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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.95 MB, 3196x1142, Screenshot 2024-04-07 at 9.23.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10834595 No.10834595 [Reply] [Original]

Here's your CRT market bro.

>> No.10834609

So just buy a consumer tv instead, they are cheap as hell. You don't have to go for a pvm.

>> No.10834634

>hear about how the economy is in the crapper and see prices for daily prices on the rise without much wage increase
>see shit like this selling
I really wonder, who the fuck is buying this stuff for these prices. Who had so little interest in CRTs even just 8 years ago that they never bothered to get their ideal set for relatively cheap, is now willing to pay several thousand dollars for one? It's not like a lot of these were particularly rare, so it wasn't that they had to wait all these years for one to show up, they could've easily bought things like this for a few hundred.
I love all my R@RE WOW RETRO shit, but seeing prices like these make me consider selling. What are NEC XP29s selling for now? The price of a car?

>> No.10834639
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>> No.10834660

Did some YouTuber make a video about them? That's nuts.

>> No.10834670

All PVMs and BVMs are getting pricey. I got a "deal" on a $2000 A20.

>> No.10834684

This is a giant multisync (15-31khz+) monitor, nothing else like it.

>> No.10834691

Yeah, get a decent size TV with a burn free tube, recap it, RGB mod it if you're in the US, and with that alone you're getting most all of the enjoyment that you'd get from playing on a pro CRT. Because as long as the screen is in good shape, calibrated more or less properly, and using a decent video signal, the other differences start to fade away once you actually start playing (that is, outside of jerking off to still photos of videogame title screens and the satisfaction of knowing you own something that makes internet nerds seethe with jealousy).
And still, not going full RGB and just using composite cables is perfectly acceptable, and for some tastes is even preferable.

>> No.10834695

>multisync (15-31khz+)

Explain this to me like I'm 5.

>> No.10834713

In basic terms, it means it readily syncs with most video signals that you'd output from old game consoles. You can hook up your Dreamcast via a VGA cable with a 31khz signal and your SNES via RGB with a 15khz signal. The Plus (I'm not sure about standard or Xtra) has composite, S-Video, VGA, and BNC ports. The biggest thing missing on the Plus are component inputs, but you can easily get around that with a component to VGA transcoder.

>> No.10834718

Can display signals from consoles (240p/480i) or from PCs (SVGA). Most monitors only do one or the other

>> No.10834721

Do all PVMs do this or just BVMs?

>> No.10834742

Standard CRT tv's can only display 15khz (240p / 480i) and only CRT computer monitors can display 31khz and higher (480p and greater) though they typically only come in 13-20" and can't display 15khz. This unit is very special in that it can display both 15khz, 31khz, and higher resolutions, while being as big as a good tv (27").

>> No.10834746

It's not a PVM, rather it is a presentation monitor. The P/BVM's with the "multiformat" branding can do 15khz to 45khz, but they're much rarer.

>> No.10834756

My only complaints about the XP29 are that the stock fan is too loud, so if you don't want a constant whirring noise you'll need to install a different fan, and that NES games look weird on it (personal preferences, of course). I don't like playing 3D games on anything smaller than a 27/29", so for me a size like that is a necessity for that era of games, and something smaller for the NES.

>> No.10834768

Why did CRTs blow up so recently?

Like for over a decade people were talking about how great LCDs were now with OLEDs out they think CRTs are superior from even the best modern sets.

>> No.10834770
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Anybody else noticing high to mid tier consumer sets are commanding absurd prices? Not only that, but the "plz take my old tv for free or really cheap" listings are becoming really hard to come by, and when they do they get snatched just as quick as they get posted. Not trying to be grim, but I feel like this market is getting to a very different landscape than it was just 4 years ago.

>> No.10834775

D Series is one of the best consumer CRTs.

>> No.10834778
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>digital foundry video jerking off the gdm-fw900
>linussextips video jerking off the gdm-fw900
>general retro gaming boom
>zoomers having interest in the past more and more
>twitter accounts posting close up crt pics (picrel is an example, the "crtpixels" account posted it originally)

>> No.10834780

CRT fetishization has been a thing among retro gaming groups for quite some time. P/BVMs started to take off in price during the early 2010s when the hot thing became playing your old games on a pro monitor, then over the past few years it's apparently reached a fever pitch, with people paying several grand for pro sets and even paying decent cash for what would've been free sets just a few years ago. That's pretty much been the case with anything retrogaming adjacent.
Also I think that Linus Tech Tips channel made a video about some CRT PC monitor, which probably didn't help prices, since I'm sure there's plenty of rich normalfags in his audience who go from not giving a shit about something to being willing to pay 4 figures for it simply because they saw it in a YouTube video.

