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File: 16 KB, 283x351, Dxcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10821463 No.10821463 [Reply] [Original]

I wanted to be a glowy fed agent but they're making me side with the terrorists I've been killing mercilessly for the last 5 hours. Disappointed

>> No.10821524

Sounds like you should get a job, with Majestic 12. In a body bag.

>> No.10821529

I had this problem on my first playthrough too. I wanted to stay with Unatco, I wasnt at all convinced by what evidence was presented against them. Also wanted to go a different route than what the ending allowed.

>> No.10821578

Didn't someone make a mod that lets you side with UNATCO? I feel like I heard about that in the past.

>> No.10821596

What a shame.

>> No.10821620

This is your jelly brain on pol

>> No.10821697

This post is glowing.

>> No.10821723

You would have to remake like 75% of the missions in the game tho you could use the same levels such as in Hong Kong you just assassinate the opposition and so on.

>> No.10821725

I'll take the GEP Gun.

>> No.10821730
File: 679 KB, 1225x1103, Deus_Ex - 899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10821738


>> No.10821753

Have the devs ever stated if a UNATCO route was planned? The mission where JC flips feels very anti climatic

>> No.10821786

you say that about every post

>> No.10821859
File: 48 KB, 960x720, 1536978200708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be willing to bet that less than 10% of players actually changed JC and Paul's ethnicities. I forget that it's even an option.

>> No.10821870
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, ggggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always made him SUPER WHITE.
>pic unrelated

>> No.10821920

Wrong, albino JC was always popular

>> No.10821923

It was planned but cut due to budget/time issues. imo it could be done with relatively few added resources by allowing the player to
>reject Paul's offer from the get-go before the raid, he escapes with Jock, you fly directly to HQ, skipping the prison section
>fly to HK helipad via some other pilot, MJ12's are now friendly
>talk to the Triads, pit one against the other, oust/kill Tracer Tong
>meet Maggie Chow in her apartment, she gets a little flirty just before Jock snipes her from his nearby apartment
>discover Alex and Jaime had betrayed the organization, escaping with some unknown kind of help
>track down, interrogate, and capture Dowd in NYC, gaining some new info from his compound (superfreighter mission is skipped and replaced with an exploration mission in the surrounding church area)
>fly to Paris, clearing the catacombs in reverse, killing Chad and Nicolette together
>get chateau access from her body, explore it together with Gunther, finally start to break the ice and become buddies
>tower section is skipped but because you're with MJ12 the streets are now larger and more hub-like, and finding Morgan Everett is your main goal
>you and Gunther happen upon Jaime who is in a different area from before
>"Laputan machine"
>finally get to Everett's place, have him and DeBeers turned over to the troops
>fly to Vandenberg, where you first learn of Daedalus, and Alex with the help of others have substantially upgraded security, meaning you have to take on a giant robot fleet from the ground level
>kill everyone inside, Helios merge proceeds, hologram scene includes a now-recovered Paul announcing that he has rerouted a nuke to Area 51
>Simons is still in the Ocean Lab, you have to confront Paul yourself
>Tong and Illuminati endings no longer available, but you can 1) kill Paul and support Page, 2) kill Page last-minute and ask for Paul's forgiveness, stating that you were only following orders, or 3) kill both and merge with Helios yourself

>> No.10822316

Me too (Wait a minute)

>> No.10822987

When they inevitably remaster this game they should add this in

>> No.10823161 [DELETED] 


>> No.10823712

>he killed NPCs that run away at the drop of a hat and sound like ordinary dudes, after he was told to stick with the prod

>> No.10823807
File: 153 KB, 232x439, rec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not enough vaccine to go around, and the underclasses are starting to get DESPERATE. Your turn.

>> No.10823812

Only those authored by CIA agents.

>> No.10824006
File: 16 KB, 276x368, Most certainly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course they're DESPERATE. They can smell their death, and the sound they'll make rattling their cage will serve as a warning to the rest.

