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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10866653 No.10866653 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone actually bothered with emulation on iOS? While I think it's a great step to create mainstream interest in emulators and maybe inspire some would-be devs, I just don't see the point. No buttons, no external storage. MAYBE I can see myself throwing some simple turn based Gameboy/SNES RPG's on it, but I have a couple chinkhelds and 2 hacks 3DS's, so... why?

I know I'm definitely not the target audience for this, but I'm curious about everyone's thoughts.

>> No.10866682

While I wouldn't play on it at home when I have my PC, I will probabky never play a shitty mobile game again when I'm out and about if I can pop some actually fully realized video games in there. It being shittier doesn't matter if it has the convenience of portability, and there's also DS games. Personally I am conditioned to play games with retroachievements so I am waiting for retroarch to be put on mobile, I think they might actually do it

>> No.10866694

I made a similar thread the other day and some faggot janny deleted my thread immediately.

Anways, it's neat for GameBoy / GameBoy Color and GameBoy Advance games that don't require the shoulder buttons. I've been playing a lot of GB/GBC and they all play great even with touch controls. Kirby Pinball of course being the best GB game.

I don't understand the people playing GameCube or DS games. The layout is absolutely fucking abysmal on touch screen. These guys definitely are taking screenshots of themselves playing Animal Crossing on phone then never touching again because it's fucking unplayable.

>> No.10866714

no because i have real hardware & several android devices
i dont want 3rd party privacy stealing JANK on my iphone that i use for work
i have lewds on there and the last thing i need is a woman complaining that they leaked

>> No.10867507

just get an android for fuck sakes OP it's cheaper too and ironically lasts longer

>> No.10867528

android phones definitely don't last as long as iphones in general, especially factoring in security and os updates
android has some open platform advantages, but ios has closed platform advantages, and the best android phones are more locked down than ever anyways

>> No.10867551

>especially factoring in security and os updates

like that fucking matters lol

iPhone cucks and their copes

>> No.10867570

lasts longer because you can’t afford a new one

>> No.10867571

i use my ipad to emulate, and it's nice

>> No.10867575

it does, your brain is a meme

>> No.10867758

I'd like to make use of the fact iOS actually has nice OLED screens and can probably handle shaders without issue but I'm not about touchscreen pseudo-buttons. And those little grippy things you can get as controllers look hella gay. I suppose I could try the bluetooth thing though, but then I don't know how I'd hold it.

>> No.10867765

>ironically lasts longer

Flagship Android phones get maybe 2 years worth of updates. Apple is still updating XR which was released in 2018. You're a fucking moron lmao.

>> No.10867874

I have a shit tier android from 2019 that still gets updates. no need to be so weird and tribal about phones bro, its cringe

>> No.10867889
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Controllers do exist for iOS, it's the actual software that's the annoying part to navigate around thanks to requiring a jailbreak and etc. etc. It's fine I guess but as you said there are better methods

And, as a Famiclone connoisseur, I prefer just using those for a quick game of Tetris or Donkey Kong. If people want Game Boy or SNES then they can just get a GB300 or SF2000 or something

>> No.10867979
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>Controllers do exist for iOS
>requiring a jailbreak
Droidlosers love parroting iGrievances from a decade ago. It's right there in the app description.

>> No.10868064

Delta works like a charm. Many controllers bind up with zero headache. There are plenty of DS games that don't require constant button inputs, and work great primarily on touchscreen. Just throw a joycon or 8bitdo something in your pocket if you want to play real shit on the go.

>> No.10868171

Back when I had an Android phone, I played to completion a few of NES puzzle games (ex Fire and Ice), SNES/GBA RPGs, and NDS visual novels (most of the Ace Attorney series). Nowdays I’d rather do other stuff on the little idle time I spend on my phone, but I know from experience that there are a game genres that are a good fit for it. Cool that more people can now experience that too without hassle.

>> No.10868321

I hope delta updates to add changing screen sizes for DS. That shit too small

>> No.10868382

Emulators require jailbreaking, not the controllers.

>> No.10868385

>touch screen "buttons"
>carrying around a controller
Phone emulation will always be retarded.

>> No.10868482

Welcome to 2010. We've had emulators on Android since.

>> No.10868491

Yeah, play "on the go" as long as you have a table to prop your phone up on while you hold that controller.

>> No.10868516

My first world country has plenty of tables, sorry to hear you aren't so fortunate, Anon.

>> No.10868718

>and ironically lasts longer
even a fuck old iPhone 8 runs like on the first day and smooth as hell.

>> No.10868721

>controllers do exist for iOS
sony, nintendo and microsoft controller are working native on iOS.

