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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10808006 No.10808006 [Reply] [Original]

Adulthood is realizing it was Nintendo's best console.

>> No.10808008

Maturity is realising it was Nintendo's only good console.

>> No.10808010

senectitude is realizing how pointless nintendo systems always were

>> No.10808015

Adulthood is growing up out of consoles and playing PC games.

>> No.10808036 [DELETED] 

"Senility" would have sufficed

>> No.10808057

it took you that long? how slow are you. I never owned a NES or SNES since I am PC Gamer but yes it was Nintendo's best system and I love it to this very day.

It is just amazing how shit the N64 is if you compare it to all those amazing NES games

>> No.10808064

No way. The NES has a ton of shitty games on it. A lot of games are arcade ports that just go on and on with no ending. Those types of games are annoying.

>> No.10808071

I’m constantly torn between the NES and SNES.
Heart says SNES, brain says NES.

>> No.10808079

>constantly torn between the NES and SNES.
Same but NES and Genesis for me.

>> No.10808106

only simpletons would prefer the console with only 2 buttons. for me its the snes.

>> No.10808108

For me it's the ZX Spectrum.

>> No.10808186
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Best way to enjoy it is pic related

Built in battery and backlight, full color, can be played on a CRT or on the go. Literally better than a Game Boy/Color

>> No.10808198
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Can we just have a Famiclone thread? What games have you been playing?

Me: Donkey Kong, Tetris

>> No.10808202
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No thanks. China can keep its cheap crap.

>> No.10808223
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This is the superior variant of that generation.

>> No.10808225
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Not as good as Donkey Kong '94 but still cozy and fun

>> No.10808231
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>> No.10808435

>c*nsole version when you can emulate the arcade

>> No.10808439

If you think the N64 or the Cube are Ninty's best consoles, you need to be barred from ever discussing video games again

>> No.10808448

I'd say SNES. NES has some great games, but if I were forced to blindly draw a random game from the entire library to play, I'd pick SNES, mostly because even the shitty games tend to have some decent visuals. Some of the total turds for the NES are painful to look at.

>> No.10808479

different games different flavors

>> No.10808524
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I have to anon, it's the only version on my Game Box Plus™

>> No.10808531
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Real adulthood is still having all your idort childhood systems and enjoying all the good games without coping "X is better than Y" autism.

>> No.10808534
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If they start making SNES handhelds for the same price as these NES handhelds I will gladly start collecting them as well

>> No.10808543
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Greatest music of any video game ever made.

>> No.10808550
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best movie tie-in game?

>> No.10808553

>more buttons
>more enemies on screen
>cheaper games
>3D capability

>> No.10808565

It's nintendo's only decent console, but it's not even good. Blocky graphics, tons of slowdown, only 8 8x8 sprites per scanline, and really expensive ROM carts because it had practically no RAM and needed to read everything directly on the ROM. The vast majority of NES games were shovelwares simply because mapper chips and SRAM chips were expensive, only large established studios could afford those, and the high quality mappers were only available by the late 80s, and by that point PC Engine and Mega Drive had been released.

It was a console for poorfags who only buy a single remotely not shovelware game every year. Richfags were already gaming on turbografix and genesis. The wiser poorfags bought the C64 instead.

>> No.10808634

westoid opinion. the famicom existed for four years before the PC Engine

>> No.10808649

Alright anon you have my interest, what's the deal with these? Do they only run NES? How's the emulation and display scaling? If it's NES only why have four face buttons?

>> No.10808656

Eh, having grown up with both the nes and c64 at the same time, it was sweet getting free or cheap games on diskette, but NES games were way better.

>> No.10808678

Don't you remember how garbage the NROM games are? If the NES was launched in the US before 1985 without SMB/Duck Hunt, it would've been an utter failure. By the time better games were coming out for the NES, the genesis was about to launch.

C64 games are definitely better than NES NROM games. Even when the NES got its mapper chips, the NES was still more suited for fast action games, the C64 had a way more diverse library (which also meant you're going to run into shovelwares a lot more easily, sure). I don't think Infiltrator and Airborne Rangers could be compared to any NES game.

>> No.10808704

What is NROM?

