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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 41 KB, 313x310, Final_Fantasy_VII_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10856376 No.10856376 [Reply] [Original]

The beginning of AAAslop made by hundreds of people with an inflated marketing budget. I can't consider it retro.

>> No.10856379

Fortunately nobody cares for your consideration.

>> No.10856392

Any game released before 9/11 is retro by default

>> No.10856395
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Let me guess, "VI was way better"?

>> No.10856398
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you might not be wrong but this game was still primitive enough to have lots of soul and be very enjoyable if you were into other jrpgs at the time. i never really cared for the ff7 universe outside of this game but i do love it quite a bit. it has just the right amount of optional content. yes its too easy.

>> No.10856405
File: 57 KB, 500x500, artworks-000188184296-rqjjb9-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody who says "slop" now added onto a term is a red flag. You haven't played this game. You will never beat this game. You sir are a Debbie downer faggot, I cast you back to the pyramids you skedar bitch.

>> No.10856429
File: 10 KB, 112x112, 6849_pepeold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is nearly 30 years old anon. What exactly is retro to you?

>> No.10856430

hipster detected

>> No.10856445

>ff7 is best game evar fags
>against 3D is not real retro fags
fighting fire with fire? ( ͡° ᴥ ͡°)

>> No.10856561

FF7 was AAA done right. Stuff like Shenmue and Sonic Adventure on the other hand were just sad moments in entertainment history.

>> No.10856582

I don't understand why FFVII is the only one of the PS1 FFs that you can customize to go as fast as it does. You can crank the ATB speed up to go almost as fast as a Limit fills up at normal speed, but VIII and IX don't get anywhere near that.

>> No.10856587

Trying too hard.

>> No.10856751

It won't work. Back to Mario 64 with you.

>> No.10857435

Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.10857448

And you are right. The point of this game never was to improve upon 6’s gameplay features, which 7 ended up being inferior to. They just make a game that was visually engaging at the cost of a worse gameplay (worse equipment, worse characters, worse locations, dungeons, the game has less freedom than 6 too). It wasn’t the only one for sure, but it definitely marks a new era in which gameplay stops being paramount

>> No.10857449

Is this any good?

>> No.10857556

I get why people shit on this game, and I dont even care. I will support your shitting on it. But for my fellow haters, did none of you at least think the materia system was cool? Because that is really the only thing I could stick up for. How you can link them together etc etc. If I have to he honest with myself then I have to admit that one thing. Beyond that, fuck this game. I'd love an honest response from my fellow ff7 haters.

>> No.10857570

I basically agree with you. The game's presentation is also excellent, and there are a handful of very interesting quests (of which the Chocobo raising is NOT one of, fuck that tedious bullshit), but it otherwise suffers from most of the problems typical JRPGs do.

But yes, the materia system was excellent and probably the best thing the game does, it should be the gold standard for RPG ability systems, so the rest of the genre ends up being disappointing compared to that.

>> No.10857637

Must be great being part of the herd

>> No.10857651

I can taste the tendie tears from OP, and they're salty as fuck

>> No.10857716

Yes. It's a jrpg but it's one of the best of those.

>> No.10857950

This, I for one am glad that the plebes are losing interest in FF.

>> No.10858030

no one asked, leave /vr/

>> No.10858076

No OP but I asked.

>> No.10858114

I liked sonic adventure and still do, it's fun

>> No.10858174

Don't put stake into it, he's a falseflagging bitter N64 fan who's trying to sow discord between Sega and Sony fans.

>> No.10858176

huh? it's the opening post. no one ever asks for an OP

>> No.10858230

Why would Snoys and Segays be friendly?

>> No.10858260

Hmm. In my opinion I first noticed it had to be the loot boxes from Overwatch or the crazy monetization of EA's starwars battlefront. Maybe it was when they had microtransactions in the single player game shadow of war. None of these are retro though.

Hard tellin'.

>> No.10858269

They have always been friendly. It's the tendies who go around flinging shit and starting fights at every opportunity, particularly GameCube, N64, and SNES fans. Something about those three in particular do not attract normal people to be normal fans, only lunatics and fanatics. Probably because those three are particularly underwhelming when it comes to games libraries.

>> No.10858275

Shenmue was good for it's time. Not spectacular for it's time, but it was good and novel back then.

>> No.10859101


>> No.10859103

Nyookyoolor is... LE BAD

>> No.10859276

Playstation will never be retro sorry

>> No.10859283

It is now.

>> No.10859291

>Game from 1997 isn't retro because I don't like it
You are a MASSIVE faggot

>> No.10859910

Sonic Adventure is peak sonic

>> No.10859927

That's how you spot a bitter Nintendo fan

>> No.10860078

No, it's just a hipster contrarian thing

>> No.10860142

Imagine a thread like this but for OoT. It would be deleted in minutes, but this one stays up for days.

