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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10818236 No.10818236 [Reply] [Original]

With prices what they are, I assume the vast majority of people on here emulate or use flashcarts and ODEs. But are there ever any times where you'll still shell out for a game? Something you've just gotta have on your shelf, even though the rom is on your hard drive for free? For me, I usually buy RPGs as long as they're under $80 or so. I don't like spending that much time with a game (50+ hours) and there isn't even a physical version of it on my shelf to remind me of the good times I had playing it.

>> No.10818247

I still buy PS2 games, they're pretty affordable. I have a Free McBoot memory card so I don't NEED the physical games, but there are some that I enjoy owning and reading the manual.

>> No.10818264

Yeah, i still grab stuff at the pawn shop or goodwill. Ive got a plan to get a import ps2 to buy some ps1/2 games since thats an affordable library thats pretty diverse. Most prices are just too high for me to want to purchase. Honestly, switch is oddly my new comfy way to play vr stuff.

>> No.10818276

Only reason to ever buy a physical copy is if there is issues with emulation/FPGA.

>> No.10818286

i would only buy games that are in my top ten favorite games ever if they were expensive. i would never ever spend more than 200 for that and have only spent near 100 twice in my life and never more for retro games.

100 for suikoden 2 mint many years ago.

85 for ogre battle snes a few years ago.

but anything over 150 no matter the game, i wouldn't bother unless there was some insane reason for it. like 200 bucks for a game that was 400 dollars and it was in great shape. otherwise the market is a bad joke to me.

>> No.10818298

Not OP and I have another question. As we all know PS2 is not region free, assuming most people here are from America you most likely have a US PS2. Let's imagine that you are a fan of Ico and want to put a copy of it on your shelf but the US cover absolutely fucking sucks. Would you still buy the PAL/NTSC-J version? You wouldn't be able to play it on your PS2. I've always wondered if it's retarded to make such purchases or not, because I sometimes want to

>> No.10818316 [DELETED] 
File: 3.60 MB, 4000x2252, 20240401_121941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck yea. I collect.
It's turning into a but of a money pit though. I'm pumping the brakes a little lately. It's not as fun when you buy more than you play.

>> No.10818329

I wouldn't. A game a can't play is not a game I want on my shelf.

you could always make or buy a repro slip cover of the pal version.

>> No.10818351

Yeah I bought some decently expensive PC Engine games I’ve been wanting like Soldier Blade, Devil Crash, and Winds of Thunder. I can and do play the whole library on an emulator but playing on a CRT with original hardware can’t be replicated. It’s like listening to an album on a streaming service versus owning the LP and playing it on a turntable.

>> No.10818359

Fair enough, I think the same

>> No.10818362

Nah. I don’t see the point when I can emulate for free. I do have my Genesis, PSX, and PS2 libraries intact from my younger days but I highly doubt I will ever pay money for a retro game.

As for modern games it is extremely rare that I buy one. If it does happen it’s because I found it on a good sale and it’s been several months since release so I have plenty of reviews to consider. It’s very rare because 99% of the shit they make now sucks.

>> No.10818389

ODE's and Flashcarts are still overpriced, probably due to the FPGA faggotry included. Plus physical copies tend to be worth more in the long run, such as my copies of Silent Hill, Power Stone 2 or Splatterhouse(PC version). Not everyone wants to pirate, not all of us are thieving filthy dirty stinking commies.

The main reason PS2 games are affordable is because the majority of PS2 owners bought them legally. Only a few pirated PS2 games, despite pirate fags claims that piracy is what made the PS2 successful. They're so full of shit.

>> No.10818392

Why not just print out a copy of the Jap box art and put it in the box? I don't know why anyone wants to display games in the first place though.

>> No.10818414

I buy a few retro games every month ranging from 2rd gen to current. Rarely do I buy current gen tho.

>> No.10818440

>With prices what they are, I assume the vast majority of people on here emulate or use flashcarts and ODEs.
Personally, I very seldom emulate. When I do, it's to test out an expensive game before I buy it. Even then, I typically don't bother. I'm only interested in playing games on their original hardware.

