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1088042 No.1088042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about Zelda?


What was your first? What is your favorite enemy to fight? (Pic unrelated)

I'm considering rummaging through Flea Markets for a decent quality Gameboy and Link's Awakening to start a new retro collection after my old one got destroyed.

>> No.1088045


First was LTTP.

Favorite enemies? I don't even know. Let's go with those dudes you have to flip over with the hammer.

My favorite is Oracle of Seasons, even though you didn't ask.

>> No.1088046

First was the original for the NES. I don't really have a favorite enemy to fight.

Also, I missed out on playing the 3D Zeldas when they were new and now I can't really get into them. I made it to adult link in OoT and to the Zora's dungeon in MM, but I've never made it any further.

>> No.1088047

Get your filthy paws off those innocent games, you black widow.

>> No.1088053
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A Link to the Past

Tied between aLttP, OoS and TP

The Wind Waker

>Favorite Enemy
Either the Armos Knight from A Link to the Past, who just have a neat pattern and pinning them to the wall with the bow and arrow is fun as hell, or the Goriya, who Mimic Link's Movement.

>> No.1088059
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But it wasn't me who destroyed it, friend. It all happened 12 years ago, when the collection was still too recent to be retro. My parents decided to get a divorce and one of them was very vindictive. My vidya and toys did not survive.

Anyways, my first was Link's Awakening and my favorite enemies are WW Darknuts.

>> No.1088061

My first was Oracle of Seasons.

My favorite was... Oracle of Seasons. I got lucky with what my first Zelda was.

If we aren't allowed to pick our first Zelda as our favorite, then I'd pick Link's Awakening.

Seriously, all of the GB/GBC Zeldas were top-tier. What makes them so special?

>> No.1088068
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I'm surprised how many people I see claiming Link's Awakening as their favorite. I've recently come to the conclusion that it is mine, as well.

As far as the GB/C Zeldas being awesome, I think it has to do with the overworld and frequent use of items. Just about every screen has some mystery tied to it.

I also think that something about scrolling from screen to screen creates a more intimate atmosphere.In 3D Zelda you can see so much more at once and it just feels empty.

>> No.1088080

Link's Awakening somehow feels the most epic even though it's on such a small screen. I guess the sheer number of screens has to do with it. Also the Tal Tal Mountain Heights theme.

The flame temple in OoT also blew my mind with the quality of the sound and the atmosphere of danger.

>> No.1088095

My first was Link's Awakening. Honestly I'd say the 2 Oracles and Link's Awakening all 3 tie as my favorite. My favorite 3D one is Wind Waker though.

I can't really think of a favorite enemy at the moment though.

>> No.1088097
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>> No.1088101

A lot of people like it because of the way it made them feel about the story. You were rushing headlong to the destruction of a dream land and all its inhabitants, there wasn't going to be a good ending to that, even if they weren't technically real. All the other Zeldas end on a fairly happy ending, one that makes you feel complete and glad that you've finished it all. LA makes you wish you could go back and find a way to preserve the island.

>> No.1088121

link to the past was my favourite but i'm man enough to admit that it's because my first and because it introduced me to the zelda way of doing things

that said, i only recently finished wind waker for the first time, and that might very well be my favourite. that exploration

>> No.1088125

I believe it was my step-brothers LADX, but it could have been Oracle of Seasons.

OoS is my favourite of the bunch. I don't really like the 3D ones, I've tries playing several of them a few times and just can't get into them.

>> No.1088179

my first was the original LOZ.. my favourite is either LttP or LA..
my favourite enemies are probably the giants around the pyramid in LttP, because they remind me of my grandad

>> No.1088397

Let's see

Oracle of Seasons. I loved that game so much even though it took me forever to figure it out (I was mostly a platformer guy so this was my first time playing anything that didn't involve jumping and collecting shit)

Can we choose modern Zeldas? Because my favourite will always be Wind Waker. If not then I'd got with a Link To The Past. The two worlds concept made that game feel so epic back when I played it.

>> No.1088592
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I'm not a big fan of the gameboy zeldas, something about them just irks me.

Favorite fight is always Dark Link.

>> No.1088613
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OoT, though I didn't get into Zelda until WW

LttP, WW

Zelda II, though the challenge was refreshing

>> No.1088620

OoT. I feel cursed as it was my uncles hand-me-down and he gave me the strategy guide with it. and well, i couldn't NOT use it, i was like 10.
Toss up between links awakening and the original.

>> No.1088629

First (and favorite) was LttP. My favorite boss has probably got to be Mothula. Fuck Blind, I know that fight is set to a pattern, but for the life of me I cannot get it down.

>My vidya and toys did not survive.
I'm sorry man, that's rough.

>> No.1088818

Link's Awakening
>favourite enemy
The Nightmares in LA, though the Volvagia fight in OoT comes close.

>> No.1088917
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, freezor ice demon thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First was ALttP.

Favorite enemy would probably have to be those ice statues (demons?) that come out the walls in the Ice Palace. Some sites call them freezors.

