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File: 1.70 MB, 2093x1568, ssf2tnl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10882706 No.10882706 [Reply] [Original]

Super Street Fighter II Turbo: New Legacy version 0.9 was released earlier this month.

>> No.10882710

super turbo is so cringe compared to hyper fighting

>> No.10882712

Lookin' good.

>> No.10882781

>look this go to my site and make me earn money for doing nothing.

>> No.10882786

What I'd really like to see are hacks of Street Fightet 2 Turbo on Sega and Super Nintendo that make them Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo!

>> No.10882789

*of Super Street Fighter 2 on Sega and Super Nintendo to make them Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo

>> No.10883009

Why would you want that? You already have the actual Super Turbo to play. The OP hack actually does something novel.

>> No.10883113

Still no super for Akuma.

>> No.10883117

I think there should be a hack of this hack that restores the game to its original state.

>> No.10883123

Because it would be cool. Sega and Nintendo ports are cool, plus you would be able to play them on a wide variety of emulation platforms, AND it would complete the classic revisions of SF2 series (since SNES already has the first 3 and Sega has 2 of them).

Also hoping that Street Fighter 1 NES port made by the Mega Man PC developer gets leaked and dumped someday, speaking of which.

>> No.10883167

You would play it for five minutes and never touch it again.

>> No.10883178
File: 3.95 MB, 498x334, Cammy Sprite 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cammy never again looked as good as her original sprite.

>> No.10883180

>you would be able to play them on a wide variety of emulation platforms
You can already play CPS2 Super Turbo on nearly every emulation platform.

>> No.10883346

>make me earn money
The hack is completely free to download.
>for doing nothing
It took a lot of work to make this hack.

>> No.10883463


>> No.10883489

They had to make her a true 10/10 in bongland for accuracies' sake.

>> No.10883514

Why would anyone play this over the original?

>> No.10883780

true, in the super nintendo her sprite is mediocre.

>> No.10883968
File: 28 KB, 481x309, Cammy-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the SNES version they almost gave her PANTS, fortunately they chickened out of that.

>> No.10884254

there are lot of quality of life changes too, like consistent speed across all stages and if you have ever felt that your shoryus sometime miss in original 2x, you are not alone, original 2x input interpreter is shit, this hack fixes those too,

some common techniques like walking shoryuken always work as expected, generally input wise game feels great and smooth.

also there are some added balance changes, but i understand they are not everyone's cup of tea, but in original 2x, there are some bullshits like claw's barcelona loop, make matchups like claw vs ken much more fun, and in ken his crazy kick has simple qcf motion, and each variant of crazy kick is bound to each kick, so its very good in that regard too,

there are some changes which i have mixed feelings for tho, like chun's stored super, i kind of liked chun's stored super,
but thats okay, playing ryu ken and guile is really fun in this hack

>> No.10884321

Oh, so this is for people who don't want to learn how to play the original. Got it, thanks.

>> No.10884342

why develop muscle memory for something that nobody but yourself will play? no ones gonna run this hack for inhouse events

>> No.10884360

Lovely muscles

>> No.10884483

i was just listing the differences, that people might like, i don't get to play original too though the main regions which play 2x are wayyy far from me, so when it comes to playing with friends etc, its pretty fun,

i also like lot of other hacks of old games too, like there is a great hack for kof 98 called kof 98 easy combo king, it has ton of new moves and lot of modern game like combos, and you can perform all desperation moves with down down, any of the button,

also event argument is weird, 2x is also pretty much a novelty,
also acknowledging flaws and fixing them is not bad, i.e sf1's input interpreter sucks and if a hack fix them it isn't a bad move, it should be welcomed, but this hack doesn't even aim to replace the original, its aiming to be what fischer random is to chess.

>> No.10884521
File: 1.19 MB, 3326x5320, covered up legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are bike shorts (and form fitting from the looks of it which is still nice imo) not like this shit

>> No.10884545

No, you don't have it at all.

>> No.10884548

>no ones gonna run this hack for inhouse events
They already have.

>> No.10884552

That looked more like a mockup then a real frame of gameplay footage because what abouy the 15 color limit?

>> No.10885445

Because it has lots of balance changes which are to the positive. If you think otherwise you don't really have that much experience playing ST.

>> No.10885775

>i made a hack of chess to give pawns more moves guys, it's finally fixed :)
Fuck off.