>But are there ever any times where you'll still shell out for a game?
If I want a game, I buy it. I've picked up 28 games for a little over $3000 since the start of 2024. This is a little higher than average for me.

Kind of related: I only collect original releases, but there are some great games that only got greatest hits/player's choice/whatever variants. Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution and Fable: The Lost Chapters come to mind. I just buy the vanilla release (standard VF4 and Fable without the expansion), swap the covers, and chuck one in storage. The same could be done with a local/import pair as well.

>> No.10818446
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I never buy games anymore. If I want something fun and cheap for myself I'll just buy more of pic related for like twelve dollars a pop

For everything else I just emulate, either on another handheld or on my TV

>> No.10818453

I'm considering buying some repro carts of GBA and GB games. I know flash carts make more sense, but there's always the temptation to just play a game for 5 minutes before trying something else. If I literally only a couple of physical carts to choose from I'm way more likely to give them a chance.

Has anyone had any experience with buying repros on aliexpress, etc? Do the carts actually save or would I risk losing 20 hours of pokemon progress.

>> No.10818462

Personally I would just go with the flash cart or an emulator handheld... Can probably be found for the same price as your repro cart, and you can always just make the label and box yourself anyway

>> No.10818463

>but there's always the temptation to just play a game for 5 minutes before trying something else.

Ahh, retardation.

>> No.10818523

Collecting is for nostalgia fags that dont even play games, that being said there are some games I keep around but only if they emulate like shit.
>Megaman x
Every other version has massive input delay
>mystical ninja starring goemon
Never could get this to run well on any emulator
>light gun games
Playing with a mouse is cheating and defeats the purpose.

>> No.10818532

Yeah, and I usually regret it unless it's a cartridge, I'm very drawn to cartridges. I have the collectors edition of morrowind, that I'm probably going to sell to a friend, because I just hide it in a closet. Cartridges I like they feel durable enough to just be on display, and they remind me of trading cards.

>> No.10818571

I buy retro games from time to time just for collection.
I play everything on emulators.

>> No.10818583

If they're cheap enough, I'll grab a physical copy. The most I've ever paid for a retro game was 70 for Dragon Warrior III back in 2018. (and it's worth quite a bit more now)

>> No.10818751

For me, physical + FreeMC are god combo. I can put my own games into the system and rip them to the drive, delete and reinstall how I like. Its how a lot of old pc games use to work and i miss it so bad. No need to use my pc or search for rips. I wish every disc based console had a softmod this convient. I do the same with PSP, but i need to do the extra step to transfer to PC first.

>> No.10818754

>You wouldn't be able to play it on your PS2.
MCPwn and pal/ntsc converters say otherwise.

>> No.10818760

I haven't used an emulator since around 2010 for mame stuff. I have all the hardware i need and got the majority of games i wanted before the bad times. It would basically be more work for me to fiddle with rom sites and emu settings and mister boxes at this point outside of arcade stuff.

>> No.10818776

I coomlect pre-Saturn SEGA stuff mostly because Mega Drive and Master System games are still cheap and plentiful where I live. Everything else I use flash carts or ODEs

>> No.10818824

>But are there ever any times where you'll still shell out for a game?
Only if it's less than $50 CIB and in good condition. I obtained most of what I wanted ages ago before prices kick off. Now I focus on small cult games that are still cheap but will inevitably be covered by some big youtuber making prices soar.

>> No.10818885

I generally don't buy physical retro games but there are some exceptions, I collect original xbox and xbox 360 games that have backwards compatibility on series x and I sometimes buy games I really liked if they are affordable
it's a bit retarded but I nevertheless bought a NTSC-U copy of one of my favorite PS2 games that never got released in europe.
You should look into MechaPwn, if you have a scph-50000 or newer you can make it ignore the region lock super easily

>> No.10818931

In the past few years I’ve bought some affordable PC Engine and Famicom games, because the console and the games are small and cute and I like handling them and putting them in the console and playing.
I grew up with carts, so just having everything in a file interface is a little unsatisfying sometimes. It’s too bad physical games are seen as a limited luxury now.

