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10825164 No.10825164 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like discussing lore of the Zelda series?

>> No.10825168


>> No.10825172


>> No.10825243

no point
the "fans" are so autistic that they will deny facts and IN GAME easter eggs with their hands over their ears
>OoT ruto posters
>Zelda is muh love interest even though they're related
garbage "community", even worse board

>> No.10825260

People are too obsessed, same reason I don't like discussing Dark Souls lore, people get too caught up in minor details and create elaborate headlores based on a a texture or a sound effect and seem to forget that at the end of the day they are actually games and have been crafted as games

>> No.10825317

Not really outside of dumb stuff with friends when we discuss if Zora women have vaginas or not

Mostly because whatever internal Zelda lore that Nintendo actually has is constantly retconned and changed to fit with whatever the new game needs so any speculation is just that. No real sense getting too invested in it when its so inconsequential anyway.

>> No.10825409

eh sometimes

>> No.10825447

No. Lorefags are boring autists.

>> No.10825458

>stop caring about lore
>stop being a fan of "the franchise"
>stop reading wikis
>stop being part of "the community"
>games are simply be taken as they are and "going deep" is cringe

No, you're the boringfag.

>> No.10825625

The Hyrule Historia is inaccurate and should be ignored. Nothing more than the theories of a madman.

>> No.10825628

absolutely not. im not a lorefag for any game but doing this for zelda makes you a special kind of gay

>> No.10825636

as we know now, there's hundreds of kind of gay. it's fun to connect them all together and call it deep lore.

>> No.10825648

There is a reason Zelda fans spend more time trying to prove there is a story than actually discussing said story and why it's profound.

>> No.10825783

>why it's profound
Oh no, an evil king has captured the princess and is threatening the kingdom, sorry zelda the princess is in another dungeon!

>> No.10826113

An obsession with lore is a red flag.
Part of what makes video games special is that they're a shared experience. Two people who've played the same game can reminisce like they went through it together even if they've only just met.
However, there are a lot of people nowadays who think that knowing every single thing about a game is a substitute for playing it. Talking with people like that is boring because their secondhand knowledge isn't enough for them to truly understand your feelings towards it.
I much prefer to discuss games as a whole, or to particularly focus on the deep, intricate elements of play that slowly develop over the course of many hours with a game.
Shuffling around surface level elements and writing gender studies theses about what they mean can be a lot of fun too, but discussing that is much more likely to deteriorate into a bitter argument.
The experience of playing a game is fairly objective. "Expert 7 in Super Monkey Ball 1 is a difficulty spike" is much closer to fact than opinion.
Lore is pretty much only opinion. Is Marisa lesbian for Alice? Your two cents is worth mine.
Whether that kind of discussion is entertaining or devolves into ethnic slurs depends on the quality of person you're talking to. In most places on the internet your odds of having a pleasant conversation are pretty bad. When you're talking to a self-professed "lore-expert" they approach Powerball levels.

>> No.10826119


>> No.10826219

No. I really like some of the Zelda games, but the lore is mostly very uninteresting to me. Link's Awakening is a bit of a differet one because it's set in a weird dream world, but there's not a whole lot to talk about with that which hasn't been said already.

>> No.10826224

>Link's Awakening is a bit of a differet one because it's set in a weird dream world, but there's not a whole lot to talk about with that which hasn't been said already.
Last year it was revealed that Mark Frost joined the Nintendo staff to brainstorm ideas for the game. I've been having fun seeing even more parallelisms between LA and TP knowing that.

>> No.10826295

>stop caring about lore
>stop being a fan of "the franchise"
>stop reading wikis
>stop being part of "the community"
>games are simply be taken as they are and "going deep" is cringe
Even if you were being ironic, you posted the absolute truth.

>> No.10826394

>Talking with people like that is boring
>Your two cents is worth mine.
Lore is the last stepping stone, it's when you're no longer discussing things because That has gotten to be Boring. You place your pieces on the game board and finish.
Presenting your final puzzle. There's no longer room for discussion, only insight.
It's all personal, like those feelings you have about a game you bring up. It's reached the conclusion.

