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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1086190 No.1086190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Gonna visit the States for a shopping spree. Which stores are the best? Actually, which state should I visit?
I want consoles and games I never even had as a kid plus all the games I foolishly sold and traded. A geek middle age crisis? Probably.

Related question. I travel light like daddy taught me. I only carry what's absolutely necessary plus what I know I won't be able to purchase upon arrival. Sometimes I come home with less stuff. That's why I don't know what's the situation about declaring goods. Never had to do that before.

>> No.1086324

You're going to visit US just to buy retro games? Seems like a bad idea. Anyway, if you come to chicago, there are a bunch of retro game stores, and not a far drive away north is milwaukee which has a bunch more.

>> No.1086325

For handhelds you can just pretend you had brought them with you to begin with, and I'm sure customs wouldn't care about carts, however systems you might need to declare but I doubt it. Hit up the pawn shops.

>> No.1086330

ship your crap home through ups like a normal person.

>> No.1086359


Why are some of the barcodes on the N64 carts white and some yellow?

>> No.1086360

You can perhaps mail them back to yourself as a gift from the US, but Europe = fags when it comes to mail, and will cut shit open and apply arbitrary VAT charges to the recipient.

>> No.1086396

That takes for ever! I'm uncharacteristically impatient at the moment. Also, I wanna browse. I wanna go in the store and grab things, ask for games, talk to the clerk with my cool, thick accent, if they tell me they don't have a particular item I wanna say "I'll be staying for the next three weeks, you think you can get it for me? It'll be... how you say? Special order. Here's my number", and I wanna pay with wads of cash.

Cool. If I wear a bunch of pockets and I have a handheld device on each I'll feel like I'm a smuggler. Cartridges can just go with the rest of my baggage you say? That's good.

It's a bad idea if you plan to buy five or six things. I've been paying myself 13,911 American dollars (and 3 cents) per month for three years now; and I live comfortably with FAR less than that. That means I've been saving a lot of money. I'll actually need more pockets. I'm gonna make some store owners very happy.

I'm not European, though.

I wouldn't know. I just needed a pic of old games so I googled "retro games".

I've been to the US twice. Once as a toddler and once as a teen. Both times I've stayed in New York, so when I think "USA", I think New York. Good stores there?

>> No.1086468

I used to live by this freakin' sweet place near Lake View. Visited there once, don't remember what it's called.
My wife and I were strolling through the neighborhood and I chanced upon it. Unfortunately, she didn't let me buy anything. Or maybe fortunately. Could've done some damage there...

>> No.1086474

You're not hitting your wife hard or often enough.

>> No.1086529

NY is a shithole. High AIDS infection rate, high violent crime rate, high murder rate, and NY is run by merchants who have made it their goal to disarm the law-abiding citizens of the state.

The worst states in the US are New York, California, Illinois, Mississippi, Louisiana, Utah, and Massachusetts.

I hear tales of plentiful and low-cost video gamery in the southern states, but I don't have any specific cities to recommend. I'd recommend my home state, which has a shitload of game stores, but unless you are coming to the US for the SOLE REASON of buying classic American games and systems, there is no reason to visit Ohio this late in the summer.

>> No.1086550

Certainly no generalizations here...

>> No.1086660

If you've lived in any of these states, you would know. Ask /o/, /k/, and maybe /pol/ if you can get past all the freeper bullshit.

>> No.1086678

Visit the Disc Traders in Lansing, MI. We're actually really fairly priced.

>> No.1086694

OP I guess you could find some overpriced retro gaming stores in New York City, but if you have a chance you should go on Craigslist and find garage/yard sales in the surrounding areas. Look for ones that say "games" or "video games" in the description. It might take some searching, but you may come across some real treasures for much cheaper than resale, and you might have a chance to see a side of America you wouldn't experience hitting the tourist-y spots in the heart of the city.

Just a thought, regard or disregard as you see fit.

>> No.1086715

You don't buy old vidya from game stores anymore, resellers are selling shit at prices that aren't worth it

Emulate it

>> No.1086728


I live in Illinois.

There is nothing wrong with Illinois. In b4 someone digs up crime statistics from Chicago or East St. Louis, because as we all know, two cities make up an entire state.

>> No.1086740

If you want a good deal then certainly do not come to Washington. I have yet to come across a shop down here that isn't trying to rip you off. And I don't mean in the sense that regular resellers would. No places like my local shop take Amazon's prices, and tack on 20-30 dollars. Then we have another shop that sells things for super cheap, but all of their disc based stuff is scratched to hell and their cartridges look like have been through hell and back.

>> No.1086746

but you have shops that sell weed

>> No.1086773

>live in small Georgia city
>too big to be redneck trailer park shithole
>but too small to resemble anything past 2004

It mostly sucks, but the good part? The retro bubble never came here.

I can go to yardsales and Craigslist and get retro games for dirt-cheap, and I don't have to compete with roving eBay reseller Jew-squads that go around and buy up all the games.