>> No.10818963

Repros are just fine but its a little difficult actually getting one that looks legit. Usually the sticker art is wrong or they'll pick a random color for the shell, or something else. Only issue Ive ever had with repros is games that use a clock(Pokemon Gen 2 and 3) don't usually keep track of the time once theyre powered off, but actual save data holds just fine. Maybe this is something they've fixed its been a few years since I've had one.

Im all for repros, this market is too ridiculous. If it looks and plays like the real thing why do I give a shit where it came from. I would only buy one if it looked exceptionally like the real deal however. Hopefully soon they can get the small details right and just tank the retro market.

>> No.10819023

>Hopefully soon they can get the small details right and just tank the retro market.
Not happening. Trading card games are significantly easier to counterfeit, and it's still a non-issue in serious collecting circles some 30 years later. Not only do counterfeit games face the same hurdles counterfeit cards do (nuances pertaining to offset printing that I won't get into here), they have a whole host of their own unique challenges as well. Getting PCBs and discs right, the insane amount of editing and formatting that would be required to produce even passable boxes and manuals, sourcing the correct cardstock for everything - it truly borders on impossible. Certainly not worth the effort from a financial point of view.

Counterfeits will never get to a point where they can fool a buyer who does their due diligence. But it's not like that's their purpose, anyways. They only need to reach surface level parity - just enough to satisfy casuals, or to be passed off as the real deal to newcomers. When the new guy gets fleeced for a couple hundred bucks by a fake, he either walks away from the hobby, or he learns his lesson and spend $35 on a microgram scale and a jeweler's loupe - something he should have done in the first place. Enough people have done the latter in TCGs to keep that market growing for three decades. I don't see why the video game market would be any different.

>> No.10819126

Yeah, you'll find ps2 games relatively cheaply all the time and it's easily worth it because 1) you just insert the disc in and don't have to download, update or configure ANYthing and 2) my pc is pretty old so it basically emulates ps1 but not ps2 gen that much at all.

>> No.10819295

>you just insert the disc in and don't have to download, update or configure ANYthing and
Are you trying to suggest that real hardware is less time consuming? please don't be so retarded.
Real hardware is a huge waste of time, space and money.

>> No.10819308

>Real hardware is a huge waste of time, space and money.
In what reality?

>> No.10819323

It’s times like this that the anti-hardware position is very obviously an intense cope

>> No.10819373

Post checks out if you assume he's a really, really busy subsistence farmer from Guangdong living in a small house with two dozen other starving chinamen.

>> No.10819385
File: 2.13 MB, 3440x2252, 20240401_212548~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite enjoy my huge mess of wires. I go behind my entertainment center amd for the wires sometimes. It's like garending except with electronics.. its a little messy new. I'll need to tidy up back here later.

>> No.10819471 [DELETED] 

Oh a little explanation. That's 10 video game consoles hooked up to one crt. They all work and can be output into the 27" toshiba CRT. There's various switch boxes, a DVD player/vcr combo and av reciever. That's the why there's so many wires back there..

Actually, the reason it's so messy looking is becuase I ran into an issue with the s-video and composting video inputs. The TV won't let me have both hooked up into the rear inputs. It will have to be just one or the other. It seems I'll have no choice but to use the front composite input on the TV. I was trying to avoid that for a cleaner look from the front. It seems i'll need to use that front input anyway. Oh well no biggie.

>> No.10819483

Oh a little explanation. That's 10 video game consoles hooked up to one crt. They all work and can be output into the 27" toshiba CRT. There's various switch boxes, a DVD player/vcr combo and av reciever. That's the why there's so many wires back there..

Actually, the reason it's so messy looking is becuase I ran into an issue with the s-video and composting video inputs. The TV won't let me have both hooked up into the rear inputs. It will have to be just one or the other. It seems I'll have no choice but to use the front composite input on the TV. I was trying to avoid that for a cleaner look from the front. It seems i'll need to use that front input anyway. Oh well no biggie.