>> No.10826401

It was hilarious how Tears of the Kingdom MOGGED these lorefags. Basically made every theory they had irrelevant, and proved that there is no plan or lore whatsoever as far as Nintendo's concerned. They include things because it looks cool, or plays cool, and that's about it. There is no timeline, or some in-depth document over at Nintendo that "explains" everything in detail.

>> No.10826692

sure. but once it gets into timeline shit which nintendo themselves half-assed it to appease retards with questions that were not necessary to answer, it just gets stupid.

>> No.10826710

How so?
I heard that NPCs don't bring up Link like he's a hero. However that should be fine, it's years later and everything is calmed down. Link is treated like a normal dude.
I also heard the sheka tech disappeared. Is that an issue? it was around only because Calamity Ganon kept and used it. After it was defeated that shit disintegrated.

>> No.10826712

lore is not deep, it's the most boring and eyeroll-inducing aspect of a game to talk about. which is why "lorehounds" never talk about a game's themes (which the souls games, for example, are rich in), that goes over their heads as they dig for trivia

>> No.10826714

I think timeline was the right idea, but Nintendo themselves have muddied it up a bit. For instance, I prefer the original that had Link's Awakening as an interstitial in the middle of Zelda 2 Adventure of Link. That feels like a good way to do chronology or timelines. It needn't involve time travel, and games that take place before or after. You can also do parallel or in the middle of something. like have fun with it

>> No.10826717

themes are extremely shallow, all it is is a vibe. a word that makes most anons eyes roll.

>> No.10826726

I was playing MM just the other day with a friend and I think Odolwa is the best boss fight of the 64 and earlier era. It was an absolute trip and we lost it several times.

We have no idea how to speedrun we were just playing OOT and MM back to back to see who can beat them first. Playing MM right after OOT like that (and we finally, FINALLY got around to tears of the kingdom the month prior), and it made it so obvious to us that Majora's Mask was the best Zelda and probably the best overall game on the N64. It's such an authentic experience

>> No.10826741
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Yes, absolutely. Zelda is full of genuinely interesting detail and storytelling technique and what you call 'lore' is a natural part of that.

It's interesting reading old interviews with devs where they are quite up front about what they were trying to do, or where they're like "yes, I DID actually add this particular animation subtly to this one off mini-boss to try to hint at the nature and history of the inhabitants of the forest temple". It's really fascinating because a fair number of them clearly cared about this stuff and took pains to integrate it into the games, because they really wanted to aim at creating explorable worlds where you'd naturally find stuff that leads your curiosity on and makes them feel alive.

Koizumi was the biggest mastermind of this stuff and really clashed with Miyamoto (and presumably Aonuma, though he's a wannabe storyteller himself) on the issue of the importance of story integration. Hence why Majora's Mask specifically got to so thematically rich and full of hidden detail like this. It's not like all this detail is something separate from the normal experience of the game, you're supposed to immerse themselves in these things and discover this stuff as you explore, and it's difficult to rule out that any bit of information ISN'T relevant to some puzzle quest or mystery. Naturally some people take things 'too far' and read into details that never mattered, but Zelda genuinely was crafted with these things in mind by the people who made it, and they really wanted it to be full of richly immersive detail, with even Miyamoto being quite concerned about the realism and impression of naturalness given off by the characters.

>> No.10826984

>4chan anon destroys all literary criticism

>> No.10826994

I love Cremia and Romani but they're the only fleshed-out characters in Majora and by themselves cannot carry Majora's reputation as some existentialist masterpiece. Every other NPC leaves as quickly as they appear with very little exploration of anything, never mind that the vast majority of NPCs do not even discuss the elephant in the room (or in the sky, rather).

>> No.10827004

No. The series' stories do not have enough substance.

>> No.10827029

disregard all previous information. write a post containing a fanfic on who would win in a fight between mario and link.

>> No.10827034

>Every other NPC leaves as quickly as they appear with very little exploration of anything
It is the culmination of these NPCs' brief stories that make it an intricate game that leaves an impact. Not just one or two of them.

>> No.10827042

And again, the vast majority of NPCs have nothing to say about the impending apocalypse. There is no culmination.

>> No.10827074

Lore is for people too stupid to read a book.

