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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 699 KB, 1656x1393, YU-NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10859342 No.10859342 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think of her game?

>> No.10859361
File: 15 KB, 500x500, Y-U-No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10859362

If yu no, yu no

>> No.10859372

I loved it
One of my top 5 Saturn games

>> No.10859405

The Saturn version is the definitive one, it's a shame people are too quick to dismiss it.

>> No.10859503

No yu!

>> No.10859514

What does the Saturn version have over the TLwiki version? From what I know most of the additional content from the Saturn version was ported.

>> No.10859567

graphical consistency, extra jewels
basically nothing to normal people, the tlwiki version is fine

>> No.10859575

It's one of my favourite games of all time. Such a shame it's basically unfinished. I actually appreciate the ridiculous tonal problems throughout the game too like when you cum in Kanna and then she dies immediately after lol

>> No.10860065
File: 3.49 MB, 1360x2208, yuno fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10860453 [DELETED] 

tranime coomer slop, it's obnoxious fans are pseudo-intellectuals

>> No.10860485 [DELETED] 

>mindrotten tourist spews buzzwords
It's so tiresome.

>> No.10860493 [DELETED] 

says the weeb tourist shilling poorly written hentai VN

>> No.10860494 [DELETED] 

You forgot "zoomer", cumbrain.

>> No.10861147 [DELETED] 

t. person who got stuck in the prologue

>> No.10861684

OST was so good it memed me into sitting through eight hours of middling dialogue. It was still comfy enough that I think I'll go back and do the rest.

>> No.10861750

Every Ryu Umemoto soundtrack is a goddamn masterpiece. As great as the PC98 chiptune is, there's a live piano cover of the soundtrack that came out a few years ago that absolutely blows my mind.


>> No.10861828

He's so underrated.


>> No.10862493

>no sex scenes
the PC version with the Saturn voice track mod is the definitive one

>> No.10862502

The whole epilogue was a snore to "play". Pretty decent before that.

>> No.10862990

I like the sex scenes and in this game's case they are honestly needed but the invisible dicks and barbie anatomy are a shame, really bizarre censorship style.

>> No.10863002

Cmon, yu no what I think about it...

>> No.10863385

>two cgs
you're not missing much

>> No.10863392

Y u no know Yu-no?

>> No.10863510 [DELETED] 
File: 357 KB, 1440x577, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too complicated for me :(

>> No.10863518 [SPOILER] 
File: 357 KB, 1440x577, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too complicated for me :(

>> No.10863897
File: 203 KB, 390x460, 1667988925232668.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's easily one of the best soundtracks for a game ever and i've listened to it probably hundreds of times
the game is surely fine but i can't be assed to read all that shit nigga, plus i'd hate to be let down by the experience and enjoy the soundtrack less for it

>> No.10865847

It's a masterpiece that exists in an unfortunate niche that curses it to obscurity. It has too much gameplay for the visual novel crowd, and way too sparse for the gameplay crowd. Almost every time I've seen this game suggested it's also recommended with a walkthrough. A damn shame considering that the gameplay wants you to treat the routes like a puzzle to be solved, and most won't ever engage with that face of it.
In a two year span, the Kanno/Umemoto dream team codified almost every single unique visual novel trope and YU-NO was the culmination of that; it's no fluke that it even managed to draw the attention of academics at the time.
Oh, and the soundtrack is obviously fantastic.

>> No.10866323

is there any link for an english patched + saturn ost ready to play for lazy fucks like me?

>> No.10866465

nvmd, got it. This link has a zip which is pretty much perfect. Mount, install, patch and play. Pretty easy really.

>> No.10866802
File: 122 KB, 650x430, Screenshot_20240104_210329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I might be allowed to shill for a moment: I reverse engineered the game engine and reimplemented it. So you can play YU-NO natively on linux (and other unix-like platforms) now. There's also a windows build of my implementation which fixes some issues present in the original engine, mostly related to the engine not throttling certain operations and depending on the CPU being slow.

>> No.10866817

>A damn shame considering that the gameplay wants you to treat the routes like a puzzle to be solved, and most won't ever engage with that face of it.
My most recent playthrough was like this, going one by one for each character, and while I definitely had fun the game is NOT properly set up for it, there are just way too many softlocks, blind logic and random bullshit you'll run into and it takes a long time to undo mistakes. It's still a super ambitious system and I respect the hell out of it, but it really is best enjoyed with a walkthrough apart from maybe a once over for funsies.

>> No.10866841

You are a god among men

>> No.10866884

I think that the gameplay is brilliantly constructed. Let's look at the difficulty curve as a function of completion. The first playthrough you have barely any gems, but that's not a problem since you're always making progress until you hit a dead end or ending. The most likely routes to go on for a first time play are Mitsuki's and Ayumi's, as Mio's and Kanna's are more specific, and those two are both completable without items from other routes. Then, as you fill out more of the map, you'll obtain more gems which allow you to experiment more and find the harder to get on routes. Finally, the remaining routes can be hard to track down, but a player who is good at the game will have enough gems to be able to jump around and experiment (the Saturn version is a bit better for this as it gives you a more reasonable amount of gems). The game gets harder while also giving you more tools to deal with the challenge, which is exactly what a designer wants.
It's not perfect though, and I agree with your complaints. It is not easy to get all the way back to the end of route due to all the bullshit clicking, walking around, and random flag setting that the game does in the back. And I think that while your strategy of "going one by one for each character" is something most people would try, it's not how the game is intended to be played, as when you get stuck in a route it's best to gather new information and items from other routes and return back. Which is an option I've seen people praise Elden Ring for, and that game is pure gameplay, so it's impressive that a visual novel manages to do it too.
I somewhat agree with your evaluation of it as being ambitious but missing the mark, but there's no other game I've seen that even attempts this kind of unique gameplay, so YU-NO still wins the gold medal by default for me. If experimenting was less punishing it would be perfect, but as I said before the gameplay to dialogue ratio is the absolute worst it could be.

>> No.10866906

Can this be hooked?

>> No.10866939

I haven't tried, but I'm guessing no. It uses SDL_ttf for text rendering, so the usual TextOutA hooking won't work, and the text doesn't get written to a static memory location in my own code.
I had intended to add a feature to automatically copy all text to the clipboard at some point, but I completely forgot about it until just now.

>> No.10866952


>> No.10867193
File: 92 KB, 895x271, agirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the title triggers me
I knew you were either a chan poster or chinese

>> No.10867390
File: 96 KB, 425x687, 1068715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the title meant to be a Harlan Ellison reference?

>> No.10867394

I still don't no what yu meant.

>> No.10868138
File: 69 KB, 960x720, FTlXbKMVEAA_e_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, for whatever reason, it was huge with the Japanese sci fi crowd

>> No.10868378

>It has too much gameplay for the visual novel crowd, and way too sparse for the gameplay crowd.
It's perfect for me. I also love Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney.

>> No.10869161

>reverse yu no card

>> No.10869412

If you add that feature you will no longer be a god among men... You will be a god among gods.