>> No.10834784

It depends on where you live. California for example, which is where your image is from, has CRT's more scarce due to recycling laws. However, in Wisconsin and middle America in general, they're much more common.

>> No.10834792

For as much as zoomers seem to love shitting on Millennials, a lot of the ones on the internet seem to be pretty obsessed with their idea of what constituted a millennial suburban childhood.

>> No.10834796
File: 79 KB, 766x960, 1454842636478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just move to wisconsin bro..

>> No.10834797

Millennials had a good childhood. They didn't have a good anything else but childhood was good.

Zoomers have had nothing.

>> No.10834918

If you ever want to know why the CRT market is what it is, go look at the CRTGaming reddit or just search CRT on YouTube.

>> No.10834931

>I really wonder, who the fuck is buying this stuff for these prices.
Sometimes the sellers just use alt accounts to drive up bids, or buy their own item so it looks like the item is still in demand. Then repost it later at even higher price.

>> No.10834964

I'm absolutely sure this does happen a fair amount, but I also think that a lot of them are indeed legit sales. With inflation as it is, I think many young people view saving money as a waste of time and instead want to just funnel their money into frivolities, especially with so many having given up on the prospect of home ownership (outside of inheriting a house from their babyboomer parents), and some older people are desperate to dump their cash into hard investment assets after hearing tales of people with old knickknacks that went from being worthless to selling for tens of thousands of dollars+, with the perception that prices will just keep going up.

>> No.10834984
File: 233 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600-4107601717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are PVMs the only decently sized CRTs that have perfectly flat tops? I don't give a single shit about image quality (although component input is a nice extra) I just want a tv I can stack shit on top of and my samsung dynaflat is slopped.

This picture isn't mine but it looks like it.

>> No.10835034

>Here's your bandwagoner seethe thread bro

>> No.10835056

given that it's a studio grade monitor for tv broadcasting and all that it makes sense why it's so expensive

>> No.10835085

That's not why it's so expensive now. The aftermarket pricing of these things have been explosively climbing since they gained wider attention as le retro gaming monitors

>> No.10835089

Yea I know about that but generally for most electronics studio grade gear is usually built to last and with quality in mind.

>> No.10835093


>> No.10835112

It's because they know growing up on an iPad is cucked as hell.

>> No.10835116

I can't imagine growing up on a tablet. What a horrible thing parents have done.

>> No.10835127

Just use A/V faggot, or get one with and S-Video input. They're not that rare.

>> No.10835130

Sorry I didn't really read your post, I stopped half way and went off half cocked. Apologies.

>> No.10835132

>California for example, which is where your image is from, has CRT's more scarce due to recycling laws
I live in the bay area and I see them on the street fairly commonly. I have like 8 CRTs.

>> No.10835181

I live there too but I've never seen any CRT's straight up on the street..

>> No.10835184

CRT lottery in effect, know where to play

>> No.10835185

>Sometimes the sellers just use alt accounts to drive up bids
I did this back in like 2001 when I was 11 years old lmao
scammed so many suckers

>> No.10835231

>I think many young people view saving money as a waste of time and instead want to just funnel their money into frivolities, especially with so many having given up on the prospect of home ownership (outside of inheriting a house from their babyboomer parents)
This describes me pretty well.

>> No.10835254

But zoomers had the exact same shit as hand-me downs. It's not like all that stuff magically disappeared in the year 1997.

>> No.10835261
File: 367 KB, 1014x618, 2024-04-08-103147_1014x618_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that's ridiculous
you can get a modern OLED Sony PVM for that price

>> No.10835270

Yeah. It's not like there's some magical anti-santa that came to peoples homes once a week in his giant smelly metal sleigh and magically emptied the garbage cans that magically filled themselves because kids did chores.

>> No.10835379

it's pretty rare to see someone admit fault and actually apologize on here. good on ya, anon, you're alright. even if you are a bit hotheaded lol

>> No.10835501

I mean the market price is whatever people are willing to pay, I guess? Is it really that surprising that good-quality CRTs, functioning, with remote and in decent shape from the 90's are becoming increasingly sought-after? Not to mention niche stuff like PVMs/BVMs. There's an enthusiast scene around this, they won't make anymore, a shit ton has been destroyed and what's still out there is deteriorating... At this point, I think the future of retro vidya is a combination of FPGA, new screen technology and better CRT filters.

>> No.10835589

there's some small time locals who bring walls of PVMs to their shows lol

>> No.10835592

>ayyy le concern troll
Go shoot up some more krokodil, garbage.

>> No.10835593

I've bought every PVM/BVM that has appeared on FB marketplace in my area since February.