Also, if you're looking at this and wonder if it's a huge energy vampire, it's not. I use a trickle saver hooked up the AV reciver. When the AV receiver is powered off, it draws a miserly 1.7w. It's only when I power on the AV receiver that whole system and big power strip on the back gets energized. After that it draws a little more. I also have PS2 slim power brick with switch panel to individually power on many consoles which will work on 8.5v. So it's really efficient and doesn't waste electricity which is expensive.

>> No.10819609 [DELETED] 
File: 3.76 MB, 5465x6004, 20240401_231817~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the front view.

>> No.10819638

I like your monkey :)

>> No.10819641
File: 1003 KB, 2632x1868, 20240401_231730~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the front view.

>> No.10819645
File: 3.76 MB, 5465x6004, 20240401_231817~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh I just re-uploaded to show the side speakers.

Yes. That monkey was won from a claw machine as well were the other animals.. They're arcade prizes. That's the theme. This upclose pic shows the consoles better. The origami cranes are other prises. Sometimes sellers of Japanese sega saturn games include those as a gifts.

>> No.10819652

I wasted 32 dollars in three local releases to have them datted on Redump. Two are well known, but one of them is very rare, and I don't even think it qualifies as a game. For what I could see, it's like a proto Nintendo Labo.

>> No.10819692 [DELETED] 
File: 3.60 MB, 4000x2252, 20240401_121941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is my shelf.. its modest. I feel like there's more consoles than games but there's plenty to keep me busy for awhile.

>> No.10819693

Good for you, anon.

>> No.10819701 [DELETED] 
File: 2.66 MB, 4000x2252, 20240401_121941~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's my game shelf. A lot of stuff on there.

>> No.10819707
File: 3.60 MB, 4000x2252, 20240401_121941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes goof for me.. I bought a bunch of crap for over 20 years and it culminated into a bunch of good for me

>> No.10819713 [DELETED] 
File: 1.84 MB, 2992x2992, 20240402_003646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But check out those one.. it's a magazine that I found in my parents attic. That's a gaming relic.

>> No.10819716

That's so annoying that my pics don't upload right side up

>> No.10819724
File: 1.64 MB, 2992x2992, 20240402_003646~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops trying to dox my deceased dad's house.. here the edited one.. i guess it doesn't matter if anyone figures out where he lived anyway. It's a cool magazine. That's what I'm trying to show.

>> No.10819732

Another pic of an old gaming magazine. This one I loved but GMR was short lived. Thier writers were autists. This mag didn't make more than a year. They had fun articles though.

This one with halo 2 and master chief duel weilding SMGs was particularly exciting. It's the only one of their publications I held onto. That's probably thanks to the epic front page art.

>> No.10819735
File: 1.93 MB, 2992x2992, 20240402_004913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh forgot the add the pic.

>> No.10819740

I mean cover art. W/e dude.
I drunk

>> No.10819749

I'm thinking of stopping buying carts/disks until I have all the hardware I want.

>> No.10819758
File: 1.11 MB, 4007x2128, 2024-04-01-215858_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll join in on the coomlection posting.

The highlights of my 2024 PS1 pickups thus far. Doing my best to finish up collecting for the system by the end of the year. There's only a half-dozen or so games over $100 that I'm still looking for, which is kind of exciting :^)

>> No.10819809
File: 2.92 MB, 2992x2992, 20240402_013130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. I'm just about out of cool stuff to show. I do have these old mech warrior games for PC. These are pretty kino. I just wish I had a machine to run them on. I don't really. My legacy PC got covered in mouse poop because I left it in my garage. But I have heard there are suitable old PC emulators which can run these old games.
I drunk

>> No.10820075

>Nintendo DS
>Old gaming magazine
People really consider NDS old?
Personally that was around the era that I stopped buying gaming magazines.

>> No.10820112

I really do appreciate the anons working overtime to fud real hardware so I can buy it for cheap.

