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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10852184 No.10852184 [Reply] [Original]

Why does 4chan hate Retro Achievements so much? Is it because you found out about it too late and therefore played through a bunch of games without getting points for it? Are you in denial? I personally like the challenge, and like seeing the game icons on my profile after mastering its set!

>> No.10852186

The only RA in retro is Realidad Alternativa

>> No.10852248

It also stands for Retro Achievements, hence the thread

>> No.10852312

It's not for everyone, but it has its niche for those players that don't mind taking on community created challenges for retro games.
I think the main thing is to not take it too seriously.

>> No.10852420

It filters a lot of boomers. If you can't beat Bowser in Super Mario this site is not for you

>> No.10852435

Leave it to millenials to turn a hobby into a job. I bet you all treat your games as "backlog" too, don't you?

>> No.10852453

I've been beating king koopa off since I was 6

>> No.10852459

Heh, fag

>> No.10852504
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Try to be nice to them, they're too stupid to get an actual career and they'll never home a house. Retro achievements are the only achievements they'll ever get in life.

>> No.10852512

"Achievements" are retarded even in modern games, what is there to achieve in wasting one's life playing vidya.
50 billion kills over 10000 hours played achievement unlocked oh joy!
Why add that for retro games if retro gaming was all about getting a high score or watching the ending cutscene and then going on with your life.
nah this is mostly on zoomers

>> No.10852537

Because I want to touch grass sometimes

>> No.10852539

I hate my ex-wife. Retroachievements I like.

>> No.10852548

RetroAchievemnts goes back more than 10 years. Zoomers can't code in their teens

>> No.10852549

not retro

>> No.10852613

Theres only so many worthwhile achievements for a game. The rest is just dumb filler; especially when its made up by "the community" (i.e. mentally-ill turbo autists).

>> No.10852627

>Why does 4chan hate...

4chan hates everything.

>> No.10852667

so long gay bowser

>> No.10852714

Nice idea, but unfortunately most of the sets are created and maintained by autistic tryhards. The website's also a bit of a mess. You can't filter games based on devs, publishers, release date etc. There's also no way to filter or hide hacks and subsets with even more tryhard achievements.
Also, the fucking login tokens expire too fucking fast. I have to keep logging in almost every single fucking day or else they magically stop being valid aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.10852765

It's pointless, aside from making low quality bait threads.

>> No.10852778 [DELETED] 
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>when the emulator supports 'cheevos
>when you knock a game off your backloggery
>when its getting remade on Switch

>> No.10852783

>Why does 4chan hate Retro Achievements so much?
Because of me.
>B-but... There's...
No, there isn't. It was all my job. A 100% of it. There is not a single hint of hate that wasn't caused by me. Your question is answered. The thread may be closed.

>> No.10853084

Not retro.

>> No.10853101
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>> No.10853191

>try hard achievements made by autists
That’s my main problem with the game. Just look at the RE4 achievements: https://retroachievements.org/game/2606

>> No.10853246

is this from a gaming magazine? I swear I've seen this little fucker somewhere way back. maybe gameinformer?

>> No.10853301

>Why does 4chan-
You don't belong here. Leave.

>> No.10853307
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Yeah, absolutely retarded shit.

>> No.10853308

>Try to peak up Ashley's skirt while suplexing an enemy [NG+ Allowed]

>> No.10853427

>2 hours long game has 100+ achievements full of missables

Absolutely retarded. I like the implementation of cheevos for retro games but ultimately I agree with >>10852714

>> No.10853428

ops didn't want to quote the first post

>> No.10853460

>ra goes back 10 years.
>zoomer teen.
Ten years ago most zoomers were in their 20s.
Achievment is mostly for people that will never acomplish something in life

>> No.10853470

>Ten years ago most zoomers were in their 20s.
That's just wrong

>> No.10853476

>he doesn't know
On a board like /vr/ underage means below 35 years old

>> No.10853578

Ten years ago most Millennials were probably in their 20s. I'd bet that makes up most of the board. There are some zoomers today who are barely teenagers and none older than their 20s.
Most people are taking RA too seriously. It's supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be a bit of a shitpost. You don't have to do every autistically hard achievement like going damageless, 1CCing or the meme achievements like the ones posted. A good set is a challenge that brings extra out of the game. New strategies, new ways of playing and thinking about it. Revealing hidden content 99% would miss.

