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10805167 No.10805167 [Reply] [Original]


7 to me feels like the peak in using a general formal premise, ideas, themes, and tropes to push limits and create a highly novel multimedia experience. Even today I think that the opening act of Final Fantasy 7 is incredible. It's doing so much at once within such familiar lines. "JRPG" is a creative tradition that, like all creative traditions and forms, closes off possibilities but also creates them. FF7 is miraculously cool considering it willfully binds itself to text boxes, lining people up to take turns hitting each other, formal doll-play like stagings of dramatic sequences, and on top of all of this it also somehow manages to still feel impressive and expensive. It's kind of like watching Akira. Even if the technology is dated you can feel that this was state of the art. It still looks excellent and you can feel the extraordinary ambition that drove this and made it all possible.

>> No.10805173

It's fine but the long unskippable attack animations get boring

>> No.10805185

The same people screeching about it being "overrated" are those same people who desperately want you to believe the SNES was the "golden era of JRPG's". It's pure distilled jealousy, that the studio which supported Nintendo for so long immediately struck gold the moment it moved to something else.

>> No.10805189

People honestly need to get over this incredibly hyped and entry-level game.

>> No.10805191

But enough about Ocarina of Time

>> No.10805201

it's really nothing special: an average jrpg but it was a generations first rpg
it's like this shared experience people have with it that
they played because it was the thing at the time
like how ff1 was a thing on the nes: there were many other rpgs on the nes and it was nothing but random battles but was still remembered fondly

>> No.10805205

Console wars have fried your tiny brain.
Most VII haters are VIII fans

>> No.10805206

People understandably have their favorite entries in the series, but from a critical standpoint, this was the best FF game, or at least the most important one. I've beaten it twice in my lifetime and am currently playing it again(would love to hear tips from anyone on how to make it a unique playthrough).

I think the main thing that makes it feel cool is that the modern/futuristic theme is actually believable. Games like FF6 and Star Ocean were in the future, but still basically felt like dungeons and dragons bullshit, which is what pretty much all JRPGs felt like back then. FF7 has a natural appeal that you don't have to be a geek in order to appreciate. Basically, it's popular for a reason.

>> No.10805214

>Most VII haters are VIII fans
They're almost exclusively VI fans.

>> No.10805215

there werent many other rpgs on the nes in 1987 that played like FF1 which was basically D&D for people with no friends
maybe a handful?

>> No.10805218

That's not what the many VII vs VIII war threads suggest, but keep fighting a console war from before you were born.

>> No.10805225

>it's really nothing special: an average jrpg but it was a generations first rpg
How come Japan loved it then? they were exposed to JRPGs for a long time.

>> No.10805243

The first 6 hours is one of the worst "games" I've played

>> No.10805247

Reconfiguring your materia every 5 minutes to optimize for the level. You literally wouldn't get it.

>> No.10805301

But I don’t want a “highly novel multimedia experience” I want a rpg.

>> No.10805434

there were people in japan whose first console was a ps1 too

>> No.10805447

How come "babby's first jrpg" can only be applied to FFVII but not Pokemon, Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger or any other popular FF?

>> No.10805510

unrelated, but i feel like ff7 was probably the peak of the series imo. feels like it hasnt quite reached the same quality ever since.

>> No.10805519

becuz playstation bad >:(

>> No.10805536
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>calls out FF7 for being overrated and worse than 6 years before any else

>> No.10805558
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Claude is awesome

>> No.10805757

That too

>> No.10806701
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Thanks to AI, we can now play it the way the developers always intended

>> No.10806709
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>think it looks bad
>then you look at original

>> No.10806816
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>it's not even the original
use shaders pleb

>> No.10806829

it's only boring now that you think the graphics are bad
back then they wanted to show-off their new 3D animations and each new ability you get was a marvel to see

>> No.10806851

lookin' good!

>> No.10806862

this but unironically

>> No.10806871

I think what people need to understand is that when the general consensus among fans has shifted towards a game being “overrated” and “dated”, it might not be overrated anymore. How can a game be overrated if people don’t think of it that highly nowadays?

>> No.10806875

because people thought of it being great once and thus we must correct the record of those initial impressions forever, lest we get confused for those uneducated plebs of the past who didn't know better unlike us enlightened zoomers

>> No.10806884

Lol you will hear no end of it now. There's so much more that can now be gotten out of it it now that we have the source and understand everything about how it works, which is something people don't have close to as much reason to care about in the case of FFVII.

>> No.10806893

True. 6 hipsters prefer their game with no character development, slapdash pacing and shitty scenarios.
Doesn't happen.

>> No.10806905

The only reason people consider it overrated nowadays is because it's not for everyone, and that's a good thing unironically. Last thing we need is more media catering to the common lowest denominator like Nintendo sloppa. They're all attempts towards a bug life, an imposition in order to achieve media monoculture now that religion is passé. Reject collectivism.

