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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 69 KB, 894x542, christmaskidscreaming.mp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10841662 No.10841662 [Reply] [Original]

I have seen people rant and rave about how the N64 was the best console of the time and some even saying it's the best ever.
I never had one in my youth and only recently picked one up, i gotta say it's not very impressive. Sure some games are fun like PD, Goldeneye, Excitebikes but even Mario 64 and Zelda are pretty damn boring.
Is there some """hidden gems""" I am missing or is this console overhyped trash?

>> No.10841665

Tendie revisionism, same as shit like the 'videogame crash' that never actually happened.

>> No.10841674
File: 3.92 MB, 532x400, Sin and Punishment.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Sin & Punishment. Mischief Makers and Bangai-O.

>> No.10841694
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> hidden gems

what was that?

>> No.10841703

its just cope from people who didnt own another console during the time. mario 64 is the only game still worth playing today.

>> No.10841707

>same as shit like the 'videogame crash' that never actually happened
Outing yourself this early, Austroon?

>> No.10841709

It's great if you like 15fps slideshows

>> No.10841713

play turok 1/2, doom 64, quake 2, world is not enough, forsaken, fzero x, wipeout 64, top gear hyperbike.

>> No.10841718

What an awful thread

>> No.10841723

it's the best console ever made.

if you don't like oot and Mario 64, I honestly don't know what to tell you, I guess you're just going to have to live a life of disappointment.... which I'm sure you already do, so....

>> No.10841727

I found it alright but the control scheme is bloody awkward for some games thanks to only having one stick, and the library is just plain weaker than the PS1. So I don’t Think it’s necessarily a bad console, but it’s one of the more disappointing entries from Nintendo for me, I find the NES, SNES and GameCube to have much better replay value. Also pretty sure I had one with the same kind of aftermarket controller
It isn’t as overrated as the Saturn though, that’s just wanked endlessly by Sega fanboys who can’t actually afford to buy one and have raised it in their imagination to a godlike status

>> No.10841747

God I hate you faggots that obsess over performance. I remember watching giant bomb and seeing Vinny and Brad sperg the fuck out for fifteen minutes because the framerate dipped for one and a half seconds, while I'm standing here and didn't even fucking notice it. is it really that fucking important? you know you can just get the fuck over it right? you are a human you can adapt and overcome.

>> No.10841753

consistency is more important. yeah the fps on a lot of 64 games is quite low but its not nearly as big of a deal if it remains constant. mario 64 never dips.

>> No.10841756
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Samefag if I have ever seen one.
Just don't play nintendo games if that Kyoto company lives rent free inside of you and stop spamming the board
>But I don't want others to like it!
Nobody cares about what you want

>> No.10841786
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I mean there's other FPS games on it like Duke Nukem 3D if you like GoldenEye and Perfect Dark. I don't really know what to compared Excitebike to since I haven't played it but I did really enjoy Wave Race 64 and F-Zero X.

>Top Ten
Donkey Kong 64
F-Zero X
Super Smash Bros.
Mario Party
Gex 64
Wave Race 64
California Speed

>Hidden Gems
Mischief Makers
Rakuga Kids
Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth
Taisen Puzzle-dama
Sin and Punishment

Other notable games include but not limited to Animal Forest, Star Fox 64, Pokemon Snap, Kirby 64, Rayman 2, Mickey Speedway USA.


It's not my favorite console by a long shot but there's still some great stuff on there. It was fun to grow up with. If you absolutely hate it just stick with SNES/Super Famicom, most people don't know this but they still released SNES games long after the N64 (Donkey Kong Country 3, Kirby's Dream Land 3, and Rockman and Forte are the most notable examples, but there's way more like Bahamut Lagoon and Fire Emblem). There's also Game Boy and Game Boy Color which continued to get games during that time, as one anon pointed out Pokemon on og Game Boy didn't release until 1998 in North America

>> No.10841793

N64 is great I love it

>> No.10841806

A japan /vr/ would never talk or rant about this turd console.
According to Japan: Sega Saturn > N64.

>> No.10841815

Mario Kart 64, Smash Bros., and Super Mario 64 outsold every Saturn game in Japan. N64 has ten times as many million-selling games in Japan.

>> No.10841843

I mean, they are both Japanese consoles

>> No.10841864
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ITT tendies being deranged as usual

>> No.10841871

What if I'm a SEGA/Sony/NEC fan and I like Nintendo as well?

>> No.10841891

Then you're a liar, because anyone who actually spends time with those alternatives is going to see how shit Nintendo is by comparison.