>> No.10885909

You just don't know what you're talking about.
This game has been received very favorably by the ST community and already had very high level tournaments with the best players involved.

>> No.10885915

>uh my hack is good actually so please go to my website and download it kthx
Buy ad space.

>> No.10885921

And now you've proven not only do you not know what you're talking about in regards to ST, you're also an imbecile in general.

>> No.10885931

>if you don't play my game you're stupid!
Invest in a better marketing team, whoever's writing your posts now isn't cutting it.

>> No.10885952

This is an odd advertisement for a rom hack.
Besides, most of us don't have friends to play it with so it's not going to get downloaded much.

>> No.10886006

You can play it on fightcade.
Also: get friends.

>> No.10886120

Have a discussion and write out a paragraph or so. I'm sure you are capable of more than spewing out the latest 4chan quips.

>> No.10886125

>boost my thread's engagement metrics!

>> No.10886146

OP, post a video (youtube link) so we can at least see what this rom hack is all about. All we see is you talking shit to everyone.
It's basically the worst advertisement ever. You could at least say something like "Blanka is going to make you his bitch. Suck it down."

>> No.10886217

not helping someone who's so lazy they can't even use the youtube search function

>> No.10886228

K, keep me posted.

>> No.10886240

Is there a download link for this rom hack?
I'm too lazy to do a google search, and I honestly don't really give much of a fuck about this.

>> No.10886245

don't spoonfeed him

>> No.10886252

So I just played this, and I have to say it is the ABSOLUTE BEST version of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo ever made. It's so much fun, I made a youtube video that you can all watch.
Also, I'm going to include a link to the website that hosts the file.

>> No.10887658

Still needs to let the winner select a different character if they want. It's very annoying having to press the reset button every time I want to switch characters when playing against other people.

>> No.10888572

how so?

>> No.10888605

>version 0.9
great so I can play an unfinished version of a game that was already bad

>> No.10888890

that's cool, but after going back into ce/hf I cannot stand qsound. I always hated the redubbed qsound dialog, but never realized how hallow the attacks always sound til I started playing ce again. the hard attack bass slaps, really gets me hyped.

>> No.10888936

>no Juri
>no Luke

>> No.10888964

It does look good.
Why do people just reflexively post this evey time it's not utterly boring plain square unaltered pixels? I can't stand NPCism.

>> No.10888969

Then they realized the resolution is too small to see her pussy.

>> No.10888975

Because that is not what a CRT looks like

>> No.10889048

There is no such thing as "a CRT". CRTs varied quite a bit. OP's pic does indeed look pretty similar to a high-end CRT, like a PVM. It doesn't look like the TV you grew up playing on, though.

>> No.10889080

Does it fix the input buffer?

>> No.10889187

Zoomie must have never seen a PVM in person lol

>> No.10889270

>It does look good
No, it does not.

>OP's pic does indeed look pretty similar to a high-end CRT, like a PVM
No, it does not.

>> No.10889360

I wish girls like Cammy were real

>> No.10890301
File: 878 KB, 2048x1536, Nanao MS8-25F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen lots of them as well as the original arcade monitor for CPS2 games. And the OP shader does look a lot like them in terms of the thickness of the black lines. Although it looks like the setting for dot triad size is very small compared to the coarseness of an arcade monitor. Which considering the image is only 1568 means they are using a 1600p monitor and that's not enough resolution for the higher triad sizes.

>> No.10890436

Lmao even, the image you sent looks nothing like the anal seepage that OP shat all over his screen. Adding horizontal lines to an arcade game ≠ a good filter

>> No.10890468

You are too closed-minded and biased against shaders in general to be able to recognize when one is actually good. There is nothing wrong with OP's shader and it does indeed look quite authentic. Learn to formulate your own thoughts instead of them consisting entirely of memes like "lookin' good".

>> No.10890496

I'm not even the anon that said "Lookin' good."
I use shaders myself.
That shader is shite.

>> No.10890649

Yes it does.

>> No.10890653

>I use shaders myself.
Post an example of one you think looks good using the game in question (or the original SSF2T).

>> No.10890664


>> No.10890683

Fake post.