>> No.10806918

>studio which supported Nintendo for so long
Are you fucking retarded? They pushed their shovelware onto the SNES and then jumped ship to do it on the playstation, they are still peddling the same fucking garbage to this day on every platform that will have them.

>> No.10806920

you're mentally ill

>> No.10806928

>How come "babby's first jrpg" can only be applied to FFVII
Says who? Where do you come up with these stupid fucking strawman arguments? Are you incapable of genuine discourse or do you simply prefer to argue in bad faith?

>> No.10806934

Lowkey *Every* JRPG is baby's first, as none of them are challenging if you have a basic understanding of them, which is where all the difficulty lies, but Pokemon, Dragon Quest, and FF are the best of them, and everything else is mainly just for hipsters and people addicted to the genre.

>> No.10806936

>Says who?
Says everyone, I can deduct things from things they say and specially what they don't say. If the usual criticism applied to FFVII is that people like it because it was their first JRPG, when thy isn't the same for other things?

Was your first racer your favorite one? your first platformer your favorite one? your first fighter your favorite one? your first noir film your favorite one? your first romantic novel your favorite one? if not then it can't be an universal rule and if it's not universal rule then it can be dismissed as a pointless criticism born from bad faith, the thing you're actually doing by pretending no one ever uttered such things towards FFVII in the history of internet discourse and playing dumb.

>> No.10806962

>They pushed their shovelware onto the SNES
Ask how I can tell I'm speaking to an SNES fan. Yes, you're correct that they were pumping out shovelware on the SNES, but they shifted dramatically and began creating real games with quality behind them once they were no longer under the shackels of Nintendo and shoddy hardware, and it was because of this shift that the golden era of JRPG's was ushered in on the PlayStation. You should put down the 2.68 mhz SNES controller some time and try SquareSoft's PlayStation offerings, you're quite missing out.

>> No.10806973

It was a mediocre game. Baffling that it's wanked to this day.
I believe it comes down to looks: it was the first 3D of the franchise, which culminated into that boring 3D movie, where the characters ended up looking very beautiful and attractive, and so the franchise wanks it indefinitely. They even retconned Sephiroth into being the super agent who takes control of everything, instead of a dead puppet to Jenova that he was in the original game, solely in him looking good and thus having to be cool and not a victim.

>> No.10807047

>There's so much more that can now be gotten out of it it now that we have the source
And none of those things are a good game

>> No.10807081

The attack animations aren't even that long, what are you complaining about? The only ones that are "long" are summons, and you typically don't use those in every battle.

Sometimes I'm pretty shocked by how impatient modern gamers have become. If every single second you go without giving the game input is that torturous, maybe JRPGs aren't for you?

This. Also "getting bored" with visuals is a huge giveaway that you're audiocucked. Get a better soundsystem and the music and sound effects will all be so immersive and stimulating that you won't have time to be bored during a summon animation.

>> No.10807085
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Try using an actual CRT. The backgrounds are pretty timelessly gorgeous. 8 and 9's are even better.

>> No.10807147

>unique playthrough
Make your own job system and do a low-level run

>> No.10807156

I do like FFVII, but it was also the game that taught me that too much hype can really impact your enjoyment of a game. I was so into it that I was buying artbooks before it was out in English, I had the soundtrack and was listening to it constantly. When I got to the actual game it was pretty fun, but could never live up to what I had envisioned it could have been.

>> No.10807318

what shader that

>> No.10807325

>instead of a dead puppet to Jenova

>> No.10807332

Final Fantasy VII is overrated.

>> No.10807470

I never played a single FF game until I was 16 Dissidia Duodecim but having played every mainline game with the exception of XVI, I can speak without nostalgia.

VII isn't the best FF, but it is high tier in the series. Sometimes games are popular and don't really deserve it, but I think VII is good enough to deserve its status. Which is a rare thing indeed.
>unique setting and aesthetic, prerendered backgrounds are great
>Materia system builds off of VI's Esper system in a way that allows for player creativity and experimentation, rewards the player for intelligent combinations
>story is high concept and psychological at times, the environmental message was novel for the time
>every member of the cast is at least decent in their character writing. No one is lacking totally in depth
Yeah it has flaws too
>backgrounds are sometimes too cluttered to easily find your way
>minigames are often underdeveloped or disposable
>some Limit Breaks and spells are far less useful than they could be

But overall it's a game that does a lot right. (You) may not personally like it, but it is well crafted. No need to be hyperbolic about it.

>> No.10807513


>> No.10807543

Has anyone played the modern re-releases that let you turn off random battles? I imagine that makes for a simple challenge run.

>> No.10807648
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