>> No.10808706
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I really like nrom games. They have a different vibe from the standard MMC1/MMC3 action-adventure games that came later on, and they're more focused and arcadey

>> No.10808707
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early games that have no memory mapper and a limit of 16KB/32KB ROM space

>> No.10808710

The primitive, non ROM banked cartridge type. It's used by the primitive games such as donkey kong and mario bros. Practically all games before Castlevania used it.

>> No.10808712

Hi, threetimes-kun.

>> No.10808806

brits aren't people

>> No.10808808

I can't tell if the stench is from your shit taste or your unwashed asses. 100% chance contrarians like this are always obese and unkept.

>> No.10808810

Correct opinion but adults don't generate AI trash. That's for manchildren and teenagers.

>> No.10808813

Y’all don’t enjoy the snes, n64, GameCube and Wii? Your loss.

>> No.10808853
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They all run the same or similar NES multirom with 300/400 or so "games" which all vary slightly depending on the model. All have screen tearing or shimmering or something but the idea is that it's basically a twelve dollar NES you can take on the go like a GBC, you just can't add or change the games. The extra two buttons give you turbo which is handy for beat 'em ups and some other games. Imo it's perfect for games like Tetris and Donkey Kong, usually they also have Mario 1, Mario 3, Namco arcade titles, Adventure Island games, Contra, Turtles, a few shmups, and then usually at least a few obscure gems, then like 70% of the games are more like homebrew games

Not exactly RG35XX or Miyoo Mini, but for twelve bucks or so they are still fun little handhelds, especially if you like NES or Game Boy and don't care about things like save states

>> No.10808867

Get your chinkshit garbage out of here. You literally have a general you could using instead.

>> No.10808876

It has the most classics of any system in history. The truth is that it's ANYONE'S best console.

>> No.10809153
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thats not an SNES...
But seriously..
The tendons in my hand still have the rectangular stab spots from Caveman Games button mashing and Battletoads controller clenching action..

>> No.10809156

Love my nes and twin famicom, nothing else is quite there I agree.

>> No.10809165

>snes, n64, GameCube and Wii
Meme consoles with shit hardware and only about a dozen games worth playing on each, at the very most.

>> No.10809178

Wii hardware is flawless and I'll thank you not to besmirch its good name. An upclocked GameCube with more RAM and better power efficiency is all you need.

Okay it's not actually flawless, I wish the Wii Remote sensor wasn't so shaky.

>> No.10809194

The waggle controllers are utter shit and ruined almost every single game, also, need I remind you that the Wii was in the same generation as the xBox 360 and PS3, yet competing with a rehash of previous gen hardware which was already not impressive to begin with? It couldn't even do HD resolutions. But, none of this is retro, you ought to try to convince /v/ that the Wii was worth a damn, I'd love the laugh.

>> No.10809231

And yet it sold the most for that 'gen'.
The wiimote with nunchuck is a good concept, demonstrated by games like pikmin, sin & punishment or Pandora's tower. However a lot of games also used it for waggle to attack which is a shame really

>> No.10809310

>it sold more so it's better
Terrible argument to make for a console where nobody bought any games. But, I guess if grandma buying a console to play Wii Sports for an hour before putting it in the loft is enough for you to consider it a "great" console, that's you're prerogative. You Nintendo fans just get more desperate by the day.

>> No.10809963

Why the fuck were NES carts so big if this is the actual game??

>> No.10809967

Now that we’re looking back with 20 years of hindsight does the relative power of the machines matter? They’re all dogshit by modern standards, all that matters is the games

>> No.10809983
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Have you ever seen an 80s Chevrolet caprice compared to a Honda accord?

>> No.10809985
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Because they made the NES look like a VCR of the time and so they had to make the carts long in order for the front slot to make sense physically.
The Famicom had less nonsense like that involved with its design.

>> No.10810021

>all that matters is the games
I agree. And the Wii (and GameCube, and N64, and SNES) are sorely lacking in the "quality games" department, as a direct consequence of relatively shit hardware (compared with competition) and shady business practises that drove away third party developers.

>> No.10810030

There's lots of great games on Wii, but I won't argue its non-retro status. Its games are visually distinct from GameCube in the more modern aesthetics they display. But it was a kickass emulation device for the time.

