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10825494 No.10825494 [Reply] [Original]

I beat Resident Evil 1 for the first time. This was my inventory before fighting the Tyrant.

I shot and killed every zombie I saw and eventually completely ran out of ammunition. i I circled the lab 3 or 4 times and couldn't find anything more. I got the magnum roungs, tons of them, but I never found the magnum itself.

I ended up needing to fight the Tyrant with nothing but a fucking knife. After about 20 game overs I finally did it. I figured out a juke where you could circle around in a corner and he would eventually leave a big enough opening where you could knife him. But it wasn't guaranteed.

Then the helipad fight came next, which I had no clue about. A friend who was watching told me about the rocket launcher, so that helped out a bit, but surviving for the allotted time to actually GET it? Whole other story entirely.

I eventually found out that Tyrant has some very generous hitboxes that can hit you even if you run away after he does that hit combo he does. So that walled me for longer. At this point my friend who was watchung told me I softlocked myself. No ammo, no healing, nothing. I eventually realized that even if you're at Danger, unless Tyrant does his combo attack and hits you...you can't die. You can't. If he only does a single slice, it won't kill you no matter what. This was the light of hope I needed.

So I just had to juke him long enough and bait out the single hit. Easier said that done. But I eventually did do it, and survive to the rocket launcher. I blew his ass to smithereens and left.

I didn't save Chris, though. Couldn't figure out the last MO disk. Sorry, Chris.

>> No.10825520

I bet that felt great when you flew off into the sunset! What a great game RE1 is. It allows for such crazy situations like yours and yet is still able to be beaten. Props to you for sticking through that ending and figuring out some strategies.

>> No.10825534

Good job, man. Seriously the fact that you didn't give up is commendable. Will you play RE2 now? Trust me, you'll never run out of ammo in that one

>> No.10825557

That's what's so great about RE1, most bosses have B-plans available like the way you can just dodge the first Yawn encounter, use the V-Jolt or Barry's help for Plant-42, or just get rid of the web on the door against the giant spider you can even trick the spider into destroying its own web. RE2 fails at this since all bosses are just "shoot at it until it dies" which is why the game tends to shower the player with ammo a lot more; but having B-plans for bosses is back in RE3. RE3 devs understood survival horror.

>> No.10825569

Good job, bro!

>> No.10825614

which version of the game did you play? i would not have guessed that you would've ran out of ammo doing this based on my memories with the game.

>> No.10825667

It felt absolutely incredible. I didn't realize how much stress I was carrying in my body and shoulders until I had that "YYYYYYYYYYYYESSSS!!!!!!!!!" moment.

I was thinking about doing Chris's scenario, but no lockpick and 2 less inventory slots is pretty daunting. I already didn't do well as Jill who has a ton of privileges compare to Chris. So I'm debating whether I should do Chris, or go to RE2 right now.

I was extremely impressed with that adaptability the player was allowed. Granted, I did choose to shoot my way out of a lot of situations. This was my first RE game, so I've learned a lot through just failing.

I played the original release on PlayStation.

>> No.10825816


gj, although I don't know how it's possible to run out of ammo in that game. I kill every enemy and usually have 100+ pistol rounds, 30+ shotgun rounds and like 36 magnum rounds. If memory serves, at least

>> No.10825835

>I beat Resident Evil 1 for the first time.
>Played as Jill.
No you didn't! (Just kidding)

>I already didn't do well as Jill who has a ton of privileges compare to Chris.
I'll tell you a little trick to make your Chris playthrough easier. Whenever you're up against a single zombie, get close to it and then rapidly mash on the back button to stutter step away from it. If you do that, eventually the zombie's AI'll freak out and it'll spin away from you and you can just run past it. With this, you basically don't even need the handgun. I never even pick it up as Chris, and I immediately put the knife away, so there's 2 inventory slots right away.