>> No.10835597

I know what I've got, sonny.

>> No.10835603

>However, in Wisconsin
I got my cheesy fingers on two TVs in the past four years. One was a Toshiba from some soccer mom, and the other was a Trinitron I saw in my grandmother-in-law's basement. I also notice my local small town dump has a mountain of them. I've never asked if they sell them or would give them away or whatever, though.
They're definitely still out there here.


>> No.10835619

i grew up with a crt retard

>> No.10835697

Post haul

>> No.10835793

That's a multi-format Broadcast Video Monitor made in Japan by Sony, it was never cheap and never will be since they don't make them anymore. Even it were somehow broken it would still be worth a lot just for the parts.

>> No.10835805
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>Even it were somehow broken it would still be worth a lot just for the parts.

>> No.10835820

i got mine for $30

>> No.10835857

Why doesn't anyone make CRTs new? It's shocking to me that people are hording these until they die because of it.

>> No.10835860
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Nobody played on PVMs back in the day, we played on regular consumer TVs. Why the fuck would you buy these overpriced shits?

>> No.10835864
File: 2.67 MB, 2190x1386, Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 11.10.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Games look amazing on them, especially via component or RGB.

Don't you want the best experience possible?

>they look better on emulators!

Only someone who never played on a PVM with OG hardware would say this.

>> No.10835952

>i grew up with a crt retard
Well obviously one of your parents was a crt retard. CRT retardation is a hereditary disease.

>> No.10835990

Good thing I never got rid of my RCA Colortrak Plus from 1994.

>> No.10836004

>composite only


>> No.10836115

I'm pretty sure it has S-video connections too.

>> No.10836186

wow I can't wait to play my copies of Panic Restaurant and Tron Bonne and Color a Dinosaur on this bad boy. money well spent, am I right sirs? ordering dominos tonight

>> No.10836187

>become wealthy
>lavishly spend on consumer electronics that would've been thrown in the garbage had it not been for eDork scalpers

>> No.10836206

It's weird, I do think a huge amount of these are basically resellers trying to pump up their own "market" which is perverse too considering that all they're trading around is junk. You know how many """"prime PVMs""""" are stacked up in those CRT landfill warehouses? People are literally fighting over garbage. It's trash-hoarding dorks trying to use mindbroken retards to do economic alchemy.

>> No.10836207

>composite only
Let me guess, you need more?

>> No.10836210



>> No.10836220

I don't get it, CRTs didn't disappear in 1997. I guess it depends on where you live but they were still widespread even in Zoomer years. When my younger brother was still in elementary school they were playing Minecraft on a CRT.

>> No.10836223

Arnt rgb there mods that basically let you turn most consumer grade sets into decently close to PVM quality?

>> No.10836226
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>be muttoid
>have to pay $4k for a PVM or die trying to RGB mod a consumer set to get acceptable image quality
>be eurochad
>even bargain basement 14" consumer CRTs with a built-in VCR have an RGB SCART input

>> No.10836228

the inputs arent the only thing that dictate quality.

For example I have a nice late model trinitron that really pops over component, but its still nothing compared to my PVM which is nothing compared to my BVM.

That said if you dont know any better your mind will be blown with consumer tvs over component.

>> No.10836234

Pizza Hut or Wawa is better.

>> No.10836248

Of course not. Clearly it was throwing things away that disappeared in 1997, as you seem to be unaware such a thing ever existed. I imagine the garbage on the floor in your room is all the way up to top bunk, and your little brother has been missing for over a decade.

>> No.10836262

They sold shelves specifically for crts(pc monitors mostly) for exactly this reason.

>> No.10836267
File: 128 KB, 1170x1699, IMG_4132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw two 3 year olds, maybe younger, in a stroller the other day, both on an ipad, while their mother was on her phone. I think i understand now why the elites want to roll out AI replacements for the future.

>> No.10836272

I guess if you have really rich parents you might never get to experience stuff from before your time. But most zoomers grew up on CRTs at least where I live in the deep dark hinterlands of central Europe.

>> No.10836276

Zoomers are milenials faggot.
>milenial : 1987 to current age
>zoomer : 1987 to current age
What makes a generation is the way they think and behave,just watch a 35 year old dude and then watch a 15 year old they are the same,just think a faggot of 30 was glad he got cucked by girlfriend after he got her pregnant to avoid respinsability,same kind of shit 15 year old do because they got scared of patternity and responsability.

>> No.10836279

Is this a bot post?

>> No.10836283

>RGB mod
RF is good enough dude.

