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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 167 KB, 250x361, Super_Mario_Bros._box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10864926 No.10864926 [Reply] [Original]

Was it really reasonable to expect children get to the end of the game with 3 lives and no saves? Imagine getting this as a child and having to start at the beginning every time you wanted to play

>> No.10864930

It was designed for Japanese children, so yes.

>> No.10864931

>dumb zoomer doesn't know about warp zones

>> No.10864934

I mean I did get this as a child and started at the beginning every time. It didn't bother me. Eventually you find shortcuts and/or get better and it was fun to see how far I got each time while I slowly learned where all the green mushrooms were.

Granted at the time I only got like maybe 2 games in a year so it wasn't like now where I'm spoiled with choices. Maybe I was used to arcades where lives were limited also but this kind of thing never bothered me.

I don't understand the point of this thread honestly.

>> No.10864936

you can beat the game in under 5 minutes anon

>> No.10864993

It's a good game, and you're supposed to play it multiple times.

>> No.10864997

Huh? Why? What's the point of playing the game again if you already know the ending?

>> No.10865007
File: 73 KB, 400x400, MarioWalkImproved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a continue function. Having to press an something at the Game Over screen to continue was standard at the time and everyone knew that.

Besides you can get plenty of extra lives throughout the game, saying you only have 3 is disingenous.

>> No.10865012

1-ups are hidden, the chance of a player finding one in the course of normal gameplay is practically non-existent.

>> No.10865020
File: 462 KB, 1051x388, how to run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta read the manual to learn how to do the super mario super run

>> No.10865024
File: 1.63 MB, 512x480, DT2_map2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for secrets was second nature to players at the time, I had no trouble finding things like this at the age of 8. The 1ups in Mario are nothing

>> No.10865035

I never beat it as a kid but then wouldn't games be too easy if they were all designed for kids to beat them?

>> No.10865051

nice larp

>> No.10865080
File: 13 KB, 206x46, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not for casual children

>> No.10865082

I beat this game when I was 6 ngl but I had a lot of time on my hands.

>> No.10865090

Yeah same, but 5 years old. My dad really liked the game and got pretty good at it so I just copied what he did.
Also, the only games I had were this, Duck Hunt and Thundercade...plus the occasional rented game.
There was no Super Guide or White Tanooki suits to keep my skills from developing. The only way I was going to make progress in SMB was to get better, and I did.

>> No.10865109

That's cool, it probably took me longer because I did it pretty much by myself because we lived in a very remote place in my childhood and my dad was never around. I actually was known as the kid who was really good at video games because I could beat the Mario and Mega Man games. When SNES came out I ended up dropping platformer shit and focused on RPGs, which take no skill but I just wanted positive stories looking back I was probably pretty depressed.

>> No.10865113

This game feels miserable to play. It's just waaaay longer than most NES games with just copy-pasted levels and dice rolls with Bowser and the Hammer Bros. I can't believe Nintendo looked at this and thought an asset flip sequel with hardly any additions and even worse level design were a good idea.

>> No.10865167

I could do it on 1 live as a little kid. End was hard though, Hammer Bros. could ruin a run.

>> No.10865169

Hate to be that anon but I did it at 4.

>> No.10865178

I'm >>10865090, I'm 99% sure I actually did it at 4 as well but I didn't think anyone here would believe me lol

>> No.10865224

zoomer-kun, you are aware that you can get extra lives in the game?
also you can git gud, the game was literally packed in with the system at one point
there's also warp zones put in there for a reason

>> No.10865238
File: 145 KB, 798x644, 1702236120310967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfagging on /vr/

>> No.10865243

yikes senpai

>> No.10865249

ok zoomer

>> No.10865253

This, plus there's the continue trick (pressing A+Start after a Game Over) and the 1-Up shell glitch.

>> No.10865257

>just punch every block in the game!
>just jump randomly looking for kaizo blocks!