I take comfort in knowing that the mods and jannies are all boostered faggots and could kick the bucket anytime

>> No.10860163

It's a perfectly accurate description of what FFVII is though, even if you like it.

>> No.10860198

I can guarantee with absolute certainty that FF7 is older than you

>> No.10860516

This thread about OoT would be a shitpost. With FF7 it's actually true.
FF7 has 400 people in the credits while OoT has less than 100. FF7 had a marketing budget of $30 million while OoT did not.

>> No.10860527

Absolutely organic, genuine posting. Good thing the IP counter is hidden.

>> No.10860537

The game that kicked off the eternal September of jarpigs from which the genre never recovered

>> No.10860561

Yeah, it is. Why does it even surprise you that people would have these opinions? FFVII is a whole heap of *stuff* glued together in an almost patchwork way. It works very well for what it is, but what that is is something for which presentation is the main point, and where needing hundreds of minor workers to generate hundreds of models and renders etc. is the main barrier to making VII work, while the specific mechanics and such are mostly incidental and the point is to deliver a 'story experience'.

>> No.10861063

I honestly hated this game when it first came out. Tried it a few years back to see if I'd missed anything and no, it was still shit. I just don't see what all the hubbub was about.

>> No.10861078

The beginning of a shit thread made by a faggot named OP who sucks many cocks. I can't consider it good.

>> No.10861083
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Based Maian.

>> No.10861675

no idea why people play this crap instead of tekken 3

>> No.10862437
File: 175 KB, 1200x800, 1709667606958970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't consider it retro
There are girls who are grizzled, semi-retired veterans of the porn industry and are younger than this game.

>> No.10862440

The point

>> No.10862449


>> No.10862869

This is like saying
>I cant consider a mustang a sports car for these reasons
>ok but a taco salad is not a salad and Pluto is not a planet
Literally a pointless non statement. Also stop watching porn

>> No.10863007

The word you're looking for is non sequitur.

>> No.10863120

this should be the official criteria.

everything after 9/11 is modern goyslop

>> No.10863304

Retro just means old. 9/11 was 23 years ago. 6th gen games are retro now.

>> No.10863420

I'm hijacking your dogshit thread to ask:
I haven't played this yet and am going to soon. I've seen a lot of opinions on the correct way to play. Which way is best? I'd be playing it on my PVM, so not the PC version.
>Do I use the retranslation? I've heard it's a bit controversial
>Is it worth trying to track down a modded PS1 just to play in 240p or should I just put up with 480i on my PS3? I'd use a PS2 but unless I'm reading misinformation you can't load backups of PS1 games on it currently.

>> No.10863443

>a new era in which gameplay stops being paramount
based, ludologists seething for 25 years now

>> No.10863465

I'm glad I don't take playing video games as stupidly seriously as this.

>> No.10863468

6 has some of the most busted and carelessly balancrd gameplay of the entire series. 7 is better in most ways.

>> No.10863501

OOT is a borderline unplayable game.
Braindead puzzles, braindead battles, desertic map, horrible framerate, very slow texts, loads of backtracking...

>> No.10863551
File: 3.47 MB, 1758x1440, ff8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PSX/PC fan-translation is only controversial among faggot boomers who are nostalgic about poor grammar like ''This guy are sick'' and obvious stupid shit the localization made up like Barret speaking in ebonics like Mr. T or Tifa calling him retarded.

Otherwise it's way better than the shitty original localization. You can also use a patch to fix the Spirit stat bug.

You should be able to load PSX backups.
Why would you need to track a modded PS1 when you can install an XStation?

Alternatively, you can just emulate it on Retroarch and put a CRT shader like CRT Royale or Cyberlabs on top of it.
Just make sure to get the aspect ratio correct, something like pic related.

It's not like you will gain much out of using a CRT for FF7/8/9 since the framerate is 30fps(15fps for battles) so you get double image effect anyways.

Plus with HDR Rec 2020 you can also emulate specific Japanese CRT phosphor color ranges which may look more fitting to Japanese games from the 80s and 90s since Japanese CRT Phosphors used different color range. Though this depends on the era and varies from game to game.

>> No.10863572

Appreciate the clarification on the translation patch. Will definitely use it.
>You should be able to load PSX backups
Is there some new method? I keep seeing stuff about how they barely work and load times are bad
This is what I was referring to when I said modded. I'd probably want to find someone to install it for me though because I don't trust myself.

Emulation is nice and all but I really enjoy playing on CRT when possible.

>> No.10863584

I want to explain it instead so he understands. also im not a homosexual so I tend not to talk like one.