>> No.10836325

>die trying to rgb mod a consumer set
This is the difference between American and European attitudes. The American will bravely leave his comfort zone, get new tools, and practice a proper safety procedure in order to accomplish his goals. Meanwhile, the lazy European is too scared and pisses himself over the prospect of having to learn something, and resorts to the easy path.

>> No.10836327

Goodwill by me has like twenty CRTs for five bucks.

>> No.10836340
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Heh, you're like a little children. Watch THIS.

>> No.10836345

>from Israel

>> No.10836347

Skill issue, I can still get CRTs for 20$ or less

>> No.10836356

I never understood how people suddenly started needing those to play some NES game lol
Back in the day you used whatever shit your parents had on their living room and no one gave a single fuck what TV they had

>> No.10836387
File: 3.73 MB, 480x480, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i just went to my attic and grabbed my 2002 CRT while others are paying hundreds for the same shit
>mfw older games do look better on them but i would never pay more than $30 for a CRT having done the retro gamer thing for a while now

>> No.10836408

Those were literally $8,000 new and the big 20" ones only ever got down to $2000 or so.

Pure inflation.

>> No.10836495

Same, though last year i did pay 35 for a Trinitron i stumbled upon at a store. I have probably close to 100 sets between my basement, garage, parents garage, set up in use and tucked away in various corners, all found for free or paid barely anything for in addition to what i just had back in the day.

>> No.10836819
File: 2.37 MB, 3588x2816, 20240127_173716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my 28 inch PVM

>> No.10836839

>Check eBay for CRT or mini TV that people used to have in their kitchen
fuck off

>> No.10836842

Every family used to have a musket and prob spent a couple bucks at most for them. They now go for thousands.

Inflation and things becoming antiques happens.

>> No.10836860

Can some chink just make a fucking 4:3 OLED already holy fuck

>> No.10836863

>for retro gaming


>> No.10836869

CRTs are all gonna blow up one day broski. Not two more weeks but eventually

>> No.10836871

You can just set it to 4:3 anon. Its not like you can see the empty space on an oled.

>> No.10836883

Yeah I have an OLED TV but the computer monitors are still eye watering expensive and smaller ones basically don’t exist.

>> No.10836889

I paid a grand for the alienware qd-oled and its amazing. 34 inches.

>> No.10836956

Where exactly? North bay here.

>> No.10837338
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>Don't mind me, just pirating all of your CRT monitors and playing them on my OLED

>> No.10837749

>my poorfag third world shithole lived experience means the rest of the world didn't throw away CRTs en masse
No. Your poorfag third world shithole education just makes you think it does.
No. Bots use artificial intelligence. That post is natural unintelligence.

>> No.10837758

I hadn't seen any crt's on the street since 2015 and then last year I find 5 of them all over the span of a few weeks. They were left out a bit and they were certainly going to be junked if I didn't get them. Actually with 2 of them, the garbage truck was just a few streets away with 2 men loading stuff like couches. I even saw one a few weeks ago but let someone else get it.
Just look up hard rubbish collection time and just stroll around. The times I found mine I drove for ages looking through every street and the 2 big finds were all close to one little area with 3 tv's shared between 2 next door houses and the others in a different area were about 50m apart.
Prior to that my other crt's were from the bins of recycling centres.

I admit millennial childhood was a lot better even if you were fairly poor. Zoomers can at least look up knowledge and be less ignorant than we were.

>> No.10837801

Sucks to suck.

>> No.10838205

>CRTs are all gonna blow up one day broski
So they're all gonna blow up at the same time and we wont have them anymore overnight?

>> No.10838223

Fuck Sony PVM/BVM
Got myself a nice 21" CRT monitor cheap and just hook up my MiSTer to it. Works great and does so at 100hz. Enjoy your 50/60hz eye-cancer.
Bonus: I can also play all the best pc games on it.

>> No.10838229

Or you could just get all three.

>> No.10838247

I could get a Sony 20l4 for a reasonable price but i'm running out of space to store all the hardware

>> No.10838267

yes, and games were made to be played on consumer grade crt screens, not pvms. a high res lcd with an antialiasing shader looks better than a crt. i grew up on crts and couldn't wait to get my first lcd monitor when they became mainstream. antialiasing looks 10x better than the uncontrollable crt blur. not to mention it's abusive to your pets if you run a crt all day. their hearing is sensitive enough to get little dog or cat migraines from a crt whine even if you can't hear it yourself. it's like blowing a dog whistle for hours on end in you house. i fell for the crt meme a few years ago and my cat wouldn't sit with me while i played games anymore. i ditched the crt and he chills with me while i play daggerfall now. he likes the distant creature noises, especially the zombies groaning. sometimes he jams on the keyboard or slaps the screen but he mostly just watches intently.

