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File: 102 KB, 252x177, Harvest_Moon_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1085814 No.1085814[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Harvest Moon thread?
Harvest Moon thread.

Yesterday was the harvest moon.

>> No.1085905
File: 20 KB, 250x247, 1825904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been playing Harvest Moon 3 for GBC recently, I tend to emulate stuff semi-randomly at work but this one stuck. That game is actually pretty neat, I played a lot of 1 and 2 for the gameboy years ago and the improvements that brought 3 up near par with other versions while keeping the GB games' relatively unique take on it make it fun. Remind me, do other HM games let you customize clothes colors?

i tried to play my old hm64 save but i was too heartbroken by how perfect life in that game seemed
and my wife has my ex's name

>> No.1087348

The only HM I can remember that let you customize your clothes was More Friends of Mineral Town. I think later games let you customize your clothes to a certain extent but FoMT is really the latest HM game I've played.

I know for a fact that the 3DS one has a ton of customization options. I really need a 3DS to play it.

>> No.1087764

HM3 was the one that had a ton of entertainment activities like movies right?

>> No.1087820


Yep, it is. There seems to be a fair amount of side stuff to do but you have to wait until days you can head from your island over to the mainland to do it. But I just started essentially, haven't even finished the first month yet.

>> No.1087843

>Played Harvest Moon 1 on an Emulator 6 or 7 years ago
>Decide I should get it for SNES so I can enjoy it properly
>It should be cheap because why would anybody like a farming simulator?
>eBay has 3 buy it nows for over 200$ cart only

I really thought this game would be an easy grab. As a result, I have a sealed copy of Friends of Mineral town and a Wonderful Life for the GCN.

I feel kind of shitty for not playing them but I think my theory was if I held onto these two games sealed I could pay for a good quality SNES harvest moon after selling them, but it seems they hit a peak of 100$ for Mineral Town and 50$ for Wonderful Life and I think for both I payed 60 or 70$ total. This was a shitty plan and I wish I played them but now it's a waste to open them so I want to find used copies but I feel bad spending money on games I already have and it's just a terrible cycle.

>> No.1087850

Emulate them.

>> No.1087864

I think even if I got the games I wouldn't enjoy them as much as if I just played them when I got them and my friends had the games as well. I remember going to his house and he would play A wonderful life and it looked like so much fun but I thought I would enjoy it when I'm older or some shit like that like waiting until marriage for sex like an idiot. I wish I enjoyed games when they came out with my friends.

>> No.1087872

>even if I got the games I wouldn't enjoy them as much as if I just played them

And if you never play the games, you'll never enjoy them at all. Ever.

>> No.1087878

Do you know what I mean though? Like when the game came out I bought it and instead of playing it when all the hype was out I held onto it so I could sell it later on. Instead of enjoying the game I watched my friends have fun and instead of joining the fun and discussing the game I had it sitting in a box and completely forgot about it until a month or two ago. I won't sell it either because it's one of my only sealed games and it does look cool. But now that I've played other harvest moons and rune factory I don't think I would enjoy it as much especially since I am in the middle of several other games.

It might just be me being weird but that's how I feel, I won't sell the game but I won't play it but I feel bad for owning it. I still badly want to get a SNES Harvest moon because it is so addicting and fun.

>> No.1087880

all of my feels to you sir. a friend just posted about this on facebook today. Found "her" save file on a game.

>> No.1088087

>Want to play Harvest Moon on the SNES
>$180+ on Ebay

Why do I need to emulate yet another SNES game just to be able to play it?

>> No.1088094
File: 229 KB, 892x663, Popuri1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked my 2004 FoMT save up exactly a year ago, got married, trained the sprites, got all the upgrades, got teleport stone, made a ton of money, had lot of fun, and quit before what would have been my most profitable season ever.
I want to pick it up again someday but I'm afraid I won't remember all the planning and mechanics and will fuck it up.

>> No.1088096

Wat. There's a teleport stone? I don't remember that. How do you get it / what does it do?

>> No.1088102

Floor 255 of the spring mine. You can teleport to map entry/exit points like the front of buildings or areas.

>> No.1088103

Obviously being on the bottom floor it's a true bitch to get.

>> No.1088105

I had no idea that was a thing. Now I might need to bust out my FoMT.

>> No.1088108

It has to be after the second year, you need to fill your rucksack with Elli Leaves and exercise extreme autism when digging or else you'll pass out: save at start of floor, find stairs, reload and go directly to stairs, save in other slot, go down stairs. Unless there are no stairs, then reload from other slot and try again. 255 times.

>> No.1090441

If you've never played it I recommend Rune Factory for the gameboy advance. It's a fantasy harvest moon game with monsters and farming and stuff

>> No.1090458
File: 11 KB, 99x200, waifu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HM64 was the fabled treasure of my childhood, my cousins had it when I was really young and I finally got it like two years later.
I could not economics when I was that young. Thinking back on how I only bought one pack of seeds at a time and only kept one of each animal (aside from chickens) makes me laugh, but the save file always seemed way more "personal" than the "better" ones. Especially since Maria still fell for me and my shitty farm.

>> No.1090492
File: 40 KB, 251x400, art-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked ann most,
i liked how she build stuff for me, was tomboyish, was outgoing and enthusiastic about her job and her life, i felt she was a strong and independent female, she was the kind of girl i'd fall for in real life.
after i married her she changed clothes, didn't do anything of the things she loved anymore and never left the house.
zomg i ruined her life ;_;.

>> No.1090508


i married elli. she was already a homebody.

>> No.1090516

You'd be amazed. A lot of the "improvements" in the newer games honestly distract you from the core gameplay. The original feels more... Focused.

>> No.1090583

The customization didn't really happen that much until the more recent games. I believe AWL had clothing that changed by seasons.
Unfortunately, the later ones are really not that great, though A New Beginning was very refreshing and fun, but it really didn't feel like Harvest Moon, but more like Animal Crossing with a bit of Sims in it.

>> No.1090602
File: 9 KB, 200x200, Celia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been really considering getting the one on the 3DS lately, but $40 is a bit much for it, I think.

Is it worth it? Is the farming good? Is the fishing good? Are the wives/husbands good?

And personally, I like Celia.
Is that a bad thing? No one ever seems to share my opinion.

>> No.1090651

That's only cause marriage in HM is lame. That'd never happen IRL, so cheer up. I love tomboys too, too bad they're so scarce IRL...

>> No.1092208

The first month is really fucking bad. Otherwise, there's a lot to do, such as making clothes, buildings, facilities and all that. The farming gets very repetitive, moreso than the last games because even the goddess watering can doesn't help too much now, but fishing is profitable, and the character creation is alright. Waifus are eh and husbandos are eh.
Overall, out of the most recent ones, it's good, but it's very flawed.

>> No.1092272
File: 239 KB, 450x600, gray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gray is best husbando

>> No.1093290

True. Shy guys are the best.

>> No.1095481

No, I think she's actually the most popular girl in the game.

>> No.1098436

The one problem I have with Harvest Moon is that none of the characters seem to have more than 10 lines of dialogue. It's hard to think of them as people, that way.