>> No.10824026

Normal dudes that take civilians hostage, besiege national landmarks, shoot police and government officials on sight and plant bombs in subways?

>> No.10824032

Favorite track?

>> No.10824060
File: 28 KB, 283x349, 1710171030449[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deus Ex? More like Deuce Sex, because this game is fucking shit.

I start the game, and some old guys are talking about some boring shit. Something about a plague, I guess. The only cool part was when they were talking about me being a supersoldier.

My hopes were dashed as soon as the game started. Considering I'm a "nano-aug" (what the fuck does that even mean?) the fact that I die in a handful of pistol shots is shitty.

Guns and melee in this game are both broken. It takes forever to line up a shot and bullets do laughable damage.

I couldn't even bear to finish playing the first level. Fuck this game, and fuck /v/ for calling this turd a great game.

>> No.10824086

>Head back to HQ after a mission
>Overhear Anna complimenting my work
>Get a pay bonus from Manderley for a job well done
>Check my emails
>Shoot the shit with my glowing buddies in the break room

>> No.10824216


>> No.10824289
File: 109 KB, 900x1000, 1654383053514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enemy Within (UNATCO Return)
The ambient, conversation, and combat tracks are all fantastic. Honorable mention to The Synapse (Hong Kong)

>> No.10824510

Absolute favorite? NYC Streets 2 (it doesn't play in one version of the game actually but it's supposed to on your last visit to Hell's Kitchen)

But close second: DuClare Chateau

>> No.10824527

This stopped being funny 20 years ago

>> No.10824802

okay flatlander woman

>> No.10825223

Maybe you should try getting a job. Operating a laputan machine.

>> No.10825943

>be a glowy fed agent
You can do that in the sequels. but the sequels kinda suck.

>> No.10825960

>he was told to stick with the prod

the crossbow is more useful for non-lethals. even against MJ Commandos if you're patient enough with the slowass poison effect.

>> No.10825962

>I'd be willing to bet that less than 10% of players actually changed JC and Paul's ethnicities. I forget that it's even an option.

Albino in 1st play, made him full-nigerian in 2nd playthru.

>> No.10825980
File: 737 KB, 991x553, mj12 hong kong base poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who was she?

>> No.10825985

>They can smell their death, and the sound they'll make rattling their cage will serve as a warning to the rest.

haha the vaccines stopped the spread and stopped people from dying from the Wu... err... not-Cheena Grey Death virus.

>> No.10826079

>add content
>add good content
lmao even

>> No.10826418
File: 29 KB, 600x733, 1685100308608067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stopped the spread
>stopped people from dying

>> No.10826452

Pretty sure it's the hotel owner's slut of a daughter. If you try to help her she keeps making dumber and dumber decisions as the story progresses. Feels like someone's dad wrote her

>> No.10826615

Invisible War? I don't have any interest in the modern ones

>> No.10827242

sadly i don't. IS CONSPIRACY!!!
yes. to be exact you're pretty neutral until the endgame. and along the way, you can always choose to do only the WTO quests.

>> No.10827257

In fairness considering their voices don't change at all and it's REALLY clear it's a white guy voicing them, it is kinda wierd if JC is anything but white or white albino.

>> No.10827268
File: 147 KB, 1200x675, busta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You a straight busta, Denton!

>> No.10827285

Do a Deus Ex Postal 2 mod.

>> No.10827995

not much weirder than the black australian bartender who lives in hong kong

>> No.10829360

Play TNM and become corpo scum instead.

>> No.10829508

This started being funny again 19 years ago

>> No.10829739

I always wonder if they were trying to go for South African, that accent is just a mess of mixed euro accents

>> No.10829952

Two words:
New York City

>> No.10830121

>Play TNM
Only true oldfags can appreciate that one

>> No.10830129

The game is from 2003.

>> No.10830219

Then take the Illuminati ending?