>> No.10838272

Because they're the best CRT's ever made.

>> No.10838276

>looks 10x better than the uncontrollable crt blur.
>crt blur
No such thing.

>> No.10838414

any time you send photons through an irregular surface it's going to blur. while crts had less motion blur than early lcds they had a constant diffusion blur that smeared pixels together with no control over the individual color channels. antialiasing allows for control over color channels so you get a smooth blend of all 3 channels. it just looks cleaner. everyone has different tastes but the main reason to avoid them is if you have pets. the whine is quite loud although out of the hearing range of humans for the most part. it causes pets pain however.

>> No.10838417

my cat is always coming to sit on my lap when I'm playing games on my PVM.

>> No.10838426
File: 3.67 MB, 2640x2160, q54tjzmxcw791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea what you're talking about and your cat hates you.

>> No.10838434

>You have no idea what you're talking about
>photons don't refract through curves
>photons don't diffuse according to subsurface density
get educated

>> No.10838437

get a good crt zoomer.

>> No.10838439

do americans really

>> No.10838443

>concern troll
Haven't heard that term in a while. What are you implying his agenda is?

>> No.10838459

>crt consoomer can't read
imagine my surprise
yes, we'll buy anything the internet tells us to. americans are braindead consumers who will pay 4x what something is worth and then rationalize every bit of it. you can get a better toyota for half the price in other countries but americans will buy the americanized shit version with plastic swaybar endlinks (i'm not even joking) and make a million excuses for why it's akshually better than metal endlinks before getting embarrased and accusing detractors of being poor. americans aren't even rich, they just pretend they're all the bankers that own 99.9% our money. medieval peasants lived in nicer houses than the average american, who lives in a pine stick frame with pine osb floor joists and rafters and polyester carpet. don't listen to anything americans say as a general rule, they're just coping banker's golems. it's a meme country and i hate living here.

>> No.10838478
File: 403 KB, 946x551, sevenhundredandfiftyusdollars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't mind me, just pirating all of your CRT monitors and playing them on my OLED

>> No.10838504

>750 usd
i can just use my 80 usd monitor. i dont pay for the roms anyway so i cant complain

>> No.10838516
File: 57 KB, 500x375, Time_to_Stop_Posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this kid. A clueless child who imagines stringing some words he heard is going to fool some grownups into believing he's old enough to go to the bathroom on his own. His shitpost isn't even word salad. It's gerber mixed vegetables.
Your cat is trying to tell you something. Pic related. Your cat.
And here he goes again. Coping with some unrelated strawman shit. He really is to ignorant that he doesn't even know what he's wrong about.

>> No.10838645

they emit light from the screen by fluorescence. do you even know what fluorescence is? how could that not possibly blur when the photons begin scattered and then are refracted through a convex lens? you're literally arguing that electrified phosphor behind a curved prism doesn't blur. you're simply ignorant and need to get educated.

>> No.10838887

Mah! The baby dun spit up all over the 4chan again.
What on earth is wrong with you? How underage does a child have to be to believe that throwing together some irrelevant words it thinks sound sciency is going to fool grownups into thinking it knows what it's talking about?
I'm not even sure it's possible for an actual human child to be this deluded. Are you sure you're not a bot programmed to shitpost?

>> No.10838954

holy cringe

>> No.10838962
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these Wega Trinitrons good CRT models?

>> No.10839202

They sometimes have geometry issues but they have component support and amazing colors.

>> No.10839205

What setup do you have connected here? I'm getting a PVM next month and one of the things I'm most interested in is using it for the games in my Steam library that support 240p / are compatible with Emudriver

>> No.10839212

Just buy a consumer grade CRT and hook your systems up to it with RF or composite. All you need.

>> No.10839357

Shame they don’t have S Video support, my gamecube is a DOL 101 and doesn’t have component cable output, and S Video is also the best option for unmodded SNES.

>> No.10839885

I think this is the guy always talking about the T20 speakers.

>> No.10839997

Everything ends.

>> No.10840853

everything except summer on /vr/

>> No.10841013

Literally not the same. No shader has successfully replicated the feel of an actual CRT.

>> No.10841023

works on my monitor

>> No.10841028
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No it doesnt you are blind or have never seen a crt.

>> No.10841074

skill issue, get a better monitor lol

>> No.10841079


>> No.10841090

sorry fag not buying your $3000 pvm when a shader can do it

>> No.10841101

Loser mindset.

>> No.10841112

My cat sits right behind my head while im playing right in front of my big ass set.

>> No.10841116
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>a high res lcd with an antialiasing shader looks better than a crt.

