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10837031 No.10837031 [Reply] [Original]

I think this is why Sony won, ultimately.

>> No.10837043

Shiturn is a meme tier console doubt it can run a game like Silent Hill

>> No.10837045


>> No.10837049

It's pretty much a wash. The SS character model has textures, whereas the PSX one is gouraud-shaded without textures. The PSX version has better lighting on the realtime geometry.

The matter of ultimate success came down to exclusives weighting the industry in PlayStation's favor. Sony paid to get FF7 onboard, it was a turbo-success, and that bust the dam on exclusives for the platform. After this, no one except Jon Burton was going to be determined to master the Saturn.

>> No.10837050

the saturn straddled 2d and 3d. it could render way more sprites than the playstation which allowed for games like dragon force that the playstation would have choked on. i may be wrong but i don't think the saturn handled mipmaps at all instead using a nearest neighbor texture scaler which left mipmapping up to software which most devs didn't bother with. at the time a lot of pc games were 3d environments with 2d sprites or full pre-rendered 3d. it seems like sega took that as a que that full 3d was still a long way off.

>> No.10837054


>> No.10837056

>at the time a lot of pc games were 3d environments with 2d sprites or full pre-rendered 3d. it seems like sega took that as a que that full 3d was still a long way off.
This is a really interesting insight that I could see being plausible.

>> No.10837057

>Sony paid to get FF7 onboard
they didn't have to, there was no other platform for FF7 to be on other than PSX

>> No.10837078


>> No.10837081

Shining Force 3 ran like shit and it was far less demanding tha FF7

>> No.10837087

The Saturn is very obviously capable of fully 3d graphics and much, much more capable than any system released prior. You're conveniently forgetting that most Playstation games are also full of 2d assets, including the OP.

>> No.10837092

nope it doesn't,n64 looked better then psone.
psone barely has something besides "muh piracy chips made by sony to sell more consoles"
>n64 had superior 3d graphics
>saturn kicked psone ass in 2D graphics alone.
so how did it won?
>last commercial game release on saturn was on 2009.
no matter how much you love your gaystation you can't deny that saturn was superior and had better games,even 3d games are superior on saturn.

>> No.10837096

playing saturn 3D games, the lack of shading/lighting in the majority of games really sticks out. good thing it's great at 2D.
Sega didn't understand that 3D was going to hit as hard and fast as it did until Virtua Fighter became a hit for them. And that was only a year before the Saturn launch in Japan.
I wonder how much of the PS1's architecture came from Namco pushing Sony to release a viable platform for its arcade ports.

>> No.10837097

Dunno what you mean by ran like shit. FF7 battles were 15 fps on PSX.

>> No.10837104

>I wonder how much of the PS1's architecture came from Namco pushing Sony to release a viable platform for its arcade ports.
There's a quote from a Psygnosis guy that the PSX was in rough shape before Sony sent it to them for feedback. Which I believe, because Brits are far better engineers.

>> No.10837126

>because Brits are far better engineers.
oh yeah? then why there is no british console huh?

>> No.10837134

Oyyyyyyyyyyyy me speccyy

>> No.10837141

>so how did it won?
by having what the other two didn't, games

>> No.10837153

Several game consoles include hardware designed by Anglo-Saxons or design was lead by them. The N64 was a Western-designed machine that had its feet swept by baffling Japanese decisions.

>> No.10837169

ARM (The CPU in most mobile devices) is British. They came out of the 80s British microcomputer market.

>> No.10837184

>the power of the console is why sony won
I wish you dumbasses would fuck off

>> No.10837256

I don’t like the Redditurn or Reddit the Hedgehog

>> No.10837259

somehow I never knew that the N64's platform was pitched by SGI

>> No.10837413

Nigga shut the fuck up. Shiturn version literally looks like Virtua Fighter it's so fucking laughable.