>> No.10853627

I play on hardware. No achievements there. And no need.

>> No.10853803

You know zoomers generation is from 1987 to date,yet you need to be over 18 ti post here.
Also the butthurt is huge here and i agree achievements are only for people that will never acomplish anything in life so they need those achievements no one care on videogames making videogames worse as time pass.
Zsnes user no need for achievments

>> No.10853836

You're off by an entire decade. Proofread before posting

>> No.10853979

Those achievement names.
Holy fucking reddit.

>> No.10853990

I like them. I don't care about mastering games mostly, but if I really like a game and the achievements aren't retarded I'll push for it. Otherwise I just do the achievements that sound fun.

>> No.10854263

You already said everything anon, could've been a fun niche of players playing challenges from another player they couldn't thinked of but in the end its managed by the literal Discord Mod meme, it lacks too much functions they don't add instead of doing some visual upgrades no one cares, most of the content is TRASH made by retards who didn't even play the game and make achievements people who play for 20 years wouldn't bother trying because it's just a stupid idea and the general community part of it sucks.
Without any trace of irony, if they focused on the "fun" part of the gameplay with challenges and not checklists or templates of achievements it would be a great idea, but unfortunately it's taken too seriously and no one can complain because it's literally being managed by Discord Mods on their Discord server.
Also fuck this guy https://retroachievements.org/user/FBernkastelKues for having the most possible case of being a retard on anything he touches

>> No.10854340

Can you elaborate?

>> No.10854394

>a friend of mine plays one of his achievements from Xenosaga III
>spend a whole week, finds out it is literally impossible to get the achievement because of the time limit with restrictions
>this retard says "it's possible, you don't need to get all the achievements."
>fast foward a month or two trying to have a basic talk with him
>after a lot of time my friend convinces him to test the achievement
And then he asks for a save from my friend because his own save used to test the achievements was hacked to have max stats, just proving he's a retard incapable of basic human thoughts.
Really, this guy is the most prime example of how tryhard retards ruin this project with any of the achievements he made for a lot of good RPG series very few people bother to play with RA enabled (like FF7 or Kingdom Hearts 1).

>> No.10854496

There should be some sort of background check to see if the submitter is a fucking dork, before they're allowed to create achievements.

>> No.10854568

>"it's possible, you don't need to get all the achievements."
>his own save used to test the achievements was hacked to have max stats
lol what a fucking guy

>> No.10854605

This is a fucking ad OP, and fuck you for posting it. I hated achievements ever since I beat gaylo reach on legendary for my first playthrough and got two achievements as a reward. Fuck achievements and fuck (You) OP for shilling this garbage. Achievements suck I want a new character or a secret level not a fucking jpg and text fuck (You). I'd rather get a making of documentary than an achievement. Fuck achievements. I'm gonna beat your ass motherfucker.

>> No.10854609

made me so angry i punched the screen damn thing damn you all bastards

>> No.10855391

>im gonna beat your ass motherfucker
I’m calling the cops

>> No.10855556

The problem is, this guy holds a lot of problem in the community like many of the people who ruin it. Discord was an error, the site was a better place when it was focused only on the site.

>> No.10855558

>a lot of POWER
fix'd myself.

>> No.10855583

I think achievement hunting is fun!

>> No.10855995

There's some good autist achievements.
These can fundamentally change how you play the game in interesting ways, like the Kill All BOWs achievements, which requires you to know hidden ammo placements, learn how to use the knife, and go out of your way to kill some enemies (like the easily avoidable Courtyard Dogs or the zombies that spawn in the 2F fireplace room after specific triggers).
I mostly just use RA though because it's already packed in with most modern emulators now. It's interesting to see if my play habits unlock niche shit.

>> No.10856025

>Achievement unlocked!
>You successfully completed the tutorial!

>> No.10856069
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How many games have you Mastered, anons? I’ve only done three myself, took a little break.

>> No.10856093
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I’ve mastered 1,415 games. Still have a lot of work to do yet

>> No.10856104

1-acheivenments are not retro and started with the fucking xbox 360
2-retro achievements aren't even official and are made by some kids in their basement
3-no one cares about your achievements

if you started games with ps3/360 and you want old games to have achievements too that's fine I guess, but its still cringe.