>> No.10841127
File: 397 KB, 2988x3984, 20240331_104727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10841129

having RGB input is only one aspect that differentiates consumer from professional. For instance, I have two sonys (a PVM and a consumer trinny) that I have hooked up in series. I can display vidya via s-video to both at once, and the difference in picture quality is night and day. The consumer set just looks softer and blurrier. It's kinda like having poor vision and comparing what things look like with or without your glasses

>> No.10841134

i love you pvm tards
keep paying

>> No.10841137

Looks awful and worse than my LCD thanks

>> No.10841139

I've had mine for over a decade and paid barely anything for them.
I actually don't think they've been worth it for a very very long time, and that a decent consumer set with either an RGB mod or a component transcoder is good enough.

But it's objectively incorrect to say that RGB input is the only differentiating factor. That's the point I'm making.

>> No.10841161

TV monitors are worth it if you can get them for free or very cheap sure but a large consumer set is gonna win most of the time regardless.
I have a 28 inch PVM and I think anything smaller is just not really usable

>> No.10841327

The point you're making is a non-sequitur

>> No.10841375
File: 385 KB, 931x765, pvm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because they were industry benchmarks in terms of picture quality.

Paying a few hundred for what used to be tens of thousands, in order to get the best CRT experience seems worthwhile to me

>> No.10841383

buy Plasmas before they all die out.

>> No.10841384

I want a 13-14" TV with shadow mask and S-video/component/RGB input

>> No.10841387

>star wars /tv/
>they were industry benchmarks in terms of picture quality.

yeah no one prayed gamus on them.

>> No.10841391

I bought mine (for very little) because RGB was the best signal I could get out of a range of old consoles, as opposed to S-video from only a few consoles, and decent RGB-component transcoders didn't exist then.
I don't care at all about developer intent or "what most people used". I care about what I like.

>> No.10841392

buy ads, square pusher.

>> No.10841394

you will never own a CRT

>> No.10841395

>I care about what I like.
if you did, you won't be here listening to shills who want to sell overpriced /vr/.

>> No.10841402

I don't know what you're getting at

>> No.10841415
File: 1.26 MB, 2576x1932, sned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old pic of my room.
have gotten more crts since then, cant even watch my plasma TV anymore
collecting crts like a mental desease

>> No.10841423

devs did

>> No.10841460

I autistically watch Retro Tech for hours at a time to fulfill the dream of getting a nice CRT one day.

>> No.10841462

But I do and I prefer my oled

>> No.10841473

It's mid.

>> No.10841476

OLED has made plasma irrelevant.

>> No.10841547
File: 50 KB, 680x510, transcoder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent "transcoders" have been around since the early 90's. You just didn't know about them because you care so much about what you like. Also because you weren't born yet. Which is why you call them "transcoders".

>> No.10841553

Especially the early black case models. They're so prone to unfixable geometry bullshit that they 100% aren't worth it.

>> No.10841568

Based truth.

>> No.10841571

>tiny screen designed to be rack mounted
>low quality portable speakers
It’s hideous.

>> No.10841594

Idiot, half the posters here grew up on CRTs and switched to LCDs as soon as they became available. When I was a kid we would go into the alleys behind apartments in town when the university students were moving out and throw rocks through the screens of all the CRTs piled next to dumpsters to make the vacuum pop. There were a dozen of these fucking things being thrown in the trash behind every apartment every year. I've probably destroyed over a hundred of those gray JVC CRTs with the RGB plugs in the front.

>> No.10841614


>> No.10841615

This is how it was, why won’t they listen?

>> No.10841619

Hell no. That’s genuinely unpleasant but if it’s yours and you enjoy then whatever I guess.

>> No.10841632

no need to be jealous.

>> No.10841661
File: 1.24 MB, 2920x2392, 20240127_173006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one is jealous of post stamp size TV anon.
not even 20 inch.

>> No.10841680

Damn that TV is faded and covered in rust.

>> No.10841725

Love these little niggas like you wouldn’t believe

>> No.10841729


We know anon we know

>> No.10841763


>> No.10841983

Fuck you for perpetuating this unfunny meme
You are the fucking cancer killing this board

>> No.10842012

Emulators can emulate the look of a dozen PVMs(whatever TVL) fairly well
But the motion is not there yet because panels aren't bright enough yet to do BFI at 1ms MPRT or lower

>> No.10842016

that TV is worth more then 10 of your poststamp sonys.
I am working on the rust.