>> No.10837523

consoles are for retards, thats why we Euros hardly have any

>> No.10837641
File: 2.71 MB, 960x720, RE1 Chris rotate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturn models, and also in the case of Resident Evil, have a lot less jittery polygons and also manage to keep a better consistency at greater distances.
Admitedly, in Resident Evil character faces didn't do well on Saturn (and I think that's the one thing people tend to focus their mind on when they compare both games) but I believe this is more to do of a lack of effort in the porting process than on "the Saturn" itself. Some enemy models look amazing on Saturn however and in some cases I like them better than on PSX; and generall models just hold their consistency better in all circumstances on Saturn. I don't believe this rotating / zooming effect is something they would have done on PSX because it would be highlighting the flaws of PSX models.

Shame about the lack fo dynamic lights in the Saturn version indeed though, BUT despite having an amazing light sources system built into the game (the proto PSX versions showcase it, it's quite something) in the case of RE1 the use of such lights is rather mid, RE2-3 went a lot more wild with them.

>> No.10837643

you would never see a difference on a crt

>> No.10837646
File: 2.53 MB, 1280x960, Bio_Hazard_Saturn_Battle_end_Jill_Rotate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10837647

The saturn is so sexy. I want to fuck it

>> No.10837729

seems like way more detail than necessary, I wonder if they loaded a highpoly version for that cutscene. In gran turismo 2 they show higher poly cars on the menu but in game they are lower.

>> No.10837741

>I wonder if they loaded a highpoly version for that cutscene.


>> No.10837789

5th gen 3D was a fucking mistake. think of how much more SOVL 2d KINO we could've gotten. why the fuck would devs push tech that's not even properly ready? same goes for 7th gen HD and 9th gen 4K

>> No.10837857

>why the fuck would devs push tech that's not even properly ready?
you don't understand. no matter how bad early 3D looked, it allowed for way more gameplay possibilities than 2D games. 3D platformers play very different from 2D platformers. 3D fighting games play very different from 2D fighting games. people wanted 3D because they wanted novel experiences, even if it turned out that novelty sometimes required sacrificing something else. this led to obvious consequences: the more 3D games were coming out, the less fresh they felt. eventually there was a shift back towards 2D games when people realized that gameplay styles that 3D games made possible were not necessarily better than their 2D counterparts, which is where we are now. I don't like using the excuse "you had to be there", but in this case you really cannot understand this well without being unable to play ANY 3D game for the first decade or two of your life and then coming across them.

>> No.10837923

>the Playstation isn't technically as good
According to whom, the rabid loons who keep spamming "here's how the saturn could have won" threads every 2 hours?

>> No.10837931

The reason the Saturn models look so different is because they were made by a completely different company. Nextech did the port.

>> No.10837971

they look really good here

>> No.10838012

Saturn is better in terms of some raw specs. More VRAM, two CPUs with only marginally lower clock speed instead of one. It's the 3D rendering parts that are lacking because Sega didn't plan for them to be 3D rendering parts at the beginning. VDP1 was supposed to be just a scaler and geometric transformation engine for 2D sprites. The Playstation threat forced them to completely rethink the purpose of their own console from something that was supposed to coexist with 3D arcade titles into something that would run those very same 3D arcade titles at home. Of course, late stage changes are expensive because an earlier design shoehorned into something it wasn't supposed to be is inherently inefficient. Saturn was expensive to produce. They had to price it higher than Playstation in the US and still lost money on every unit they sold at the beginning.

>> No.10838271

Textures on the Saturn version are fucked on the model though, it looks janky.

>> No.10838291
File: 24 KB, 256x256, Biohazard_sample_Jill_texture_older.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the PSX one is gouraud-shaded without textures


>> No.10838789

The only downside to the models on the Playstation version are Shadows clipping through the elbows but they overall look much better.
Some backgrounds look better on Saturn(less artifacts).
The Saturn transparencies are a non-issue if you are using composite on a CRT. It does look bad on a flat screen or with high quality though.
Saturn has a few extras
I'd say they are not too far off, i could easily stick to a version on a coin toss.
Of course Saturn doesn't have Director's Cut but i'm more of a OG release when it comes ot RE classic.

>> No.10839010

The saturn isn't technically better in terms of any real world performance, especially when it comes to 3D, which resident evil uses.

>> No.10839174

Yeah, this is correct. At the time, even the shittiest 3d games felt super unique and novel.

>> No.10839431

even pre-rendered cutscenes were the shit