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File: 8 KB, 320x224, Out_Run_Title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10804948 No.10804948 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been playing this on that nice 3DS port they've done of it. Been able to beat it a few times but I'm curious on what's more effective, braking or shifting gears? The gear shift slows you down immediately but is very nice for those wide turns or avoiding cars/roadside obstacles, where as braking slows you down minimally yet still maintains a higher speed.

>> No.10805040

>3DS port
non retro

>> No.10805147

I love the 3DS port of Outrun and am even more shit at this game than you, I think in the years I've played it on and off I've beaten it half a dozen times, so don't feel too bad

>> No.10806547

I prefer decelerating compared to braking, simultaneous downshifting and braking is good for emergencies.

>> No.10806901
File: 10 KB, 640x448, outrun-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prefer decelerating compared to braking
This^^^ to git gud>>10804948
you need memorize which turns you can take a full speed and which ones you can make by just letting off the gas(most of them). Only a few turns do you need to actually brake for.

>> No.10807131
File: 343 KB, 1000x1402, 1653093657663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>10806547

Just wanted to clarify, are you referring to memorizing how much the road moves across the horizon in relation to turn radius or are you referring to memorizing entire track layouts? I just wanted to mention how both those ideas are related to the issue of acceleration up a hill towards a blind curve. Of course it's good practice to not accelerate where you can't see but if you know the track well enough it's not impossible to cut corners tighter than perhaps you should.

>> No.10807301

How rng are the lane changes of other cars? I always thought that was hard to imagine overcoming with practice
But maybe there is some pacman ghosts type pattern of behavior I never noticed

>> No.10807330

>How rng are the lane changes of other cars?
I believe I read once that the cars in the center lane change lanes but the cars already in the outside lanes do not. Could be wrong though.

>> No.10807604
File: 21 KB, 320x342, outrunnerss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi anon!
Have you ever played OutRunners? I love OutRun and I love OutRun 2006 but I think OutRunners is my favorite. I was sad that M2 didn't port it also, but I guess we did get Power Drift which is at least cool if not great. The Genesis version of OutRunners is stinky poo poo but at least you can emulate it.....keep your eyes peeled for the big 2P sit-down cab of it though. it's gorgeous. great game.


>> No.10808454

Splash Wave > Passing Breeze > Magical Sound Shower (in my opinion)
not counting last wave which tops all. does anyone else have memories that play with each song?

>> No.10809909

by beat do you mean reach the goal at the end or what?

>> No.10810524

That might be worth looking into, thanks for the tip

>> No.10810585


>> No.10811302

THIS is now a magical Sound Shower thread.