>> No.10865259
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, mario-anime-1986-1650319341726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dice rolls with Bowser and the Hammer Bros
>an asset flip sequel
After fully completing that asset flip sequel I can deal with Bowser and Hammer Bros consistently in SMB1. Hammer Bros seem bullshit at first but SMB2J straight up forces you to learn how they're programmed to behave and how you're supposed to get past them, there are so many of them in this game that relying on luck like in SMB1 8-3 for example is just no an option. Unless you are playing the All-Stars version that checkpoints you after every level, in this remake you can still brute force through shit

>> No.10865262

Doesn't change the fact that no save feature is shitty outdated design

>> No.10865271

You need a save feature in a game that takes 30mins to complete?

Time to stop playing old games

>> No.10865272

>forces you to learn how they're programmed
No it doesn't, you can avoid the attacks just by waiting for the obvious timing. You're not a speedrunner, stop larping.

>> No.10865276

>you can avoid the attacks just by waiting for the obvious timing
That's what I meant, I should've said their behaviour. I don't give a shit about speedrunning

>> No.10865281

>not knowing what a trip is
Yikes x2

>> No.10865326

SMB1 was easy for its time, and this bait is still weak

>> No.10865328
File: 375 KB, 1400x1832, Nintendo Fun Club News Issue 3 (Fall 1987)_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Name of The Game is Challenge!
>I think the main reason for our success is the fun of the video game challenge. Our games are increasing in sophistication. And that gives you a chance to develop more game skills, master tougher challenges, and have more fun than ever.

>> No.10865330

comments like this show how zoomers intentionally fail to understand anything that came before their time

>> No.10865332
File: 3.51 MB, 2280x3944, challenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*snap* this goes in my challenge collection

>> No.10865334
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>> No.10865336

or you read magazines or talk to your siblings/friends who also played the game and learned secrets, or you watch them play and see where cool stuff is.
if you’re zoomer-kun playing the game in isolation on your chinkheld, then you’d be missing a lot of context, but that’s not actually the case because you’re being disingenuous. You can just watch streamers or YouTubers play the game and they can be your parasocial siblings/friends.

>> No.10865550

noooooo gamers didn't like challenging games! Games were only hard because of predatory business practices like avoiding rentals! They needed to pad out the game! M-muh quarter munching arcade design... how else am I going to impress my discord friends with my list of retro games I save-stated through...

>> No.10865975

He doesn't means playing after finishing it, but playing it after a game over. You can discover new things in each playthrough and the options on how to go about them are many for its time.

>> No.10865986

>Was it really reasonable to expect children get to the end of the game with 3 lives and no saves?
It's a game made in the Arcade style. The game challenges you to get as far as you can, if you beat it then nice job, but it's not like not beating the game means you haven't played it, that's just the end of the challenge.

>> No.10865990
File: 140 KB, 426x220, 1426988131295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the chance of a player finding one in the course of normal gameplay is practically non-existent.

>> No.10866031

Every kid hit every question block. There’s plenty of 1 ups in the question blocks. You’re gay, a liar, and a gay liar.

>> No.10866036

IQ Test: Why does the UP arrow on the D-Pad show ???

>> No.10866041
File: 615 KB, 500x375, shut the fuck up frog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frog posting on /vr/

>> No.10866050

well I mean if gamers like challenging games then how do you explain avgn?

>> No.10866054

Put your trip back on so we can filter you plz kthx

>> No.10866090

check out the enclosed instruction book
there's a button combination that returns you the start of the world you game overed on

>> No.10866105

Was never a trip. Check the archives

>> No.10866125

uh, this was like in the 2nd wave of NES games, save batteries didn't exist until legend of zelda
(technically a coleco prototype of tunnels and trolls had one IIRC)
also if it irritates you that bad play the All Stars version, it uses the SMB Famicom source code as a base and was supposed to be one of the launch titles of the SNES CD

>> No.10866156

he's a fag. hated him ever since I saw the castlevania 2 review. that game isnt the best but to hear him whinging like that about it was annoying. but to his credit, he does like atleast one hard game in the form of contra

>> No.10866162

>SMB Famicom source code
Really? Its physics make it feel like it was made from the ground up

>> No.10866171

AVGN isn’t about criticizing difficult games, it’s about pretending to be retarded and making stupid faces

>> No.10866173

Back in the day it was okay because nobody took it seriously. Now it's just a depressing vlog about an increasingly balding man who abandoned all his friends and considers himself some kind of authoritative video game reviewer.