>> No.10856292

Emulating on your Windows 11 PC isn’t retro

>> No.10856323
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Anyway, I've mastered over a hundred.

>> No.10856528

Post a screenshot, I want to see what games you’ve mastered

>> No.10856573


>> No.10856639
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>> No.10857052

Wait, you're Lolicon?
What a legend man, i kneel.

>> No.10857080

Not for me, but I can see the appeal. Regular achievements are already stupid, but at least it's it's seamlessly built into the already existing infra that gaming has. But picking an emulator that supports this, creating an account, and logging into it on all my emulators, just for imaginary awards, seems like it's not worth it.

>> No.10857151
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just 8

>> No.10857575
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>everyone on the Retro Achievements discord is trans
Is that a retro achievement thing, or a discord thing, or both?

>> No.10857628
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It's modern nerd thing.

>> No.10857653

Sweet! I hope you are not the same as that Cheat Engine-using sack of shit called IantasGames1995 who masters a game and pulls out world records effortlessly on every single one of them. Such cheaters are disgusting.

>> No.10857665

It's somewhat a retro gaming thing and just generally an autistic nerd thing. Nothing to do with the site. Discord is always especially bad. Never talk to jannies, achievement devs, or join private chat rooms like that. Normal people are okay.

>> No.10857692

It's just the natural evolution of attention whoring. It used to be that any unpopular dork could just pretend to have a broken arm to get attention. But it takes real balls to pretend to be a girl.

>> No.10857697
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>But it takes real balls to pretend to be a girl.

>> No.10857984

there are two paths when you're an adult who still really love video games and one of them involves saying "nigger" on 4chan and the other involves becoming a woman

>> No.10857997

Back when it was new I only completed some games from my childhood and never bothered to do any more. As a result I'm still at the top of some games' leaderboards since they are chronological, and I was the first to master them.

>> No.10858210

Congrats buddy. I’m happy to hear that for you.

>> No.10858285

only thing I hate about it is that most of the achievements only work on the european versions of the games and they refuse to let you submit addresses for the US versions.

>> No.10858403

I'm not a console fag who needs achievements to get a dopamine rush for completing a 15 minute game. Now fuck off retard.

>> No.10858550

Ok but you’re enough of a fag to get all worked up because someone else likes the achievements lol

>> No.10858561

I like that it gives you a reason to play your favorite games again.

>> No.10858579

Achievements are 7th gen modern garbage
If I cared about them I wouldn't play retrogames
All fields btw

>> No.10859451
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Decided to be really autistic and actually try one of the subsets- honestly, it's less autistic than the main one.
The main one essentially requires you to grind out the Skill Shop to get every capsule, which takes fucking forever, but on top of that you have to get seven of the rarest items to appear (the Dragon Balls), and after buying them (which costs 56,000 Zeni, or an Advanced Tournament + 6000) you get one breakthrough- this has to be done 23 times, meaning you need 1,228,000 zeni, which is 229,000 over the limit of zeni you're allowed to have, and to even hit the limit you would need to win the advanced tournament 20 times.
To be fair, you can easily cheese the advanced tournament by playing a custom short character and just throwing on Viral Heart Disease and a 30 second timer, which means you can clear a tournament in just under 3 minutes, but it's still fucking absurd for the main set because of how much going in and out of the skill shop it requires (and don't fucking say gamble, it's one in ever 100 or some absurd shit).

>> No.10859459
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Currently six

>> No.10859554
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Hey, I just finished this one and the second game. The grind in the second game is unreal. Playing Dragon World 30+ times to unlock everything

>> No.10859557

Thank you.
Already did this set. The fastest way to get a bunch of dragon balls is to gamble until you have 9 of every capsule, then you'll get them all quickly. Yes, it takes a while, but you'll get there if you're doing the subset anyway. The two pair together well. You can only receive items you don't have the max number of when gambling, so 100% of your gambles will be dragon balls.

>> No.10859559

Of course you post about completing it right before my page refreshes. 2 is a lot grindier, yeah. I wish they didn't design it that way. The gameplay is pretty good but they should've dropped the board game entirely.

