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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10854291 No.10854291 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine how many people put their heart and soul into developing this game and then lost their job because the main character's name is Butts. Imagine tanking an entire project with one single decision.

>> No.10854295

But anon they made a bajillion more sequels

>> No.10854296

Butz is a European name in real life, it's not their fault for not knowing it sounded like a slang term in the english language for buttocks. Besides, it was localised to Bartz so that wasn't an issue.

>> No.10854337

when something smells, it's usually the butz.

>> No.10854378

You forgot his first name, Seymour.

>> No.10854391

Imagine all the things you could have been doing instead of making this thread

>> No.10854421

uhh, his name was Bartz, like from the Simpsons but cooler with a z

>> No.10854434

Originally his name was going to be Dickz but it didn't do well with the focus groups.

>> No.10854446

This is basically how everybody conceptualized it as far as the know. Well, at least the people who grew up with it in the 90s. The Simpsons was a huge cultural cartoon that a lot of Americans watched.

>> No.10854449

No one really knows how to transliterate ツ, especially ッツ.

>> No.10854458

Is Terraria seriously considered "retro" now?

>> No.10854465

except there's no r and it's not even close to the spelling for bart in japanese, that's just something retarded fan translators did because they didn't want to be accused of intentionally calling the mc buttz to fuck with people

>> No.10854476

>intentionally calling the mc buttz to fuck with people
Ok, but does he fuck like a chocobo?

>> No.10854505

i laughed then remembered the ancient prototype of Terraria that was thrown around on /v/ a million years ago actually using FF5 sprites for waaaay too long

>> No.10854520

His name is Bazz

>> No.10854534

they officially retconned it to Bartz in Dissidia and their shitty gacha games

>> No.10854560

>fan translators
But those stuck with Butz.

>> No.10854621

>This is basically how everybody conceptualized it as far as the know.
Lmao, no. Everyone in the world who knew this game existed called him Butts.

>> No.10854638

Wait a minute... That sounds kinda similar to 罰 (batsu)

>> No.10854837

They should have named him Bort. Missed opportunity.

>> No.10854839

Yeah, but the Katakana is pretty much pronounced like "butts". The European "Butz" sounds more like "boots" (but with a short vowel).

>> No.10854849

in anglo english bartz is pronounced with the exact same phonemes as an american saying butts

>> No.10854850

hes called buttz because he smells bad and poops on the floor

>> No.10854852

>poops on the floor
That was the best scene in FF5

>> No.10854938

Not if you played the original sfc rom with the RPGe translation on zsnes.

>> No.10854948
File: 8 KB, 250x247, 1681887189174031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hes called buttz because he smells bad

>> No.10854967

>one of the oldest fan translations
It was so cool and based to experience this back then

>> No.10855168

I don't get what this thread is even going for. What does "tank the entire project" even mean in this context? The game is the 8th best selling Super Famicom game.

>> No.10855172

Bartz fartz.

>> No.10855203

Game was a laughing stock for years because the main character's name was basically just Butts, little zoomzoom. Absolutely demolished the reputation of the series.
>b-but they changed his name to Bartz!
Lol. Everybody already knew his original name was basically just Butts, and if you were actually alive back then you would've already known this instead of just regurgitating nonsense. Next time don't speak of things you don't actually understand, kiddo.

>> No.10855228

Trolls have just gotten worse and worse over time.

>> No.10855235

anon, he's not called Buttz in the japanese version because they don't speak english

>> No.10855252

>Absolutely demolished the reputation of the series.

Yeah, absolutely demolished it. Everyone knows the franchise was pretty much dead after FF5. Square never recovered from this earth-shattering PR disaster.

>> No.10855607

FF5 is a great game. I'm not sure which mental illness(es) are inspiring the posts in this thread.

>> No.10855615

It was a Japanese game, no one in Japan really gave a shit about that
>Game was a laughing stock
But was it that way in Japan?

>> No.10856636

from that sprite, buttz looks like a guy who thinks poop smells good

>> No.10856705

A lot of the time you have to "ignore" the last u sound in katakana stuff and you get what was more intended, but sometimes not
It's a mess

>> No.10856714

He's the first canonically gay FF protagonist and his name is subtle foreshadowing to that fact

>> No.10856760

>akshually his name is just butt

>> No.10856764

it's just a young fellow discovering the concept of trolling and trying his hand at it

>> No.10856809

>except there's no r
Meanwhile in Japan, Bart's name is written バート シンプソン

>> No.10856819


>> No.10857009

the strongest sumo fighter I've ever seen has this name which is based

>> No.10857121

Nice fanfic but that decision led him to being co director on the next title, remaking it again on VII and ascending to godhood upon Sakaguchi's departure.
An executive officer on the board, brand manager and the head of CBU I

All because he was involved in scripting the best FF game.

>> No.10857125

Buttz is a real name. I think it's German.

>> No.10857131


>> No.10857147

they should've given him a cool name to match cloud and squall, like hurricane

>> No.10857163

Buttz Tsunami

>> No.10857696

last name Hurttz

>> No.10859025
File: 207 KB, 361x691, z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have u ever sat down and seriously thought about suicide? if not you should asap

>> No.10860208

Butts lol