>> No.10825879
File: 212 KB, 1024x768, Wed Feb 26 22-52-55 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE1 > Demake

>> No.10825895

the Famicom demake is pretty bad indeed

>> No.10826321
File: 838 KB, 1500x1000, RE1 version differences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you probably took the largest number of low-IQ moves through this whole game and came out on top. Bravo
>I played the original release on PlayStation.
That's actually one of the hardest versions so an additional congratulations for that.
Reposting my shitass play order copypasta::
This is my recommended playing order which skips easy difficulties and focuses on console versions for English speakers primarily. Always Jill first, then Chris:
US DC Original
JP SAT Version
JP SAT Battle Game
US DC Arrange
US DC DS Original
US DC DS Arrange
US Original
US SAT Version
US SAT Battle Game
Deadly Silence Original
Deadly Silence DS special features mode where you stab zombies with the stylus

>> No.10826367

its very possible. especially if you use the shotgun at long range, or dont know what types of grenade to use on what types of enemy. or if youre going to the wrong areas and are having to kill more than needed.

>> No.10828247

Yawn 2 is really the only lazy slugfest in the game. And I remember someone saying it was a very late addition based on the dates on the files or something.

>> No.10828268

Even Yawn 2's slightly interesting since it changes a little based on whether or not you fought him in the attic.

>> No.10828303

Nani ? What changes?

>> No.10828321

I think he just has less health? Maybe that was just a rumor though. I never fight Yawn 1 so I can't be sure.

>> No.10828503

>OP, you probably took the largest number of low-IQ moves through this whole game and came out on top. Bravo
Thank you. I won't deny I didn't use my resources effectively. I got lost several times as well because I refused to use a guide. So I ended up using WAY more resources than necessary. I definitely used shotguns and grenade launcher ammo on stuff that didn't need it just because I wanted it dead.

Thank you very much for your playing order!

>or if youre going to the wrong areas and are having to kill more than needed.
This is EXACTLY what happened.

>> No.10828971

good, fuck chris

>> No.10829002
File: 138 KB, 1079x1348, 3433534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this obvious
KEK! Wesker, (You)'re pitiful!

>> No.10829116

Fascinating playthrough, I wish you recorded it so it could be studied for years to come. I don't know how someone could get to Tyrant in such a poor state.

>> No.10829224

Reminds me of DSP RE playthoughs. He kills every enemy and always complains about running out of bullets, ink ribbons and herbs.

>> No.10829510

He's still the only person I've ever seen get killed by a spider in any of the RE games.

>> No.10829538

I wasted quite a few shotgun shells on the lab zombies before I realized they respawn the first time I played.

>> No.10829559

This is just an ad for the fanport to be the bottom right

>> No.10830591

If you don’t know how it possible to run out of ammo then you’re not a very bright. Sorry pal.

>> No.10830595

you’re kinda gay

>> No.10830619

I found the magnum and saved Chris, while defeating Tyrant on my first playthrough.

>> No.10830629

>If you don’t know how it possible to run out of ammo then you’re not a very bright. Sorry pal.
Only an anon would think it's normal to run out of a finite resource.

>> No.10830630

Fuck man you're a hero OP, good job mate it's a fucking awesome game and you just proved it. Play again as Chris you'll love it even more

>> No.10830859

What's the new tick enemy in the Saturn version? I've never heard of that.

>> No.10830907

We should have diary threads like this more often when they aren't about complaining, I liked this. Making fucked up strategies work in dire situations is so satisfying, especially in a game as good as RE1

>> No.10830939
File: 2.10 MB, 640x480, tick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Hunter reskin in the caves with a baller kill animation.

>> No.10831082
File: 455 KB, 1196x897, IMG_20240406_211452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn bro, how did you manage to miss the revolver? You really did made your game a lot harder. Respect for figuring it out anyways tho.

Beat it myself for the first time only last year. IIRC I only struggled with Yawn a little, then couldn't figure out how to apply the books to the fountain. As for everything else, I guess my habit to autistically walk along the wall like in Wolfenstein 3D and scan for every piece of interaction helped me out. As for the helipad Tyrant, I think he should be a lot easier without items than the basement one - stabbing that thing to death with a knife seems a lot more insane than just running in circles untill Brad drops you a launcher. If you play one of the non-autoaim versions it's actually easier that way than trying to stop, aim, miss your shots and become an easy target yourself.