>> No.10866175

Wat, AVGN doesn't dislike hard games. I mean, he said he liked Zelda 2

>> No.10866250


>> No.10866280

how did i fail? nintendo of america had the same opinion as me. your brain is rotting gramps

>> No.10866281

i read the full manual and there's no mention of said combo

>> No.10866340

>save batteries didn't exist until legend of zelda

Zelda was a FDS game, it didn't need a save battery.
The first Famicom cart with a save battery was in 1987 though

>> No.10866408

It must've been a super secret like the up button.

>> No.10866417
File: 242 KB, 1170x283, IMG_6940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10866424

>smash all the bricks
>also manual:
>the bricks are people

>> No.10866436
File: 165 KB, 1016x430, IMG_6941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in the manual, but this was in the Official Nintendo Players’ Guide from ‘87

>> No.10866448

yeah I live in north america so 1987

>> No.10866454

shit you got me. I swear I remember seeing that in print somewhere.

>> No.10866475

games were supposed to last you really long back then so they were made hard on purpose. I can honestly say I don't think I actually started beating games until the Ps1/N64 era. back then you had a handful of games you replayed for years and were supposed to get good or go play outside

>> No.10866506

>I actually started beating games until the Ps1/N64 era
Even on the PS1 I liked autistically starting a game from the very beginning without having finished it. And it's not like I didn't have a memory card, that's just how my brain worked at the time

>> No.10866598

>if all Marios are destroyed by the enemy
What a way to phrase that.

>> No.10866619


Fuck Nu/vr/

>> No.10866637

The turtle jump was always easier to do on the All stars version, whereas on the NES its always faulty.

>> No.10866743

Stopping at game over and coming back later is the best way to play these games.

>> No.10866772

The manual says only the bricks that reward you are the transformed Mushroom Kingdom denizens

>> No.10867648
File: 16 KB, 470x480, 1673210157100343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are gamers... really that afraid of failing and retrying once or multiple times to improve yourself? You're supposed to learn how to get better and more consistent at said obstacles in the game.

>> No.10867675

>retrying once or multiple times
There are 32 levels. Imagine getting to world 20 and dying and having to do 20 levels all over again

>> No.10867681

>and having to do 20 levels all over again
This guy, lol

>> No.10867684

nice watermark twitter enthusiast

>> No.10867702

The whole game is like 40 minutes long

>> No.10867703

Nothing I said was incorrect

>> No.10867721

I truly despise this entire zoomer attitude.

I have nothing but contempt for you. You aren't human, and I'm tired of pretending you are.

Your life is incorrect.

>> No.10867754

I got the image from /v/, so I suppose that explains that.

>> No.10867760
File: 37 KB, 240x240, 1642599033485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Yes, you are now aware of what lies ahead of you. You SHOULD play better now and get farther. Stop being a faggot with no knowledge.

>> No.10867762

Honestly got irate when I went searching for Guardian Legend videos on youtube and saw some fat lard bong load the game up, fly into enemies in the intro stage, die at its boss, and give up on the game after barely 4 minutes, calling it complete trash and if you like it something is wrong with you. Had single comment of someone say he fucked up and couldn't even reach the actual game, and he responded "hurf the game took too long to get me interested that's the game's fault not mine!"
Yes I mad.

>> No.10867819

You can literally continue from the last level with start+a on the main screen.

>> No.10867863

i don't need to imagine

>> No.10867868

there are plenty of coins even if you don't find any extra 1ups

>> No.10867920

i think people itt don't even realize how convoluted the requirements for even spawning the hidden 1up blocks in smb1 are

they're not all 1-1

>> No.10867929

You sound unhappy

>> No.10867971

Because your parents didn't buy you many games.

>> No.10867974

Nintendo thought the sequel was too hard, thats why we got doki doki panic. You're just too stupid to understand and walked away from your youtube videos with the wrong lesson.

