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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10802571 No.10802571 [Reply] [Original]

I am so tired of trying to talk about this game (or the series in general) in /v/ because the majority of them are underage faggots.
does /vr/ play or like Onimusha games?

>> No.10802613

I like the first one. Played a bit of 2 and thought it was a bloated mess

>> No.10802628

replay 2
it's the best in the series imo

>> No.10802685

Replayed 3 recently and holy shit the repetition is bonkers. Also those unfortunate gates you have to grind for, because you leveled up the wrong thing. I know they were part of 1, but 3 is just bullying you with the cathedral/sewer one.
I still like the 10 strike mechanic. That is really fun to pull off.

>> No.10802802

To this day I still hear Jubei go "Who did this!" and his mother calling out to him. I replayed 1 like 8 years ago. I remember having a negative opinion on Dawn of Dreams since the 2nd half is repeat bosses and the final boss was ass. But that was ten years ago

>> No.10802807

DoD was a massive letdown after playing the first 3 games

>> No.10802834
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>underage faggot posting 6th gen on /vr/ while complaining about underage faggots

>> No.10802841

i'm 30

>> No.10802843

Lmao does underage mean under 35? Ah sorry I forgot, zoomers grew up with gen 6, it's 2011 now

>> No.10802895

so you are underage then, thanks for acknowledging
anyone born after 1990 is considered underage on here

>> No.10802913

2 is cool. I had fun with it. Never thought "tank controls" could play so well.

>> No.10803216
File: 609 KB, 896x784, Onimusha 2 - Samurai's Destiny_SLUS-20393_20240228182327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based jubei

>> No.10803223
File: 535 KB, 768x672, Onimusha 2 - Samurai's Destiny_SLUS-20393_20240228033228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10803225
File: 485 KB, 768x672, Onimusha 2 - Samurai's Destiny_SLUS-20393_20240228033707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10803320

It lacks the dark atmosphere of the first game,though it has creepy moments

>> No.10803361

We had an Onimusha thread a little over a week ago, people on /vr/ seem to generally like the series or just some of the games. I just bought Genma off of Ebay, eagerly waiting to play that version as I only played Warlords on PS2.

>> No.10803384

I don't get the hate Dawn of Dreams gets. I thought it was great.

>> No.10803485

Played Warlords this year, I think it's pretty good and liked it a lot. Are the other two worth playing?

>> No.10803498
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It was a bit more action focused but the series has been moving away from horror since the start. I liked DoD a lot too.
three, sir.

>> No.10803562

Didn't knew there was another mainline game. Does it control like the others (fixed camera + tank controls). Hope it does honestly, I unironically love this type of game.

>> No.10803594

I love 1 and 3, 2 is a padded mess of ideas that only gets good at the final castle area. DoD was meh, blade warriors is mindless fun. Still need to try the tactics game on gba.

>> No.10803652

yeah i like them, really enjoy one a lot actually.

>> No.10803684

DoD > 2 > 1 >>>>>> 3: Obnoxious Poorisian Slop Edition

>> No.10803804

Still have my copies of 1-3 I bought when they were released. Only played the demo of DoD. For me its
I'm amazed they all came out in three years, 2001-2004. And yes, I know development on the first game started on PS1 in the late 90s. But still, its unbelievable in current year for any game developers to release a AAA quality trilogy in three years.

>> No.10803825

I prefer the PS2 version, some say it's identical minus a few things from the Xbox version, but that's a fucking lie. Go play both just first levels back to back and see for yourselves.

>> No.10804054

the level design was shit and the boss fights were annoying.
also the game repeats some levels for dumb reason like "character forgot a tiny book in that area, do it again!"

>> No.10804187

what's wrong with 3 other than the shitty aquarium? place

>> No.10804212

I thought it was okay but then I found myself softlocked mid way through the game. I don't remember the details it was like 15 years ago but my save was fucked, I couldn't continue the game.

>> No.10804959

what's the deal with genma onimusha?

>> No.10804996

It's a great deal

>> No.10805026


>> No.10805039

Love em OP, but I prefer the 1st. Haven't played the 2nd in 20 years so tell me why I'm wrong

>> No.10805058

Because 2 is a masterpiece

>> No.10805146

Onimusha 2 is the incarnation of everything wrong with the 6th gen

>> No.10805209

>best selling Onimusha game

>> No.10805326

>sexy women
>toxic male
>no gays
>walkthrough takes less than 90h

>> No.10805824

If you're OP, I gifted you convo bait because you said v can't have a discussion and you replied back with
You might be the issue

>> No.10805828

Onimusha 2 is the masterpiece of the series.

>> No.10805834

Too much replayabilty, secrets and unlockables?

>> No.10806165

thanks anon, that vid was very helpful. the ogre armor looks so fucking sick

>> No.10806304

I hate the combat, every weapon almost feels the same with the magic power being the same rehashed animation whole the color changing according to the element. I would rather have 3 weapons each characther that played differently + that chain combo thing is autism. So much content put in though with many areas to explore shame it ended this way.

>> No.10806512
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gr8 b8

>> No.10806516

all this hate on 2 and yet none of you provided an actual argument against it :^)

>> No.10806523


>> No.10806527

>use finisher
>attacks random enemy
the end

>> No.10806542

Precisely, all the focus is on the "content" but all said content is subpar; and the story/characters are full of the shitty tropes of the time like the queer villain.

>> No.10806543

you weren't born before 2010

>> No.10807683

I am 35 OP but I only ever played Genma Onimusha for Xbox as a rental. The game was really cool but I never got into the series because there was so much other shit for me to play. Don't remember when I played that game but if it was around the time of Ninja Gaiden then I would certainly have just not cared to play more of that game because NG was the absolute tits and still the best hackin and slashin action game along with NGII (xbox).

>> No.10807687

Also just to remind you, I sitll think the series is cool. I guess I could always emulate? Was the remasters good?

>> No.10807704

There's only 1 remaster and it was alright.
You can emulate the entire series

>> No.10808113

>gr8 b8
There's a reason why Onimusha 2 despite being only on a single platform sold more than the rest of the series combined and slling more than DMC1/2/3.