it takes away from the repetitive combat a bit.

Finally, there is the hype factor. There is something so naturally delicious about the whole "ooh, I'm playing Earthbound, that game that people are endlessly eBaying and trying to get their paws on and it's got the big primary colored box and here it is!" So to what extent that eats into my view of the game, I don't know. I'm willing to at least acknowledge t.

>> No.1090282

You mean on the SNES?
That version is shit dude

>> No.1090391

From what I remember the SNES version is terrible compared to the 32x version (or Sega CD, forgot which failed add-on it was for :^) )
SNES version had poor audio and the fps throughout the entire game was sluggish.

>> No.1090421

Are you thinking of Heart of The Alien, the sequel?
Another World had pretty poor audio, and gameplay speed on the SNES and Mega Drive versions. It's still great, just hasn't aged as well, as say, Flashback, on a technical level.

>> No.1091538

I was looking at that too, up in Canada they have price tags like that but when you get closer it says for the TV stand or for the Speakers and there is a small sign that says 1999.99 for the TV. If this is the price of the TV in murrika then I might make a trip