>> No.10820123
File: 616 KB, 990x1320, IMG_20240402_042014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a kid I think I would buy whatever games I could find with whatever money I had. I would clean Goodwill's out all the time and when I got a driver's license and a job it was a regular Sunday activity. Nowadays I kind of regret not being more selective considering how many games I haven't touched but still have sentimental value towards that I feel like I have to drag around.
I only buy new stuff and I've more or less decided to hold off on buying anything that I can emulate or pirate until I have a home where I can build nice shelves and have a good dedicated space to display and store everything. All of my retro games are in boxes in my mom's garage because my apartment is small and moving boxes of this stuff is really, really, annoying. I'm a really currently going through and cataloging all of my games so I can evaluate what I have and maybe look into selling or donating stuff I don't want.
Pic related, this is the box I'm currently working through. I have another 3 to deal with.
Tldr: sometimes. Mostly new non retro games. Nothing I can pirate and emulate.

>> No.10820154

I never bought a lot of gaming magazine. GMR was one i got signed up for at electronics boutique i beleive.

>> No.10820181

>Not everyone wants to pirate, not all of us are thieving filthy dirty stinking commies.
Not all of us are cocksuckers for kike copyright dictatorship either.

>> No.10820205
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nowadays the only thing i collect is books since im fine with cheap edition and sometimes even nice edition arent that expensive especially when compare to retro games and i feel like the books give me more than most games.
the only games i buy now are on Gog when they have sales and im currently playing shadow of the comet and replaying fallout 1.

>> No.10820218

PS2 and Xbox is pretty nice to collect for now. I'm just done though. I haven't been playing my games. So I'm not going to buy more.

>> No.10820224

I'd possible you'll want to move your collection to a temperature controlled space. Although perhaps where you live the weather is mild becusse it appears those carts are in pretty good condition.

Where I live the cold winters would be very bad for any retro games stored in a garage.

>> No.10820235

i was into collecting ps1 and 2 mostly but last year when i saw the prices of some of my games i decided to sell all of it and dont regret it as i was barely playing games anymore i think i just grew tired of gaming.

>> No.10820243

MechaPwn will also allow your PS2 to play PS1 games burned on CD-Rs. Well, at least it does with the specific console model and firmware versions that I have: PAL SCPH-90004 with 6.12 Mechacon firmware version and 3.11E DVD player firmware version. I chose Retail DEX and then Europe (Multi-+) when installing it. My PS2 started playing pirate PS1 discs from that point on, with one small oddity: they run in NTSC mode regardless if I use a PAL or NTSC disc image. The original discs always run in NTSC mode too, as a matter of fact. This sometimes leads to stutters when playing PAL games, but I can just always burn NTSC versions now, so it hardly matters. The system menu also changed from PAL to NTSC. My CRT supports 60Hz so it's not a big problem. PS2 games can run in PAL mode just fine. CD-based PS2 games burned on CDs still don't work, but I have a way to turn those into images that can be burned on DVDs and play just fine. Oh, and pirate PS1 discs stop working if I remove my PS2 memory card FROM THE SECOND SLOT. Very weird behavior, it seems like MechaPwn installed something there as well. FreeDVDBoot didn't break. I can still play PS2 games patched with FDB and burned on DVD-Rs or DVD+Rs. Maybe that's because I didn't change my console's region and just turned it into a fake DEX so the region locking on DVD player binaries themselves didn't come into play. But anyway, now I have a way to play ANY PS1 or PS2 game from a pirate disc on my PS2.

>> No.10820384
File: 340 KB, 1126x622, gba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo buy my shit.

>> No.10820502

How much for the whole lot?

>> No.10820524

A lot of you commies do the cocksucking, with your pride parades and grooming. Also buying used copies isn't supporting "copyright dictatorship".