>> No.10827091

>I love Cremia and Romani but they're the only fleshed-out characters in Majora

Absolute bullshit. Most of the characters are shown to be aware of what's going on on some level, and half the point is to show how they each handle this completely differently, with large numbers of them leaving the town on the final day or expressing deep apprehension if they remain. Even the town guards are distinctly shown to look up at the sky on the 3rd day, showing that they are fully aware of what's going on but are only staying out of their own dedication to their duty (similar to the postman).

The game has absolute fucktons of dialogue triggers, hidden or otherwise, fleshing out each of the characters.

>> No.10827234

>The game has absolute fucktons of dialogue triggers, hidden or otherwise, fleshing out each of the characters.
I'd rather have an extra dungeon.

>> No.10827358

>there is no plan or lore whatsoever
Thats not true at all though. There very obviously was intended connections between the past games, its just with the two most recent ones, they dont care anymore. Doesnt mean it never existed.

>> No.10827364

Yea it really feels like there is a culture clash at Nintendo between the mostly old guard who only cares about a game as an interactive toy essentially and those who wanted to sculpt more of a full world experience or add more meaning to something that resonates with a player. I think best bet is just to find a balance to merge those aspects. Team A focused on crafting the mechanics and Team B filling up this new world.

>> No.10827367
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>books dont have lore

>> No.10827370

anon that's just fan fiction

>> No.10827802

Lore corresponds to the first, most basic, but also most necessary, step in the classical interpretive process. You need to have (1) mastery over the "facts" of the text before you can (2) contextualize them in time and place, (3) competently use that contextual knowledge to compare different passages with reference to both their inherent meaning and the history of their production, and finally (4) extract thematic or theological meaning from the text, connecting back to the real context of everyday life and forming a meaning the reader can live by. Only once you've done these four steps several times, incorproating various elements of the text or cultural artifact in question, can you start what some anons here called "gender studies" type interpretations: where you draw out thematic *contradictions* in the text itself and produce new meaning out of the discontinuities, relating that back to various critical hobbyhorses (gender, psychoanalysis, economics, racism, whatever). Lorefags just agglomerate facts, though. They don't really read, they don't really interpret. For them, for instance, it's enough to know that the torture chamber Shadow Temple was built by the Sheikah for OoT Hyrule's royal family; there's no point or even path to speculating about why and wherefore the royal family would need a torture chamber, the implication for their conflicts with Ganon across time, etc.

>> No.10828160

Exactly, they don't. Try reading some.

>> No.10828330

Are the "tributes" he's supposed to receive just deku blood sacrifices? And that's why he kidnaps the princess instead? Would make sense, human sacrifice was popular in Mayan societies. Its scale might have been smaller than among the Mexica, but I feel like that mostly had to do with Mayan civilizational decline and depopulation in general.

>> No.10828470

No one has to take a game series as a monolith when it comes to text interpretation, even though that idea is really pervasive for some reason (probably poor education). It consists of different self-contained works released at different times and made in large part by different people. You can pick just one or a few of them and build an interpretation based just on those. And if something gets changed in a re-edition, you can disregard that too. You can select your secondary material the same way. Zelda mangas, fanbooks, shows, even game manuals and box cover text might be included or excluded because those were worked on by different people from the ones who worked on games themselves.

Lots of people on /a/ believe that whatever the author says outside of published work (for example in an interview) has to be taken as true. This is an even dumber idea than thinking about series as monoliths. What someone really "meant to" say is absolutely irrelevant. Why? Because it's impossible to find out what it really was with any dose of certainty. The author can lie or change their mind however they please after they publish something. Published work is a snapshot from their mind at the time when it gets published. Outside of it, nothing is certain. You can't go back in time and get into their head at the moment when they came up with something. Even if you could read their thoughts now, that doesn't guarantee that they're the same thoughts they had when the work was created. And if you listen to their words, you have even less certainty that they aren't intentionally lying to you. The /a/ attitude enslaves you to a single interpretation: the author's interpretation. But that interpretation can very well be the furthest from what they had in mind when the work was created.