>> No.10842021

>2499 for a fucking grundig

>> No.10842052
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x1080, ebabb5e0a040f485f15e8398d1615e34eae708f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No shader has successfully replicated the feel of an actual CRT.
Megatron or Cyberlab variant of the shader is 99% of the way there
All that is needed for more accuracy is 8K and above but even at 4K it looks amazing

Plus you can also do your own cool shaders or tweak them to your liking like for example pic related some guy made did some preset of his own which resemble shitty CRTs from 80s that smooth out the pixels for Mega Drive

I don't know why you idiots still shill against shaders when shaders have pretty much emulate the look of CRTs perfectly by now
I wouldn't be surprised if you were those sellers on ebay

Anyone who is not full of shit knows that shaders are more or less perfect now, and that the only thing missing now is the motion clarity. Which has nothing to do with shaders.

>> No.10842063

This image looks nothing like a CRT with rgb

It looks like someone's warped perception of RF output. Its shit. Anon this is a cope post.

>> No.10842064
File: 3.78 MB, 1464x895, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When my little 15 inch tube tv dies I'll probably call it quits since getting a replacement seems like a genuine nightmare where I live coupled with it being illegal to carry old tvs in thrift stores and similar outlets. Something about the old components in them. Just praying this one lasts forever, I treat it very kindly.

>> No.10842072

If its a PVM or BVM it should last you decades.

>> No.10842074

>all that effort and expensive 4K/8K displays instead of just grabbing an actual old CRT for a fraction of the cost
I appreciate the effort and what it will mean for decades in the future when CRTs become rare, but for right now, if you want the actual look of an actual 80s CRT, why not just get an actual 80s CRT? Cheaper than getting a 4K monitor or TV, at least.

>> No.10842087

This looks terrible.

>> No.10842120

capacitors, the main thing that fails in crts, are exactly can fail in pvm just as fast as consumer TV
PVMs last longer is some weird cope from people who spent alot on one i think

>> No.10842131

>even bargain basement 14" consumer CRTs with a built-in VCR have an RGB SCART input
This is simply not true.
RGB on home theater sets 25" and up is a given but go smaller and it's harder to come by.
A lot of 21"s not from sony are composite only and 14" with RGB are pretty fucking rare.

>> No.10842143

Capacitors are easy to replace. The issue is tubes and PVM and BVM tubes last much longer.

>> No.10842147

I bet Israeli yuppies threw all of their CRTs in a landfill the second plasma was available so this guy probably has to raid West Bank to get his hands on these.

>> No.10842151

I don't know what shithole country you live in, but it wasn't rare at all here in the UK.
In fact, it's much harder to find a CRT without a SCART socket, and they're always extremely old sets from the 80s and prior.

>> No.10842156
File: 2.98 MB, 4137x3192, cyberlabs300tvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This image looks nothing like a CRT with rgb
>It looks like someone's warped perception of RF output.
Did you read the whole post?
I said that you can even emulate the shitty look of RF/Composite and a shitty CRT if you want
You can write your own shaders, you can edit your own presets.
You cannot do that with CRTs. If you have a PVMeme with 600tvl you will get thick memelines and you will deal with it

Here is a Cyberlab variant 300TVL pic
Mind you the image is slightly compressed for 4chinz

The Cyberlab and Megatron shaders have presets for 300, 600, 900, 1000tvl
Shadow Mask, Slot Mask and Aperture Grille Mask styles

>Applying a shader is more work than getting a CRT

>why not just get an actual 80s CRT?
Gee retard, maybe because they are hard to get and usually are broken beyond repair?

It's supposed to.
It's the Koko-AIO Shader combined with Blargg composite with somebody's custom presets.

But nothing is stopping you from using Cyberlab, Megatron or CRT Royale or Guest Advanced etc.
These things are highly customizable and on a 4K OLED with HDR they just look insane.
Although Cyberlab also has presets for 1080p and 1440p which look excellent as well.

>> No.10842160

Cope post.

>> No.10842164

You got it nice in the UK I guess but that post said "eurochad"

>> No.10842165

t. ebay seller
Nobody is buying your overpriced junk

>> No.10842187

not really.
TVs are simply driven much harder.
Keep contrast on your TV under 50% and it will last forever

>> No.10842191
File: 858 KB, 2988x3984, 20240318_085610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gee retard, maybe because they are hard to get and usually are broken beyond repair?
for you.

>> No.10842257

Either way, even if you manage to find such a CRT then if you want to play a 480p Gamecube game for example you can't even get it to show at 480p since it's 15khz only.

You are underrating the flexibility of software shaders. The fact that we can emulate the look of several kinds of CRTs(and even other tech like low res LCDs or maybe even Plasma TVs) with shaders and can switch them with a single button click is wild.

Don't blame the software(shaders), blame the hardware(displays).
Shaders are vastly ahead of modern displays.

>> No.10842289
File: 2.14 MB, 1408x1098, Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 5.37.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>480p since it's 15khz only.