>> No.10867981
File: 242 KB, 654x527, 1688482553352236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw father limited me to 2 new games a week after I got an A- on my math test

>> No.10868263

SMB1 is one of the most popular games ever and I'm really surprised that lots of people don't know this: collecting all coins in the third level of world x = hidden 1up spawns somewhere in the first level of world x+1. Basically if you collect all the coins in 2-3 you can find a 1up somewhere in 3-1

>> No.10868273

There's this long forgotten hidden stat that's inherent to all games called experience. You accumulate it in this game by completing tasks such as jumping over goombas, kicking shells, finding power ups, and completing levels. At a certain point you level up to gud, and can complete levels.

>> No.10868278

Why would you even think to collect all the coins in a game that doesn't even have a shop to spend them at?

>> No.10868353
File: 1005 KB, 1536x869, 1000002459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10868372

Avgn still appreciates getting gud and finishing Contra.

>> No.10868375
File: 1.77 MB, 684x854, 1704502751894618.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek get fucking rekt bus wagies and tard wranglers
>retards 1
>wagies 0

>> No.10868379

and now he makes millions of dollars a year from passive income to fund his crippling video game addiction and gold digging wife

>> No.10868384

It was awesome. The game has so many secrets and warps and ways to play it you don’t mind starting from the beginning each time. It’s also how you get good and find secrets.

Back in the day we did best it, but world 8 was hard and a filter. Without a firepower you were pretty much toast from those hammer bros. Later on I got better against them thanks to the lost levels.

>> No.10868526

Wow, I never knew this. I always assumed it was just a bug or old game jank when a 1up wasn’t where I expected it.

>> No.10869301

ITT: people falling for weak bait.

>> No.10869432

No, they knew that the sequel was trash

>> No.10869467

Climbing vines, right? But it's ? ? ? because they're a secret

>> No.10870273

Reminder that if you used any of this, you didn't beat the game.

>> No.10870276

because it's fun

>> No.10870282
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>> No.10870304

zoomers are pussies even in gaming

>> No.10871753

>3 lives
>no saves
discover warp zone = save
>secret continue function
acquire the knowledge of it

>> No.10872062

You do this now as a dev and people will rip you a new asshole for being “vague” lmao

>> No.10872123

the only issue I had with these games when I was a kid was that you became an expert on the easier levels since you always replayed them but you only got a few chances at the harder later levels.
its a minor issue though

>> No.10872139

When you get 100 coins you automatically buy a 1-up.

>> No.10872378

Zoomers don't play games for enjoyment, they do it to check them off on a list and want to do so as quickly as possible.

>> No.10872512

Maybe if you use the warp zones but that feels like cheating to me. It's an intentional design decision but still, they skip too much content for my taste.

>> No.10872718

>warp zones

You didn't beat the game.

>> No.10872721

imagine a hidden toad house where you could buy new mario skins with coins... you could finally play as green mario without exploits...

>> No.10872725
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, 1685057620708411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You didn't beat the game.

>> No.10872779

The newest game, Mario Wonder, is literally based on the feeling people got finding the secrets in the old Mario games, you stupid fucking zoomer.

>> No.10872783

? The game is literally a checklist of not-very-hidden items. And it's based on stage-specific gimmicks that have nothing to do with old Mario games.

>> No.10872784

Zoom Zoom

>> No.10872787

I had to type code to tell the computer to launch an executable off an external disk drive before I could read to play games as a kid.

>> No.10872791

>When I think back to the first time I played the original Super Mario Bros. (8) game, I remember feeling that it was full of hidden surprises and wonders. Coins would come out when you hit the blocks, and your body would grow bigger with Super Mushrooms. Back then, everything was new and packed with unexpected delights. However, now that the Super Mario games have been enjoyed by players for many years, those things have somehow become ordinary. That's why Tezuka-san's goal was to create moments that even modern players would find unexpected and wondrous.


You are a zoomer so the idea of playing a game until you game over to come back and play again in the next sitting and find something new each time is beyond you. It was an integral part of the game. The "Wonder" they're talking about is all the hidden shit that you claim no one found, when it was actually so central to its design that recreating that feeling was the entire basis for the newest game in the series.