>> No.1086783

But I bet you can't find anything beyond the usual crap those rednecks play, like Wii Sports and Madden '95

>> No.1086790
File: 286 KB, 1669x1125, 123rf_BigSur_California_9197946_ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well OP, you've got a choice: you can either visit the most beautiful place in the world, which has everything you could ever hope to find anywhere, or you could visit somewhere that isn't California.

>> No.1086795

You'd be surprised. My county is next to one that's truly a bumfuck shithole, and when I start getting towards the edge of my county, that's when the true retro goldmine comes out because it's usually middle-aged dudes or grandmothers getting rid of old games.

That said: within the city, it's mostly 360s and stuff, but sometimes I get something good. Stuff sold in the city is usually from the last ten years.

>> No.1086803

Same guy here, amending this:

SELLING games is a pain in the ass here, but that's fine because I like to actually keep my games.

Not retro, but last year I tried to sell a PS Triple on Craigslist, and got loads of phone calls at 1 AM asking me to drive down to the downtown ghetto and meet them in a parking lot. One literally asked me to meet him "near the old train station on MLK Boulevard," which has been abandoned since before even my mom was born. Whenever I would tell them I wanted to meet at the mall in the middle of the day, they did everything they could to get off the phone as fast as possible.

I thought it was hilarious how blatant people can be about trying to get someone down there to mug them. Who is seriously dumb enough to be meeting people in the ghetto in the middle of the night in a dark parking lot to sell 250 dollar consoles?

>> No.1086804

Hate to rain on your parade, but any rural area anywhere in America has these "grandmothers and middle aged dudes" getting rid of these old games, hoping to maybe get a couple bucks and figuring they'll give the rest to goodwill. Being immersed in the retro gaming world, we too often forget that 90% of the population has no clue that any of these games are worth anything.

On a side note, these sales are a good place to find vintage Beatles records, which can sell for a fuckton on eBay and fill your Paypal with retro gaming money.

>> No.1086806

I like Mississippi. Lax laws, low cost of products (including games), low population, and a lot of forestry. The only downfall I could see, and while a large downfall, is what its population is made up of, but generally the niggers keep to themselves.

That said, I recommend Fort Gordan, Georgia, if you can gain access to it. I vaguely remember what seemed like ever other house had a garage sale every other day.

>> No.1086816

>Hate to rain on your parade, but any rural area anywhere in America has these "grandmothers and middle aged dudes" getting rid of these old games,

For real. A lot of people really should go out to the sticks if they want retro games.

>> No.1086825
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>being that big of a pussy
Baby scared of a little mugging?

>> No.1086842

Remember, to sell on Craigslist, you have to approach the buyer/seller like you're going to a drug deal. Last time I picked up something worth over $500 that couldn't be sold in public, I brought two buddies along who were concealed carrying and another who was waiting in the car to call in if shit hit the fan. Sad, but it's something you have to do.

>> No.1086854


When you start treating buying video games like buying drugs, it's time to get off of craigslist.

>> No.1086857
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>that couldn't be sold in public
What was it Anon? Also, how much should you pay a bodyguard for such a transaction?

>> No.1086863

I visited two retro stores in South Texas. The first, one out in a smaller town, had prices that were almost exactly ebay mean prices for sold auctions. The guy wasn't making much of a profit off of the games, but you were going to find any great deals. I still go because it's the only place I know of that play MTG and other tabletop games, as the place started as a comic book store originally.

There was a retro store in Houston, but its prices are pretty inflated. You can find just about anything there compared to the small one in Victoria, but you'll pay more than you would if you'd just order it through ebay with a little patience. They only do game related sales. Also, Houston's a hellhole, I can't recommend going there unless you're looking for a work visa.

>> No.1086864

a copy of stadium events that was full of cocaine

>> No.1086865


Don't I know it. The closest I EVER got to actually meeting any of the dozen sketchy people trying to get my PS3 always involved my lifelong buddy going with me, and he was a massive dude who worked as a bouncer at some volatile redneck bar that had an inflatable Dale Ernhardt Sr. car on the roof.

>go to the cafe at Books-a-Million at 4 PM when it's packed
>buddy with me
>buyer calls
>" 'ay man, uh, my truck broke down behind Piggly Wiggly, you come meet me there?"
>directly behind Piggly Wiggly is surrounded by heavy forest and there's no direct line of sight because you have to drive through a dirt road to get back there
>politely but firmly tell him no
>without thinking, buyer cranks the car up over the phone and starts driving was sounds like a loud-ass diesel truck
>"fuck. 'ay, lissen, i gotta get back to the studio to finish my new record, imma call you back"
>hang up
>my friend and I crack up laughing

Also, I learned that "let me call you back" is Blackenese for "I'm not calling you back." I heard that line so many fucking times.

>> No.1086869

>hiding drugs in vidya
As a hyper paranoid teenager, I used to hide my weed and pipe in the big expansion bay in the back of my PS2.