>This is my recommended playing order which skips easy difficulties and focuses on console versions for English speakers primarily.
Damn, and I thought I played it too many times. This was my order:
US DC Original - Chris
US DC Arrange - Jill
US DC Arrange - Chris
US SAT - Jill
US SAT - Chris
US SAT Battle Game - Chris
US DC DS Original - Jill
US DC DS Arrange - Chris
Also going to play Deadly Silence after 4.

However, if I knew from the beginning all the differences between the versions, I'd probably narrowed it down to the US Saturn and Director's Cut Dualshock. One has the original difficulty, music and some unique extra features, the other one - Arrange mode and the alternative soundtrack to check out.

>> No.10831205

I grew up on RE1 DC. Saturn US took me by surprise and I was starting to worry about my stock by the 2nd mansion visit when I played through it as Chris. Those hunters in the red hallway were fuckin brutal. That and Jill were probably one of my favorite playthroughs of OG RE1 looking back on it.

>> No.10831710

I guess it kinda is. I've given that one a run and it's not bad. I don't recall if it lets you disable auto-aim.
Thanks, you too.
Specifically, it does its insta-kill attack only at close range compared to the hunter's leap attack. I've seen a few random wikis ignore this and call it a simple reskin.
I suppose I should restate the list with justifications. The two versions you've suggested are basically the endgame of difficulty challenges in the list so you'd save time/effort/money/save files tracking down the discs or rips of your choice.
>Always Jill first, then Chris:
Jill is easier with the extra inventory space and help from Barry. Chris does a little better with the knife and can get a few heals from Rebecca.
>US DC Original
Original Japanese difficulty with auto-aim.
>JP SAT Version
Opportunity to fight ticks and a bonus Tyrant and to unlock Battle Game. You wouldn't cheat to unlock the Battle Game, would you?
>JP SAT Battle Game
Lower difficulty than the US version; as a result scoring is based more on speed.
>US DC Arrange
Tougher mode overall but still has auto-aim which provides a little help.
>US DC DS Original
Apparently the DualShock version has at least one change beyond the soundtrack and reduced ink ribbon count; the poison gas is an instant kill trap. I'm sure there are other details. Still need info on if enemies are any tougher. Fairly confident auto-aim is still here.
>US DC DS Arrange
Should include changes as noted above. Figured a second playthrough with clown farts couldn't hurt.
>US Original
We're now in no auto-aim territory. All enemies are buffed.
>US SAT Version
Buffed enemies as above, we get to see ticks and a bonus Tyrant again.
>US SAT Battle Game
Scoring is based more on not taking damage since enemies are tougher.
>Deadly Silence Original
Bonus fun time Round 1.
>Deadly Silence DS special features mode where you stab zombies with the stylus
Bonus fun time Round 2.

>> No.10832215

>PS1 Longbox
>Enemies have more health
Any additional details on that? I don't particularly mind if the Zombies are tougher, but fuck I'd be pissed if the Hunters took more than 3 Shotgun Shells to kill.

>> No.10832269

>then couldn't figure out how to apply the books to the fountain
Don't feel too bad. Those books apparently tripped up a lot of people back when it came out too. I first rented it sometime in late May or early June that year and the guy who ran the video place told me how to check the books because a couple people had claimed the game was glitched and unfinishable. It was a really common topic on message boards and stuff at the time too. I suspect that's probably why most of the other classic games removed the 3D item exam and the remake has what amounts to a tutorial on it with the arrow/arrowhead and a file that automatically pops up explicitly telling you about it.

>> No.10832283

Hunters usually take 4 shotgun shells or 2 magnum rounds to kill in that version. Occasionally you'll get one that spawns in the shallow end of the HP pool and knock it out with less but I wouldn't count on it. They can tank grenade rounds too but I never play as Jill so I can't really recall specifics. I do seem to remember it takes at least 2 acid round to kill one and it stains them a funny looking piss yellow color though.