>> No.10841921
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>if you don't like mediocre walking sims you are miserable
Both games should have stuck to 2D, they did not transition well.

>> No.10841945

N64 discussion differs from other consoles like the PS1 in a fundamental way
When talking about PS1 games it's usually individual games. Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Solid, Klonoa, Final Fantasy 7, Gex etc. The console itself is mostly irrelevant because the library is so large that everyone had a different experience with it.
When talking about N64 it's almost always with the console itself front and center. And it's always the same games like Banjo and Goldeneye because everyone played the same games on it. Remember that the N64 has under 400 games worldwide of which a full quarter is just sports games.

>> No.10841953

it's an awful console

>> No.10842024

1st gen 3d just looked bad.. it cant be helped if youve come from the modern era..
That said the N64 really did have the better grasp at utilizing 3d enviroments and core gaming concepts. Sadly that only really can be said of Nintendos 1st party games.. MOSTLY...
PS1 was more geared towards a better cinematic experience that a cd could deliver but this isnt for everyone.. many gamers felt like the cutscenes tho impressive and beautifully rendered were not what some gamers wanted out of a game..
>This isnt a game.. its a movie where you push buttons!!
was kinda the mentality of some.
Really tho both systems have some extremely great titles that are still great to play today but id agree the N64 was the system for hardcore gamers and PS was for kids and jockey dude bros playing madden.

>> No.10842027

This console was an American psyop

>> No.10842249

people talk about the same PS1 games to you literally just listed them. every console is well known for its cream of the crop. and when it comes to mentioning the number it's always from someone who's being hyper critical and not applying that same lens to other consoles you like.

>> No.10842256

This. PS1 may have had many hundreds more games, but the number of truly great games on each system is about even (and N64's greatest are greater than PS1's).

>> No.10842265

Ps1 has more good games and a bigger variety of games that are good.

But Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Rogue Squadron are better than every other game in their genre and some of those are better than any other game I’ve ever played.

That’s why some of us love the 64 so much

>> No.10842268

You're an adult trying to play with a children's toy.
You lack the imagination to "play" with it properly.

>> No.10842271

I genuinely think it's the exact opposite. the output from Nintendo on the N64 is so good that people just ignored good software from other devs, or those games just weren't advertised. it literally makes the rest of the library feel bad because there so good. that might seem like a very convenient narrative for an N64 fan but so is yours.

>> No.10842280
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They're maybe not as interesting to me now, but as a kid I always enjoyed Nintendo games, especially the Donkey Kong Country and Banjo games. They also kind of pioneered the handheld space for the most part and still do, which is still kind of new to me as well since I didn't have any handhelds growing up until the DS Phat. Anbernic, Miyoo, PowKiddy etc. wouldn't exist without them

>> No.10842293

I feel like this is the problem with modern gaming/modern gamers in general

I honestly agree with both of these, there are a lot of N64 games that went under the radar but the best ones tend to be the same few every time. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, N64 games were kind of massive so there's a lot to discuss even if it's the same few games

>> No.10842352

Better than the Saturn, that's for sure.

>> No.10842364

the N64s library of games consists of the top games coming from Nintendo that are absolutely ball the wall incredible, and then it has a pretty good middle section of seven and eight out of tens.
there's also a lot of games that reviewed really poorly that I think are great like aidyn chronicles. this game got four out of tens when it's really good, it's an RPG with a massive world for N64. the story is written by the guy who made dragon quest.

>> No.10842653

>y-you're the deranged ones
Kill yourself, seether.

Then you conflict with this manchild's lifelong narrative.

>> No.10842730

the N64, Saturn and PS1 are all great consoles
but the best games at the time were all on PC

>> No.10842763

absolutely delusional

>> No.10842768

>I always enjoyed Nintendo games, especially the Donkey Kong Country and Banjo games.

You must know that those are both games made by Rare, not Nintendo right? This has to be bait

>> No.10842784

It’s a pretty bad console and by far my biggest disappointment ever in terms of video games. It has nothing to offer you in countless genres, no new entries of several games that I loved during the 8 bits and 16 bits times, and most of its games are too safe and bland. Its most important games are not as good as the best PSX games either, and have several flaws that people tend to avoid talking about, aside from the poor framerate in general.
Owning a Nintendo 64 was just a frustrating experience. If I had not bought a PSX a year later, I would have been forced to start buying unappealing games because of the library being so poor and limited. Game Cube failed because a lot of people just didn't want to repeat the same miserable experience, even if Nintendo made an effort to solve some of N64s biggest problems.

>> No.10842813

couldn't you say the exact same thing about Sony? they don't make games, every dev they have is bought.