>> No.10810145

>Adulthood is realizing
It's ok dude, it's called nostalgia.

>> No.10810148

>Massreplying to brag about being a conformist

>> No.10810285

Fuck you.
While N64 had a grim library due to lack of 3rd party developers Nintendo's own games are the best of any generation.
I'm not saying this applies to everything (e.g. imo SMB3 and World being better Mario games than 64) but overall N64 lineup destroys Nintendo's own on NES, SNES, GC and Wii easily.

>> No.10810293

>Nintendo's own games are the best of any generation.
Maybe Ocarina but that's about it

>> No.10810297

The NES had 3 good games: Super Mario Bros 1, Super Mario Bros 2 (USA), and Super Mario Bros 3.
And the SNES had better versions of all those games, including Super Mario Bros 2 (Japan)

>> No.10810302


>> No.10810560

dodgeball is better than all 3 of those games though. the flicker is sovl.

>> No.10810580

NES is shittier hardware for any of them, can we stop pretending the performance of any decades old consoles mean shit? They're all toasters with varying degrees of toast settings. All that matters is the games, and by your own admission even the NES could have fantastic games. Hardware power is irrelevant.

>> No.10810634

>his entire personality revolves around "well ackshhually" and "I don't like x because it's popular"
There is a reason you don't have real friends.

>> No.10810757

Look, I know you're never going to "get it", but I will once again attempt to explain this to you. When the NES came out, it held an illegal monopoly, so developers making console games had no choice but to make games that were designed around the NES and it's limited capability.
The PC Engine came out in 1987, then the Mega Drive came out a year later. This new wave of powerful new hardware allowed developers to raise they're ambitions and begin creating more refined and elaborate titles, which they began to do. Then, two years later from the Mega Drive, the SNES came out, but the SNES was only 1/3 the speed compared with those competitors. The kinds of games developers wanted to create and had become accustomed to making were not possible on the newer SNES. The hardware held them back from achieving what they had been doing on other systems.
The PlayStation and the Saturn came out in 1994, and they allowed developers to begin creating incredible 2D experiences and begin playing with 3D experiences. Developers grew new ambitions, the steaks were ever higher, and they became accustomed to making those sorts of games. Then, two years later, the N64 came out, with it's vaseline blur, single digit framerates, and cartridge space limitations. Once again, developers were not able to make the games they had grown accustomed to making, the hardware held them back too severely. By this point most developers rightfully had fled from Nintendo to properly pursue they're ambitions. Can you guess about the GameCube?
So yes, the performance of old consoles did matter, it DIRECTLY IMPACTED the quality of the games library, and Nintendo's consistently shoddy hardware is why so many of they're consoles have such underwhelming games libraries.

>> No.10811157

What a load of shit, it sounds like you came up with a novelization of video game history all in your head.

Also limitations breed creativity. Do you know why, in comparison with the NES ones, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood has such blatant boring level design consisting 90% of straight lines? Because they could.

>> No.10811167

Seek psychiatric help, 3times autist

>> No.10811182

>limitations breed creativity
Only a non dev says that. Limitations breed jerry rigging. No more, no less. It doesn't magically give birth to quality. You need creativity to get around a system's limitations, but that doesn't *necessarily* make a good gameplay or art style. NES is chock full of shovelware trash, more so than any 16-bit console. Atari 2600 has even more unplayable shovelware titles. And SNES shovelwares are more unplayable than PS1's shovelwares. So on and so forth.
>Do you know why, in comparison with the NES ones, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood has such blatant boring level design consisting 90% of straight lines?
Because those games aren't even made by the same people. Next question please.

>> No.10811945

Your view of console history is quite stilted, but we can agree on N64 and have previously agreed on SNES. Now, SNES could technically run any Genesis game with a few more colors and nice blending effects, but with painful slowdown. It could deliver Genesis games, but not the Genesis experience.
GameCube is surprisingly powerful hardware, but less flexible than PS2 and not as powerful as Xbox. Its reasons for falling behind are for reasons other than its power, which you've covered.

The N64's terrible performance is funny. Such a silly little console.