>> No.10820540

The problem with retro games is that it’s two different hobbies people claim as one. People love collecting things and retro games were chosen out of nostalgia. For the people that actually play games, most are doing emulation or flashcarts/odes. Most people throw out practicality when it comes to hobbies though. I have almost every console and have flashcarts/odes or some other method of loading backups. I also have a very powerful PC that could easy emulate all of my consoles for a fraction of how much I’ve spent on them. It’s not practical, but truth be told I love soldering and tinkering, and that’s what’s made me pursue it. I think as long as you actually play games and aren’t too stupid to figure out how to play games any way you can if you can’t afford them then there’s no wrong way to enjoy this hobby.

>> No.10820545

+Super Mario Advance 2, Tactics Ogre: The Knight Of Lodis , Fire Emblem Sacred Stones, Pokemon Pinball Ruby And Sapphire, Metroid Fusion, Super Street Fighter II, River City Ransom, Mario Golf Advance Tour, Mario Kart Super Circuit, Ice Climber [Classic NES Series], All COMPLETE IN BOX $1200

>> No.10820661

I collect, I don't use ODE or Flashcarts and I play the games I have 100% ownership of that I 1) didn't have to pirate. 2) didn't have to buy digitally with the risk of not being able to re-download it on the next console, especially if my current console might stop working.

>> No.10820707

I never emulate games. I had a bad experience once emulating a game. I played a game for hours and hours and then it suddenly froze. No buttons worked or anything. I felt like a fool.

I felt like it wouldn't have happened had I been playing on a real console. I would've known something was wrong with the contacts and reset the game early one.

I've hated emulation ever since. I don't feel like it's really "playing" the game.

A video game is a challenge to your reflexes and intelligence by the people who made the game. In order to defeat their challenge, you must accept the parameters of the game are outside your control. You can't change things.

If you and I were playing chess, then I said "I don't like the castling rule so I am going to forbid it. And I don't like this rule either. Or this one." Then we would no longer be playing chess. We would be playing a version of chess but not the actual game itself.

>> No.10820712

>Also buying used copies isn't supporting "copyright dictatorship".
It isn't. But being against unauthorized copying (piracy) is.

>> No.10820776 [DELETED] 

You gotta be kidding. Lol

>> No.10820779

Oh some of those are more high dollar than I realized. Id rather just buy a bundle of a bunch of loose GBAs

>> No.10820793

>I felt like it wouldn't have happened had I been playing on a real console.
You're either a retard or a troll, cause that shit happens all the time on consoles, especially older ones. It's common, so common even AVGN has a video about it happening to him as a kid and tons of times it happens to actual games while recording footage for episodes. Even though that is anecdotal, you will find many an anon have similar stories of shit glitching out on a real console. If you were emulating chess, it's still chess. Emulators let you "enhance" video game experiences, but by default they are emulating the core parts of the system. Gpu, ram, sound, etc... you don't have to use rewind or savestates, this whole post sounds like a (you) problem.

>> No.10820829

I do need to pick up Tactics Ogre at some point. That said, I don't really collect boxed cartridges, sorry :^(

>> No.10820835


Nah I never have games freeze anymore. The key to avoiding the old game freezing is to make sure the contacts are clean and secure in the console.

I clean the contacts with isopyoply alcohol and make sure the game is secure in the console, so if I stomp around on the floor it doesn't shake the console and cause the game to freeze.

Ever since utilizing these principles I've never had game glitches or freezes anymore.

I just played Super Mario RPG on authentic hardware and played the game for hours and hours. Zero glitches. That's a really fun game, I enjoyed the authentic experience. I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if I had emulated it.

>> No.10820973

>I didn’t pirate
Okay? That doesn’t change how the game plays at all. Glad it means so much to you but it makes zero difference.
It takes literally seconds to download a rom, and not very long to download an iso with modern internet. Also with flashcarts and ODEs you can literally just take either the flashcart/ode out if your console breaks down. Even easier if your flashcart/ode breaks just take the SD card out and put it in the new one.
It’s fine that you collect, but if those two things are your rationale for doing so, it’s pretty weak.