>> No.10842816

the GameCube didn't fail because of the N64, retard. the GameCube failed because the game industry had matured.

>> No.10842819

you think the GameCube was better?

>> No.10842921

Weird revisionism.

>> No.10843083

Mario 64 is a pile of bland shit aesthetics, and its success sucked the audiovisual life out of every following Mario game ever made. Also it’s babby’s first 3D run-around game.

>> No.10843264

Zoomer revisionism.

Nobody actually championed the N64 before except for maybe golden eye for those who were actually alive and invested in gaming culture in early 2000-2010s lmao. Easy way to spot a zoomer.

>> No.10843276

Only a shameful pleb would write that garbage

>> No.10843308

the gamecube was the real disappointment

>> No.10843314

back in the 90s every kid wanted an n64 and we considered the ps1 the poor kid console

>> No.10843382

What sort of fucking non sequitur is that? I was merely correcting the guy that he attributed two game series to Nintendo that were made by a developer,

>> No.10843384

yeah on planet retard maybe

>> No.10843392

This is the biggest cope I've heard, lmao, clown.

>> No.10843447

The problem is that it's a thread about a Nintendo platform, not just Nintendo games.

>> No.10843593

It dips all the time in the water levels. It was even discovered recently that if they had just compiled the game with -O2 it doesn't do that.

>> No.10843653

because you're being hyper critical and not applying that lens to the PlayStation. and you're in a thread where people are debating whether it sucks or not, so I'm assuming this is an argument towards it sucking.

do you not think the N64 sucks?

>> No.10843789
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>> No.10843836

I’m ashamed to say I used to watch the shit out of him and AlphaOmegaSin back in the day

>> No.10843870

Delusional tendies need to grow the fuck up

>> No.10843876

is that where most of your video game knowledge comes from now? do you already have opinions on games you've never played?

>> No.10843880

/v/ memes

>> No.10843901

>the water levels
The only level it drops bad is dire dire docks and it only does it when loading bowsers sub on the first star

>> No.10843904

This console was a failure even during its time when Playstation dominated.
Its the retards around you who overhyped it

>> No.10843915

The console might be overhyped but the games are not

>> No.10843918

>I have seen people rant and rave about how the N64 was the best console of the time
Where? All i ever see is people shitting on it and it's usually zoomers whining about "muh graphics" or fags that never had friends to play with.

>> No.10843930
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario 64 and Zelda are damn boring

>> No.10843953

You need real life friends to appreciate the console to its fullest. N64 was THE console for local multiplayer back then, and a major selling point for many of its staple games. The single player games are ok, some, of course were groundbreaking back then, but the multiplayer games are still great to this day.

>> No.10843969

Couch multiplayer is an experience lost in time unfortunately

>> No.10844280

You could make a case for Banjo, but Donkey Kong is and always has been a Nintendo series. As far as the N64 is concerned, Rare was still under Nintendo during that time.

I have mentioned this multiple times in other threads as well. The PS1 is great console but most of that is due to other developers like Square, Capcom, Konami, Namco etc. When people list games like Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, or Ridge Racer, those are not Sony games, they were made by third parties. Even some of my favorites like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater were not made by Sony.

>> No.10844445

Mario 64 feels like a tech demo that drags on forever.
Zelda is fucking boring because 80% of the game is just running around a field or doing some god awful "puzzle" then when you actually do play the game the combat is just ok. At the very least I can say it has good music and the world is pretty, something I can't say for M64.

>> No.10844449
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I think its always been polarizing. you remember how much next generation magazine FUCKING HATED the n64? oh my God did they hate that console, it's as if it personally offends them or something.

>> No.10844468

N64 was a party game system. Unless you can magically get 4 friends together these days for in person video gaming, the experience cannot be had again. It brought the sort of 4 player action you'd only see in the arcade home.
The only thing comparable was LAN gaming, but that was never a thing if you were a kid and had to do PC gaming on the family computer, which you certainly weren't going to be lugging over to a friend's house.

>> No.10844469

>I have seen people rant and rave about how the N64 was the best console of the time
did you just walk out of 2006 or something?
is goldeneye the best FPS of all time?
the N64 library being notably thin has been something thats been discussed ad nauseum since the early 2000s, and became the majority opinion by like 2010

it had good party games, and native 4 player without some dumbass multitap accessory that literally no store ever had in stock
thats all it ever was. it was good at that
no one plays videogames together irl anymore tho, so it doesnt translate to today at all
are you gonna play smash by yourself? no of course not
half the consoles good games are exactly like that: utterly meaningless without a friend to play with
zoomers have no friends

next question

>> No.10844473

weak bait
the entire point of zelda is the puzzles my man

>> No.10844479

>no one plays videogames together irl anymore tho
While it's true that nu-homosapiens don't even know about such things, there's still some of us in the old guard who still do.