>> No.10868725

Delta is already better than any android emu

>> No.10868737

The point of portable gaming is to have a device you can carry and play in your hand without having to get all set up to play.

>> No.10868739

Dumb ESL can't tell the difference between "do" and "don't."

>> No.10868752

( °A°)7

>> No.10868820

Android users literally cannot perceive input lag.

>> No.10869003

I am an android guy, but my 2016 Huaweii's Android version (4 something) stopped supporting Whatsapp, so my sister gifted me her Iphone from 2016 and I was surprised all the apps work in it, like youtube and all that...

Android 4 stopped supporting youtube and brave and other browsers...

So yeah, I still prefer Android, but Iphone has better long term support. The battery is destroyed compared to my android but it could be because of its fast charging mode.

>> No.10869816

if you're too stupid to manually install firmware, this isn't the website for you

>> No.10869824

This is such undeniable horseshit I hope you take your Apple IPhone and inject it into your anus.

>> No.10869832

i've owned both iphones and android devices and its been true for me, the longer term support is literally undeniable. just enjoy your android, its not 2012 anymore, you don't have to make your phone your personality

>> No.10869870

It's just the same shit Android has had since like 15 years ago, just now finally on iOS thanks to the EU being kinda based and forcing Apple to stop banning emulation (indirectly).

Part of me is stoked that I can finally have this shit on iOS when it was banned for no good reason, but the other part of my doesn't give a shit because I have dedicated retro game handhelds that are as small as the smallest bluetooth controller I could buy and bigger controllers are the same size as other handhelds I have, all of which don't drain my main communication device's battery.

I guess it could be cool for people that play RPGs that haven't had an iOS app store release, but otherwise not good for much as, once again, you're better off just buying a dedicated handheld rather than a bluetooth controller and the knockoff handhelds are shockingly good nowadays. I bought an R36S for $35 off Aliexpress and this thing will play anything up to PSX and DS full speed no problem and will play a lot of PSP (some with frameskip), and some DC. There is no bluetooth controller worth a shit for $35, let alone something with its own screen, battery, etc. so you aren't draining your phone.

Thanks, Apple, but too little, too late. Call me when it emulates PS2, that might be worth looking into.

>> No.10869901

Its not true though is it? You've made a factually incorrect statement and there's a reason why Apple had legislation against planned obsolescence in France put in place.

Androids fail when the hardware fails, Iphones fail when the latest update slows it to a crawl and you have to update the hardware.

>> No.10870064

emulating without physical buttons is disgusting

>> No.10870071

What app is it? I’m on iOS and never even thought to check legit emulators on here due to Apple being Apple

>> No.10870090

Nope, fuck apple.

>> No.10870102

Iphones are priced the same as top end android phones and they last a long time. Even today there are people using Gen 1 poco or older Galaxy phones because of the high end specs.

>> No.10870118

I frickin hate iOS, but this is simply not true. I have an Odin Pro and the input lag is horrible on this thing, even if I'm using the device inputs and not an external controller.

I think it really just depends on thKe hardware.

>> No.10870696
File: 101 KB, 952x456, IMG_0777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody’s complaining about touch screen buttons
>smart phone game controllers & Bluetooth exist

Delta is great for a poorfag like me who doesn’t have a PC to emulate these games on. I’ll happily complete many games on my iPhone using a controller. You don’t need to use the touchscreen, retards

>> No.10870718

Yeah, okay, let me just stick that thing in my jeans pocket next to my phone. Fucking retard.
>but at home...
I emulate on my PC at home, why would I use my phone for anything when I'm near my PC?

>> No.10870732

I don't get it

>> No.10870865

Stupid question but how do you get the rom files onto the device? I've never used iOS before and I always thought you needed iTunes or whatever to put files on. I wanna try this emulator on an iPhone I found.

>> No.10870904

The last time I had an iPhone you had to jailbreak it to download a file manager so you can download free games and free music.
Anyways if is jailbreaking is no longer a requirement then do the following. Download a file manager. Open file manager create a folder called GAMES. download rom. If the rom is a zipped file or rar file then uncompress it. Then move it to the Game folder. You could probably do this easier by connecting the phone to the pc.

>> No.10870908

There is a 'Files' app.

>> No.10872150

games look great on the ipad using delta and they feel super snappy and responsive like I'm playing on a crt

>> No.10872178 [SPOILER] 

>I emulate on my PC at home, why would I use my phone for anything when I'm near my PC?
Did you miss the part of that guy's statement where they said they didnt have a PC? Pot, Kettle
>get ROM
>click on the zip and it will automatically extract. You can get an app called iZip or some others to extract 7z
>You can now click the plus at the top and then click import from files
>click on the game, there you go

>> No.10872186

I thought of another great usecase. When I'm just laying around on the couch or bed and don't want to get at my PC

>> No.10872192

Any ps1 emulators up yet?