>> No.10820992

Not really retro, but I’m back to collecting PSP games and JP PS1 games simply bc the cases and manuals look cool for PSP games, and JP PS1 game cover art is superior most of the time and can be bought rather cheaply on Yahoo Auctions

>> No.10821012

NTA, but while I have used emulators in the past, im pretty much with his stance. If you have the system, it is just easier to plug your copy in and play over using emulation. As for downloading roms, that may become harder and harder as time goes on and companies crack down. The games will likely never disappear from the net, but the hoops the average person would have to go through to get them will increase. Fine if you want to back everything up now for such a scenario, but most wont and many wont want to run the potential risk of their ISP randomly targeting them if they do. I still obtain disk images for magnetic media games, but for console stuff, i just dont bother anymore.

>> No.10821062

I wish my fellow coomlectors would cut the dumb arguments and admit that we just have an irrational, but nevertheless intensely strong connection to pieces of old plastic. Flash carts and ODEs provide the same performance, are more convenient, and substantially cheaper. Collecting games is just a fun, pointless hobby like any other.

It's also worth noting that the kind of fervently anti-materialist emulator-purists who get uppity at the very thought of physical media ownership tend to be joyless, uptight, mentally ill losers who aren't worth trying to justify ourselves to in the first place. But it's not like there's a rational way to justify the hobby, anyways. The only reason to be buying retro games at this point is passion for the medium.

>> No.10821098

>are there ever any times where you'll still shell out for a game?
Nope. I'm too poor for that.

>> No.10821113

I've been buying Neo Geo MVS carts since they have those cool huge PCBs. I Metal Slug 3 and X, Kof 98, Garou and Neo Turf Master(coming in the mail). Just need to get a supergun for my MV1FZ.

>> No.10821863

I got everything years ago when gamestop was liquidating stock, I got gold for pennies.

>> No.10821893

no emulation is for faggot niggers. my limit for buying rare games is spending 150 dollars, though I've never gone that far yet. for anything else they make really convincing repro carts and cases, even for Sega Saturn and ps2, manual and everything.

emulating feel like you're cuckolding yourself.

>> No.10822152

try dkwdrv for playing PS1 games, it's ba improvement over the stock PS1 backwards compatibility and should fix your problems.
mechapwn does not install anything to your memory card it just modifies the mechacon chip

>> No.10822597

What are ODEs?

>> No.10823081

optical drive emulator. It's used on consoles like the ps1 to change the disc drive to something that accepts SD's.

>> No.10823425
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I have pretty much all my consoles up to 360/wiiu softmodded in some way or have a flashcard. But I like to buy shmup ports just to have even though 99% of the time i play them on arcade emulator with my stick. I just like to have a little piece of them and same with fighting games although I do play them with friends often on the console, helps that theyre cheap. RPGs or games like that I prefer to have if they aren't prohibitively expensive, or sometimes I'll just get a Japanese copy to have the game but play it on a flashcard. As money has gotten tighter I rarely buy games anymore though. Generally if I buy a game as of the last 5+ years I'll get a Japanese copy (better art, way way cheaper, most genres I play language doesn't matter in earlier titles anyway), or I'll only get if its a game I know I'd like and really want to play assuming it isnt too expensive. Can't imagine getting american games for like Saturn or TurboGrafx for example theres no point.

>> No.10823503
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I had a pretty nice NES collection a few years back. I sold it and ended up purchasing a Twin Famicom with an Everdrive. That was fine for a while but I started to find the short controller length uncomfortable. I've been meaning to pick up a NES and saw one for a good price at a local game store. I think NES game prices have come down a bit, because I've gotten some sweet deals on eBay of all places by lowballing. Stores are still outrageous though, one shop had SMB/Duck Hunt for $25 fucking dollars. I have a list of like ~15 games I'd like to own physically, the rest I'll just play on the Everdrive.

>> No.10823531
File: 76 KB, 864x671, IMG_20240403_145941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That was fine for a while but I started to find the short controller length uncomfortable
Just get a third party controller to use in the accessory slot where you'd use a zapper it works great, this is what I use
>t. Twin Famicom chad

>> No.10825267

>no emulation is for faggot niggers
Wii is excellent for emulating pre-N64 and pre-Saturn games though, all in 240p on a CRT TV.