>> No.10890739

>You are too closed-minded and biased against shaders in general to be able to recognize when one is actually good. There is nothing wrong with OP's shader and it does indeed look quite authentic. Learn to formulate your own thoughts instead of them consisting entirely of memes like "lookin' good".
So this is what gaslighting looks like.
>There is something wrong with the way you think.
>Learn to think the same way I think. Here, let me tell you how to think.

>> No.10890837

st balance is fine
last time someone tried to fuck with it, it was called HD remix and it sucked
I simply don't believe you that "the st community" likes it, I've literally never heard anyone discuss it

>> No.10891115

>st balance is fine
It really isn't and it's blatantly obvious 30 years down the road from release. Claw is very overpowered and too easy to dominate with. Cammy is basically an unfinished character. Glitches abound that directly affect game balance to the negative.

This hack is for people who have 10000 hours of ST and recognize it's weaknesses instead of knee-jerk reacting and pretending ST is a game we can never improve on.

>> No.10891118

>I've literally never heard anyone discuss it
also if you've never heard of anyone discussing this hack you're not part of "the ST community". The main discussion ST hub, the No Honor Crew keeps up with it and has many players who enjoy the game. MegamanX has hosted tournaments for it at Brooklyn Games and Arcade.

>> No.10891152
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start.gg tracks the game.
There's been a few tournaments submitted already


This isn't all of them. There is a series called 2X In the Mirror that is considered the world championship for the game, but it is held online through fightcade.

>> No.10891428

HD Remix did not suck. It was different and fun.

>> No.10891549

>Claw is very overpowered and too easy to dominate with.
skill issue
>Cammy is basically an unfinished character.
she's not unfinished her kit is just ass in a game where fireballs are so strong. every game has characters who have a harder time thanks to universal mechanics, just get good
>the No Honor Crew
literally who? your dumb online clan isn't the ST scene lol. I literally go to one of the largest ST monthlies in the country every month and nobody is talking about this dumb bootleg
nah it sucked. there's a reason it died competitively right away while ST is still seeing regular events

>> No.10891721

>there's a reason it died competitively right away while ST
That is a lie. It had tournaments for about three years.
The reason it fell out of popularity was the merging of the western and Japanese ST scenes.

>> No.10891738

Going to tournaments hasn't saved you from being an ignorant scrub.
>literally who? your dumb online clan
Especially in this regard. NHC is the main discussion board for English language discussion of all things Super Turbo. It's akin to you going "damdai? mao? rizone? never heard of any of em'" and then claiming to be in touch with the ST scene. If you're at all involved in online discussions of ST you're going to run across this group.

Could be forgiven if were part of the French scene and didn't speak English (and it would still label you a know-nothing scrub anyway), but since you clearly do there's no excuse.

>> No.10891785

>Skill Issue

Bitchfag, he can literally loop people to death and its over, and the FGC defends this because MUH TOKIDO the same FGC filled with sexpests, yeah fuck em

>> No.10891797

Whole thread is a bunch of zoomer posers shitting on a hack cuz it doesn’t fit their YouTube narrative lmao

>> No.10891851

>the FGC defends this
The FGC does not defend it. It turns a lot of people off of playing the game. And as the years have gone by and with the dominance of Mao and Hokuto in recent times it has become even more starkly apparent that this one tactic is game breaking. Japanese tournaments these days often have oddball rules involving ratio systems and teams to give other characters more of a chance to be played and win something. Because a straight 1v1 tournament favors a Claw winner so heavily.

I like NL a lot, but I think it's more likely the community will ban just N. Claw. O. Claw is still there for the Claw players and is more balanced against the rest of the cast.

>> No.10892629

>>last time someone tried to fuck with it, it was called HD remix and it sucked
didn't daigo personally help tune it? from what I recall, several top players were consulted in rebalancing

>> No.10892905

I don't think Daigo was involved, but several other top Japanese players were consulted.

>> No.10892956

HD Remix was very novel for the time, but the graphics have aged really poorly and most people would rather just play the original ST balance.

>> No.10893146

>"damdai? mao? rizone? never heard of any of em'"
literally only heard of rizone lol
nobody cares about your little online clique dude you vastly overrate its relevance
>online discussions of ST
the ST scene is found in arcades and on fightcade not your gay little forum lmfao
>he can literally loop people to death
so can Honda and Boxer lol that's just the nature of ST, don't get put in that position in the first place
idk what to tell you except get good

>> No.10893151

top players were consulted but the final say rested with known moron David Sirlin (aka the guy who tried to make "Chess 2" with zero irony) and he made some idiotic choices

>> No.10893169

Every single change was approved by those top players.