>> No.10872208

I heard the app store isn't allowing JIT in emulators. PS1 needs it I think so that might not happen

>> No.10872224

I pray we get JIT support soon or even one day, I'd kill for a ps1/p/2 emulator on my ipad

>> No.10872227
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>Did you miss the part of that guy's statement where they said they didnt have a PC?
Yes, I did.

>> No.10872440

Mr Sujano said this is coming to the app store

>> No.10872460

its not factually incorrect, apple provides much longer windows of software support than any android manufacturer, most of which only offer updates for 2 years or less. the slowdown issue was due to downthrottling the silicon to preserve battery life when batteries were starting to fail. the real issue was enabling the feature without giving the users an option to choose, which they have since done. also, the slowdown disappeared when the battery was replaced. it should also be noted that apple offers battery replacements for very reasonable rates.

>> No.10872464

the highest end android phones are actually more expensive than the highest end iphones (galaxy z fold vs iphone pro max)

>> No.10872467

you can use a usb dongle and usb stick, or you can just download the roms directly to the phone. there is a simplified filesystem

>> No.10872528

I prefer playing handheld games handheld so I really like this.

>> No.10872536

What do you mean? I’m on my phone constantly and have no issue. I don’t even know what you mean.

>> No.10873264

You can't hold a controller and your phone at the same time.

>> No.10874074

Any good android controllers that are D pad only?

>> No.10874642


>> No.10876528

>most of which only offer updates for 2 years or less

So why is my Galaxy S22 Ultra still getting updates? Why is my Galaxy S10 plus still getting updates? You literally just made that up. What isn't made up is Apple purposely butchering their older phones performance via firmware updates to encourage users to upgrade. They are shite anti consumerist phones and have been well behind the curve of the main android players for some time.

>> No.10876553

samsung only started providing longer term support (up to 4 years - still less than iphones) in 2022. ive already been over your dramatic "purposely butchering their older phones performance via firmware updates" point, which was only about the phone throttling down the silicon to preserve battery life - a setting that is now toggle-able (and should have been available from the start).
there is plenty of anti-consumerist shit across the board in the mobile space, but this 2012 dork anti-apple meme is so tired and outdated. i may switch back to android after my phone dies, but android, but it wont be because the biggest faggots on the internet have an aneurysm when they find out someone prefers using iphone

>> No.10876564

>in 2022
So why did my S4 have updates until it died, why did my S6 edge have updates to Android 7, why is my S8 on Android 9 along with the S10 and S22 Ultra? Again this is absolute nonsense cope for you and your Apple hard on. Apple are terrible, were terrible and are still terrible. It is the year of our lord 2024 and they've been FORCED to allow emulation and other apps in an attempt tp be more consumerist. Also calling someone a faggot as as Apple user is unreal.

>> No.10877241
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you don't have a purse to put it in? i thought we were all girls on this board

>> No.10877251

I don't take my pc to bed with me...BUT I could instead use a phone to stream my pc to my phone with the king controller in my bed! Great idea!thanks anon!

Using the king of telescopic controllers on such a pozzed pos. Sacrilege.

>> No.10877262

RetroArch is already on Android. i play it with an 8BitDo Zero W i carry on a lanyard to use as a shutter button and for visual flair

>> No.10877263

You shouldn't use electronics in bed, it's bad for your sleep.

>> No.10877272

why is Samsung so shit at advertising the utility of their foldables?

The hamburger fits more places, but ads just show the bottom half being used as a kickstand for viewing tiny video on the upper half

The hotdog can multitask, but in the ad it's just showing association football in a square aspect ratio that doesn't exist

>> No.10877295

The fact is I don't game that much because I'm a working adult so the few, few hours I can game a month aren't goin to hurt me. This body works hard enough that sleep comes regardless.

>> No.10877318

I got the delta emulator like three days ago and I've been happy with it, works great for turn based games. There's a few other odd games like pokemon pinball where you only need two buttons, or puzzle stuff like castle lolo, so those are easy to play as well. Mostly been playing Advance Wars though.

As you'd expect, intense action games just aren't good with a touch screen and I don't want to have the controller attachment stuffed into my pocket when I'm walking around. It's only good for certain kinds of games, but there are a shitload of turnbased games on NES/SNES/GBC/GBA so it's not like this sort of thing doesn't have any worth.

Having Advance Wars on my phone kicks ass. Once I'm done with that I'm finally gonna give FF Tactics Advance a try too. I know this is 4chan and everyone has to be jaded and superior and hate everything, but if you pick the right kinds of games then emulating on your phone is great.