>> No.10859564

Yeah the board game stops being interesting after a few rounds. I wish they made the Japanese version compatible because they made the grind less tedious by being able to unlock Breakthrough Capsules by defeating enemies in the extra Neko Majin stage.

>> No.10859636
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One of my biggest problems with Retro Achievements is that due to my desire of wanting to master every game I play it forces me to stick to one game longer than I’d actually like instead of moving on and experiencing a different game. I don’t have much free time as it is, so I’m likely going to stop achievement hunting and just beat games. The biggest problem is the autistic achievements though where the person that made the set assumes everyone is as autistic as they are and have already achieved a WR damageless speed run. FUCK those guys.

>> No.10860063

(pronounced zed sness)

>> No.10860430

>The fastest way to get a bunch of dragon balls is to gamble until you have 9 of every capsule, then you'll get them all quickly. Yes, it takes a while, but you'll get there if you're doing the subset anyway.
I did some rough calculations, and just for physical I would need to buy up 552 more capsules.
Genuinely painful.

>> No.10860458

Yes, that's the propa Bri'ish pronunciation of that letter.

>> No.10860476
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Because it fundamentally changes why people play games.
Achievement hunters play for the ass pats and the false sense that they're doing something of worth.
People that would play otherwise play because... they find the game enjoyable.
Achievements fundamentally change the demographic of the people who play the games, and lower the quality of discourse around said thing.
Ever have a conversation about games with an achievement hunter?

>> No.10860840

This is 4chan people turbo hate benign things and write conspirational posts about them are you new or something

>> No.10860843

>Leave it to millenials to turn a hobby into a job
It's a fun little ding when you do something notable, retard

>> No.10860852

>Because it fundamentally changes why people play games.
Achievement hunters play for the ass pats and the false sense that they're doing something of worth.
People that would play otherwise play because... they find the game enjoyable.

The fact that you think those are mutually exclusive shows your mom probably drunk heavily during your fetal development. Nobody is playing games they wouldn't have liked otherwise to get achievements. It's a fun little addition for games, just don't take it too seriously. But of course this board can't just not take everything so seriously

>> No.10860856

Have fun doing a thing in a game because a list of achievements told you you'd unlock it if you did rather then doing it because you thought it would be something fun to do.

>> No.10860865

>Nobody is playing games they wouldn't have liked otherwise to get achievements.

Patently false. There are xbox shovelware games that are notorious for having easy achievements that achievement hunters would play through for some quick points.

>> No.10860958

By that logic, online leaderboards are also bad for gaming because they incentivize people to play for recognition and not strictly for enjoyment.

>> No.10860962

Depending on the genre, yeah they are.

>> No.10861376

>Nobody is playing games they wouldn't have liked otherwise

There's tons of straight up garbage on the site that hundreds of people play and master, despite the comments saying how awful it is.


>> No.10861418

achievements are supposed to be for meaningful accomplishments in games, most RA shit is "beat level 1." "beat level 2." "gained 100 money. gained 200 money. gained 500 money. gained 501 money." and so on. its just useless dopamine shit.

>> No.10861836


He really is the worst dev.

>> No.10861968

>Depending on the genre,
Based entirely on this post, I can tell this person is a shmupfag.

>> No.10862863
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I like it as a way of keeping a record of what I have played and what I have done in a game. It's for when the memory loss finally kicks in and I can look back at all the good times.

>> No.10863154
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I am weirdly touched that we share this hyperspecifc hatred for this random Discord autist who takes part in ruining would could be a really fun and novel idea. I first learned about this guy through playing the B3313 Mario 64 hack with my friends and stumbling upon this abomination

>> No.10863167

I should also clarify that this is NOT just zooming in with the R-button like in the vanilla game. The hack specifically includes an FOV slider in the pause menu and this motherfucker's achievement set requires it to be set to the minimum possible value for 33 consecutive stars, without dying.

>> No.10863182

I dunno what that is but I hate it now because you like it

>> No.10863364

autistic bullshit like this is why I stopped caring about RA

>> No.10863410

a couple years back i joined the mister discord to ask a question and everyone was sperging over the super scary covid variants in general chat

>> No.10863445

>champs of norrath has no RA
surprising desu
I dont think Dark Alliance has em either.