>> No.10844481

lol yea its funny i actually was just playing smash the other day hanging out waiting for the eclipse at my friends

im just speaking in gay generalizations so that opie can understand

>> No.10844491

This system was garbage. It was garbage in 96 when it came out, everyone said it was garbage and at that point it was the worst selling Nintendo system of all time. Only to follow by a worse selling gamecube and all time worse seller in the Wii U. But this system stopped Nintendo's dominance. All they had to do was go cd based and drop carts and we would have a very different gaming scene today.

There were a few ok games on it. But the revisionist history of old fags and zoomers who dont know any better really prop this thing up

>> No.10844517
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Bro, people sucked this thing off like the second cumming of christ when it came out, even when it had like 5 games on it people were still raving about how advanced it was and how good those 5 games looked.
Tendies have existed for decades and still will. To that point I bet the Gamecube will eventually get the same treatment as the N64.

>> No.10844532

Because it was and they were. Shit like Turok looked amazing; Unreal wasn't out yet.

>> No.10844583

>is this console overhyped trash?
It sorta is unless you grew up with it. I still enjoy some of its games tho.

>> No.10844726
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>this pc game looked amazing
lmao nigga you must be joking

>> No.10844806

Eh. Mario 64 was a “had to be there” moment; same with Ocarina of Time. Now they’re just meh but back then it was a holy shit type deal.

>> No.10844816

>I bet the Gamecube will eventually get the same treatment as the N64.
God I hope so. The SNES needs the N64 treatment just as bad, it's well overdue.

>> No.10845315
File: 412 KB, 800x455, lct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolwut Zelda puzzles are a joke, majora's mask was probably the most puzzle heavy entry and it was actually not that bad, all the 2D Zelda games did puzzles well enough but all the 3D games aside from MM are lacking heavy in actual good puzzles and have nothing else to make up for it. They are either brain dead simple move object to the right spot or they are use the item in the spot where it's clearly labeled to use the item.
I would rather play Link's Crossbow Training than any of those garbage ass Zelda games. Atleast I get to shoot some niggas in that one.

>> No.10845334

Its hilarious seeing ps1 players still mad about Mario 64 and OOT after all these years
I'd be mad too if i grew up with unplayable trash like tomb raider or crash bandicoot hehe

>> No.10845723
File: 81 KB, 1200x920, Ultra64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo keeps making people seethe, there's probably like 3 different generations seething on it, maybe 4.
It's not just Sony fans, hell I like PlayStation (1 and 2 at least), it's probably also general mixed people from PC elitists to emulafags to zoomers to old sega fans to youtube eceleb fans, etc.
Even many nintendo fans might hate at least one of the nintendo consoles.
But N64 is legendary. People can seethe but PC elitists have their own gabe newell saying his favorite game ever is Super Mario 64. OOT is still tue GOAT.
Seethe, cope, dilate. Get N or get out.

>> No.10845958

Here wee see the Tendie applying all forms of cope in one response. Quite impressive.

>> No.10845960

Instead of GoldenEye, play its superior, Perfect Dark.

>> No.10845969

Nostalgia goggles

>> No.10846021

GoldenEye is leagues better than Perfect Dark.

>> No.10846209

Or maybe people are realizing that the revisionist narrative peddled by tendie youtubers for a decade was bullshit?

>> No.10846243

I agree OP though the games I find fun are not especially those.

I didn't grow up with the N64, but I'm sure many peoples opinions are influenced by nostalgia.

For instance, I do have an irrational love for the Gamecube and Genesis, which I did grow up with.

>> No.10846591

absolute cringelord.

>> No.10846610

This. It's easy to spot a friendless retard when someone shits on the n64. Me and the boys always rock it when they're over.

>> No.10846614

Turok was a 64 game first and the PC version had a lot of issues, but what should I expect from this abhorrent thread.

>> No.10846616

This thread is putrid garbage. OP is a fag.

>> No.10846619

>tendie tendie
Hey samefag, why don't you use "nintendofag" like any normal non-neo /v/ console warrior?
>nooo but using "fag" is offensive!
lmao, neo /v/ I swear.

>> No.10846835

Because tendie actually makes nigtendofags upset. No one gives a shit about being called a faggot or nigger. You act like this is gamefaqs where the mods would ban you for talkin' ya shit.

>> No.10846850

It has 10-15 good games but each is regarded as a god-tier classic.