>> No.1086871

Two arcade cabinets. And I didn't pay the guys anything beyond a meal at a fancy restaurant, it was a few buddies who were staying in town for a while. If you had to hire someone, I'd probably suggest a PI or someone in a similar line of work, but you'd be paying a good amount for their services.

I've bought guns off of individuals in the same fashion as well, I figured why not be just as cautious when dealing with other expensive goods?

>> No.1086876

>visit wife's family in the States
>return with a carry on full of retro vidya

Fuck, on US sales tax alone you save big.

>> No.1086882

>make floppy disk that reads "VIRUS! INFECT SCHOOL MAINFRAME WITH THIS" right on the label
>realize I'm 10 and have no idea how to make a virus
>put MIDIs from VGMusic on it
>get caught with it at school after showing it to a friend
>get in HUUUGE trouble
>they open it up and find MIDIs
>think they're viruses because these people are all 50+ and can't into computers
>get suspended for an entire week

>> No.1086896

I loved the old days. I remember downloading the Tiberian Sun demo, finding mapdata was in plaintext files with no sort of encryption, and modding in techlevel 10 on the two demo maps.

At school, I figured all programs worked the same way, so I started opening up files on one of our reading measurement programs in an attempt to modify my score for exams. I used an admin password we had for our tech class, accessed the server, then dug around until I found the file containing user data.

I then found out there's a checksum and modifying that file caused everyone's accounts to stop working and gave the tech department a massive headache, but to this day, I never got caught for it.

>> No.1086950
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>didn't let me

>> No.1086976

on the plus side, back then there was no one sitting there calling you "edgy"

>> No.1086984
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I see what you did there. Ho Ho!

>> No.1086993

Hmmmm. My new key chain!

>> No.1087017
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>not listening to your wife

>> No.1087479

I was expecting for that to move. Didn't really know how exactly.

>> No.1087583

>not having an equal relationship and knowing your limits

>> No.1088004

Go to japan instead

>> No.1088182

I can't speak Japanese. Never been there by my own.

>> No.1088606

I am also a georgia fag, the yardsale scene is still alive here (more that most places), but shit is usually in aweful condition, half looks like it was stored in a barn with animals (damn dirty ass rednecks).. and yes a LOT of madden carts and genesis sports games in general. But occasionally you will score a gem.

>> No.1088662

Go to Japan instead, like that other guy said. The US is pretty shit all around.

>> No.1089654

Aren't Japanese games in Japanese?

>> No.1089835

>Implying it matters with retro games
most aren't text heavy plus it isn't the 90's anymore there are guides online for pretty much all the games if you don't speak jap

>> No.1090930

>Baby scared of a little mugging?
Yeah, what kind of pussy is afraid of being mugged?

>> No.1091520

>nothing wrong with Illinois
You are using an absolute, so of course I want to prove you wrong by digging up Chicago and East St. Louis crime statistics in order to prove you wrong.

>> No.1092158

Generalizations are always wrong.

>> No.1092749

Yet another Georgia fag, for better or worse I have seen effects of the retro bubble here.
It's mostly guys selling Sega Genesis and NES, but these shmucks think they'll sell Pokémon Emerald for $35.

>> No.1092973

> California
> Having anything with worth
I can't laugh at you hard enough.

>> No.1094014

It actually matters.

>> No.1094106

Statistics, however, aren't. Illinois is a shithole. My grandpa grew up there and doesn't even see it as the same place it's so hellish now

>> No.1094808

So, generalizations are never wrong?

>> No.1094815

>Actually, which state should I visit?

Montana is pretty, or at least I heard from my Dad. I enjoyed staying on the Pacific North-west coastline for a week a few years ago and it was gorgeous. My family and I made clam chowder with fresh clams we caught. The beaches on the Gulf on the Florida Panhandle are all just as beautiful as their south Florida counterparts, but much less crowded. The islands around there are worth visiting too. Try to avoid big cities like NYC or Miami because they're congested and awful, all they're good for is a layover to a different city. If you're in the South, try out the cooking. Barbeque, Texmex, all that, it's delicious.

Oh wait are you talking about buying video games? What an awful idea. Good luck finding anything. The only people who post here who actually find anything worth sharing spend all weekend scouring their town on the weekend.

>> No.1094968 [DELETED] 

It's seriously hard to believe that none of you knows of at least one cool and relatively well stocked used games store.

>Try to avoid big cities like NYC or Miami because they're congested and awful
>Try to avoid big cities like NYC or Miami because they're congested and awful
I happen to love crowds, stressed drivers honking and people barely containing their anger around me. NYC rules.

>> No.1094974

It's seriously hard to believe that none of you knows of at least one cool and relatively well stocked used games store.

>Try to avoid big cities like NYC or Miami because they're congested and awful
I happen to love crowds, stressed drivers honking and people barely containing their anger around me. NYC rules.