>> No.10863447

>zoomers generation is from 1987 to date
Rofl ur fucking stupid

>> No.10863954


Hyperspecific? He claims many popular games and he always loads it with stupid bullshit. Plus the sets are underpointed to top it off. It's hard Not to target him. I like how Xenogears, a pretty popular game has only 10 people or some shit who've bothered to master it. FF7 has a few atrocious achievements, the Zelda Oracle games require you play both of them twice just for two 25 point achievements, and the platinum Goron dance is a 5 pointer for what is an unbelievably hard thing to do. Also when confronted with any of it, he usually acts oblivious. "You don't have to master it lul huhu" Ridiculous person & faggot.

>> No.10863964


People calling everything autistic is getting autistic. Waiting for the next meme illness to gain popularity for a breath of fresh air

>> No.10863965

I learned about him because almost everyone who plays final fantasy 7 says something about the set being over saturated by missable achievements in a Arceus knows how long jrpg game (and how bad the low lvl is).
Then i played kingdom hearts 358/2 days, and this idiot put a lot of achievements for beating mission mode random missions with a random character lvl 1 where you do no damage against enemies with 3x/4x more HP and damage than the main mode (because it was a mode made to play multiplayer, not solo and lvl 1).

>> No.10863983

>he usually acts oblivious. "You don't have to master it lul huhu"
Agreed with everything you said anon but this point is actually worse, he's always calling anyone who disagree with him "noob", "casual", "git gud" and stuff like this but if you say any of his shit is trash he will try to intimidate you with a ban since he is very close with the mods of the discord server/the site itself.
https://retroachievements.org/user/lordpsycho This one is also another retard, puts a lot of almost WR achievements, points grind without any in-game reward behind it and stuff like completing 4 to 5 missions in a row without dying at GTA and also cries and intimidate to call a ban onto you if you say he is a shitty achievement developer.

>> No.10864002

it's literally autistic behavior

>> No.10864019


I like lordpsycho, I think he makes good sets. But believe me I know the tremendous faggotry of the other guy. He's a pussy and he can't think straight.

>> No.10864027

oh shut up faggot

>> No.10864031


autist detected

>> No.10864059

>you must be online to get fed epic references and jpgs on three decades old games
No thanks, 360 kid.

>> No.10864081

get a new mental illness

>> No.10864579

Achievements are fun, stop being mean to people on the internet you big bully you

>> No.10864642
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Matt Damon?

>> No.10864737 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10864771

I have literally never platinumed a game in my life. I don't get it and I never will.

>> No.10864816

The nostalgia. The DS was kinda ass though. Has it really been 20 years since EB Games merged and the 360 came out? I'm really getting old. The 360 still feels like a new console to me. Things changed so much that generation.

>> No.10864820

>It's a fun little ding when you do something notable, retard
It's a retarded shot of dopamine meant to brainwash retarded little idiots like you. You shouldn't need to know you did something notable with a DING because the game itself should be notable.

>> No.10864968

I was wondering what's with the weird-ass achievements in the base FF7 set. Mystery solved, I guess...

>> No.10867171

Autism ruined any chance of retro achievements being good.

>> No.10867347

the sort of achievement i like is the sort that marks completion. defeated boss/character, collected all thing, those sorts. and primarily the reason why i like the collection ones is because it keeps track of whether i missed something or not. just a fun little stamp of completion.

all "challenge" achievements are gay. fuck time limits, fuck obscure tricks, fuck self limitations.

but really, nobody gives a shit about your achievements. i only like mine for me. i show them off to nobody. i dont look at anyone else's. they're meaningless.

>> No.10867496

The exact opposite of this.

'Completion' achievements are pointless, the game keeps track of this stuff already, so why do you need some think popping up saying to your friends that you beat Goobour Gord the mini boss?

'Challenge' achievements are the only things that have any point, because they let people propose novel challenges that wouldn't make sense for the game to acknowledge and can be added arbitrarily.

>> No.10867605

>tendie tranny crying seethe over achievements just because his fish market tablet has none

>> No.10867615

Yeah. I get completion achievements for official stuff, since that would be a genuine measure of how long someone plays a game for or how far they get, but in RA it can already be assumed the person playing is into the video games they're using RA for.