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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10863289 No.10863289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pic related? Mediocre. Super Mario Bros? Mediocre. Contra? Turbo mediocre. These are nothing but shovelware propped up by people who can't get over their childhood, where they had nothing better to do than play the same three games their parents got them.
No, let me go on. Castlevania is mediocre. Both Ninja Gaidens are mediocre. Tecmo Super Bowl is fucking mediocre. River City Ransom? Mediocre. Oh and how could I forget DuckTales, surely that's... nope, mediocre. Super Contra is, you guesssed it, mediocre, just like its older brother. Blaster Master is mediocre, and so is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III.
The NES has a handful of games worth playing and otherwise should be forgotten in the dustbin of history as just another gimmick made to nickel and dime kids out of their parents' money.

>> No.10863294

so its like every other vidya console

>> No.10863313

YEAH HERE I AM /vr/! All the games you like SUCK! You are GAY! Zelda BAD!

>> No.10863345

atari pwns the shit out of nintendo it's not even a contest those japs are a laughing stock

>> No.10863352

For me? It's the CoCo. True gaming.

>> No.10863367

This thread? Mediocre.

>> No.10863442

This, but ZX Spectrum
(Atari was only good in arcades)

>> No.10863450

did you know that the nes doesn't have a single fps in its entire library? wtf is up with that?

>> No.10863481
File: 16 KB, 768x672, 2829895-gundamhotscramble001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.10863512

Love this game.

>> No.10863523

Oh it's THIS shit again... okay

>> No.10863525

nintendo lost

>> No.10864285

Contra is an Arcade classic, zoomie

>> No.10864289

Obvious mod thread

>> No.10864304

Mega Man is good though.

>> No.10864313
File: 337 KB, 600x565, !Sakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both ninja gaidens

>> No.10864315

I can always find a good NES game and even the licensed shovelware is usually interesting somehow but SNES games bore me.

>> No.10864332
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Well OP, if you tell us what games you do like I'm willing to recommend some NES games. There's plenty of others like the Mega Man series, Kirby's Adventure, Adventure Island games, Double Dragon II, etc.

Honestly it's going to sound crazy but I found so many great NES games thanks to Famiclones

>> No.10864374

if i had to pick a specific type of NES game that rubs me the wrong way, it's gotta be that group of early 90s licensed movie tie-ins like The Terminator, Darkman, Total Recall, etc. All made by Western devs, all soulless and lame cash grabs.

>> No.10864440
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OP you can shut your dick off right now faggot.

>> No.10864446

>it's another "please let me switch to a reality where Nintendo isn't liked and people's favorite retro systems are Amiga and Spectrum instead" thread
Based autism.

>> No.10864448

stop pretending you are old enough,you are from the generation of ps2/ps3 childhood,is clear when you complain like that.
Just because your jewtuber said "they like them because of nostlagia and nothing else" doesn't mean is true.
>Super Mario Brothers : new gens can't pass the first stage and are filtered by first goomba.
>Contra : 1 shot and you are done in a bullet inferno.
>Legend of Zelda : not knowing to map or having the manual like most users,or maybe the swasticas.
>Ninja Gaiden : too hard for you.
>River City : Fighting against other enemies with bottles,chains,bags and so on,you can take your friend (p2) to a ramen store (you don't have real friends)
the only game considered a kusoge is TMNT but is quite known the issues it has.
Sadly you ps3 games aren't retro and won't be because most games are bad and mostly movies unlike nes games you have to play,use your brain and read the info.

>> No.10864461

At the end of the day, Nintendo no good. Big company make games, but not fun. People play, not happy. Too expensive, not worth it. Better play other games, like on phone or computer. Nintendo bad, other games good.

>> No.10864494

Clicked on a youtube video of some fat lard playing Guardian Legend for not even four minutes, flew into enemies, died at the prelude's boss a few times, and then said "Nah I'm moving on this game is garbage if you like this something is wrong with you this game is way too fast"

>> No.10864507

we are having a civilian talk and you had to ruin it with your gaystation console.

>> No.10864602

>old game bad cutscene good