>> No.10893175

>claims to be an authority about ST
>has never heard of the current world champion nor one of the most famous and winning players in ST history
You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

>> No.10893297

feel free to quote me claiming to be "an authority" on ST lol
I'm just not into faggot shit like glazing top players or obsessing over the flavor of the month, I go to one of the biggest locals in the country and actually play the game with other people who actually play the game. now and then I'm in NY and I play there. from time to time japanese players come to my area for big ST events, maybe one of the nobodies you're glazing is in that group.
anyway point is I spend a lot of time around people who actually play the game instead of just talking about it online, and nobody has ever mentioned your little bootleg. ever. not once lmao

>> No.10893303

according to who? Sirlin? lmfao

>> No.10893768

okay kid

>> No.10893816

I accept your concession :)

>> No.10893817

>nyway point is I spend a lot of time around people who actually play the game instead of just talking about it online,
You're talking about it in this thread, dumbass.

>> No.10893918

I like Game Boy shaders just fine, CRT shaders look like puke and you're as delusional as you are young.

>> No.10894029

your reading comprehension needs work lol
consider the meaning of the word "just" in the sentence you quoted

>> No.10894081

What makes you think you're the only person in this thread who plays offline? What makes you such a special snowflake?

>> No.10894229

I guarantee none of you fags go to locals lol
people who care this much what people on the internet say never do. the internet is all they have so they treat it like it defines the scene

>> No.10894240

Your sheer ignorance of the fact you're not any different from the rest of us fags is staggering. You've been replying to this thread for three days now. You very clearly do care what people on the internet say.

>> No.10894459

I go to locals and I don't pretend any of this internet bullshit matters lol we are not the same

>> No.10894559

You can play SF1 on TG16

>> No.10894978

Are you blind and stupid?

>> No.10894984

That's a meaningless statement. I couldn't possibly care whether it looks like a CRT, in your imagination.

Yes it does, it looks very good. I'm sorry that makes you unreasonably angry.

>> No.10895202

Yet you keep replying.

>> No.10895405

what can I say, I enjoy tweaking brittle people lmao

>> No.10895741

I play it.

>> No.10895832

Honda and Boxer's throw loops nowhere even close to as powerful as Claw's wall dive.

>> No.10895974

this. that's the fate of all "what if" post mortem port jobs. literally a waste of time at this point.

>> No.10896196

skill issue. learn to anti-air lmfao

>> No.10896212

>but. What if the game is legit brocken and bad atsom..NO. GIT GUUUUUUD GIT GUUUUUUUD
>could you please just listen to what ihaNO, GIT GUUUUUUUUD, GIT GUUUUUUUUUD
>uh. Are you ok buddie?
>Oh yes. There's the stroke.

Saying GIT GUD or ADAPT, is jist the same as people calling people Gay or Fags back in the 2000s, it literally means jack shit anymore.

>> No.10896215

ok stay trash I guess

>> No.10896264

fuck you nigga, adapt

>> No.10896273
File: 1.14 MB, 250x213, 2L9FYzx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT fight em

>> No.10896285

You're an idiot.

>> No.10896307


>> No.10896797

not an argument.

>> No.10897429

What's different/new about Ryu and Zangief?

>> No.10897473




>> No.10898329

You can read about all the changes here:

O. Ryu is essentially a new character based on HF Ryu. Zangief is very buffed to allow him to have less lopsided match-ups.

>> No.10898397

I just want ST with no rng and no slowdown

>> No.10898398

techlets plz leave

>> No.10898410

All the stage speeds have been unified in this version. There are no fast or slow stages anymore.
The slowdown from getting hit by fireballs and other moves is still there because that's a fundamental part of the SF2 gameplay style.

>> No.10898429

I'd like to play a hack that rearranges the music.
I love the original tracks but I've listened to them for thousands of hours.
I've hacked the Dreamcast version to replace the music and that is fun but I can't play that version in 224p and it does feel a little different in timing from the arcade.

I think it would not be too hard to switch around the ending tracks to the stage tracks. Some of the ending tracks would work well as stage music, like Fei-Long's.

>> No.10898682

The slowdown is still inconsistent then?

>> No.10898986