>> No.10811956

Who do you think made you?

>> No.10812093
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>It could deliver Genesis games, but not the Genesis experience.
Precisely, a perfect way to put it.
>Its reasons for falling behind are for reasons other than its power
This is also true, but the technical shortcomings still held it back considerably.

>> No.10812128
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There's no way someone claiming that the NES was Nintendo's best console is a contrarian opinion. The NES and SNES represent a time when Nintendo was a truly dominant force and had huge libraries of excellent games for people who actually liked video games. They dropped the ball hard with the N64 and alienated most of their third-party support and later sold their soul to non-gamers with laughably underpowered consoles, shovelware, and extremely dumbed-down versions of their classic IPs. It only makes sense to pick one of the NES or SNES as the best Nintendo console.

>> No.10812315

>"huge libraries of excellent games for people who actually liked video games"
>not "laughably underpowered"

>> No.10812317

Why would an adult care which one is the best?

>> No.10812320

Why would an adult care about video games?

>> No.10812321

>awesome arcade action
>great first party titles
>great RPGs
>great first party titles
>great RPGs
>great first party titles

>> No.10812329

>>great first party titles
Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64... Metro-err wait they didn't have one of those... but... the list goes on...

>> No.10812335

If we're going that far, why would an adult post on /vr/?

>> No.10812336

You tell me.

>> No.10812337

Why are we here? Just to suffer?

>> No.10812346
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SNES has some nice arcade ports like Gradius III, the Parodius games, Darius Twin, Cotton 100%, Bust-A-Move, Taisen Puzzledama, Magical Drop, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter Alpha, etc...

N64 also has some nice arcade ports, particularly the Midway and Namco compilations and Midway racers like Cruis'n USA and California Speed, plus it has Rampage. It also has Bust-A-Move 2 and '99, Taisen Puzzledama, and a Star Soldier game nobody talks about

For RPG's GameCube has Skies of Arcadia, Paper Mario TTYD, Pokemon Colosseum and XD. The best arcade game on it is probably F-Zero GX which is more or less a port of AX

>> No.10812472

I respectfully disagree with you. The other guy is correct imo.

>> No.10812504

>the NES is the best

>video games are gay lmao

>the NES is the best

>> No.10812508

Sounds like somebody I now irl but they are suddenly regressing back to teenagehood for some reason

>> No.10812519

Because of the video game crash. They wanted something that more resembled a VCR and also the games looking larger made them seem more impressive.

>> No.10812529

I feel like if you solely consider Nintendo's games then NES and SNES are absolutely their best outings. However I wouldn't call all Nintendo systems pointless, it brought back gaming from the crash and hosted better company's games very often. I may not really have a favorite Nintendo game but a lot of my favorite games were on Nintendo consoles, ao I can at least be grateful for that.

>> No.10812538
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>it brought back gaming from the crash
never happened, there was no crash, billions of humans don't know what you're talking about

>> No.10812539

>SNES has some nice arcade ports
You're desperate list of mid to shit ones doesn't indicate so. What are the nice arcade ports on the SNES? What's the "etc."?

>> No.10812546

Plus they kind of made the best handhelds imo

Game Gear would've been great if it took less batteries

>> No.10812569

Nah, it takes 2nd place, right after SNES.

>> No.10812697


>> No.10812702

honestly do arcade ports count towards anyone's interest a retro system's library these days? there's arcade perfect ports of most games you'd give a shit about on PC/Switch, and MAME exists if you want to go beyond that

>> No.10812714
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Arcade ports have their own charm, even if imperfect. NES Marble Madness, for example, even if just a graphics and music downgrade, feels special.

>> No.10812936
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>> No.10812947

I just don't like RPGs *that* much.

>> No.10812963

>the snes version of nes

>> No.10813139

I need more than 10 noteworthy games to consider a console to be good.

>> No.10813151

>Maybe Ocarina
You're not even actually wrong. Ocarina is so good in itself it alone breaks whole console lineups. The N64 has enough top tier games that only the PS1 could really compete against it.

>> No.10813162

How can you not find 10 noteworthy SNES games..?

>> No.10813165

This game kicks ass.