>> No.10832291

I don't have a longbox but my game is the same US version in a normal PS1 jewel case with censored opening and no auto aim and (i think) less ammo.

That's the version I like the most.

>> No.10832313

Ah, screw that noise then. I know that ultimately you should just run past them, and so them being tougher wouldn't matter outside of the couple people usually kill for comfort, but it just gets my goat how bullshit some of their advantages are. Stuff like "let's just turn off their hitbox if they get shot twice with a handgun or are jumping through the air." If it weren't for silliness like that, I'd be more comfortable with their other shit like "if flying jump hits then it can true combo into decapitation."

>> No.10832327

Yeah I've also had them get up off the floor and instantly perform their decapitation attack. They're invincible until they get back on their feet so you have to be really quick to either shoot or dodge before they get you.

>> No.10832361

I get that, but it bothers me less because zombies already behave in a similar way. The invulnerable rush after the pistol and being unable to shoot them out of the air is what ruffles my tits, because it kinda takes away your choices in wasting your ammo or taking risky shots and just leaves you with having to play evasively around them. I guess it's not all bad, since baiting the flying leap to run past it can be fun, but still.

>> No.10832768

Started an original Chris, non-directors cut. Tbh it's not as hard as I thought it would be, since it was about 10-15 years since I last played non-directors cut. 2 ink ribbons per pickup, no headshots. Some zombies go down for good with as few as 4 rounds, some need 4 to go down and then et up and need another 2-3.

Anyway I just got out of the mansion and entered the shed and saved. Dogs in the courtyard made me go out of handgun bullets but I have ~60 shotgun shells so its fine.

As someone who roughly know his way around the game I still ended up backtracking 2 or 3 times to the save room due to Chris's 6 item slots and I can see how it would be incredibly frustrating to a first-time player. That being said game is still very fun.

Also here's a comparison of all the rooms with different angles, some were trippy since I am so used to Directors Cut:


>> No.10832809
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>I suppose I should restate the list with justifications.
Your list makes perfect sense if the goal is to try out every version under the sun, but my usual approach for games is to beat them once on the max available difficulty from the start, then optionally play the unlockable hard mode/master quest if there is one and move on. Therefore if I knew all the differences beforehand and wasn't misleaded by the info I could find on the Internet, I would pick US SAT and DC DS/Arrange for the highest challenge and the most variety in the least amount of playthroughs.
But for normal people DC/Normal is probably the best starting point. I think JP balancing makes the most sense for the first playthrough, e.g. it's really satisfying to obtain Colt Python and oneshot hunters that caused you so much trouble before. Also, the PS version looks better than the Saturn port IMO, despite the upgraded backgrounds in the latter one.

>US DC DS Original
>Apparently the DualShock version has at least one change beyond the soundtrack and reduced ink ribbon count; the poison gas is an instant kill trap.
Cool, didn't know that, probably knew the game too well to ever trigger gas release when I got to this version.

> I'm sure there are other details. Still need info on if enemies are any tougher.
Not sure either, but I think enemies are the same as in the first Director's Cut - as weak as in JP on Original, but tougher on Arrange. At least I didn't notice any difference.

>US DC DS Arrange
>Should include changes as noted above.
Not 100% confident, but IIRC DC DS gives you 2 ribbons per spawn on Original and 3 on Arrange.

I was actually disappointed when found out that the feature is missing in 2 and 3. Learned my lesson the hard way, but never had problems with that kind of puzzles in Code Veronica, was glad to have the 3D exam back.
Btw, didn't we meet half a year ago on this board? I OPed RE2 thread.

>> No.10833863

Yeah, that one should be the same as the longbox release. I'm not actually sure if the ammo count is any different.

>> No.10834040

the ammo probably isn't different, it's just that i miss more without auto aim

>> No.10836259
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Couldve saved one or two times fewer but it is what it is

>> No.10838393

Keep replaying it. Write your route on some note paper. You'll beat it in under two hours with no saves before you know it.

>> No.10838410

I know but thats not fun for me. I like to take a few years inbetween and take my time when playing it. I want to savor the game, not rush through it