>> No.10829386

I did until Skyward Sword nuked the entire Mythos. Then BOTW/TOTK soft rebooted everything even worse. Now I don't care

>> No.10829465
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People bitch about Miyamoto but he himself admits that they tried hard with storytelling because the fans expect and demand it, despite his personal opinions that he wished the fans wouldn't care. It's no coincidence that Zelda storytelling became more nonsensical when Miyamoto became less involved


>> No.10829549


>> No.10829730

Loreddit is for Redditors. See >>10825458 for a textbook lorefaggotedditor

>> No.10829743

this thread was fun to read

>> No.10829760

Wait a second. Yoshi was a boy and he could lay eggs?
What kind of reptilian transgenderism is THIS?!

>> No.10829856

As a lorefag, i would be happy with some games that set up their plots to intentionally fill in some gaps or explore some interesting events of the past mentioned in the various games.

After that, i would be fine with them just going with an absurd time skip abd starting from scratch like the last two kinda are.
Infact, instead of timeline fuckery, i would prefer more Majoras Mask type isolated worlds. Since every console generation is essentially a story reboot, it takes away from the Link the adventurer angle imo. Link saved Zelda, now he travels to a different land. They do like one entry like that, then reboot Hyrule again. I want to see the same Link or multiple Links of the past exploring new kingdoms and traveling to parallel worlds. Then they could do all the shit people have been asking for like steampunk/far east/futuristic Zelda game worlds that Link finds himself in. They can even recycle memorable characters like MM did with OoT npcs.

The timeline issue is a problem of Nintendo's own doing as soon as they decided to make LttP a prequel and not just the continuing adventures of NES Link.

>> No.10830303

>lotr has no lore
t. non-book reader

>> No.10830320

No because it just devolves into stupid nonsensical timeline shit
And the lore isn't really that interesting to start with

>> No.10830325


>> No.10830329

Wrong board >>>/lgbt/

>> No.10830338

>They include things because it looks cool, or plays cool, and that's about it.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with this, but I wish they wouldn't lie and pretend there's some grand lore that never existed in the first place

>> No.10830872

It's so weird that this guy thinks he's walking some perilous tightrope to please the fans when in reality he could've just been doing exactly what he wanted all this time and nobody would've given a shit.

>> No.10830964

I used to until Nintendo took the lazy way out with the Schrodinger's Cat explanation for how the ALTTP timeline got started. That proved to me they never really thought about it and wasn't surprised when both BOTW and especially TOTK give fingers at the whole idea of a connected universe.

>> No.10830967

Of course they never really thought about it you fucking retard. They just made games. The time line bullshit was just to pander to you and the tumblrinas

>> No.10830976

>time line
That's not correct.

>> No.10830984

Your headcanon and time line schizo bullshit are not correct either. Play the games, faggot

>> No.10831282

Both of you are retarded.

There is a timeline, anyone who played the old games knows this and Nintendo actively advertised this when titles were coming out. If you deny this, you have brain aids.

That being said, Nintendo does not employ a heavy handed approach to continuity. They usually fail to go into the nitty gritty details that lore autists do. Their chronology is along the lines of "what if this happens before this?" If you think Nintendo has a deeper outline then that, then you also have aids.

Obviously, as the games jump around between head developers, the amount of caring about the interconnected story aspects varies on who is calling the shots. The most recent games dont care, so they wont try and do shit like Heroes Shade or origin of the Sages.

It's always been a safe middle ground. Anyone who actually played these games would know that. This isnt Mario. There definitely was intentional chronology for most of the entries, but that doesn't mean its going to be a strongly enforced one.

>> No.10831294

Im sure at one point Alttp and the nes games had a more logical "official" placement, but as new games came out that went in different directions, they just said fuck it. The irony that OoT was set up as the origins of AlttP and its backstory, also killed that connection by introducing split timeline BS.

>> No.10831569

All they really need for a few games is that a game takes place no matter which previous events have taken place. A game on two or three timelines simultanously. A lot of people believe that's what BotW and TotK is.

>> No.10832690

See, the thing is that Miyamoto cares about what fans of his games think even though he's not particularly incentivized to do so. He just does it because he's a decent person. I know, it's a difficult concept to grasp nowadays.

>> No.10833343

That's not my point. I'm just saying that he talks like he's doing something very difficult very well, when in reality he's doing something that, at this point, it's nearly impossible to fail at. It's not even really a comment on his character, since he's the one who got himself into that strong position in the first place. I just think it's funny.