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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10883779 No.10883779 [Reply] [Original]

What a souless garbage

>> No.10883782

Played this recently. Got to the last stage before giving up. Really hated all the mean "gotcha" tricks they constantly play and the level design. That underwater boss was also a real bitch. I'll probably give it another shot eventually.

>> No.10883815

I thought 1 was alright. 2 and 3 is where they seemingly double down on every bad decision. They basically tried to counteract how people play Sonic by having constant fuck you moments built into its design.

>> No.10883819

Of course it's soulless. Shitendo has never made a good portable console.

>> No.10883831

You're trying too hard, Auster.

>> No.10883835

Based anti-nintendo schizo

>> No.10883865

Nothing to do with schizobabble like "soul". The level design is simply dog shit.

>> No.10883963

I disagree. Excellent game

If you think that's bad, wait until you get up to the infamous Knuckles boss in Advance 2. It's really not that hard though imo, especially compared to some of the stuff in Sonic Rush

>> No.10884462

>another portable console wasn't even on the market for a decade until PSP showed up
>everything else besides Gameboy like Game Gear, Game.com, N-Gage were miserable failures in comparison
wow what a unique astute observation! I relish your nuanced opinions

>> No.10884475

Why has /vr/ become this?

>> No.10884606

But enough about sonic.

>> No.10884609

sorry you didn't get it anon, maybe you should repeat sonic intermediate a few more times first

>> No.10884634

There are no bad Sonic games for a game becomes good simply by the inclusion of Sonic.

>> No.10884694

Rule change, influx of new users

>> No.10884696

People whose nostalgia most closely aligns to gen 6 tend to have worse conduct than people from older periods of time?

>> No.10885305

The cool thing about the Advance games was making those boss fights that are auto-runners. That was pretty cool. Otherwise yeah they weren't great but by Sonic game standards they're okay I guess

>> No.10885314
File: 364 KB, 1536x1536, Internet_is_Full_-_Go_Away_t-shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google "eternal september". Before, new internet forum users were expected to assimilate quietly by paying attention to the behaviour of other posters, mass influxes of new users will either not understand or outright ignore how the older users behaved resulting in a lowered quality of discussion.

>> No.10885317

Nah, they're all equally shit. Why do you think that guy made that post in the first place? Cause he's shit, just like the people he shit on.

>> No.10885320

He didn't shit on anyone, that was you

>> No.10885481

no lynx?
are you an atari anti

>> No.10885818

>Playing sonic in the first place
You did this to yourself, at least now you know to avoid this shitty series.

>> No.10885819

still fun 2D games

>> No.10885884

It's a fun game, it just felt a bit short, this was 2001/2 or whatever and yet it felt the length of a Genesis game.
All characters played too much alike so little replay value there. And getting all the chaos emeralds was a bitch, only way to play as super sonic and get the real ending

>> No.10886980

Hang yourself OP

>> No.10886995
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Oh boy, it's Aussie hour.