>> No.10878213

>i play it with an 8BitDo Zero W i carry on a lanyard
must be hard to find time for retro gaming with all the bitches throwing themselves at you all day

>> No.10878221

>he hasn't taken the manpurse pill
don't mind me, just enjoying the style and utility of my European carryall, with more than enough space for my steam deck AND box of magnum condoms for my monster dong

>> No.10878476

If I were a girl I'd just put it up my cooch.

>> No.10879398

I am sadly applecucked
you have to be 18 to use this website

>> No.10880397

to be fair you're never ever supposed to even take a nude with your face in it for that reason. you never know how or why something might get leaked

>> No.10880427

this is absolutely and definitely not true considering i had to upgrade my iphone 8 like a couple years ago lol. heck my iphone 13 has just started acting a bit sus, like my screen not responding or apps acting a little iffy. Its not a big deal but...... actually that literally just reminds me i think i have to update it but said no because that shit is gay

literally /thread
I think i tried a mobile game that tried to use a d-pad and it did NOT work

this is the reason i might go back to android after my iphone 13 craps out. The OLED screen is quite nice, however, and i would hesitate to get a new phone without one

anon provides contending information, im wondering if this issue is actually resolved, if so the whole apple slowing down on purpose should be solved completely? I gotta agree that the smoothness and consistency across the apple products are a nice change from android, but maybe that was just when i switched for the first time.

we're not allowed to have pockets so we HAVE to carry purses. I manage to stick mine in my pockets anyway, somehow

I know this is satire but i just want you to understand how fucking gigantic the phone is compared to a penis and how that would very much not be pleasant

>> No.10882219
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I just finished banjo-Kazooie on delta iOS. Touch controls sucked shit so I connected my xbone controller, though I noticed a bit of input lag. Not enough to bother me but still noticeable. Also I screen recorded this and converted to gif just to see if it looks any good and hopefully capture some soul.

>> No.10882220

>they don't know vaginas are like bags of holding
You both have a lot to learn.

>> No.10882227

I used to emulate on my iPhone in high school over a decade ago. Nes, GBA, N64, etc.

>> No.10882715

for the number of people on the spectrum on 4chan it's crazy how few seemingly knew/know sideloading apps on iphones has been perfectly manageable for a while without needing a jailbreak or being on some specific ios build, delta has existed for some time now and has been superior to most android options

regarding op though i've had delta or its (better) fork ignited for some time now but it's literally never been more than a way to play the first three gens of pkmn for me, which it excels at

i've played other random ezpz turn-based shit like mario&luigi superstar saga, fftactics, advance wars, etc. to similar degrees of success (even pkmn stadium 2 with my crystal save), but anything requiring more focused input is silly

>> No.10882745

Why would I know anything about sideloading apps on a model of phone I don't own?

>> No.10882748

im glad you think this anonymous website revolves around you enough to reply to this, thank you

>> No.10882793

The broader point is that most of the target audience of this board (retro autists) don't use iPhones so the lack of knowledge around them is unsurprising.

>> No.10882834

Is this actually true, or are you just projecting? We're pretending like iPhones are niche for 4chan?

>> No.10882850

You're making a lot of big jumps to extremes that make it hard to even respond to your post.

>> No.10882854

Apple devices are for work, not for gaming.

>> No.10882879

>big jumps
>arbitrarily decides a quotient of people "don't use iPhones"

>> No.10882909

>retro autists on this board don't use iPhones
>you mean iPhones are NICHE across ALL of 4chan?
Yes, big jumps.

>> No.10882917

it's crazy you think there's that much variation in the 4chan populace to split hairs like that, but i guess it's cope to mask your lack of iphone proficiency which you have no reason to feel insecure about but seemingly do

it's ok, some of us actually live outside of india and use ios

>> No.10882925

>it's crazy you think there's that much variation in the 4chan populace to split hairs like that
There is. Go visit /sp/ or /out/ or /n/ or /o/, you'll find lots of different types of people.

>> No.10884750

What a hill to die on

>> No.10884763 [DELETED] 

I've been sideloading IPAs onto my Ipad 9 ever since I've installed Altstore, and it's been nothing but a breeze.

>> No.10884769 [DELETED] 

Though, RA has builds optimized for A-series chips, and they run flawlessly up to the 5th gen on my Ipad 9. (Dolphin and PPSSPP cores have... less-than-ideal performance.)

>> No.10884781 [DELETED] 

I'd go all in and get a Pixel with Lineage OS flashed onto it.

>> No.10884846 [DELETED] 

Altstore allows JIT out of the box, which is convenient for my setup.

>> No.10884858 [DELETED] 

What about home micros? Apparently, they can do both.