>> No.10842291

It's hilarious that retards who got grifted into buying these things don't even know what the p in 480p stands for.

>> No.10842297

Cope post

>> No.10842307

>nu-male can't do a simple capacitor swap.
Learn how to repair something with your own two hands for once.

>> No.10842316
File: 778 KB, 2988x3984, 20240111_193051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does 480p better then any shader ever could
>If I want to play modern games I just drop the resolution up to 1200p

>> No.10842321

>Terrible photo quality
>Disgusting desk
>Smoker discoloration
This nigga is just a dirty poorfag pretending to be a CRT enthusiast lol

>> No.10842336
File: 1.86 MB, 3268x2988, 20240217_110118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10842452

But you're the one suggesting people buy 4K OLEDs? You know that just because your parents bought you one doesn't mean they're free, right?

>> No.10842532

Wow, that was pretty retarded of you. You could have sold them and made bank.

>> No.10843218

I love this bit on the "gaming TV" market

>> No.10843259

Nothing they said is wrong, really, but I’m not going to stop using PVMs. At the same time, if you pay $900 for a PVM then you are a certifiable retard

>> No.10843263

>fat ugly balding guy doing terrible on open mic
Wait, are they talking about Stavros?

>> No.10843267

my personal best friend Nick Millions would never make fun of Stavros for being fat

>> No.10843479

what should I do with my PC CRTs?

>> No.10843493
File: 289 KB, 588x558, 1682393018728841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people listing coax/RF only shitboxes for hundreds of dollars
never not funny

>> No.10843513
File: 188 KB, 500x334, 1695246243962006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take them to an open range
record yourself blowing them open with a pistol
post the vid here

>> No.10843525

hey little buddy, a goo goo gaga to you! old tv, BIG possibilities!

>> No.10843645

Does anyone have any knowledge of 90s sony crt compatible universal remotes? I dont necessarily trust the compatibility stated with many of the remotes manufactured today so I feel like its basically a coin flip if any one of these I buy would work.

>> No.10843647

do this, I need to see it

>> No.10843656

Usually you can just search the tv model number in ebay and find someone selling the actual original remote. Probably some old universal remotes on there that would work too if you can't find the original.

>> No.10844165

SCART does not equal RGB. It's a multi purpose connector, it has wiring for composite video

>> No.10844225

I've found that a lot of Sony remotes work with other Sony sets, so that's somewhere to start. Check the owner's manual and see what remote came with it, then find a remote with similar functionality. Should work

>> No.10844373

I'm picking up a free Sony Trinitron KV-32XBR later today. I've found someone selling a Plasma VT 60 for 200. Should I use the plasma for 6 + gen consoles and use the xbr for everything lower?

>> No.10844376

All I know is you should never use them on CRTs cause it makes them blowed up real good. Trust me. My uncle works for CRT.

>> No.10844382

I mean really, if you're in california and your main hobby is hiding indoors, you might as well move because you're missing a big part of why california is desirable.

>> No.10844410

How mini are we talking about? 14" units with 60Hz support and RGB can still be get really cheap here in Europe. Real small and portable units can be got for cheap as well but only if you're fine with black and white image and mono audio. Very small color CRTs are almost impossible to find.

>> No.10844603

>"plz take my old tv for free or really cheap" listings are becoming really hard to come by,
this hasn't existed here in england for like 10 years kek

>> No.10844609
File: 137 KB, 1500x1000, 8246f1cfab7849a088228bd310f57d51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look good, i use mine for everything even watching modern anime and movies

>> No.10844612
File: 141 KB, 1163x1275, F2dVexgb0AArMDw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based i got these same speaker

>> No.10844613

Men with no families and disposable income

Share blue has deposited 0.02 in your account

>> No.10844631

Up there with people jerking off over small CRT+VHS kitchen TVs

>> No.10844645

I think they're cute, used to own a 13" mid to late 2000s one back in the day by Magnavox
They're overrated though, the prices are ridiculous

>> No.10844680

i worked for an e recycler; some Brazilian bought the place and ran it into the ground. they recycle a few dozen sony crt broadcast tier monitors a week. the owner would rather scrap them than test and sell them.

>> No.10844686

do you have a single snickers bar to back that up?

>> No.10844725

They were "kitchen TVs" (or kid bedroom TVs) for a reason. They do their job, but I can't imagine anybody wanting to seriously play games on one of those, much less pay any significant amount of money for one. Background noise while cleaning, watching the news at breakfast, taping some TV show, something in the background while doing homework, sure they're perfectly fine, and worth the small amount they cost when they were still sold at retail

>> No.10844924

Take some?

>> No.10845167

you think I care?