>> No.10872792

>saves your progress
>infinite lives
>npcs telling you what to do
>"open the menu to see what super secret items your missing from each stage!"
>"this is totally just like smb1!"
>calls other people zoomers

>> No.10872793

So you read articles from nintendo.com designed to sell video games in lieu of having an actual childhood. Zip zop zoopity zoom, my friend.

>> No.10872794

You're intentionally misrepresenting my point. Wonder is trying to recreate the feeling people got when discovering things like the beanstalks going to the cloud sections with tons of coins, or finding warp zones or hidden one-ups. They didn't just copy those elements because everyone's already seen them before. Whether or not they succeeded is besides the point, the point is those elements were important enough to the design of the game that the developers themselves based the newest game entirely around it.

>> No.10872806

You are actually fucking retarded and do not understand a single thing about game design if you are incapable of comprehending what the devs are trying to say.

>When I was playing Super Mario Bros. on the NES, I was amazed that you could warp to different places. You could go underground by entering a pipe or go up to the sky by climbing up vines that appear when you hit a block. So I wanted to utilize this idea to create a game with new wonders.

These are the things the zoomer said no player ever found.

>> No.10872812

so you didn't actually play the game, you just read marketing material

>> No.10872820

I replay SMB1 at least once a year because its momentum physics are borderline perfect. I played Wonder once and will probably never touch it again because it's braindead easy. That still doesn't change what the devs were going for, or that the secrets have been an important part of Mario's design from the beginning.

>> No.10872825
File: 37 KB, 586x578, 1696836908820165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a dev said he thought about a game while making this game so clearly this game is that game

>> No.10872827


>> No.10872847
File: 124 KB, 653x523, 1684893401376795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder is just New Sup with extra gimmicks.

>> No.10872853

A better question is: Can you beat 8-4 without a shroom/flower? The hammer cunt + final bowser are such a pain in the dick

>> No.10872935

Yes. I've had the experience. Nowadays if your secret isn't hinted at one way or another, it's "bad design".

>> No.10872965

yes you fucking zoomer

>> No.10873025

The interesting thing about these is how they were fun enough to play for an hour and under a megabyte

The other one that is wild is the arcades from this time how they were under 5mb and still beat some games now in regards to creativity and gameplay

>> No.10873729

The reading comprehension level of /vr/ plummets once again.

The fucker isn't trying to praise Wonder or say the interview quote is accurate to how the game feels to play in any sense, he's responding to >>10865012's claim that ordinary players wouldn't find the secrets in SMB1. That's it. That was the point of his post. The devs wanted to replicate the feeling of finding said secrets that so many players including themselves went through, and failed miserably at it. But the intent exists regardless.

>> No.10873736
File: 571 KB, 600x580, 1701747632702465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow anon you sure know a lot about the intentions of this guy who totally isn't you and are very emotional about defending the honor of this complete stranger on the internet

>> No.10873753

>wow anon you sure know a lot about the intentions of this guy who totally isn't you
Well, yeah. I can read, thankfully.

>> No.10873763

>you're the same person so your point is invalid

>> No.10873831

Its not about the destination OP, its the journey that matters.

>> No.10873850

>Imagine getting this as a child and having to start at the beginning every time you wanted to play
I fucking hate zoomers

>> No.10874491
File: 132 KB, 2251x987, 9182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, this is going to be really off-topic, but I had a random thought yesterday after playing SMB3 through yet again. Is it possible to get soft locked in World 3 if the airship moves to the island, and you don't have a hammer and thus can't get to the boat? Or does the ship never move there?

>> No.10876689

and they aren't even original gimmicks...

>> No.10876708

quit bumping trash threads

>> No.10877025

That's really cool! Wow!!

>> No.10877043

This was the point of warp zones

>> No.10878062

Warp zones were meant to help with testing for development. Players were never supposed to find them. The devs didn't expect that players would ever figure it out.

>> No.10878090

Posts like this are a sign we are one generation away from 'old games are impossible and all evidence of them being cleared was faked!'