>> No.10813170
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>> No.10813172
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>> No.10813175
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>> No.10813181
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>> No.10813301

good post

>> No.10815159

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.10815432

it actually has the original tmnt on it with the original ost. China doesn't care about copywrite laws

>> No.10815442

NES Double Dragon, too

>> No.10815957

yep I think so, not that I don't like the newer systems but I prefer 2D games. As for snes, it introduced a lot of stuff I don't like such as digitized graphics, rendered graphics, sports games, celebrity games and non games while nes mostly stuck with action.
Snes advantages are fighting games, racing games, arcade games that are not just totally different and music.

>> No.10816161

unkempt is the word

>> No.10816252

Had a hard time selling in the states. Had to make the robot add on to try to help it sell.

Game Boy sold more than the NES
Game Boy Advance sold more than the NES
Same with DS, WII, 3DS, and Switch. All sold better than the NES.


>> No.10816254

Under power hardware that runs like shit. Video lags, audio sounds like crap.

Shit that only TikTok zoomers buy.

>> No.10816401

Reciting qualities of a video game console while claiming some kind of superiority with respect to your parent’s wealth… is like… fatass, shit in a bucket, finger your buss in the shower tier degenerate. Cycle these 8x8 nuts bro. You have to lotion your hands to properly handle a a genesis controller. Sonic is gay.

>> No.10816439


Absolutely false. It runs everything flawlessly including PSX.

>> No.10816948

Ok Zoomer. Go shill your trash on Facebook.

>> No.10817029

>Why the fuck were NES carts so big if this is the actual game?
Future proofing so they could eventually use larger PCBs like with MMC5 carts.

>> No.10817142

>and the high quality mappers were only available by the late 80s, and by that point PC Engine and Mega Drive had been released.
By the time MMC1/MMC3 came out it was possible to support 512k of ROM in a game but all the way to the end in '94 it was still far more common to use 128k ROMs as that was adequate for most NES games and cheaper.

>> No.10817149

the peak of game development for the FC/NES was in 87-89 after which it started giving way to the newer consoles

>> No.10817159

Bad controls in third party games were legion especially in the earlier days.

>> No.10817203

developers complained early on about the Famicom's limitations as they were used to arcade hardware or JPCs

>> No.10817213

On what fucking planet is C64 library even REMOTELY FUCKING COMPARABLE to NES library? I swear you yurocucks are utterly delusional.

>> No.10817225

all the good C64 games are NTSC releases, most Euro stuff is not really worth playing

>> No.10817240

OoT wouldn't have been possible on any other console at the time.

>> No.10817424

Adulthood is realizing every console can be good.
Maturity is realizing that your children probably won't like your favorites.

>> No.10818197

There is nothing "adult" about not having developed discriminating taste. Children are the ones who like everything given to them.

>> No.10818225

I don't think that's what he meant at all. If anything, wouldn't discriminating taste help you sniff out a good game on a console? I revisit old consoles all the time, even ones I didn't have as a child, and I'm finding new favorites as I go.

>> No.10818239

Switch > SNES> everything else

>> No.10818274

Not even close.

>> No.10818278

Kids can be exceptionally picky and only want what they deem to be goodthing. You can observe this if you ever have any or have a siblings kids around. Adults develop their taste to enjoy a wide variety of things.

>> No.10818545

the NES was cheap hardware with tons of limitations that easily impressed 8 year olds who didn't know any better but was much inferior to C64, Spectrum, Amiga etc.

>> No.10818548

>implying I will ever have children
>implying I won't die alone
Good joke anon

>> No.10818620

no, Australia-kun, no

>> No.10818683

Good thing that my consoles belong to me and not my children.

>> No.10818697

The Famicom was a powerhouse in 1983

>> No.10818880
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>tfw its storming during recess and the teacher wheels in this bad boy

>> No.10818910

>being dumb enough to use electronics devices during a thunderstorm

>> No.10819270

except for the controllers

>> No.10819278

Why is there a shill campaign for this thing? Any other Chinese handheld is a better purchase.

>> No.10819287
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Famiclones are how I discovered Gun Nac, Mitsume Ga Tooru, Kick Master, Kage, Star Force, and a bunch of other games