>> No.10846897

it's just not true and I'm sick of hearing this.it has a upper middle tier of third party games that are all solid 7 and eight out of tens.

>> No.10846982

Turok and Blast Corps are are fives on a good day, don't kid yourself. Every Nintendo console past the NES only has about a dozen worthwhile games, the N64 is certainly no exception.

>> No.10846995

Name 5

>> No.10847003

>tendie is offensive
Absolute state of sheltered neo-/v/ kids
>No one gives a shit about being called a faggot or nigger
Speak for yourself, faggot nigger /v/irgin

>> No.10847010

The fact this thread is still alive is proof of the joke of what /vr/ became. Fucking faggot OP.

>> No.10847073

no their not Albert odyssey is a three out of ten

>> No.10847079

yes I get fucking banned for pointing out that the ps2 has terrible image quality compared to the Dreamcast, yet this hate thread stays up for two days.

>> No.10847154

Keep seething tendie

>> No.10847225

I agree, and? Albert Odyssey is another throwaway SNES copypaste JRPG, what does that have to do with the N64 having basically nothing worth playing?

>> No.10847237

What a fag

>> No.10847297

don't get fuckin smart

>> No.10847312
File: 77 KB, 554x556, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nothing unusual and is the point against nintendo consoles nintendo fans never want to accept.

Saturn sold more software and a larger variety of it. N64 had a small selection of games that sold more units while the rest of the entirety of the library was ignored. We saw this same phenomenon recently with the 3ds and vita. One appealed to gamers open to a wide variety of experiences and the titles that sold reflected it. The other appealed to gamers who only buy one or two games period. Market success is one thing, but what appeals more to a gamer? Well it's obvious, the one with more variety.

>> No.10847321

>One appealed to gamers open to a wide variety of experiences
And the other was the Vita, which had no games.

>> No.10847326

Shit taste.

>> No.10847328

No I mean objectively the Vita has no games.

>> No.10847339

Basically confirming what everyone sees in Nintendo fans, they don't enjoy games they enjoy Nintendo brand.

>> No.10847345

Or maybe the Vita's best selling game being a port of Persona 4 should tell you something about its library.

>> No.10847346

I don't mind if it doesn't affect that actual speed of the game but there are many on ps1 and n64 where a low frame makes you character move slower but it was a lot worse on pc's. Goldeneye tries to compensate but it doesn't always work, the Sega Saturn I think manages this better with the dual cpus with some games having frame rates all over the place but action that stays consistent.

>> No.10847348

Popular games selling is such a lame, surface level analysis. Not very smart are you?

>> No.10847351

When your most popular game is a port then your library must be dire. Which in the Vita's case it certainly is. If the Amiga didn't exist the Vita would have the worst library.

>> No.10847359

>If the Amiga didn't exist
And there's the bait to attempt to totally derail this thread as well. It won't work. I'm NTA.

>> No.10847372

That's just the truth.

>> No.10847381

The Amiga lives rent-free in your head. You will do anything to have another opportunity to shit talk the Amiga. The N64 still doesn't have shit for a library worth playing, but that's OK because the Amiga is shit, so you can sleep soundly at night.

>> No.10847390

>When your most popular game is a port then your library must be dire
Guess the switch also has no games.

>> No.10847398

Regardless both the Amiga and Vita have the worst libraries around.

>> No.10847487

Did the anti-nintendo guys run out of shit to spread? Well, what could you expect from an incredibly trash thread like this?

>> No.10847570

>Well it's obvious, the one with more variety.
so PC is the best and console wars are for retarded faggots? nicely said anon!

>> No.10847617

Turok was only a N64 exclusive for like 5 months, the PC version was fine if you didn't have a shitty computer, it was a fairly demanding game so I understand that it took maybe a year or 2 before most people had hardware capable of running it well. If you could actually play the game the PC version is better in every single possible way.

>> No.10847631

Only if you think the only genres are fps and point and click!

>> No.10848287

You're awfully gay

>> No.10848301

top kek

>> No.10848445

>One appealed to gamers open to a wide variety of experiences

The top ten N64 games offer a "wider variety of experiences" than the entire original Saturn library put together.

>> No.10849654

lots of jumping and coin collecting

>> No.10849680

Nope in DK you collect banana and in Banjo you collect music and there is no jumping in goldeneye

>> No.10849705

>Super Mario 64
jump run collect
>Mario Kart 64
explore, slash, puzzle, no jump
>Pokemon Stadium
RPG battle
jump and collect banan
>P Diddy Racing
>Star Fox 64
space harrier
run jump and collect