>> No.10878149

This is retarded. When devs want to test certain levels they implement a debug feature / cheat code which is infinitely easier and more convenient than creating warp zones at the end of some levels.

>> No.10878154

I have faith that the next generation will be different. People always go against their parents, they'll realize their parents were retarded and understand the point of challenge in a video game.

>> No.10878164
File: 27 KB, 267x373, AlexKiddInMiracleWorldBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alex Kidd in Miracle World was the same bullshit.

>> No.10878191

anon they didnt hve modern testing tools

>> No.10878195

You can't be this stupid, this has to be bait

>> No.10878531

that's the point, he's playing it up. it's a character, not a legitimate review

>> No.10878568

you don't actually believe that the devs were entering the konami code every time they went to test, do you? stuff like that gets added specifically for players, devs just swap a value in the source and do a build that starts the game directly in level 3

>> No.10878686

Yes, SMB1 really isn't hard at all if you bother to play it for more than 5 minutes, which I assume most people are incapable of doing these days.

>> No.10878741

>"swap value in the source" to start at level 4
>flash the rom to test
>now want to test level 3
>gotta "swap the value in the source" again and flash the rom again

This is stupid

>> No.10878758

>Yes, SMB1 really isn't hard at all if you bother to play it for more than 5 minutes, which I assume most people are incapable of doing these days.
When I replayed SMB3 for the first time in nearly three decades, I kept getting my ass handed to me, but now I can play through the entire time and end up with more lives than I know what to do with.
Also, if SMB 3 you can continue from the last level by hitting A and Start at the same time.

>> No.10878842

games aren't made by retarded indie devs testing things haphazardly dumdum

>> No.10879384

I did when I was 6.

>> No.10879442

This game turned gaming children into gaming men. If you didn't beat this by the age of 12, you will never be a true gamer.

>> No.10880016

In an interview from issue 14 of the Japanese game magazine Dorimaga, Kazuhisa Hashimoto, who programmed the Famicom port of Gradius, recalls the origin of the Konami code:
>"The arcade version of Gradius is really difficult, right? I never played it that much, and there was no way I could finish the game, so I inserted the so-called Konami code (laughs)."

You couldn't have chosen a worse example, fucking lol

>> No.10880057


>> No.10880217

>pretending to be retarded.

Yeah.. pretending...

>> No.10880535

Why are we forgetting AVGN is a game that James Rolfe has confirmed, as far back as 2008, being a caricature of the "lifeless nerds bitching about old games online" with some of his childhood experiences sprinkled in? Why do people still believe AVGN reviews were "legit" and not just entertainment?

>> No.10880548

I did it at 5 but I was playing it non-stop and dying a ludicrous amount of times. If there's a will there's a way because I usually suck at video games.

>> No.10880551

When people don't know the context, they just see him as either a broad parody of a nerd or just an actual nerd getting angry at games (hence why so much of youtube after him was about trying really hard to get angry at old games and make fun of them)

>> No.10880552

>a game
I meant a character, christ.

It's really sad.

>> No.10880585

the issue is moreso zoomers taking his bullshit seriously and parroting the played up views as real

>> No.10880668

I beat this game under a few weeks as a little child

I only got B's at the most in college algebra 2

Contra is harder and snes contra (ending of it) is harder

>> No.10880671

There's a hidden hard mode, but you will never, ever access it because not only does it demand perfection, but other feats in such a convoluted order that everyone here thinks it's fake, so I refuse to go into detail anymore.

>> No.10880795

You are a dumb faggot.

I raped your girlfriend.

She liked it.

>> No.10881143

>I raped your girlfriend.
>She liked it.
Kurgan pls go

>> No.10881174
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you didn't play the game the exact same way I played it, you didn't beat the game.

Stop not being meeeeeeeeeee.

>> No.10881185

If you add these two lines to the custom filters in uBlock Origin it will automatically remove all posts with a name and/or tripcode associated:

4chan.org,4channel.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))
4chan.org,4channel.org##.post.preview:if(.postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))

>> No.10881202

I'm pretty sure the airship can only be on empty spaces marked by a coin. And I have no confirmation but it probably can't be on a space that isn't presently accessible by the player.