>> No.10863637

FFVII is 100% retro, but the PS1 generation in general is where AAA bullshit started rearing its head. FFVII is where it became really obvious video games were going for mainstream appeal rather than a niche of rabid permavirgins. FF and JRPGs in general were super nerdy games, but VII is where it became more cool and all about flashy cutscenes

>> No.10863660

>load times are bad
Well, load times were awful on original PSX
I don't see how they would be worse in PS2

That said, PSX is partially emulated on PS2 and sometimes some effects are rendered improperly
This varies from game to game

>> No.10863683

>FFVII is where it became really obvious video games were going for mainstream appeal rather than a niche of rabid permavirgins.
I really can't help but roll my eyes when I read stupid shit like this.
Big vidya titles were always aiming for everyone
Like Mario, Sonic, Zelda etc.

If anything FF7 with Tifa's huge milkers in the FMV cutscenes(especially the Crater scene that was added for the International version release) was clearly pandering to Otaku or ''permavirgins'' as you call them.

Even games like MGS1 that are perceived as ''normie'' had extremely stupid anime-style stories and even went as far as have cutscenes say stupid shit like ''It's just like my Japanese Animes!''

I would say Tomb Raider was far more normie for 5th gen.
And I would blame GTA 3 and especially Vice City for video games becoming mainstream and creating the modern dudebro.

>> No.10863709

It's not just that load times are bad. I don't think there's a way to get the built in PS1 mode to interface with external storage at all. There's something called popstarter that's some kind of weird emulation solution.

>> No.10863772

Can your PS2 read burned discs?

>> No.10863975

From what I understand this is possible with softmodding but I was hoping to not have to buy a disc drive and a stack of DVDs.

>> No.10864039

>I was hoping to not have to buy a disc drive
Can't be that expensive to install one on your PC

>and a stack of DVDs
I thought you just wanted to play FF7?
If you're planning to play many PSX games you may as well bite the bullet and have somebody install Xstation on your PSX

>> No.10864045

>you may as well bite the bullet and have somebody install Xstation on your PSX
Yeah I think you're right. I've been looking around for modders but lots of them seem to have disappeared or are unresponsive.

>> No.10864056

Only modder I remember from the top of my head is Voultar
He has it on his site but it says ''temporarily unavailable'', which I'm not sure what that means exactly when the consumer is the one who has to provide the xstation kit anyways.

>> No.10864078

looks like stone age gamer has it

>> No.10864090

Only PU18 motherboards though

>> No.10864098

what the hell? that's odd. the xstation itself is compatible with lots more different revisions I thought. Surely it's possible to install one on my SCPH-1001

>> No.10864123

Yes but the Stonagegamer guy seems to only do PU18

Voultar also says this on his site:
>While the xStation is compatible with SCPH-100x models and SCPh-5xxx models, I highly recommend that an SCPH-5XXX console is used for the sake of reliability. SCPH-700x with the "PU-8" mainboard are compatible but you must disassemble that model and verify the mainboard revision.

>> No.10864127
File: 160 KB, 1236x310, waste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10864129

god, trying to scour facebook marketplace or whatever for a PU18 sounds like a nightmare.

>> No.10864146

Are you that much in a rush?
You could sit around for a while and play the waiting game.
You can also contact Voultar on his site or on his twitter accout to inquire about when his Xstation install services will be available again.

Don't just waste money on another PS1 pointlessly.

>> No.10864159

No. I will wait I suppose.

>> No.10865656

Yes, it was, you sonyfag!!!

>> No.10866046

How can a videogame without 3D graphics be good right?

>> No.10866234

FF6 story > FF7 story
FF7 gameplay > FF6 gameplay
Both games are masterpieces though.

>> No.10866978

FF7 is better than FF6 in ways that have nothing at all to do with the 3D graphics (like having at least some remote semblance of balance between stats). And it's also "different" in ways that people sometimes prefer, like having a much more nuanced and elaborate story (while still being decently paced unlike what Final Fantasy was about to become). Personally I like games with silly 16-bit jrpg stories but I get why people might like Cloud's story better.

>> No.10866989

It was the beginning of the end.

>> No.10867505

>FF6 story > FF7 story

Legit, how do people think this? I could understand people liking certain things about FFVI better, but the story specifically?

>> No.10867836

>KoTR spam > anything in terms of gameplay

>> No.10867885

Loved this game when I was younger but OP is absolutely right about this one

NPC post

>> No.10867931

>NPC post
Nah, if you are on any videogame blard using -slop is guaranteed sign of low-iq sheeplike behavior.

>> No.10868365
File: 1.29 MB, 2900x2500, __gau_final_fantasy_and_2_more_drawn_by_oju_ouka__62bf6683a0f15ba0113d7755cc777df4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not way better, but definitely better.

>> No.10869385

Speak like a normal human, r*dditor

>> No.10870093

He's not wrong, this is still one of the most insanely budget games from Japan up to this day.

>> No.10870095

>no anal
Mid actress

>> No.10870421

pc version with patches is fine