Pic related.

>> No.1088920

>What was your first?
Ocarina of Time, emulating it on Celeron 500Mhz was suffering

>> No.1088919

>it has to do with the overworld and frequent use of items. Just about every screen has some mystery tied to it.

I think you hit the nail on the head. It seemed like everywhere I went in the GBC Zeldas, there was an area where I'd be thinking about coming back when I had the right item.

>> No.1088925

For some reason, that dungeon always gave me a sense of worry when I played it as a kid. I always thought something was going to go wrong and that I'd end up fucking it all up.

Blind's tough, you're right. Probably the hardest boss in ALttP.

>> No.1088931
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>As far as the GB/C Zeldas being awesome, I think it has to do with the overworld and frequent use of items. Just about every screen has some mystery tied to it.

That's exactly why I love Link's Awakening. Getting new items pumped me up.

>open chest
>mfw it's an item that doesn't let me access more of the map

>> No.1088979

>>open chest
>>mfw it's an item that doesn't let me access more of the map
Well, once that starts happening, you've already seen the painting in the south shrine, and the game switches from quirky adventure to melancholic doom. It makes sense to cut down on exploration in favour of the finish by that point.

Still annoying the first time around, mind you. "What do you mean, this game ends? ;_;"

>> No.1088981
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>Celeron 500Mhz

Oh lawd.

>> No.1089007

Link's Awakening.

>Mid-90s in Texas
>know sketchy poor redneck kid
>he always had obscure cheap games that were occasionally really good, but often sucked
>often trade him my really good first-party games after I got tired of them
>suddenly he shows up with Link's Awakening
>heard of Zelda and know all about it, but never owned any of the games
>trade him back a game he traded me earlier
>get Link's Awakening and it is glorious

He also gave me Ninja Taro and it was also really good

>> No.1089015

i started with legend of zelda back in the 80s

my favorite enemy was the manhandla -- nothing better than having friends who struggled with these beasts watch as you blew it apart with a single well-placed bomb.

>> No.1089018
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oh forgot pic

>> No.1089039

First was the Original Zelda, although I wouldn't actually beat it until after beating most of the others. I don't even know how we had it when I was a kid but we did and I played it and I think I even beat a few dungeons. That or Super Mario Bros were literally the first games I ever played.
First one I ever beat was Ocarina of Time even though I was too young to do it without my older brothers help.
I don't know if it constitutes as a favorite enemy but I remember Queen Gohama really blowing my mind the first time I fought her.

>> No.1089069

Wait, they can be killed by BOMBS!?
Fuck man i never knew that!
i refused to use walkthroughs or FAQ's beyond the manual

>> No.1089085

i found it out on my own...hated those fuckers, the way they went faster each time you cut off a head. i had to find another way

>> No.1089135

My first was Link's Awakening, but the Oracle games have always been my favorite.
Sixteen dungeons together, plus the boss and bonus dungeons, from both directions.

I'd be playing romhacks, but I don't have an everdrive or anything and I just can't work the controls right on a keyboard.

>> No.1089137

Do you have a PS3 or Xbox 360 controller?

>> No.1089203

Will a gamestop controller work?
I actually like it better than the normal one, it feels like a Gamecube controller.

>> No.1089219

What kind of Gamestop controller? If it's a third-party Gamecube controller, you can buy an adapter that allows it to use USB. I'm not sure if it works with a third-party controller, though.

If you've got some spare spending money, check out the Logitech wired PC game controllers on Amazon, or a wired Xbox 360 controller (shitty D-pad, but better than keyboard/mouse). Alternatively, use a PS3 controller with the XInput Wrapper.

>> No.1089220

What I wrote looks confusing. What I meant was:

I know the adapters work with a genuine Gamecube controller. I'm not sure if they work with third-party Gamecube controllers.

>> No.1089221

Who here has never played the first two Zelda games?

I feel alone here. I don't have the patience to play them but I've been meaning to.

Also, who here has played the first two Zelda games, but only after they played the other ones?

>> No.1089242

It's a PS3 wireless controller from gamestop that hooks up to the console with a receiver plugged into the usb port.

>> No.1089263
File: 67 KB, 803x724, Seasons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat The Legend of Zelda after playing every other Zelda game sans 2.

I can understand the admiration for it and respect how expansive it is considering the era when it was released--it is definitely a landmark game--but I just can't enjoy it.

If I had played it at the time I would probably have nostalgia for it, but it never found a way into my NES catalog. Frankly I don't think it aged well at all, especially compared to other NES games I played for the first time as an adult.

>> No.1089345

You sound like me, anon.

I keep meaning to give the 3D ones a chance but they just don't appeal to me at all.

>> No.1089665

It's pretty much a pure dungeon crawler. It was revolutionary for its time - on consoles, anyway -, but to me, it lacks the charme Zelda developed in the later games - LttP starting it (Albeit not too much of it), and LA really getting into it.